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【最完美的版本】战争之人:突击小队 [中英文][1.23G]
&&单​机​ ​的​命​令​单​机​ ​的​命​令​单​机​ ​的​命​令​单​机​ ​的​命​令​单​机​ ​的​命​令​单​机​ ​的​命​令​&​q​u​o​t​;​权​利​提​示​&​q​u​o​t​;​页​面​可​帮​助​您​确​定​您​的​文​档​是​否​侵​犯​了​他​人​的​版​权​等​合​法​权​益​
> 战争之人:突击小队
战争之人:突击小队 DLC包
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    使用说明:  1、解压缩  2、安装Update文件夹下的升级补丁丁到游戏目录  3、复制Crack文件夹下的免DVD补丁到游戏目录下覆盖  4、运行游戏  包含14号-20号升级档内容,适用的游戏版本为《战争之人:突击小队2-铁拳DLC》  更新说明:  14补丁 3.116.0  一般  添加任务选项选择对话框  对于多任务选项添加接口支持  增加的命令行参数“mission_options”为编辑器(-mission_options mission_option1)  添加组复选框选择任务对话框  对于多任务选项添加脚本支持  被要求更改MODS的最小和最大版本  改变了LUA错误写入游戏日志文件  在回放界面增加玩家列表框大小  从固定排名游戏重播退出  对于重播固定投降逻辑  为MODS固定模同步。在他们的名字  固定调试内存计数器溢出  在机器人脚本破坏队固定的问题  在成就增益固定日志消息  固定低分辨率表面负荷与参考位图  在游戏结束与机器人固定崩溃  固定的表面未在某些情况下,加载并引起崩溃  多人  新增AI机器人才能转动  添加任务选项多人  添加任务的选项浏览对话框多人会话  改善网络代码略  GAMEOVER的竞技游戏重播固定电话初  15补丁 3.117.0  一般  加入调试堆栈条目来跟踪一些错误  增加了对MOD的依赖(见模模板读我)支持  加入草实例化(提高视觉质量,并删除从扶养单纹理文件,可能会跌落性能)  改进的实例化渲染草  基于弹药量变化的补给坦克.DEF文件中定义  更改死亡延迟使用最小/最大的difficulty.set  改变定义死亡延迟difficulty.set  禁用更改asyncload,直到问题得到解决  固定卡车不能提供隐患单位  固定式自动选择副武器的  在回放固定禁用视频质量降低  团体网格固定支持风  固定的DirectX“_com_error在存储位置”  在着色器缓存文件夹的清洁固定崩溃  在UnitIcon固定访问冲突  在目标范围计算固定崩溃  没有蒸汽活跃的固定崩溃  多人  增加了临时固定的视频还原质量经理  添加任务选项多人  添加任务的选项浏览对话框多人会话  十字军AA增加价格从425 MP 450 MP  降低M19的价格从450 MP 425 MP  在婚介MODS修正错误  固定间距和定位于统计对话框  GUI元素的统计对话框固定定位  修正了任务选择浏览器的多人后没有露面  其中,在多人任务选项没有reseted修正错误  固定的未排序游戏计数  结果选项卡中的统计对话框遭遇战游戏固定大小  固定的问题与缺失大厅游戏服务器  前哨战  增加了15个新的Steam成就  在狙击任务增加了新的任务选项  在铁拳任务增加了新的任务选项  在铁拳任务添加脚本故障安全自动加油玩家坦克低于25时,  改善平衡微调的铁拳任务  在铁拳团新的脚本改善敌人坦克的关键逻辑护理  在任何时候改进敌军步兵更低最大数量在介绍任务产卵  附近防守端改进的盲目奔波敌人的步兵在固定任务介绍  改进盟军坦克的支持,现在试图在更多的参与引入的任务之前,移动  日本固定环境的任务为任务的铁拳团第二部分  单位在第三人控制固定裁剪  16补丁 3.118.0  一般  补充不完整的录像显示  增加了检查DLC 2(包括AI机器人)  在试图加载不完整重播的确认加入  国防部依赖于MODS选项卡中添加显示器  增加了可能性,以激活分析器在发布版本  改进MODS标签  改进现场统计收集器和控制台作家  烟雾弹的性能改进  烟雾弹的持续时间缩短  当收到重播OOSDump消息固定断言失败  固定的烟雾弹  多人  增加了16个玩家的多人  增加了许多改进,开发者日志  增加了重生计时器定期和突击步兵30秒  加入限单步枪和冲锋枪20  加入购房团定期和突击步兵  改变了“世界杀”进入最后的攻击  改变精英射手2至3自动步枪  日本队的攻击增加价格从100 MP 110 MP  降低了美国队进攻价从115 MP 110 MP  美国减少对SMG价格从13 MP 12 MP  单mguns由5 MP价格下降  常规步兵10 MP降价  除去启动定时器重机枪  修正了造成库存同步(临时解决方案)  固定的视频质量下降问题  固定的问题,当机器人的单位不攻退,而移动地图点  狙击手固定的限制  17补丁 3.121.0  一般  加入严格的光同步  加入转储同步表游戏登录不同步  改善身体手榴弹模拟器  除去AI / BOT通知范围分割(将在后面再介绍)  修正了一个出血了  固定未初始化缓冲区指针  开幕上下文菜单中固定堆栈溢出  固定实例化草边框阴影(临时解决方案)  修正不正确的知名度计算  多人  加入全球在游戏中聊天  增加了许多改进日志  突击更改为区域1V1 - 2V2的牵线搭桥  更改突击区极端4V4的牵线搭桥  在自定义设置固定错误单位的限制  涉及到库存修正OOS(妥善的解决办法)  涉及到演员的眼光固定OOS 与灯固定OOS  前哨战  在美国的任务增加了新的伞兵脚本  18补丁 3.122.0  一般  增加了对社区的蒸汽过滤公告  添加了错误信息的原因报道  加入后卫堆栈条目跟踪误差  在个人统计加入成就标签  增加了对多个浏览器窗口的支持  增加了对自定义滚动条的HTML对话框支持  添加绑定“F5”键刷新一下HTML对话  对于排名的更新增加了额外的检查  更改消息历史框上聊天开小  在离开重播页面中删除确认对话框  在游戏停止固定手动控制  在bitmapmanager固定的内存泄漏  在多人游戏大厅屏幕上固定的内存泄漏  在预览秘技修正了渲染  如果没有找到现场活动固定崩溃  固定崩溃与蒸汽禁用  多人  增加了“答复”全球聊天功能  加入分组聊天成员过滤器人员/朋友/用户  为会议添加的版本并锁定游戏过滤器  增加了一个大小限制200个符号聊天消息  增加了新的过滤选项按钮  添加了不同的颜色消息通知(即“球员......走了”)  在战队聊天表情添加平局支持  增加了显示器的性能相匹配,使大厅  加入警告消息队列前,如果有人有低性能(不允许小于2 PERF酒吧玩)  增加了游戏类型的搜索过滤器  加入聊天聪明的垃圾邮件过滤器  添加昵称快捷的更新  当用户得到禁止加入聊天系统消息  添加图标军衔聊天  添加自己的用户名,以聊天的朋友列表  添加XP信息对话框会议  添加XP信息对话框对接会  增加了特殊的颜色在聊天官员以及在聊天消息  添加的提示信息区文本  增加的聊天消息的亮点,如果你的昵称包含  演奏预置排名定期添加游戏给XP  对昵称聊天消息添加鼠标右键支持  改变中性色用于聊天的用户名  改变标准的搜索过滤来自世界各地到“远”(减少ping请求的洪水用户创建的会话)  更改大厅服务器的ping频率为每3 5秒  更改大厅会话自动刷新频率,以30秒  更改排序最高的球员,而不是由字母(多人对战地图)  改进性能聊天  增加比赛的决策会话连接超时  去除过滤器(运行游戏)按钮  去掉“只显示打开的会话”过滤器和搜索仅公开会议  固定关闭信息区局域网  会话页面固定接口跳跃  固定单一的符号与小的宽度(点等)不可见  在连接固定退保遗失的问题  固定群组聊天和会话列表的更新速度  在聊天会话丢失的固定上下文菜单  固定的初始过滤按钮状态  在大堂平更新修复罕见的崩溃  在群聊的不正确的用户名固定崩溃  在回放端固定崩溃  在加入按钮点击固定崩溃  蒸汽全球聊天固定崩溃  19补丁 3.125.0  加入适当的会话列表平安排序  增加了“显示信息消息”现在块手榴弹定时器,太。  增加了异步加载的纹理(仅限于1024MB纹理32位)  添加名称标签精灵定时器(以跟踪错误日志)  橡胶艇增加了新的三维模型  增加了笑脸的豪华版车主  添加在游戏中friendslist 增加了对可变数目的页面滚动支持对滚动条按钮点击  为HTML对话框添加了基本的键盘支持  增加了显示“加载中...”,直到网页完全加载  添加JavaScript来HTML对话  在网页请求添加回调到完成HTML对话  蒸汽战队聊天对话框添加的用户过滤器  加入禁止浏览器请求的能力  蒸汽加入好友列表对话框  添加XP图标会话列表  增加了新的属性名称  添加颗粒初始化数据转储OOS 增加了人物的状态聊天utils的和本地化  增加了机器人牵线搭桥(DLC需要的所有权)  邀请加入游说到好友列表  由Max玩家在多人游戏地图上选择添加排序  添加NAT图标,而不是“ - ”平 加入DDS装载机  增加了对CSteamID类型DDA支持  增加了武器重装老练  添加秀自定义纹理DDS的加载错误  增加了预紧力资源信息对话框  加入牵线搭桥与机器人的统计数据  加入注册成立之(膜)颗粒效果到color_tune层和着色器  增加了对粮食的影响的条目,在编辑器内的环境设置  增加了自动生成的(每单位体积)的障碍物支持化合物(由{关键词} CompoundObstacles在实体.DEF文件中启用。)  添加压缩方法木卫一utils的  新增lastBattleInfo / totalBattleInfo卡领域压缩  添加选项来查看不同的LOD在编辑器  打进一个点杀,如果直接控制模式的额外开销消息  增加了对每个型号的草多视图支持  添加堆栈条目来跟踪与操作执行崩溃  添加日志文件循环(对于大型日志)  添加堆栈条目来跟踪在启动时崩溃  自动添加禁用时的情景第三人  添加的主机可以禁用邮件损坏  增加了用于切换命中指标  加入实施键盘输入支持HTML对话  仅适用于大型日志默认添加延迟刷新  在细胞中加入随机化草地位置  在现场增加了冲洗力摧毁日志  增加的聊天消息时,用户得到了来自家族聊天室踢  名称中的多人游戏大厅加入排序 增加了ICU库整合  在ui_statistics更改显示上下文菜单功能  改变开放的用户配置文件,并在浏览器中取得的成就,如果没有启用覆盖  在成绩卡更改CSS改善  改好DDS加载错误  更改使用道具的质感,如果无法加载DDS。更好的消息日志  更改聊天对话框对齐  在聊天对话框中更改按键的位置  更改UnlinkWeaponView使用通过在武器链接骨孩子的基准访问,试图修复崩溃  更改eThreadStorage支持初始化函数  更改XP增益计算AZ:极端125分之75  改变开放所有链接(车间,DLC,导游等)标准/默认浏览器,如果蒸汽覆盖被禁用  更改使用蒸汽存在丰富的数据,以确定用户在游戏/播放/开会话状态  手动控制指令的变化清理  更改代码的改进对第三人控制  在配置文件徽章下拉更改使用蒸汽统计军队  日志文件大小每个文件更改限制到1GB  改变悄悄话蒸汽战队聊天着色  改为“无法连接到战队聊天”的消息  当多人活跃禁用更改分辨率改变  eVisibilityHeightmap改进性能:: RemovePatch  大堂改进服务平  改进的HTML对话框  改善异步加载  改进的多人核心初始化时间  改进的第三人控制  改进的多人游戏的启动性能提升  改进DDA载体容器,支持复制和分配  经常上写日志提高磁盘使用情况  改进的多人游戏加载资源  计算大文件的CRC提高速度  改进的聊天私人邮件格式  内部增加TCP发送缓冲区的大小  报告中的固定文件命名  固定SteamWebView文件位置  固定自动补给现在没有补给,这不是在车辆.DEF文件中定义的弹药。 (即wespe)  固定MOD激活状态  固定MOD删除错误  修正了“加载中...”文本  有固定的联系问题,新的浏览器窗口打开  修正不正确的写操作员  当消息“您已被禁止氏族聊天”固定的问题显示不正确  固定聊天信息编码  在聊天对话框的固定搜索框的位置  不存在OOS转储固定库存同步数据  固定运营商写入未找到  与-no_mods固定选项对话框中启用  固定跳绳DDS MIPS在ZIP流  固定Enter键并不在聊天工作  固定字符串缓冲区泄漏重播  在edp_userstatistics固定无效的内存访问  固定的用户聊天列表重点问题  固定失踪虚析构函数  固定正确初始化eBoundingBox值为零  固定网的动态分配索引的基本情况  在选项对话框中固定memleak 与“对齐”关键字是一个定义固定误差  固定不调用验证()复制或已经构建有效的名称时(减少WINAPI调用计数)  在会话列表排序固定  队内的固定图标和展示 - 选项enable-互动  从友军炮火射击修正去除命中指标  固定不正确访问数组元素  修正不正确的球体体积计算  修复可能的错误时,指针没有正确对齐  固定的用户配置文件徽章和蒸汽的好友列表不应该被显示在任务加载画面  当多个线程抛出异常固定创建转储问题  在会话列表固定提示  固定CRC表生成错误  固定高度图导入导出编辑器  蒸汽战队聊天固定崩溃  尝试同步从可能损坏配置文件时固定崩溃  在游戏中固定崩溃与大量的单位和统计  在演员的命令固定崩溃  修正了与输入框  当键绑定未找到固定崩溃(在日志记录警告)  在会议大厅的平安更新固定崩溃  在会话屏幕上播放的性能更新固定崩溃  在加入会话固定崩溃  在会话更新固定崩溃  固定崩溃试图发射子弹弹药不正确时, 损坏报告固定崩溃 在ALT + G标准的编辑器固定崩溃 布卢姆固定崩溃的开/关,而在游戏中
从不同的线程同时访问(添加/删除处理),以事件路由器固定崩溃 在启动固定崩溃时,最后的军队是军队定制 不正确引起的载体虚析构函数调用顺序固定崩溃  更新说明:  20补丁  3.125.1  对于豪华版增加了业主的支持表情符号  改进的地图表现略  改善环境表现略  在多人改进环境表现更加  Patch 14 3.116.0  General  Added mission option selection dialog Added interface support for multiple
mission options Added command line parameter &mission_options& for editor
(-mission_options mission_option1)  Added groups of check boxes for mission select dialog  Added script support for multiple mission options  Changed min and max version to be required for mods  Changed that lua errors are written to game log file  Increase players list box size in replay ui  Fixed exiting from ranked game replay  Fixed surrender logic for replays  Fixed mod synchronization for mods with . in their names  Fixed debug memory counters overflow  Fixed issue with destroyed squads in bot script  Fixed log message on achievement gain  Fixed low res surface loading with referenced bitmaps  Fixed crash on game end with bots  Fixed surface was not loaded in some cases and caused crashes  Multiplayer  Added AI bots order rotation  Added mission options to   Added mission options browse dialog to multiplayer session  Improved netcode slightly  Fixed early call of GameOver in competitive game replays  Patch 15 3.117.0  General  Added debug stack entries to track some errors  Added support for mod dependencies (see mod template read me)  Added instanced grass (enhances visual quality and removes dependancy from
single texture file, may drop performance)  Improved instanced grass render  Changed resupply tanks based on ammo amount defined in .def file  Changed death delay uses min/max in difficulty.set  Changed defined death delay in difficulty.set  Changed asyncload to be disabled until issues are solved  Fixed trucks must not supply hidden Units  Fixed automatic selection of secondary weapon  Fixed disable video quality reduction in replays  Fixed wind support for group meshes  Fixed directx &_com_error at memory location&  Fixed crash on shader cache folder cleaning  Fixed access violation in UnitIcon  Fixed crash on aim range calculation  Fixed crash without steam active  Multiplayer  Added temporarily fix for video quality reduction manager  Added mission options to   Added mission options browse dialog to multiplayer session  Increased price of Crusader AA from 425 MP to 450 MP  Reduced price of M19 from 450 MP to 425 MP  Fixed bug with mods in matchmaking  Fixed spacings and positioning in statistics dialog  Fixed positioning of gui elements in statistics dialog  Fixed that mission option browser didn't show up after multiplayer  Fixed bug where mission options in multiplayer weren't reseted  Fixed counting of unranked games  Fixed size of result tab in for skirmish games in statistics dialog  Fixed issue with missing lobby game server  Skirmish  Added 15 new Steam achievements  Added new mission options in sniper missions  Added new mission options in Iron Fist missions  Added failsafe script to auto refuel players tank when below 25 in Iron
Fist missions  Improved balance fine tune in Iron Fist missions  Improved enemy key tank care logic with new script in Iron Fist
missions  Improved enemy infantry lower max number at any time to spawn in
introduction missions Improved blindly rushing enemy infantry near end of
defense fixed in introduction missions Improved allied support tanks now attempt
to move in more before engaging in introduction missions  Fixed japan mission environment for 2nd part of mission in Iron Fist
missions  Fixed clipping of units in 3rd person controls  Patch 16 3.118.0  General  Added display of incomplete replays  Added check for DLC 2 (including AI bots)  Added confirmation on trying load incomplete replay  Added display of mod dependencies in mods tab  Added possibility to activate profiler in release builds  Improved mods tab Improved scene stat collector and console writer  Improved performance of smoke grenades  Reduced duration of smoke grenades  Fixed assert failure when replay OOSDump message received  Fixed smoke grenades  Multiplayer  Added 16 players to multiplayer  Added many improvements to developer logs  Added respawn timer for regular and assault infantry 30 sec  Added limit to single rifles and smg to 20  Added purchase group to regular and assault infantry  Changed that &world kill& goes to last attacker  Changed elite marksmen from 2 to 3 auto rifle  Increased price of Japanese assault squad from 100 MP to 110 MP  Reduced price of US assault squad from 115 MP to 110 MP  Reduced price of US smg from 13 MP to 12 MP  Reduced price of single mguns by 5 MP  Reduced price of regular infantry by 10 MP  Removed start timer for heavy machine guns  Fixed out of sync caused by inventory (temporarily solution)  Fixed video quality reduction issue  Fixed issue when bot's units do not attack back while moving to map
points  Fixed limit of snipers  Patch 17 3.121.0  General  Added strict light synchronization  Added dump sync table to game log on desync  Improved grenades body simulator  Removed ai/bot inform range split (will be re-introduced later)  Fixed a bug with bleeding out  Fixed uninitialized buffer pointers  Fixed stack overflow on opening context menu  Fixed instanced grass border shadows (temporarily solution)  Fixed incorrect visibility calculations  Multiplayer  Added global in-game chat  Added many log improvements  Changed Assault Zones to 1v1 - 2v2 in match-making  Changed Assault Zones extreme to 4v4 in match-making  Fixed wrong unit limitations in custom settings  Fixed oos related to inventory (proper solution)  Fixed oos related to actor vision  Fixed oos related to lights  Skirmish  Added new paratrooper script in US missions  Patch 18 3.122.0  General  Added Filter for Steam community announcements  Added cause of error messages to reports  Added guard stack entry to track errors  Added achievements tab in personal statistics  Added support for multiple browser windows  Added support for custom scroll bars for html dialogs  Added bind 'F5' key to refresh html dialogs  Added additional check for rank update  Changed message history box to be smaller on chat open  Removed confirmation dialog on leaving replays page  Fixed manual control on game stop  Fixed memory leaks in bitmapmanager  Fixed memory leak on multiplayer lobby screen  Fixed crash on savegame preview render  Fixed crash if scene event not found  Fixed crash with steam disabled  Multiplayer  Added &reply to& functionality for global chat  Added grouped chat members filter by officers/friends/users  Added version and locked games filters for sessions  Added a size limit 200 symbols for chat messages  Added new Filter Options button  Added different color for message notification (i.e. &player ... is
gone&)  Added draw support for emoticons in clan chat  Added performance display to match-making lobby  Added warning message before queue if someone has low performance (not
allowed to play with less than 2 perf bars)  Added game type search filter  Added smarter chat spam filter  Added updating of nickname shortcut  Added chat system message when user get banned  Added rank icons to chat  Added own username to friends list in chat  Added XP info dialog to sessions  Added XP info dialog to match-making  Added special color for officers in chat and also in chat messages  Added hints for info area text  Added highlight of chat message if your nickname is included  Added regular games played on ranked presets give XP Added right mouse
button support on nickname in chat messages  Changed neutral color for user names in chat  Changed standard search filter from worldwide to &far& (reducing the flood
of ping requests on user created sessions)  Changed lobby server ping frequency to 3 every 5s  Changed lobby sessions autorefresh frequency to 30s  Changed sort by maximum player, not by alphabet (multiplayer maps)  Improved chat performance Increased match-making session connection
timeout  Removed filter (running games) button  Removed &Show only open sessions& filter and search for only open
sessions  Fixed disable info area in LAN Fixed interface jumping on session page  Fixed single symbols with small width (dot etc) not visible  Fixed surrender issue on connection lost  Fixed group chat and session list update rate  Fixed missing context menu in session chat  Fixed initial filter button state  Fixed rare crash on lobby ping update  Fixed crash on incorrect user name in group chat  Fixed crash on replay end  Fixed crash on join button click  Fixed crash in steam global chat  Patch 19  3.125.0  Added proper session list sorting by ping  Added &Show Info Messages& now blocks grenade timers, too.  Added Async texture loader (limited to 1024mb texture on 32bit)  Added name labels to sprite timers (to track errors in log)  Added new 3d model for rubber boat  Added smilies for Deluxe Edition owners  Added in-game friendslist  Added support for variable number of pages scrolled on scroll bar button
click  Added basic keyboard support to html dialog  Added display &loading...& until web page is completely loaded  Added javascript to html dialog  Added callback on web page request finished to html dialog  Added user filter in steam clan chat dialog  Added ability to disallow browser requests  Added steam friend list dialog  Added xp icon to session list  Added name for new property  Added particle init data to oos dump  Added persona states to chat utils and localization  Added bots in matchmaking (requires ownership of DLC)  Added invite to lobby to friend list  Added sort by max players in multiplayer map selection  Added NAT icon instead of &-& ping  Added DDS loader  Added support for CSteamID type in DDA  Added weapon reload veterancy  Added show custom texture on dds load error  Added preload resources info dialog  Added match-making vs. bots statistics  Added incorporated an (film) grain effect into color_tune layer and
shader  Added an entry for the grain effect in the environment settings inside the
editor  Added auto generated compound (per entity volume) obstacles support
(Enabled by keyword {CompoundObstacles} in entity .def file.)  Added compress methods to io utils  Added lastBattleInfo/totalBattleInfo card fields compression  Added option to view different LODs in the editor  Added overhead message of points scored for a kill if in direct control
mode  Added support for multiple views per grass model  Added stack entries to track crashes related to action execution  Added log file rotation (for large logs)  Added stack entries to track crashes on startup  Added automatically deactivate third person during scenarios  Added Host can disable damage messages  Added toggle for hit indicators  Added implementing of keyboard input support for html dialogs  Added delay flush only for large logs by default  Added randomize grass position in cell  Added force flush logs on scene destroy  Added chat message when user got kicked from the clan chat room  Added sorting of names in the multiplayer lobby  Added ICU library integration  Changed show context menu function in ui_statistics  Changed open user profile and achievements in browser if overlay is not
enabled  Changed improved css on achievements tab  Changed better DDS load errors  Changed use dummy texture if can't load DDS. Better messages to logs  Changed chat dialog alignment  Changed button location in chat dialogs  Changed UnlinkWeaponView to use access by reference on weapon link bone
childs, trying to fix crash  Changed eThreadStorage to support initializer function  Changed xp gain calculation for AZ:Extreme to 75/125  Changed open all links (workshop, dlc, guides, etc) in standard/default
browser if steam overlay is disabled  Changed use steam rich presence data to determine users
in-game/playing/open session status  Changed cleanup of manual control command  Changed code improvements on third person control  Changed use steam statistics armies in profile badge drop down  Changed limit of log file size to 1GB per file  Changed private message coloring in steam clan chat  Changed &unable to connect to clan chat& message  Changed resolution change to be disabled when multiplayer is active  Improved performance of eVisibilityHeightmap::RemovePatch  Improved lobby ping service  Improved html dialog  Improved async loader  Improved multiplayer core initialization time  Improved third person control  Improved multiplayer startup performance boost  Improved DDA vector containers to support copying and assigning  Improved disk usage on often log writes  Improved multiplayer resources loading  Improved speed of calculating large file crc  Improved chat private message format Increased internal tcp send buffer
size  Fixed file naming in reports  Fixed SteamWebView file location  Fixed auto resupply now doesn't resupply ammo that wasn't defined in
vehicles .def file. (i.e. wespe)  Fixed mod activation state  Fixed mod deletion bug  Fixed issue with &loading...& text  Fixed issue with links opened in new browser windows  Fixed incorrect write operator  Fixed issue when message &you have been banned from clan chat& displayed
incorrectly Fixed chat message encoding  Fixed search box location in chat dialog  Fixed inventory sync data not present in oos dump  Fixed write operator not found  Fixed option dialog with -no_mods enabled  Fixed skipping DDS mips in zip streams  Fixed Enter key doesn't work in chat  Fixed string buffer leak in replay  Fixed invalid memory access in edp_userstatistics  Fixed user chat list focusing issue  Fixed missing virtual destructor  Fixed properly initialize eBoundingBox value to ZERO  Fixed dynamic mesh allocation for indexed primitive case  Fixed memleak in options dialog  Fixed error with &align& keyword being a define  Fixed do not call Validate() when copying or constructing already valid
names (to reduce winapi calls count)  Fixed sorting in session list  Fixed show- and enable- option interaction of squad icons  Fixed removed hit indicator from friendly fire shots  Fixed accessing incorrect array element  Fixed incorrect sphere volume calculation  Fixed possible bug when pointer was not properly aligned  Fixed user profile badge and steam friend list should not be displayed in
mission loading screen  Fixed minidump creation issues when multiple threads throw exceptions  Fixed hint in session list  Fixed crc table generation bug  Fixed heightmaps importexport in editor  Fixed crash in steam clan chat  Fixed crash when trying to sync corrupted profile file from could  Fixed crash in games with large amount of units and statistics  Fixed crash in actor command  Fixed crash with input box  Fixed crash when key binding not found (record warning in log)  Fixed crash on ping update in session lobby  Fixed crash on player performance update in session screen  Fixed crash on join session  Fixed crash on session update  Fixed crash when trying launch bullet with incorrect ammo  Fixed crash in damage reports  Fixed crash on alt+g in standard editor  Fixed crash on bloom on/off while in game  Fixed crash on simultaneous access (Add/Remove handler) to event router
from different threads  Fixed crash on startup when last army is custom army  Fixed crash caused by incorrect vector virtual destructor call order  Patch 20  3.125.1  Added emoticon support for Deluxe Edition owner  Improved map performance slightly  Improved environment performance slightly  Improved environment performance in multiplayer even more
本类最新更新 12345678910


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