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2017年 (2017 / 01 / 01)
本研究透過SPSS 17.0統計分析軟體進行實證作業,在理論模式上以組織變革之不確定性、組織支持、信任及組織承諾等變數作為模式潛在變數,並驗證本研究各變項間的因果關係。本研究使用的統計方法,包括:敘述性統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、內容效度分析、相關分析與迴歸分析以及變異數分析。
1.組織變革之?確定性對知覺組織支持有顯著正向影響 (H1)
When the enterprise is affected by the external environment, in order to meet the external development needs, adjust its internal situation, and maintain the basic balance, thus the enterprise may achieve the purpose of organizational survival and development. But in addition to the development of internal organizations, the company also can choose the alliance, mergers and acquisitions strategy to achieve the pursuit of rapid growth of enterprises practice.
Companies are able to generate synergies and enhance their competitive advantage through alliance or mergers and acquisitions. However, according to many domestic and foreign studies, the change is not only work change, regardless of the company's internal organizational changes or through acquisitions changes, but also involves the adjustment of organizational structure, work content and personnel changes. when the enterprise through the homogeneity of the merger, the layoffs of reducing organization and restructuring organization is bound to the degrees of resistance.
Keywords: Uncertainty of Organizational C Organizational S Organizational C T IT Industry.
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