求助,关于ravage gta5僵尸modd的

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Requirements: Community Base addons A3
Version: 0.1.44
Signed: Yes, serverkey included
Short description:
Ravage is a single person project, inspired by various games such as the Stalker series or the Dayz mod, as well as many novels like The White Plague by Frank Herbert or Ravage by Barjavel.
Total comments : 42, displayed on page: 15
Ravage Mod
Ravage is a survival mod focused on immersive and dynamic gameplay.
Players are to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, where bandits, infected and hunger will be constant threats.
About &Ravage&
Ravage is a comprehensive survival modification, inspired by various games such as the Stalker series or the Dayz mod, as well as many novels like The White Plague by Frank Herbert or Ravage by Barjavel.
The Ravage mod has been in development since 2013 and is still an ongoing project, with many additions being planned for the future.
The current release is to be considered a beta, and only showcases the free-roaming mechanics. It includes demo missions and several editor tools allowing you to create all sorts of scenarios in a matter of minutes.
Ravage is designed to be easy to use, performance-friendly and is compatible with many addons.
Survival mechanics :
Hunger and thirst system connected to Arma 3 fatigue simulation :
The more gear you carry running around, the hungrier & thirstier you will be.
Eating and drinking will restore a small amount of health (with a bonus near
Fireplaces), your health will decrease at low hunger & thirst levels.
Ravaged world :
All Arma 3 buidings have been retextured using vanilla assets, transforming Altis & Stratis
into derelict environments. All vehicle textures have been changed as well.
Artificial light sources are disabled.
Ravage includes a dynamic zombie spawn system. As the sun goes down, more
infected will be roaming the land. Beware! Some zombies are extremely fast
and will outrun you if you don't manage your fatigue.
(Includes animations from Teacup's pack and custom skins by Bad Benson.)
Bandits & survivors :
Survivors are despaired and don't hesitate to kill to obtain whatever they
can scavenge. You will stumble upon clans of bandits fighting each other,
searching towns for loot or hunting you down.
Not all survivor some of them are willing to join you.
Quality OST :
Including soundtracks from the STALKER games with permission from GSC Game World,
as well as a selection of Arma 3 tracks. WIP.
And many more :
Accelerated time factor.
New items (usable by double-clicking them in your inventory).
Realistic vehicle repairs.
Dynamic weather.
Ability to sleep (requires camping items).
Radiations, gasmasks (includes breathing sounds function) and Geiger counter.
Loot spawn system.
Wrecks and derelict vehicles spawning on roads.
Character persistency in Multiplayer.
Compatible with many addons (details below).
To install the Ravage Mod you should use modfolders to keep it seperate from the official game content to prevent issues.
With Arma 3 you can use different ways to set up your modfolders to use custom content you have downloaded.
Please visit the
for more information about using custom mods and addons in Arma 3.
Included files:
For usage instructions and information of how to use the Ravage Mod please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission.
How to play?
Just launch one of the scenarios listed under &Scenarios/Ravage Mod&; everything you need to know will be explained along your journey.
Make sure tutorial hints are enabled in your settings!
If you play a Multiplayer mission wich has character persistency enabled, your equipment, survival status and position will be saved and restored next time you join the same server.
All your saved characters can be previewed and/or deleted from the MP save manager (scenarios&Ravage).
Kodabar kindly made a video showcasing the demo mission, with instructions on mod installation:
If you play a Multiplayer mission wich has character persistency enabled, your equipment, survival status and position will be saved and restored next time you join the same server.
All your saved characters can be previewed and/or deleted from the MP save manager (scenarios&Ravage).
Mod version : 0.1.43 (13/02/2017)
Hello and welcome to the Ravage Mod Thread!
Ravage is a survival mod focused on immersive and dynamic gameplay.
Players are to survive in a post-apocalyptic world,
where bandits, infected and hunger will be constant threats.
About &Ravage&
Ravage is a comprehensive survival modification, inspired by various games such as the Stalker series or the Dayz mod, as well as many novels like The White Plague by Frank Herbert or Ravage by Barjavel.
The Ravage mod has been in development since 2013 and is still an ongoing project, with many additions being planned for the future.
The current release is to be considered a beta, and only showcases the free-roaming mechanics. It includes demo missions and several editor tools allowing you to create all sorts of scenarios in a matter of minutes.
Ravage is designed to be easy to use, performance-friendly and is compatible with many addons.
Survival mechanics :
Hunger and thirst system connected to Arma 3 fatigue simulation :
The more gear you carry running around, the hungrier & thirstier you will be.
Eating and drinking will restore a small amount of health (with a bonus near
Fireplaces), your health will decrease at low hunger & thirst levels.
Ravaged world :
All Arma 3 buidings have been retextured using vanilla assets, transforming Altis & Stratis
into derelict environments. All vehicle textures have been changed as well.
Artificial light sources are disabled.
Ravage includes a dynamic zombie spawn system. As the sun goes down, more
infected will be roaming the land. Beware! Some zombies are extremely fast
and will outrun you if you don't manage your fatigue.
(Includes animations from Teacup's pack and custom skins by Bad Benson.)
Bandits & survivors :
Survivors are despaired and don't hesitate to kill to obtain whatever they
can scavenge. You will stumble upon clans of bandits fighting each other,
searching towns for loot or hunting you down.
Not all survivor some of them are willing to join you.
Quality OST :
Including soundtracks from the STALKER games with permission from GSC Game World,
as well as a selection of Arma 3 tracks. WIP.
And many more :
Accelerated time factor.
New items (usable by double-clicking them in your inventory).
Realistic vehicle repairs.
Dynamic weather.
Ability to sleep (requires camping items).
Radiations, gasmasks (includes breathing sounds function) and Geiger counter.
Loot spawn system.
Wrecks and derelict vehicles spawning on roads.
Character persistency in Multiplayer.
Compatible with many addons (details below).
How to play?
Just launch one of the scenarios listed under &Scenarios/Ravage Mod&; everything you need to know will be explained along your journey.
Make sure tutorial hints are enabled in your settings!
Kodabar kindly made a video showcasing the demo mission, with instructions on mod installation :
If you play a Multiplayer mission wich has character persistency enabled, your equipment, survival status and position will be saved and restored next time you join the same server.
All your saved characters can be previewed and/or deleted from the MP save manager (scenarios&Ravage).
Mission Making
Several modules are available under modules && &Ravage& in Editor mode.
Amongst other things, these allow you to :
spawn hostile and friendly ambiant AI.
spawn zombies.
enable the dynamic weather function.
cover the map with wrecks and damaged vehicles.
enable the loot spawn system and specify what type of buildings to use (Arma3, Arma2, Operation Arrowhead and Namalsk)
enable the survival and radiation systems.
enable character persistency in Multiplayer.
Each module controls one particular aspect of Ravage features and can be used independently. You will usually need only one module of each type, except for the zombie hordes module.
Creating a mission for Ravage, be it a singleplayer or multiplayer scenario, requires close to zero scripting knowledge :
the modules will detect what kind of environment they are working in (SP, locally hosted or dedicated server) and adapt accordingly.
More informations are available on the .
The wiki is work-in-progress but already provides valuable informations on survival mechanics or mission-making using the Ravage modules.
Make sure to have a read there first if you have any doubt or question!
Known issues:
About Ravage & Supported Addons:
This mod requires !
The first versions of Ravage are focused on SP free-roa there's no endgame other than surviving and exploring Arma 3 & Arma 2 terrains from another perspective.
This mod requires !
Ravage is designed to be compatible with many addons in order to bring in more variety :
(weapons, gear, vehicles). (weapons, gear). (weapons, gear, vehicles). (gear, awesome). (weapons, gear)..[/*] (Zombie skins - outdated) and pretty much all third party maps.
* Notes : Massi's Weapon Pack can be combined with either RHS escalation or HLC AK Pack - not both.
All terrains based on Arma3 and AiATP are supported (see the Mission Making section below).
This mod requires !
Recommended Mods:
[size=5]Recommended Mods[/size]
Besides the supported addons, the modding community has been producing many mods for any taste.
Here's a list of selected mods that will enhance your ingame experience with Ravage :
: improved color palettes for Arma 3; Solano was so kind as to make a special preset for Ravage. : offers an enjoyable third-person view. by Bad Benson : perfect to give you an edge on those zombies! : probably the best iteration of LordJarhead's sound modifications. by Bad Benson : you'll spend a lot of time scouting the landscape, might as well have it pretty.
Credits & Thanks:
Special thanks to Bad Benson, Cosmic10r, Evil Organ & Tourist for their precious help testing Ravage MP!
Thanks to Kodabar and Gunter Severloh for their support, and to anyone spreading the good word!
Gasmasks and Shemags made by Cunico and included with permission ().STALKER:Shadow of Chernobyl soundtrack by Mooze, included with permission from GSC.Loot Spawn System based on LSpawner by Na_Palm ().Weather system based on randomWeather2 by Meatball ().Scorch's Inventory Items by Scorch_052 used by some of the new items ().Radioactive Zone Warning Sign texture by Bossmann.Additional models & textures by Giorgygr.Infected skins by Bad Benson.Additional sound FX by Evil Organ.The MP save system was inspired by zooloo75's concept.Original Loot Search script by Larrow.
License / Disclaimer:
Ravage Mod by Haleks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available on request.
Using Ravage Mod on monetized servers is strictly forbidden.
Slightly increased Antirad potency.
Most player idle animations are disabled.
Reduced fog base parameter for the Tanoa demo mission (should prevent excessive fog changes ingame).
Slightly increased zed staggering animation speed.
Increased max world count for rabbits on Altis.
Rabbit fleeing behaviour.
Tweaked Ambiant Life configs for Stratis.
Tweaked Color Correction Filter to be brighter by night.
Spawned units have a small chance to be equiped with a RPG launcher.
Range detection for zombie attacks : should allow them to actually attack most vehicles.
Hunger and Thirst sometimes getting stucked after a respawn.
Survivors spawning above ground level.
Fix for safe zone and zed blacklist modules.
Fix another potential issue causing off-center aiming.
Fixed an issue causing rabbits to have a human head floating above them.
Fix for several errors caused by players death.
Fixed : briefing was disabled in the 28years scenario as it would crash the game.
Fix for decreased health when resuming a MP save.
Fixed missing notification whenever a new MP save is created.
Fixed an exploit with Weapons Traders.
Fixed an error causing traders to have an empty inventory.
Fixed : the Loot Module no longer checks for buildings when only the Search action is enabled.
Fixed : spawned vehicles would produce explosion sounds.
Fixed : graphical issues with airport lamps after the Malden update.
Fixed : deployed firecamps floating above ground.
Fixed : spawned wrecks sometimes floating above ground.
New idle and walking zombie animations from the Breaking Point mod.
New optional sub-mod : Ravage CUP (WIP, disables most artificial lights).
Added ambiant Crowes, Kestrels and Eagles on Altis (courtesy of EO).
Added a new shop type : gear (clothes, vests, headgear, goggles).
Added support for PMC uniforms from CUP units.
New module setting allowing to limit wrecks spawns to empty vehicles, static wrecks, or both.
Support for HD3 gasmask.
Lighthouses are now disabled.
Increased patrol radius for car patrols.
The &bandanna + cap& headgear now appears in Virtual Arsenal.
Survival module now deletes player bodies unless other players are in the vicinity.
The zed spawn process has been overhauled.
Zed spawn distances now adapt to player's velocity.
The MQ-12 Falcon has been added to the &WEST drones& list (Ambiant AI module).
Removed Rifles from Darters (they still signal targets to nearby UGVs).
Reworked hunting behaviour for bandits.
Disabled &Horde Behaviour& for now as its functionality is broken (Horde module).
Restored ATM & kiosks models.
Added a new uniform for zombies.
The &rvg_owned& variable can now be used to exclude weaponHolders and bags from the clean-up system.
The loot spawns were a bit too generous on the Altis demo scenario.
Tweaked vanilla gear lists (loot & AI) :
- Added more civilian uniforms.
- Military gear limited to more generic content (AAF gear was removed, emphasis on NATO gear).
Wreck Spawns module failing to remove FAKs from empty vehicles.
The vehicles module wasn't restoring animation sources correctly when caching empty vehicles.
Gear and loot items from supported mods not working from dedicated servers.
&Holster weapon& is now only available to the entity it was added to.
Possible fix for duplicate actions in MP.
Survival variables are now correctly reset on respawn.
Players were unable to remove attached chemlights after respawning.
Fixed several loot clean-up issues on dedicated servers.
Zeds were seeing hidden entities.
Ambient Zed module could spawn more zeds than the set maximum limit.
Zeds sometimes not spawning in very dense urban areas.
Removed some redundant distance checks before spawning zeds.
AI infinite ammo system now works when firing from a vehicle.
Fixed an issue causing spawned NPCs to be naked or use the wrong gear presets.
The Loot Search feature wasn't working in MP.
Fix for off-center view after consuming survival items.
Fixed an issue preventing players from unfolding sleeping bags or tents inside buildings.
Hand-placed zombies could have unexpected reactions to nearby gunshots.
Spawned drones would cause RPT errors.
Minor fix to the 28 years later mission.
Fixed an error in Multiplayer Saves Manager scenario.
Fixed an issue with traders re-supply.
Fixed missing model configs.
Fix for various RPT errors.
Added the first rusty retex weapons by Cosmic10R (mainly marksmen DLC at the moment).
Throwable items can be used to draw away zombies.
Added two guerilla apparel variants : rolled-up and without gloves.
Zed spawns are now processed on the server if dedicated.
Rabbits will now flee when they detect danger.
Updated IFA3 support.
Updated RHS support (RHS SAF is NOT required nor supported at the moment).
Mod support for IFA3 now includes automatic support for LEN weapons pack.
New setting to the Ambient AI module defining chances for each bandit faction to hunt players.
New setting to the Equipment Pool module to limit stock content :
- currently excludes vanilla uniforms from the gear lists.
- should be used in combination with supported addons.
New BIkeys.
Reduced fly altitude for UAVs.
Recruitable friendlies available once the &28 years after& scenario is completed.
Breathfog disabled while in a vehicle.
Tweaked behaviour of zed blacklist module.
Minor optimisations to breathfog.
Some supermarket buildings were missing from the CUP/A2 structures lists.
Players were able to search for loot while in a vehicle.
The Multiplayer Saves Manager scenario wasn't up-to-date.
Issues and RPT spam preventing friendly AIs from respawning.
Minor fixes to the loot search feature.
Reduced Antirads excessive weight.
Various minor fixes.
Updated support for IFA3 LITE.
WARNING : MP saves from previous versions aren't compatible!
Parts of the MP saving functions have been replaced with engine script commands.
Possible fix for default protocol class error.
All locality issues with ambient AI and vehicles should be fixed.
Issues when searching Arma2 furnitures for loot.
Some 3d models from CUP terrains were missing from the 'trash & furnitures' list.
Fixed locality issues when a player is hit by a zombie in MP.
Zombies were able to hit targets high above them.
Critical errors regarding loot randomization.
Error with CBA_fnc_taskPatrol.
Hand Flares were missing their AI ammo usage flags.
Fixes for the final task in the 28 Years Later scenario.
Added support for CUP vehicles.
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