请教问题 英文BLE 中的sever和client角色问题

实现一个server端和一个client端,最全面的实现一个server端和一个client端文章 - 电子工程世界网
使用RSA和DES两种算法为基础,设计实现了一个简单的网络传输模型。模型里有两个类,Server和Client,Server端要将自己的公钥发给Client,然后Client将自己的DES密钥通过RSA加密发给Server 端。之后双方可以通过DES对称加密进行通信。...
& && &&&下面我们来看一个实现TCP/IP的通信的例子,首先来看一下服务器(server)端的代码:
#include &stdlib.h&
#include &sys/types.h&gt...
  此时,后台服务器实际上作为TCP Client端,而设备则是作为TCP Server端主要特性2.4GHz, IEEE 802.11b/g内部PCB天线...
, 然后调用 sendto 发送函数, 这里客户端程序没有调用 bind函数和 connect 函数。现在我们使用命令gcc -o server server.c执行结果如下图:
使用命令 arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -o client client.c 编译 client.c,执行结果如下图: 我们把生成的 client 拷贝到我们的 NFS 文件系统的 bin 目...
、DHCP、DNS、TCP;兼容SOCKET工作方式(TCP Server、TCP Client、UDP等),上位机通讯软件编写遵从标准的SOCKET规则。 配置说明(1)恢复出厂设置& &&&GCAN-205硬件出厂默认IP:,如果用户已经修改过IP地址并且忘记,那么可以通过设备中的拨码开关,恢复出厂设置。 系统先不要上电,打开设备外壳...
/GUI的体系结构RT-Thread/GUI结构也是一种C/S的结构:每个Client端都受Server端进行管理。但和桌面上的C/S结构不同,Server端并不包含绘图操作,而是把绘图操作交给了Client—— Workbench或独立窗口。Workbench可以进行自己独立的绘图操作(使用RTGUI提供的API,或者直接对视频帧缓冲,FrameBuffer进行读写)。RTGUI同样保留了传统...
(libstdc++ C++实现库)
| |-- include (头文件)
| `-- src (源码)
|-- libthread_db (多线程程序的调试器库)
| `-- include (头文件)
`-- linker (动态链接器)
`-- arch (支持arm和x86两种架构)
bootable 目录
|-- bootloader (适合各种...
不允许 a#和a/#/c。
PUBACK 发布消息后的确认
& && &PC端我是下载的socket源代码,然后改了一下,加了几个按钮,和一个滑块做为油门。这个代码我忘了拿回来,下一篇帖子我会分享。
3. 通信协议:
& && &这个自己定,我的...
问:蓝牙4.0协议和BLE是什么? 答:蓝牙4.0协议是2010年6月由SIG(Special Interest Group)发布的最新标准,它有2种模式:BLE(Bluetooth low energy)只能与4.0协议设备通信,适应节能且仅收发少量数据的设备(如家用电子);BR/EDR(Basic Rate / Enhanced Data Rate),向下兼容(能与3.0/2.1/2.0通信),适应收发数据较多的设备(如耳机)只能与4.0协议设备通信,适应节能且仅收发少量数据的设备(如家用电子);BR/EDR(Basic Rate / Enhanced Data Rate),向下兼容(能与3.0/2.1/2.0通信),适应收发数据较多的设备(如耳机)
问:蓝牙协议分层很多且比较复杂,该如何掌握呢? 答:蓝牙协议从应用层到物理层一共分了8层,看上去比较复杂且API函数很多。首先不必要知道每一层的具体实现,掌握与应用紧密关联GAP/GATT(或者GAP Role和GATT Profiles)层就可以满足大部分设计需要;每一层的软件都是通过OSAL来调用的,因此需要了解OSAL的基本原理:任务/事件/消息/定时器/动态分配内存;最后把蓝牙通讯过程理解,将有助于开发。
问:主节点和从节点通信的过程是怎样的呢? 答:当从节点发出广告信号(包括设备地址和设备名称之类的附加信息);主节点收到此广告信号后,向从节点发出扫描请求;当从节点回应扫描时,就完成了设备发现过程。 接着主节点向从节点发出连接请求(包括连接时隙、从节点待机次数、连接超时值),从节点回应连接,就完成了建立连接。 为了安全起见,一些数据的访问需要认证,它的完成是这样的:一方(可以是主节点,也可以是从节点)向另一方索要6位数字的密码,之后,两个节点彼此交换安全密钥用于加密和认证,此过程称为配对。 认证的过程比较繁琐,BLE协议支持两节点保存认证的安全密钥(一般是非易失性存储器中),以便于两节点下次连接后快速认证,这就是绑定技术
问:蓝牙通信中两个节点如何交换数据? 答:这是蓝牙通信中最让初学者迷惑的地方。大部分通信,尤其是TCP/IP,交换数据的婚介是数据包,但蓝牙通信中,工程师找不到数据包访问方式,于是就产生疑问。其实蓝牙最底层也是基于无线数据包交换,只是通过层层封装,交付给工程师的API接口就变成了Client访问Server的方式
问:Client和Server节点是如何定义呢? 答:通俗地说吧,Server(服务器)就是数据中心,Client(客户端)就是访问数据者。特别说明,它与主/从设备是独立的概念:一个主设备既可以充当Server,又可以充当Client;从设备亦然
问:Server是如何提供数据呢? 答:Server首先将一个服务按“属性/句柄/数值/描述”这种格式予以组织,然后调用API函数GATTServApp_RegisterService将服务数据进行注册。举个实例吧,设提供一个电池电量服务字节,它允许Client读取,数据为一个8比特无符号数(0~100%),它的组织如下:02 25 00 19 2A, 这5个数据(小端格式)分别是:0x02=只读属性,0x0025=句柄;0x2A19=服务UUID。
问:不明白Server提供服务中的UUID? 答:UUID(Universal Unique Identifier)全球惟一标识符,本来是SIC组织分配给特定蓝牙服务的标识,如分配0x2A25为设备序列号的UUID,这样任意蓝牙设备都可以通过它得到另一个设备的序列号。 打个类比,它就像书名,如《现代操作系统》,所有人一看就知道它是计算机大师Andrew S. Tanenbaum写的书。
问:什么是Server提供服务中的句柄呢? 答:句柄(Handle)就是服务数据在数据中心的地址,当所有的服务数据组织起来后,它总得有个先后顺序,某个服务的位置就是它的句柄。还是上面的类比,如果想去图书馆借阅《现代操作系统》,需要查明该书在哪一层楼,哪个房间,这就是该书的Hanle。
问:为什么Server提供的服务中有描述? 答:有些服务是有描述(Descriptor)的,它是用于Client配置该服务的功能(通知或者显示)。像某人没有借到《现代操作系统》该书(可能是被别人借光了),他(她)可以打个电话给图书馆工作人员,请求一旦该书可以借阅了给他一个通知,这个过程相当于配置该书的Descriptor。
问:如何知道一个服务的Handle? 答:根据服务的UUID调用API函数GATT_ReadUsingCharUUID 协议栈会返回该服务的Handle。特别注意的是,一个服务的Descriptor的Handle总是该服务的Handle+1,如电池电量服务的Handle是0x0025,那么它的Descriptor的Handle是0x0026。
问:Server可以访问Client吗? 答:蓝牙通信中,Server不能直接访问(读/写)Client,但是可以通知(Notification)Client,通知的前提是Client通过写Descriptor使能通知功能。例如,某Server发现电池电量已经低于安全阀值,它可以调用GATT_Notification通知所有已连接的Client,但是Client接收后如果处理是它自己的事情。
问:如果得知电池容量? 答:任何使用电池供电的设备都必须精确监控电池容量,否则设备可以突然断电而停止工作,它的基本原理是通过ADC(模数转换器)计算电池电压
问:蓝牙发射信号功率调整会影响通信距离吗? 答:会,以TI公司的CC2540为例,它支持4种发射功率选择:4dBm、0dBm、-6dBm和-23dBm,按无线电功率定义:LdBm=10lg(Pwr/1mW),以上4种分贝值换算成瓦特为:2.51mW、1mW、0.251mW和0.005mW,有效通信距离分别为:30米、10米、7米和3米
问:如何知道两个蓝牙通信节点之间的距离? 答:要知道蓝牙通信节点(如手机和蓝牙设备)之间的距离,最容易实现的方法是通过读取接收RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indication)值来计算。无线通讯中功率与距离的关系如下:
问:如何获取蓝牙节点的接收RSSI值? 答:具体的设备接收RSSI值的方法不一样,以iPhone手机为例,iOS提供API函数获取RSSI值;TI公司的CC2540芯片的BLE协议栈中,首先将读取RSSI值回调函数挂载到gapRolesRssiRead_t类型的指针下,建立连接后,主设备调用GAPCentralRole_StartRssi(),从设备调用 GAPRole_SetParameter(GAPROLE_RSSI_READ_RATE, ……)。这样就可以定时读取接收的RSSI值了
:如何开展读取RSSI值的实验? 答:读取RSSI值的实验可以这样搭建,主设备固定位置,向从设备发送信号,从设备LED光和Buzzer报警为通信成功,逐次移动从设备,而获取RSSI值随物理距离之间的关系。
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Security level and status exchange between tcp/udp client(s) and server(s) for secure transactions
Security level and status exchange between tcp/udp client(s) and server(s) for secure transactionsAccording to one embodiment, a system includes a processor and logic integrated with and/or executable by the processor, the logic being configured to identify a security issue affecting a first peer in one or more secure transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol (TCR/UDP) sessions, inform a second peer about the security issue using the first peer of the one or more TCP/UDP sessions, and perform at least one action in response to identifying and/or being...
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- Armonk, NY, USUSPTO Applicaton #: #
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The Patent Description & Claims data below is from USPTO Patent Application , Security level and status exchange between tcp/udp client(s) and server(s) for secure transactions.
The present invention relates to data center infrastructure and usage, and more particularly, this invention relates to exchanging security level and status information between transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol (TCP/UDP) client(s) and server(s) to provide secure transactions.
Multiple TCP/UDP sessions may be established between one or more clients and one or more servers to exchange confidential data over sockets of the devices. Servers and/or clients are usually exposed to viruses and/or malware, which may lead to virus infections and/or malware and/or spyware attacks which appropriate information from the devices which are affected/infected.
TCP/UDP sessions which are exchanging confidential information with such affected/infected devices (or devices which are infected by other sessions while secure sessions are exchanging information), are completely unaware of device security status or concerns over virus, malware, or spyware attacks.
Transport protocols are not aware of the security level of devices while a session is in progress. Also, transport protocols are not adaptive nor capable of adjusting the information exchange according to security exposure/levels of peers in the session.
Accordingly, TCP/UDP sessions are vulnerable to virus/malware/spyware attacks, which may result in the exposure of confidential information.
According to one embodiment, a system includes a processor and logic integrated with and/or executable by the processor, the logic being configured to identify a security issue affecting a first peer in one or more secure transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol (TCP/UDP) sessions, inform a second peer about the security issue using the first peer of the one or more TCP/UDP sessions, and perform at least one action in response to identifying and/or being informed about the security issue.
In another embodiment, a method for providing a secure TCP/UDP session includes identifying a security issue affecting a first peer in one or more TCP/UDP sessions, informing a second peer about the security issue using the first peer of the one or more TCP/UDP sessions, and performing at least one action in response to identifying and/or being informed about the security issue.
In yet another embodiment, a computer program product for providing a secure TCP/UDP session includes a computer readable storage medium having program code embodied therewith, the program code readable/executable by a processor to identify a security issue affecting a first peer in one or more TCP/UDP sessions, inform a second peer about the security issue using the first peer by sending a packet from the first peer to the second peer, the packet including an indication of the security issue in a TCP header of the packet, and perform at least one action to resolve and/or avoid the security issue in response to identifying and/or being informed about the security issue at the first peer and/or the second peer.
Other aspects and embodiments of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description, which, when taken in conjunction with the drawings, illustrate by way of example the principles of the invention.
FIG. 1 illustrates a network architecture, in accordance with one embodiment.
FIG. 2 shows a representative hardware environment that may be associated with the servers and/or clients of FIG. 1, in accordance with one embodiment.
FIG. 3 is a simplified diagram of a virtualized data center, according to one embodiment.
FIG. 4 is a simplified diagram of a network (SDN) switch cluster operating as a distributed router, according to one embodiment.
FIGS. 5A-5D show several simplified diagrams of a system having two hosts connected via a network, according to various embodiments.
FIG. 6A shows a transmission control protocol (TCP) header according to one embodiment.
FIG. 6B shows a reserve field of the TCP header according to one embodiment.
FIG. 7 is a flowchart of a method, according to one embodiment.
The following description is made for the purpose of illustrating the general principles of the present invention and is not meant to limit the inventive concepts claimed herein. Further, particular features described herein can be used in combination with other described features in each of the various possible combinations and permutations.
Unless otherwise specifically defined herein, all terms are to be given their broadest possible interpretation including meanings implied from the specification as well as meanings understood by those skilled in the art and/or as defined in dictionaries treatises, etc.
It must also be noted that, as used in the specification and the appended claims, the singular forms “a,” “an,” and “the” include plural referents unless otherwise specified. It will be further understood that the terms “comprises” and/or “comprising,” when used in this specification, specify the presence of stated features, integers, steps, operations, elements, and/or components, but do not preclude the presence or addition of one or more other features, integers, steps, operations, elements, components, and/or groups thereof.
Furthermore, “about” as used herein as a relative term includes any amount reasonably close to the value being modified by the term “about.” In one embodiment, ±5% of the value which is modified by about is included. For example, “about 10” may include 9.5. 10.5, and all values therebetween.
According to one general embodiment, a system includes a processor and logic integrated with and/or executable by the processor, the logic being configured to identify a security issue affecting a first peer in one or more secure transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol (TCP/UDP) sessions, inform a second peer about the security issue using the first peer of the one or more TCP/UDP sessions, and perform at least one action in response to identifying and/or being informed about the security issue.
In another general embodiment, a method for providing a secure TCP/UDP session includes identifying a security issue affecting a first peer in one or more TCP/UDP sessions, informing a second peer about the security issue using the first peer of the one or lore TCP/UDP sessions, and performing at least one action in response to identifying and/or being informed about the security issue.
In yet another general embodiment, a computer program product for providing a secure TCP/UDP session includes a computer readable storage medium having program code embodied therewith, the program code readable/executable by a processor to identify a security issue affecting a first peer in one of more TCP/UDP sessions, inform a second peer about the security issue using the first peer by sending a packet from the first peer to the second peer, the packet including an indication of the security issue in a TCP header of the packet, and perform at least one action to resolve and/or avoid the security issue in response to identifying and/or being informed about the security issue at the first peer and/or the second peer.
As will be appreciated by one skilled in the art, aspects of the present invention may be embodied as a system, method or computer program product. Accordingly, aspects of the present invention may take the form of an entirely hardware embodiment, an entirely software embodiment (including firmware, resident software, micro-code, etc.) or an embodiment combining software and hardware aspects that may all generally be referred to herein as a “circuit,” “module” or “system.” Furthermore, aspects of the present invention may take the form of a computer program product embodied in one or more computer readable medium(s) having computer readable program code embodied thereon.
Any combination of one or more computer readable medium(s) may be utilized. The computer readable medium may be a computer readable signal medium or computer readable storage medium. A computer readable storage medium may be, for example, but not limited to, an electronic, magnetic, optical, electromagnetic, infrared, or semiconductor system, apparatus, or device, or any suitable combination of the foregoing. More specific examples (a non-exhaustive list) of the computer readable storage medium would include the following: an electrical connection having one or more wires, a portable computer diskette, a hard disk, a random access memory (RAM), a read-only memory (ROM), an erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM or Flash memory), an optical fiber, a portable compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM), an optical storage device, a magnetic storage device, or any suitable combination of the foregoing. In the context of this document, a computer readable storage medium may be any tangible medium that can contain, or store a program for use by or in connection with an instruction execution system, apparatus, or device.
A computer readable signal medium may include a propagated data signal with computer readable program code embodied therein, for example, in baseband or as part of a carrier wave. Such a propagated signal may take any of a variety of forms, including, but not limited to, electro-magnetic, optical, or any suitable combination thereof. A computer readable signal medium may be any computer readable medium that is not a computer readable storage medium and that can communicate, propagate, or transport a program for use by or in conjunction with an instruction execution system, apparatus, or device.
Program code embodied on a computer readable medium may be transmitted using any appropriate medium, including but not limited to wireless, wireline, optical fiber cable, RF, etc., or any suitable combination of the foregoing.
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International Business Machines CorporationBrowse recent Browse patents:
|security level and status exchange between tcp/udp client(s) and server(s) for secure transactions|According to one embodiment, a system includes a processor and logic integrated with and/or executable by the processor, the logic being configured to identify a security issue affecting a first peer in one or more secure transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol (TCR/UDP) sessions, inform a second peer about the security |International-Business-Machines-Corporation


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