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  3月18日在白宫举行了一场典礼,奥巴马总统在典礼上授予24位退伍老兵荣誉勋章(Medal of Honor)。这24位退伍老兵之前曾因为他们的种族背景而被摒除在名单之外。第二次世界大战期间,他们曾经代表美国参与越南战争或朝鲜战争。在这24人 中,目前仅有3人依然在世。荣誉勋章是美国最高军事奖章,授予那些超出个人职责范围表现英勇的个人。
  在下文中,沃顿商学院与变革管理中心(Wharton&s&Center for Leadership and Change Management)主任迈克尔&尤西姆(Michael Useem)和《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)&论领导力&(On Leadership)网站和视频系列的创始人兼编辑安德里亚&尤西姆(Andrea Useem)提出,非军事机构可以从荣誉勋章和其传统中汲取重要的经验,从中学会如何来激励一线员工创造卓越的表现。本文最初刊发在刊物《组织动态学》 (Organizational Dynamics)上。
  不过当不确定性和风险都较大时,标准的激励系统可能无法提供激励或指导。在异常状况之下,正常时期内的奖励甚至可能会使人气馁,不敢冒险。常规的激励措施 会在一线员工中树立一种避免风险的心态,因为公司通常不鼓励一线员工自行进行判断。此类需要个人冒险的行为就可能与员工的避险心态相悖。
  不过对员工们而言,这些可能性较小但后果严重的时刻意味着一些意想不到的行动时机,可能会给组织带来巨大的影响。比如拿某个人头攒动的大型饭店的服务员为 例。其上司未注意到旁边的房间刚刚起火,不过火势尚且不大。这位服务员应该主动警告就餐的客人们,清空整栋大楼吗?那样对他个人而言,是相当具有风险的, 但也非常重要。如果他劝客人们离开,可实际上并无必要撤离,那么他就可能导致恐慌,也可能因此造成人员受伤,而他的雇主要承担相应的责任,他本人则可能被 开除。但如果火势发展到可能会威胁到人们的生命,而他未能以餐馆的名义警告顾客们加以注意,这样则会让顾客的生命和餐馆本身都处于风险之中。在这些至关重 要的时刻,这位一线员工的肩膀上同时背负起了组织的重任和顾客的生命。
  当然,此类极端的时刻比较少见。多数员工在整个工作生涯中都没有遇到过这种时刻,而且许多组织也永远不会经历这种危急时刻。但当真正面临这种时刻时,员工 是否准备就绪就可能会变得相当重要,这从一些例子中就可以看出,比如美联储的员工在911时必须在缺乏法律指导的情况下决定是否对市场进行大规模的干预, 大型投资公司的中层金融分析师对被吹上天的次贷产品心生怀疑,以及救生员被要求离岗去附近的沙滩救一位游泳者。
  我们在这篇文章中提出,要想让员工为可能性较低但影响巨大的事件做好准备,组织可以采取一种方式,即公开表彰那些面对极端风险和极大不确定性时曾有过出色 且勇敢的行为的个人。这样可以给员工留下难以磨灭的印象,让他们懂得面对危机时刻要如何加以应对,并且激励和指导他们为了组织的终极目标而采取行动。这些 是常规的激励体系所无法做到的。
  在过去的两个世纪里,美国已经针对这种组织挑战采取了行动。他们建立了一套正式的体系,授予前线勇士荣誉勋章这个美国最高的军事奖励,然后将勋章获得 者的事迹纳入到各级领导力发展培训中。我们相信,荣誉勋章的机制和围绕勋章的培训传统可以为非军事组织提供重要的参考经验,从中来学习如何激励和指导一线 员工在面对巨大风险和高度不确定性时能够有出色的表现。
  荣誉勋章在军 队中发挥了重要的作用,激励了下一代战士争取超凡表现。对杰出事迹引人入胜的介绍&&在官方嘉奖词中被概述为&受奖者在战争中的英勇行为&&&被纳入了军官和文职人员的培训之中,直观地告诉他们军 队对他们在战斗中所寄予的期望。
  要了解荣誉勋章的教育意义,我们必须通过众多一手资料来分析它的传统。我们曾经访问荣誉勋章的获得者和其他对勋章传统相当熟悉的人士,观看了白宫的荣誉勋 章授勋仪式和五角大楼对一位获奖者的表彰仪式,访问并观察那些正接受训练的军 队未来的力量和训练他们的教官,查阅了军事培训机构里一系列有关荣誉勋章获得 者的纪念品,并且亲自体验了将荣誉勋章获得者作为核心的培训课程。
  通过这些研究途径,我们已经了解到荣誉勋章所表彰的杰出事迹如何成为引人入胜的瞬间,让他人做好准备,突破日常职责来采取行动&&以及如何在军 队之外的组织内开发类似的实践方法。
  这段嘉奖词开篇写道:&在阿富汗库纳尔省服役期间,他超越自身职责,面对生命危险,全然无所畏惧。&在一段5英里(约合8.05公里)长的颇具挑战性的路 程上,一共散布着15块牌匾,每块都讲述了一位曾获得荣誉勋章的海军陆战队军人或水手的故事,这块牌匾就是其中之一。这最后一块牌匾介绍的是达科塔&梅耶 下士(Dakota Meyer)的故事。战火中,他一次又一次地重返战场,营救受伤的同伴和盟军阿富汗的战士们,并且将牺牲者的遗体搬回来。
  海军陆战队的教官们知道,他们这些受训军官们之前早已经听说过达科塔&梅耶的故事,知道他如何在中弹受伤后继续自己的救援行动。但在预备军官们汗流浃背的 时候重述这个故事,海军陆战队的教官们是希望能够将这些非凡事迹的精彩叙述深深地铭刻在他们那些未来少尉们的脑海之中。
  &荣誉勋章的获得者都是服务型领导的杰出典范,&克里斯&斯特林斯(Kris Stillings)上校说,&他们正是我们希望在海军陆战队中所培养的领导人类型。&斯特林斯曾担任海军陆战队预备军官学校的司令官。预备军官学校是一 个为期10周的培训和评估课程,海军陆战队从中来甄选下一代的军官人选。
  从南加利福尼亚州丘陵地带往西数千英里,缅因州招募的新兵们正在潘德顿营区(Camp Pendleton)的&熔炉项目&(Crucible)中艰难行进。在为期12周的训练中,第11周时,新兵们就要接受这个54个小时的&成人仪式&的 考验。如果他们成功地通过项目中24个让人精疲力竭的训练站,就有了称自己为海军陆战队成员的权力。在这段经历中,融入了精彩的故事,告诉他们其他年轻的 海军陆战队成员面对危机时如何勇敢地应对。这些故事都来自于荣誉勋章和其他奖项的获得者。
  圣地亚哥新兵课程行动长官罗里&尼可斯少校(Rory Nichols)解释说,熔炉项目的训练站都以得到授勋的海军陆战队成员&&其中有17位是荣誉勋章获得者&&来命名,&以鼓舞和激励他们,了解这些海军陆战队成员在战争中曾经如何艰苦卓绝地完成自己的使命。&
  在每个训练站,新兵全部立正站好,听教官朗读官方嘉奖词。之后,教官会简要介绍关于某支虚构的叛军的战术情况,并且给新兵们下达任务,而要完成这些任务就 必须采取非常行动。例如在以荣誉勋章获得者吉米&霍华德(Jimmie E. Howard)命名的训练站,他们会听到这位上士面对占绝对优势的北越士兵队伍时如何协调海军陆战队一个前哨基地的防御工作。此后,新兵们会被分成两队进 行作战练习。
  &熔炉项目旨在成为海军陆战队新兵培训的一个高 潮项目,一个定型时刻,&尼可斯解释说,&该项目希望能够模拟我们这些未来的海军陆战队成员在战争中将会遇到的部分困难。没有人用枪指着他们,但他们被推动去突破自己所认为的极限。&
  对于一等兵科尔曼&布兰森(Coleman Branson)而言,教官在熔炉项目中所朗读的最初几份官方嘉奖词并没有能够打动他。&但在熔炉项目中更为深入时,在听到关于伊拉克和阿富汗战争中的那 些嘉奖词时,&他说,&那是我们现实生活中所发生的事情&&这些故事的确让人感觉历历在目。&
  布兰森以用詹森&杜汉下士(Jason Dunham)命名的训练站为例。詹森&杜汉在伊拉克哈塞巴(Husaybah)巡逻时,因扑倒在一颗手榴弹上而牺牲。&就在几年前,杜汉下士就站在我们 当时站的地方,接受着完全一样的训练。这一点改变了我看待事物的方式。当你感到疲倦不堪,当你的腿受伤时,你会想:&我猜他也有同样的感受,甚至可能更加 强烈。他后来参战,并且为了保护自己海军陆战队的同伴而扑倒在手榴弹上。如果他能做到,那么我也可以做到。&&
热门排行榜美剧_经济吃紧:美国校车考虑收费制度 (视频)_沪江英语
“9·11”九年祭. 九年的时间并没有抚平美国当年的伤痛
加州天然气管道爆炸死伤惨重, 也许又是一起人祸
经济吃紧, 校车也不再免费了, 麻省一家学校已经酝酿给校车收费了
(CNN Student News) -- Sep 13, 2010
CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: For almost all of you, the ride to school is free. What if you had to pay $400 for it? It's a question we're looking at today on CNN Student News. My name is Carl Azuz. Let's get going.
First Up: 9/11 Memorials
AZUZ: First up, America pays tribute to the nearly 3,000 victims of the September 11th terror attacks. This Saturday marked nine years since those attacks happened, and in ceremonies all across the country, people stopped to remember. In New York City, there were two moments of silence, one at each time that a plane struck one of the Twin Towers. In Virginia, President Obama helped lay a
at the Pentagon as part of a memorial ceremony there. During a speech, he honored Americans in uniform who sacrificed their lives for others. First lady Michelle Obama and former first lady Laura Bush were at a memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where one of the planes hijacked on 9/11 crashed after passengers fought against the terrorists. Back in New York City, efforts are going on a 9/11 memorial. Deborah Feyerick joins us now to give you a tour.
DEBORAH FEYERICK, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You can envision it. You can envision where the tower stood just by looking here. And it's not enough just to look at Ground Zero. You also need to listen. Now, every day, thousands of workers here rebuild.
JOE DANIELS, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL AND MUSEUM: Everything west of where we are standing right now is the memorial site. It's eight of the 16 acres, so 50 percent of the entire site is for the memorial and museum.
FEYERICK: Joe Daniels heads up the 9/11 memorial and museum. He was here that day and will never forget what he witnessed.DANIELS: 1,100 of the victims were never identified. This is a place where the entire world is gonna come to pay their respects.
FEYERICK: After years of very public battles and stalled negotiations, the memorial is being built on the footprints of the two towers. Two granite reflecting pools, each with a massive, man-made
flowin what its creator Michael Arad calls a
MICHAEL ARAD, 9/11 MEMORIAL DESIGNER: We have thousands and thousands of gallons streaming in there every minute. This emptiness remains.FEYERICK: Arad was 32, working for the city, when the towers fell. His design beat out 5,000 others.
ARAD: I think it was, for me, a way of coming to terms with what I had seen that day.
FEYERICK: The victims' names will be
shadows by day, filled with light at night.
ARAD: I wanted to create a stoic and quiet and
memorial. Something that in the face of this enormous tragedy that didn't, you know, scream in retaliation but stood quietly and silently and .
FEYERICK: And beneath the pools...
ARAD: It's seven stories below.
FEYERICK: ...What will become a museum. You will have faces of everybody?
ARAD: Exactly, basically right there.
FEYERICK: Key 9/11 items preserved for eternity, like this stairwell used by hundreds of people as an escape route. That stairwell, which nobody thought would be extraordinary, in fact, became a bridge to safety for so many people.
DANIELS: Exactly, and it represents the story of survival.
FEYERICK: And this wall holding back the Hudson River. Had it been breached, lower Manhattan would have been under water.
DANIELS: This wall is incredibly strong and symbolic. You know, 9/11 we saw the worst of humanity, but in the seconds after it happened we started seeing the best humanity. And these artifacts are gonna speak to that side of the story.
FEYERICK: Deborah Feyerick, CNN, Ground Zero.
Islamic Center Debate
AZUZ: That's not the only construction project around Ground Zero that's getting attention. People are debating plans to build an Islamic center near the site. On Saturday, that debate took to the streets of New York. Rallies were held both for and against the Islamic center, wh an Islamic place of worship. Some people who are opposed to the center argue it's insensitive for it to be built so close to Ground Zero. But the people who are in favor of the center have pointed out that Muslims were victims of 9/11, too. Their hope is that this Islamic center would help promote understanding. There were no reports of any incidents, any fighting, anything like that between the two rallies.
BARBARA HALL, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Time for the Shoutout! What is the highest award given in the U.S. military? Is it the: A) Bronze Star, B) Medal of Honor, C) Purple Heart or D) Medal of Freedom? You've got three seconds -- GO! The Medal of Honor is the military's highest decoration for bravery. That's your answer and that's your Shoutout!
Medal of Honor
AZUZ: The first Medal of Honor was awarded in 1863. More than 3,400 have been given out since that time, but only eight of them have been awarded since the end of the Vietnam War in the 1970s. And all eight of they were given to troops who had lost their lives. Well, that's about to change. Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta has been named as a Medal of Honor winner. Back in 2007, while he was serving in Afghanistan, Giunta helped rescue several of his fellow soldiers after they were ambushed by Taliban fighters. Giunta is currently stationed in Italy. Officials are working to set up a date for him to come to the White House to get his Medal of Honor.
Gas Line Fire
AZUZ: Some residents of a California neighborhood are coming back to their homes after this fire drove them out late last week. Massive blaze. It happened in San Bruno, which is near San Francisco. It killed at least 4 people. As of yesterday, another half-dozen people were missing. 37 houses destroyed. Officials don't know what started the fire. They do know that it came from a gas line that ran through the area. Some of the people who live there say they had filed complaints with the gas company before the fire about a suspicious smell. The company says, so far, it hasn't found any records of those complaints.
TOMEKA JONES, CNN STUDENT NEWS: See if you can I.D. Me! I'm a type of transportation used by around 25 million people. I operate in all 50 U.S. states. My standard color has been yellow since the 1930s. I'm a school bus, and I'm the most popular way of getting to school.
Pay to Ride?
AZUZ: Well, it might be the most popular way of getting to school, but it can also be expensive
they have to pay for fuel and maintenance on the buses. One Massachusetts city is thinking about asking parents to help pay the bus bill. Jonathan Hall of affiliate WHDH drives us through the details.
JONATHAN HALL, REPORTER, WHDH: Just look at this traffic jam outside Barbieri Elementary School, as parents who find themselves without school bus service wait to pick up their young kids. Cars back up outside, with some impatient drivers zipping into the wrong lane just to get by. And there is not a cop nor crossing guard anywhere in sight.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait until the winter comes. This could be even worse.
HALL: In an effort to cut costs, Framingham announced over the summer school bus service would be severely cut. The original plan was to do away with ten buses, saving $500,000. But that would mean no student who lives within two miles of his or her school would get bus transportation, free or otherwise. Outraged parents called their opposition a safety issue.
KAREN AVERY, PARENT: I think two miles is kind of far to ask young children to walk.
MARY ANN WILSON, OPPOSES BUS PLAN: It's horrible. I think it's terrible and given the fact
that Framingham, a lot of streets in Framingham don't have , I think it's another huge issue. And they didn't hire any extra crossing guards. So, you know, not a good plan.
HALL: Now, it could be a money issue. The school committee looking at restoring bus service, but at a big cost: $400 to $500 per student depending on how many people sign up. This woman has two kids. Can you afford $1,000 bucks?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hecks no. WILSON: I think it's outrageous what they're charging. I don't think it should be that much. You are really penalizing the parents and it's not fair. HALL: School officials say they're looking at reality, $6 million worth of cuts that have to come from somewhere.
STEVEN HIERSCHE, SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS: We're trying to do the best we can. You know, the biggest issue is how do we get better funding for schools so that we're not put in this situation of making a series of really bad decisions.
Blog Promo
AZUZ: All right, you know what the bus service could cost. You saw all the parents' cars lined up. We're not sure yet how this'll affect the district's schools, but we have an interesting question for you: What would you do in this situation? Would you earn the money to pay for the bus,
or just start walking? Share your solutions on our blog, CNNStudentNews.com!
Before We Go
AZUZ: We wanted to make sure to
some time for today's Before We Go segment. This barely qualifies as art, but it absolutely qualifies as awesome! A chainsaw carving festival. These wood carvers
to Indiana to show off their sawing skills last week. Takes a lot of time and talent. Most of these guys are amateurs, although some make enough money off their sculptures that this is their full-time job.
AZUZ: It's pretty cool to carve out a living making something people never saw before. I mean, some of those sculptures were off the chain. Anyway, we know that some of you wanna get on our show. You want to see your schools on our Shoutout segment. We did those last year, we're doing them again this year. To find out how to get a Shoutout dedicated to you, go to CNNStudentNews.com. You'll find directions for how your teacher can send us an iReport photo of your school. For CNN Student News, I'm Carl Azuz.
“9·11”九年祭. 九年的时间并没有抚平美国当年的伤痛;美国国会荣誉勋章自越战以来首次颁给尚还健在的士兵;加州天然气管道爆炸死伤惨重, 也许又是一起人祸;经济吃紧, 校车也不再免费了, 麻省一家学校已经酝


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