9c,perfect square是什么么意思

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音标:[ skwɛə ]&&发音:&&过去式: squared&&&过去分词: squared&&&名词复数: squares&&&现在分词: squaring&&&
中文翻译n.1.正方形,四方块,四角;方形物。2.(方形)广场;〔美国〕(四面都是马路的)方阵建筑;街区;(方阵建筑中任何一面)一排房子的长度。3.画线板;丁字规,直角尺,矩尺。4.【数学】平方,二次幂,自乘。5.【军事】方阵。6.【天文学】矩象。7.(象棋盘等的)小方格纵横字谜〔每方格填一字母〕。8.一方〔房屋面积单位,一方为一百平方英尺〕。 9. 含苞未放的棉蕾。10.〔俚语〕古板守旧的人。11.〔美俚〕拳击场。12.〔美俚〕丰富的饭菜〔又叫 square meal〕。短语和例子Trafalgar square 特拉法加广场〔伦敦市内,又名“鸽子广场”〕。 a house a few squares up 两三个街区外的一所房屋。 bring six to square 使6自乘。 a set square 三角板。 by the square 恰好地。 on the square 成直角;诚实地,规规矩矩地;平等地;同等地;〔美俚〕诚实的,公正的,可靠的。 out of square 不成直角,斜;没有秩序地,不规则地;不公平地。adj.1.正方形的;四方的,四角的;成直角的,矩形的。2.宽而结实的(体格、肩膀、船等)。3.适合的,正好的。4.规规矩矩的;光明正大的,正直的,公平的(交易等)。5.同高的,同水准的;平等的,同等的;笔直的,平行的,水平的。6.结清贷借的,两讫的。7.坚决的,断然的(拒绝等),干脆的。8.【数学】平方的,等边的。9.〔俚语〕充实的,令人满意[满足]的,吃得饱的(饭)。10.【航海】和龙骨成直角的(帆桁)。11.〔美俚〕古板守旧的,老派朴质的。短语和例子a man of square frame 肩膀宽阔的人。 a square deal=square dealing 〔口语〕公平的交易[处理]。 a square eater 吃得净光的人。 all square 两清,彼此不欠;扯平,不分胜负;一切安排妥当,很好,很满意。 call it square 当作已清账〔不必再提〕。 get (things) square 〔口语〕整顿。 get square with 〔口语〕和…清算;向…报仇[报复]。 keep ... square to 使…与…成直角。 make a square meal 饱餐一顿。 make accounts square 结清,付清。 square with the world 〔美俚〕与人无借贷关系。adv.1.四四方方地;成直角地;成方形地;笔直地,端正地。2.正直地,公正地,规规矩矩地。3.坚定地,坚实不动的。短语和例子stand square 端正地站着。 play fair and square 表现得公公道道。vt.1.把…弄成方形;使成直角。2.检验…的平直度。3.抬平(肩膀等)。4.调正,修正。5.把(纸张等)划分成方格。6.使方正,使符合,使一致。7.扯平,使贷借相抵,算清,结清。8.【数学】使作自乘。9.【航海】使和桅[龙骨]成直角。10.〔口语〕笼咯,贿赂,收买。vi.1.成直角。2.符合,调和,一致。3.结清。4.【高尔夫球】分数相同。5.【拳击】摆的进攻架势。短语和例子square accounts 清算,结清,付清。 square one's shoulders (吵架前等)抬起肩膀。 Your idea and mine do not square. 你跟我的意见不一致。 square a rap 〔美国〕贿赂官吏。 square away 1. 扬帆顺风驶行。 2. (拳击中)摆好架势。 3. 〔口语〕准备停当,整理好。 square it 〔美国〕改过自新。 square off 〔美国〕(拳击中)摆好架势。 square oneself 〔口语〕认错,赔不是,赔偿损失。 square the circle 作面积等于一个圆的正方形;做异想天开的事。 square up 〔口语〕清账;【拳击】摆好进攻架势。&&&&的平方&&&&括号内为该片原名; 在那里或者是平等的 《不见不散》, 在国外中国人想平等有这可能嘛&&&&精密地; 精确地; 恰好地; 准确地&&&&成直角, 正直, 公平地, 以平等条件, 面对面的; 正直&&&&四方型&&&&成直角&&&&丁字尺。 &&&&丁字尺&&&&虫广场&&&&双膝的移动打法&&&&摆好架势&&&&广场&&&&丁字尺&&&&用在&&&&一张方脸&&&&大吃一顿,饱餐&&&&一平方码&&&&方案方块&&&&可调尺&&&&艾伯特广场&&&&多位选手在比洞察赛中打平; 款项全清; 势均力敌, 不相上下&&&&安布希扎图武广场&&&&角尺&&&&士兵广场&&&&正方形&&&&斯夸尔乔内
例句与用法In writing , make the characters square and upright .字要写得方正。The square matrix is called a diagonal matrix .该方矩阵称为对角矩阵。This room is 16 square metres in area .这个房间的面积为16平方米。The statue stands by itself in the square .广场上孤零零地立着这座雕像。There were huge crowd of people in the square .广场上人山人海。Let's cope with the matter fair and square .让我们光明正大地处理这件事。He saw that he was now in a square courtyard .他发现他已来到一个四方院。Open squares and soak in tepid water .打开方纱布,泡入温水中。The monument towers aloft on the square .纪念碑耸立在广场上。Well, everything squared up here ?嗯,这儿一切都清点好了吗?更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释having four equal sides and four right angles or f "a square peg in a round hole"; "a square corner"characterized by
"straight dealing"; "a square deal"同义词:,
"hit the ball squarely"; "the bat met the ball squarely"; "planted his great bulk square before his enemy"同义词:, ,
"a squarely cut piece of paper"; "folded the sheet of paper square"同义词:, , in a "looked him squarely in the eye"; "ran square into me"同义词:, ,
"hit the ball squarely"; "the bat met the ball squarely"; "planted his great bulk square before his enemy"同义词:, ,
"a squarely cut piece of paper"; "folded the sheet of paper square"同义词:, , in a "looked him squarely in the eye"; "ran square into me"同义词:, , rigidly conventional or old-fashioned同义词:, without e "a square contradiction"; "he is not being as straightforward as it appears"同义词:, ,
"my account with you is now all square"providing
"a hearty meal"; "good solid food"; "ate a substantial breakfast"; "four square meals a day"同义词:, , , ,
"Square the circle"; "square the wood with a file"同义词:, raise to the second powerturn the oar, while rowing同义词:,
in canoeing同义词:, positio "He squared his shoulders"pay someo "I squared with him" "one idea squares with another"cause to match, as of ideas or actsa hand tool consisting of two straight
used to construct
"the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square"any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides a "a checkerboard has 64 squares"an open area at the meeting of two or more streets同义词:, a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views同义词:, someone who doesn''t understand what is going on同义词:, the produc "nine is the second power of three"; "gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance"同义词:, (geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides a a four-s "you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides"同义词:, something approximating the shape of a square
百科解释In geometry, a square is a regular quadrilateral. This means that it has four equal sides and four equal angles (90-degree angles, or right angles).详细百科解释
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木作是什么意思 木作在线翻译 木作什么意思 木作的意思 木作的翻译 木作的解释 木作的发音 木作的同义词 木作的反义词 木作的例句
木作 基本解释木作词典:木工手艺,木匠业。词典:木制品;木器;木工活;木工手艺。词典:木作。木作 网络解释1. carpenter'swork:carpenter'stryingplane 木工粗刨 | carpenter'swork 木作 | carpenterant 木蚁木作 双语例句1. 简洁现代感为题的客、餐厅开放式布局,避免过多木作硬体或不必要的装置技巧压缩空间,设计者选择以活动式家具划分区域使用性,如长沙发、矮柜等带出视觉上的立体层次,打造能舒适作息;且轻盈无压力的起居空间。&&&&A simple but contemporary living area is created an open layout to reduce the unnecessary timer works. Designer chooses the movable furniture that could divide the regions in two parts. For example, the long couch and the cabinet will bring the 3D level up and create a comfortable living.2. 30:5 要用皂荚木作杠,用金包裹。&&&&And make these rods of the same wood, plating them with gold.3. 用松木作门两扇。这扇分两扇,是摺叠的。那扇分两扇。也是摺叠的。&&&&And the two doors were of fir tree: the two leaves of the one door were folding, and the two4. 木作的解释4. 6:34 用松木作门两扇。这扇分两扇,是摺叠的。那扇分两扇。也是摺叠的。&&&&And the two doors were of fir tree: the two leaves of the one door were folding, and the two leaves of the other door were folding.5. 5. 6:34 用松木作门两扇、这扇分两扇、是摺叠的、那扇分两扇、也是摺叠的。&&&&And two folding doors of cypress-wood, with two leaves.6. 10:3 于是我用皂荚木作了一个柜,又凿出两块石版,和先前的一样,手里拿着这两块版上山去了。&&&&So I made an ark of acacia wood and cut two tablets of stone and I went up to the mountain with the two tablets in my hand.7. 你要用皂荚木作闩,为帐幕这面的板作五闩&&&&Also make crossbars of acacia wood: five for the frames on one side of the tabernacle8. 38:1 他用皂荚木作燔祭坛,是四方的,长五肘,宽五肘,高三肘&&&&And he made the altar of burnt offering of shittim wood: five cu...9. 於是我用皂荚木作了一柜、又凿出两块石版和先前的一样、手里拿这两块版上山去了。&&&&And I made an ark shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand.10. 木作10. 某些主题之探讨包括钢筋混凝土、钢结构与工程木作设计,以及各类张力系统的介绍。&&&&Some of the topics covered include reinforced concrete, steel and engineered wood design, and an introduction to tensile systems.11. 如果你想见到一扇用一整块老像木作的,并包着铁,用铆钉钉牢门环和铰链的门,你得去参观一座漂亮的老式城堡的房间。&&&&&&If you want to see a solid piece of seasoned oak, bound with iron and riveted to huge hasps and hinges, visit a nice old-fashioned chamber in a manor house.12. 我国在隋唐以后,建筑木作有了明确的用材制度,当时已用“锯解制材”之法。&&&&&&After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, China evidently had a log system in architecture when the frame saw was used to divide wood.13. 13. 36:20 他用皂荚木作帐幕的竖板。&&&&&&And for the uprights of the House they made boards of hard wood.14. 木作14. 出37:25他用皂荚木作香坛、是四方的、长一肘、宽一肘、高二肘.坛的四角、与坛接连一块。&&&&&&Then he made the altar of incense of acacia wood: a cubit long and a cubit wide, square, its horns were of one piece with it.15. 木作技术的发展为我国古代木构建筑体系的产生提供了基础。&&&&&&The system of ancient architecture of China formedwas based on the development of wood-made technologies.16. 16. 001 你要用皂荚木作一座烧香的坛。&&&&&&And you shall make an altar to burn incense upon: of shittim wood shall you make it.17. 17. 015 你要用皂荚木作帐幕的竖板。&&&&&&And you shall make boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood standing up.18. 30:1 你要用皂荚木作一座烧香的坛。&&&&&&And you shall make an altar on w you shall make it of acacia wood.19. 30:5 要用皂荚木作两根杠,用金包裹。&&&&&&And you shall make the poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold.20. 木作20. 出36:20他用皂荚木作帐幕的竖板。&&&&&&And he made boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood, standing up.木作是什么意思,木作在线翻译,木作什么意思,木作的意思,木作的翻译,木作的解释,木作的发音,木作的同义词,木作的反义词,木作的例句,木作的相关词组,木作意思是什么,木作怎么翻译,单词木作是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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