Interstellarroyal mariness这游戏究竟怎么样

星际舰队(Interstellar Marines)无敌版(附调查)为17yy玩家提供【星际舰队(Interstellar Marines)无敌版】、终极无敌版、变态版、修改版、中文无敌版、增强版、加强版、无限金钱版等游戏版本,提供更加丰富的游戏体验。如果星际舰队(Interstellar Marines)还没有无敌版,或者无敌版本不能满足大家的需求,大家还可以通过调查提交您对星际舰队(Interstellar Marines)游戏的宝贵意见。
[][][][][][][][][][][][][][]POPULAR DISCUSSIONS
This update brings some new features, some returning content, and fixes. The Annual XMayhem mode has returned once again with the special achievements unlockable only during the event. We also have a brand new map created by Auxsiren that’s a complete overhaul of Evacuation (Evac 1 will still be playable in the map pool). There are also now special camos for CTRs that you can see specifically per map, this is a big step to add in player skins. Included as well is a new party system included to help you team up with your friends, chat with them, and more. Finally there are fixes for bugs as well as the crashes from last update.
From all of us here at Zero Point Software, we’d like to thank you for supporting the game and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Your Team at Zero Point Software
What's New
ADDED: Winter XMayhem Game Mode on Mainline Winter
ADDED: New Evacuation 2 map to multiplayer
ADDED: Ability to add variable skins to CTRs. This is a major step to in-game player skins
ADDED: Nine CTR skins. CTRs now have map-specific skins, with many of them camouflaged
ADDED: Party system to team up with friends, audio/visual invite notifications, chat room + additional features
ADDED: Inviting friends into a Hell Week game will spawn them close to you in the same zone, and in your team
ADDED: Chat system to menu view when in-game (press ESC to access)
ADDED: Kill confirmed and Zone captured messages are stacked on top of each other
ADDED: Mission successful +XP message when completing a single player/coop/multiplayer mission/match
ADDED: Revive successful message when player is revived
ADDED: Warning messages for low health, team kill warning and revive needed
ADDED: Variable delay to TP popup messages
UPDATED: The NeuroGen Incident with new spawn points for players joining mid-game. Joining during end game will place joining player as a spectator
UPDATED: Nucleus with additional check point spawns for players joining mid-game
UPDATED: Chat system with Spearhead, Best Clan, Dev icons, UI improvements, message notification improvements, button to open/close etc
UPDATED: Clicking a player name in chat will bring up the Steam overlay with their profile (need Steam overlay enabled to work)
UPDATED: In Hell Week, when players up for elimination have the same score, decision of who to eliminate is random rather than player-name based
UPDATED: XMayhem game mode to be compatible with the new additions from 2015
UPDATED: T-IM101 has 8 x health, and does 4 x damage, compared to regular Marine
UPDATED: Xmayhem gift announcer loop
UPDATED: If a revive is halted, player's bleedout timer is set to percentage of revive completed, if higher than bleedout timer
UPDATED: In Hell Week, if a player is eliminated by any means other than the elimination timer, bleedout timer is reset
UPDATED: Nucleus elevator with all onboard elevator trigger to prevent players being stuck, and grid to stop players falling off
UPDATED: Nucleus with cull groups, rather than disabling the sub level, when player reaches top level
UPDATED: Hit markers are accurate to the hit location
UPDATED: UI icons scale according to resolution instead of being a fixed size
UPDATED: UI icons counter-scale when zooming in
UPDATED: Changed neutral zone colour to be more visible, and best team colour to be light purple
UPDATED: Match Completed +XP shown at the end of a match, Match Won +XP shown for the winners
UPDATED: End of game horn + win/lose music play at end of Team Domination and Team Deathmatch games
UPDATED: Hell Week shows Survived Hell Week +XP message for surviving players at game end
UPDATED: Revive TP score is 25XP
UPDATED: Size of Team Domination corners increased for greater visibility
UPDATED: Deadlock capture zones have different capture/finishing beeps for clarity
UPDATED: Resort map with cull groups and new nav mesh
UPDATED: Multiplayer thumbnail in main menu for some Christmas cheer!
UPDATED: Browser ping and quick join systems temporarily removed
UPDATED: Supply crate icons updated and improved
FIXED: &Crashing to desktop with no error log&
FIXED: &Negative HW score when collecting CPs just as the game ends&
FIXED: &Resetting of items in a Hell Week server now occurs correctly&
FIXED: &Map settings for correct ahievement progress on Colony, Nucleus and Operations&
FIXED: &Treasure Hunter and Fort Knox achievements&
FIXED: &Late-joining players seeing already-used waypoints&
FIXED: &Team scores in TDOM/TDM showing in wrong colour/wrong position&
FIXED: &Disconnected players no longer shown as connected in Mission Overview when moving to another zone&
FIXED: &Player icons randomly flashing on screen when player is joining&
FIXED: &Kill confirmed icons show when enemies kill each other&
FIXED: &Screen flashing white when entering a match&
FIXED: &Press space to spawn is no longer displayed when a player has been eliminated in Hell Week&
FIXED: &Reviving a player pauses the bleed out time&
FIXED: &Spectator mode correctly shows players, kill markers and zones&
FIXED: &Removed HUD instantiation from dedicated servers&
FIXED: &Two Deathmatch spawns in Mainline Winter&
FIXED: &Chat correctly scrolls to bottom when Player Joined Server, and You Have An Invitation messages are added&
FIXED: &Light handler issue, which caused the light handler intensity contribution to be overridden&
FIXED: &Nav mesh in Operations - Survival A&
Known Issues
The Welcome Tutorial achievement is not working (due to an incorrect setting in the map)
The gamepad implementation is early and experimental, so may cause issues
When viewed up-close, some CTR heads may increase in size
Some vegetation appears to have black edges
The number of players in the Friends Lobby may not update until the lobby tab is clicked on
Players may sometimes fall through the floor of a map
Standing in a doorway when the door closes may result in the player being pushed vertically
The HUD names and kill messages will be clipped on aspect ratios that are less wide than 16:10
The game will stop updating when switching out of fullscreen in Windows. If you are on a moving elevator or platform, this will cause you to fall through it. If you are in a Party, this will disconnect you from the Party
View jittering may occur when jumping on lossy networks
Other players will seem to float above or interpenetrate while standing on a moving dynamic platforms (network smoothing will exaggerate this effect)
Player may sometimes spawn with no ammo in one or both weapons. Reloading fixes this
We now have a big hotfix ready for you guys. We heard all your feedback, bug reports, and are tackling the biggest issues of this update. Below is the changelog and we’ll be monitoring how the update is faring. There are still some issues we’re working hard on fixing like the random crashes and the occasionally clipping through the world. Those two issues are top priority for us and we’ll be trying to crack down on these specifically.
Thank you all for patiently waiting and we hope you enjoy it!
Your team at Zero Point Software
Update 23 Hotfix 1
Version: 0.5.23
Released: 11th November, 2015
What's New
ADDED: Last 20 messages and message of the day to global chat
ADDED: Join button to global chat. When a player joins a server, a blue join button appears in the chat. Client-side only, and limited to max 3 at a time
ADDED: On/off button for XBOX controller added to menu settings
ADDED: Run/walk when strafing with an XBOX controller
ADDED: Chat log to global chat
UPDATED: Industrial Hell Week map with restrictions to roof access
UPDATED: Weapons handling updated and tweaked
UPDATED: Removed CTR killed messages from Hell Week
UPDATED: Player colour in global chat to match in-game chat colour
FIXED: &Steam leaderboards not updating&
FIXED: &Steam achievements not working&
FIXED: &New steam achievements&
FIXED: &Back packs not being correctly removed in Hell Week&
FIXED: &All aboard trigger not working in several coop missions when a player leaves the server when dead but not bled out&
FIXED: &Framerate drops caused by CTRs going into a loop which caused them to attempt to rotate at an infinite speed&
FIXED: &Assault on Starcrown Aerospace&
FIXED: &Excessively large servers logs which could cause server crashes&
FIXED: &Negative player scores in Hell Week&
FIXED: &Several HUD elements not visible in different resolutions&
FIXED: &Capturing a zone audio notification only audible when looking at the centre of the zone&
FIXED: &Max chat server clients set too low&
FIXED: &Chat server requesting unavailable RPC from client&
FIXED: &Audio notifications when firing at a friendly or enemy&
FIXED: &Number keys not switching weapons when XBOX controller plugged in&
FIXED: &Zoom not working correctly when XBOX controller plugged in&
FIXED: &Stuck in bleed out&
FIXED: &Randomly moving between players when spectating when dead in multiplayer. NOTE: this is untested&
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13 June, 2009
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interstellar marines是什么游戏
动作与冒险要素,游戏将结合单人与4人合作模式。原来以《Project IM》为开发计划代号的《星际舰队》主要是以未来的宇宙为舞台,将让玩家在游戏中体验到难以预料的剧情,玩家加入了宇宙陆战队将面对与外星人的严苛战斗考验、发行的科幻类射击游戏《星际舰队(Interstellar Marines)》公布了最新宣传片、第一人称射击,为原创的故事星际舰队 由Zero Point Sofware一手开发。   《星际舰队》融合了科幻
包含 28 項 Steam 成就
名稱: Interstellar Marines
類型: , , , ,
發售日: 2013 年 07 月 2 日
&We have this crazy idea that an independent game developer can develop something the size and quality of a AAA game, by having the community take the role of publisher. We call this concept AAA-Indie. This gives players the game they want, instead of the game a greedy publisher wants them to have. We know Interstellar Marines is going to take a long time to make, after all we’re making a AAA game without the size or resources of a AAA studio. So rather than toiling away behind closed doors we want to spend this time with you, the player, and share the experience all the way from pre-alpha to the release version.&
&This is for the love of the game, not the money. We'll be in Early Access until we have delivered our ambitious vision or Valve decides to shut down Early Access. So... a long friggin time.&
&Spearhead and Frontliner Editions will only be available in Early Access for those brave enough to support our quest to create a AAA-Indie game! For the full version we plan on having a Regular and Deluxe Edition. As far as features our plans for the full version include:
First Person Simulation
A razor-sharp focus on creating a truly immersive First Person Simulator via distinct graphics, audio, and gameplay.
Tactical Co-op
The entire game experience designed from the ground up to support up to 4 players in co-op, with true cooperative interaction.
Progressive Role-Playing
Flat and classless progressive character development and skill system that is not dumbed down for consoles.
Nonlinear Game Design
Open and dynamic game world that always presents a multitude of tactical options for navigating the environment.
Customizable Arsenal
A comprehensive selection of weapon models and types, extension upgrades and equipment options, allowing on-the-fly choice in each tactical situation.
Thinking AI
Enemies that react to input from you and the surrounding game world. We would rather have one smart enemy than five stupid ones.
Believable Science Fiction
Realistic and rich sci-fi environments, ranging from claustrophobic space stations to large outdoor worlds.
Interactive Storyline
A cinematic narrative centered around first contact with another sentient species, where your choices and actions will have consequences.
The full version will be more SP/Co-op focused than the current Early Access version where we are implementing and testing new mechanics primarily in a PvP multiplayer environment.&
&The game is in pre-alpha and players can expect to experience bugs, missing features, incomplete content, and some game breaking issues. Still, we have a couple community members with over a thousand hours in-game, and many with hundreds of hours. In the portion of the game currently available you are training in a top secret facility 2km beneath Groom Lake Nevada. These are the features you can experience right now:
Hell Week Event
2 SP/Co-op Campaign Missions*
4 Difficulty Levels
5 Challenge Missions
9 Multiplayer Maps
Dynamic Environment Effects
3 PvP Game Modes
100% Dynamic Lighting
Destructible Light Fixtures
Full-body Character Simulation
Visor Affected by Fog, Dust, and Rain
Spectator Mode
Movie Mode
Playground Mode
3 weapons**
Tactical Laser
Tactical Flashlight
Ragdoll Physics
28 Steam Achievements
Dedicated Servers Worldwide
*(Currently available as stand-alone missions)
**(pistol currently uses placeholder model)
We have a small but active multiplayer community. Look
to see when the most people will be on for you to play with, it is usually during the evenings in North America and Europe. There is also a budding esports scene at
that we sponsor.&
&We intend for the price to follow the value of the game. Expect it to gradually rise as we ship new content, but we may need to lower the price on rare occasions to correct for market conditions.&
&The community can follow our progress on the
and vote for features they want to see. They will also be able to report and track bugs once we choose a bug tracking software. Players can also interact with the developers on the forums, in bi-weekly community get-togethers on our TeamSpeak Server, and at hosted esports events as soon as game features support it.&
購買 Interstellar Marines
Early Access to Interstellar Marines, including all future updates and expansions.
購買 Interstellar Marines 4-Pack
Get one copy for yourself and give the other three to friends!
購買 Interstellar Marines - Spearhead Edition
Early Access to Interstellar Marines including all future updates and expansions + Join the Spearhead unit (unique honorary game profile) + Your username in the Hall of Honor and your name in the credits of the game + Digital download of the Interstellar Marines: The Beginning soundtrack and all future soundtracks + Digital download of art book when it’s ready + Get 1 extra Interstellar Marines Steam Key to gift to a friend.
購買 Interstellar Marines - Upgrade to Spearhead Edition
Interstellar Marines - Spearhead Edition Upgrade
"Nice Early Access First person tactical shooter game with more to come. S Campaign, Co-op, Multi-player with lots of fun and things to do."
2015 年 12 月 18 日
This update brings some new features, some returning content, and fixes. The Annual XMayhem mode has returned once again with the special achievements unlockable only during the event. We also have a brand new map created by Auxsiren that’s a complete overhaul of Evacuation (Evac 1 will still be playable in the map pool). There are also now special camos for CTRs that you can see specifically per map, this is a big step to add in player skins. Included as well is a new party system included to help you team up with your friends, chat with them, and more. Finally there are fixes for bugs as well as the crashes from last update.
From all of us here at Zero Point Software, we’d like to thank you for supporting the game and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Your Team at Zero Point Software
What's New
ADDED: Winter XMayhem Game Mode on Mainline Winter
ADDED: New Evacuation 2 map to multiplayer
ADDED: Ability to add variable skins to CTRs. This is a major step to in-game player skins
ADDED: Nine CTR skins. CTRs now have map-specific skins, with many of them camouflaged
ADDED: Party system to team up with friends, audio/visual invite notifications, chat room + additional features
ADDED: Inviting friends into a Hell Week game will spawn them close to you in the same zone, and in your team
ADDED: Chat system to menu view when in-game (press ESC to access)
ADDED: Kill confirmed and Zone captured messages are stacked on top of each other
ADDED: Mission successful +XP message when completing a single player/coop/multiplayer mission/match
ADDED: Revive successful message when player is revived
ADDED: Warning messages for low health, team kill warning and revive needed
ADDED: Variable delay to TP popup messages
UPDATED: The NeuroGen Incident with new spawn points for players joining mid-game. Joining during end game will place joining player as a spectator
UPDATED: Nucleus with additional check point spawns for players joining mid-game
UPDATED: Chat system with Spearhead, Best Clan, Dev icons, UI improvements, message notification improvements, button to open/close etc
UPDATED: Clicking a player name in chat will bring up the Steam overlay with their profile (need Steam overlay enabled to work)
UPDATED: In Hell Week, when players up for elimination have the same score, decision of who to eliminate is random rather than player-name based
UPDATED: XMayhem game mode to be compatible with the new additions from 2015
UPDATED: T-IM101 has 8 x health, and does 4 x damage, compared to regular Marine
UPDATED: Xmayhem gift announcer loop
UPDATED: If a revive is halted, player's bleedout timer is set to percentage of revive completed, if higher than bleedout timer
UPDATED: In Hell Week, if a player is eliminated by any means other than the elimination timer, bleedout timer is reset
UPDATED: Nucleus elevator with all onboard elevator trigger to prevent players being stuck, and grid to stop players falling off
UPDATED: Nucleus with cull groups, rather than disabling the sub level, when player reaches top level
UPDATED: Hit markers are accurate to the hit location
UPDATED: UI icons scale according to resolution instead of being a fixed size
UPDATED: UI icons counter-scale when zooming in
UPDATED: Changed neutral zone colour to be more visible, and best team colour to be light purple
UPDATED: Match Completed +XP shown at the end of a match, Match Won +XP shown for the winners
UPDATED: End of game horn + win/lose music play at end of Team Domination and Team Deathmatch games
UPDATED: Hell Week shows Survived Hell Week +XP message for surviving players at game end
UPDATED: Revive TP score is 25XP
UPDATED: Size of Team Domination corners increased for greater visibility
UPDATED: Deadlock capture zones have different capture/finishing beeps for clarity
UPDATED: Resort map with cull groups and new nav mesh
UPDATED: Multiplayer thumbnail in main menu for some Christmas cheer!
UPDATED: Browser ping and quick join systems temporarily removed
UPDATED: Supply crate icons updated and improved
FIXED: &Crashing to desktop with no error log&
FIXED: &Negative HW score when collecting CPs just as the game ends&
FIXED: &Resetting of items in a Hell Week server now occurs correctly&
FIXED: &Map settings for correct ahievement progress on Colony, Nucleus and Operations&
FIXED: &Treasure Hunter and Fort Knox achievements&
FIXED: &Late-joining players seeing already-used waypoints&
FIXED: &Team scores in TDOM/TDM showing in wrong colour/wrong position&
FIXED: &Disconnected players no longer shown as connected in Mission Overview when moving to another zone&
FIXED: &Player icons randomly flashing on screen when player is joining&
FIXED: &Kill confirmed icons show when enemies kill each other&
FIXED: &Screen flashing white when entering a match&
FIXED: &Press space to spawn is no longer displayed when a player has been eliminated in Hell Week&
FIXED: &Reviving a player pauses the bleed out time&
FIXED: &Spectator mode correctly shows players, kill markers and zones&
FIXED: &Removed HUD instantiation from dedicated servers&
FIXED: &Two Deathmatch spawns in Mainline Winter&
FIXED: &Chat correctly scrolls to bottom when Player Joined Server, and You Have An Invitation messages are added&
FIXED: &Light handler issue, which caused the light handler intensity contribution to be overridden&
FIXED: &Nav mesh in Operations - Survival A&
Known Issues
The Welcome Tutorial achievement is not working (due to an incorrect setting in the map)
The gamepad implementation is early and experimental, so may cause issues
When viewed up-close, some CTR heads may increase in size
Some vegetation appears to have black edges
The number of players in the Friends Lobby may not update until the lobby tab is clicked on
Players may sometimes fall through the floor of a map
Standing in a doorway when the door closes may result in the player being pushed vertically
The HUD names and kill messages will be clipped on aspect ratios that are less wide than 16:10
The game will stop updating when switching out of fullscreen in Windows. If you are on a moving elevator or platform, this will cause you to fall through it. If you are in a Party, this will disconnect you from the Party
View jittering may occur when jumping on lossy networks
Other players will seem to float above or interpenetrate while standing on a moving dynamic platforms (network smoothing will exaggerate this effect)
Player may sometimes spawn with no ammo in one or both weapons. Reloading fixes this
2015 年 11 月 11 日
We now have a big hotfix ready for you guys. We heard all your feedback, bug reports, and are tackling the biggest issues of this update. Below is the changelog and we’ll be monitoring how the update is faring. There are still some issues we’re working hard on fixing like the random crashes and the occasionally clipping through the world. Those two issues are top priority for us and we’ll be trying to crack down on these specifically.
Thank you all for patiently waiting and we hope you enjoy it!
Your team at Zero Point Software
Update 23 Hotfix 1
Version: 0.5.23
Released: 11th November, 2015
What's New
ADDED: Last 20 messages and message of the day to global chat
ADDED: Join button to global chat. When a player joins a server, a blue join button appears in the chat. Client-side only, and limited to max 3 at a time
ADDED: On/off button for XBOX controller added to menu settings
ADDED: Run/walk when strafing with an XBOX controller
ADDED: Chat log to global chat
UPDATED: Industrial Hell Week map with restrictions to roof access
UPDATED: Weapons handling updated and tweaked
UPDATED: Removed CTR killed messages from Hell Week
UPDATED: Player colour in global chat to match in-game chat colour
FIXED: &Steam leaderboards not updating&
FIXED: &Steam achievements not working&
FIXED: &New steam achievements&
FIXED: &Back packs not being correctly removed in Hell Week&
FIXED: &All aboard trigger not working in several coop missions when a player leaves the server when dead but not bled out&
FIXED: &Framerate drops caused by CTRs going into a loop which caused them to attempt to rotate at an infinite speed&
FIXED: &Assault on Starcrown Aerospace&
FIXED: &Excessively large servers logs which could cause server crashes&
FIXED: &Negative player scores in Hell Week&
FIXED: &Several HUD elements not visible in different resolutions&
FIXED: &Capturing a zone audio notification only audible when looking at the centre of the zone&
FIXED: &Max chat server clients set too low&
FIXED: &Chat server requesting unavailable RPC from client&
FIXED: &Audio notifications when firing at a friendly or enemy&
FIXED: &Number keys not switching weapons when XBOX controller plugged in&
FIXED: &Zoom not working correctly when XBOX controller plugged in&
FIXED: &Stuck in bleed out&
FIXED: &Randomly moving between players when spectating when dead in multiplayer. NOTE: this is untested&
UPDATE 24 AVAILABLE - Interstellar Marines resurrects the old school tactical FPS, offering a unique blend of co-op, role-playing*, and non-linear gameplay. Set in a believable future, you take on the role of an elite operative handpicked to join Project IM, a top secret military program being assembled to protect mankind from all dangers outside our solar system.
Interstellar Marines is inspired by movies such as Aliens, Starship Troopers and Final F and games such as Half-Life, System Shock 2, and Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield. Interstellar Marines is all about evolving the FPS recipe with all the inspirations we've assimilated since the birth of the genre. Our goal is an evolutionary leap forward driven by our compulsive interest in science fiction, role-playing, military realism, and respect for first person immersion.
*role-playing not yet implemented
Since man first raised his head to the stars above, he has dreamed of conquering space. Interstellar Marines is the age old dream come true. It is the dawn of the 22nd century, a time of great hopes and expectations. The discovery of a new and inexhaustible well of power known as Zero Point Energy has revolutionized space travel. Man has escaped the confines of Mother Earth, and gone on to colonize the solar system.
But far away from public awareness an ambitious military project has already taken Man beyond the final frontier, and into the regions of the stars. The powerful Interplanetary Treaty Organization, ITO, is secretly constructing the first human settlement in another star system. You are a new member of the Interstellar Marines, a secret battalion within the ITO special forces created to protect humanity against potential threats from the confines of the unknown universe.
Now gear up Marine, we’ve got training to do! Welcome to Project IM.
New Hell Week Event
Featuring 9 New and unique areas where 64 players battle until only 4 are left standing! This event runs every 3 hours in each timezone, so there’s always one somewhere in the world starting at the top of every hour.
We also have a Steam Leaderboard for Hell Week here which tracks Combat Points globally, monthly, and survivors of Hell Week. We'll let you know more about Hell Week Finals when it’s ready.
7 Singleplayer/Co-op Missions
Play 5 co-op and single-player missions against unscripted AI with dynamic environment effects or two pivotal missions inside the Interstellar Marines universe, The NeuroGen Incident and Assault on Starcrown Aerospace. Play singleplayer or co-op with up to three friends in intense action with more co-op and singleplayer missions to come!
9 Unique Multiplayer Maps Across 3 Game Modes
Take your friends out in Deadlock, Deathmatch, and Team Deathmatch on maps featuring dynamic environment effects such as time of day, rain, thunder and lightning, emergency lighting, fire alarms, moving platforms etc.
Realistic Simulation
With a physics-based dynamic character controller there are no floating hands, and you can even see your feet! The physically present combat helmet has a HUD projected onto the visor and is affected by dust, rain, fogging, and damage. Aim down the sight for the long shots and use the tactical laser to assist aim when hip firing, as there are no artificial crosshairs to break immersion. Use the intuitive cro spacebar (default) peeks over cover, and looking down leans you forward to see over ledges. You can also shoot out the lights and prowl in darkness, or use the tactical flashlight if you’re afraid of the dark.
We hope you enjoy the game, and look forward to developing it with you as we progress through Early Access!
Your team at Zero Point Software
SteamOS + Linux
OS:Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista
Processor:2.4 GHz Dual Core
Memory:2 GB GB RAM
Graphics:Nvidia Geforce 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 4770
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX 9.0c Compatible
*1 map, Neurogen Incident, temporarily requires 64-bit OS and 4 GB RAM until it is optimized
OS:Win 7 or later
Processor:2.4 GHz Quad Core
Memory:4 GB GB RAM
Graphics:Nvidia Geforce GTX 280 / ATI Radeon HD 5830
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX 9.0c Compatible
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
*1 map, Neurogen Incident, temporarily requires 64-bit OS and 4 GB RAM until it is optimized
OS:10.7.5 (Lion)
Processor:2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:Nvidia Geforce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3850
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
*1 map, Neurogen Incident, temporarily requires 64-bit OS and 4 GB RAM until it is optimized
OS:10.8.2 (Mountain Lion)
Processor:2.4 GHz Intel Quad Core
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:Nvidia Geforce GT 120 / ATI Radeon HD 4870
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
*1 map, Neurogen Incident, temporarily requires 64-bit OS and 4 GB RAM until it is optimized
Processor:2.4 GHz Dual Core
Memory:2 GB GB RAM
Graphics:Nvidia Geforce 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 4770
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
*1 map, Neurogen Incident, temporarily requires 64-bit OS and 4 GB RAM until it is optimized
OS:Latest version of Ubuntu (14.04)
Processor:2.4 GHz Quad Core
Memory:4 GB GB RAM
Graphics:Nvidia Geforce GTX 280 / ATI Radeon HD 5830
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
*1 map, Neurogen Incident, temporarily requires 64-bit OS and 4 GB RAM until it is optimized
(C) 2016 Zero Point Software A/S. Interstellar Marines is currently in an early pre-alpha state. Expect unfinished features, unbalanced gameplay, unoptimized performance and the occasional bugs and crashes. For the love of the game. WARNING: Prolonged exposure to the awesome vision of Interstellar Marines might result in a severe affection and attachment to science fiction, tactical co-op and first person simulation. All Rights Reserved.
9.4 記錄時數
The team behind this game has great passion and great ideas for this game, but they lack the funds or the manpower to follow through with this project. I am sorry to give them a negative review but this game honestly just isn't worth it at this point. The community is dead with only one or two servers actually having players on them, and the gameplay gets a bit boring after a bit.Stay far away from this sinking ship.
3.6 記錄時數
Came for the sharks, left because of the years of silly multiplayer updates.
Came for the coop with my friends, left because of the boredom that arises from shooting the same robots on the same maps.
有 1 位使用者對這則評論感到有趣
6.2 記錄時數
Pros: -good weather effects -great sound design-does nights/darkness right-decent variety of mapsCon:-Co-op missions are boring -incredibly slow development -potentially vaporware -barely any content -multiplayer is mostly dead -only 3 usable weapons In all honestly I can't recommend this game since it feels like another EA scam. The game started out with one weapon, no sprint, no crouching, no jumping, multiplayer and 2-3 maps. Now a few years later we have 3 guns, sprint, crouching, jumping, a few more maps, co-op missions, AI controlled robots. I don't see it going anywhere and I don't see why anyone should invest into this game since it still is barebones and not worth the current asking price. The devs will eventually run out of money and release this as unfinished product or maybe it will be stuck in EA limbo forever.So unless the development process speeds up and they actually add something meaningful to this game I can't recommend it
5.0 記錄時數
It's been 3 years and the devs still have not released a polished coop component.
有 7 位使用者認為這則評論很有趣
0.5 記錄時數
I can't give a final verdict on this game as it is still being developed. Come back here when it's finally released, my grandchildren will update the review and give their impressions
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