求bitchthis is police 攻略攻略 谢谢

炮灰攻略 作者:莞尔wr意外死亡后百合得到了生存的机会,为了保持现状,她不得不穿越各式各样的奇葩文中完成任务。前不久已经完结了,觉得作者是越写越好,但就是结尾……
《炮灰女配的无限逆袭》 作者:蜀椒梓箐到死才发现其实自己就是一个为了成全别人任务而存在的炮灰女配。主神说,每个人都有一次逆袭的机会。梓箐发现在系统的帮助下轻易就可以达到人生的巅峰,她还发现主神空间存在的另一层含义。主神又说,知进退懂克制观全局,可以成为空间一员,你的任务就是为所有炮灰女配的人生逆袭……梓箐发现,虽然逆袭的是别人的人生,可增长的确是自己的属性值,唔,这个交易划算。作者构思很大,写的也很好,目前仍在连载,不过已经很肥非常肥~~
炮灰当自强  作者:夷陵 要虐渣更要自强,要让渣男恶女付出代价,也要让人生走向光明大道。
炮灰晋级计划书  作者:快乐小巫婆 让渣男渣女来的猛烈些吧
炮灰大作战作者:矛盾的橙子穿越到各个任务世界帮人报仇雪恨、完成心愿。遭遇各路渣男贱女、白莲绿茶……三观受到冲击的童心兰表示:对待人渣仁慈,就是对无辜好人的最大伤害!该杀的剁了!该阉的切掉!该浸猪笼的,慢着,将奸夫一并关进去!——————————————————————————委托者a:你要比那白莲更白莲!(OK) 委托者b:你要比那绿茶更bitch!(OK) 委托者c:我要你亲手把那渣男阉了(O,尼煤) 童心兰心里一颤,亲手阉了?系统,这个任务能不接么? 系统0561:不接?任务失败,抹杀。 童心兰讪讪一笑,死道友不死贫道,只是切块肉罢了,
[综]头号炮灰 作者:兰桂简介:国际影后苏雪云意外去世  却被选中穿梭于异世间  替代别人的身份去化解一个个炮灰的怨气…… 
快穿之男配攻略 小说作者: 梅开她是位面协会中的一个系统,一个攻略系统,一个升级版的攻略系统!
快穿之女配攻略作者: 夜空飞行天啦噜!这年头的小三都战斗力biubiu了吗?想我堂堂正宫凉凉竟然被一个小三开车给撞死了!撞死了!死了!了!妈个鸡!这样都能死!天理何在啊喂!系统:你,想要活下去吗?徐金灵(抱大腿状):想啊大人!奴家做梦都想回去找那对狗男女聊人生呢!嘤嘤嘤~系统:……走你!于是,被三了的徐金灵为了活下去不得不踏上了‘拆cp,当小三’的康庄大陆!只是——等等!为什么我会是女配?!这绝逼不公平(&﹏&)
快穿女配男神请躺好 作者: 樱桃小萌子为了复仇,她把灵魂卖给一个强大的男人。为了复仇,开始穿越不同的世界!这是一个什么奇葩的世界,遇到的都是极品,绿茶婊,白莲花,玛丽苏,渣男!!炮灰逆袭,所向无敌,男神通通是我的!
可以说是嫡妻们的各种配合,成就了小妾和渣男的真爱。 继室善解人意,体贴温柔;小妾妩媚多姿,温婉恭顺,淡然不争。
仙园逸事小说作者: 弹剑听禅 姚黄穿了,穿到一个架空的世界中。上有一个贤惠的姐姐和一个病秧子的姐夫,下有七岁的小弟和一岁的小侄子。家里面没有劳动力,只能靠姐姐做些针线活换钱养活一家人,生活有多苦可想而知。为了不让一家人饿死,姚黄想尽办法赚钱补贴家用。所幸出门不远就有大山,山上的山货能够换钱也能够喂饱一家人。某天,姚黄在山中被野兽追跌进了一个山洞中。山洞的原主人是一位仙人,曾经来这个时空旅行,算到这个世界会出现一个与他有缘的人,遂留下了一套修真功法和一些修炼资源。姚黄自然就是这个有缘人。从此,她开始了一边修仙一边种田的生活……
快穿之祈愿人生攻略 作者: 秋风菀兮女主?女配?炮灰甚至路人甲?纪容羽表示一切皆有可能!为了完成契约实现自己的心愿,纪容羽完成攻略一段又一段人生。顺从的私生女联姻花瓶、被绿茶婊设计陷害的嫡女、被无辜牵连的炮灰妹妹、贵族花痴小姐,因为鬼恋人而自杀而死的大学生……男主男配路人甲表示:女王,请收下我们的膝盖!简介无能,已完结,放心跳坑~~~
《最佳女配》作者:妹纸重口味简介:当一个合格的恶毒女配,是需要职业素养的! 在穿越一本又一本小说,扮演其中的恶毒女配时,你需要得了男主,搞得定龙套,干得掉敌人——更重要的是,你需要攻略得到终极反派!! 而语琪作为这一行的金牌业务员,技能点已经几乎全亮,她上得了厅堂更下得了厨房,当得了女王也卖得了蠢萌,从身娇肉贵的大小姐到皮糙肉厚的女保镖没有什么是扮演不了的。 其实这就是一个教你怎么成功攻略各种反派文又名《完美女友指南》《对付不同男人的实用一百招》《30天教你推倒男配攻略守则》……
零落成泥的 吓死人了
恶毒女配翻身记作者:五块钱本书简介: 一场突如其来的车祸让苏凌死了,却机缘巧合之下被世界之神看中。进入了一个又一个的坑爹的小说世界,完成女配各种执念,顺便消除她们留下来的怨念,以此延续生命,继续活下去。
女主渣化之路作者:哀蓝简介:又名《人间有味是清欢》受到无法愈合的情伤后,如果是你,你会怎么做?  是纠缠到底,苦苦挽留?  是嚎啕大哭,沉湎痛哭?  是默默离开,黯然神伤?  曾经濒临绝望的唐清欢来到了一个漆黑的世界,这里有各种各样执念未消的人。因为曾积过大阴德,所以他们在死后可以来到这里,向她说出自己的心愿。她的职责,就是让他们放下过往,消除执念,喝下那一碗能够忘却前生记忆的汤,离开这个地方,投胎转世。  只是,在一个又一个世界中游走,她似乎……开启了自己的渣化之路。…………………………………………………………………………………………男主都是同一个,只不过女主不知道,也不会知道。男主在女主以女人形态出现的时候继承本身灵魂的记忆和意志,灵魂填充。所以虽然性格容貌都不一样,但其实是同一个魂不出意外的话,虐渣爽文:)除非有不可抗力,否则日更直到完结:)
穿越之复仇作者:决绝简介:赵晴怎么都想不到,自己的父亲竟然会跟前来投奔母亲的小姨干柴烈火的做了野鸳鸯,这也就罢了,她弟弟被害的成了痴儿,她失了名声没了婚事,最后还跟母亲两个一起被逼出家给别人挪了位置!  为了能够报仇,她与恶魔做了交易,穿梭于各种各样的小说之中,同时也为自己报了仇。 ————————————————————————————快穿类,穿越到各种各样的小说里渣男虐小三虐脑残。本文完全架空,不考据,无CP~
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This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!
Buffy: What are you doing here? Five words or less. Spike: [counting them off on his fingers] Out. For. A. Walk. [realizes he still has the thumb] Bitch.
It's ending a sentence with a comma and "Bitch!" (no other swear word, just "bitch"), as a way of verbally making an exclamation point in dialog.
It did get overused, so now it's a . You're as likely as not to see it thrown in a sentence just to be funny, even though there is no other reason to emphasize a point this way. .
This does not count when merely calling someone a bitch. This is about using it as a form of verbal punctuation. If there is anything between the comma and "bitch", it doesn't count.example&
This can overlap with , .
Compare (but would not overlap with) , .
&&&&open/close all folders&
&&&&Anime & Manga&
' English dub of
has an example in the outtakes:
Rue: ... In fact, I'm far from having loved him enough. Duck: Well, I love him, too, BITCH!
In episode 12 of , a fansub group translated a line saying "don't underestimate Class A" as "We're Class A, bitches!"
"Eat , bitch!"
Another gem from Ultimate, courtesy of Jan Valentine, in the moments before his demise.
Jan: "You can take , and shove it up your ass, bitch!"
Used quite heavily in the dub of .
Said with an accent, might I add.
In episode 80 of the English dub of :
Hiei: You ready?! Yusuke: Bring it on, bitch!
has a...strange example when Koichi needs to convince a nurse to tell him about a John Doe staying in a hospital.
In the English dub of Durarara!!x2 Shou we get Kadota's lovely response to being called old.
Kadota: "That's funny, because I'm all of twenty-four. BITCH."
Inverted by David Cross, on Bigger and Blackerer: He details a game to play with friends at a restaurant. When talking to the waitress, make the first thing you say be "Yeah, bitch," But in as low-key a manner as possible. Then, be as polite as possible when making your order. The object is to make it so that the waitress won't be sure you called her 'bitch', but would feel uncomfortable asking such a polite person if he did.
&&&&Comic Books&
is fighting an alternate-version of herself. When asked who she is, she punches that version in the head and says:
Donna Troy": I'm Donna Troy, bitch. Donna. Troy.
and the Infinite Sadness had the vegan police announce Todd Ingram had eaten "Gelato, bitch!" The
puts its own spin on it.
Todd: Gelato isn't vegan? Vegan policeman: It's milk and eggs, bitch.
Amanda Conner when she beats up Harley and Catwoman in a fourth wall breaking moment in
Amanda Conner: I'm Amanda Conner, bitches!
claims to know more about Pym Particles than he does.
Reed Richards: Hank? Hank Pym:
&&&&Fan Works&
of : "I'm , bitch!" (Became an
"The , Bitch!"
"Who's smexy now, bitch?!"
"Talk to the hand, bitch!"
"Desu desu, bitches!"
: "Gravity trumps pink, bitch!"
In the Flash movie , a
comments how it would be cool if Cloud from
had appeared in SSBB. He's swiftly beaten down, and
refuses his pleas for assistance:
Ike: " I'm the only pretty-boy in this game... BITCH!"
This becomes
now that Cloud is part of the roster in Smash 4.
Kajetokun, creator of Over 9000, plays Monster Hunter Freedom 2nd G.
: "Enjoy the climb back up, Bitch!"
Vegeta: "Later, bitches!"
"I'm back bitches!"
"Man, move your bitchin' bitch-ass over, bitch."
: "Let's see a sword top that, bitch!"
: "I'm Sailor Venus, bitches!"
: "Sharingans only, bitch!"
by Team Dattebayo uses this in a famous line for most watchers of the series: "It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-die, bitch!"
Many, many times in , with perpetrators ranging from Molly Weasley to Voldemort himself.
"Voldemort out, bitches."
: "Suck my rose, bitch. I had it first."
From Chapter 23 of : "Ready for round two, bitch?!"
Time Braid: "You're within the range of my divination, bitch."
evoked throughout the course of the fanmade
animation .
Act IV: In chapter 28, after subjecting Jacqueline to a , Astreal declares, "Let's see you fly, bitch!"
during the fight with the Gohma Queen:
: You're mine, bitch!
has an example that also counts as , when N'tho is trying to distract the Thresher Maw from the rest of the team:
From Web :
Bastion: Water, water, everywhere, bitch.
This is Yuki's
in . She also uses "Cracka" in the same way.
: "Hail , bitches!"
uses her heat vision to burn "I torture children for fun" onto Umbridge's forehead.
Power Girl: There we go. That's my Blood Quill, bitch.
&&&&Films — Live-Action&
: "Don't you know who I am?! I'm , bitch!" (, inspired by 's .)
Snoop Dogg/Huggy Bear, :
"Kiss this, bitch!" from Mikaela in .
The Microcon (a group of tiny, spherical Decepticons
to form ) article on
has this caption: " this, bee-yotches!"
Done many times by Freddy in
"Welcome to Prime Time, bitch!" from .
: "I've been guarding my gate for a long time, bitch!"
: "Die, bitch!", as well as "Bon appetit, bitch!"
: Twice. "Welcome to my world, bitch!" and "Let me handle this, bitch!"
Done back at him in :
Nancy: Hurts doesn't it?
The title character in
throws down with Bob Barker during a celebrity pro-am golf tourney.
Happy: [thinking he's just won the fight] The price is wrong, bitch! Bob Barker: [after laying Happy out with a swift kick to the face] Now you've had enough... bitch.
In , during the anchor fight, the Spanish news channel's anchor says "&C&mo est&n, bitches?"
2: Hunting Season: "Applesauce, bitch."
beating up a skinhead with a golf club, and shouting "Stay down, bitch!"
spin-off, The Naked Mile. "Mail call, bitches!"
: ", bitches!"
What Happens in Vegas: "I AM the law, BITCHES!"
: "It's Gina, BITCH!"
: "I see you, BITCH!"
: "En garde, BITCH!"
: "Choke on it, BITCH!"
: "What's the matter now, BITCH!? Why aren't you laughing..!?"
In the infamous , Johnny drops a quite unexpected one on Lisa after she tells him to
after he finds out : "In a few minutes, bitch!"
In the film version of , the actor playing Collins improvised the line "Merry Christmas, bitches!" upon entering the apartment with Angel on Christmas morning.
In , when Brandon runs away, he leaves his parents a note that says, "I'm gay, bitches!"
has ◊. ( actually had said card!)
In , Donnie calls his mom "bitch" in the subtlest and calmest way ever:
Donnie: Then why don't you start taking the goddamn pills, (pause) bitch? Donnie's mom: Our son just called me a bitch. Donnie's dad:
... but you are not a bitch.
says to , "Look at this badge, bitch!"
An infamous example from : "Suck it, bitch!"
A milder version appears in :
Tony P: You guys never learn, do you? The Blue Raja: Apparently we don't. [pause] Ass.
Col. Jack O'Neil:
to King Tut, asshole!
Joe Grizzly: I'm Big Joe Grizzly, bitch!
A non-verbal example in
with Roman's private jet brandishing the words "IT'S ROMAN, BITCHES!" on its rudder.
In , the Vegan Police give evidence that Todd has broken the rules about being vegan by ingesting gelato.
Vegan Police Officer 1: At 12:27AM on February First, you knowingly ingested gelato. Todd Ingram: Gelato isn't vegan? Vegan Police Officer 2: It's milk and eggs, bitch.
In , during the mall scene, a woman is putting on sweaters and blouses in the fitting room, obviously shoplifting, when someone keeps knocking on the door. Finally, fed up, the woman says something like "I said I'll be out in a minute, bitch." Then she opens the door... and is faced with a dragon-like alien.
Bad Company had this exchange between Gaylord Oaks (Anthony Hopkins) and Jake Hayes (Chris Rock).
Gaylord Oaks: [after trying to guilt Jake into coming back] Well, that didn't work did it? Jake Hayes: No! [mocking Oaks] "I'm going to go outside and count to ten"? Who the hell are you? You'd would have done better with "Bitch, get in the car!" Gaylord Oaks: Okay. Get in the car... bitch.
A variation in : as Kaulder and Chloe leave humiliated Danique, she looks at them with a
and punctuates it with hissed bitch.
: Bennie ends almost every sentence towards Katja with "..., bitch!". Downplayed though since he actually says in Dutch trut which is less of an insult than "bitch" (what the English sub-titles translated it to), and more along the British-English tart.
Doubled in '' when Kay is about to execute Anderson:
Kay: , bitch?
Anderson: Funny, I was about to ask you that, bitch (Kay fired the booby-trapped gun and blows his hand off
Played with in , whose publicity poster ostentatiously says "LAST CALL PITCHES".
when Elaine Mallory blows up the entire front side of a hotel in vengeance against a
Elaine: Who's useless now, bitch?
Also used when Harry kills a Ursiel-assisted Genoskwa by luring them into a field of massive ice blocks slamming into each other at high speed.
Harry: Parkour, [] Bitch.
series, whenever A sends the girls a message, they always end it with "Bitches". This also carries over into the television series.
In the , Angua von &Uberwald, a werewolf policewoman, accepts that the B-word is a perfectly factual description of her - at least half the time. However, she listens to the context and anyone using the B-word to her in the other sense had better either be
or else they will soon learn what a B she is capable of being. Gaspode The Wonder Dog sails very close to the edge with his greeting to her of "Yo Bitch!"
&&&&Live-Action TV&
takes this to an extreme with Jesse Pinkman. "Bitch" is his catchphrase.
Walt: Say, "This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed."
Jesse: This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed, [] Bitch.
"Yo...Gatorade me, bitch."
As described by , Jesse is "a Juggalo without the makeup who prefers the formal term for female dog."
The series' own alternate ending even made fun of this.
Hal: He would use the b-word a lot. He'd say "Yo, b-word! Yay, science, b-word!"
(to ) , bitch.
Simon: It's an inaccurate fact, I did some research. There are now almost 10 million bicycles in Beijing, bitch.
"I'm Rick James, Bitch!" from , and a lot of Chappelle's jokes in general. He uses this to great effect, and may have lead to a recent upswing in the use of this trope.
in another skit where he took Chappelle on a ride... after he kneecaps Dave with a gunshot. "I'm Wayne Brady, BITCH!!"
"Welcome to The OC, bitch!" (this phrase alone is one of the reasons the trope became over-used in modern television)
Frequently parodied with "Welcome to the O.Z., bitch!" when referencing .
Also parodied in . "Welcome to the S.H, bitch."
, in one episode Chandler states that when Joey engages in male bonding he has a tendency to call everyone "bitch" to which Joey replies with "what are you talking about, bitch?"
In 's "Smile Time" episode, from one muppet to another: "I'm gonna tear you a new puppet hole, bitch!"
: "It's French, bitch!"
: "Muscle memory, bitch!"
Stephen Colbert's warm welcome to Jimmy on his first show: "Welcome to 11:30, bitch!"
: In the first episode of Season 1 and subsequently, the current opening: Snooki says "I'm going to Jersey Shore, bitch!
: "I don't even like Cosmos, bitch!"
uses this frequently.
is "What's up, bitches?"
In the episode, "Hundred Dollar Baby", Dee gets hooked on steroids and threatens her opponent with,
In the episode, The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis, after being assigned as
in their , Charlie cuts the brake cables and jumps out of the van shouting,
: Sheldon in The Bat Jar Conjecture: "In other words, it's on, bitch." Badassitude abounds.
: Brittany uses Britney Spears' line "It's Brittany, bitch" a couple times. Her saying that line or doing one of her magical turns usually makes the music start playing.
Kalgan has some such line, to which
adds "Bitch."
From Michael to Dwight on : "Hug it out, bitch."
On , any conversation Tracy Morgan holds with Lorne Michaels is likely to end with the former demanding, "Get me a soda, bitch!"
Dave, a contestant on season one of reality cooking show , reached the height of reality TV popularity after telling another contestant Tiffani "I'm not your bitch, bitch!" in response to endless haranguing by the latter.
Morgan Webb's tagline on a commercial about her visiting conventions in Japan: "Konichiwa, bitches."
X-Play's coverage of G-Phoria one year featured Ratty sneaking into the awards by jumping off a nearby building. This action was accompanied by "Geronimo, bitches!"
"I'm cuddly, bitch!"
Also, Ted re: shots "I drank all five, bitch!"
Another from Ted when he wanted to comfort Robin and she didn't want any...
Robin: Well, then, you're fired. Ted: You can't fire me. I'm union, bitch!
As well as Lily's "You just made the list, bitch!"
How about Barney speaking French? "Parce que j'ai le jeu, mes chiennes. Translation? Cos I got game, bitches!"
"Chiennes" literally means "female dogs." If he wanted "bitches" in the slang sense, he should have used "salopes" or "garces" depending on personal preference.
Wanda Syke's "I'ma Be Me" had her saying "Yeaaah... Obama, bitch!"
: "See, we're all going to get past this and be friends again, and this was all set up by me, Mitchell, who is not a mummy's boy but is instead a insightful and considerate person, so make a note bitches!" in episode 4.
From a sketch/interview on
where Zachary Quinto : "Who's Sylar now, bitch?"
Put the mimosas down, bitch!
This bit with Buffy and Spike when he's outside Buffy's house:
Buffy: What are you doing here? Five words or less. Spike: [visibly counting on his fingers]
Another later example with Warren:
Warren: [hits Buffy] Say "goodnight", bitch! Buffy: [hits him back and knocks him down] "Goodnight, bitch!"
However it's played for drama when Buffy is possessed by a ghost reenacting the
of his lover.
James: (1955) [aiming a pistol] Don't walk away from me— [ to...] Buffy: (1998) [also aiming pistol] —BITCH!
In , "You happy now, bitch?" is Bunk Moreland's .
In , when the diner is held up by a robber in a suit, Han, in a rare badass moment for him,
delivering one of these.
Han: You're in MY house now, Bitch!
That's Just Me: Elizabeth once disguised herself as Amelia and walked into Amelia's house yelling: "I'm your worst nightmare! I'm a motherfucking crossdressing lesbian Jew, BITCH!!". However, is most versions of this episode, the line is censored, changing it into: "I'm your worst nightmare, because I'm a crossdressing tomboy, man!"
From , when warrior-woman Saxa is confronted by two large gladiators who want to kill some prisoners entrusted to her by Gannicus...
Donar: "I do not see Gannicus among you. No cause to heed his bitch." *Attacks. Ends up with Saxa's knife at his throat and his buddy on the ground.*
Saxa: "I give cause, bitch."
In season 1 of , Dave told Tiffany after Restaurant Wars "I'm not your bitch, bitch!"
, "Accept the things you cannot change, bitch!"
, in a conversation between Danno and Steve on .
Steve: You ever make it to Double-Pretzel level? Danno: Triple-Banana, bitch.
episode where Echo is working as backup singer for a pop star, she tells her boss, "Bitch, you can fire me, but don't think you can take me."
is brimming with this trope. A is the biggest fan, always calling the girls bitches in their threats.
A: I'm still here, bitches, and I know everything.
: Edward Norton says this line in the fake movie trailer for Infrastructure:
Edward Norton: I'm ordering uniaxial tests of the slab transverse to the deck corrugations with additional reinforcement and tension tests of the support fastener connections between the deck and the girders, bitch!
On , Octavia is the first person from the Ark to set foot on the ground, and she celebrates the moment by shouting, "We're back, bitches!"
Liz's crowning moment of awesome on
"Get up, bitch!"
Mark of Cain Dean before getting the upper hand on a vampire: "Look at me... Look at me, bitch!"
On , after Fitz rigs a system to keep Gordon from teleporting away:
Gordon: I'm trapped in here! That's not possible! What did you do? Fitz: Science, biatch.
On , Detective Charles Boyle delivers this when he presents the best pie in New York, with an apology afterward.
Boyle: You just got taken to pie school, bitches! Sorry I said bitches, I'm just really worked up!
Lucifer: I know , Mr... What's your name?
Carjacker: Said "", bitch!
"Konichiwa, Bitches" by .
"" begins with "It's Britney, bitch." (which was sampled in Will.i.am's "".
of "Gimme More" begins with "Machinae Supremacy, bitch!"
"": You better work, bitch. Now get to work, bitch!
Prominent lyric in Kasabian's "Shoot the Runner": "I'm a king and she's my queen, bitch!"
Julie Brown's "Girl Fight Tonight!": "'Cause I'm a lover and a fighter, bitch!"
In 's "No Laundry": "I ain't gonna do no laundry, BITCH!"
In 's "In My Darkest Hour": "You just laughed, "haha", bitch."
In ' "The Waitress": "I believe in peace, bitch!"
to a rude concertgoer: ""
: "Look Around"; Hustle Me, Bitch.
in Forever: "Everyone who doubted me is asking for forgiveness | If you ain't been a part of it, at least you got to witness, bitches!
From the "Black and Yellow" parody "": "L'chaim, bitch!"
From the chorus for 's "Scene of the Crime", which is sung seven times:
"Cold blooded bitch going out on me."
(Soda Can Opens) It's Saint Pepsi, bitch!
loves this, as one would expect, and puts it to especially great use in "Berzerk":
"Let's bring it back to that vintage Slim, bitch!
The art of emceeing, mixed with da Vinci and MC Ren,
And I don't mean , bitch!
since you thought PE was gym, bitch!"
: In Rat A Tat: It's Courtney, bitch!
invokes a "cluster B bomb" of this in her Bangerz track, "Do My Thang":
"Bang, bitch
You think I'm strange, bitch
It's bananas like a fucking 'rangatang, bitch
Don't worry 'bout me
I got it all arranged, bitch
Mind your business, stay in your lane, bitch"
Disturbing Tha Peace bellows out this in gradual succession in the chorus of, well, "Move Bitch".
has one at the end of "For Stevie Wonder's Eyes Only": "For I am Death, bitch!"
"Right Back At It Again" by : "Don't wanna hear about it, biiiiiiiiitch!"
"Because I Got High" by Afroman ends with "Fuck the corporate world, biotch!"
&&&&Pro Wrestling&
is, "I've got my Hurri-powers, BEEE-YOOOTCH!"
On November 5th, 2017, New Japan Pro Wrestling's Power Struggle event ended with Kenny Omega in the centre of the ring flanked by the Young Bucks, having just beaten Trent Barreta to retain his IWGP US Title. After bemoaning the fact that he's exhausted the list of possible challengers - whether Japanese or otherwise - he goes into his customary "Goodbye and goodnight!" sendoff, only for the arena lights to go out. While the music which accompanied the video promo that ensued may have been unfamiliar to some of the NJPW fans in Osaka, the man who appeared on-screen definitely wasn't.
Chris Jericho: Kenny Omega. What a dynamic performer. What a fantastic, tremendous performer. But he's not the best in the world. [tears up a A4 picture of Kenny Omega] I am. So many have claimed to be the best - from Shawn Michaels, to Edge, to CM Punk - but they're all gone. And I'm still here. Because I am the best in the world. I am the Greatest of All Time. I am the Alpha of this business... and I wanna prove it. 'Cause I'm challengin' you, Kenny. Jericho vs. Kenny. Alpha vs. Omega. To see who is really the best. I wanna meet you. [beat] January 4th. At Wrestle Kingdom 12 in the Tokyo Dome! So let's see who's really the best. Bitch.
The WNYC program Radio Lab episode Choice(501) contained an instance of this, subverting the line tagged onto the end of many radio broadcast introductions. "Stay with us, bitches."
One of Detroit radio personalities Dave & Chuck the Freak's catch phrases is "It's Friday, Bitches!" Actually, it's more than just a catch phrase - there's a short rap song with the title that was made just for them (which is played on the Friday shows, naturally), merchandise featuring the phrase, and even an annual event called the Friday Bitches Bash.
: The intro to the -based sketches.
So, listen up, bitches! These are his heroic achievements!"
&&&&Video Games&
: "I'm James Grayson, bitches!"
has quite the handful.
"So what you're tellin' me is that I gotta continue fighting. There's no way out of this. You set me up, bitch!"
"You are the 3rd ranked assassin, bitch?"
The tagline for
joke game Pimps at Sea was "Arrrrrh, bitch!"
Quoth Heather from : "Shut your stinking mouth, BITCH!".
: "Welcome to the Land of Freedom, Bitches! AHHHHHHHHH!"
"I ain't nobody's "ass technician", bitch!" -
: "Who's the overlord now, bitch?"
. uses this liberally, but I guess the greatest example is when Nick Kang, the protagonist, finishes off the crime lord who had his father killed over a money laundering scheme. While this could be a bit of a solemn moment, as he watches his father's killer burn to death in a plane crash, he follows it up by saying: "Try Laundering THAT, bitch!"
: Duke, despite his extreme womanizing, is a
who never insults the objects of his desire. When you hear him confront the female monster Alien Queen and bellow, "I'm gonna kick your ass, bitch!", you know it is on.
's Crash Course DLC has hopeless optimist Louis, of all people, scream "Oh, it's a bitch apocalypse now, bitch!"
plays this straight with Roland, the Soldier. Upon scoring a kill with a , he may shout, "Critical, bitch!", or "Critical, biatch!".
has one as well,
(voiced by ).
Tiny Tina: You're cordially invited, BITCH!!!
Also from Borderlands 2, if Maya gets a Second Wind, she might declare "I'm back, bitches!"
The Raging Goliaths, also from Borderlands 2, have quite a few of these.
(After Zer0's Decepti0n Fades) "Avoid me all you want, BITCH!" (When Salvador is Gunzerking) "I'll take your bullets, BITCH!" "I'll kill you SLOWER for that, BITCH!" "Fear your master, bitches!" "Die for me, BITCH!"
And let's not forget:
Brick: Knock knock, BITCHES! Open up! Handsome Jack: (After breaking out in laughter
about how he once
while his children watched) Anyway, the moral is, you're a total bitch.'''
: Used here and there with examples such as:
Miranda: You'll die for that, bitch! Jack: Touch me and I will smear the walls with you, bitch!
2 has the following example.
Paulie: Oh yeah, look out! Pooper coming through! Please keep your hands inside the porter potty while you TAKE A DRINK, BITCH!
Used to ridiculous extremes in
Some examples are:
Trejo: You shoulda listened when you had the chance, bitch! Created Character: You just got owned, bitch!
In , after being attacked by ninjas...
Howard: I've composed a haiku, in honor of this moment. Kreese: Alright, drop it down. Howard: Ninja rise from floor.
Red spray-paint ceiling and walls. Jack is triumphant. Kreese: 5, 7, 5, bitches.
when the Simpson family meets
Homer: You can't do this! Will Wright: Sure I can. I'm Will Wright, bitch!
In , during a confrontation in Silverpine Forest between Garrosh Hellscream and Sylvanas Windrunner.
Garrosh: What difference is there between you and the Lich King now? Sylvanas: Isn't it obvious, Warchief? *flippant salute* I serve the Horde. Garrosh: Watch your clever mouth, bitch.
Juggernaut: I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!
Emily from
can say this if Ashley tries to apologize for
trying to kill her.
Emily: "Understand" the palm of my hand, bitch!
4: The Invidia Games Prince Bernard is
about losing to a woman.
Prince Bernard: How can this be happening? Felicia: Gender equality, bitch...
&&&&Web Animation&
Tankmen 2: "You should've used the Pythagorean theorem, bitch."
The end of ' "" has Franklin the Star Shmucks peddler warn his superiors over walkie talkie that "The squirrel is on to us." A moment later, he starts another transmission to add "bitch."
: Everyone uses Bitch as a punctuation mark.
&&&&Web Comics&
had a strip about the overuse of the word "bitches", and suggested alternatives like "fellows", "gravy", and "Monterey Jack". Possibly a , since T-Rex is known for exclamations like "Phlogiston, bitches!" and "Live and learn, bitches!"
(W see below).
Made more awesome by the haiku.
And then there's Start of Darkness: " - bitch."
: "I'm the government, beyatch."
From the first : "No sorry I've got something else to do... "
discusses this in both this trope and .
: "That's for earlier, bitch."
: "You're my bitches, !"
has this memorable line, from Vulcan Raven to Big Boss:
Vulcan Raven: Then return from whence you came, and do not trouble this world again, Bitch.
: Nerd Bear, playing with Star Trek models, rewrites Locutus's line: "Resistance is futile, !"
: "Count some sheep bitch" is a minor
TG: bow down before your new king, bitch
: "" Kat and Hilary do NOT like one another.
&&&&Web Original&
To quote Paris Hilton in her , ""
: "Don't you ever try to bring logic into this movie again! This is , bitch!"
: "I started Google Plus! I bought Euro-Disneyland! Don't care, bitches!"
He also added "bitches" to one of Shaq's
"I'm Mr. Miyagi, bitch!"
"I'm , bitch."
"We play , bitch!"
"I'm Rick James, beee—" (is hit while trying to say that)
(Off of the changing lines at the top of Spoony's page) "The first step in innovation is discontent — and that's how we roll, bitch!"
"Okay, I love Christmas! Long live Christmas!" "(ghost voice) Damnnn riiiight, bi-otch!"
"And Sauron?" "Nobody owns me, bi-otch."
: After Gordon slays a giant alien shark he delivers the , ", bitch!"
... bitch.
Ask a Gay Man, where the lead guy says in a
"hey there, bitches" at the start of at least a few videos.
: "Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane/It's
Most of the guest characters of
("Or do ya wanna play my game, bitch?"). And sometimes the Nerd himself ("Yeah, Super Mecha Death Christ 2,000 B.C. Version 4.0 Beta, bitch.").
.com has claimed at least once to "own the Internet, bitch."
"It's called Speed Stick, bitch! It's not expensive, bitch!"
, in one part of inFamous in which Brad said, "Can't catch me. I'm the
gingerbread man, bitch."
slowbeef: I— maybe it was, like, how to get a refund... Like, "Don't be afraid to take back your pumpkins." Diabetus: This is an example of a defective product. Here's what you should do in this situation, bitch.
: Agent Laburnum, when kicking
in the face, got a
to 's "Twisted Transistor" with: "I know this song's by the wrong band, but it's a good line, so ... Anaesthetise THIS, bitch!"
: "Dinner is served, bitches."
Kingsley, tenfold. His Youtube username is , not to mention the number of times he utilizes this trope in his rants.
"And now she's just somebody that you used to know. BITCH."
NORRIS!! I've spread more blood and gore than forty score of your puny , bitch!
Gates vs. Jobs:
TV , the Overly Attached Girlfriend makes an apparition. He manages :
: You just messed with the wrong meme, bitch!
Christine O'Donnell's famous "I'm not a witch" campaign ad, they altered part of it into "I'm not a witch, bitch".
: Combined with
in . When newly elected U.S. President James Ashby is annoyed that his adviser keeps objecting to his ridiculous and irresponsible policy decisions, he says: "I'm sorry? Did you win a plurality of the Electoral College, bitch?"
&&&&Western Animation&
: In a , the MGM lion cub gets laughed at by his classmates when he wants to roar at an audience when he grows up. Soon, the lion is grown up and shouts "What's up now, bitches?!"
: In Episode 7, at an "all-gang" meeting which includes the Moonbeam City Police Department (called "the roughest gang in town"), the city's top criminal gang leader repeatedly corrects himself when speaking to
(and millionaire heiress) Pizzaz . His lines end with him referring to her as "bitch", which he repeatedly corrects to "ma'am". This includes his final line to her: "You have our word, bitch! I mean, ma'am..."
"You're liquified, bitch." Made even funnier because Frylock isn't one to quickly resort to swearing.
Frylock hurling fireballs in the videogame: "Look into my eyes, bitch."
"Now what is the magic word, bitch?"
"67 years into the future. Bitch."
: "Try and catch me, bitch!"
The opening credits of an
comedy show called "Outer Space Astronauts" has the line 'Outer space, bitch!"
From "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy": "You just dealt with the Dawg, bitch!"
This exchange from "Douche and Turd".
Puff Daddy: Apparently, you haven't heard of my "Vote or Die" campaign. (holds up a shirt with the slogan on it)
Stan: "Vote or Die"? What the hell does that even mean?
Puff Daddy: (whips out a gun)
: "Read the patent number, bitch!"
: Rummy to Ed: "Swim, bitch!".
From , "":
Quinn: Stormy, what time is it? Stormy: Dodgeball time. Quinn: Dammit, Stormy, what time is it? Stormy: (knocks Quinn out with a dodgeball) I said it was dodgeball time, bitch.
: Roger loves this trope.
"You call that a Salchow?! It looks like you have mad Salchow disease! That's right, your skating has a spongiform encephalopathy, bitch!"
"Don't be startin' what you can't finish, bitch."
One episode has him teaching Steve what to say to teenage g those three words they long to hear: "Jello shot, bitch?"
Klaus announcing that he has concert tickets: "Fabulous Thunderbirds, bitches!"
Principal Lewis is just as fond of this trope as Roger is.
Rick himself is rather fond of this.
"Hey, what do me and OJ not have in common? I found the real killer, bitch!"
Scary Terry, an
of Freddy Krueger, adds bitch after of almost everything he says to the point where it's a
that got him grief back in school.
"I'm late for class, bitch!"
In "Something Ricked This Way Comes", when Summer is screwed over by
after helping him rebuild his business, he answers with:
"I'm the Devil, BIATCH! WHAT WHAT!"
has "Eat that nut strap, BIAAAATCH!"
has the Ranger Games episode where Steve, desperate to beat the ringer Woody replaced him with on the gymnastics event, runs off to get some steroids, except he doesnt realize that you still have to work out, so he ends up massively overweight with excess body mass and a deep voice.
Fat!Steve: Wassup, bitches?!
&&&&Real Life&
After carefully outlining the many, many reasons that global warming is real, a scientist famously ended her presentation with:
"Look it up, bitches."
The official announcement for the return of
(through ) is Bitches.
Following the Supreme Court decision declaring Barack Obama's healthcare reform law constitutional, DNC executive director Patrick Gaspard tweeted "it's constitutional. Bitches."
In the Terry Tate Office Linebacker ads, the eponymous character would often invoke this after tackling his victim.
"Break was over 15 minutes ago, BITCH!"
Stand-up comedian Retta (Marietta Sirleaf) on . Just... watch the video.
was attacked online for incorporating hip-hop influences in her music/image and befriending rap/hip-hop stars,
, at the end of a
with an anti-scientific creationist gives us this gem: "If you base medicine on science, you cure people. If you base the design of planes on science, they fly. If you base the design of rockets on science, they reach the moon. It works...bitches." Also doubles as .
Used by Byron David Smith just after killing Haile Kifer in the . In the audio recording he did, he is heard saying " (note: this is not a pleasant listening).
The cover of one birthday card involves one woman asking another "So where's your birthday at?" and the woman with the birthday . On the inside, the first woman rephrases her question as "So where's your birthday at, bitch?"
is here, bitch!
Alternative Title(s):
Just Add Bitch,
This Is TV Tropes Bitch,
This Is A Sentence Bitch


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