为什么这2天绝地求生更新后崩溃 天天崩溃N次

这个N是多少?用数列可以解,根据题意设原来有b个桃子,第n天吃了an个桃子,则an=0.5(b-S(n-1))+1a1=0.5b+1解出an=0.5a(n-1)Sn=(1-0.5^n)/(1-0.5)=(2b+1)(1-0.5^n)现在知道SN=b-1代入上式(2b+10(1-0.5^N)=b-1解出来b=3*2^N-2 注意:第N天猴子吃桃没有?剩下1个桃是吃之前还是之后,将导致不同结果.这里假定第N天吃了桃后剩下1个.
扫描下载二维码「健康」身体有没有毛病,每天都要发生N次的这件事或许就是征兆~「健康」身体有没有毛病,每天都要发生N次的这件事或许就是征兆~不是吃货百家号放屁不仅学问甚多,而且放屁关乎健康。放屁是一种不可避免的生理现象,正常的放屁是肠道运行过程中不可少的表现,但是,一个人要是长时间不放屁或者是放屁过多、过臭,从健康的角度来说,经常打嗝放屁是存在健康隐患的,也是很多疾病的征兆。屁的产生,是因为我们摄入的食物在小肠内不能被完全分解吸收;未被分解的食物残渣(主要包含膳食纤维、碳水化合物及少量蛋白质)就会成为肠道细菌的“美味”,被它们充分发酵,发酵的过程中会产生不少废气,这些气体在肠内累积,达到一定压力时,自然就会“放屁”了。你知道吗!其实,屁中,高达70%的成分是随吃饭时一起吸入的空气(你这会儿不在吃饭吧?哈哈!)。吃东西时少吞入空气的秘诀,在于增加咀嚼的次数,使食物和唾液充分混合。当唾液和食物充分混合后,空气就自然而然地被排出了。屁的多少与健康先来看看我们每天会放多少屁?屁,其实是体内食物被分解产生的气体,如同食物发酵会产生气体一般。这些气体在肠道内造成一定的气压,当压力过大时,便会被挤出体外,这就是我们所说的屁。关于一天放多少屁,一直没有固定的说法,不同的资料显示,一天放屁可多达60个,也有说4~10次。不过,对于屁的体积,有一个基本数据,大约为500ml,是一瓶矿泉水的容量。无屁可放,说明身体出问题了成人无屁可放,千万别认为自己“文明”了,而是需要注意直肠是否有炎症、肿瘤、痔疮、便秘、肠梗阻、肠套叠等,导致直肠不畅通。如果是新生儿,在出生后的24小时,不放屁或不排便,要检查是否是无肛门或肠道发育畸形。放屁多了,也说明身体有问题平时很正常,但是突然放屁量增多,要警惕是否为胃炎、胃肠道溃疡、消化不良,亦或是肝胆疾病。不过,当偶尔的发生或吃饭速度太快,吃饭讲话等导致的放屁多,这便不属于疾病,也没必要检查、治疗。放屁太臭,说明饮食不合理放屁太臭,说明屁中的硫含量高,而饮食中蛋白质和脂肪是产生硫元素的主要物质,说明饮食过于丰盛,超出了小肠的吸收消化能力。要及时调整饮食搭配,添加粗纤维食物。另一种情况,放屁太臭,也可能是肠道细菌失调。正常情况,大肠内的乳酸菌等益生菌,分解食物产生的气体不会太臭。而大肠杆菌、葡萄球菌等致病菌容易产生臭屁。所以,屁太臭也要警惕是否肠道发生感染,导致细菌群失调。屁多、屁臭、排便异常,小心是大肠癌大肠癌会导致放屁恶臭、多、声音响,并且导致排便发生异常,如有排不尽的感觉、便血、大便带有脓血。曾有新闻报道,一位50多岁女性,连续放屁一个月,每天多达二三十次,最终被检查出为直肠癌。“臭屁不响,响屁不臭”是真的吗?不是真的!放屁声音,是气体经过肛门括约肌发生的震动,与臭不臭没有太多关系。不过,当放屁时把粪便和粘液一同喷出,千万别以为擦一擦就能了事,而是肛门括约肌松弛或肠道有炎症、亦或有肠道肿瘤的表现。其实,不管是屁多还是屁少,都反应出了肠道的消化功能、健康状况,关键是要留心放屁是否发生了异常,如有异常一定要及时就医。(记者 王瑞芳)大同传媒全媒体 健康频道本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。不是吃货百家号最近更新:简介:倾听你的伤心事,保守你的小秘密。作者最新文章相关文章最欠揍的玩具:这玩具太欠扁了,居然笑趴下了还能再笑着站起来,估计设计师在设计的时候神经都崩溃N次了【人人网 - 分享】
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现在明白了吗?没有新的设备,但是事实还是无法改变,(ps 在这里说一个细节,资金全部从上海银行贷款,业绩直线下滑,好几个部门的负责人被迫辞职,我在客服能 幸免遇难,深造人员去的一半就没再回来,韩方同意腾讯自行购买其他服务器,他们的谈话纪录每天都被审查.员工合同有这么一条,真是奇迹。不过现在各区已经彻底崩溃,虽然渺茫了,也是幸运中的幸运了.为了扭转这样的形势,公司再次贷款,加大了投入的力度,除了周Ri以外,没有任何更新.关于决斗场服务器的问题更严重,每个服务器基本从早到晚都拥挤,而上线后发现有的人数并不如服务器所显示的那么膨胀,每个人都是这么想的,不是像你们所想像的那样能决绝疑问! 大家好,这就是为什么大家看到3天2头都在维护。也有部分原因,离开了深圳,对腾讯的影响真的很大,大到银行派专人监控腾讯的财务报表,不得不承认,做了这么多年,很多东西我都没接触到人家那么深,尤其是其中有个23岁的小伙子,哪怕当时在线人数<1000人,为什么呢,也就是说,韩方在更新版本及发现故障后不给予腾讯任何帮助,维护只是关机,备份,乔惠安,腾讯也因为种种原因,每月增加补助400元,当解约后3年不得从事相同行业的工作,不得泄露公司内部受控文件,而我们的XXX老总最后也答应了这个要求,我原以为用不到2个星期就会崩溃,彻底否定了我以前学过的很多东西,那段时光是美好的...(这里就不多说了).按合同要求,所有服务器包括相应内部处理程序,必须从韩方一次性付款购买(很多公司因为这个门槛太高放弃了),这在当初的谈判会上的争论是相当激烈的,服务器在线最高峰值纪录是3700(约等于)人,也就是说,因为腾讯的专业工程师仅仅只有40人,应该说,知道所有服务器开放完毕,我们服务人员8小时连去WC的时间都没有.国家文化部推出的防沉迷系统?因为几个区在同一个机房,我们为了吃饭,什么都不能多说,请不要在辱骂GM,所有设备都已经到位,居然能用了几个月,而且还没有任何的维护,每组服务器容纳4400个玩家).自从央视报道青少年沉迷网游后,客服的压力瞬间增大,每天成千个家长的电话,走到这步,我当时真的很高兴,导致服务器自动检测误封大量帐号的现象。然后再告诉你们几件事:细心的人会发现,看到了公司的潜力,看到了自己的未来.公测结束后,但韩方中断了腾讯的技术支持。腾讯自行对服务器的维护,相应的问题表现出来了,将近60%的玩家因为掉线频繁暂停或者放弃了DNF并且第一波营销(节日活动,比如 如何维护服务器,所有的技术人员对韩方的技术不熟悉,网站宣传等等)受挫,并且暂时性停止对腾讯的贷款.韩方的销售人员在调查的了中国24个城市后做出决定,要求腾讯提高服务器质量,满足更多玩家的合理要求,关于设备的问题争论了好几个星期,才终于允许腾讯自己购买设备,于是你们的恶梦和我的恶梦也就开始了,多了我不想说,其实有几个区就是原05版QQ聊天用的服务器,心细的玩家自己能发现,哪怕是在人最少的顺畅服务器,也会很卡,但是由于腾讯资金不足,再加上防沉迷系统的压制,无法自费购买由韩国原装的服务器,几个星期的激烈会议后,9个交易场和4个普线共用一组服务器,在出现故障后网络系统一直没有更新,服务器的运转质量也越变越差,而目前最热的针对外挂进行的封号风波也越演乐烈,用N年前旧的服务器在工作,虽然在当时,这组服务器是被誉为#$#@$#@$#,图片及信息..........腾讯你想当我爸爸,其余工作没有执行,一但出现大问题,只会频繁的重启服务器,但是对于DNF 这样高质量的格斗游戏来说,只能用”不配”二字形容.还有些东西大家是不知道的,请大家不要在跟我们这些客服人员生气,大多为新人,抽取纪录等等,大概1小时的工作.而和韩方当初培训时候的5小时维护,硬件软件的检测,真是小巫见大巫了.现在离开了腾讯,但是终于离开了那种压抑的环境,特别特别喜欢看范伟演的部片子 求求你表扬我,作为DNF的客服人员?儿子我现在长大了,你管不着 、 我匿名写下了这封帖子,是因为我暂时并还不想丢掉饭碗。在十一前些Ri子,韩方中国考察队在访问中国各大城市后,要求腾讯新增区并提高新服务器质量,其实仅仅不到1个小时,按原技术要求,明白了吧?腾讯对于韩方让其自行购买服务器,也就是说腾讯根本没有购买服务器,而是腾出5分之2的聊天服务器来运行DNF,需要检查网络系统,服务器设备,每Ri备份,每台服务器拥有2个备用电源,而腾讯的维护仅仅每周一次备份,根本检查不出问题,再加上没有过硬的诊测技术。。,写这篇文章的时候,我已经不是腾讯的员工了,终于可是说出自己心中的话了,做客服XX部的经理16个月零9天,每天的心情都很压抑.除了压抑还是压抑,看到的所有美好的事物在我的脑海里都扭曲了.早在DNF进入内测的时候,从韩国派来了一个25人的技术/服务人员组,初期对我们进行了大量的培训
敬的DNF用户,整个维护过程预计需要4个小时,因开机顺序以及数据维护内容差异,部分大区会提前开放。因停机给大家带来的不便,我们深表歉意,提高游戏品质,我们将于2009:w 为保证服务器的稳定运行。 因开机有效性确认的需要,此次维护将有可能提前开放广东9区.6,请各位相互转告.4(周四) 08:00对所有服务器停机维护,再逐步开放全区、华北4区,待开机确认通过后! 停机时间
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。求大神们看下怎么 经常CTD,重玩N次了,快崩溃了!!!!!!!!!(有日志) - 3DMGAME论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
标题: 求大神们看下怎么 经常CTD,重玩N次了,快崩溃了!!!!!!!!!(有日志)
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
标题: 求大神们看下怎么 经常CTD,重玩N次了,快崩溃了!!!!!!!!!(有日志)装的是无心大大的整合版然后自己装了独立种族mod,火影的mod,还有宇智波一族这 三个
[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterFish.FollowClear()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable :layerRef_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable :layerRef_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in critterFish.PickTargetFishForSchooling()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in critterFish.PickTargetFishForSchooling()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in critterFish.PickTargetFishForSchooling()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterFish.GoToNewPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable :layerRef_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPointBehindTargetFish()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPointBehindTargetFish()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPointBehindTargetFish()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPointBehindTargetFish()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPointBehindTargetFish()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPointBehindTargetFish()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable :layerRef_var used in critterFish.PickRandomPointBehindTargetFish()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterFish.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable :layerRef_var used in critterFish.OnCritterGoalAlmostReached()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterFish.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable :layerRef_var used in critterFish.OnCritterGoalAlmostReached()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable :layerRef_var used in Firefly.PickNextPlant()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable :layerRef_var used in Firefly.PickNextPlant()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in Firefly.PickNextPlant()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in Firefly.PickNextPlant()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in Firefly.PickNextPlant()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable :layerRef_var used in Firefly.FlockToPlayer()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable :layerRef_var used in Firefly.FlockToPlayer()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in Firefly.FlockToPlayer()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in Firefly.FlockToPlayer()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in Firefly.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in Firefly.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in Firefly.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in Firefly.OnCritterGoalReached()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in Firefly.OnCritterGoalReached()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in Firefly.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in Firefly.OnCritterGoalReached()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in Firefly.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in Firefly.OnCritterGoalReached()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterdragonfly.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterdragonfly.GoToNewPoint()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterdragonfly.OnCritterGoalReached()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterdragonfly.FlyAway()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPointOutsideLeash()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPointOutsideLeash()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPointOutsideLeash()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPointOutsideLeash()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterdragonfly.PickRandomPointOutsideLeash()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.PickNextPlant()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.PickNextPlant()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerX_var used in critterMoth.PickNextPlant()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerY_var used in critterMoth.PickNextPlant()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::fSpawnerZ_var used in critterMoth.PickNextPlant()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.FlockToPlayer()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.FlockToPlayer()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.FlockToPlayer()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.FlockToPlayer()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.OnCritterGoalReached()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterMoth.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.OnCritterGoalReached()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterMoth.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterMoth.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::bCalculating_var used in critterMoth.OnUpdate()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:19AM] error: Failed to find variable ::PlayerRef_var used in critterMoth.OnCritterGoalReached()[08/19/2015 - 02:18:21AM] Cannot open store for class &RaceDispatcherScript&, missing file?[08/19/2015 - 02:18:21AM] error: Unable to bind script RaceDispatcherScript to RaceDispatcher (0A009F27) because their base types do not match[08/19/2015 - 02:18:22AM] Cannot open store for class &GoScript&, missing file?[08/19/2015 - 02:18:22AM] Cannot open store for class &ReturnScript&, missing file?[08/19/2015 - 02:18:22AM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function &proxyRaces& in state && on object &GenericRaceController&.[08/19/2015 - 02:18:22AM] error: Unable to bind script GenericRaceController to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) because their base types do not match[08/19/2015 - 02:18:22AM] Error: Unable to link type of variable &::raceController_var& on object &aaaUchihaRaceController&[08/19/2015 - 02:18:22AM] Error: Unable to link type of property &raceController& on object &aaaUchihaRaceController&[08/19/2015 - 02:18:22AM] error: Unable to bind script aaaUchihaRaceController to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) because their base types do not match[08/19/2015 - 02:18:22AM] Cannot open store for class &fissinterface&, missing file?[08/19/2015 - 02:18:23AM] error: Unable to bind script ReturnScript to&&(7D029948) because their base types do not match[08/19/2015 - 02:18:23AM] Cannot open store for class &NarutoReturn&, missing file?[08/19/2015 - 02:18:23AM] error: Unable to bind script NarutoReturn to&&(7D033DF7) because their base types do not match[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] warning: Property Alias_CNRPlayer on script QF_CNMakers_02000D62 attached to CNMarkers (8D000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] error: Property GlenmorilCovenAlias on script USKPRetroactive210Script attached to USKPRetroactive210 () cannot be bound because &NULL alias& (54) on &NULL quest& () is not the right type[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] error: Property DriftshadeSanctuaryAlias on script USKPRetroactive210Script attached to USKPRetroactive210 () cannot be bound because &NULL alias& (53) on &NULL quest& () is not the right type[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] warning: Property RaceList on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] warning: Property VampireList on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] warning: Property MenuEndOn on script CNMakersConfig attached to CNMarkersConfig (8D0012C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] warning: Property PlayableRaceList on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 () cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] warning: Property PlayableVampireList on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 () cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] error: Property MGRitual04 on script uskpretroactive131script attached to USKPRetroactive131 (0201906F) cannot be bound because MGRitual04 (000CD987) is not the right type[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] error: Property DriftshadeSanctuaryAlias on script USKP_QF_ChangeLocation16_0300489C attached to USKPChangeLocation16 (0200489C) cannot be bound because &NULL alias& (53) on &NULL quest& () is not the right type[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] VM is freezing...[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] VM is frozen[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] Reverting game...[08/19/2015 - 02:18:27AM] error: Unable to bind script NarutoReturn to&&(7D033DF7) because their base types do not match[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] error: Unable to bind script RaceDispatcherScript to RaceDispatcher (0A009F27) because their base types do not match[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] error: Unable to bind script ReturnScript to&&(7D029948) because their base types do not match[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property Alias_CNRPlayer on script QF_CNMakers_02000D62 attached to CNMarkers (8D000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] error: Property GlenmorilCovenAlias on script USKPRetroactive210Script attached to USKPRetroactive210 () cannot be bound because &NULL alias& (54) on &NULL quest& () is not the right type[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] error: Property DriftshadeSanctuaryAlias on script USKPRetroactive210Script attached to USKPRetroactive210 () cannot be bound because &NULL alias& (53) on &NULL quest& () is not the right type[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property RaceList on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property VampireList on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsArgonianandVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsHuman on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsElvesandVampires on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsHighElf on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsOrc on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsHighElfandVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsBreton on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeast on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property PlayableRaceList on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsRedguard on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsKhajiitandVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsBretonandVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsHumansandVampires on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsKhajiit on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property RacesBeast on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property RacesElf on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsElves on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsArgonian on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsNordandVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsWoodElf on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsWoodElfandVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsBretsNordsImpsandVampires on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsImperial on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property RacesHuman on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsHumanoidVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsHumansOrcsandVampires on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeastVampires on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property PlayableVampireList on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsNord on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsDarkElf on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsRedguardandVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsDarkElfandVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsImperialandVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsHumanVampires on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsOrcandVampire on script GenericRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property raceController on script aaaUchihaRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsUchihaVampire on script aaaUchihaRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property HeadPartsUchiha on script aaaUchihaRaceController attached to UchihaRaceController (7F0162C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property PlayableRaceList on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 () cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property PlayableVampireList on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 () cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] warning: Property MenuEndOn on script CNMakersConfig attached to CNMarkersConfig (8D0012C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] error: Property MGRitual04 on script uskpretroactive131script attached to USKPRetroactive131 (0201906F) cannot be bound because MGRitual04 (000CD987) is not the right type[08/19/2015 - 02:18:28AM] error: Property DriftshadeSanctuaryAlias on script USKP_QF_ChangeLocation16_0300489C attached to USKPChangeLocation16 (0200489C) cannot be bound because &NULL alias& (53) on &NULL quest& () is not the right type[08/19/2015 - 02:18:33AM] Loading game...[08/19/2015 - 02:18:33AM] warning: Unable to get type aaaUchihaRaceController referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[08/19/2015 - 02:18:33AM] warning: Unable to get type GenericRaceController referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[08/19/2015 - 02:18:33AM] warning: Could not find type GenericRaceController in the type table in save[08/19/2015 - 02:18:33AM] warning: Could not find type aaaUchihaRaceController in the type table in save[08/19/2015 - 02:18:33AM] VM is thawing...[08/19/2015 - 02:18:34AM] error: File &CombatDramaOverhaul.esp& does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:& & & & &unknown self&.Game.GetFormFromFile() - &&native&& Line ?& & & & [alias Player on quest VL_Player (A2023F14)].VL_Player.OnPlayerLoadGame() - &VL_Player.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:18:52AM] VM is freezing...[08/19/2015 - 02:18:52AM] VM is frozen[08/19/2015 - 02:18:53AM] Saving game...[08/19/2015 - 02:18:58AM] VM is thawing...[08/19/2015 - 02:18:58AM] error: Unable to call UnregisterForMenu - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:& & & & [None].ProperWeaponScaleEffect.UnregisterForMenu() - &&native&& Line ?& & & & [None].ProperWeaponScaleEffect.OnCellDetach() - &quotroperWeaponScaleEffect.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:18:58AM] error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:& & & & [None].ProperWeaponScaleEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - &&native&& Line ?& & & & [None].ProperWeaponScaleEffect.onBeginState() - &quotroperWeaponScaleEffect.psc& Line ?& & & & [None].ProperWeaponScaleEffect.GotoState() - &ActiveMagicEffect.psc& Line ?& & & & [None].ProperWeaponScaleEffect.OnCellDetach() - &quotroperWeaponScaleEffect.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Argument variable &::PlayerRef_var& was not successfully looked upstack:& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Argument variable &::PlayerRef_var& was not successfully looked upstack:& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named &::temp39&stack:& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on Firefly. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named &::temp2&stack:& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001417)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Argument variable &::PlayerRef_var& was not successfully looked upstack:& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Argument variable &::PlayerRef_var& was not successfully looked upstack:& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named &::temp39&stack:& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on Firefly. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named &::temp2&stack:& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001418)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Argument variable &::PlayerRef_var& was not successfully looked upstack:& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Argument variable &::PlayerRef_var& was not successfully looked upstack:& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named &::temp39&stack:& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on Firefly. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named &::temp2&stack:& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF00141B)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Argument variable &::PlayerRef_var& was not successfully looked upstack:& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Argument variable &::PlayerRef_var& was not successfully looked upstack:& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named &::temp39&stack:& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.PickNextPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.WarpToNewPlant() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] error: Method CheckFor3D not found on Firefly. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?[08/19/2015 - 02:19:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named &::temp2&stack:& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.OnStart() - &firefly.psc& Line ?& & & & [ (FF001422)].Firefly.OnUpdate() - &critter.psc& Line ?
作者: & & 时间:
作者: lotress& & 时间:
作者: makk008& & 时间:
作者: Samwish& & 时间:
不知道。帮 顶
作者: DKEros& & 时间:
作者: dkcocona& & 时间:
本帖最后由 dkcocona 于
12:55 编辑
USKPRetroactive 的&NULL alias&&&on &NULL quest&,USKPRetroactiveXXXXscript是一套USKP用来以不修改官方脚本却绕过官方脚本的方式来实现某些功能的错误修正的脚本,你这里的初始化错误明显是有其它修改同样对象的脚本覆盖了USKP,把USKP这个逻辑路径打乱,造成双方功能都无法实现
作者: 暗啸EX& & 时间:
没错 。过多的MOD是CTD的祸首 。以前我也装了很多,现在卸载到80以内无CTD.
作者: 倾城の风华乱舞& & 时间:
太长不看系列,乱装这么多mod 跳出不是理所应当?
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
lotress 发表于
似乎无心整合内部并不完全兼容,新手尽量不要装整合 ...
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
暗啸EX 发表于
没错 。过多的MOD是CTD的祸首 。以前我也装了很多,现在卸载到80以内无CTD.
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
dkcocona 发表于
critter系类初始化错误,基类和方法库参数不符,至少有两套修改了critter系类pex文件,所以造成 ...
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
lotress 发表于
似乎无心整合内部并不完全兼容,新手尽量不要装整合 ...
作者: dkcocona& & 时间:
本帖最后由 dkcocona 于
12:36 编辑
cc2940454 发表于
我是完全按照无心整合来安装的,包括顺序什么的。还有最后那个包的各种兼容也安装了,无心那个帖子我从头 ...
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
<font color="# 发表于
太长不看系列,乱装这么多mod 跳出不是理所应当?
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
dkcocona 发表于
你自己看看这两天我看过的log帖吧,是不是特眼熟,你们都是同样一款垃圾的受害者,找我私聊看log的就更多 ...
作者: dkcocona& & 时间:
cc2940454 发表于
主要我们都是mod'新手,一看有整合,那还真是不错啊,省了好多事的。我觉得如果都是高手,也没必要用什么 ...
作者: uiiwiivii& & 时间:
cc2940454 发表于
主要我们都是mod'新手,一看有整合,那还真是不错啊,省了好多事的。我觉得如果都是高手,也没必要用什么 ...
高手总是站着说话不腰疼。。& &&&谁叫人家是高手呢& && &新手自己一个一个装比整合也强不了多少&&哎 郁闷ing&&
作者: lmsha& & 时间:
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
uiiwiivii 发表于
高手总是站着说话不腰疼。。& &&&谁叫人家是高手呢& && &新手自己一个一个装比整合也强 ...
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
lmsha 发表于
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
makk008 发表于
作者: 不二行者& & 时间:
作者: じ☆ve↘兮酱↙& & 时间:
作者: furisa& & 时间:
本帖最后由 furisa 于
14:02 编辑
我现在 用 少女卷轴255 MOD。。。但却玩得好好的。。果然还是我胆子大
我不赞同 讨伐整合版~~因为半数玩家不会装MOD 学习过程太花时间~~别人只是想进来爽游戏~~没空谈人生
我一直用3DM 整合版的上古5过剧情。只是现在我改用私人的~~哈哈
作者: makk008& & 时间:
cc2940454 发表于
作者: makk008& & 时间:
furisa 发表于
我现在 用 少女卷轴255 MOD。。。但却玩得好好的。。果然还是我胆子大
作者: `ˊ18_after﹏& & 时间:
作者: huazhiyi& & 时间:
dkcocona 发表于
你自己看看这两天我看过的log帖吧,是不是特眼熟,你们都是同样一款垃圾的受害者,找我私聊看log的就更多 ...
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
`ˊ18_after﹏ 发表于
后面UCHINACLAN这是什么 ...
作者: suniaty& & 时间:
作者: cc2940454& & 时间:
suniaty 发表于
作者: wode007& & 时间:
错误不少 7F宇智波一族mod报错 关闭从开档试试 你的错误日志已经刷屏了 重新开档是必须的
作者: dkcocona& & 时间:
uiiwiivii 发表于
高手总是站着说话不腰疼。。& &&&谁叫人家是高手呢& && &新手自己一个一个装比整合也强 ...
作者: furisa& & 时间:
本帖最后由 furisa 于
20:22 编辑
4代 我也只玩了原版 甚至资料片都没打完~3DM&&上古卷轴4 版区 那些管理 不是一般的屌~~
稍微问多几句 就删贴~就算回答 也是 不会百度吗 智商有问题吗&&你眼瞎了吗
我擦~~我想问 3DM 请你们是来装大爷的么。。&&如果我要看公务员的脸色 我何必来3DM看
作者: Z零E& & 时间:
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