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503 Service Temporarily Unavailable  C12. The three principal valuation approaches described in the IVS Framework can  all be applicable for the valuation of a real property interest.  Market Approach  C13. Property interests are not homogeneous. Even if the land and buildings to  which the interest being valued relates have identical physical characteristics to  others being exchanged in the market, the location will be different.  Notwithstanding these dissimilarities, the market approach is commonly  applied for the valuation of real property interests.  C14. In order to compare the subject of the valuation with the price of other real  property interests that have been recently exchanged or that may be currently  available in the market, it is usual to adopt a suitable unit of comparison. Units  of comparison that are commonly used include analysing sale prices by  calculating the price per square metre of a building or per hectare for land.  Other units used for price comparison where there is sufficient homogeneity  between the physical characteristics include a price per room or a price per unit  of output, eg, crop yields. A unit of comparison is only useful when it is  consistently selected and applied to the subject property and the comparable  properties in each analysis. To the extent possible any unit of comparison  used should be one commonly used by participants in the relevant market.  C15. The reliance that can be applied to any comparable price data in the valuation  process is determined by comparing various characteristics of the property and  transaction from which the data was derived with the property being valued.  Differences between the following should be considered:  ??the interest providing the price evidence and the interest being valued,  ??the respective locations,  ??the respective quality of the land or the age and specification of the  buildings,  ??the permitted use or zoning at each property,  ??the circumstances under which the price was determined and the basis, of  value requi red,  ??the effective date of the price evidence and the required valuation date.  Income Approach  C16. Various methods are used to estimate value under the general heading of the  income approach, all of which share the common characteristic that the value  is based upon an actual or estimated cash flow that either is or could be  generated by an owner of the interest. In the case of an investment property,  that income could be in an owner occupied building, it could  be an assumed rent (or rent saved) based on what it would cost the owner to  lease equivalent space. Where a building is suitable for only a particular type  of trading activity, that income may be related to the actual or potential cash  flows that would accrue to the owner of that building, from the trading activity,  see IVS 232 Trade Related Property. This latter example is often referred to  as the “profits method”.  C17. The income stream identified is then used to estimate the value by a process of  capitalisation. An income stream that is likely to remain constant can be  capitalised using a single multiplier, often known as the capitalisation rate.  This figure represents the return, or “yield”, that an investor, or the notional  return in the case of an owner occupier, would expect to reflect the time cost of  money and the risks and rewards of ownership. This method, often known as  the all risks yield method, is quick and simple but cannot be reliably used  where the income is expected to change in future periods to an extent greater  than that generally expected in the market or where a more sophisticated  analysis of risk is requi red.  C18. In such cases, various forms of discounted cash flow models can be used.  These vary signi ficantly in detail but share the basic characteristic that the net  income for a defined future period is adjusted to a present day value using a  discount rate. The sum of the present day values for the individual periods  represents the capital value. As in the case of the all risks yield method, the  discount rate in a discounted cash flow model will be based on the time cost of  money and the risks and rewards attaching to the income stream in question.  C19. The yield or discount rate discussed above will be determined by the objective  of the valuation. If this is to establish the value to a particular owner or  potential owner based on their own investment criteria, the rate used may  reflect their requi red internal rate of return or the weighted average cost of  capital. If it is to estimate the market value, the rate will be derived from  observation of the returns implicit in the price paid for real property interests  traded in the market between market participants.  C20. The appropriate discount rate should be determined from analysis of the rates  implicit in transactions in the market. Where this is not possible, an appropriate  discount rate may be built up from a typical “risk free “ return available on a  AAA rated bond and then adjusted for the additional risks and opportunities  specific to the particular real property interest.  C21. The appropriate yield or discount rate will also depend on whether the income  inputs or cash flows used are based on current levels or whether projections  have been made to reflect anticipated future inflation or deflation.
楼主发言:3次 发图:0张 | 更多
  C12.The three principal valuation approaches described in the IVS Framework can  all be applicable for the valuation of a real property interest.  Market Approach  在IVS框架中所描述的三种主要估值方法都适用于评估不动产的价值?  额,不确定
  @大脸猫啊猫脸大 1楼
23:14:04  C12.The three principal valuation approaches described in the IVS Framework can  all be applicable for the valuation of a real property interest.  Market Approach  在IVS框架中所描述的三种主要估值方法都适用于评估不动产的价值?  额,不确定  -----------------------------  对啊 就是评估不动产的三种方法,求继续啊大神 ,只要通顺就行!。。英文太烂了。。看见就头晕。
  Property interests are not homogeneous. Even if the land and buildings to  which the interest being valued relates have identical physical characteristics to  others being exchanged in the market, the location will be different.  Notwithstanding these dissimilarities, the market approach is commonly  applied for the valuation of real property interests.  财产利益不均衡。即使在市场交换时,土地和建筑的利益和其他人的价值关系有相同的物理特性(很不确定这一句,太晕了),但是定位将会不同。尽管有这些异同,但是市场通常应用于评估不动产的价值。  算了,楼主,你还是自己猜什么意思吧。。。
  In order to compare the subject of the valuation with the price of other real property interests that have been recently exchanged or that may be currently available in the market, it is usual to adopt a suitable unit of comparison. Units of comparison that are commonly used include analysing sale prices by calculating the price per square metre of a building or per hectare for land.Other units used for price comparison where there is sufficient homogeneity between the physical characteristics include a price per room or a price per unit of output, eg, crop yields. A unit of comparison is only useful when it is consistently selected and applied to the subject property and the comparable properties in each analysis. To the extent possible any unit of comparison used should be one commonly used by participants in the relevant market.  为了比较估值的项目和最近交换的或者是可能最近市场上有效的一些不动产的利益价值,通常是采用一个合适的单位去比较。比较单位通常是使用包括分析销售数据通过计算出每平方米的建筑或者每公顷的土地的价格。其他单位用于价格比较是足够的均衡在物理特性中包括每间屋子的价格和每个单位的产出,例如,粮食作物的生产量。一个比较单位唯一有用的是当它持续选择和适用于这个项目财产以及在每一个分析中。尽可能任何的比较单位应该是一个在相关市场中常用的参与者。
  The reliance that can be applied to any comparable price data in the valuation  process is determined by comparing various characteristics of the property and  transaction from which the data was derived with the property being valued.  在估值过程中依赖能够试用于任何比较价值的数据是确定比较多样特征的产权和事务数据派生出的房地产价值。  Differences between the following should be considered:  不同之处应该被考虑如下:  the interest providing the price evidence and the interest being valued  利益提供的价格证据和利益价值  the respective locations,  各自的定位  the respective quality of the land or the age and specification of the buildings,  各自土地的质量或者年份和建筑规范  the permitted use or zoning at each property,  允许使用或者是每个产权的分区  the circumstances under which the price was determined and the basis, of value required,  在价格确定和基础价值要求的情况下(这句你最后一个单词是requi red,不知道是不是required)  the effective date of the price evidence and the required valuation date.  价格证据的有效数据和要求估值的数据
  Income Approach  收益方式  Various methods are used to estimate value under the general heading of the  income approach, all of which share the common characteristic that the value  is based upon an actual or estimated cash flow that either is or could be generated by an owner of the interest.  在估算价值使用的多种方式上收益方式(途径)是通用标题,所有共享价值的共同特质是基于一个现实或者估算的现金流量二者之一或者是一个可能生成所有者的利益。  In the case of an investment property,that income could be in an owner occupied building, it could be an assumed rent (or rent saved) based on what it would cost the owner to lease equivalent space.  在投资房地产的情况下,收益可以是租赁的形式,在所有者占有的建筑,这可能是一个假设的租金(或者是救助租金)基于所有者花费租赁等效的空间。  Where a building is suitable for only a particular type of trading activity, that income may be related to the actual or potential cash flows that would accrue to the owner of that building, from the trading activity,  see IVS 232 Trade Related Property.  建筑适应一个特殊的类型的交易活动,收益可能与现实或者潜在的现金流量有关,这将从交易活动中获得建筑的所有者,看IVS232贸易相关财产(这不知道怎么翻译)  This latter example is often referred to as the “profits method”.  后一个例子经常被称作为“利益法”
  在下学的资产评估专业,英语烂的不想说,可老师给的资料全是英文的。。  辛苦了大神,万分感谢!
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