话说机甲契约 犹大的烟真的会削弱吗

《犹大福音》对于耶稣和门徒犹大之间的关系提出了一个与两千年来传统的基督宗教,完全不同的观点,并对这位背叛耶稣的门徒有新的描绘。长久以来,基督教界一直视犹大为叛徒,但《犹大福音》却颠覆这种观点,指犹大其实是耶稣最喜爱的门徒,他之所以出卖耶稣,是出于耶稣授意,为的是要完成上帝的救赎计划。其与新约《马太福音》等四部福音书(《马太福音》、《马可福音》、《路加福音》与《约翰福音》)描述的完全相反。  三、四世纪抄写自希腊文原稿  
《犹大福音》的手稿由美国国家地理学会、梅塞纳-马恩省斯古代艺术基金会(Maecenas Foundation
for AncientArt)与韦特史料研究所(Waitt Institute for Historical
《犹大福音》于1980年前后在埃及被发现,当时还只是一堆莎草纸的断简残篇。1983年,这些手稿出现在国际古物市场上,当时即有一群学者见过这份手稿。由于卖方要价三百万美元,没人买得起,这份手稿遂在纽约州长岛花旗银行的保险箱躺了近二十年,直到前几年,才由瑞士的梅塞纳-马恩省斯古代艺术基金会取得。   五种鉴定方法证实为“旁经”著作  
国家地理学会宣称这份古抄本确定是货真价实的基督教“旁经”著作,鉴定方法有五种:放射性碳定年、墨水分析、多光谱照影术、内文比对与古字比对。 国家地理学会项目节目执行副总裁泰瑞.贾西亚(Terry
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  《犹大福音》中文译本         翻译者:循道       (译者注:本译本依据公开披露的英文译本而译出。由于原文丢失很多,故无法清晰地明白这篇文字里所谓的一些奥秘究竟是怎么回事。但是对于基督徒而言,大可不必惊慌,因为它实在并没有动摇耶稣死而复活的逻辑必要性和历史真实性。它只是讲耶稣上十字架之前的一些事情和谈话,并没有否定耶稣的流血代赎和死而复活等。)             这是耶稣在逾越节前3天在与加略人犹大交谈中所呈现的秘密话语       当耶稣显现在地上时,为救世人他行了许多神迹奇事。有人悔改行义,有人悖逆犯罪而拒绝他。耶稣呼召了十二门徒。他给他们谈论关于天国的奥秘和末后将要发生的事。他在门徒中常常表现得不像夫子倒像孩童。       一天,耶稣和门徒在犹大地,他看到他们聚集坐在一起恭行礼仪。当他看到门徒们聚坐在一起谢饭的时候,耶稣笑了。门徒说:“主啊,为什么笑我们的谢饭祈祷?我们是在做我们应该做的啊。”       耶稣回答他们说:“我并不是笑你们。你们做的这些事,并不是用你们自己的心来做的,而是仅仅因为这是赞美上帝的例行仪式而已。”     门徒们说:“主啊,你真是上帝的儿子。”     耶稣对他们说:“你们怎么认识我的?我实实在在地告诉你们,你们这世代没有人认识我。”       门徒听见了,就气恼并有不恭之意。耶稣见他们不明白他的话,就对他们说:“为什么激动气恼呢?你们里面的体贴肉体的心,……(阙文)激动你们灵里恼怒。你们中谁是坚强的,谁就可以到在我面前来。”       他们都说:“我们是坚强的。”但是门徒们并不敢站到耶稣面前来,只有加略人犹大来到耶稣面前。但是他并不能够正视耶稣的眼睛,把脸转向一边。       犹大对耶稣说:“我知道你是谁,也知道你从何处而来。你来自不朽之界,我根本不配谈说差遣你的那位的圣名。”       耶稣知道犹大有可贵的灵性禀赋,就对他说:“离开众人,我要把天国的奥秘告诉你。你可能会进入天国。但是你将会极其伤心。别人将会取代你的使徒职分,为了十二使徒的神圣完整。”       犹大对他说:“告诉我这些事什么时候发生?这个世代的黎明大日何时到来?”     但是当他说这些时, 耶稣离开了他。       在这以后的下一个早上, 耶稣又出现在他的门徙们面前。他们对他说:“主啊,在你离开我们的时候,你住哪儿,做什么呢?”       耶稣对他们说:“我去了另外一个伟大和圣洁的世代。”     门徒对他说:“主啊,那个超越的圣洁的伟大世代,难道不就在今日吗?”       耶稣听见了,他笑对他们说:“为什么用你们有限的心来思想那个伟大圣洁的世代?我实实在在地告诉你们,亘古以来没有人见过那个世代,连众星上的天使也不会主宰那个世代,地上必死的肉身是不能够承受那个世代的。因为那世代不是来自……(阙文),而你们这个世代是来自人间的势力,……(阙文)”       当门徙们听见了这些话,他们都在心里感到不安。他们不能说一句话。     另一天,耶稣来到他们面前。他们说:“主啊,我们已经看见你……,夜里我们看见了个伟大的异象……(阙文)。”       “为什么……(阙文)躲藏?”       他们说;“一个大祭坛,十二个人是祭司,一群百姓拥挤在祭坛前,祭司……(阙文)等待……(阙文)”     耶稣说: “祭司是什么样子呢?”       他们说:“(阙文)……两个星期,把他们的孩子和他们的妻子献祭,彼此谦恭赞美,……一些人被交给罪恶和非法的事情,奸淫女人杀戮孩子,站在祭坛前的人奉你的名献祭……(阙文)”       说完,他们安静下来,很是困惑。       耶稣对他们说:“你们为什么困惑呢?我实实在在地告诉你们,所有在祭坛前奉我名献祭的祭司们,我再次给你们说,我的名已经被写在超越人间此世的辉煌世代的……(阙文)上了。(人间此世的人们)已经奉我的名无耻地栽种了不结果子的树。”       耶稣对他们说:“你们看见的站在祭坛前收祭品的那些祭司就是你们。你们就是你们看到的那自以为是地侍奉你们所认为的上帝的十二个人。献祭的祭品就是你们误导入歧途的祭坛前的那些百姓。……(阙文)一个人站着利用我的名,那些敬虔的世人就尊敬他,于是一个接着一个的祭司都站在祭坛前行奸淫污秽残暴的事情,他们自以为是,竟然说自己像天使。祭司们对世人说:‘看哪,通过我们的手,上帝已经悦纳了你们的献祭。’——他们大大地错了。那宇宙之主会说‘末日他们将要悲哀切齿了。’”       耶稣对他们说:“停止在你们的祭坛前献你们的什么祭了吧!……(阙文)一个做面包的不能喂饱天下所有的工人。”       耶稣对他们说:“不要和我斗气了吧。你们每个人都有自己的心灵之星,每个人……(阙文)……里面的,他就来到了生命树的泉水边,……他就来到了上帝乐园的泉水边。那里的人们将永生,因为给他们的不是短暂的而是永恒的。”       犹大问耶稣说:“夫子, 人间此世究竟会结什么样的果子?”     耶稣说, “人间此世的生命都会死的。 有些人完成配得天国的寿命,灵魂离开他们,他们的身体会死但是他们的灵魂是活着的,他们将会被保存。”       犹大问:“那么,此世其余的人将做什么?”     耶稣说:“播种在岩石上却还要收获果子,是不可能的。……(阙文)智慧之手创造了肉身必死的人,为的是使人们的灵魂上升到永恒的天界。我实实在在地告诉你们,……(阙文)”     耶稣说了这些以后,他就走开了。       犹大说,“主啊,你已经听完他们说的了,现在也听听我说吧。我见到了一个伟大的异象。”     耶稣听见了,他笑对他说, “你这第13号的灵魂,为什么如此难缠呢?然而说出来吧,我会忍受你的。”       犹大说:“我在异象里看到我自己遭受十二门徒无情的石头攻击和苦待。我躲到你身后面。我看到一所房子,我不知道这房子有多大,众人包围着房子,房顶是绿叶般的,在房子的中间是一群人……(阙文)……说‘主啊,让我和这些人在一起吧’。”       耶稣回答说:“犹大,你的心灵之星已经带你去了你现在不该去的地方了。” 他继续说,“没有生为地上肉身的哪个人是配进入你已经看见的那所房子的, 那地方是为圣洁之辈保留的。统治那里的既不是太阳也不是月亮,也没有地上的日子,但是圣洁之辈可以在那里,与圣天使永恒相伴。看哪,我已经给你讲明了天国的奥秘,也指出了你目前心思的迷误,并且……(阙文)”       犹大问:“主啊,我的生命种子能够确定会被保存在天国那所房子里吗?”     耶稣回答他说:“来, 我……(阙文),但是当你看见天国和天国世代时将会非常伤心。”     犹大听见了,向他说:“对我会有何益处呢,你把我和天国世代的人们区别开来?”     耶稣回答说:“你将成为那第13个,并且你将被世人咒骂,——你终将回来统治他们。在末后的日子他们将诅咒你直到圣洁世代产生。”       耶稣说:“来吧, 我要把从没有人知晓的奥秘告诉你。有一个无限美妙的地方,甚至天使也不曾见识它的存在。那里有一位不可见的至高者存在,天使的眼睛也不曾见识,人心也无法想象,任何人都无法名状。那里有明亮的云存在。那位至高者说:‘让一个天使来做我的管家吧。’于是一个智慧非凡的大天使就自动现身于云端。他让另外四位天使也从别处云端现身,他们就成了至高者的管家,至高者说‘要有什么’于是就有了什么。他创造了最初的由他统治的光明之星。至高者说‘要多多有天使来听命’于是就有了无数的天使。至高者说‘要有永远光明的国度’于是那个就有了。至高者又创造了第二个以至其他更多的他所统治着的宇宙永光之星,以及无数听命的天使。”       “亚当一族原本是在最初由至高者创造的光明之星里。那些被人称为‘神’的天使们都没有见过亚当一族。他……像天使。他生出很多敬虔的后裔。……12……24……(阙文)他按照至高者的意志造了72个永光的子国度。这72个光明子国度又生出了360个孙国度,即他们每个又创造出五个,这都是按照至高者的意志做的。那12个光明国度是他们的父国度,每个国度有6个乐园,于是就有72个乐园。每个子国度又有5个乐园,于是又有360个乐园。他们因为他们的光荣的敬虔和纯洁的灵魂而有权在天堂里享受天使的服侍。”       “这极多的不朽之辈就构成了宇宙,即由那些父国度和72个子国度所充斥其间的。第一个人有敬虔的品质,他的后裔有永生者。永生的智慧存在天上和天使那里。”       “……(阙文)说:‘让12个天使治理空虚混沌的地面吧。’看哪,从云端有个脸面带着血与火的天使出现了,他的名字叫尼布路(Nebro),意思是‘反叛’。其他人也称他为妖大暴(Yaldabaoth)。另有一个天使,萨迦拉(Saklas),也来自云端。于是尼布路(Nebro)造了六个同萨迦拉(Saklas)一样的天使作为帮手。这些天使又造出12个小天使。他们都掌握有天上的一些东西。”       “12个天使给12个小天使说话了:让你们每人……(阙文)……第一是称为基督(Christ)的,第二是叫哈马索(Harmathoth)的,第三是叫加里拉(Galila)的,第四是叫约贝(Yobel)的,第五是叫安东奈(Adonaios)的。这些是过去以来一直治理着下界的五位,是在地上为首的。”       “萨迦拉(Saklas)对天使说:‘让我们模仿着我们的样子形象来造人吧。’他们就造出了亚当和他的妻子夏娃,就是云间称为‘人’(Zoe)的。所有的世人都寻根追溯到亚当这个男人,世人通过这些名字也常提起那个女人来。萨迦拉(Saklas)没有做……(阙文)并且 对亚当说:‘你将会很长寿,并会拥有众多的孩子们。’”       犹大问耶稣:“人类能够长久地活吗?”     耶稣说:“为什么你要疑惑这些事情呢?难道你不相信亚当与他的后裔已经生活在永生之主统治的天堂里了吗?”       犹大问耶稣:“人的灵魂会死吗?”耶稣说:“上帝让天使长米迦勒贷给人们灵魂,为了人们可以有所回报;但是至高者让天使长加百列赐给那些能够进入伟大世代的人们以不可磨灭的灵魂,……(阙文)的灵魂就……(阙文)……天使世代里的人们的肉体里头的灵魂将……(阙文)。但上帝给亚当之辈以智慧,世界的王就不能够胜过他们。”       犹大对耶稣说:“那些世代将来会怎样呢?”     耶稣说, “我实实在在地告诉你,这些魔星们的作乱就要到头了。当萨迦拉(Saklas)到了他的日期,他们的第一颗魔星将显现在世人面前,他们要做他们想做的事情。他们将假借我的名行奸淫残暴的事情,并且他们将……(阙文)我的名……(阙文)”。     说完,耶稣笑了。       犹大问:“主啊,你为什么笑我们呢?”耶稣回答说:“我不是在笑你们,而是在笑那些魔星们的错误。因为这六个魔星都要和他们所做的一起灭亡了。”       犹大对耶稣说:“看哪,那些奉你的名接受了洗礼的人将怎么办呢?”     耶稣说:“我实实在在地告诉你,这些奉我名而举行的洗礼……(阙文),我实实在在地告诉你,犹大,那些向萨迦拉(Saklas)献祭的人……(阙文)……任何事物那是邪恶的。但是你将不同于他们所有人。因为你将牺牲我的这个肉身(原意是“穿我衣服的人”)。你就要被升上天国里,你的火就要被点燃,你的星已经开始明亮地显现了,你的心……(阙文)我实实在在地告诉你,你会痛苦……(阙文)……他被消灭了。那时,亚当的这伟大后裔将会被尊崇,因为他是天、地和天使的元首,他的根从亘古就有。看哪,我把一切都告诉你了。抬起你的眼睛,凝视云端吧,瞧那云端里的光和光周围的群星吧,作开路先锋的那颗星就是你。”       犹大举目,看见一片光明的云,他就被云接进去了,那站在地上的人们听到从云端传来的声音说:“(阙文)……伟大的人……(阙文)。”       当看到耶稣进入房内祷告的时候,大祭司就悄悄地说了些什么。但是文士一直紧盯着耶稣以便在他祷告的时候好抓住他,因为他们害怕民众,在民众眼里耶稣是先知。       他们走向犹大说:“你在这里做什么?你是耶稣的门徒。”犹大说出他们希望听到的话。然后他接了赏钱,便将耶稣交给他们。     
  犹大福音》英文译本 THE GOSPEL OF JUDAS   ==============================  Translated by   Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst,   in collaboration with Fran&ois Gaudard   From The Gospel of Judas   Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst   Published in book form complete with commentary by The National Geographic   Society.     Copyright (c) 2006 by The National Geographic Society.   All rights reserved. No part of this translation may be reproduced or   transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,   including photocopying, without permission in writing from the National   Geographic Society.     INTRODUCTION: INCIPIT   The secret account of the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversation with Judas Iscariot   during a week three days before he celebrated Passover.     THE EARTHLY MINISTRY OF JESUS      When Jesus appeared on earth, he performed miracles and great wonders for the salvation   of humanity. And since some [walked] in the way of righteousness while others walked   in their transgressions, the twelve disciples were called.   He began to speak with them about the mysteries beyond the world and what would   take place at the end. Often he did not appear to his disciples as himself, but he was found   among them as a child.     SCENE 1: Jesus dialogues with his disciples: The prayer of thanksgiving or the eucharist   One day he was with his disciples in Judea, and he found them gathered together and   seated in pious observance. When he [approached] his disciples, [34] gathered together   and seated and offering a prayer of thanksgiving over the bread, [he] laughed.   The disciples said to [him], “Master, why are you laughing at [our] prayer of   thanksgiving? We have done what is right.”     He answered and said to them, “I am not laughing at you. are not doing this   because of your own will but because it is through this that your god [will be] praised.”   They said, “Master, you are […] the son of our god.”   Jesus said to them, “How do you know me? Truly [I] say to you, no generation of the   people that are among you will know me.”     THE DISCIPLES BECOME ANGRY     When his disciples heard this, they started getting angry and infuriated and began   blaspheming against him in their hearts.     When Jesus observed their lack of [understanding, he said] to them, “Why has this   agitation led you to anger? Your god who is within you and […] [35] have provoked you   to anger [within] your souls. [Let] any one of you who is [strong enough] among human   beings bring out the perfect human and stand before my face.”     They all said, “We have the strength.”     But their spirits did not dare to stand before [him], except for Judas Iscariot. He was   able to stand before him, but he could not look him in the eyes, and he turned his face   away.     Judas [said] to him, “I know who you are and where you have come from. You are   from the immortal realm of Barbelo. And I am not worthy to utter the name of the one   who has sent you.”     JESUS SPEAKS TO JUDAS PRIVATELY     Knowing that Judas was reflecting upon something that was exalted, Jesus said to him,   “Step away from the others and I shall tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. It is   possible for you to reach it, but you will grieve a great deal. [36] For someone else will   replace you, in order that the twelve [disciples] may again come to completion with their   god.”     Judas said to him, “When will you tell me these things, and [when] will the great day   of light dawn for the generation?”     But when he said this, Jesus left him.     SCENE 2: Jesus appears to the disciples again     The next morning, after this happened, Jesus [appeared] to his disciples again.   They said to him, “Master, where did you go and what did you do when you left us?”   Jesus said to them, “I went to another great and holy generation.”     His disciples said to him, “Lord, what is the great generation that is superior to us and   holier than us, that is not now in these realms?”     When Jesus heard this, he laughed and said to them, “Why are you thinking in your   hearts about the strong and holy generation? [37] Truly [I] say to you, no one born [of]   this aeon will see that [generation], and no host of angels of the stars will rule over that   generation, and no person of mortal birth can associate with it, because that generation   does not come from […] which has become […]. The generation of people among [you]   is from the generation of humanity […] power, which [… the] other powers […] by   [which] you rule.”     When [his] disciples heard this, they each were troubled in spirit. They could not say a   word.     Another day Jesus came up to [them]. They said to [him], “Master, we have seen you   in a [vision], for we have had great [dreams …] night […].”     [He said], “Why have [you … when] have gone into hiding?” [38]     THE DISCIPLES SEE THE TEMPLE AND DISCUSS IT     They [said, “We have seen] a great [house with a large] altar [in it, and] twelve   men—they are the priests, we would say— and a crowd of people is waiting   at that altar, [until] the priests [… and receive] the offerings. [But] we kept waiting.”   [Jesus said], “What are [the priests] like?”     They [said, “Some …] [some] sacrifice their own children, others their   wives, in praise [and] humi some are involved   in [slaughter]; some commit a multitude of sins and deeds of lawlessness. And the men   who stand [before] the altar invoke your [name], [39] and in all the deeds of their   deficiency, the sacrifices are brought to completion […].”     After they said this, they were quiet, for they were troubled.     JESUS OFFERS AN ALLEGORICAL INTERPRETATION OF THE VISION OF THE TEMPLE     Jesus said to them, “Why are you troubled? Truly I say to you, all the priests who stand   before that altar invoke my name. Again I say to you, my name has been written on this   […] of the generations of the stars through the human generations. [And they] have   planted trees without fruit, in my name, in a shameful manner.”     Jesus said to them, “Those you have seen receiving the offerings at the altar—that is   who you are. That is the god you serve, and you are those twelve men you have seen. The   cattle you have seen brought for sacrifice are the many people you lead astray [40] before   that altar. […] will stand and make use of my name in this way, and generations of the   pious will remain loyal to him. After hi another man will stand there from [the   fornicators], and another [will] stand there from the slayers of children, and another from   those who sleep with men, and those who abstain, and the rest of the people of pollution   and lawlessness and error, and those who say, ‘We are like angels’; they are the stars that   bring everything to its conclusion. For to the human generations it has been said, ‘Look,   God has received your sacrifice from the hands of a priest’—that is, a minister of error.   But it is the Lord, the Lord of the universe, who commands, ‘On the last day they will be   put to shame.’” [41]     Jesus said [to them], “Stop sac[rificing …] which you have […] over the altar, since   they are over your stars and your angels and have already come to their conclusion there.   So let them be [ensnared] before you, and let them go [—about 15 lines missing—]   generations […]. A baker cannot feed all creation [42] under [heaven]. And […] to them   […] and […] to us and […].     Jesus said to them, “Stop struggling with me. Each of you has his own star, and   every[body—about 17 lines missing—] [43] in […] who has come [… spring] for the tree   […] of this aeon […] for a time […] but he has come to water God’s paradise, and the   [generation] that will last, because [he] will not defile the [walk of life of] that   generation, but […] for all eternity.”     JUDAS ASKS JESUS ABOUT THAT GENERATION AND HUMAN GENERATIONS     Judas said to [him, “Rabb]i, what kind of fruit does this generation produce?”   Jesus said, “The souls of every human generation will die. When these people,   however, have completed the time of the kingdom and the spirit leaves them, their bodies   will die but their souls will be alive, and they will be taken up.”     Judas said, “And what will the rest of the human generations do?”     Jesus said, “It is impossible [44] to sow seed on [rock] and harvest its fruit. [This] is   also the way […] the [defiled] generation […] and corruptible Sophia […] the hand that   has created mortal people, so that their souls go up to the eternal realms above. [Truly] I   say to you, […] angel […] power will be able to see that […] these to whom […] holy   generations […].”     After Jesus said this, he departed.     SCENE 3: Judas recounts a vision and Jesus responds     Judas said, “Master, as you have listened to all of them, now also listen to me. For I have   seen a great vision.”     When Jesus heard this, he laughed and said to him, “You thirteenth spirit, why do you   try so hard? But speak up, and I shall bear with you.”     Judas said to him, “In the vision I saw myself as the twelve disciples were stoning me   and [45] persecuting [me severely]. And I also came to the place where […] after you. I   saw [a house …], and my eyes could not [comprehend] its size. Great people were   surrounding it, and that house a roof of greenery, and in the middle of the house   was [a crowd—two lines missing—], saying, ‘Master, take me in along with these   people.’”     [Jesus] answered and said, “Judas, your star has led you astray.” He continued, “No   person of mortal birth is worthy to enter the house you have seen, for that place is   reserved for the holy. Neither the sun nor the moon will rule there, nor the day, but the   holy will abide there always, in the eternal realm with the holy angels. Look, I have   explained to you the mysteries of the kingdom [46] and I have taught you about the error    and […] send it […] on the twelve aeons.”     JUDAS ASKS ABOUT HIS OWN FATE     Judas said, “Master, could it be that my seed is under the control of the rulers?”   Jesus answered and said to him, “Come, that I [—two lines missing—], but that you   will grieve much when you see the kingdom and all its generation.”     When he heard this, Judas said to him, “What good is it that I have received it? For   you have set me apart for that generation.”     Jesus answered and said, “You will become the thirteenth, and you will be cursed by   the other generations—and you will come to rule over them. In the last days they will   curse your ascent [47] to the holy [generation].”     JESUS TEACHES JUDAS ABOUT COSMOLOGY: THE SPIRIT AND THE SELF-GENERATED     Jesus said, “[Come], that I may teach you about [secrets] no person [has] ever seen. For   there exists a great and boundless realm, whose extent no generation of angels has seen,   [in which] there is [a] great invisible [Spirit],   which no eye of an angel has ever seen,   no thought of the heart has ever comprehended,   and it was never called by any name.   “And a luminous cloud appeared there. He said, ‘Let an angel come into being as my   attendant.’     “A great angel, the enlightened divine Self-Generated, emerged from the cloud.   Because of him, four other angels came into being from another cloud, and they became   attendants for the angelic Self-Generated. The Self-Generated said, [48] ‘Let […] come   into being […],’ and it came into being […]. And he [created] the first luminary to reign   over him. He said, ‘Let angels come into being to serve [him],’ and myriads without   number came into being. He said, ‘[Let] an enlightened aeon come into being,’ and he   came into being. He created the second luminary [to] reign over him, together with   myriads of angels without number, to offer service. That is how he created the rest of the   enlightened aeons. He made them reign over them, and he created for them myriads of   angels without number, to assist them.     ADAMAS AND THE LUMINARIES     “Adamas was in the first luminous cloud that no angel has ever seen among all those   called ‘God.’ He [49] […] that […] the image […] and after the likeness of [this] angel.   He made the incorruptible [generation] of Seth appear […] the twelve […] the twentyfour   […]. He made seventy-two luminaries appear in the incorruptible generation, in   accordance with the will of the Spirit. The seventy-two luminaries themselves made three   hundred sixty luminaries appear in the incorruptible generation, in accordance with the   will of the Spirit, that their number should be five for each.     “The twelve aeons of the twelve luminaries constitute their father, with six heavens for   each aeon, so that there are seventy-two heavens for the seventy-two luminaries, and for   each [50] [of them five] firmaments, [for a total of] three hundred sixty [firmaments …].   They were given authority and a [great] host of angels [without number], for glory and   adoration, [and after that also] virgin spirits, for glory and [adoration] of all the aeons and   the heavens and their firmaments.     THE COSMOS, CHAOS, AND THE UNDERWORLD     “The multitude of those immortals is called the cosmos— that is, perdition—by the   Father and the seventy-two luminaries who are with the Self-Generated and his seventytwo   aeons. In him the first human appeared with his incorruptible powers. And the aeon   that appeared with his generation, the aeon in whom are the cloud of knowledge and the   angel, is called [51] El. […] aeon […] after that […] said, ‘Let twelve angels come into   being [to] rule over chaos and the [underworld].’ And look, from the cloud there   appeared an [angel] whose face flashed with fire and whose appearance was defiled with   blood. His name was Nebro, which means ‘rebel’; others call him Yaldabaoth. Another   angel, Saklas, also came from the cloud. So Nebro created six angels—as well as   Saklas—to be assistants, and these produced twelve angels in the heavens, with each one   receiving a portion in the heavens.     THE RULERS AND ANGELS     “The twelve rulers spoke with the twelve angels: ‘Let each of you [52] […] and let them   […] generation [—one line lost—] angels’:   The first is [S]eth, who is called Christ.   The [second] is Harmathoth, who is […].   The [third] is Galila.   The fourth is Yobel.   The fifth [is] Adonaios.   These are the five who ruled over the underworld, and first of all over chaos.     THE CREATION OF HUMANITY     “Then Saklas said to his angels, ‘Let us create a human being after the likeness and after   the image.’ They fashioned Adam and his wife Eve, who is called, in the cloud, Zoe. For   by this name all the generations seek the man, and each of them calls the woman by these   names. Now, Sakla did not [53] com[mand …] except […] the gene[rations …] this […].   And the [ruler] said to Adam, ‘You shall live long, with your children.’”     JUDAS ASKS ABOUT THE DESTINY OF ADAM AND HUMANITY     Judas said to Jesus, “[What] is the long duration of time that the human being will live?”   Jesus said, “Why are you wondering about this, that Adam, with his generation, has   lived his span of life in the place where he has received his kingdom, with longevity with   his ruler?”     Judas said to Jesus, “Does the human spirit die?”     Jesus said, “This is why God ordered Michael to give the spirits of people to them as a   loan, so that they might offer service, but the Great One ordered Gabriel to grant spirits to   the great generation with no ruler over it—that is, the spirit and the soul. Therefore, the   [rest] of the souls [54] [—one line missing—].     JESUS DISCUSSES THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WICKED WITH JUDAS AND OTHERS   “[…] light [—nearly two lines missing—] around […] let […] spirit [that is] within you   dwell in this [flesh] among the generations of angels. But God caused knowledge to be   [given] to Adam and those with him, so that the kings of chaos and the underworld might   not lord it over them.”     Judas said to Jesus, “So what will those generations do?”     Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, for all of them the stars bring matters to completion.   When Saklas completes the span of time assigned for him, their first star will appear with   the generations, and they will finish what they said they would do. Then they will   fornicate in my name and slay their children [55] and they will […] and [—about six and   a half lines missing—] my name, and he will […] your star over the [thir]teenth aeon.”   After that Jesus [laughed].     [Judas said], “Master, [why are you laughing at us]?”     [Jesus] answered [and said], “I am not laughing [at you] but at the error of the stars,   because these six stars wander about with these five combatants, and they all will be   destroyed along with their creatures.”     JESUS SPEAKS OF THOSE WHO ARE BAPTIZED, AND JUDAS’S BETRAYAL   Judas said to Jesus, “Look, what will those who have been baptized in your name do?”   Jesus said, “Truly I say [to you], this baptism [56] […] my name [—about nine lines   missing—] to me. Truly [I] say to you, Judas, [those who] offer sacrifices to Saklas […]   God [—three lines missing—] everything that is evil.     “But you will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me.   Already your horn has been raised,   your wrath has been kindled,   your star has shown brightly,   and your heart has […]. [57]     “Truly […] your last […] become [—about two and a half lines missing—], grieve   [—about two lines missing—] the ruler, since he will be destroyed. And then the image   of the great generation of Adam will be exalted, for prior to heaven, earth, and the angels,   that generation, which is from the eternal realms, exists. Look, you have been told   everything. Lift up your eyes and look at the cloud and the light within it and the stars   surrounding it. The star that leads the way is your star.”     Judas lifted up his eyes and saw the luminous cloud, and he entered it. Those standing   on the ground heard a voice coming from the cloud, saying, [58] […] great generation   […] … image […] [—about five lines missing—].     CONCLUSION: JUDAS BETRAYS JESUS     […] Their high priests murmured because [he] had gone into the guest room for his   prayer. But some scribes were there watching carefully in order to arrest him during the   prayer, for they were afraid of the people, since he was regarded by all as a prophet.   They approached Judas and said to him, “What are you doing here? You are Jesus’   disciple.”     Judas answered them as they wished. And he received some money and handed him over   to them.   
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