在2030年世界会是什么样子 英文的英文

年月日,举世瞩目的“联合国可持续发展峰会”在联合国总部召开。会议开幕当天通过了一份由个会员国共同达成的成果文件,即《改变我们的世界——年可持续发展议程》()。该纲领性文件包括项可持续发展目标和项具体目标,将推动世界在今后年内实现个史无前例的非凡创举——消除极端贫穷、战胜不平等和不公正以及遏制气候变化。潘基文秘书长在峰会开幕式致辞中指出,年可持续发展议程对未来提供的承诺和机会为世界各国人民点亮了一盏明灯。这是一个为了追求更好未来的具有普世价值、推动变革的愿景。潘基文呼吁世界各地的每一个人以该议程的项可持续发展目标为指导行动起来,以前所未有的方式建立高级别的政治承诺和崭新的全球伙伴关系。文件全文链接:&&& 中文:&&& :
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北京外语广播王牌教学 &英语PK台& 第491期
介绍: How we can make the world a better place by 2030
Michael Green is part of the team that has created the Social Progress Index, a standard to rank societies based on how they meet the needs of citizens. He defined a new model for social change built on partnerships between wealthy businesses, governments an...
介绍: How we can make the world a better place by 2030
Michael Green is part of the team that has created the Social Progress Index, a standard to rank societies based on how they meet the needs of citizens. He defined a new model for social change built on partnerships between wealthy businesses, governments and community organizations. The idea that one day countries would compete with one another to be the most socially advanced, in the same way as they now compete to be economic top dog. Green loved it and decided to turn it into reality.
Section 1:
Do you think the world is going to be a better place in the next decade? Can we end hunger, achieve gender equality, halt climate change? Well, according to the governments of the world, yes we can. In the last few days, the leaders of the world, meeting at the UN in New York, agreed a new set of Global Goals for the development of the world to 2030. And here they are: these goals are the product of a massive consultation exercise. The Global Goals are who we, humanity, want to be. Now that's the plan. Can this vision for a better world really be achieved? And the answer, shockingly, is that maybe we actually can. But not with business as usual.
Back in 2001, the UN agreed another set of goals, and the flagship target there was to halve the proportion of people living in poverty by 2015. Did we hit this target? Well, no, we didn't. We exceeded it. So how did we achieve this success? Well, a lot of it was because of economic growth. Some of the biggest reductions in poverty were in countries such as China and India, which have seen rapid economic growth in recent years. So can we pull off the same trick again? Can economic growth get us to the Global Goals?
Consultation, flagship, exceed, pull off
关注主持人京晶个人微信:goingforgold2012 参与语音互动。
新浪微博@英语PK台 @京晶am774


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