
目录:& & ☆ DCE/MS RPC架构简介& & ☆ BIND操作简介& && &&&1) "BIND Over TCP"简介& && &&&2) "BIND Over Transaction"简介& && &&&3) "BIND Over Write AndX"简介& && &&&4) "BIND Over ..."扩展& && &&&5) SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2与SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACTION& & ☆ PFC_OBJECT_UUID标志位& & ☆ MS02-045/Q326830& & ☆ WildPackets Free Filters for Detecting Malicious Worms/Viruses& & ☆ /pipe/epmapper& & ☆ 135/UDP相关讨论& && &&&1) XP SP1的msgsvc.dll(5.1.)& && &&&2) 中文2000的msgsvc.dll(5.0.)& && &&&3) 通过135/UDP访问MGMT& && &&&4) 通过135/UDP访问EPM& & ☆ Windows网络服务最小化& & ☆ MS05-040/KB893756& & ☆ DriverStudio Remote Control服务& & ☆ 参考资源--------------------------------------------------------------------------☆ DCE/MS RPC架构简介本节属于科普性质,文字描述不那么规范,将就着看吧。一个RPC服务可以绑定多种协议序列,也可以只绑定某一种协议序列,这是实现相关的,没有定式。某接口绑定N种协议序列,就意味着有N条途径可以访问该接口。可以用135dump.exe、ifids.exe等工具查询这类信息。& && && && &+-- ncacn_ip_tcp(动态TCP口)& && && && &|DCE/MS RPC--+-- ncadg_ip_udp(动态UDP口)& && && && &|& && && && &+-- ncacn_np(固定的139、445/TCP口)& && && && &|& && && && &+-- ... ...(其它协议序列)可以将DCE/MS RPC看作一层,这一层可以在不同的协议序列上跑,比如上面列出的三种。实际上还有其它协议序列可用,但不常见,这里就不罗嗦了。ncacn_ip_tcp与ncadg_ip_udp用到了动态端口,它们会向EPM接口注册所用动态端口,而客户端可以向EPM接口查询服务端注册过的信息。如果客户端有其它手段提前知道服务端所用动态端口,就可以省去向EPM接口查询的操作。一般碰上的是版本5的RPC,ncacn_ip_tcp、ncacn_np等用的就是V5。而ncadg_ip_udp用的则是版本4的RPC。V4与V5的差别很大。你在现实环境中很难观察到V4。历史上某些版本的net send命令会用到V4,MS02-045/Q326830补丁取消了Messenger服务绑定的ncadg_ip_udp协议序列,现在更难在现实环境中观察到V4了。EPM接口本身是一个RPC服务,同样有多种协议序列可用来访问这个接口。ncacn_np协议序列用到了SMB协议,DCE/MS RPC层位于SMB层上,SMB层再位于TCP层上。有些文字会介绍说139/TCP口的通信是SMB层位于NBT层上,NBT层位于TCP层上。这一点对于旁路协议分析来讲,没有必要区分,可以将NBT层那四字节划入SMB层。再简单点说,旁路协议分析时,可以认为139、445/TCP仅仅是端口不同,没有其它区别。SMB协议可以由多种命令来承载DCE/MS RPC层数据,同样是139、445/TCP上的通信,因不同的SMB命令而导致不同的SMB层解码。无论用哪种协议序列,用哪种SMB命令,访问一个RPC接口的典型步骤是:a) Bindb) Request不同的协议序列、不同SMB命令就对应不同的Bind Over ...、Request Over ...。分层解码后到了DCE/MS RPC这一层,就都一样了。做DCE/MS RPC协议分析时,首先就应该关注Bind操作。---------& &---------& &--------------&&-------动态TCP口& &动态UDP口& &139、445/TCP口&&... ...----+----& &----+----& &--------+-----&&----+--& & |& && && &&&|& && && && && &|& && && &&&|& & |& && && &&&|& && && &&&----+----& &----+--& & |& && && &&&|& && && &&&SMB层解码& &... ...& & |& && && &&&|& && && &&&----+----& &----+--& & |& && && &&&|& && && && && &|& && && &&&|& & +-----------+--------+------+-----------+& && && && && && && && & |& && && && && && &&&-----+----------& && && && && && &&&DCE/MS RPC层解码& && && && && && &&&-----+----------& && && && && && && && & |& && && && && &----------+--------------& && && && && &RPC层各命令相关的首部解码& && && && && &----------+--------------& && && && && && && && & |+--------+--------+-----+-+------------+---------+--------+|& && &&&|& && &&&|& && & |& && && && &|& && && &|& && &&&|-+--& & --+--& &---+--- ---+----& & ----+---& & --+--& &---+---Bind& & Fault& &Request Response& & Bind_ack& & AUTH3& &... ...----& & -----& &---+--- ---+----& & --------& & -----& &-------& && && && && && & |& && & |& && && && && && & +-----+-+& && && && && && && && & |& && && && && &+-------+-+-----+-------+& && && && && &|& && & |& && & |& && & |& && && && &---+--- ---+--- ---+--- ---+---& && && && &Opnum 0 Opnum 1 ... ... Opnum N& && && && &---+--- ---+--- ---+--- ---+---& && && && && &|& && & |& && & |& && & |& && && && && &+-------+---+---+-------+& && && && && && && && && &|& && && && && && && & -----+-------& && && && && && && & stub data解码& && && && && && && & -------------在用Ethereal研究DCE/MS RPC协议时,经常看到所谓的stub data,这实际是RPC解码关键所在。对于这些stub data的解码是IDL文件相关的,不同的IDL文件对应不同的stub data解码。不同的RPC服务都有着各自不同的IDL文件,因此对stub data的解码只能是具体问题具体分析,没有捷径可走。☆ BIND操作简介1) "BIND Over TCP"简介一个最简单、常见的Bind_ack报文的例子如下(SMB_37_0.cap):--------------------------------------------------------------------------Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: ), Dst Port: 135 (135), Len: 72DCE RPC Bind, Fragment: Single, FragLen: 72, Call: 1& & Version: 5& & Version (minor): 0& & Packet type: Bind (11)& & Packet Flags: 0x03& && &&&0... .... = Object: Not set& && &&&.0.. .... = Maybe: Not set& && &&&..0. .... = Did Not Execute: Not set& && &&&...0 .... = Multiplex: Not set& && &&&.... 0... = Reserved: Not set& && &&&.... .0.. = Cancel Pending: Not set& && &&&.... ..1. = Last Frag: Set& && &&&.... ...1 = First Frag: Set& & Data Representation: & && &&&Byte order: Little-endian (1)& && &&&Character: ASCII (0)& && &&&Floating-point: IEEE (0)& & Frag Length: 72& & Auth Length: 0& & Call ID: 1& & Max Xmit Frag: 5840& & Max Recv Frag: 5840& & Assoc Group: 0x& & Num Ctx Items: 1& & Context ID: 0& && &&&Num Trans Items: 1& && &&&Interface UUID: e1aff-11c9-91a4-fa& && && && &Interface Ver: 3& && && && &Interface Ver Minor: 0& && && && &Transfer Syntax: 8a885d04-1ceb-11c9-9fe8-& && && && &Syntax ver: 20030& && && && && && &&&05 00 0b 03 10 00 00 00 48 00& && && &........H. 01 00 00 00 d0 16 d0 16 00 00 00 00 01 00& &................ 00 00 01 00 08 83 af e1 1f 5d c9 11 91 a4& &...........].... 2b 14 a0 fa 03 00 00 00 04 5d 88 8a eb 1c& &..+........]....0070&&c9 11 9f e8 08 00 2b 10 48 60 02 00 00 00& && && &......+.H`....Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 135 (135), Dst Port: ), Len: 60DCE RPC Bind_ack, Fragment: Single, FragLen: 60, Call: 1& & Version: 5& & Version (minor): 0& & Packet type: Bind_ack (12)& & Packet Flags: 0x03& && &&&0... .... = Object: Not set& && &&&.0.. .... = Maybe: Not set& && &&&..0. .... = Did Not Execute: Not set& && &&&...0 .... = Multiplex: Not set& && &&&.... 0... = Reserved: Not set& && &&&.... .0.. = Cancel Pending: Not set& && &&&.... ..1. = Last Frag: Set& && &&&.... ...1 = First Frag: Set& & Data Representation: & && &&&Byte order: Little-endian (1)& && &&&Character: ASCII (0)& && &&&Floating-point: IEEE (0)& & Frag Length: 60& & Auth Length: 0& & Call ID: 1& & Max Xmit Frag: 5840& & Max Recv Frag: 5840& & Assoc Group: 0x00012bee& & Scndry Addr len: 4& & Scndry Addr: 135& & Num results: 1& & Ack result: Acceptance (0)& & Transfer Syntax: 8a885d04-1ceb-11c9-9fe8-& & Syntax ver: 20030& && && && && && &&&05 00 0c 03 10 00 00 00 3c 00& && && &........&. 01 00 00 00 d0 16 d0 16 ee 2b 01 00 04 00& &...........+.... 35 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 5d& &135............]a eb 1c c9 11 9f e8 08 00 2b 10 48 60 02 00& &..........+.H`..& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &..--------------------------------------------------------------------------试图绑定DCE/MS RPC Endpoint Mapper Interface UUID时引发上述报文。Auth Length一般情况下为0,但并非总为0。关于这个字段,参看MSDN中如下函数:RpcServerRegisterAuthInfoRpcBindingInqAuthClientRpcBindingSetAuthInfoAuth Length为0的情况下,Bind(11)报文的RPC层大小固定为72。Bind_ack(12)报文的RPC层大小变动较大,一是受Auth Length的影响,二是受ScndryAddr的影响,Scndry Addr后面的Num results要求对齐在四字节边界上。当ScndryAddr对应字符串表示的端口号时,Scndry Addr len最大等于6,即"65535"所占字节数,包括结尾的NUL字符。由于Num results四字节对齐的缘故,"65535"不会比"135"多占任何字节,因此当Scndry Addr对应字符串表示的端口号时,Auth Length为0的情况下,Bind_ack(12)报文的RPC层大小固定为60。这种情形很常见,ncacn_ip_tcp协议序列对应的BIND操作多半是这种情形,换句话说,BIND Over TCP多半是这种情形。但是,ncacn_np协议序列对应的BIND操作就不是这种情形。收到Bind_ack(12)报文并不意味着BIND操作成功,要检查Ack result字段:0& &Acceptance2& &Provider rejection应该还有其它值,但那不重要。解析Bind_ack报文时,务必判断Ack result字段是否等于Acceptance(0),此时意味着BIND操作成功。以前一直以为收到Bind_nak(13)报文才意味着BIND操作失败,不想近日做实验时意外地发现结论错误。一个解码陷阱源于Ack result在Scndry Addr之后。ncacn_ip_tcp协议序列下Ackresult在RPC层的偏移可以认为是固定的+0x024,ncacn_np协议序列下这个偏移就变了。可移植的解决方案是无论哪种协议序列,先取Scndry Addr len,再考虑四字节对齐的事,动态计算Ack result的偏移。这个方案不受Auth Length的影响,认证相关的数据位于尾部。另一个方案是先获取Auth Length,并确保收到的是完整的非畸型的Bind_ack报文,然后从尾部倒推偏移-Auth Length-0x018。这个方案并不比前一个方案更有优势,看个人喜好了。为此修正了一批早期编写的代码。下面是一个Provider rejection(2)的例子(SMB_37_1.cap):--------------------------------------------------------------------------Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 6), Dst Port: 135 (135), Len: 72DCE RPC Bind, Fragment: Single, FragLen: 72, Call: 1& & Version: 5& & Version (minor): 0& & Packet type: Bind (11)& & Packet Flags: 0x03& && &&&0... .... = Object: Not set& && &&&.0.. .... = Maybe: Not set& && &&&..0. .... = Did Not Execute: Not set& && &&&...0 .... = Multiplex: Not set& && &&&.... 0... = Reserved: Not set& && &&&.... .0.. = Cancel Pending: Not set& && &&&.... ..1. = Last Frag: Set& && &&&.... ...1 = First Frag: Set& & Data Representation: & && &&&Byte order: Little-endian (1)& && &&&Character: ASCII (0)& && &&&Floating-point: IEEE (0)& & Frag Length: 72& & Auth Length: 0& & Call ID: 1& & Max Xmit Frag: 4280& & Max Recv Frag: 4280& & Assoc Group: 0x& & Num Ctx Items: 1& & Context ID: 0& && &&&Num Trans Items: 1& && &&&Interface UUID: ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff& && && && &Interface Ver: 0& && && && &Interface Ver Minor: 0& && && && &Transfer Syntax: 8a885d04-1ceb-11c9-9fe8-& && && && &Syntax ver: 20040& && &&&05 00 0b 03 10 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 01 00& &&&........H..... b8 10 b8 10 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00& &................ ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff& &................0070&&ff ff 00 00 00 00 04 5d 88 8a eb 1c c9 11 9f e8& &.......]........ 2b 10 48 60 02 00 00 00& && && && && && && &..+.H`....Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 135 (135), Dst Port: 6), Len: 60DCE RPC Bind_ack, Fragment: Single, FragLen: 60, Call: 1& & Version: 5& & Version (minor): 0& & Packet type: Bind_ack (12)& & Packet Flags: 0x03& && &&&0... .... = Object: Not set& && &&&.0.. .... = Maybe: Not set& && &&&..0. .... = Did Not Execute: Not set& && &&&...0 .... = Multiplex: Not set& && &&&.... 0... = Reserved: Not set& && &&&.... .0.. = Cancel Pending: Not set& && &&&.... ..1. = Last Frag: Set& && &&&.... ...1 = First Frag: Set& & Data Representation: & && &&&Byte order: Little-endian (1)& && &&&Character: ASCII (0)& && &&&Floating-point: IEEE (0)& & Frag Length: 60& & Auth Length: 0& & Call ID: 1& & Max Xmit Frag: 4280& & Max Recv Frag: 4280& & Assoc Group: 0x00012bf6& & Scndry Addr len: 4& & Scndry Addr: 135& & Num results: 1& & Ack result: Provider rejection (2)& & Ack reason: Abstract syntax not supported (1)& & Transfer Syntax: 0-& & Syntax ver: 00040& && &&&05 00 0c 03 10 00 00 00 3c 00 00 00 01 00& &&&........&..... b8 10 b8 10 f6 2b 01 00 04 00 31 33 35 00& &.......+....135. 01 00 00 00 02 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00& &................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00& && && &..............--------------------------------------------------------------------------此次Ack result等于Provider rejection(2)时,Ack reason字段开始有意义,另一明显变化是Transfer Syntax字段。Bind_ack(12)报文的RPC层大小与协议序列有关,但与Ack result、Ack reason字段无关,这是两个短整型,始终占去4字节。因此上述Bind_ack(12)报文的RPC层大小仍等于60。向135/TCP发送Bind报文试图绑定不存在的接口UUID,就引发出如上Bind_ack报文。这是一次实验意外出错后的结果,现实环境中这样的报文相当罕见,折腾DCE/MS RPC这么久,还是第一次看到,为此修正了一批早期编写的代码。2) "BIND Over Transaction"简介当Bind(11)由SMB命令Trans(0x25)承载时,即"BIND Over Transaction"。这是枚举Windows 2000共享时抓取的报文(SMB_37_2.cap):--------------------------------------------------------------------------Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 5), Dst Port: 139 (139), Len: 160NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Flags: 0x00& && &&&.... ...0 = Add 0 to length& & Length: 156SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response in: 2& && &&&SMB Command: Trans (0x25)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x08& && && && &0... .... = Request/Response: Message is a request to the server& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...0 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are not canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc001& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 0... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is not supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .0.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..0. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2048& && &&&Process ID: 23643& && &&&User ID: 2048& && &&&Multiplex ID: 63744& & Trans Request (0x25)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 16& && &&&Total Parameter Count: 0& && &&&Total Data Count: 72& && &&&Max Parameter Count: 0& && &&&Max Data Count: 1024& && &&&Max Setup Count: 0& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&Flags: 0x0000& && && && &.... .... .... ..0. = One Way Transaction: Two way transaction& && && && &.... .... .... ...0 = Disconnect TID: Do NOT disconnect TID& && &&&Timeout: Return immediately (0)& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Parameter Count: 0& && &&&Parameter Offset: 84& && &&&Data Count: 72& && &&&Data Offset: 84& && &&&Setup Count: 2& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 89& && &&&Transaction Name: /PIPE/& && &&&Padding: 0000SMB Pipe Protocol& & Function: TransactNmPipe (0x0026)& & FID: 0x4000DCE RPC Bind, Fragment: Single, FragLen: 72, Call: 1& & Version: 5& & Version (minor): 0& & Packet type: Bind (11)& & Packet Flags: 0x03& && &&&0... .... = Object: Not set& && &&&.0.. .... = Maybe: Not set& && &&&..0. .... = Did Not Execute: Not set& && &&&...0 .... = Multiplex: Not set& && &&&.... 0... = Reserved: Not set& && &&&.... .0.. = Cancel Pending: Not set& && &&&.... ..1. = Last Frag: Set& && &&&.... ...1 = First Frag: Set& & Data Representation: & && &&&Byte order: Little-endian (1)& && &&&Character: ASCII (0)& && &&&Floating-point: IEEE (0)& & Frag Length: 72& & Auth Length: 0& & Call ID: 1& & Max Xmit Frag: 4280& & Max Recv Frag: 4280& & Assoc Group: 0x& & Num Ctx Items: 1& & Context ID: 0& && &&&Num Trans Items: 1& && &&&Interface UUID: 4b324fc8--bf6ee188& && && && &Interface Ver: 3& && && && &Interface Ver Minor: 0& && && && &Transfer Syntax: 8a885d04-1ceb-11c9-9fe8-& && && && &Syntax ver: 20040& && &&&00 00 00 9c ff 53 4d 42 25 00 00 00 00 08& &&&.....SMB%..... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08& &................c 00 08 00 f9 10 00 00 48 00 00 00 00 04 00& &[/.......H...... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54 00 48 00 54& &...........T.H.T 00 26 00 00 40 59 00 00 5c 00 50 00 49 00& &...&..@Y../.P.I. 45 00 5c 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 0b 03 10 00& &P.E./...........00a0&&00 00 48 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 b8 10 b8 10 00 00& &..H.............00b0&&00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 c8 4f 32 4b 70 16& &...........O2Kp.00c0&&d3 01 12 78 5a 47 bf 6e e1 88 03 00 00 00 04 5d& &...xZG.n.......]00d0&&88 8a eb 1c c9 11 9f e8 08 00 2b 10 48 60 02 00& &..........+.H`..00e0&&00 00& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &..--------------------------------------------------------------------------SMB Command字段表明此次RPC通信由Transaction承载。RPC层的Bind(11)报文仍占72字节。本例与"BIND Over Tcp"的情形相比,一是RPC层的承载者由TCP变成了SMB,二是接口UUID变了,除此之外,并无区别。微软很好地实现了协议分层处理。Bind(11)报文对于DCE/MS RPC协议分析来讲,至关重要,直接体现在暴露了接口UUID。在Google中搜索"4b324fc8--bf6ee188",重点推荐:Well-known DCE RPC named pipes endpoints[url][/url]这里有一张表"Named pipes used by DCE RPC servers",列举了部分接口UUID对应的服务或进程,协议分析爱好者可以参看。接口UUID即上述显示中的Interface UUID字段,不要与Transfer Syntax字段混淆了。分析DCE/MS RPC通信时,没有接口UUID寸步难行。后续的Request(0)报文中的Opnum是接口UUID相关的,A接口的0号调用与B接口的0号调用显然是两个独立的调用。有时会碰上求助者提供了CAP文件,居然只有Request(0)报文,没有Bind(11)报文,分析者将很难进行有效分析。那么怎么针对接口UUID设置过滤规则呢?先要搞清楚层次关系,我们可能碰上不同的承载,就目前举例来讲,已经出现了TCP、SMB两种。"BIND Over Tcp"对应协议序列ncacn_ip_tcp,目标端口理论上可以是任意TCP端口。在设置端口过滤时,只能是具体问题具体分析,后面会单独讲这个问题。抛开端口不谈,Interface UUID字段在TCP数据区(注意我的用词)的偏移是固定的+0x020,由于UUID大小固定,后面版本字段在TCP数据区的偏移也是固定的。真正设置过滤规则时,还可以对Version、Packet type、Transfer Syntax字段进行过滤,减少误报。前面提到了"在TCP数据区的偏移",意味着我假设手头的工具可以正确定位TCP数据区,即剥掉IP首部、TCP首部之后的TCP数据区。你不能简单地从IP首部+40,要考虑可能出现的IP选项、TCP选项。从协议分层的理念来讲,定位在TCP数据区的偏移也是合理的。"BIND Over Transaction"对应协议序列ncacn_np,目标端口理论上只有两个,139与445/TCP,很容易设置端口过滤。一般必须同时观察这两个端口上的通信过程。A时刻抓取的报文可能用了139/TCP,B时刻抓取的报文可能用了445/TCP。这不是RPC层的问题,而是SMB层的问题。SMB层的实现最早只用到139/TCP,后来增加了445/TCP,微软保持向后兼容性,宏观上139与445是竞争关系。抛开端口不谈,Interface UUID字段在RPC层(注意我的用词)的偏移是固定的+0x020,由于UUID大小固定,后面版本字段在RPC层的偏移也是固定的。真正设置过滤规则时,还可以对Version、Packet type、Transfer Syntax字段进行过滤,减少误报。前面提到了"在RPC层的偏移",意味着我假设手头的工具可以正确定位RPC层。剥掉IP首部、TCP首部可能好理解也好操作,大家都熟了,剥掉SMB层可能不太熟。看前面显示的Data Offset字段,字段值加上4即RPC层在TCP数据区的偏移,SMB层就这样简单地被剥掉了。别高兴得太早,Data Offset字段本身在TCP数据区的偏移是随SMB命令而改变的,就Trans(0x25)而言,偏移是61。有人要问了,我先过滤出Trans(0x25),再直接假设RPC层在TCP数据区的偏移是+0x058,不就得了。嘿,这是有问题的。注意看上面显示中的Padding字段,该字段的长度与值不固定!可能你抓了1000次包,都没看到Padding字段的长度有变化,但第1001次你敢保证仍不变吗?事实上我最初写代码时就是这样假设的,结果后来针对不同OS测试时意外出错,调试了半天才得到现在的结论。写程序时可以精确过滤并定位各个偏移,用协议分析工具时就得变通一下了。先过滤先过滤出Trans(0x25),再直接假设RPC层在TCP数据区的偏移是+0x058,进而针对RPC层各字段进行过滤。因为Padding字段长度有变毕竟是极少数事件,万一哪天你细心地碰上了,可以针对性地增加另一类过滤,然后逻辑或一下。下面是前述Bind(11)报文的响应报文:--------------------------------------------------------------------------Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 139 (139), Dst Port: 5), Len: 128NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Flags: 0x00& && &&&.... ...0 = Add 0 to length& & Length: 124SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response to: 1& && &&&Time from request: 0. seconds& && &&&SMB Command: Trans (0x25)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x88& && && && &1... .... = Request/Response: Message is a response to the client/redirector& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...0 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are not canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc001& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 0... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is not supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .0.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..0. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2048& && &&&Process ID: 23643& && &&&User ID: 2048& && &&&Multiplex ID: 63744& & Trans Response (0x25)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 10& && &&&Total Parameter Count: 0& && &&&Total Data Count: 68& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Parameter Count: 0& && &&&Parameter Offset: 56& && &&&Parameter Displacement: 0& && &&&Data Count: 68& && &&&Data Offset: 56& && &&&Data Displacement: 0& && &&&Setup Count: 0& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 69& && &&&Padding: 00SMB Pipe Protocol& & Function: TransactNmPipe (0x0026)& & FID: 0x4000DCE RPC Bind_ack, Fragment: Single, FragLen: 68, Call: 1& & Version: 5& & Version (minor): 0& & Packet type: Bind_ack (12)& & Packet Flags: 0x03& && &&&0... .... = Object: Not set& && &&&.0.. .... = Maybe: Not set& && &&&..0. .... = Did Not Execute: Not set& && &&&...0 .... = Multiplex: Not set& && &&&.... 0... = Reserved: Not set& && &&&.... .0.. = Cancel Pending: Not set& && &&&.... ..1. = Last Frag: Set& && &&&.... ...1 = First Frag: Set& & Data Representation: & && &&&Byte order: Little-endian (1)& && &&&Character: ASCII (0)& && &&&Floating-point: IEEE (0)& & Frag Length: 68& & Auth Length: 0& & Call ID: 1& & Max Xmit Frag: 4280& & Max Recv Frag: 4280& & Assoc Group: 0x& & Scndry Addr len: 13& & Scndry Addr: /PIPE/ntsvcs& & Num results: 1& & Ack result: Acceptance (0)& & Transfer Syntax: 8a885d04-1ceb-11c9-9fe8-& & Syntax ver: 20040& && &&&00 00 00 7c ff 53 4d 42 25 00 00 00 00 88& &&&...|.SMB%..... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08& &................c 00 08 00 f9 0a 00 00 44 00 00 00 00 00 38& &[/.......D.....8 00 44 00 38 00 00 00 00 00 45 00 00 05 00& &...D.8.....E.... 10 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 b8 10& &......D.........0090&&b8 10 35 11 01 00 0d 00 5c 50 49 50 45 5c 6e 74& &..5...../PIPE/nt00a0&&73 76 63 73 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 5d& &svcs...........]00b0&&88 8a eb 1c c9 11 9f e8 08 00 2b 10 48 60 02 00& &..........+.H`..00c0&&00 00& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &..--------------------------------------------------------------------------协议序列为ncacn_np时,Scndry Addr len、Scndry Addr字段明显有变,以至RPC层大小不再是60,但你也不能说它固定是68,显然因Scndry Addr的内容而变。要小心获取Ack result字段在RPC层的偏移。分析响应报文时同样需要正确定位RPC层。这次Data Offset字段本身在TCP数据区的偏移是51(不再是61),该字段的值加4后即RPC层在TCP数据区的偏移。用协议分析工具时可以先过滤出Trans(0x25),再直接假设RPC层在TCP数据区的偏移是+0x03C,进而针对RPC层各字段进行过滤。SMB_37_3.cap的显示就不文本化了,与SMB_37_1.cap类似。发送Bind报文试图绑定不存在的接口UUID,引发Provider rejection(2)报文。区别在于承载者由TCP变成SMB,其它分析不变。这个包不可能在身边的环境中抓到,我用程序发出来的,提供在此仅用于研究,大家自己打开了看。3) "BIND Over Write AndX"简介当Bind(11)由SMB命令Write AndX(0x2f)承载时,即"BIND Over Write AndX"。可以简单地将Transaction理解成Write/Read的合成命令,区别在于前者处理小数据量的通信,后者处理大数据量的通信。至于多少算小多少算大,你我都不必关心细节。它们之间的关系远非如此简单,与本文关系不大,不纠缠了。前面说过,SMB层的实现同时用到了139、445/TCP,二者之间是竞争关系。此次出于演示目的,我用程序手工发送报文,指定使用445/TCP。下面是一次枚举共享操作中出现的报文(SMB_37_4.cap):--------------------------------------------------------------------------Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 3), Dst Port: 445 (445), Len: 140NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Length: 136SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response in: 2& && &&&SMB Command: Write AndX (0x2f)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x08& && && && &0... .... = Request/Response: Message is a request to the server& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...0 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are not canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc001& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 0... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is not supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .0.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..0. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2048& && &&&Process ID: 38271& && &&&User ID: 2048& && &&&Multiplex ID: 25139& & Write AndX Request (0x2f)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 14& && &&&AndXCommand: No further commands (0xff)& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&AndXOffset: 0& && &&&FID: 0x4000& && &&&Offset: 0& && &&&Reserved: FFFFFFFF& && &&&Write Mode: 0x0008& && && && &.... .... .... 1... = Message Start: This is the START of a MESSAGE (pipe)& && && && &.... .... .... .0.. = Write Raw: DON'T use WriteRawNamedPipe (pipe)& && && && &.... .... .... ..0. = Return Remaining: DON'T return remaining (pipe/dev)& && && && &.... .... .... ...0 = Write Through: Write through not requested& && &&&Remaining: 72& && &&&Data Length High (multiply with 64K): 0& && &&&Data Length Low: 72& && &&&Data Offset: 64& && &&&High Offset: 0& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 73& && &&&Padding: 00DCE RPC Bind, Fragment: Single, FragLen: 72, Call: 1& & Version: 5& & Version (minor): 0& & Packet type: Bind (11)& & Packet Flags: 0x03& && &&&0... .... = Object: Not set& && &&&.0.. .... = Maybe: Not set& && &&&..0. .... = Did Not Execute: Not set& && &&&...0 .... = Multiplex: Not set& && &&&.... 0... = Reserved: Not set& && &&&.... .0.. = Cancel Pending: Not set& && &&&.... ..1. = Last Frag: Set& && &&&.... ...1 = First Frag: Set& & Data Representation: & && &&&Byte order: Little-endian (1)& && &&&Character: ASCII (0)& && &&&Floating-point: IEEE (0)& & Frag Length: 72& & Auth Length: 0& & Call ID: 1& & Max Xmit Frag: 4280& & Max Recv Frag: 4280& & Assoc Group: 0x& & Num Ctx Items: 1& & Context ID: 0& && &&&Num Trans Items: 1& && &&&Interface UUID: 4b324fc8--bf6ee188& && && && &Interface Ver: 3& && && && &Interface Ver Minor: 0& && && && &Transfer Syntax: 8a885d04-1ceb-11c9-9fe8-& && && && &Syntax ver: 20040& && &&&00 00 00 88 ff 53 4d 42 2f 00 00 00 00 08& &&&.....SMB/..... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08& &................ 00 08 33 62 0e ff 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00& &....3b......@...0070&&00 ff ff ff ff 08 00 48 00 00 00 48 00 40 00 00& &.......H...H.@.. 00 49 00 00 05 00 0b 03 10 00 00 00 48 00& &...I..........H. 01 00 00 00 b8 10 b8 10 00 00 00 00 01 00& &................00a0&&00 00 00 00 01 00 c8 4f 32 4b 70 16 d3 01 12 78& &.......O2Kp....x00b0&&5a 47 bf 6e e1 88 03 00 00 00 04 5d 88 8a eb 1c& &ZG.n.......]....00c0&&c9 11 9f e8 08 00 2b 10 48 60 02 00 00 00& && && &......+.H`....Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 445 (445), Dst Port: 3), Len: 51NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Length: 47SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response to: 1& && &&&Time from request: 0. seconds& && &&&SMB Command: Write AndX (0x2f)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x88& && && && &1... .... = Request/Response: Message is a response to the client/redirector& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...0 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are not canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc001& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 0... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is not supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .0.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..0. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2048& && &&&Process ID: 38271& && &&&User ID: 2048& && &&&Multiplex ID: 25139& & Write AndX Response (0x2f)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 6& && &&&AndXCommand: No further commands (0xff)& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&AndXOffset: 47& && &&&FID: 0x4000& && &&&Count Low: 72& && &&&Remaining: 65535& && &&&Count High (multiply with 64K): 0& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 00040& && &&&00 00 00 2f ff 53 4d 42 2f 00 00 00 00 88& &&&.../.SMB/..... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08& &................ 00 08 33 62 06 ff 00 2f 00 48 00 ff ff 00& &....3b.../.H.... 00 00 00& && && && && && && && && && && && &.....--------------------------------------------------------------------------对于139/TCP来说,TCP数据区前4字节算是NBT层的。对于445/TCP来说,TCP数据区前4字节不算是NBT层的,直接交给SMB层的代码处理了,但在旁路解码处理时,不必关心这些细节,方便起见,仍称这4字节为NBT层数据。对比SMB_37_2.cap与SMB_37_4.cap中NBT层的解码,后者已经没有了Flags字段,而Length字段由17-bits扩展到24-bits。Write AndX(0x2f)承载的RPC层仍占72字节,与前面两小节相比没有任何区别,作为承载者的SMB层本身却发生重大变化。SMB Command变成Write AndX(0x2f),对SMB层的解码也就变了,Data Offset字段本身在TCP数据区的偏移变成59。Data Length等于72,正好是RPC层的大小,RPC层是做为SMB层数据区出现的!至此已经很清晰地感受到协议分层处理这个事实。在讨论DCE/MS RPC时,应将SMB层看作与TCP层一样的传输层,RPC层可以在这些传输层中选择一个作为承载者。至于传输层内部如何实现,不关RPC层的事。用协议分析工具时可以先过滤出Write AndX(0x2f),再直接假设RPC层在TCP数据区的偏移是+0x044,进而针对RPC层各字段进行过滤。与前面两小节相比,另一个重要变化是Bind_ack(12)报文并未随Write AndX(0x2f)的响应报文出现,此时必须显式调用Read AndX(0x2e)读取Bind_ack(12):--------------------------------------------------------------------------Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 3), Dst Port: 445 (445), Len: 63NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Length: 59SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response in: 4& && &&&SMB Command: Read AndX (0x2e)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x08& && && && &0... .... = Request/Response: Message is a request to the server& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...0 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are not canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc001& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 0... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is not supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .0.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..0. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2048& && &&&Process ID: 39203& && &&&User ID: 2048& && &&&Multiplex ID: 46171& & Read AndX Request (0x2e)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 12& && &&&AndXCommand: No further commands (0xff)& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&AndXOffset: 0& && &&&FID: 0x4000& && &&&Offset: 0& && &&&Max Count Low: 32767& && &&&Min Count: 32767& && &&&Remaining: 32767& && &&&High Offset: 0& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 00040& && &&&00 00 00 3b ff 53 4d 42 2e 00 00 00 00 08& &&&...;.SMB...... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08& &................ 00 08 5b b4 0c ff 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00& &#...[.......@...0070&&00 ff 7f ff 7f ff ff ff ff ff 7f 00 00 00 00 00& &................0080&&00& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &.Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 445 (445), Dst Port: 3), Len: 132NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Length: 128SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response to: 3& && &&&Time from request: 0. seconds& && &&&SMB Command: Read AndX (0x2e)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x88& && && && &1... .... = Request/Response: Message is a response to the client/redirector& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...0 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are not canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc001& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 0... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is not supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .0.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..0. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are not supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2048& && &&&Process ID: 39203& && &&&User ID: 2048& && &&&Multiplex ID: 46171& & Read AndX Response (0x2e)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 12& && &&&AndXCommand: No further commands (0xff)& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&AndXOffset: 0& && &&&FID: 0x4000& && &&&Remaining: 0& && &&&Data Compaction Mode: 0& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Data Length Low: 68& && &&&Data Offset: 60& && &&&Data Length High (multiply with 64K): 0& && &&&Reserved: & && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 69& && &&&Padding: 00DCE RPC Bind_ack, Fragment: Single, FragLen: 68, Call: 1& & Version: 5& & Version (minor): 0& & Packet type: Bind_ack (12)& & Packet Flags: 0x03& && &&&0... .... = Object: Not set& && &&&.0.. .... = Maybe: Not set& && &&&..0. .... = Did Not Execute: Not set& && &&&...0 .... = Multiplex: Not set& && &&&.... 0... = Reserved: Not set& && &&&.... .0.. = Cancel Pending: Not set& && &&&.... ..1. = Last Frag: Set& && &&&.... ...1 = First Frag: Set& & Data Representation: & && &&&Byte order: Little-endian (1)& && &&&Character: ASCII (0)& && &&&Floating-point: IEEE (0)& & Frag Length: 68& & Auth Length: 0& & Call ID: 1& & Max Xmit Frag: 4280& & Max Recv Frag: 4280& & Assoc Group: 0x00024b67& & Scndry Addr len: 13& & Scndry Addr: /PIPE/ntsvcs& & Num results: 1& & Ack result: Acceptance (0)& & Transfer Syntax: 8a885d04-1ceb-11c9-9fe8-& & Syntax ver: 20040& && &&&00 00 00 80 ff 53 4d 42 2e 00 00 00 00 88& &&&.....SMB...... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08& &................ 00 08 5b b4 0c ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00& &#...[........... 00 3c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 45& &.D.&...........E 05 00 0c 03 10 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 01 00& &..........D..... b8 10 b8 10 67 4b 02 00 0d 00 5c 50 49 50& &......gK..../PIP00a0&&45 5c 6e 74 73 76 63 73 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00& &E/ntsvcs........00b0&&00 00 04 5d 88 8a eb 1c c9 11 9f e8 08 00 2b 10& &...]..........+.00c0&&48 60 02 00 00 00& && && && && && && && && && && &H`....--------------------------------------------------------------------------Bind_ack(12)报文随Read AndX(0x2e)的响应报文出现。Data Offset字段本身在TCP数据区的偏移是49。用协议分析工具时可以先过滤出Read AndX(0x2e),再直接假设RPC层在TCP数据区的偏移是+0x040,进而针对RPC层各字段进行过滤。重复提醒,Padding字段长度不固定,偏移+0x040只是权宜之计,如能动态根据Data Offset字段的值计算偏移最好不过。前两小节的BIND操作只涉及一来一回两个报文,本小节的BIND操作却涉及四个报文,麻烦了许多。一般"BIND Over Transaction"都能安全替代"BIND Over Write AndX",自己写程序实现BIND操作时不必选用后者。但是在协议分析过程中,却有可能同时碰上二者。扯远一点。当出现一些DCE/MS RPC类蠕虫时,会有公司或个人提供一些定制后的过滤规则。从我们前期的短小分析来看,这些过滤规则面临一些难题,或者说因协议分析工具自身能力不足带来的难题。一是动态端口,这个现在仍不急着讲。二是从协议层次上精确定位RPC层,我不清楚现有工具中哪个可以识别了SMB Command之后动态定位Data Offset字段本身在TCP数据区的偏移,动态根据Data Offset字段的值计算RPC层在TCP数据区的偏移,同时以这个偏移为基准定位其它RPC层的协议字段。更多时候这些公开发布的过滤规则就像我前面介绍的那样,做了一些重大假设,比如填充域长度固定,只考虑"BIND Over Write AndX",不考虑"BIND Over Transaction"等等。针对蠕虫的某一特定实例,做这样的重大假设是可以的,其作者不太可能变态到同时实现了两种BIND操作,随机挑着用。但我今天这么公开提到了,难说下次蠕虫作者不这样干。真要出现这样的局面,只好设置多套过滤,逻辑或一下。总有人抱怨过滤规则不工作,那是因为出现了蠕虫变种、Exploit变种等等,违背了原过滤规则所做的重大假设。这时应抓取样本报文,自行设置过滤规则。话说回来,协议分析工具做这种事确实太勉为其难了,交互式分析工具严重依赖于人的参与,这也导致NIDS、NIPS必然出场。NIDS、NIPS是程序实现的解码分析,灵活得多。协议分析工具、NIDS、NIPS的相同点是都要做协议分层解码,都要逐层剥离,一旦中间某层解码失败,作为负载出现的后续层次都将解码失败。DCE/MS RPC由SMB承载时,首先要对SMB层进行解码才好继续进行后续分析。Ethereal是目前我所用过的协议分析工具中对SMB层解码最深入的一个,推荐使用。而Samba是目前我所见过的对SMB层Hacking最深的开源项目,远比Ethereal深入,甚至可以说不在一个层次。即使现在部份Windows源码泄露,也还是值得研读Samba源码。协议分层越多,解码越麻烦,也越容易忽略许多例外情形。换句话说,很多工具、程序只考虑到最常见的情形,多多少少、有意无意做了一些假设,当例外情形出现违背了这些假设,问题就来了。Ethereal对SMB层解码太深,历史上出现过的问题就很多,我敢打赌,到现在还有问题。至于Samba么,一样的,在Samba项目的历史上出现过很多现在也鲜为人知的趣事,这群天才们从无到有Hacking SMB,那还是Windows的早期,Samba与Windows通信时搞出个BSOD实在是太普通了。要是搁在现在,不成了大漏洞、大新闻么。当时的环境、氛围与现在太不同,最终多半是安静地通知微软并协助修补了事。有个叫Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton的人,此人是半路加盟Samba Team的,也算是天才,很强悍,后来因个人理念冲突与Samba Team分道扬镳,再后来加入ISS的XForce小组继续从事SMB协议分析。他写过一本书:&&DCE/RPC OVER SMB - SAMBA AND WINDOWS NT DOMAIN INTERNALS&&99年出的。因为Ethereal已经得到相当程度的加强,这书搁到现在算不上稀世奇珍了,但仍可从中找到一些Ethereal至今未做解码的内容,Samba早在99年之前就解码了!他在该书中提到一件事,NT 4 SP4之前有一个与Auth Length字段相关的BUG,微软成功地在保持了向后兼容性的前提下修正了BUG,作者称之为"quite a feat"。在该书中看到多处历史上悄悄修补过的SMB层BUG,叹息啊,没赶上好时光,也没那群天才们的实力,同时相当佩服微软保持向后兼容性的强悍。其它协议分析工具对SMB层解码相比Ethereal就太浅了,但同时也少了很多麻烦,比如Iris这个小不点,当成玩具就可以了,不会擦枪走火的。不要迷信商业版协议分析软件,一样的,解码越深死得越快,不解码或只简单解码活下来的机会更大。snort、tcpdump死得不比Ethereal少。ISS的商业版NIDS很强,对SMB层的解码分析能力是我接触过的同型产品中最强的一个,没办法,人家的XForce小组中就有好几个前SambaTeam的人。但这同时意味着解码风险增加,已经出过几次问题了。想像一下,假设我知道某竞争对手的产品对SMB层解码很强,就针对性地制造畸型SMB报文,会如何。不过放心啦,国内的NIDS、NIPS没这水平,想搞它们都没机会。这事有点讽刺,就跟傻也是一种幸福一样。SMB_37_5.cap与SMB_37_3.cap类似。发送Bind报文试图绑定不存在的接口UUID,引发Provider rejection(2)报文。承载者都是SMB,但这次是"BIND Over Write AndX"。同样这个包不可能在身边的环境中抓到,我用程序发出来的,提供在此仅用于研究。这一节只起对比作用,结果由技术文章写成八卦话题了,就当灌水吧。4) "BIND Over ..."扩展怀疑另外两个SMB命令NT Trans(0xa0)、Trans2(0x32)也可以承载Bind(11),虽然我在现实环境中尚未抓包观察到,最近也没时间写程序测试,记录于此,仅作备忘。对此有两份文档([3]、[4])可供参考:&&NT LAN Manager SMB File Sharing Protocol Extensions&&& & 3.2 NT Transact SMB& & 4.5.1 NT Transact&&Implementing CIFS&&& & 2.9.4 Transaction SMBs这三种Transaction命令的差别相当小。如果我写恶意程序,一定会尝试另两种Trans命令,尽可能地规避IDS嘛。5) SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2与SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACTION在上一小节我提到这两个命令,并且怀疑它们亦可用于承载Bind(11)。拖了些日子,昨天翻看draft-leach-cifs-v1-spec-02.txt([11]),发现原来的简单想象有问题。参看如下小节:3.13.1&&SMB_COM_TRANSACTION and SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 Formats6.2& &&&SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 Subcommand codes3.13.2&&SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACTION Formats6.3& &&&SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACTION Subcommand Codes4.6.1& &NT_TRANSACT_IOCTLSMB_COM_TRANSACTION2(0x32)请求包的格式与SMB_COM_TRANSACTION(0x25)非常像,但是这次Setup Count由2变成了1。原来的Setup[]对应:Setup[0]& & Function: TransactNmPipe (0x0026)Setup[1]& & FID: 0x4000现在的Setup[]对应:Setup[0]& & Subcommand:原来有"Transaction Name: /PIPE/"字段,现在没有这个字段。这实际意味着二者的编码解码完全不同了,SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2的具体功能与Subcommand紧密相关,无法承载抽象的Bind(11)。在cmd中执行start //&ip&/&share&,抓取SMB_37_6.cap:--------------------------------------------------------------------------Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 3268, Dst Port: 445, Len: 80NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Length: 76SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response in: 2& && &&&SMB Command: Trans2 (0x32)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x18& && && && &0... .... = Request/Response: Message is a request to the server& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...1 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc807& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 1... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .1.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..1. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2052& && &&&Process ID: 1576& && &&&User ID: 2049& && &&&Multiplex ID: 3584& & Trans2 Request (0x32)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 15& && &&&Total Parameter Count: 8& && &&&Total Data Count: 0& && &&&Max Parameter Count: 2& && &&&Max Data Count: 40& && &&&Max Setup Count: 0& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&Flags: 0x0000& && && && &.... .... .... ..0. = One Way Transaction: Two way transaction& && && && &.... .... .... ...0 = Disconnect TID: Do NOT disconnect TID& && &&&Timeout: Return immediately (0)& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Parameter Count: 8& && &&&Parameter Offset: 68& && &&&Data Count: 0& && &&&Data Offset: 0& && &&&Setup Count: 1& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&Subcommand: QUERY_PATH_INFO (0x0005)& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 11& && &&&Padding: 000000& && &&&QUERY_PATH_INFO Parameters& && && && &Level of Interest: Query File Basic Info (1004)& && && && &Reserved: & && && && &File Name:0030& && && && && && &&&00 00 00 4c ff 53 4d 42 32 00& && && &...L.SMB2. 00 18 07 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00& &................ 04 08 28 06 01 08 00 0e 0f 08 00 00 00 02& &....(........... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 44& &.(.............D 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 0b 00 00 00 00 ec 03& &................ 00 00 00 00& && && && && && && && && && && &......NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Length: 100SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response to: 1& && &&&Time from request: 0. seconds& && &&&SMB Command: Trans2 (0x32)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x98& && && && &1... .... = Request/Response: Message is a response to the client/redirector& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...1 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc807& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 1... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .1.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..1. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2052& && &&&Process ID: 1576& && &&&User ID: 2049& && &&&Multiplex ID: 3584& & Trans2 Response (0x32)& && &&&Subcommand: QUERY_PATH_INFO (0x0005)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 10& && &&&Total Parameter Count: 2& && &&&Total Data Count: 40& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Parameter Count: 2& && &&&Parameter Offset: 56& && &&&Parameter Displacement: 0& && &&&Data Count: 40& && &&&Data Offset: 60& && &&&Data Displacement: 0& && &&&Setup Count: 0& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 45& && &&&Padding: 00& && &&&QUERY_PATH_INFO Parameters& && && && &EA Error offset: 0& && &&&Padding: 0001& && &&&QUERY_PATH_INFO Data& && && && &Created: Jun&&4, :30.& && && && &Last Access: Sep 12, :38.& && && && &Last Write: Aug 21, :07.& && && && &Change: Aug 22, :31.& && && && &File Attributes: 0x& && && && && & .0.. .... .... .... = Encrypted: This is NOT an encrypted file& && && && && & ..0. .... .... .... = Content Indexed: This file MAY be indexed by the content indexing service& && && && && & ...0 .... .... .... = Offline: This file is NOT offline& && && && && & .... 0... .... .... = Compressed: This is NOT a compressed file& && && && && & .... .0.. .... .... = Reparse Point: This file does NOT have an associated reparse point& && && && && & .... ..0. .... .... = Sparse: This is NOT a sparse file& && && && && & .... ...0 .... .... = Temporary: This is NOT a temporary file& && && && && & .... .... 0... .... = Normal: This file has some attribute set& && && && && & .... .... .0.. .... = Device: This is NOT a device& && && && && & .... .... ..1. .... = Archive: This file has been modified since last ARCHIVE& && && && && & .... .... ...1 .... = Directory: This is a DIRECTORY& && && && && & .... .... .... 0... = Volume ID: This is NOT a volume ID& && && && && & .... .... .... .1.. = System: This is a SYSTEM file& && && && && & .... .... .... ..1. = Hidden: This is a HIDDEN file& && && && && & .... .... .... ...0 = Read Only: This file is NOT read only& && && && &Unknown Data: 0030& && && && && && &&&00 00 00 64 ff 53 4d 42 32 00& && && &...d.SMB2. 00 98 07 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00& &................ 04 08 28 06 01 08 00 0e 0a 02 00 28 00 00& &....(........(.. 00 38 00 00 00 28 00 3c 00 00 00 00 00 2d& &...8...(.&.....- 00 00 00 01 70 8e c0 d0 74 2a c3 01 60 79& &......p...t*..`y0080&&2f e7 ec 78 c3 01 30 ed 31 13 bb 67 c3 01 60 5e& &/..x..0.1..g..`^0090&&e4 b9 51 68 c3 01 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00& && && &..Qh..6.......NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Length: 86SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&SMB Command: Trans2 (0x32)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x18& && && && &0... .... = Request/Response: Message is a request to the server& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...1 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc807& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 1... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .1.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..1. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2052& && &&&Process ID: 1576& && &&&User ID: 2049& && &&&Multiplex ID: 3648& & Trans2 Request (0x32)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 15& && &&&Total Parameter Count: 18& && &&&Total Data Count: 0& && &&&Max Parameter Count: 10& && &&&Max Data Count: 16384& && &&&Max Setup Count: 0& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&Flags: 0x0000& && && && &.... .... .... ..0. = One Way Transaction: Two way transaction& && && && &.... .... .... ...0 = Disconnect TID: Do NOT disconnect TID& && &&&Timeout: Return immediately (0)& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Parameter Count: 18& && &&&Parameter Offset: 68& && &&&Data Count: 0& && &&&Data Offset: 0& && &&&Setup Count: 1& && &&&Reserved: 00& && &&&Subcommand: FIND_FIRST2 (0x0001)& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 21& && &&&Padding: 000000& && &&&FIND_FIRST2 Parameters& && && && &Search Attributes: 0x0016& && && && && & .... .... .... ...0 = Read Only: Do NOT include read only files in search results& && && && && & .... .... .... ..1. = Hidden: Include HIDDEN files in search results& && && && && & .... .... .... .1.. = System: Include SYSTEM files in search results& && && && && & .... .... .... 0... = Volume ID: Do NOT include volume IDs in search results& && && && && & .... .... ...1 .... = Directory: Include DIRECTORIES in search results& && && && && & .... .... ..0. .... = Archive: Do NOT include archive files in search results& && && && &Search Count: 1366& && && && &Flags: 0x0006& && && && && & .... .... ...0 .... = Backup Intent: No backup intent& && && && && & .... .... .... 0... = Continue: New search, do NOT continue from previous position& && && && && & .... .... .... .1.. = Resume: Return RESUME keys& && && && && & .... .... .... ..1. = Close on EOS: CLOSE search if END OF SEARCH is reached& && && && && & .... .... .... ...0 = Close: Do NOT close search after this request& && && && &Level of Interest: Find File Both Directory Info (260)& && && && &Storage Type: 0& && && && &Search Pattern: /*0030& && && && && && &&&00 00 00 56 ff 53 4d 42 32 00& && && &...V.SMB2. 00 18 07 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00& &................ 04 08 28 06 01 08 40 0e 0f 12 00 00 00 0a& &....(...@....... 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 44& &..@............D 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 15 00 00 00 00 16 00& &................ 06 00 04 01 00 00 00 00 5c 00 2a 00 00 00& &V........./.*...--------------------------------------------------------------------------我曾简单地将SMB_37_2.cap中请求包的SMB_COM_TRANSACTION(0x25)改成SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2(0x32)发送出去,Ethereal解码时会显示:Subcommand: Unkown (0x0026)因为没有这个子命令嘛。响应包中会在SMB首部显示:Error Class: Server Error (0x02)Reserved: 00Error Code: Non specific error code (0x0001)显然服务端因无法识别有效子命令而报错。SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACTION(0xA0)请求包的格式与前两种相差较大。其具体功能也是与Subcommand紧密相关的,但这次子命令对应Function字段,而不是某个Setup[]元素。Setup Count不再固定,而是随子命令变化,可能为0,可能为4,也可能为其它值。比如子命令NT_TRANSACT_IOCTL(0x0002)对应的Setup Count为4,而NT_TRANSACT_QUERY_SECURITY_DESC(0x0006)对应的Setup Count为0。我也没整明白既然有Parameter区域,这里为什么要用Setup[],没系统地看文档,可能有向后兼容性方面的考虑吧。SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACTION(0xA0)无法承载抽象的Bind(11)。至此彻底推翻了上一小节的猜想。不过也算有收获,学到点新东西。曾在跟踪漏洞CVE-、CVE-、CVE-时多次分析过这几类报文,但当时的分析角度不同,可以结合当时写的文章深入理解:&&SMB系列(11)--TRANSACT2_OPEN处理过程存在远程缓冲区溢出漏洞&&&&SMB系列(32)--mrxsmb.sys处理Trans2 Response报文时存在缓冲区溢出漏洞(MS05-011/KB885250)&&&&SMB系列(34)--srv.sys处理Transaction(0x25)报文时存在缓冲区溢出漏洞(MS05-027/KB896422)&&访问共享并查看文件属性的安全页时,会引发SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACTION(0xA0)报文,抓取SMB_37_7.cap:--------------------------------------------------------------------------Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 3493, Dst Port: 445, Len: 88NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Length: 84SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response in: 2& && &&&SMB Command: NT Trans (0xa0)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x18& && && && &0... .... = Request/Response: Message is a request to the server& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...1 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc807& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 1... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .1.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..1. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2049& && &&&Process ID: 1576& && &&&User ID: 2049& && &&&Multiplex ID: 28802& & NT Trans Request (0xa0)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 19& && &&&Max Setup Count: 0& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Total Parameter Count: 8& && &&&Total Data Count: 0& && &&&Max Parameter Count: 4& && &&&Max Data Count: 0& && &&&Parameter Count: 8& && &&&Parameter Offset: 76& && &&&Data Count: 0& && &&&Data Offset: 0& && &&&Setup Count: 0& && &&&Function: NT QUERY SECURITY DESC (6)& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 11& && &&&Padding: 000000& && &&&NT QUERY SECURITY DESC Parameters& && && && &FID: 0x400d& && && && &Reserved: 0000& && && && &Security Information: 0x& && && && && & .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 = Owner: NOT requesting owner security information& && && && && & .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. = Group: NOT requesting group security information& && && && && & .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .1.. = DACL: Requesting DACL security information& && && && && & .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0... = SACL: NOT requesting SACL security information0030& && && && && && &&&00 00 00 54 ff 53 4d 42 a0 00& && && &...T.SMB.. 00 18 07 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00& &................ 01 08 28 06 01 08 82 70 13 00 00 00 08 00& &....(....p...... 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00& &................ 4c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06& &..L.............b 00 00 00 00 0d 40 00 00 04 00 00 00& && && &.......@......NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Length: 76SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response to: 1& && &&&Time from request: 0. seconds& && &&&SMB Command: NT Trans (0xa0)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL (0xc0000023)& && &&&Flags: 0x98& && && && &1... .... = Request/Response: Message is a response to the client/redirector& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...1 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc807& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 1... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .1.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..1. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2049& && &&&Process ID: 1576& && &&&User ID: 2049& && &&&Multiplex ID: 28802& & NT Trans Response (0xa0)& && &&&Function: NT QUERY SECURITY DESC (6)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 18& && &&&Reserved: 000000& && &&&Total Parameter Count: 4& && &&&Total Data Count: 0& && &&&Parameter Count: 4& && &&&Parameter Offset: 72& && &&&Parameter Displacement: 0& && &&&Data Count: 0& && &&&Data Offset: 76& && &&&Data Displacement: 0& && &&&Setup Count: 0& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 5& && &&&Padding: 0B& && &&&NT QUERY SECURITY DESC Parameters& && && && &NT Security Descriptor Length: 480030& && && && && && &&&00 00 00 4c ff 53 4d 42 a0 23& && && &...L.SMB.# c0 98 07 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00& &................ 01 08 28 06 01 08 82 70 12 00 00 00 04 00& &....(....p...... 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00 00& &..........H..... 00 00 00 00 4c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05& &......L.........b 30 00 00 00& && && && && && && && && && && &..0...NetBIOS Session Service& & Message Type: Session message& & Length: 84SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)& & SMB Header& && &&&Server Component: SMB& && &&&Response in: 4& && &&&SMB Command: NT Trans (0xa0)& && &&&NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)& && &&&Flags: 0x18& && && && &0... .... = Request/Response: Message is a request to the server& && && && &.0.. .... = Notify: Notify client only on open& && && && &..0. .... = Oplocks: OpLock not requested/granted& && && && &...1 .... = Canonicalized Pathnames: Pathnames are canonicalized& && && && &.... 1... = Case Sensitivity: Path names are caseless& && && && &.... ..0. = Receive Buffer Posted: Receive buffer has not been posted& && && && &.... ...0 = Lock and Read: Lock&Read, Write&Unlock are not supported& && &&&Flags2: 0xc807& && && && &1... .... .... .... = Unicode Strings: Strings are Unicode& && && && &.1.. .... .... .... = Error Code Type: Error codes are NT error codes& && && && &..0. .... .... .... = Execute-only Reads: Don't permit reads if execute-only& && && && &...0 .... .... .... = Dfs: Don't resolve pathnames with Dfs& && && && &.... 1... .... .... = Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security negotiation is supported& && && && &.... .... .0.. .... = Long Names Used: Path names in request are not long file names& && && && &.... .... .... .1.. = Security Signatures: Security signatures are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ..1. = Extended Attributes: Extended attributes are supported& && && && &.... .... .... ...1 = Long Names Allowed: Long file names are allowed in the response& && &&&Process ID High: 0& && &&&Signature: 0000& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Tree ID: 2049& && &&&Process ID: 1576& && &&&User ID: 2049& && &&&Multiplex ID: 28866& & NT Trans Request (0xa0)& && &&&Word Count (WCT): 19& && &&&Max Setup Count: 0& && &&&Reserved: 0000& && &&&Total Parameter Count: 8& && &&&Total Data Count: 0& && &&&Max Parameter Count: 4& && &&&Max Data Count: 48& && &&&Parameter Count: 8& && &&&Parameter Offset: 76& && &&&Data Count: 0& && &&&Data Offset: 0& && &&&Setup Count: 0& && &&&Function: NT QUERY SECURITY DESC (6)& && &&&Byte Count (BCC): 11& && &&&Padding: 000000& && &&&NT QUERY SECURITY DESC Parameters& && && && &FID: 0x400d& && && && &Reserved: 0000& && && && &Security Information: 0x& && && && && & .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 = Owner: NOT requesting owner security information& && && && && & .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. = Group: NOT requesting group security information& && && && && & .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .1.. = DACL: Requesting DACL security information& && && && && & .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0... = SACL: NOT requesting SACL security information0030& && && && && && &&&00 00 00 54 ff 53 4d 42 a0 00& && && &...T.SMB.. 00 18 07 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00& &................ 01 08 28 06 01 08 c2 70 13 00 00 00 08 00& &....(....p...... 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 08 00& &..........0..... 4c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0


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