
LOL:无限乱斗ban了的EZ你以为很叼么?第二名:无双剑姬——菲奥娜(胜率:60.73%)很遗憾,剑姬又被削弱了。但是,无限乱斗的剑姬就是无敌的。Q技能只有0.5秒的CD,这技能既是一段位移,又是一种输出,剑姬就一直的QQQ,你根本跑不过她,一直被她戳着弱点。而且,剑姬大招四个弱点,在CD极短的情况下,轻轻松松就能全中,那种有着真实伤害,一直追着人打的剑姬,真的是打不过,胜率也是高的离谱,第一名:被ban英雄——EZ(胜率:0%)不知道是不是造化弄人啊,本以为EZ是逆天的存在,因为有位移,基本打不到,因为有q、w可以无限消耗,大招更是满地图跑,再加上减少CD,那更是吊的一B,结果官方在无限乱斗模式已经确定要禁止EZ了。有人bug随到了EZ,本来是很开心的一件事,基本对面看到我方有EZ、寡妇、杰斯这样的英雄,估计心都要凉了,但是我方居然能随到EZ,这盘游戏基本就是妥妥的了。无限乱斗只是一个娱乐的游戏模式,一些平常不出色的英雄在无限火力中都能大放异彩。而且,这次无限乱斗持续时间很长,能够让玩家一次性玩个痛快。综上,要是随机抽到这十位英雄,你可千万别换啊。可以看到没有Q的EZ,跟没有牙齿的老虎一样,Q直接穿越了小兵。所以bug没有修复的话,随到EZ的玩家就用骰子再选一个英雄吧。用EZ玩完这个游戏都想有一种想哭的冲动了 [编辑:叶子猪小秘书]
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fashion illustration. disney. manga. crafts. cookies. love hearts.
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Love you Zyra Bañez! Fan of your YouTube Content and discovered you're DevianArt! I don't have copies, but my alternative is W&N brushmarkers, thanks for that video in which gave me a clear and helpful review.&Your art is amazing!
found You by accident on youtube
really like your style &&
Muy buen trabajo ^^
hi is Samantha ellis, i and like your fashion drawing can i try this
Hello Zyra Banez , Very good your illustrations ! Your markers and colored pencils are great! Here in Brazil , these materials the price is too high
Hey Zyra,How are you, been a while. I hope you enjoyed the holidays. I just wanted to know if you'd be open to doing a collaboration with me when next you're available now I have 20k+ subs.&Thanks.
Hello, My name is Bria and I'm a big fan of your YouTube channel and your art. I'm into fashion myself and I'm trying to get better with the art, drawing/illustration, cuz it's a big part of fashion. I was just wondering if you had any tips of how to get better with art though because I'm struggling with it a little and not sure what to do, like I have all these ideas I want to draw out but I don't know if they will be good enough I feel like my drawing won't be good or well enough detailed like it needs to be, do you have any advice?Also do you have any recommendations for like art supplies? Sorry if I bothered you again with asking but I was just inspired by you and your art and stuff and just wanted your advice, I also DMed you on Instagram but wasn't sure if you were going to read it😅😭😂🙈Thank you tho and again I love your channel-Bria
Hi Bria,OMG! I am so sorry for this insanely late reply. I haven't logged in in forever! Thank you so much for the support. It really means a lot I would really just recommend to practice A LOT. It is so important since the more you draw the faster you can improve your skills. So just draw whatever comes to mind or whatever you see around you. You can draw anything and everything! With that said, I recommend doing real life drawings because those can help with shading and basically drawing lots of things (ie. hair, face, clothes etc).I have a video of my art materials, hopefully that will help. But i suggest starting with something cheaper especially if you aren't certain about a particular medium. For example, I wouldn't buy Copic markers immediately if I was only a beginner and I wasn't sure if I was going to use them for more than 5 years. Copics are expensive and so are other art supplies, so it's an investment. But then again, if you can afford it, feel free to purchase them Here's the link:&&
Hello Zyra, first off, I am amazed by your sense of fashion and style in your work. found your channel and subbed. Not sure if you will get this message of if you look at your deviantart but Great job and keep it up. If you like my work and will be interested in a Youtube Collaboration, Please let me know. I found you from Lemia's Videos. (Also amazing)Thanks.
Hi Thank you so much!!I was actually subscribed to your old channel and I didn't know you had a new one so I subbed!My collab requirements are actually 10K and over & maybe in the futureI appreciate you asking though and your work is amazing!
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