温斯顿.邱吉尔尔 jaw jaw,not war war 什么意思

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Demastani's September 2011 conviction, when he was tried along with 20 other medics by a military court, triggered international outrage. Although he was temporarily released while his case was appealed, the following year, a civilian court confirmed his guilty verdict and he was rearrested with other medics and put back in jail.
Many younger prisoners may feel they have nothing to lose by refusing to cooperate with the prison authorities and are likely to riot again and again. If Bahrain wants to fix its prison problem properly, it will stop trying to hide the truth about what's happened, improve conditions, and release all those prisoners who shouldn't be in jail in the first place.
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HuffPost Lightboxpithy是什么意思_pithy在线翻译_pithy什么意思_pithy的意思_pithy的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
pithy是什么意思 pithy在线翻译 pithy什么意思 pithy的意思 pithy的翻译 pithy的解释 pithy的发音 pithy的同义词 pithy的反义词 pithy的例句
pithy英 ['p?θi] 美 ['p?θi] 比较级:最高级:pithy 基本解释形容词简练的,精辟的,简洁扼要的pithy 网络解释1. 有髓的:pithless 无髓的 | pithy 有髓的 | pitiable 可怜的2. 911查询·英语单词2. (讲话或文章)简练的:sententious 好说教的,简要的 | pithy (讲话或文章)简练的 | maxim 格言,普遍真理3. 有髓的, 含蓄的, 有力的 (形):pithiness 有力; 精简; 精力充沛; 扼要 (名) | pithy 有髓的, 含蓄的, 有力的 (形) | pitiable 可怜的, 卑劣的 (形)pithy 双语例句1. The new pithy formulas change operation order from high-order digit to low-order digit direct equal result, methods brief, speed fast.&&&&而新口诀改变了运算顺序,从高位到低位直接得数,方法简单,速度快。2. In any case, in the pithy phrasing of Britain`s Prime Minister Churchill, we need more jaw jaw and less war war.&&&&在任何情况下,用英国首相邱吉尔精炼的一句话,我们需要更多冗长而乏味的讨论和更少的争执/战争。3. In general, people who like pithy styles will like this store.&&&&大体而言,喜欢都市简约感服装的人们,应该会喜欢这里。4. According to the express mode of voice teaching language, the voiceteaching language of vocal music can be divided into visual language, instructing language, depicting language, explicative language and a pithy formula language.&&&&声乐教师在教学中要不断积累和锤炼自己的教学语言,最大限度地发挥教学语言的作用,达到理想的教学效果。5. According to the express mode of voice teaching language, the voice teaching language of vocal music can be divided into visual language、instructing language、depicting language、explicative language and a pithy formula language.&&&&根据教学语言表达方式的不同,可将声乐教学中的有声语言分为形象性语言、指令性语言、叙述性语言、解释性语言和口诀式语言。6. The reasons of amended abstract are mainly in the pithy style and concrete.&&&&文摘修改的原因很多,但最主要的是欠具体、欠简洁。7. Moreover, the pithy sayings in gnomic style such as what you introduced here seem more suitable for children.&&&&而且,较之我所介绍的冗长故事而言,您所展示的这类箴言式的短句可能更适合孩子的胃口。8. It is a kind of language having skillful and rich artistic charm. The advertising language requires that the use of words should be exquisitely original. At the same time, it should be written in a pithy style.&&&&我们知道广告语言不是简单的商用语言,而是一种充满技巧和艺术魅力的语言,它有一些特殊性能,和多种风格。9. 9. It is a kind of language having skillful and rich artistic charm. the advertising language requires that the use of words should be exquisitely original. at the same time, it should be written in a pithy style.&&&&我们知道广告语言不是简单的商用语言,而是1种充满技巧和艺术魅力的语言,它有1些特殊性能,和多种风格。10. Is a new generation of outstanding home decoration materials, pithy and unaffected style, fashion luxury, strong sense of the times.&&&&是新一代家居装饰的优秀材料,造型简洁大方、时尚豪华,时代感强。11. Brand design pithy and unaffected style, classical elegance, attention to the spirit of the area of the display of inner beauty, the pursuit of deep-seated U. S..&&&&&&品牌设计风格简洁大方、经典高雅,注重精神领域的内在美的展示,追求深层次美。12. This, plus his easy, pithy writing style and ability to cut to the heart of any argument, has made him the most popular and widely read management writer of all time. Perhaps the ultimate accolade came in the 1990s when a Korean businessman, seeking to honour his hero, changed his own name to Peter Drucker.&&&&&&再加上他简洁、洗练的写作风格以及迅速切入主题的能力,这使他成为迄今最受欢迎的管理学畅销书作者。90年代,一位韩国商人将自己的名字改为彼得·德鲁克,以表达对心目中英雄的敬慕之情。13. pithy的反义词13. Euclidean algorithm inverse of source code, short and pithy, but only a few are OK!&&&&&&欧几里德算法求逆的源代码,短小精悍,只有几行!14. Once persisting in the pithy formula, you are safe and will succeed sooner or later.&&&&&&能够坚持这句口诀,完全随气而行的话,那么,你修练的路是绝对不会走岔的。15. And when in after years my schoolfellows who had won priz es and distinctions for writing such beautiful Latin poetry and pithy Greek epigrams had to come down again to commonEn glish to earn their living or make their way, I did not fee l myself at any disadvantage.&&&&&&往后的岁月里,我那些曾因写漂亮的拉丁文诗歌和精辟的希腊文警句而获奖赏与盛誉的同学,为了谋生或发迹不得不回头重拾不起眼的英语时,我觉得自己毫不逊色。16. Sorghums of China and Manchuria having small white or brown grains and dry pithy stalks (used for fodder, fuel and thatching).&&&&&&生长在中国和满洲的高粱具有小而白或褐的种子和干而小的茎(用于饲料,燃料和茅屋建造上)。17. 17. As a result of strong mobility of the audience, in the programming should be short, pithy and poignant, in which type of program information in time to broadcast a live television play advantage to the average travel time of urban residents for the basis of programming in order to facilitate the passengers in a short period of time to complete the program to watch, understand the latest developments.&&&&&&由于观众的流动性较强,在节目安排上应短小、精悍,其中资讯类的节目要及时播出,发挥电视直播优势以城市居民的平均乘车时间为节目编排的基础,以利于乘客在短暂的时间内收看到完整的节目,了解到最新动态。18. How am I supposed to come up with something pithy and dynamic...&&&&&&我怎么能找到简练和动态的词来形容。。。19. It's not as pithy, but...&&&&&&说了一大通,但是。。。20. danci.911cha.com20. His pithy comments knocked the bottom out of my argument.&&&&&&他精辟的评论驳倒了我的论点。pithy 词典解释1. 简洁扼要的;言简意赅的&&&&A pithy comment or piece of writing is short, direct, and full of meaning.&&&&e.g. His pithy advice to young painters was, 'Above all, keep your colours fresh.'...&&&&&&&&&&&他对年轻画家言简意赅的建议是,“首要的一点,保持色彩鲜艳。”&&&&e.g. Many of them made a point of praising the film's pithy dialogue.&&&&&&&&&&&他们中很多人特别赞扬了影片精炼的对白。pithilyLouis Armstrong defined jazz pithily as 'what I play for a living'.路易斯·阿姆斯特朗把爵士乐简明扼要地定义为“我一门糊口的手艺”。pithy 单语例句1. Wearing Mao's badges and waving little red books printed with his pithy sayings showed respect among Chinese towards Mao Zedong in the " Cultural Revolution " era.2. And we like it when characters have pithy catchphrases as the embers rain down on them in slow motion.3. Daily reading of pithy aphorisms on life that the sages wrote down thousands of years ago helped me " still the fluctuations of my mind ".pithy的近义词pithy是什么意思,pithy在线翻译,pithy什么意思,pithy的意思,pithy的翻译,pithy的解释,pithy的发音,pithy的同义词,pithy的反义词,pithy的例句,pithy的相关词组,pithy意思是什么,pithy怎么翻译,单词pithy是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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