谁能用英文解释wow factor是什么意思的意思

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Wow factor 让人发出惊叹叫好的东西
编辑点评:当你遇到让人忍不住拍手叫绝的东西的时候,你的第一反应是不是“WOW”得大叫一声?那么同理可以得出,wow factor的含义就是让你惊叹叫好的事物!~
Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm Feifei and joining me is Harry.
Hello there! And the expression we are going to look at in this programme is 'wow factor'.
本期节目要给大家介绍的这个表达是 wow factor。我们将给大家讲解这个短语的意思和具体用法。诶,Harry, 你要搬家,房子找的怎么样了?
Oh, don't ask! Not very well, really. I mean, I've seen a few places so far, but they didn't really appeal to me.
啊,一套都没看上?So none of them were any good?
They were OK. Adequate I suppose. I could live in some of them if I had to, but none of them had the wow factor. Do you know what I mean?
Not really. 每套房子都缺少 &the wow factor&,这是什么意思?
The wow factor? Something that makes you go 'wow' when you walk in.
当我们遇到一个让人惊叹的东西时,我们可能就会用英语感叹词 wow 来形容这个东西。
So, you know, a sun deck, a view of Big Ben, a steam room, a granite cocktail bar, a shared swimming pool & that kind of thing. My friend, who teaches English in Indonesia, has his own swimming pool and I was hoping&
Yeah, yeah, but this is London & 不是我说啊,这是伦敦,生活成本排名世界前几名的。除非你花大价钱,否则怎么可能找到有 wow factor 的房子。Wow factor 用在这个语境中形容一套让你一进门就连声感叹叫好的房子,比如,带有私人游泳池的那种豪宅。那还有什么东西可以有 wow factor 呢?
You hear it a lot on TV. On cooking shows, when someone creates an exciting tasty dish they say it's really got the wow factor.
嗯,我也在厨艺节目中听过人们用这个表达。我记得有位大厨曾说 &It's just an omelette, but the chillies give it a real wow factor.& 大致意思就是:&这不过是个不起眼的鸡蛋卷,但加上辣椒后它就真的让人眼前一亮。&
That's right. And in singing competitions, if the singer delivers an exciting performance, the judges say they really had the wow factor.
在歌唱选秀比赛中,评委老师对嗓音独特的,让全场观众眼前一亮的选手的评价就是&他们有 wow factor&。那是不是我们就可以这样理解 wow factor:凡是让我们感到惊喜的、了不起的、连声称赞的人或事,我们就可以说他们具有 wow factor?
That's right. Let's listen to some more examples.
He's just bought a new Italian sports car & it's really got the wow factor.
We're going to completely re-decorate the restaurant so there's more of a wow factor when you walk in.
So, do you think you will find a place to live with the wow factor?
I'm not sure. But if I don't, I might spend my money on a 72-inch 3D TV. That way people will still get the wow factor when they walk in.
That would certainly have the wow factor, and I want to come around and watch some cookery shows and singing competitions.
No problem! Join us again soon for Authentic Real English.ability factor的意思
沪江词库精选ability factor是什么意思、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: 工作能力指标
Iii.The Ability to Obtain Production Factors and Technological Innovation Capability
Yet certain factors complicate the ability of the Federal Reserve to use monetary policy to promote specific goals.
Your ability is to prioritise task, your language level and your enthusiasm are determining factors.
n.[化]松香酸 [化]松香酸
2017ability factor是什么意思由沪江网提供。factor的中文释义
英音 [ 'faekt? ] ; 美音 [ 'faekt? ]
可数名词:1.因素2.【数】因数,因子3.(企业的)代理人,代理商4. 【苏格兰】地产经管人,管家
Negative factor
Max Factor
Severity factor
Inflation factor
Intensifying factor
A common denominator/factor/multiple
Cost can be a deciding factor.
Jurassic Park DNA Factor
That depends on internal and international factors.
Another general method explored by Viets was to factor the polynomial into first degree factors
anything that contributes causally to a result
a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission
any of the numbers (or symbols) that form a product when multiplied together
an independent variable in statistics
one of two or more integers that can be exactly divided into another integer
resolve into factors
(genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as intro it is considered a unit of heredity
an abstract part of something
a. 作为的,使役的
n. 人为;捏造
ad. 人为地;捏造地
a. 人为的,不自然的,人工的
2017factor是什么意思由沪江网提供。当前位置: &
wow factor中文是什么意思
中文翻译叫好率&&&&n. (录音机等放音时因转速不正常而引起的)失真,颤动; ...&&&&n. 1.〔英国〕经销人;(代客买卖收取佣金的)经纪人; ...&&&&int. 哎唷!〔表示惊叹、快乐、痛苦等〕。 n. 〔美俚〕(戏剧等的)大成功。 vt. 〔美俚〕使大为赞赏,使惊叹,使佩服,使产生热烈反应。 wow 'e ...&&&&合成器的一种非常低的振音效果&&&&音频颤动&&&&宝娃; 家有贱狗&&&&欧服魔兽世界&&&&晃抖度&&&&频率颤动&&&&首张专辑里的同名单曲&&&&银行诚招&&&&表示&&&&魔兽世界alpha版&&&&抖晃动率; 速度不均匀性&&&&抖动率; 声抖晃&&&&频率颤动计&&&&长剑&&&&地区的背景音乐; 维高文化有限公司&&&&卡牌游戏&&&&我无法表达我被斯坦福大学录取的喜悦心情&&&&令人惊叹&&&&忠臣藏&&&&摹声说&&&&小狗汪汪叫&&&&李奥宝娃; 利尔?鲍?沃
例句与用法In case 2 , the company creates an " experience " with a " wow factor " in an effort to impress the customer案例2 ,公司使用“哇元素”来创建一种体验方式,旨在使客户加深印象。 If we ignore the software side for the moment , the biggest wow factor at this years scaled down electronic entertainment expo ( e3 ) media & business summit was - once again - nintendo但若忽略软件的部分,今年e3电子娱乐展会上最令人叫绝的无疑又是任天堂。 In fact , companies who invest more in the " wow factor " almost always take resources away from focusing on those more important ( if visually less exciting ) issues事实上,公司如果过度投资“哇元素” , (如果视觉宣传效果不够)那么,它就会偏离你的经营重心。 Some are not as practical but can still provide some wow factor like the ability to play a lullaby to the baby , a night - light and a intercom system so you can talk to the infant controlled all by the hand held unit一些不是同样实际的,但是能仍然提供一些哇象玩一首催眠曲到婴儿,一个寝室和一个内部通信系统系统因此你能与都手控制的婴儿谈话的能力一样的因素成立了联合起来。 Meanwhile , dell ? s competitors are honing their own consumer marketing : hewlett - packard ( hpq ) in recent weeks launched its most aggressive advertising campaign , largely targeting consumers ( see bw online , 05 / 04 / 06 , " hp ? s wow factor " )与此同时,戴尔的对手也在深入细致地对其自身消费市场进行开发:惠普公司( hpq )近几周来发动了其最富攻击性的广告战,主要针对目标消费者(见日《商业周刊》在线的文章, “惠普的成功因素” ) 。 &&
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