cannot read registergister to ps4怎么回事

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DS4 To XInput Wrapper
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Hello guys, I am new here but I want to share a tool I made for Dualshock 4 controllers. I was inspired by the tool made by Scarlet.Crush for DS3.
My tool works in a similar fashion and is based on source code from DS3 Scp Tool.
I am no longer actively developing this, so check other forks of this for newer versions.
It works though without messing with the original drivers for DS4. Uses HID Protocol to XInput mapping. You still need to install drivers for SCP virtual bus device and possibly X360 Controller drivers.
The whole project is in beta so please keep in mind there will be some bugs.
Make sure you have:
1. Microsoft .NET 4.0
2. Visual C
3. Latest DirectX Runtime.
4. Latest Official Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller Drivers available.
5. Minimum of Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Dongle (if using Bluetooth).
6. Administrator rights on your PC.
7. Make sure you quit all other apps/games that can use the controller
(Steam/Uplay/TeamSpeak, etc) if you are using Hide DS4 controller option
8. Having MotionJoy drivers installed seem to cause issues for some people
9. This tool can't run at the same time as DS3 SCP server gui or service at this moment
10. Bluetooth Drivers from Microsoft or other driver that use Microsoft Bluetooth Stack
IF XinputTest shows everything correctly the problem is with the game!
Explanation on what HIDE DS4 CONTROLLER checkbox does:
Source code :
Next update:
Please when anyone asking for help provide this:
Connection type: USB/BT
Windows Version
DS4 Tool Version
Are you using Exclusive vs Shared mode ( is Hide DS4 Controller checkbox enabled)
Make sure if USB works first, only then try BT
The Dark Souls is quite buggy port from consoles. So don't expect it to work flawlessly.
Before starting Dark Souls make sure:
xinput*.dll is not present in your game folder (having X360ce will break things)
You have started the tool with Hide DS4 Controller on
In Devices and Printers from Control Panel (Game Controllers menu) make sure that X360 Controller is only one visible)
At this moment we do not support running DS3 and DS4 simultaneously, so make sure only DS4 is connected
The X360 Controller supports both Xinput and DirectInput so its up to game which one to use
I am 100% positive that everything works if you do everything correctly.
People asking about Dark Souls will be ignored or will receive a wearing.
As the topic was covered over few dozen posts
Direct Input Emulation:
There is a limited support of DirectInput in X360 Controller. No Vibration and triggers act different. Other option is to use of contoller without a tool and using in game settings to map buttons. Some games support it. Again no vibration as that's how DS4 DirectInput is defined.
There is no plans to add virtual DirectInput device at the moment. As it would requite reverse engineering another controller and emulating it on the virtual bus driver. At the moment I am relying on Scarlet.Crush's code to emulate X360 and he definitely knows more about it. But he doesn't support emulating DirectInput devices in his tool as well.
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Here is youtube demo video,
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Location: Ireland
Input filter/wrapper applications are always very useful. I'm sure this will be most welcome, once more people have gotten their hands on the DS4. Thanks for the contribution.
How are you finding the DS4?. Any apparent, non-PS4 specific improvements over the DS3? Such as the feel, the analog etc. I'm planning on getting one myself soon, for PC use.
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Definitely an improvement from DS3. Feels more firmly in hands and feels more solid compared to creaky old controller. Kinda feels solid on inside instead how DS3 was hollow. Triggers also better, one thing feels unusual is placement of Options and Share buttons which are equivalent to select/start.
Dualshock 4 now is for sale in a lot of retail stores. I got one to use with PC and PS4 for coop games
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Location: PA
I'm glad this exists. Thanks for your work InhexSTER. Hopefully you'll be able to get rumble and the like working if you plan to go that far.
CPU: Intel i5 6600k @ 4.5GHz | Mobo: ASRock Z170 Extreme4 | GPU: GTX 970 | Mem: G.SKILL Ripjaws V 16GB DDR4 | OS: Windows 10 x64
CPU: AMD A10-7800 APU @ 3.5GHz | Mobo: ASUS A88XM-E | GPU: GTX 680 | Mem: Kingston HyperX 8GB DDR3 @ 1866MHz | OS: Windows 10 x64
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Thanks for making this!
One suggestion: can you bind the Xbox guide button to the PS button or the touch pad button?
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(11-09- PM)Trace Bullet Wrote:
Thanks for making this!
One suggestion: can you bind the Xbox guide button to the PS button or the touch pad button?
Yeah should be easy to do, will upload new version shortly
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Great job mate! I'm a huge fan of the scarlet.crush drivers for using my Ds3 on my PC and have been waiting for someone to make something similar as soon as I heard the Ds4 getting PC support.
I know this current version has no rumble support and I do play a game where I need that function. I was wondering if you had any plans to implement rumble support in the (Hopefully) near future?
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(11-10- PM)Grimnir Wrote:
I was wondering if you had any plans to implement rumble support in the (Hopefully) near future?
I was planning to invistigate that further, I have been able to read/write byte data to device but i need to find exact locations where rumble values are stored.
The issue with that approach it would most likely require custom drivers for usb device same it was in DS3 and for bluetooth.
(WinUsb drivers). Official drivers for windows don't list controller as Force Feedback capable.
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I specifically registered to reply to say that I love you, InhexSTER.
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Users browsing this thread: 8 Guest(s)114网址导航这段时间一直忙贴片生产相关事情,又是搬家,都没有什么时间好好整整。
前人移交过来的记录仪代码,发现一个BUG ,
1 wire [8:0] fchk_shift_r1 = fenergy_chk&&1;
2 wire [9:0] fchk_shift_r2 = fenergy_chk&&2;
3 wire [10:0]fchk_shift_r3 = fenergy_chk&&3;
4 wire [11:0]fchk_shift_r4 = fenergy_chk&&4;
6 wire [8:0] fchk_shift_l1 = fenergy_chk&&1;
7 wire [9:0] fchk_shift_l2 = fenergy_chk&&2;
8 wire [10:0]fchk_shift_l3 = fenergy_chk&&3;
9 wire [11:0]fchk_shift_l4 = fenergy_chk&&4;
然而仅仅将&&改成了&& ,综合能过,MAP出现如下错误:
ERROR:Place:1205 - This design contains a global buffer instance,
&UUT_DCM/clkout1_buf&, driving the net, &clk12M_OBUF&, that is driving the
following (first 30) non-clock load pins off chip.
& PIN: clk12M.O; &
This design practice, in Spartan-6, can lead to an unroutable situation due
to limitations in the global routing. If the design does route there may be
excessive delay or skew on this net. It is recommended to use a Clock
Forwarding technique to create a reliable and repeatable low skew solution:
instantiate an ODDR2 tie the .D0 pin to Logic1; tie the .D1 pin to
Logic0; tie the clock net to be forwarded to .C0; tie the inverted clock to
.C1. If you wish to override this recommendation, you may use the
CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint (given below) in the .ucf file to demote
this message to a WARNING and allow your design to continue. Although the net
may still not route, you will be able to analyze the failure in FPGA_Editor.
Xilinx spartan6 ODDR2的用法! - chen.terry - 中国电子顶级开发网(EETOP)-电子设计论坛、博客、超人气的电子工程师资料分享平台 - Powered by X-Space/blog/html/04/43.html
// ODDR2: Output Double Data Rate Output Register with Set, Reset
// and Clock Enable.
// Spartan-6
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide, version 12.3
.DDR_ALIGNMENT("NONE"), // Sets output alignment to "NONE", "C0" or "C1"
.INIT(1'b0), // Sets initial state of the Q output to 1'b0 or 1'b1
.SRTYPE("SYNC") // Specifies "SYNC" or "ASYNC" set/reset
U_ODDR2_clk12m (
.Q(clk12m), // 1-bit DDR output data
.C0(oddr2_12m), // 1-bit clock input
.C1(~oddr2_12m), // 1-bit clock input
.CE(1'b1), // 1-bit clock enable input
.D0(1'b1), // 1-bit data input (associated with C0)
.D1(1'b0), // 1-bit data input (associated with C1)
.R(1'b0), // 1-bit reset input
.S(1'b0) // 1-bit set input
// End of ODDR2_inst instantiation
ERROR:Pack:2531 - The dual data rate register "U_ODDR2_clk12m" failed to join
the "OLOGIC2" component as required.
The output signal for register symbol
U_ODDR2_clk12m requires general routing to fabric, but the register can only
be routed to ILOGIC, IODELAY, and IOB.
Pack:2531 - The dual data rate register "clock_clk... - Xilinx User Community Forums/t5/Spartan-Family-FPGAs/Pack-2531-The-dual-data-rate-register-quot-clock-clk-5p3M-quot/td-p/344879
出现此问题是由于 又将ODDR2的输出结果用在了内部逻辑上
ERROR:ChipScope: One or more invalid signal connections detected.ERROR:ChipScope: Double-click the AGC_test.cdc icon in the sources window to edit and fix the CDC project.
虽然移除该cdc文件,编译通过~ 但是 所有需要的IO口都没啦!!!
真的是乱啊! 纠结!待继续!
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