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[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM ]Hi,I have followed all instructions in this thread and still both VS2013 & 2015 are crashing if CodeRush is loaded. &Here are the steps I tried:1-Uninstall previous version of CodeRush.2-Delete the ComponentModelCache folder for both VS versions.3-Reboot my computer.4-Installed hotfix DevExpressCodeRush- opening different solutions in VS2013 & 2015. &They both crashed.See attached files for both VS versions.Please let me know if you need more information.
Thank you for letting us know about this issue.We have researched the provided information, but were not able to positively track down the cause of the VS crash. Please send us the call stacks received at the moment of the crash. To capture them, follow the steps described in the&&article.Your CodeRush log files also can be helpful for our research.&To collect them,&follow these steps:1. From the DevExpress menu, select "Options...".2. In the tree view on the left, navigate to this folder:&&& Diagnostics3. Select the "Message Log" option page.This page level is Expert and will be visible only if the Level combo on the lower-left of the Options dialog is set to Expert.4. On the "Message Log" options page, check the "Enable logging messages" and "Log messages to disk" check boxes.5. Reproduce the Visual Studio crash.6. Collect all your logs (they can be obtained in the following path: %LocalAppData%\CodeRush for VS .NET\1.1\Log) and send them to us.Also,&clarify whether this issue occurs only in specific projects and files, or in the newly-created ClassLibrary project as well.We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Pavel,Thanks for the instructions, I tried to follow them, but the link provided to collect the call stack was not for VS2015 and I may have not captured all information needed, so I created a devenv.dmp file which I hope will give clues please download this file from this link
&I also collected all CodeRush logs from the path provided.Please let me know if you need any other file or information or if you want me to run a special CR build to help you find the what is causing this crash.This crash is happening with any project in either VS 2013 or 2015, basically happens when a class file is opened. &Please take a look at this video:Thanks again!!!
Thank you for providing&the requested&information.
Please give us some additional time to research it.We will&update this thread&as soon as we have any results.
We have researched the&dump file&you provided.Here is a part of the call stack at the moment of crash:& DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.ChangeItemTask.ResolveScope(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement scope) Unknown& DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.ChangeItemTask.CheckCodeIssues(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ChangeDescriptorItem item = {DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ChangeDescriptorItem}) Unknown& DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.ChangeItemTask.ProcessItemAsync(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ChangeDescriptorItem item) Unknown& DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.ChangeItemTask.Execute() UnknownSo, we believe that our CodeIssues engine may be the cause of this issue. To&check&this, please go to the "Editor\Code Analysis\Code Issues" options page,&uncheck the "Enabled" checkbox and try to reproduce the crash.We appreciate your cooperation.
Hi Pavel,I disabled the &Code Issues& engine and now VS does not crash, so yes &Code Issues& seems to be the cause of this issue.
I forgot to mention, that, if I enable &Code &issues& that instance of VS2015 will crash right away.Please see this video (no audio):
Thank you for letting us know your results.
I will prepare a special build for you that will contains a hotfix.I will update this thread when a special build is prepared.
Thanks Pavel,I'll be waiting to test it right away.
Hi Edhy,We have prepared a special build for you. Please download it from this link:&.After that, install it on your machine and try to reproduce the issue.We are looking forward to your results.
Hi Pavel,Thanks for the hotfix, but still it is failing in my system.I tested as follow:1- Update current CR with this hotfix.2- Open my solution, enable &Code Issues&, in a second VS2015 crashed.3- Then I uninstall CR, reboot computer, installed hotfix, retest and VS crashed.Please see video: I also attached the current CR logs.
I am concerned to hear that the issue persists.We have researched the log files you provided and found a lot of such messages:&Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. (System.AccessViolationException).We did not manage to reproduce this issue on our side and we believe that the cause of the crash is your specific environment settings.Perhaps, CodeRush conflicts with any other VS extension you have installed.To check this, please execute the following steps:1. Close all Visual Studio instances.2. Run the command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator.3. Run the "cd %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE" command to go to the folder with "devenv.exe"4. Execute the "devenv /setup" command.After that, please disable all your VS extensions in turn and try to reproduce the issue.
To disable any VS extension, select "Extensions and Updates..." from the "Tools" menu, click the "Disable" button for the extension, and restart Visual Studio.I hope this will help us diagnose the cause of the problem on your machine.
Hi Pavel,I followed your recommended steps and still CR is crashing VS2015.In the attached file I included the most recent CR logs and also the &VS 2015 Call Stack.txt&.I recorded an intelli-trace session from another instance of VS to catch the exception, hope this file &devenv_529.iTrace& can give you a clue of the crash, maybe if you provide the PDB files I can give you a better trace log. &Please download it from the link below./downloads/cr/devenv_529.iTrace.zipPlease let me know if you want a dmp file.
Thank you for providing the additional information.I have researched&it&and found that the main thread has this stack at the moment of crash:&CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocationHelper.GetParentCollection(EnvDTE.ProjectItem item = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocationHelper.GetParents(System.Collections.ArrayList parents = {unknown}, EnvDTE.ProjectItem item = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocationHelper.GetParents(EnvDTE.Solution solution = {unknown}, EnvDTE.ProjectItem item = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocationHelper.GetFileLocation(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.ISourceFile fileNode = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocation.GetElementLocation(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ProviderSuppressionEngine.GetScopesToCheck(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ProviderSuppressionEngine.IsSuppressed(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeIssueProvider provider = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.CodeSmellEnginePlugIn.IsSuppressed(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeIssueProvider provider = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_SharedSource_All.dll!CR_Dispos_o_matic.DisposOMaticPlugIn.ipClassShouldImplementIDisposable_CheckCodeIssues(object sender = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CheckCodeIssuesEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeIssueProvider.GetCodeIssues(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CheckCodeIssuesEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.ChangeItemTask.CheckCodeIssue(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CheckCodeIssuesEventArgs ea = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.SourceFile fileNode = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ISuppressionScope suppressionScope = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeIssueProvider provider = {unknown}) C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.ChangeItemTask.CheckCodeIssues(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.ScopeResolveResult resolvedScope = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.SourceFile fileNode = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement scope = {unknown}) C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.StaticAnalysisTools.ChangeItemTask.CheckCodeIssues(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ChangeDescriptorItem item = {unknown}) C#So, please go to the "Editor\Code Analysis\Catalog" option page and disable the "Class should implement IDisposable", "Fields should be disposed", and "Undisposed local" code issues.After that, try to reproduce the issue.If it does not help, the issue&may be associated with specific features of your project. So, would you please share&the project where the issue is reproducible&with us? We can mark this ticket private so no one can access it except you and the DevExpress team. We can also sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement if required.I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Pavel,Sorry to say that disabling those Catalog items, seems to have worked, when I closed the solution, VS crashed. &I was able to capture another Trace log you can download from here: /downloads/cr/devenv_522.iTrace.zip
&Edhy, we have researched the log files you provided and found that&the cause&of crash is the same - getting access to&EnvDTE.ProjectItem.
Here is a part of stack trace:DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.EnvDTEUtils.GetDependentUpon(EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem = {unknown}) C#& CR_CreateCode_All.dll!Code_Declare.AddMissingConstructorsPlugIn.GetDependentUponFilePath(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.SourceFile file = {unknown}) C#& CR_CreateCode_All.dll!Code_Declare.AddMissingConstructorsPlugIn.GetInitializeComponentFromDependentUponItem(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.ITypeElement type = {unknown}) C#& CR_CreateCode_All.dll!Code_Declare.AddMissingConstructorsPlugIn.GetAffectedTypesForVB(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.ITypeElement type = {unknown}) C#& CR_CreateCode_All.dll!Code_Declare.AddMissingConstructorsPlugIn.IsAvailable(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CheckContentAvailabilityEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#& CR_CreateCode_All.dll!Code_Declare.AddMissingConstructorsPlugIn.cpAddConstructors_CheckAvailability(object sender = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CheckContentAvailabilityEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ContentProvider.OnCheckAvailability(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CheckContentAvailabilityEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ContentProvider.GetAvailabilityCore(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.SmartTagContext context = {unknown}) C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ContentProvider.GetAvailability(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.SmartTagContext context = {unknown}) C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ContentProvider.GetAvailability() C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeProvider.GetAvailability() C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.RefactoringProviderBase.IsAvailable.get() C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ContentServices.CheckAvailability(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.ContentProvider provider = {unknown}) C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!&GetAvailableContentProviders&d__0.MoveNext() C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeModServices.CanShowSmartTagAsync(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.AsyncAvailabilityEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#& DX_SmartTagEngine.dll!DX_SmartTagEngine.CodeProvidersEngine.stpCodeProviders_CheckSmartTagAvailabilityAsync(object sender = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.AsyncAvailabilityEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#I would check that the issue is reproducible in the newly-created ClassLibrary project. If not,&it would be very helpful if you provide with us&the project where the issue is reproducible.
Hi Pavel,As per your request, I did the following:1- I created a new VB application using one of the DX samples, while CR was unloaded.2- Opened the MainForm.vb class.3- Loaded CR4- Waited without doing anything and CR will crash, of course the CodeIssues engine was enabled. &You can see the video here:Also an iTrace file for this session here: /downloads/cr/devenv_400.iTrace.zipAs you can see there is no problem with my project, since creating a new one crashed right away. &In the attached file I am including the CR logs for this session as well as the VB project I created in the video.Good luck!!!
Hi Edhy,The stack trace is similar:CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocationHelper.GetParentCollection(EnvDTE.ProjectItem item = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocationHelper.GetParents(System.Collections.ArrayList parents = {unknown}, EnvDTE.ProjectItem item = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocationHelper.GetParents(EnvDTE.Solution solution = {unknown}, EnvDTE.ProjectItem item = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocationHelper.GetFileLocation(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.ISourceFile fileNode = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocation.GetElementLocation(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ProviderSuppressionEngine.GetScopesToCheck(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ProviderSuppressionEngine.IsSuppressed(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeIssueProvider provider = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.CodeSmellEnginePlugIn.IsSuppressed(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeIssueProvider provider = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.FieldCanBeMadeReadonlySearcher.CheckCodeIssues(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CheckCodeIssuesEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.StructureCodeIssueWrapper.OnCheckCodeIssues(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CheckCodeIssuesEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.CodeIssueWrapperBase.ehProvider_CheckCodeIssues(object sender = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CheckCodeIssuesEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#& DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.dll!DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeIssueProvider.GetCodeIssues(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CheckCodeIssuesEventArgs ea = {unknown}) C#I have installed exactly the same set of extensions as you have on&the clean machine. And, I tried&to reproduce the issue with your project and steps.Still no success. I have attached a screencast that illustrates my attempts.Also, I have researched the issue on the internet and found that you have encountered a similar issue earlier, using StrataFrame:&.So, I believe&StrataFrame makes changes into EnvDTE and may be the cause of the issue.&I suggest you&execute the following steps to check this:1. Create a restore point. Refer this link to learn how to do this:&;2. Completely remove StrataF3. Try to reproduce the issue,4. Restore your system to the previous restore point.&Use this link for details:&.If this helps and StrataFrame&involved, we will need your help to configure StrataFrame on our side to reproduce the issue.We are looking forward to your results.
Hi Pavel,That link you are referring about StrataFrame (SF) is from 2008. &Yes I use the StrataFrame framework and in testing this CR crash I had disabled the SF extension as well as all other extensions.I am not sure what may have SF to do with CR crashing and the new project I created have no SF references just plain DX project.I currently cannot uninstall SF because I am working several SF projects and that could lead to some other issues, but I will contact the SF team and ask them about any changes into EnvDTE.
Hi Pavel,I got confirmation from StrataFrame that they do use EnvDTE but they don't understand how SF may be causing CodeRush to crash VS.I uninstalled StrataFrame, and tried again with a plain DX project I gave you before and CR crashed as previously, please see this video StrataFrame removed.Also please read the response from one of the StrataFrame team about this issue:Please advice...
Hi Pavel,Just to clarify that I have been using DevExpress and the StrataFrame framework for a long time and with the previous version of CR it was working fine with VS2013, so I don't think this CR issue has anything to do with how StrataFrame works.Once I installed VS15 and this DX version, it started crashing as I have reported.
Thank you for your research.If the problem is reproduced only with&the latest CodeRush version,&I suggest you try the following:1. Completely uninstall CodeRush.&Refer to the following&&KB article to learn how to do this.2. Install the previous versions and found the latest version where the problem is NOT&reproducible.It helps us review our changes between these versions and found a change that leads to the problem.We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
Hi Pavel,This 24 hour support cycle is killing me. &I wish we could have a much closer window within the same time zone EST to address this situation.The link you provided to uninstall DX IDE Tools does not apply to VS2015 so I simply uninstall it from the control panel.Now, testing all the way back to CR 14.2.6 using VS2012 the crash is consistent &and reproducible all the time with the &Code Issues& checked. &The only difference as to when it was working for me was that VS2015 was not installed in this computer and I cannot remove it now since I am getting behind in my work due to all these troubleshooting we need to do.Here is a video with VS2013 and the crash.Overall, my feeling is that some of the VS2015 installation files may be affecting the CR in either VS 2013 and 2015. &Probably you can setup your testing VM with VS2013 & 2015 and see if you can reproduce the issue.
First, let me take a moment to apologize that it has taken so much time to get this problem fixed. &Issues like this one are hard to reproduce, but we could not do much until we found a way to replicate it locally.On the machine where I try to reproduce the issue both VS 2013 Ultimate and VS 2015 Enterprise are installed, but CodeRush works fine on my side.I have installed the VS extension you have as well, but I am missing two of them:- Visual Studio Tools for Universal Windows Apps- Microsoft Azure HDInsight Tools for Visual Studio.&&Perhaps they are can affect the problem, so we will install them and try to reproduce the crash.Also, we have an idea how to catch the exception, but we need some additional time to check this and prepare another special build for you.Please give us some time.
Hi Pavel,No need to apologize, as a developer I understand you have to be able to reproduce the crash to be able to fix it.This is my main development computer and sometimes it is hard for me to uninstall/reinstall stuff that may compromise the stability of this computer.If you prefer also I can allow you to have a remote session to my computer if that will help you do some test, but we will need to schedule the time to do so.I am also willing to test any special build you have that will help you identify this crash. &I don't think the PBD files for CR are included with my source code, if so maybe you can instruct me how to use them to better identify the exception.
Edhy,Thank you for your&understanding.There is no reason to&organize&a remote session to your&computer since you have provided all information we needed.We have prepared a special build for you, where we try to catch all exceptions which can occur:&.Please install it and try to reproduce the issue.We are looking forward to your results.
Hi Pavel,I am happy to report that with this build I have not been able to reproduce the crash in VS 2013 & VS 2015.I re-enabled the Code Issues as well as the options in Catalog for &Class should implement IDisposable&, &Fields should be disposed&, and &Undisposed local& code issues.I will continue to test with my projects later today and will let you know in a few hours how stable this build is.Thanks again for keeping up with this issue and even if you may not have identified what was causing the crash, at least we can continue to work without risking corruption in our projects.
Sorry Pavel, but I did not test enough, I got another exception.System.AccessViolationException was unhandledMessage: An unhandled exception of type 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred in CR_Visualize_All.dllAdditional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.Here is the video: And here is the IntelliTrace session:/downloads/cr/devenv_440.iTrace.zip
Hi Edhy,I have researched the dump you provided. The stack trace is different from previous ones:& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ScopeLocation.GetElementLocation(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ProviderSuppressionEngine.GetScopesToCheck(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.ProviderSuppressionEngine.IsSuppressed(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeIssueProvider provider = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_Visualize_All.dll!CR_CodeIssueUI.CodeSmellEnginePlugIn.IsSuppressed(DevExpress.CodeRush.Core.CodeIssueProvider provider = {unknown}, DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.IElement element = {unknown}) C#& CR_DuplicateCodeUI.dll!CR_DuplicateCodeUI.DuplicateCodeEnginePlugIn.RemoveSuppressedItems(DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.CodeAnalysis.Duplication.DuplicateCodeSearchTaskResult result = {unknown}) C#I have prepared another build for you:&. Install it and let us know if the issue goes away.I wanted to share the details of my research. In .NET 4 and later, the CLR exception system will not deliver corrupted state exceptions to manage code unless the code has expressly indicated that it can handle them.The only way to mark that application can handle such an exception - add the HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions attribute for each method where the exception occurs.&So, if the provided build does not help you, we will need time to review all our code and add the HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions attribute where it is required.We are looking forward to your results.
Hi Pavel,Sorry, but this build will crash VS right away with this exception:System.AccessViolationException was unhandledMessage: An unhandled exception of type 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred in DevExpress.CodeRush.StructuralParser.dllAdditional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.Here is the video:
I am concerned to hear that the crash persists. Would you provide us with&an iTrace file for&the crash as you did before?It will help us understand where the issue occurred.
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