unity khartoum酒店是谁的演讲

【人声后摇】演讲、独白采样 - 网易云音乐
例如: 用了肯尼迪的登月计划演讲 用了毛、周、江的演讲
#人声演讲采样· There's a Light - 这是题主提到的w.采样出自 John F. Kennedy 于 1962 年 9 月 12 日的演讲「We Choose to Go to the Moon」.「We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. 」我想活着就是不断前进而非整天安稳而坐吧.· There's a Light - 依旧是 There's a Light 的歌,推荐他们这第一张专辑「Khartoum」,有生之年请务必听一下!这首采用的演讲是 Charlie Chaplin 于「The Great Dictator」的演讲.「Now let us fight to fulfil that promise! Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance! Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness. 」让世界上的每个人不要彼此憎恨.· Windsor Airlift - 超级喜欢这张专辑的封面啊w.这首歌采用的人声演讲采样是里根总统于 1986 年挑战者号航天飞机灾难而念的悼词.「The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and “slipped the surly bonds of earth” to “touch the face of God.” 」挣脱大地去触摸上帝的脸庞.#仅人声非演讲· Childs - 虽然为一支墨西哥乐队,但主唱喜欢日本动漫所以老往曲里加动漫元素ww.比如这首采用的就是「萤火虫之墓」里的台词.明明感到十分温暖的曲调,但加入了一句连一句的「僕は死んだ」.. 瞬感凄凉.· Childs - 选取的是明日香的人声.喜欢的 EVA 的小伙伴务必去听一下w/· The Evpatoria Report - 「作品人声音效取材于NASA通讯资料——2003年美国哥伦比亚航天飞机返回地球解体,7名宇航员全部遇难。」Taijin Kyofusho 是日语罗马字,写作日语汉字就是「対人恐怖症」.冰冷的太空真是无情.· French Teen Idol - 这首是电影「25th Hour」里 Edward Norton 的人声采样.当初看电影只是听诺顿大叔的这段已经够让人 HIGH 了,结果再配上曲,曲声结合,我真想也 Fuck..推荐情绪超级差的时候听. 无数个 Fuck 会让你爽一辈子.顺便推荐大家去看电影w/「Fuck Francis Xavier Slaughtery, my best friend,judging me while he stares at my girlfriend's ass.Fuck Naturelle Riviera.I gave her my trust, and she stabbed me in the back.Sold me up the river.Fucking bitch.Fuck my father with his endless grief,standing behind that bar,sipping on club soda,selling whiskey to firemen and cheering the Bronx Bombers.」· French Teen Idol - 据说是某场足球解说.-.值得一听!值得一听!· The Shadow Project - 对对对我们只要「Just fuck it.」· Maybeshewill - 「Now we're apart.」· The Best Pessimist - 「I sleep all the time when you’re not here, John. Sometimes 17 hours a day. I don’t see anybody, John. The days just pass by. You know… Training home sleep… Training. I don’t want to live anymore.You don’t want to live anymore?Yes, but… Only together with you.」· Windsor Airlift - 据说这首曲的全名是「When I Was A Pedant Clerk In Switzerland, I Used To Wonder What The Universe Would Look Like If I Was Travelling At The Speed Of Light On A Motorcycle」不太知道人声说的是什么..· Oak - 人声出自电影「The Royal Tenenbaums」(天才一族)里母亲得知前夫患上癌症时的对话.就...听着会哭啊.· Port Blue - 一定要听这首!虽然不知道出自哪里的采样,但这首好棒w.· Drawing The Endless Shore - 人声采样出自电影「Dead Poets Society」(死亡诗社).「Seize the day.」· As the Stars Fall - 评论里愚木同学提到的,然后查了一下发现了这首.. 感谢ww.采样出自电影「Cherish」(珍爱).又是满屏的「Fuck」. 哈哈.-.· Endless Melancholy - 啊据说采样是出自那位 Charles Milles Manson 的..· As the Stars Fall - 一开始对白出自 96 年电影「The Funeral」.「Ray: I'm ashamed of nothing. I didn't make the world.Jean: But you're not doing anything to make it better.Ray: Yeah, and I'll roast in hell.」· Saltillo - 穿插圣经、哄笑等.-听得太多了想不起来.. 想到听到再加w.原本后摇没有人声单纯是曲子会让你的思绪飘到海里、飘到远方、飘到天空,无论任何丰富的想象力都可以.然后在后摇里加入人声的话,就像设定好一个固定的情节,带好正确的情绪去听.最后一定会化解这情绪.
这么多答案居然没有一个提到BBF3的。整首歌穿插了一段Blaise Bailey Finnegan三世的街头采访。BBF3貌似是一个传教士…挺有趣的一个怪人:看谁都不爽;最后记者让他背自己写的诗,他直接背了一段别人的歌词……采访中BBF3的莫名愤怒与整个曲子的情绪非常契合。国内的视频资源太少,找到的这个版本只有前面半首……this monologue takes the form of an interview with blaise baile the interviewer's words are in a stronger font, while BBF3's words are in a normal font.well...where are you coming from?...well...i don't like the way the country's ran, don't you know, and, erm...that's pretty much what i was expressing in my poem. the government...the american government - they're sneaky, they're very deceitful, they're liers, they're cheats, they're rip-offs. i mean, the american government is one systematic government that...that nobody can trust. i don't trust them myself.and how long have you been writing for?huh?how long have you been writing for?since i was four.d'you do this sort of thing a lot, like, open-mic kinda questions?oh i love open-mics, i love coming here to do open-mics, absolutely.what kind of reactions d'you usually get?usually, people are...are pretty much in agreement with what i'm saying.we overheard you before talking about...you went to court today for a speeding ticket...?that's accurate.right. d'you wanna tell us that story?yes, absolutely, i wouldn't mind telling you the story. erm...i went to court today for a speeding ticket, and i told the judge, erm..."let me tell you something, and you listen and you listen good, i'm only gonna say this one time and one time only, i don't repeat myself for nobody," i said. i says..."i'm here to pay a speeding ticket, not to listen to your lectures and hear you run your mouth for an hour." i says "i'm here to pay off my speeding ticket...and i'm here to get my fines out of the way and get the fuck to work." the judge says "you can't talk like that in my courtroom, you're in contempt of court." then i said...i told the judge, "if that's the best you can do, i feel sorry for you." i said "why don't you just shut your fucking mouth for once and listen." i said "i'm not gonna take any shit." i said "i'm gonna pay my speeding ticket like i said." i walked up to the god damn judge and i hand him my 25 dollars and i says "here's my money, now i am leaving."and i left it at that......then, before i left, i turned around and told the judge "i'm here to state who i am and be honest with you." i said "if they thought i was dangerous on the road like you're trying to accuse me of, wouldn't they have taken my license when i first got it? yes they would. and the judge says "yeah, you have a point," he goes "you don't need to get loud," i said "don't get loud?" i says "i've got every right to get loud." i says "you can't do a god damn thing about it, because i'm expressing myself in your court, and there is nothing you can do about it. you think you're god because you have a robe and you can put people up the god damn river for 20 years? well you're not."and i left it at that...did you walk away?yes i did...i don't like the judicial system, i don't like the government system, i don't like the police, i don't like anything to do with this country's government. i just don't like it, because...they're sneaky, like i said - they're deceitful, they're lying, they're cheats, the rip people off. that's the american government for you. america is a third world country, and people don't recognise it...and i think that that's pretty god damn sad, that they don't recognise their own country as a third world, third rate, third class slum.well...d'you have any weapons?yes, i do. i own a high-powered assault rifle, i own a 12-gauge double barrel shotgun, i own a regular shotgun, i own a regular hunting rifle, i own a 9 milimetre, a 357, a 45 handgun, a 38 special, and, erm...i own an m-16 fully automatic ground assault rifle...d'you think things are gonna get better before they get worse?no way. things are just gonna get worse and keep on getting worse. like i said, america's a third world country as it is and...and we're just basically in a hopeless situation as it stands.what d'you think this country's gonna look like in the year 2003?y'know, i'll tell you the truth - nothing against you guys, but i don't wanna answer that question because...i haven't even got a mind that's that...that inhumane.are you ready for what's coming?ready as i'll ever be.most people aren't.there's a little saying...dates back for generations...go on...be prepared for anything at any time from anybody, don't take no shit, always stand your ground. people wanna come up to me and run their mouth - guess what? i'll throw them through the fucking window...i won't think a thing of it.would you mind reciting your poem for us?not at all, i don't see why...i don't see why i couldn't.there's an evil virus that's threatening mankindit's not state of the art, it's a serious state of the mindthe muggers, the backstabbers, the two faced elitea menace to society, a social diseaseto brainwash the mind is a social disorderthe cynics, the apathy one-upmanship orderwatching beginnings of social decaygloating and sneering at life's disarrayeating away at your own self esteempouncing on every word that you might be sayingto attack someones mind is a social disorderthe constitution, the government, martial law ordersuperficially smiling a shake of the handas soon as your back is turned treason is plannedwhen every good thing's laid to restby the governments hate, by the constitution and their liesand every time you think you're safeand when you go to turn awayyou know they're sharpening all their knivesall in your mindall in your headtry to relate itall in your mindall in your headtry to escape itwithout a conscience they destroyand that's a thing that they enjoythey're a sickness that's in all of our mindsthey want to sink the ship and leavethe way they laugh at you and meyou know it happens all the timebut it only happens in your mindthe rats in the cellar you know who you are...or do you?watching beginnings of social decay...thank you for your timeNOTE: "his" poem which he recites at the end of this monologue is, in fact, not a poem by him at all, but an almost straight recital of the lyrics to virus by iron maiden. "Virus" was written by Blaze Bayley, former Iron Maiden vocalist, but the man on the recording is not actually Blaze.(huge thanks to lornicus, erik, andi, patrick and bert for their help with transcribing this monologue).
里面有几个演讲的采样 都很经典
关注了好几天,还没人提April Rain, 似乎也没人提GYBE。个人听得也不多,听过的带人声的后摇好好撸一遍,尽量不和其他答案重复排名分先后1,Taijin Kyofusho-The Evpatoria Report采样来自NASA的Accident Record,歌名翻译成中文是对人的恐惧症,这首歌好多答案提了我就不赘述,总之整首歌是描写哥伦比亚号失事的过程。人声采样由来资料比较全的是:第一次知道这个采样的由来以后被无死角击中泪点,现在放这张专辑一般都跳过这首歌2,One Is Glad To Be Of Service-April Rain采样来自电影《机器管家》里的对白,一共三段:April Rain才出道不到3年,由一个人变成乐队,现在还没红成一线大牌,但水准绝对是超一线,很多粉丝知道这个乐队都是因为这首歌,纪念Robin Williams,进而到这张专辑。April Rain绝对是营造氛围和情绪的大师,加入采样更加是画龙点睛,给听者最起码给我增加了心理暗示,这首歌整个12月不停的单曲循环,听到后来已经全是画面,分不清到底是人声为歌曲而加,还是歌曲为人声而写2014年得知Robin Williams抑郁症自杀,很久都不愿意相信这是真的,把死亡诗社又找出来看了一遍,哭的都要不能自理了。跑到电影院去看博物馆奇妙夜,喜剧硬是看成了悲剧。然后听到这首歌,也是哭。唉不说了再说矫情了。3,I loved you on this day-April Rain采样出自电影《美丽心灵永恒阳光》中的对白(电影是美国的,但是采样是俄文译制版里的),分好多段好多段(主要是没有一句一句对),全是主角在记忆被消除的过程中与女主的点滴,找这个出处还花了不少功夫,详见我的帖子:一开始因为是俄语一直不知道采样在说什么,也就一直没真正听懂这首歌,后来知道了以后去看了一遍电影,然后成了April Rain的脑残粉,不得不说人声对氛围和情绪的暗示和放大作用太大了。看完电影再听觉得好虐,每一个鼓点每一段旋律都感觉完美契合电影和采样。就连歌名也是。4,Exploring Yourself With A Knife-April Rain采样出自电影《珍爱源泉》电影用比较复杂和抽象的方式,讲了一个在狼妻生命的最后一段时间,金刚狼偏执的追求治愈绝症的药方,而忽视了陪伴的一个简单故事。看完电影再听歌,就能完完全全理解歌名的意思,金刚狼一边痛哭,一边看着自己丢失了戒指的手指,然后拿起钢笔插进手指里,最后在意念中刻遍全身的剧情,不正是Exploring himself With A Pen么5,A Song for Starlit Beaches-Yndi Halda其实没有采样,是一段人声吟唱只是经历了几次高低起伏的段落后,忽然来了一段吟唱,让整首歌更耐听更有味道我个人觉得这首歌作为一首后摇作品其实应该排在前面几首April Rain的作品之上,但题目是聊采样,So排第五6,Black Rain-Mono采样是一首诗,是Taka的一位朋友创作并且朗诵的,貌似也是一个乐队的主唱,我最早在虾米贴过歌词,但是好像审核没通过的样子,目前最后修改还是我但是歌词没了囧,回头找出来贴到这里。记得是意大利语。7,siren-Pg. lost采样是贝司手唱的一段,看现场的时候让他们把歌词签在了我的衣服上。What have you donethe light is gonedon't think these scars will heal at all这本来是首很大气的后摇,音墙一层叠着一层,一层高过一层,看到这个词顿时又多了分细腻有没有?另外歪个楼,吐槽一句,请不要再叫他们屁股丢了好吗,Pg是Page的意思也就是页码的缩写,你们以前上英语课的时候老师不会告诉你们open your book and turn to 么,乐队名字是大意就是“丢失的那些页”。不敢说我这个理解一定对,但至少我在看完现场签名环节这么发音叫他们他们没有反驳我。8,Sleep-GYBE抱歉把这首无数人心中至高无上的神曲摆在这个位置,因为题目聊的是采样让歌曲更有味道,而这首歌的采样更像是一个引子,用人声快速把人引到那个氛围和情绪里,然后再用器乐慢慢熬慢慢炖。黑帝配器上的造诣无需多谈了,他们带人声采样的作品太多太多了,包括紧跟着这首Sleep的dream也带,但大多跟政治沾边,个人不是特别感冒,就不多说了-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------听得少,先写这么多,慢慢马其他人答案里提到的
人声往往让后摇的故事性和画面感增强。分享The Ascent of Everest的单曲《Threnody for the Victims of November Second》 (@网易云音乐)人声为演讲《Tale of Two Cities》, 这是献给11月2日受害者的挽歌。歌里的采样是前纽约州长Mario Cuomo 1984年在民主党大会上著名的演讲,把时任的共和党里根政府骂的狗血淋头。借狄更斯的名作来抨击里根政府“星球大战”的政策,呼吁美国选民站出来抵制共和党的统治,虽然民主党在最后的选举中没能获胜,但这段Keynote Address却永载史册。(摘自网易评论)另推荐腰乐队的《垃圾好比你的脸》,非后摇,引用了朱镕基一次演讲。最后贴一个山陰路8樓收房租的萬青的歌单《后摇之人声采样(Vocal Sampling)》 (@网易云音乐)
Taijin kyofusho-the evpatoria report音乐人声部分取材于NASA通讯资料,2003年美国哥伦比亚航天飞机返回地球解体,7名宇航员全部遇难,这段电台通讯录音是休斯顿指挥中心最后与航天飞机联络的片段。-----------------------------------------个人觉得大多数好听的人声背景都是那种模糊不清的嘈杂的闲谈,惘闻的Lonely God 前部分就是这样,窦唯的很多实验音乐也加入嘈杂的闹市作为背景很好听
We lost the sea 的 Challenger part 2 - A Swan Song
来自专辑Departure Songs,背景用了里根为挑战者号灾难的演讲。Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger Address to the Nation, January 28, 1986 by President Ronald W. Reagan"We've grown used to wonders in this century. It's hard to dazzle us. We've grown used to the idea of space, and perhaps we forget that we've only just begun. We're still pioneers. Sometimes painful things like this happen. It's all part of the process of exploration and discovery. It's all part of taking a chance andexpanding man's horizons. The future doesn't belong it belongs to the brave.Nothing ends here.On this day 390 years ago, the great explorer Sir Francis Drake died aboard ship off the coast of Panama. In his lifetime the great frontiers were the oceans, and an historian later said, "He lived by the sea, died on it, and was buriedin it." Well, today we can say of the Challenger crew: Their dedication was, like Drake's, complete.We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and "slipped the surly bonds of earth" to "touch the face of God." Thank you."以上来自豆瓣chel对这张专辑的乐评。在此墙裂推荐一下这张专辑。这是我近期听过的非常黑暗悲壮,摄人心魄的一张砖,能让我丧半天都缓不过来劲儿。每一首曲子都是为某一个人类史上的灾难或失败而作。“乐队声称专辑灵感源于那些历史上失败的,然而却史诗般充满辉煌的旅程,专辑是一次那些不同寻常的人和事,以及整个人类的进程的庆祝和致敬。”该团的自我阐述和专辑设计见链接,来自微信账号后音赏PostEcho的推送。
我突然想到了这首…插入了毛的讲话。 分享
Phew 的歌曲《花がきれいなわけ》(分享自@虾米音乐)但真心没法欣赏这首…我觉得封面配歌好吓人(捂脸)
I' m not dying


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