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(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
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Time Machine VR
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Assume the role of a time-traveling cadet tasked with exploring the Jurassic era and the ancient creatures that once ruled the prehistoric oceans. Things take a turn when melting ice caps in the present unleash an ancient deadly virus that lays waste to humanity... and the key to the cureAssume the role of a time-traveling cadet tasked with exploring the Jurassic era and the ancient creatures that once ruled the prehistoric oceans. Things take a turn when melting ice caps in the present unleash an ancient deadly virus that lays waste to humanity... and the key to the cure lies in the extraordinary creatures of prehistory. You will need your wits and cunning to survive the past and save the future. [Available for the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and SteamVR]&
Score distribution:
A great first impression soon fails to deliver on its potential, with the promise of time travelling adventure soon falling to education. Mind you, getting eaten by massive underwater monsters is really cool. [Tested with Vive]
A solid game that definitely has an audience. Might lack replay value, could be too short or there are some hard-to-ignore faults, but the experience is fun. [Tested with Oculus Rift]
If it's less costly in the future and you're interested in checking out experimental VR control schemes or really love prehistoric ocean creatures then it's worth a look, but its flaws were too much to ignore even for this die-hard dinosaur fan. [Tested with HTC Vive]
Time Machine VR is a unique tool for learning about certain breeds of underwater dinosaurs, but it isn’t fun. I enjoyed the more dangerous moments in the campaign, but the scales are tipped too far to the academic side. If you’re looking for a distinct interactive way to learn about prehistoric creatures of the deep, that’s exclusively what Time Machine VR accomplishes. [Tested with Rift]
There’s a real sense of wonder in observing the dinosaurs of Time Machine VR, but it needs a round of bug quashing and a better role for the player to rise above the crush of titles in the VR launch window.
Unless you're an aquatic dinosaur fanatic who has a thing for submarines and listening to facts about dinosaurs, you're probably not going to enjoy this. Your time would be better spe at least they have the cool dinosaurs there and not just the underwater ones. [Tested both Vive and Rift]
For educational purposes or as an installation in a museum this could be interesting. But as a a game it is disappointing. [Tested with Oculus Rift and Vive]
Score distribution:
I have been enjoying this game thoroughly. It runs very well on both oculus and htc vive HMD. The voice overs as well as the interaction forI have been enjoying this game thoroughly. It runs very well on both oculus and htc vive HMD. The voice overs as well as the interaction for the story between characters is great. The sense of realism you get from this game is unbelievable. The creatures are to a scale of immense detail. Controls are simple to use for travelling and various tools needed to be used through time. I did not feel any motion sickness from this, even though you can travel in massive open areas. One of my favourite features is pausing time for a short period to get a real close up look at these beautifully designed and detailed creatures.
Overall love this game and would recommend anyone who has an oculus rift or htc vive to purchase this. :)&
I had an absolute blast playing this game!
Of all the VR games I have played so far, and I have played quite a few, I would definitely haveI had an absolute blast playing this game!
Of all the VR games I have played so far, and I have played quite a few, I would definitely have to put this one in my top five.
I have always been fascinated by prehistoric creatures, mainly dinosaurs.
Not only did this game show me detailed models of prehistoric marine life but I was even able to get right up in their faces.
One thing I did not realize about ancient creatures, they have tons of teeth!
This game is by no means Call of Duty or Battlefield and I wouldn't even try to compare it to a game like that.
If you are looking for a mind numbing game full of gratuitous violence, this is not that game.
Instead this game is immersive, educational, thought provoking, ground breaking and an absolutely breath taking experience.
It transports you into a world full of prehistoric creature, many of whom want to eat you.
You zip around in your underwater pod checking out all kinds of prehistoric marine life.
If you don't care too much about the educational side then you will still have fun playing the game and if you do want to learn a thing or two then there is a really cool database that will tel you all kinds of information about the animals you have studied.
From a learning stand point I think this game is awesome.
I so wish I had something like this when I was a kid.
All I had were stupid math games that wouldn't let me progress until I solved a math problem.
This is so much more fun and I know that kids will love learning about prehistoric animals with this game.
There are only two things I could complain about with the game.
One is that you can't to above water.
As I stated before I am fascinated with all kinds of prehistoric life.
So I would love to see some future content where you could go above water and check out the land animals.
Second, I soooooo wish there was more content to this game.
I don't want to stop playing this game.
I wish there were more things for me to do in it.
But alas, I must wait until the developers release more content.
I know it is coming but I just can't wait.
I would highly recommend this game to anyone.
If you can manage to get a VR headset, whether it is an oculus dk2 or a cv1 or a vive, you absolutely HAVE to check this game out.
If you want to get an idea of the game then just check it out on YouTube.
There are several people with gameplay videos uploaded, me included.
They will give you a small idea of what the game is like but honestly videos can never prepare you for what virtual reality is really like.
You just have to experience it for yourself.
Seriously though, get a headset and make sure this game is one of the first you try.
I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
I tried this game on an oculus rift DK2.
10 out of 10.
One of my favorite VR games thus far!&
I have played a number of games with the Oculus Rift, but I have never been more astonished by what Time Machine VR had to offer. TheI have played a number of games with the Oculus Rift, but I have never been more astonished by what Time Machine VR had to offer. The attention to detail and the scale of the environment is unbelievable. you as a player could freely explore these huge areas filled with creatures that you could go right up close to, to get a sense of just how small you really are in the jurassic era. I got this weird mixture of feelings when playing this game, excited to dive deeper into the environment and the story, but at the same time I always had this frightful thought that something was hunting me. This game did a fantastic job of giving me the illusion that I was really there.
I would recommend Time Machine VR to anyone who has an Oculus Rift or htc vive. Because I think Time Machine VR is exactly what virtual reality is all about.&
Among the many early games to come out exclusively in virtual reality, Time Machine VR is one of the most beautiful and immersive experiences.Among the many early games to come out exclusively in virtual reality, Time Machine VR is one of the most beautiful and immersive experiences.
It runs fantastic on my HTC Vive and is extremely polished.
The gameplay is fluid using the Vive controllers in a seated position.
I have spent at least an hour just driving around in the less dangerous parts of the game and staring at the near photo realistic detail of the land, water and objects around me.
The cockpit of the time machine is well designed and I experienced no motion sickness from artificial locomotion.
If nothing else, I recommend every Vive or Rift owner go on Steam and check out the demo.
Trust me, it'll leave you wanting more!&
This game was super fun and has stepped the VR community in the right track as one of the first full fledged games out there.
I played on theThis game was super fun and has stepped the VR community in the right track as one of the first full fledged games out there.
I played on the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive, both had their pros and cons but somehow gave a different experience within each.
It was really cool to see how
the dinosaurs progressed as the game was released as I finished the third mission expecting more and had to wait for the next release.
In the end I would recommend this game to others as it provided a comfortable experience and did not give a quick sense of motion sickness like other games have done.
The story was
also pretty good as it made you ask questions, wondering what was going to happen next. :)&
This isn't a game you play for challenge, but it gives you a great sense of being there, exploring prehistoric oceans and checking outThis isn't a game you play for challenge, but it gives you a great sense of being there, exploring prehistoric oceans and checking out long-extinct animals from close up. It works brilliantly on Oculus Rift and is my favourite VR game so far. Once I'm more used to OR, it's possible I'll move on to games that offer more, well, game, but Time Machine VR is giving me what I was most looking forward to with VR: an opportunity to check out places and creatures up close that otherwise I've only seen on flat screens.&
By MetascoreTime Machine VR is available on Steam
The developer Minority Media has launched its Early Access for their game, Time Machine VR, on Steam.
Time Machine VR is one of the first “truly native VR games” to hit Steam Early Access, and it uses Oculus Rift DK2 or Crescent Bay along with a controller.
In the VR game, humans face extinction due to a plague. Players will take the role of a time-traveling scientist who travels back to the Prehistorical period to extract DNA from dinosaurs and the like in order to save the human race.
Players will pilot the time machine through the prehistoric oceans and “navigate a dangerous food chain,” all the while “tracking, probing, scanning and baiting” the beasts.
A playable 10-minute demo is available for free on Steam, with premium access to the game’s first hours of content is available from the Early Access.
Minority Media plans to release major updates throughout the rest of the year with updates scheduled approximately every four weeks. The game will be expanded with new levels, creatures, features, and more with the price of the game to increase with every major update.
Now you can get Time Machine VR on Steam at 33% Off! This Offer ends on September 3rd at 10 AM Pacific Time.
Hurry! This offer is available for a limited time only!
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《时间机器VR》评测 惊人又有趣
&&&& &&《时间机器VR》(Time Machine VR)加入了VR元素,可以说是成功的演示VR奇妙之处!在这款游戏中,我们可以观看到很多奇特的生物,如果你对远古生物很有兴趣的话,那这款游戏绝对能够满足你的好奇心!更多的内容跟随7k7k小编来看看吧!& & & &海洋一直是个神秘的地方,人类可以飞上千万米的高空奔向宇宙,但是对于深海的探索也仅仅止于万米,深海之下蕴藏着地球的历史,其中更生存着许多有趣的生物,某种程度上与史前生物一样,都长的十分奇葩又可怕。而这款《时间机器VR》(Time Machine VR)游戏,就将带你穿越时空回到史前的海底世界,让你进行一番惊人又有趣的科学冒险。& & & &从一些科学材料中我们可以了解到史前生物的样貌,基本上都是处于凶恶和不可思议之间,但是图片始终是图片,无法像《时间机器VR》(Time Machine VR)这样真的让你设身处地的与这些异类近距离接触。在游戏中,你将获得一台时间机器,你就像是一只仓鼠一样困在这台球型机器中,一阵闪光之后你就出现在了史前时代。& & & &如果你玩的是试玩版(也是87870目前有的版本),你将会出现在一个史前海沟中,你会首先了解到此行的任务,就是寻找史前生物并且进行扫描标记,总体看来很是简单。游戏默认通过手柄来进行游戏,使用双摇杆来进行前后左右的移动,其他键各有不同功能,在游戏中都会有教程介绍。& & & &在熟悉之后,就可以跟着提示来进行探险了。在试玩版本中,你要寻找的是一种史前大鱼,游戏会通过英文语音来进行大部分的引导介绍,所以对于英语听力有一些要求,一些生僻的单词更是需要专业知识。但是如果听不懂也不要紧,只根据图像提示也是可以过关,而且一点也不会减少看到史前大物时的惊奇感。& & & &惊奇感应该是你在《时间机器VR》(Time Machine VR)中能感受到最多的感觉了,因为这里的生物很多体型庞大,并且完全前所未见。你可能在图片上看到过一两只的形象,但是在看到它们游动起来,并长大嘴冲你而来的时候,那种感觉无以言表。& & & &当然,这种惊奇感与游戏优秀的画面分不开,如果向你冲过来的是一堆三角形和模糊的jpg,那论谁都不可能感到惊奇。《时间机器VR》(Time Machine VR)却能真真切切的让你觉得那些生物是活的,虽然不能说画面有多么精细真实,但在头戴的显示下,已经足够让你心跳一番的了。& & & &到现在,你可能以为《时间机器VR》(Time Machine VR)是一款观赏类游戏,但其实不然,在其中还有不少游戏成分。记得上边说了你的任务是科学考察吗,游戏的玩点也在这里。坐在时间“仓鼠球”机器中的你,可以让时间暂停,所有生物都会停顿下来,这时候你就可以对它们进行扫描采样了。有时候你甚至还可以进入它们的嘴里探险一番,真的是妙不可言,不过在娱乐的同时,请不要忘了你的科学任务,发现并扫描远古生物。& & & &《时间机器VR》惊人又有趣,喜欢的玩家们快去尝试一下吧!各位玩家们如果想了解更多关于VR游戏的资讯,请继续关注!


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