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World Chef
你喜欢国外美食吗?你对汉堡和薯条情有独钟吗? 不论你喜欢什么,World Chef的厨房总能如你所愿。作为一款最具国际性的烹饪游戏,World Chef汇聚了来自全球二十多个国家的厨师和菜谱。 World Chef是一个洋溢着欢乐的地方,这里的厨房永不打烊,服务员总是笑容满面,食物非常美味可口,让你在玩的过程中忍不住口水直流。 开一家属于你自己的餐馆,给它取个名字,将其装修成你喜欢的样子!接着为顾客烹制各国美食!用不了多久,你的餐馆就会座无虚席,而你将不得不扩大店面! 每招募一位国际大厨,你的菜单都要加入新的菜品:墨西哥卷、披萨、寿司……一个餐厅可以装下全世界!成功之梯将为你迎来贵客,你甚至有机会为特殊活动供餐!很快你就会掌握顶级餐厅的经营之道。 谨记:这不是一家快餐店,所以你大可慢慢烹制你的拿手好菜。你的顾客明白,等待是值得的。---
功能:* 创建、装饰和经营自己的高档餐厅! * 在设计工作室中制作独家装饰品。* 购买新鲜原料,烹制越来越美味的菜肴。 * 自建码头,弄条船开始进口国外原料! * 用你最拿手的菜来接待各国顾客。 * 提升你的人气,见证所有贵宾一个个成为你的常客!--- 下载和玩World Chef均免费。但你也可以用真实货币购买应用内道具。如要禁用该功能,可在手机或平板电脑的设置中关闭应用内购买功能。
评论成功!World Chef怎么玩 世界厨师玩法技巧详解_图文攻略_全通关攻略_高分攻略_百度攻略
World Chef怎么玩?有哪些玩法技巧呢?下面就分享世界厨师玩法技巧给大家,希望这篇攻略对小伙伴们有所帮助。1.基础控制是我们点击屏幕来保证自己获得一定的高分,这个还是比较重要的,玩家一定要注意自己对于整个流程的熟悉才行,这样我们才能子啊游戏中获得更多的经验值。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com2.我们在游戏中需要扩大自己的经营模式,同时我们可以发现商店里面有很多的道具和装备可以帮助到我们,这个还是比较重要的,玩家一定要多多的注意自己的控制才行。3.购买不同的厨师,我们在游戏中可以发现有世界各地的厨师出现,玩家想要在后期满足各种客人的需求我们就需要来购买这些厨师的,玩家要多多的挣钱解锁才行。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com4.跟着指导来,新手玩家刚刚进入到这款游戏中的时候就需要先了解整体的流程,后期我们会有更多的方面可以进行扩展的,这个在后面会为玩家详细的介绍,想要了解的玩家就一起来看看吧。游戏的玩法还是比较简单的,我们在游戏中一定要注意自己的基础控制了,想要快速升级的玩家就一起来看看这篇攻略吧。
【codechef】Strategy for the World Cup(组合打表)
你喜欢国外美食吗?你对汉堡和薯条情有独钟吗? 不论你喜欢什么,World Chef的厨房总能如你所愿。作为一款最具国际性的烹饪游戏,World Chef汇聚了来自全球二十多个国家的厨师和菜谱。&
World Chef是一个洋溢着欢乐的地方,这里的厨房永不打烊,服务员总是笑容满面,食物非常美味可口,让你在玩的过程中忍不住口水直流。&
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10荒野大作战v1.2.0射击枪战From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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An Italian chef preparing a truffle for diners
A chef is a trained professional
who is proficient in all aspects of food preparation, often focusing on a particular . The word "chef" is derived from the term chef de cuisine (French pronunciation: ), the director or head of a . Chefs can receive formal training from an institution, as well as by apprenticing with an experienced chef.
There are different terms that use the word chef in their titles, and deal with specific areas of food preparation, such as the sous-chef, who acts as the second-in-command in a kitchen, or the chef de partie, who handles a specific area of production. The
system is a hierarchy found in restaurants and hotels employing extensive staff, many of which use the word "chef" in their titles. Underneath the chefs are the kitchen assistants. A chef's standard uniform includes a hat (called a ), , ,
and sturdy shoes (that may include steel or plastic toe-caps).
The word "chef" is derived (and shortened) from the term chef de cuisine (French pronunciation: ), the director or head of a . (The French word comes from
(head) and is a
"chief"). In English, the title "chef" in the
originated in the
of the 19th century. The culinary arts, among other aspects of the French language introduced French loan-words into the English language. Women are underrepresented in this profession.
A chef working with a , a cylindrical clay oven used in cooking and baking
Various titles, detailed below, are given to those working in a professional kitchen and each can be considered a title for a type of chef. Many of the titles are based on the
(or brigade system) documented by , while others have a more general meaning depending on the individual kitchen.
Other names include executive chef, chef manager, head chef, and master chef. This person is in charge of all activities related to the kitchen, which usually includes menu creation, management of kitchen staff, ordering and purchasing of inventory, controlling raw material costs and plating design. Chef de cuisine is the traditional French term from which the English word chef is derived. Head chef is often used to designate someone with the same duties as an executive chef, but there is usually someone in charge of a head chef, possibly making the larger executive decisions such as direction of menu, final authority in staff management decisions, and so on. This is often the case for executive chefs with multiple restaurants. Involved in checking the sensory evaluation of dishes after preparation and they are well aware of each sensory property of those specific dishes.
In the UK, the Title Executive chef normally applies to Hotels with multi outlets in the same Hotel. Other establishments in the UK tend to use the title Head Chef.
The Sous-Chef de Cuisine (under-chef of the kitchen) is the second-in-command and direct assistant of the Chef de Cuisine. Sous chef works under executive chef or head chef. This person may be responsible for scheduling the kitchen staff, or substituting when the head chef is off-duty. Also, he or she will fill in for or assist the Chef de Partie (line cook) when needed. This person is accountable for the kitchen's inventory, cleanliness, organization, and the continuing training of its entire staff. A sous-chef's duties can also include carrying out the head chef's directives, conducting line checks, and overseeing the timely rotation of all food products. Smaller operations may not have a sous-chef, while larger operations may have more than one. The sous chef is also responsible when the Executive Chef is absent.
A chef de partie, also known as a "station chef" or "line cook", is in charge of a particular area of production. In large kitchens, each chef de partie might have several cooks or assistants. In most kitchens, however, the chef de partie is the only worker in that department. Line cooks are often divided into a hierarchy of their own, starting with "first cook", then "second cook", and so on as needed.
A commis is a basic chef in larger kitchens who works under a chef de partie to learn the station's or range's responsibilities and operation. This may be a chef who has recently completed formal culinary training or is still undergoing training.
Station-chef titles which are part of the brigade system include:
Sauté chef
Responsible for all
items and their . This is usually the highest stratified position of all the stations.
dishes and often does all fish
as well as appropriate sauces. This station may be combined with the saucier position.
Roast chef
and their appropriate sauce.
Grill chef
P this position may be combined with the rotisseur.
P this position may be combined with the rotisseur position.
Entrée preparer
Prepares hot
and often prepares the soups, vegetables, pastas and starches. In smaller establishments, this station may also cover those tasks performed by the potager and légumier.
Prepares soups in a full brigade system. In smaller establishments, this station may be handled by the entremetier.
Vegetable chef
Prepares vegetables in a full brigade system. In smaller establishments, this station may be handled by the entremetier.
Also referred to as a swing cook, fills in as needed on stations in the kitchen.
Pantry chef
Responsible for preparing cold foods including , cold ,
Butchers meats, , and sometimes fish. May also be responsible for breading meats and fish.
Makes baked goods such as pastries, cakes, breads and desserts. In larger establishments, the
often supervises a separate team in their own kitchen.
Kitchen assistants are of two types, kitchen-hands and stewards/ kitchen porters. Kitchen-hands assist with basic food preparation tasks under the chef's direction. They carry out relatively unskilled tasks such as peeling potatoes and washing salad. Stewards/ kitchen porters are involved in the scullery, washing up and general cleaning duties. In a smaller kitchen, these duties may be incorporated.
A communard is in charge of preparing the meal for the staff during a shift. This meal is often referred to as the staff or .
The escuelerie (from 15th century French and a
of the English ""), or the more modern plongeur or dishwasher, is the keeper of dishes, having charge of dishes and keeping the kitchen clean. A common humorous title for this role in some modern kitchens is "chef de plonge" or "head dishwasher".
Chefs in training at chef school in Oxford, England
Culinary education is available from many institutions offering diploma, associate, and bachelor's degree programs in culinary arts. Depending on the level of education, this can take one to four years. An internship is often part of the curriculum. Regardless of the education received, most professional kitchens follow the apprenticeship system, and most new cooks will start at a lower-level 2nd or 1st cook position and work their way up.
The training period for a chef is generally four years as an apprentice. A newly qualified chef is advanced or more commonly a torquecommis-chef, consisting of first-year commis, second-year commis, and so on. The rate of pay is usually in accordance with the chefs. Like all other chefs except the executive-chef, trainees are placed in sections of the kitchen (e.g., the starter () or
sections) under the guidance of a demi-chef de partie and are given relatively basic tasks. Ideally, over time, a commis will spend a certain period in each section of the kitchen to learn the basics. Unaided, a commis may work on the vegetable station of a kitchen.
The usual formal training period for a chef is two to four years in catering college. They often spend the summer in work placements. In some cases this is modified to 'day-release' a chef will work full-time in a kitchen as an apprentice and then would have allocated days off to attend catering college. These courses can last between one and three years. In the UK, most Chefs are trained in the work place, with most doing a formal
level 2 or 3 in the work place.
wearing standard uniform.
A chef preparing
The standard uniform for a chef includes a hat called a , , ,
and shoes with steel or plastic toe-caps. A chef's hat was originally designed as a tall rippled hat called a Dodin Bouffant or more commonly a toque. The Dodin Bouffant had 101 ripples that represent the 101 ways that the chef could prepare eggs.[] The modern chef's hat is tall to allow for the circulation of air above the head and also provides an outlet for heat. The hat helps to prevent sweat from dripping down the face and hair shedding on food. Neckties were originally worn to allow for the mopping of sweat from the face, but as this is now against health regulations, they are largely decorative. The chef's neck tie was originally worn on the inside of the jacket to stop sweat running from the face and neck down the body. The jacket is usually white to show off the chef's cleanliness and repel heat, and is double-breasted to prevent serious injuries from burns and scalds. The double breast also serves to conceal stains on the jacket as one side can be rebuttoned over the other, which is common practice.
French chef painted by
An apron is worn to just below knee-length, also to assist in the prevention of burns because of spillage. If hot liquid is spilled onto it, the apron can be quickly removed to minimize burns and scalds. Shoes and clogs are hard-wearing and with a steel-top cap to prevent injury from falling objects or knives. According to some hygiene regulations, jewelry is not allowed apart from wedding bands and religious jewelry. If wound dressings are required they should be blue—an unusual colour for foodstuffs—so that they are noticeable if they fall into food. Facial hair and longer hair are often required to be netted, or trimmed, for food safety.[] Bandages on the hands are usually covered with
is not typically used for food preparation due to latex allergy.
Roth, Isabel.
(PDF). The University of Nottingham School of English Studies 2016.
H et al. . Journal of Culinary Science and Technology: 1–19.
. Dictionary.com.
Lowry, Brad. . www.culinaryschools.org.
Sophie Brickman (September 12, 2010). . San Francisco Chronicle.
. pp. 8–9.
Amanda Afiya (4 August 2011). . Caterer & Hotelkeeper 2013.
- chef training options[]
Sockrider, Guy David (July 27, 2005). . Chefolio. : Escoffier Media 2009.
(March 19, 2001). . Wine Lovers Page 2007.
(2011). The Professional Chef (9th ed.). : .  .  .
(May 22, 2008), "Modern Tastes & Wine Pairing", Wine Spectator []
(September 21, 2006) [1st ed. 1999]. Jaine, T Davidson, J Saberi, Helen, eds.
(2nd ed.). , : .  .
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