why we have a good timeworld game

Most countries think of the World Cup as a football tournament. Why do we call the game soccer?
Most countries think of the World Cup as a football tournament. Why do we call the game soccer?
Most countries think of the World Cup as a football tournament. Why do we call the game soccer?
kicks off on Friday, with the United States slated to play England this weekend. For the 10th time since 1950, citizens of the two countries will square off over a game they call by different names. Given that
favors football, why do Americans call the game soccer?
It's an abbreviation of association football. Both soccer and American football come from the same set of precursor sports, which became popular in upper-class English schools in the early 19th century and spread across the Atlantic. All these games involved advancing a ball through an opponent's territory and scoring at the far end, but the rules varied from place to place. Ultimately, the version adopted as standard in the United Kingdom came to be known as association football, while another set of rules won out in the United States. Thus the Americans took to calling their gridiron variety football, and referred to the British sport by the slang term soccer, derived from the soc in association.
The history of football goes back hundreds of years, but the modern variety can be traced to the English boarding-school athletics craze. Every school played its own version of "football," which led to confusion when players from one school met players from another. As the game spread, there were numerous attempts to devise a set of rules that everyone could follow. These tended to be hampered by acrimony between the schools and by anxiety about . At least one impassioned advocate asserted that if English players were not allowed to hack one another in the shins, they might as well surrender to the French.
Finally, in October 1863, a group of representatives from 11 old boys' clubs convened at the Freemasons' Tavern in London to iron out a compromise. Calling themselves the , they held meetings for two months, then published . At the final meeting, however, the representative from Blackheath dramatically withdrew when the group voted to disallow shin-hacking and carrying the ball, longstanding traditions of the game as played at the Rugby School. Thus, at the moment when it was supposed to be unifying, English football split into two codes, association and . Less official—or less English—versions of the game also continued to go their own way. Australian rules football, for instance, had been codified years before the Football A and Sheffield rules football, popular in England's industrial north, wasn't absorbed by the F.A. until 1877.
From this Victorian snarl, still more forms of football emerged. The gridiron style that now holds sway in America evolved in the later 19th century, from versions of rugby and association football that had been imported to the United States from Britain. For many years, the gridiron game was only one of many forms of football played in America.
Around the world, the F.A.'s version of the game continued to be called association football to distinguish it from the rest. In the 1880s, popular British slang took the soc from association and turned it into soccer. Throughout the first half of the 20th century, soccer, football, and soccer football were used more or less interchangeably throughout the English-speaking world. After a while, however, football began to prevail in countries where the F.A.'s rules were most popular, while soccer rose to the fore in countries (the United States, Canada, Australia) where a different version of the game predominated.
The current
was founded in 1913 as the United States of America Foot Ball Association. It was renamed the United States Soccer Football Association in 1945. The organization finally dropped the word football from its name in 1974.
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Brian Phillips writes regularly about soccer for Slate. He blogs at .Why We Still Fight | fsu.digital.flvc.org(写人情美食的主)
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找一首歌里面反复出现we have a good time的boom歌,男女合唱,男的是rap,女的歌词来来去去就几句
 Airplanes --B.o.B&Eminem&Hayley WilliamsB.O.B  Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, let's pretend like this never happened  让我们假装就像这一切都没有发生过  Like I never had dreams of being a rapper  就像我从来没有想着成为各rap说唱歌手  Like I didn't write raps in all of my classes  就像我从没在人生的各个阶段写过rap段子  Like I never used to runaway into the blackness  就像我从来没有逃避堕入黑暗中  Now lets pretend like it was all-good  现在 让我们假装好像一切都好  Like I didn'm on the stage  现在让我们假装我就站在舞台上  And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok)  当我鼓点落下每个人都为之疯狂  And everybody know my name (B.o.B)  每个人都知道我的名字  And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sing  而且我所到之处人们都想听我说唱  Oh yea and I just dropped my new album  欧耶 我刚刚发行了我的新专辑  On the first week I did 500 thousand  在第一周就破了50万  Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall  春天获得金奖 秋天就被封钻石终身成就奖  And then a world tour just to top it all off  然后一个环球巡回现出把一切推向顶峰  And lets pretend like they call me the greatest  让我们假装他们在叫我最伟大的人  Selling out arenas with big ass stages  演唱门票出售一空 场场爆满  And everybody loved me and no one ever hated  每个人都喜欢我 没有人讨厌我  Lets try to use imagination  然我们用一用想象力  Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  (B.o.B - Verse 1)  Ok;, I'm fallin)  幻想着 然后我跌落 幻想着 然后我跌落  (B.o.B - Verse 1)  Lets pretend like its 98;, I't live starring in a notebook  就像我从来没有盯着笔记本发呆  Like I did the things I probably knew I should  就像我过去做我应该完成的事  But I didn't have neighbours that'm eating lunch off of Styrofoam treys  让我们假装已经98岁 就像我正在吃着泡沫塑料玩着纸牌  Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A  努力成为下一个优秀的rap说唱歌手  Hoping for a record deal, to re-know my pain  期待着再一个榜单记录来重新认识我的疼痛  Now lets pretend like I'm fallin, Dreamin&#39, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  (Dreamin&#39, like I's why they call it hood  但是我没有邻居这就是为什么他们叫我作穿兜帽的小子  Now lets pretend like I aint got a name  现在 让我们假装就像我没有我的名字  Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby Ray  在他们叫我 B.o.B(现在的名字) 或是 a.k.a Bobby Ray(原名)  I'm talking back before the mixtapes  我总是顶嘴 在这张混音专辑前(状语后置,后面很长的都是状语)  Before the videos and the deals and the fame  在录影采访和出名前  Before they ever once compared me to Andre  在他们参加拿我和Andre比较前  Before I ever got Myspace  在我还没拥有我的一席之地前  Before they ever noticed my face  在他们还没注意过我的脸前  So let's just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes  所以 让我们就这样假装并且向飞机许愿  Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream, just memories)  昨日重现 但它只是一个梦 只是一段记忆  (Eminem - Verse 3)  Let's Pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen  让我们假装Marshall Mathers(eminem的原名)从没捡起过一只笔  Let's pretend things would've been no different  让我们假装一切都没有变化  Pretend people procrastinated had no motivation  假装人们停滞不前毫无动力  Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away wit the wind  假装他编造的借口是那样单薄如同一张纸 风可以轻易吹走智慧  Marshall you never gone make it  Marshall你从没这样做  Makes no sense to play the game it ain't no way that'll you win  无意义的玩着游戏 但你要赢也不是没有办法  Pretend he just stand out side all day and play with his friends  假装始终站在局外整天和他的朋友玩耍  Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend  假装他从没有一个朋友说他(eminem)是朋友  And it wasn't time to move in school no changing again  而且现在不是上学的时候一切又都没有变化  He wasn't socially awkard and just strange as a kid  他不是难以应付社会知识向一个孩童般奇怪  He had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as sh-t  他有个爸爸 还有他妈妈不会鬼扯一样的疯狂  And he never dreamed he can ripped stadiums he just lazy as shit  他从未梦想过他能撕开体育场因为他像xx一样懒  F-ck a talent show in the gymnasium bitch  在体育馆里该死的才能演出  You won't amount to sh-t quit day dreaming kid  想逃避一切变回个小孩的日子数不胜数  You need to get ya cranium check you thinking like an alien  你需要去检查一下头颅来看看你是不是向一个外星人一样思考  It just ain't realistic  这一切只是不切实际  Now pretend they ain't just make him angry with this sh-t  现在他们没有让他因这该死的事而恼怒  And there was no one he could even aim when he's pissed with  现在没有人可以成为他的目标让他撒尿的时候瞄准  And his alarm went off to wake him but he did’nt make it to the rap Olympics  当恐慌来唤醒他时他却没能成功得到说唱的奥林匹克金牌  Left to his plane and he missed it  离开并奔向他的飞机空却错过了  He's gonna have a hard time explaining to Haley and Laney these food stamps and WIC shit  他将经历一段艰难时期 向Haley和Laney解释这些食物邮票和该死的冲突世界(一种游戏)  Cause he never risked sh-t he hoped and he wished it  因为他从未冒过险 他希望 他期盼  But it didn't fall in his lap so he ain't even hear it he pretends that  但是那些没有掉落在他的膝盖上所以他从未听到他在假装那些  (Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望)
叫good time-演唱flava&stevenson,freeg,fat-k酷狗就有


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