有XBMC外挂mxplayer 安卓成功的吗

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本帖最后由 洞庭楼主 于
20:17 编辑
& && & 由于涉及版权,立方对DTS等支持不是很理想,也有大神提出了解决办法,即安装MXPLAYER或者DICEPLAYER,然后再打补丁,我这里给大家提供一个立方专用的XBMC版本,该版本运行流畅,不象其他版本退出程序时有卡顿的现象,同时该版本对视频播放的支持十分理想,通杀各种格式的视频,尤其支持蓝光文件夹的播放(但不支持蓝光原盘ISO的播放)。
& && & 首先安装XBMC,开始的主界面是英文
1.png (277.86 KB, 下载次数: 14)
19:07 上传
& && & 下面让我们来设定为中文
2.png (286.46 KB, 下载次数: 12)
19:09 上传
& && & 选这里 Appearance
3.jpg (52.5 KB, 下载次数: 12)
19:09 上传
& && &修改字体为Arial based
4.jpg (38.25 KB, 下载次数: 12)
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& && &转换语言
5.jpg (38.02 KB, 下载次数: 7)
19:11 上传
& && &修改成简体中文
6.jpg (37.88 KB, 下载次数: 8)
19:11 上传
& && &返回主界面点击文件
7.png (279.7 KB, 下载次数: 9)
19:14 上传
& && &点击添加视频
8.jpg (32.05 KB, 下载次数: 13)
19:17 上传
& &&&选择根文件系统
9.jpg (34.15 KB, 下载次数: 10)
19:20 上传
& &&&进入mnt目录
10.jpg (30.03 KB, 下载次数: 9)
19:21 上传
& &&&进入荣耀立方--内置硬盘
IMG_750.jpg (44.88 KB, 下载次数: 10)
19:33 上传
IMG_818.jpg (36.33 KB, 下载次数: 12)
19:34 上传
& &&&选择目录后点确定
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19:35 上传
& &&&如果是蓝光原盘以外的格式,直接播放(如果是蓝光文件夹,请在文件夹BDMV里的STREAM文件夹里找到最大的文件*.m2ts播放)
IMG_949.jpg (49.96 KB, 下载次数: 10)
19:44 上传
& &&&如果是蓝光原盘,就是这个样子,如果播放的话,就会出错!
13.jpg (33.43 KB, 下载次数: 11)
19:49 上传
& &码字不易,下面附上专门针对海思3718芯片优化过的专版XBMC
&&链接: /s/15xPnC 密码: iy4h
&&链接: /s/1gdswwE3 密码: pkb8
&&本来要隐藏地址的,但找不到按扭,算了!& &
助人为乐,您最有爱*~( ̄▽ ̄)~*.
本帖最后由 longhubudou 于
08:19 编辑
超重狂暴 发表于
longhubudou 发表于
经检测是1.2版本,最新已是1.32版了,而且是软解,cpu打开就占用90%以上。木有硬解一切都是浮云,就像pc一 ...
这个是专门针对海美迪系列的(用的是海思芯片),关于是否硬解,在系统设置里没有选项,应该默认的,这个版 ...
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External Player support fix (MX Player and others)
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Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
I believe external player support is currently broken on Android (trying to play a video crashes xbmc and sends me back to the android home). As much as I'd love to use the internal player, even with libstagefright it doesn't work as well as I'd like for 1080p. I've also heard some chips will never really get libstagefright support, so for those external players are probably the best solution.
(I only tested my fix with MX Player, and I am not used to Android development, apologies if I am missing anything obvious)
First of all, the following patch by arikhalperin was enough to fix the URI issue (which was reported in the logs) and which is probably what broke most players in the first place. In other words, his patch might be enough to fix most external players, but not for MX Player (with his patch, MX Player runs but goes to its main menu). If any good soul wants to submit that, that would be great:
For MX Player, one of the issue is that somehow the intent created through
CJNIIntent newIntent = GetPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(package);
is not working correctly.
I didn't try to dig too deep into why, especially because I believe XBMCApp::StartActivity is used for more than external players and I didn't want to disrupt that.
Instead, I created a new function and followed the simple sample described on the mx player API:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
&&&&&&&&Uri videoUri = Uri.parse("http://host:port/playlist.m3u8");
&&&&&&&&intent.setDataAndType( videoUri, "application/x-mpegURL" );
&&&&&&&&intent.setPackage( "com.mxtech.videoplayer.pro" );
&&&&&&&&startActivity( intent );
Here is the resulting patch:
diff --git a/xbmc/android/activity/XBMCApp.cpp b/xbmc/android/activity/XBMCApp.cpp
index 9f8e8c1..cbc21f1 100644
--- a/xbmc/android/activity/XBMCApp.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/android/activity/XBMCApp.cpp
@@ -408,7 +408,29 @@ bool CXBMCApp::StartActivity(const string &package, const string &intent, const
&& if (!intent.empty())
&&&& newIntent.setAction(intent);
-&& startActivity(newIntent);
+// Note intent, dataType, dataURI all default to ""
+bool CXBMCApp::StartExternalPlayerActivity(const string &package, const string &intent, const string &dataType, const string &dataURI)
+&&if (intent.empty())
+&&CJNIIntent newIntent(intent);
+&&if (!newIntent)
+&&if (!dataURI.empty())
+&&&&CJNIURI jniURI = CJNIURI::parse(dataURI);
+&&&&newIntent.setDataAndType(jniURI, dataType);
diff --git a/xbmc/android/activity/XBMCApp.h b/xbmc/android/activity/XBMCApp.h
index 7f23a67..d21cdca 100644
--- a/xbmc/android/activity/XBMCApp.h
+++ b/xbmc/android/activity/XBMCApp.h
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ public:
&& static int GetBatteryLevel();
&& static bool StartActivity(const std::string &package, const std::string &intent = std::string(), const std::string &dataType = std::string(), const std::string &dataURI = std::string());
+&&static bool StartExternalPlayerActivity(const std::string &package, const std::string &intent = std::string(), const std::string &dataType = std::string(), const std::string &dataURI = std::string());
&& static bool ListApplications(std::vector &androidPackage& *applications);
&& static bool GetIconSize(const std::string &packageName, int *width, int *height);
&& static bool GetIcon(const std::string &packageName, void* buffer, unsigned int bufSize);
diff --git a/xbmc/cores/ExternalPlayer/ExternalPlayer.cpp b/xbmc/cores/ExternalPlayer/ExternalPlayer.cpp
index ab3f6be 100644
--- a/xbmc/cores/ExternalPlayer/ExternalPlayer.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/cores/ExternalPlayer/ExternalPlayer.cpp
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ BOOL CExternalPlayer::ExecuteAppAndroid(const char* strSwitches,const char* strP
&& CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, strSwitches);
-&&int ret = CXBMCApp::StartActivity(strSwitches, "android.intent.action.VIEW", "video/*", strPath);
+&&int ret = CXBMCApp::StartExternalPlayerActivity(strSwitches, "android.intent.action.VIEW", "video/*", strPath);
&& if (ret != 0)
I have never used git before and I am in the process of learning how to fork and submit a pull request.
Again, this has only been tested with MX Player.
[Edit] binaries for those interested:
(This post was last modified:
17:45 by .)
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
Here is the pull request:
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
Added binaries link to the initial post.
Posts: 679
Joined: Nov 2008
Thank you so much for this, I've been stuck without proper decoding via libstagefright as I have an RK3066 stuck on ICS (so broken libstagefright library)
Will definately be testing this out tonight
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
Awesome. Crossing fingers as I have only tested my build on RK3188 so far, but I'll also try on RK3066 (mk802 III) one of these days. Please let me know how it goes
Edit: I had time to test my binary on an mk802 III today (running on RK3066) and it works fine
(This post was last modified:
16:07 by .)
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
Hi, I downloaded the apk and tried to install but failed with error "the same package name already installed but with different signature", can you tell me how to fix this??can it be manually install? Thanks.
EDIT: I got it figured out and working fine with external player. Good job! Thanks
(This post was last modified:
06:56 by .)
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
( 05:31)buhohitr Wrote: Hi, I downloaded the apk and tried to install but failed with error "the same package name already installed but with different signature", can you tell me how to fix this??can it be manually install? Thanks.
You need to uninstall your previous version of xbmc first.
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
Installed this but unable to choose a player, when i select a movie it just starts playing with the built in xbmc player.
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
( 19:47)attobytes Wrote: Installed this but unable to choose a player, when i select a movie it just starts playing with the built in xbmc player.
Hmm, yeah, you need to create a playercorefactory.xml file, following the explanations on the wiki:
Since this is the development subforum I didn't think it was necessary to explain that much, sorry for that. But here's a detailed process:
1 - If you have a previous xbmc install, uninstall it. My build will not install over the official XBMC because it has a debug certificate. Be sure to backup your database!
2 - If you don't have it yet, download MX Player (free, ad supported) from the play store, and run it at least once
3 - Download , install it, and run it once to build the initial files and folder structure
4 - create your playercorefactory.xml file and copy it to /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/files/.xbmc/userdata on your device (you can do this with a tool such as ES Explorer. Be sure to select "show hidden files" in your explorer's options, or you will not see the .xbmc folder). A playercorefactory.xml file set up for MX Player can be found . This is the one I use
5 - Done, next time you run xbmc and start a movie, it should start the movie in mx player.
Senior Member
Posts: 105
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Location: Down Under
Thanks for this, it works great on my Pipo Max M9 (RK3188) !
(This post was last modified:
06:42 by .)
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
( 02:16)wololo Wrote:
( 19:47)attobytes Wrote: Installed this but unable to choose a player, when i select a movie it just starts playing with the built in xbmc player.
Hmm, yeah, you need to create a playercorefactory.xml file, following the explanations on the wiki:
Since this is the development subforum I didn't think it was necessary to explain that much, sorry for that. But here's a detailed process:
1 - If you have a previous xbmc install, uninstall it. My build will not install over the official XBMC because it has a debug certificate. Be sure to backup your database!
2 - If you don't have it yet, download MX Player (free, ad supported) from the play store, and run it at least once
3 - Download , install it, and run it once to build the initial files and folder structure
4 - create your playercorefactory.xml file and copy it to /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/files/.xbmc/userdata on your device (you can do this with a tool such as ES Explorer. Be sure to select "show hidden files" in your explorer's options, or you will not see the .xbmc folder). A playercorefactory.xml file set up for MX Player can be found . This is the one I use
5 - Done, next time you run xbmc and start a movie, it should start the movie in mx player.
Followed these steps but it's sadly not working for me
Movies will just start up with the built in player.
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
@attobytes : try this first with the official XBMC. When you reach the point where xbmc crashes trying to run the movie, you've got it right. At this point I believe the problem is on your end, not in my patch, but put my patch out of the picture in order to debug your issue, then come back
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
Hello Wololo
I too have the External media player active issue with some live streams. I currently have the MK808b stick with Finless 1.7 ROM and running XAF build of XBMC. I have the MX media player installed, which is my default player. Yet, I keep on having issues with some streams.
My question is -
Do I have to uninstall my XAF build and install your custom XBMC build (as outlined) and follow all tyhe outlined steps for this to work, or can I just create the playercorefactory file as recommeded by you and edit ?
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 2013
Hi wololo,
i have tried your xbmc Version and it works very nice. Thank you.
Is it possible to apply your patch to any xbmc Version. I had decompiled my favoured xbmc apk. Can i just edit some files with your patch or what can i do to get my version work with external player. I need my version because i need DTS pathtrough in XBMC and only for fev files i need MX Player
Junior Member
Joined: Nov 2013
Hi wololo,
This is my first post on this forum. I have tried your patch build binaries with an Amerry Android Stick (V2). I have taken your playercorefactory.xml and wanted to stream files from my NAS using Samba. As XBMC always used the internal player, I figured out that your xml does mention known problems of MXPlayer concerning Samba and therefore routing SMB to DVDPlayer. I changed that to the MXPlayer but that instantly dropped me back to the desktop when ever I wanted to start a movie. I then switched to VLCPlayer with the same outcome.
Now here comes the interesting part: I added a player configuration for the android gallery with exactly the same behavior (drop back to desktop) but I would have expected that to work as it actually does work using ES Explorer + Network/Samba connection to my NAS. I have chosen the gallery to view the very same movie and it did run like a charm.
Do you have any further ideas on how I could overcome that issue?
Thanks in advance for your time and aforts,
(This post was last modified:
21:11 by .)
Pages (4):
Powered By , &XBMC for Android (with external player support) - Wololo.net /Downloads - View Download
This version of XBMC for Android supports External video players, namely MX Player, which brings perfect HD (1080p) support.
Recommended for Android Mini PC and HDMI sticks running on AllWinner or Rockchip CPUs, including MK802 (I, II, III, IV) clones.
Also good for people who want to use another player than the XBMC one, for any reason
Latest Version :
Release Date:
Notes for this version:
Fixes MX Player support with the latest source code.
Pull request can be found here: /xbmc/xbmc/pull/3406
Older Versions
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