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我也下载了, 是app文件, 怎么也打不开, 我是YESIMITE 10.10
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> 围攻Besiege 简体中文汉化补丁v1.0下载
围攻Besiege 简体中文汉化补丁v1.0下载
时间: 10:40|来源:网络|作者:樱井
语言:中文 游戏类型:汉化补丁
游戏大小:15.52 MB文件:.rar
  名称:围攻Besiege 简体中文汉化补丁V1.0
  1. 解压缩
  2. 复制EXE文件到游戏安装目录下,运行安装汉化
  3. 开始游戏
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> 围攻Besiege中文版v0.0.1 免安装破解版下载
围攻Besiege中文版v0.0.1 免安装破解版下载
时间: 14:31|来源:网络|作者:樱井
语言:中文 游戏类型:策略模拟
游戏大小:85.57 MB文件:.rar
  操作系统:Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  DX:DirectX 9c
  处理器:1 GHz
  内存:1 GB RAM
  1. 解压缩
  2. 运行游戏
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围攻Besiege英文版v0.0.9 免安装破解版下载【134.46M】
在线时间834 小时
  游戏名称:围攻  英文名称:Besiege  游戏类型:策略类(SLG)游戏  游戏制作:Spiderling  游戏发行:Spiderling  游戏平台:PC  发售时间:2015年
  游戏介绍:  《围攻Besiege》是深受Steam玩家青睐的独立游戏作品之一,虽说是战争攻城题材,不过画面十分清新,不少玩家是被画面所吸引的。版本号为v0.0.9。游戏集成了最新的破解补丁资源,围攻Besiege需要大家自己设计攻城战车来进行战斗,可以充分发挥自己的想象力进行创作。  《围攻Besiege》对于某些破坏欲较强的玩家,围攻是一个不错的选择。虽说游戏不大,但是做的一点都不能马虎,各种类型的零配件都可以看到。  《围攻Besiege》采用了优质的物理引擎,虽说游戏还只是测试阶段,模式比较单调,超高的自由度依旧可以让玩家玩的十分的尽兴。玩家可以任意的建造一个攻城机器,摧毁系统给出的目标即可。组建攻城机器的零部件显示出来,发挥自己的想象随意建造。就能够观赏机器摧毁房屋的壮观景象了。  0.09更新内容:  新增内容:  新增大型齿轮方块。  新增小型轮组方块。  新增榴霰弹大炮方块。(并非破片,文中用shrapnel而非frag)
  改进内容:  重新排列了方块标签页。  创造了“移动”标签页。(轮组与齿轮归入该标签页)  重新设计机械装置标签页的图标。  为刀片方块采用新材质。  高摩擦接触板更加坚固。
  修复内容:  修复飞鸟可在编辑模式中被机械杀害的bug。  修复气球可在编辑模式中被机械戳破的bug。  修复建筑和栅栏在编辑模式中可被破坏的bug。  修复编辑模式中触发徽章的bug。  修复火炬超出边界的问题。  修复关卡16出现的浮动屋顶bug。  修复快速更改时间轴下运输机爆炸的问题。  在Tolbrynd返回关卡选择按钮可以让你返回正确的菜单。
调整:  存取菜单下背景元素将会虚化。
  配置要求:  操作系统:Windows XP/Vista/7/8  DX:DirectX 9c  处理器:1 GHz  内存:1 GB RAM
  安装信息:  1. 解压缩  2. 运行游戏
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Title: Besiege
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 28 Jan, 2015
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Early Access essentially puts us in dialogue with the community and the players. We want Besiege to be easy to access, and we would like to involve and address player feedback as the game progresses. Also, we really love to see how far everyone can push the building mechanics, and we want to be able to respond to the crazy methods people are discovering that we weren't even aware of!&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&We aren't entirely sure how long it will take to release the game in its finished form. A rough and cautious estimate would be 1.5 - 2 years from now until version 1.0. We don't want to say any earlier than that!&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&The full version will contain many more levels, in the form of islands to conquer. These islands will have different aesthetics and will feature objective types not found in the current Alpha, hopefully encouraging different tactics! If all goes to plan, the final game should boast more variety. As well as this, there will be more building pieces to utilise, potentially a level editor, and more expansive creation and sandbox options. The final game will also hopefully be significantly more polished than what it is currently!&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
Early Access version contains 15 levels, comprising the kingdom of Ipsilon. There is a sand-box level to test creations and in any given level you can disable all limitations, allowing for experimentation. There is also a time-dilation dial, allowing the game to be viewed in slowmotion, or at 2X the normal speed. There is also a broad suite of building tools and pieces, including flying pieces, flamethrowers, cannons, contractible springs, axels, detachable joints, explosives and much more. You can also save and load machines in any given level.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&We are going to scale the price with the amount of content available. So as more features, game modes and levels are added we will add to the cost incrementally. We hope that players will feel they paid the appropriate price for the amount of content available at any given stage of the games development.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We are already being surprised by what people are constructing and discovering. It is quite amazing, and we want to expand and address features that the community finds or wants. For example, some members of the community are building an immense Siege Walker type thing – we never even realised this was possible. We want to facilitate such creativity, so we will be constantly looking toward what everyone is doing!&
Buy Besiege
Recent updates
Today we’ve got another content update for you, V0.27, which brings a number of improvements and some extra blocks for you to play around with.
Camera Block
The camera block can be attached to your war machine and provide a second, fixed perspective of your contraption. The block should allow for much greater control of flying machines and easier navigation of the environment. It has 4 different modes to choose from and each mode has a number of options you can tweak to fulfil your specific needs.
The block is activated by a hotkey, which can be changed using the parameter tool, allowing you to place as many of them on your machine as you want.
Rocket/Firework and Large Unpowered Wheel
We’ve added both an explosive Rocket and Large Unpowered Wheel to the array of blocks available to construct you machine.
The Rocket is highly customizable, al thrust, delay before explosion, explosive force and even the colour of the explosion itself.
They can be used as an offensive weapon to great effect or fixed to your machine to provide thruster capabilities to your war machine!
The Large Unpowered Wheel is, just like its smaller counterpart, a wheel that rotates freely without any torque behind it.
Other Improvements
We’ve taken this opportunity to make some other useful improvements to the game, which people have asked for.
There is now an option in the Piston’s parameters to make them extend whilst your in build mode, before the simulation starts.
We’ve added a reverse option to the flying blocks parameters, allowing you to invert its thrust.
The flamethrower now has a range slider which can be altered.
I’m sure that many of you will be disappointed we weren’t able to bring you any new levels this time around but we are working on them and we’ve got some very exciting features for Besiege on their way.
We hope that you all enjoy the new blocks and we look forward to seeing more of your extraordinary and often terrifying creations.
Changelog V0.27
Added Camera Block
Added Rocket/Firework Block
Added Unpowered Wheel
Pistons can now be extended in build mode
Flying block now has a reverse option
Flipping a Steering Hinge now also flips the hinge’s limits
Flamethrower now has a range slider
Fixed problem where ballast weight would not update correctly
Fixed a bug with toggle mode on contractible springs
Fixed Grabber’s grab static only option
Fixed Tank steering method that uses multiple key presses
Fixed the ability to skip a level by clicking along the bottom of the screen
Fixed placing rotation of blocks to be more streamlined
Valve in Zone 26 can no longer be moved in build mode
Barrels in Zone 16 can no longer be moved in build mode
Crystal in Zone 21 can no longer be moved in build mode
Completing Zone 20 now gives you the next level button instead of return
Fixed Undo/Redo bug that would sometimes remove more or less than it should
Blocks with ID 8 will no longer be loaded, this fixes an issue a lot of people experienced with Spaar’s Modloader
Modding Related:
-----Custom data can now be saved to machines, with events trigger
-----Added More BlockMapper types: In all: MKey, MMenu, MToggle, MSlider, MColourSlider, MLimits.
-----The offset position and rotation of ghosts can now be set easily
-----Undo/Redo now accounts for rotation/translation changes.
5 February
Hello Everyone!
Today we’ve got the second half of our latest major update, Version 0.25.
Version 0.25 new features, improvements, bug fixes and a wide array of optimizations to the game.
Key Mapper
Firstly we’ve completely overhauled the Key Mapper tool giving it a new look and greater support for mods. We’ve also added some new options for
Wheels, Cogs, Drills, Steering Hinges, Spinning Blocks, Balloons, Cannons and the Grabber.
As shown above, Steering Hinges now allow you to set limits for their rotation, in order to prevent accidentally snapping your own wheels off.
Search Function
As the list of blocks in Besiege continues to grow we’ve added a much needed search function, allowing you to quickly and easily find the block you need.
The search function is clever, you don’t have to use the full names of blocks in order to find them, even just a single letter from each word will work (For example, w b for wooden block). You can also use descriptive terms such as metal to show all metal blocks.
The new search function also works with blocks added by mods!
Save System
Besiege’s save system as been completely reworked. War Machines are now saved in an XML format which allows for much easier and more powerful save editing as well as greater support for mods.
A number of minor issues with saving machines have also been addressed including being able to use special characters in the machine’s name and problems caused by foreign keyboards.
DON’T WORRY! .bsg machines can still be loaded in the game and the next time you save it will be converted to the new file type!
Other Useful Features
We’ve added some extra functionality to the undo system. We’ve added the ability to undo deleting a war machine as well as a second shortcut for re-doing actions.
Holding X or delete for more than half a second will now start deleting multiple blocks, no more bashing the keyboard to delete sections of your machine.
Unfortunately we have decided not to implement the camera block in this update because we’re not happy with the way it performs. Apologies for the delay but it will be coming in a future update.
Beginning this month I’ll be making a monthly community post which will feature the best community creations of the month, competitions/challenges,
new mods and information about Besiege’s development.
We hope that you enjoy this update and we’re sorry for the delay, unfortunately we had a major setback before christmas and it’s taken us longer to recover from it than we previously expected.
Thank you all for your support since our entry to early access, you’ve made this a fantastic first year for Besiege and everyone here at Spiderling!
Changelog V0.25
Added New Search Function
CTRL + F Hotkey
Improved Key Mapper window
Added reset option to the Key Mapper
Added toggle option to wheels and cogs
Drills can now be controlled
Saw rotation speed can now be altered
Balloon string length can be be changed
Added power slider to Cannons
Cannon balls now inherit the velocity of the cannon used to fire them
Added power slider to Water Cannons
Water now inherits the velocity of the Water Cannon that produces it
Added Auto-brake option to Wheels
Added Auto-Grab toggle to Grabbers
Holding X or delete for more than half a second starts deleting blocks behind the cursor
Changed War Machine save format, xml
---Special characters can now be used in machine names
---Each block now has an individual GUID when saving
---Blocks now store their scale in the save file (can be edited in save file)
---Blocks now save an unlimited number of hotkeys, toggles and sliders
---Blocks now save an unlimited amount of custom data
---Improved access to AddPiece, BoundingBoxController and MachineObjectTracker.
You can now double click or CTRL + A in a slider’s text field to select all
Improved Timescale slider, making it easier to drag
Added clicking sound to copy, paste and close options in the block mapper
Undo now works for un-deleting machines
Improved how the translate tool moves war machines
Opening a block that can’t be customized in the Key Mapper tool now displays a message
Added CTRL + SHIFT + Z shortcut for redo
Added warning when attempting to start simulation with god powers activated
Fixed problem where some keyboards could not add a decimal in the slider text field
Starting simulation at 0% speed no longer simulates any physics upon starting the simulation
Fixed 0%&100% simulation speed bug
Fixed Translate tool arrows being slightly offset
Fixed some boundary box issues
Optimized a lot of the game’s code in a variety of areas
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
About This Game
Besiege is a physics based building game in which you construct medieval siege engines and lay waste to immense fortresses and peaceful hamlets. Build a machine which can crush windmills, wipe out battalions of brave soldiers and transport valuable resources, defending your creation against cannons, archers and whatever else the desperate enemies have at their disposal. Create a trundling behemoth, or take clumsily to the skies, and cause carnage in fully destructible environments. Ultimately, you must conquer every Kingdom by crippling their castles and killing their men and livestock, in as creative or clinical a manner as possible!
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP (latest SP)
Processor: 2.2Ghz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 512mb Dedicated VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 1 GB available space
OS: OSX 10+
Processor: 2.2Ghz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible, 512 MB VRAM
Storage: 1 GB available space
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or higher
Processor: 2.2Ghz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible, 512 MB VRAM
Storage: 1 GB available space
Sound Card: ALSA compatible
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9.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Angry Birds for the medieval builder, but with 3D graphics and physics, fire and water, and guns and swords. Build machines that destroy castles or smash sheep into bloody, cartoon pulp. This game is a simple yet elegant outlet for creative destruction. The graphics are stylized and humorous, delightfully supplying splashes of blood and blasts of fire. A low-price pasttime of perpetual enjoyment.
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28.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game is an example of early access done right - reasonable pricetag, tons of replayability, endless discovery and configurations of siege engines. The one thing I have an issue with is my 36 cannon masterpiece lags the game. is it because two rows of 12 are on pistons? This is an insanely fun toy to play with. You get about 15 levels to mess around with, and a sandbox mode. Lots of options, great building system, and hilarious antics are guaranteed. You will definnitely laugh out loud many times. Buy it.If you're reading this, Game Developer of Besiege - contact me so we can work on a physics-based bloody RTT in the vein of Myth: The Fallen Lords.
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26.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
great game had a lot of fun
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32.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
A casual, interesting and a fun game. Good for people who just want to experiment or have a couple of spare minutes to play a light game.
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10 people found this review funny
62.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Heres a great recipie for a 5 star besiege meal1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon white sugar1 1/4 cups milk1 egg3 tablespoons butter, melted1. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, e mix until smooth.2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each Besiege. Brown on both sides and serve hot.10/10 Would bake again
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