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  作者:薛宝生  当中国国务院总理李克强11月20日中午离开北京赴马来西亚首都吉隆坡时,一场被媒体称为&三会一国&的外交之旅便正式开启。在接下来三天四夜的时间里,李克强总理将出席第十八次中国&东盟(10+1)领导人会议、第十八次东盟&中日韩(10+3)领导人会议和第十届东亚峰会(10+8),并对马来西亚进行正式访问。(新华网11月21日)  李克强总理此行活动安排密集,日程议题内容满满,双边多边外交凸显集中紧凑,可谓意义重要非同一般。对于李克强总理的&三会一国&外交,国际舆论给予高度关注,并作出积极评价。比如:新加坡《联合早报》曾表示,在东亚合作发展的关键节点,中国总理此行将为加速构建东亚区域一体化注入强劲动力,撬动东亚合作大局。  该报在分析中说,所谓关键节点首先指今年年底,东盟即将建成共同体,这是亚洲地区第一个次区域共同体。同时,中国和东盟已经实质性完成自贸区升级谈判,中国&东盟对话关系明年还将迎来25周年,东盟自身发展、中国与东盟关系发展面临新机遇。因此,这股&强&动力吸引了世界的目光。&强&动力必然引起中国&东盟的强合作,双边关系、多边关系,也必然得以升华和深化。  媒体的报道、评论,以不同的视角进行观察分析,将舆论聚焦点直接锁定在李克强总理&三会一国&外交的一系列重要行程和议题上。实际上,李克强总理在11月20日在接受马来西亚发行量最大的英文报纸《星报》采访时,就已经向世界阐明他此行的根本目的,就是要推动中国同东盟、中国同马来西亚、中国同周边国家和世界各国的合作共赢。尽管世界经济形势不容乐观,东亚地区经济也面临重重困难的挑战,但作为克难求进、正在崛起的中国,依然愿意同东盟等加强合作,共度时艰,表现出大国担当的智慧、能力和勇气。  就在同一天,马来西亚三大英文报纸之一的《星报》,历史最悠久、发行量最大的英文报纸《新海峡时报》,最具影响力的华文报纸《南洋商报》、《星洲日报》(中文)和马来语主流报纸《每日新闻》(马来文),均全文发表了李克强总理题为《历史的航道崭新的坐标扬起的风帆》的署名文章。文章不仅提到了郑和七下西洋、五次到访马六甲,积极发展双边关系、多边关系的友好交往佳话,还引述了马来西亚的谚语&遇山一起爬,遇沟一起跨&,进一步道出了中国构建命运共同体的真谛。  我们看到,第十八次中国&东盟领导人会议11月21日下午在吉隆坡举行。李克强总理完成开场白后,东盟十国领导人一一发言,就深化中国&东盟友好合作,开创地区和平稳定、发展繁荣的美好未来等大家关切的实际问题,提出各自意见和诉求。李克强总理认真听取了这些心声表达,随即发表讲话,一一作了全面深入的回应。这被媒体称赞为&以一当十&,见证了中国视东盟为周边外交优先方向,东盟视中国为特殊、活跃的伙伴,同为发展中国家,中国与东盟国家有追求发展的共同目标,有促进地区稳定合作的共同责任,已经纷纷落地。  李克强总理&三会一国&外交,无疑是中国2015年的一个重大的双边多边外交的震撼亮相。深化战略互信聚焦经济发展,继续推动落实建设更为紧密的中国&东盟命运共同体、21世纪海上丝绸之路、中国&东盟&2+7合作框架&等倡议,重点推进产能、互联互通等合作,不断提升包括中马关系在内的整个中国-东盟关系水平。由此可见,李克强总理此行如咚咚作响的春天脚步,务实而铿锵。(薛宝生)  BEIJING, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- Tan Ruicheng from Shannxi only had to spend 500 yuan (about 76 U.S. dollars) on cerebral ischemia treatment as his medical insurance covered the remaining 2,000 yuan, a huge saving for the rural resident.The world's largest medical insurance network now covers more than 95 percent of the Chinese population, giving them access to basic health services from birth to the day they leave the world.As more and more medical costs are reimbursed, overall expenditure on health care in 2015 was at its lowest level in two decades, in terms of the percentage of the country's total medical spending.The medical care reform that China is undertaking is the largest in history, and it has expanded average life expectancy and decreased infant mortality, according to Bernhard Schwartlander, World Health Organization China representative.As most Chinese have become better-off, they have become more health conscious, as such the leadership is taking it very seriously.NO HEALTH, NO PROSPECTSFor Tan, he has noticed that his treatment fees have also decreased. Previously a one-off treatment would cost around 4,000 yuan, nearly half the average annual income of rural residents.This plummeted to 2,500 yuan after the hospital was upgraded as part of the ongoing medical care reform.After nearly four decades of rapid development, China is striving to provide everyone with equal access to public services, health care being one of the most important.The reform drive has been characterized by uNPRecedented strength and scope since President Xi Jinping assumed office in 2013.The central leadership underscored the building of a &healthy China& in the proposal for the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016 to 2020,) a key period for China to accomplish the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020.There will be no well-off society in all respects, however, if the population is not healthy, Xi said.Experts say the &healthy China& strategy is timely as it taps into the people's needs.&A well-off society in all respects is supposed to be one where the people not only live a carefree life but are healthy -- both physically and mentally,& said Wang Hufeng, a medical reform researcher at Renmin University.Only by maintaining the population's condition can China achieve sustainable growth, he said.Some developed countries, such as the Britain, had launched national health promotion plans as early as 1950s to enhance labor competitiveness and national power.As the economy enters a &new normal,& the intelligence-intensive and green health service industries are also inevitable choices for China to face up to the slowdown pressure and promote the long-term development of the medical sectors.  BRUSSELS, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- High-level officials and influential experts gathered here on Monday and started to discuss European perspectives on China's ambitious &Belt and Road& initiatives, or the New Silk Road strategy.The two-day international workshop is hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), a consultative body to the European Union (EU).The program came after China and EU agreed to enhance cooperation under &Belt and Road& initiatives and the bloc's 315-billion-euro investment plan at the 17th China-EU Summit which took place in Brussels on June. 29.At the end of this month, the two sides are set to hold a fresh round of bilateral investment talks in Beijing. According to Minister of Chinese Mission to the EU Zhang Lirong, details of the new mutual fund are on the agenda.&It is time for the European side to examine China's New Silk Road strategy in order to understand what it is, what its major objectives are, and how these objectives are to be realized,& said organizers of the event in a public release.It was noted that the workshop aims to bring together EU policymakers from the European Commission, the European External Action Service and the European Parliament, as well as think tanks and academics to have an in-depth discussion and to generate the continent's perspectives on &Belt and Road& initiatives.Topics of the workshop, which will continue on Tuesday, include &Belt and Road& initiatives' geopolitical impact, security and political challenge as well as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund.The workshop was organized by EU-China Research Center and the InBev-Baillet Latour Chair of EU-China Relations at the College of Europe.  HELSINKI, April 29 (Xinhua) -- Finnish Defense Minister Jussi Niinisto said on Friday that Sweden being granted NATO membership could lead to a serious crisis and such a crisis could continue over an indefinite period.Niinisto was quoted by Finnish news agency STT in the wake of an interview Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov gave to Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. Lavrov said Russia would adopt military counter measures if Sweden ever joined NATO.Niinisto rejected the view that the warning by Lavrov would be a direct message to Finland. &It can be interpreted as a message about the Russian stand on NATO and its expansion,& Niinisto said. He also said Sweden would join NATO under &a much more tense international climate.&Earlier on Friday, chairman of the Finnish Parliamentary Defense Committee Ilkka Kanerva indicated to broadcaster Yle that he was surprised with Lavrov's comment. Kanerva said he did not believe Russia would resort to military solutions.Finland is located between Sweden and Russia. Currently, both Finland and Sweden are not NATO members but rather enhanced partners of the organization.In Sweden, the centrist and conservative parties have called to join NATO, but the ruling social democratic party is against it. In Finland, only the conservative party has openly favored NATO membership.  坚持&九二共识&,巩固和平发展&&大陆学者解读两岸领导人会面成果新华网北京11月7日电(记者查文晔 齐湘辉 赵博)中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平7日同台湾方面领导人马英九在新加坡会面,就进一步推进两岸关系和平发展交换意见。多位大陆专家学者在接受新华社记者采访时表示,会面在坚持&九二共识&,巩固两岸关系和平发展,共同携手振兴中华等方面取得的共识十分重要,兼具现实意义和历史影响,将对两岸关系发展起引领作用。&两岸历经几十年敌对状态,曾一度走到战争边缘,如今看到两岸领导人的手紧紧握到一起,非常激动,其重大意义怎么形容也不为过。这次会面既有现实意义又有历史影响,将对两岸关系发展起引领作用。&全国台湾研究会常务副秘书长杨幽燕说。中国社科院台湾研究所所长周志怀表示,习近平在会面中的讲话高屋建瓴,以情开场,以历史为铺垫,以方向和道路的抉择为主轴,以台海和平、民族复兴为落脚点。两岸领导人在坚持&九二共识&、推动两岸关系和平发展、携手振兴中华等方面的共识,对今后两岸关系发展具有重要意义。北京联合大学台湾研究院教授朱松岭认为,习近平的四点意见,是推动两岸关系和平发展,实现中华民族伟大复兴的完整理论,内涵丰富,相当重要。其中,&九二共识&是共同基础,两岸关系和平发展是实践道路,为两岸同胞谋福祉是发展目的,实现中华民族伟大复兴是根本目标。会面中,两岸领导人都强调&九二共识&作为两岸共同政治基础不应动摇。北京大学台湾研究院院长李义虎表示,能够夯实共同政治基础,就能稳定和平发展大局,就能持续推进和平发展进程,就能为两岸同胞谋更多福祉。他认为,此次双方都强调&九二共识&的基础意义,可以说是两岸最大的共识和公约数。复旦大学台湾研究中心主任信强认为,此次会面中,两岸领导人都充分肯定了7年来两岸关系和平发展取得的成果,会面充分说明两岸关系和平发展之路是成功的。李义虎表示,双方领导人都展示了对两岸关系和平发展的坚定信念,在两岸仍旧存在政治分歧的情况下,首先要稳住和平发展的大局,再逐步寻找克服困难和解决问题的办法和路径,在既有成果的基础上继续推进两岸关系迈上一个新台阶。清华大学台湾研究院常务副院长殷存毅表示,以两岸人民的利益为依归,继续扩大交流、深化合作,是两岸领导人此次会面的一大&交集&。&两岸领导人能够实现会面,与2008年以来两岸在经济合作、人员往来等方面形成的大交流、大发展局面密切相关。因此,会面中双方继续强调为两岸民众谋福祉是顺理成章的。&朱松岭表示,习近平的讲话秉持&两岸一家亲&的理念,充分展现了大陆方面增进两岸同胞福祉,愿意让台湾同胞首先分享大陆发展机遇的诚意是一以贯之的。尤其是习近平再次强调要为两岸青年学习、就业、创业、交流提供更多机遇、创造更好条件,更是着眼于两岸同胞心灵契合的长远举措,对于两岸民众消除隔阂,增强互信具有重要意义。&两岸领导人都强调了两岸同胞同属中华民族,应该携手合作,致力于中华民族复兴伟业,这对两岸同胞共圆&中国梦&具有重要意义。&殷存毅表示,这向世界展现了两岸中国人有智慧、有能力解决好问题,并为维护地区和平稳定作出贡献。&两岸领导人此次会面是站在历史的高度对两岸关系和平发展经验的一次总结,也是为未来两岸关系的发展指明方向。&杨幽燕表示,只要沿着和平发展的道路前进,中华民族一定会迎来伟大复兴的光明前景。  【编者按】据新华社电,外交部发言人洪磊13日在例行记者会上宣布:应东盟轮值主席国马来西亚总理纳吉布邀请,国务院总理李克强将对马来西亚进行正式访问。一直以来,无论是民间还是高层,中国与马来西亚都保持着良好的互动往来,也保持着很好的合作关系,双边关系相处和睦。去年,马来西亚总理纳吉布就对中国进行过国事访问,今年,李克强总理就任以来首次访马,高层之间的互动能擦出什么样的火花?人民论坛记者张珊专访了国际关系学院国际政治系教授、博士生导师赵晓春。(1)人民论坛网:对李克强总理访问马来西亚有什么看法和评价?可能取得哪些成果?赵晓春:此次李克强总理访问马来西亚是一次具有重要意义的访问。中马最近几年一直保持着良好的双边关系,政治上,两国从2013年开始建立了全面战略伙伴关系;经济上,双方的贸易投资合作上升到一个很高的水平,现在已经突破1000亿美元,马来西亚又是中国在亚洲的第三大贸易伙伴国,所以双方在经贸合作方面有很好的发展。总体来看,中国和马来西亚的关系保持在一个高水平之上。此次李克强首访马来西亚,可以预期,政治上,将加深两国政治上的互信;经济上,将提升中马两国经贸发展空间,促进经济水平的进一步提高;在社会、人文等诸多除政治、经济以外的其他领域的合作也将加深,促使两国关系全方位的合作和发展;中国和东盟关系上,马来西亚今年是东盟轮值主席国,可以通过进一步加强与马来西亚关系来推动中国与东盟关系的进一步发展。(2)人民论坛网:对当下的中马关系而言有何影响与意义?赵晓春:第一,马来西亚是东盟地区具有影响力的国家,发展水平比较高,政治影响力也比较大,同时又是今年的东盟轮值主席国,与中国长期保持良好的关系,发展与马来西亚的关系,对于中国推动发展和东盟的关系具有重要意义。同时,中国和马来西亚这种高水平的友好关系,可以产生一种示范效应,即通过中马友好关系,对于中国发展同东盟其他国家的关系产生积极的推动作用。第二,马来西亚是中国&一带一路&建设、发展海上丝绸之路的重要战略节点,发展同马来西亚的友好关系,对于我们和包括马来西亚在内的东盟国家共同建设21世纪海上丝绸之路,把&一带一路&倡议转换为现实,并取得实质性的进展有重要意义。第三,马来西亚作为一个穆斯林国家,与穆斯林世界有密切的联系,特别是在全球的伊斯兰资本市场具有领导地位,在全球的穆斯林国家中,马来西亚的经济影响力还是很大的,一是在全球的伊斯兰资本市场,一是清真食品方面,它的背后隐藏着一个潜力巨大的全球16亿的穆斯林世界。所以发展同马来西亚的关系, 是我们发展同穆斯林世界的经济上的友好往来的一个重要途径。(3)人民论坛网:马来西亚今年是东盟轮值主席国,怎么看待马来西亚在中国发展与东盟关系中的作用?赵晓春:第一,马来西亚今年是东盟轮值主席国,可在政治上引导东盟,在促进和中国关系方面发挥积极作用。第二,中国和马来西亚在政治、经济和人文领域等的发展可以产生示范效应,影响中国和东盟其他国家关系的发展。专家简介赵晓春,国际关系学院国际政治系教授、博士生导师,中国现代国际关系研究院博士生导师。兼任全国高校国际政治研究会常务理事,北京市国际政治研究会副会长。研究方向:当代国际关系综合研究、大国关系、外交决策、非传统安全等。讲授课程:战后国际关系、国际政治学等。发表有影响力学术论文百余篇。主要著作:《发达国家外交决策制度》、《国际关系学概论》(参著)、《当代国际政治概论》(参著)等。  新华网郑州11月18日电(记者史林静)一个普通的&90后&电焊工,让中国技术工人的名字第一次铭刻在职业技能界&奥林匹克&赛事的丰碑上。他叫裴先锋,中国石油第一建设公司第三工程处313工程队电焊技师。  2011年,21岁的裴先锋来到英国伦敦,在第41届世界技能大赛上一路过关斩将,摘得焊接项目银牌,实现了这一赛事中国人奖牌零的突破,向世界展示中国&大国工匠&的风采。  &我是菜农的孩子。&这是裴先锋常挂在嘴边的一句话。1990年,裴先锋出生在洛阳洛龙区李楼乡下庄村,父母以种菜为生。初中毕业以后,为减轻家庭负担,他选择了上技校,毕业后成为中国石油第一建设公司的一名电焊工。  裴先锋的追梦历程,始于一个朴素的愿望:&当工人,就当最优秀的工人!&  刚开始接触高难度的合金钢焊接时,焊道成形总是不好,裴先锋白天工作,晚上学习,找来专业书籍查找焊接相关资料,然后在白纸上设计焊道的形状、划焊条的方法。渐渐地,他悟出了许多门道,对熔池灭弧的方向、停顿时间、电流在每一层施焊时的大小做到了如指掌。  2008年底,裴先锋代表公司技校队,参加中国石油在河北廊坊举办的院校组电焊技能竞赛,第一次走出洛阳。  &上车前,师傅对我说,小裴,咱不光要能走出洛阳,坐上火车,要让自己走得更远!&师傅的话始终牢记在裴先锋心里。无论在一线工地,还是竞技场上,绝不放弃、勇夺第一的信念一直激励着他。  随着我国加快从制造大国转向制造强国的转型升级,呼唤涌现更多的&大国工匠&。2010年8月,裴先锋被选送到中国石油最具实力的一建焊接研究与培训中心强化培训。这座焊培中心被业内誉为&中国高级焊工的孵化器&。  裴先锋非常珍惜这个机会,格外用心学习。焊道坡口规定要用扁铲和铁锤把多余的部分剔掉,铁锤砸肿了手,他一声不吭;双手磨出了血泡,他咬牙坚持;好几次仰脸焊接时,由于精力太过集中,铁水顺着棉工作服口袋往下流,衣服被点着了浑然不觉。  功夫不负有心人,裴先锋的焊接技术突飞猛进。2011年10月,第41届世界技能竞赛在英国伦敦举行,在这个代表着国际技能和技术培训顶尖水平的赛场上,首次出现中国队的身影。  在这场比赛中,中国队共参加6个项目,派出了6名选手,裴先锋就是其中之一。最终,裴先锋以出色的技艺获得第41届世界技能竞赛焊接项目银牌。  2012年年初,获奖后的裴先锋主动提出回到他所属的一建公司313工程队,投入我国西南地区第一个特大型石油化工项目&&四川炼化一体化基地施工建设中。2014年12月,裴先锋又主动要求,跟着一建公司海外项目队去了约旦,继续用多彩的焊花照亮青春梦想。  &不管你从事什么职业,只要你有梦想,有为实现美好生活打拼的勇气和勤奋,有为给这个社会增光添彩的努力,就不会被辜负。&裴先锋说。  这位年轻的中国焊工,以自己的逐梦历程诠释了专注执着、精益求精、勤奋钻研、艰苦奋斗的&匠人精神&,走出了一条当代青年技能工人职业发展之路。  LONDON, May 29 (Xinhua) -- An agreement, worth one billion pounds (1.51 billion U.S. dollars), to transform a dockland in eastern London into a business port for attracting Chinese and Asian companies to develop in Europe was signed in London on Wednesday.ABP Chinese (Holding), a private company founded in 2003, plans to build the Asian business port, the first of such in Europe, and a new financial center in the 130-year-old Royal Albert Dock area in Newham in eastern London, claiming to be the largest commercial real estate development project involving Chinese investment in Britain and in the history of China-Britain cooperation.&I am very pleased and very proud that my company ABP has reached this agreement for the Royal Albert Dock with the Greater London Authority. This project will be hugely significant for both the Chinese and British economies,& said Xu Weiping, Chairman of the ABP.&My vision is to develop a world class international business district which will initially target Asian businesses to help them secure a destination in London, which in China is seen as the gateway to both the United Kingdom and the wider European economy.&&The Asian business port is expected to help promote employment and promote local economic growth by attracting Chinese companies and Asian business as well,& said Xu.The investment project is estimated to create 20,000 jobs and its development to contribute about 6 billion pounds to the British economy upon completion, said the London city government in a statement.In an interview with Xinhua, Xu said that he is confident to turn the deserted port area into an economic prosperous one in a period of 10 years, and expressed the hope to make the area an example of full integration of culture and economy between the East and the West.Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: &Creating a third financial district in the capital, this development will act as a beacon for eastern investors looking west, bringing with it tens of thousands of jobs and billions of pounds of investment for the UK economy.&Chinese ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming and British Communities secretary Eric Pickles were present at the signing ceremony.Liu said the project has made two records, namely the biggest comprehensive real estate project that a Chinese company has ever undertaken in Britain and the biggest Chinese investment so far in Britain this year.According to the ambassador, Chinese investments in Britain amounted to 8 billion U.S. dollars last year.Speaking of the 1 billion pounds investment in the project, Xu said 30 percent will be from ABP, 30-40 percent from bank loans and PE and the remaining part from pre-sales and sale of the property.The project is designed to be carried out in five phases and completed in about 8-10 years. (1 pound = 1.51 U.S. dollars)  The Democratic Party-controlled U.S. Senate has blocked a plan passed by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to cut the country's budget and raise its debt ceiling. The vote Friday puts the emphasis on talks between the White House and top lawmakers to find a deal to raise the debt ceiling before a deadline on August 2.A simple majority was needed to table, or kill, further consideration of the bill. The vote was 51 to 46.Just one hour of comments were allowed before the vote took place.Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who had called the House bill one of the worst he has ever seen, said it was now urgent to look for a feasible solution.&There is simply no more time to waste debating and voting on measures that have no hopes of becoming law. We have no more time to waste playing partisan games,& said Reid. &As the saying goes, indecision becomes decision with time. Our time is running out before this gridlock, this refusal by the other side to move even an inch toward compromise becomes a decision to default on our debt.&In the short time they had to speak, Republicans on the Senate floor all backed the &Cut, Cap and Balance Act.& It would have raised the debt limit by .4 trillion on the condition that Congress send a constitutional balanced budget amendment to the states for ratification and approve trillions in long-term spending cuts. APSenate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell during a news conference on Capitol Hill (File) The Senate minority leader, Kentucky Republican Mitch McConnell, accused Democrats of being in a state of denial.&Too many Democrats refuse to admit that Washington has a spending problem. That is why Republicans have insisted that we focus on spending in this debate,& McConnell said. &The reason we have got a
trillion debt is because no matter how much money Washington has it always spends more.&The comments highlighted the sharp divisions between the two parties, as negotiations to find a deal stumble along.Democrats said the law proposed by the House would have turned a recession into a depression. They said it would cut, cap and kill social spending programs and defend tax havens. They accused former Republican President George W. Bush of creating the deficit problem by paying for the Iraq war with tax cuts. They also warned against any deal that would only favor wealthy Americans.Republicans accused Democratic senators of lacking leadership since they said they have not proposed their own plan. They took offense that the act had been blocked with a dismissal vote, rather than a full debate and work on amendments. They accused Democratic President Barack Obama of pretending to be a fiscal moderate in recent days, but coming short of that ideal in his actions.Senior aides to lawmakers said both sides are now searching for what they called a magic formula to avoid a debt default, with the White House at the center of efforts to find a compromise.  French and German leaders met with Italy's new prime minister Thursday, promising to change EU treaties to allow for closer financial integration. They hope such changes will prevent future economic problems like the current eurozone debt crisis.French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti all said they would work to stabilize Europe's economy and support the common euro currency. They gathered in Strasbourg, France, Italy is the latest of the 17 nations using the euro to face economic problems stemming largely from huge government debts. Monti told his counterparts that Italian political parties would work together to balance the country's budget in 2013. Monti replaced Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi earlier this month.Germany, France and Italy are the three largest economies in the eurozone. French officials have proposed allowing the European Central Bank to act as a lender of last resort for troubled eurozone economies, and called for borrowing through the sale of common eurozone bonds, rather than those issued by each individual country. Merkel has opposed both ideas - which would require more German support for the continent's weaker economies.One of those economies, Portugal, saw its credit rating downgraded by Fitch on Thursday. The global ratings agency says Portugal's large fiscal imbalances, large debt and adverse macroeconomic outlook mean its debt is no longer investment grade. Investors are growing more worried about even the strongest European economy. On Wednesday, an auction of German 10-year bonds failed to find buyers for more than
billion of the
billion in bonds offered with 2 percent interest rates.  SHANGHAI, May 27 (Xinhua) -- A court in Shanghai on Thursday ordered search engine Baidu to pay 3.23 million yuan (490,000 U.S. dollars) to a Shanghai company for unfair competition.In April, Shanghai Hantao Information Consultancy Co. Ltd, operator , sued Baidu and another online company Jietusoft, for copying comments and business information
onto Baidu's online applications and Jietusoft's online map service, which caused huge losses . Hantao demanded more than 90 million yuan in compensation.The Pudong District People's Court ruled that Baidu's action has decreased the number 's users and directed the flow to its apps, which has not only caused losses , but also violated the principles of business ethics and honesty.But the court believes that Jietusoft only used Baidu's online map service and did not infringe the rights of Dianping.  BEIJING, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) -- Three diplomats were injured in a mortar shell targeting the Russian embassy in Damascus on Sunday as Syria promptly handed over a preliminary report of its chemical weapons in fulfillment of its commitment made earlier.In the mortar attack, one shell was fired by militants in the hotspot district of Brazeh onto the Russian embassy compound.Brazeh has been a scene of fierce clashes raging on for days between the rebels and the Syrian government army.&Three members of the embassy's staff received wounds not threatening their lives,& the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement released in Moscow.An investigation is underway and additional steps are being taken with the help of the Syrian side to tighten security of the Russian diplomatic mission, it noted.The Russian embassy in Damascus has been targeted several times by the opposition militants who are trying to overthrow Assad's government.Roughly one hour before the attack, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in Moscow that his country was ready to send military observers to safeguard the experts and process of the destruction of Syria's chemical weapon stockpiles.He said Russia doesn't intend to send a full military contingent, adding it has proposed an international presence on all spots where experts will work in Syria.In The Hague, the Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said Syria handed over a preliminary report of its chemical weapons on Saturday.The OPCW, a watchdog that polices the Chemical Weapon Convention banning the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons, has developed a global network with several prominent laboratories since its founding in 1997.Syria is officially to become an OPCW member on Oct. 14. The organization, supervising the destruction of Assad's chemical arsenal, said the report has been reviewed by its verification teams, without giving further details.Syria staved off a limited airstrike of the U.S. by committing itself to disclosing and destroying its chemical weapons, with the help of an agreement brokered by the United States and Russia in Geneva last week, which sets a timetable for the Assad government to make public its chemical weapons arsenal by Saturday.But U.S. President Barack Obama, who blamed the Syrian government for using chemical weapons, said a military option is still on the table should Assad play stalling tactics.In the latest interview with Fox News of the United States, Assad stressed commitment to the chemical weapon treaty, saying that it would cost 1 billion U.S. dollars and take roughly one year to destroy his country's chemical weapon stockpiles.Damascus has rejected Washington's accusation that the government troops gassed civilians with nerve agents during an attack on Aug. 21 near Damascus. Pointing finger at the rebels, the Syrian government said it has evidence that could incriminate them.Meanwhile, five veto-wielding permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, deeply divided over Syria, are expected to churn out a resolution for the chemical weapon crisis this week.Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov accused Sunday the United States of threatening to thwart the work on Syria by the OPCW if Moscow denies support to a U.N. resolution allowing the use of force.He believed that the West wanted the resolution not only to support the OPCW decision on Syria, but also to carry provisions on the defense of human rights and the International Criminal Court.&They see the Russian-U.S. agreement as a chance for themselves to ... insist on a 'use of force' resolution targeting the (Assad) regime and defending the opposition,& he said.&It is an absolute deviation from what we have agreed on with (U.S. Secretary of State) John Kerry -- to have an OPCW decision first and then to adopt a U.N. Security Council resolution supporting this decision but not based on Chapter VII,& Lavrov said in an interview with Russia's Channel one television.  An Indian court has ruled that the government has acted legally in taking back agricultural land leased to a company to build a car factory in West Bengal state. The government has pledged to hand the land back to farmers. The case has become a symbol of the growing conflict over land between farmers and industry and the need to overhaul India's archaic land acquisition laws. The Kolkata High Court upheld a new law under which the West Bengal government reclaimed a large plot of land given to Tata Motors for an automobile factory.The court ruled that all equipment should be moved out of the factory in two months. It said the company could seek compensation.Tata Motors had moved the project to build the world's cheapest car to another state three years ago following violent protests by villagers over the acquisition of their fertile farmland.The protests were led by the Trinamool Congress, which went on to win power, take charge of the government, and pass a law to take back the land, which remained with the company. Leaders pledged to distribute the land back to the original owners.The case has drawn widespread attention in a country where conflicts between industry and farmers have reached a flashpoint in several states. Farmers complain that governments often take over their land for very low prices under a century-old law and hand it over to private companies for lucrative projects, whether it is to build factories, homes or exploit minerals. The displaced farmers say it is difficult for them to find alternate livelihoods.However, industry complains that the biggest hurdle to expansion in a fast growing economy is finding land for factories. Worries are also growing over state governments or courts blocking or overturning agreements. Economist D.K. Joshi at Crisil in India says the problem needs attention.&Land acquisition is one very critical factor which needs to be ironed out for promoting infrastructure activity which we really want to,& said Joshi. &Land acquisition if you straighten it out, will help in raising India's supply potential, help in improving its competitiveness, and I think it will also help in improving the sagging business confidence and improve the business climate at home.&The federal government hopes to provide the solution through a new land acquisition bill which it introduced in parliament earlier this month. The bill, if passed, will raise compensation for farmers to several times over the market value. The government will only be able to acquire land if 80 percent of the affected families agree to sell. Private companies buying more than 100 acres of land in rural areas or more than 50 acres in urban areas will also have to provide jobs to at least one member of an affected family or an annuity for 20 years. The proposed law could push up the costs for industrial projects, but is seen as providing a fairer deal for farmers as India moves from being a primarily rural economy to a more modern one.  中国青年网青岛2月15日电(记者 杨东亮 郑晓利)从&动车盒饭半年不腐&到&15元盒饭藏着卖&&&近年来,高铁盒饭一直是饱受关注的热点话题。高铁、动车上的盒饭到底如何制作?质量究竟如何?15元盒饭是否供应充足?2016年春运期间,中国青年网记者奔赴济南铁路局济铁旅服青岛高铁餐饮管理公司,针对这些焦点问题进行了实地探访,记录下高铁盒饭的出炉全过程。  央广网北京12月1日消息 据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,经过了又一个5年的准备,北京时间今天凌晨,人民币终于迎来了一个历史性的时刻,国际货币基金组织(IMF)执董会表决通过,将人民币纳入SDR也就是IMF特别提款权。纳入SDR,意味着人民币成为美元、欧元、英镑、日元之外,国际货币基金组织的第五种官方储备货币,人民币也成为第一个被纳入SDR篮子的新兴市场国家货币。国际货币基金组织是如何对人民币进行评估的?加入SDR之后的人民币,能做什么?中国经过多年的经济改革与金融市场开放,国际货币基金组织经过数月的讨论,11月30日,中国人民币终于以比重超过英镑和日元的重要成分的身份,成为了作为具有国际储备货币性质的特殊提款权成员,号正式生效,届时人民币将会成为一揽子货币的老三。老大依然是美国,比重41.74,欧元是老二,比重30.93,人民币10.92,日元8.33,英镑最小8.06。拉加德表示,这对中国来说是经济与金融改革征程上的重要里程碑,也是中国在国际金融市场上成为重要成员的关键一步。对于现有的SDR成员来说,则需要一定时间来适应新的环境,也就是这个特殊提款权的性质目前因为中国的加入有所转变,因为中国是新兴市场经济国,而且货币并没有完全的自由开放浮动,但专家表示,是不是完全自由浮动并不是能否加入SDR的法定条件,所以中国并不会因为加入SDR就立即要全面开放浮动,这对目前的成员国来说要接受这个事实,也可以说目前的SDR性质略微有所转变。有观察员表示,加入SDR对中国的改革倡导者来说是一个国际上的肯定和支持,也会对中国的金融市场加速开放和货币国际间流动提供市场基础和增强推动力,但是观察人员也认为,人民币加入了SDR特殊提款权,汇率可能会因此而走低。可是有专家表示,人民币继续走低实际上也是暂时的现象,因为各国央行在增加储备货币时将会相对增持人民币,所以对人民币的汇率浮动会产生一个托底的支撑作用,是不是对其他货币同时对美元造成挑战性?有专家也表示,这要看美国经济和中国经济今后在国际市场上的较量了。今天凌晨1:30分,中国人民银行官方网站发布消息称,欢迎国际货币基金组织执董会关于将人民币纳入特别提款权货币篮子,这是这一决定对中国经济发展和改革开放成果的肯定。中方对基金组织管理层和工作人员在SDR审查过程中的辛勤工作以及广大成员国的支持表示赞赏。人民币加入SDR有助于增强SDR的代表性和吸引力,完善现行国际货币组织体系,对中国和世界是双赢的结果。人民币加入SDR也意味着国际社会对中国在国际经济金融舞台上发挥积极作用有更多期许,中方将继续坚定不移地推进全面深化改革的战略部署,加快推动金融改革和对外开放,为促进全球经济增长、维护全球金融稳定和完善全球经济治理做出积极贡献。(凤凰卫视驻美国记者庞哲)  【习声回响】习近平:走公平、开放、全面、创新的发展之路央广新闻央广新闻央广新闻国家主席习近平26日出席在纽约举行的联合国成立70周年系列峰会,并在联合国总部发表演讲。在此期间,习近平主席阐述中国对国际秩序和格局、全球发展和治理等重大问题的看法和主张,并宣布中方在维护世界和平、促进共同发展、支持联合国和多边主义等方面的重大举措。习近平表示,走公平、开放、全面、创新的发展之路。主席先生、各位同事:本次峰会通过的2015年后发展议题,为全球发展描绘了新愿景,为国际发展合作提供了新的机遇。我们应该以此为新起点,共同走出一条公平、开放、全面、创新的发展之路,努力实现各国共同发展。我们要争取公平的发展,让发展机会更加均等。各国都应为全球发展的参与者、贡献者、受益者。不能一个国家发展,其他国家不发展;一部分国家发展,另一部分国家不发展。各国能力和水平有差异,在同一目标下应该承担共同但有区别的责任。要完善全球经济治理,提高发展中国家代表性和发言权,赋予各国平等参与规则制定的权利。我们要坚持开放的发展,让发展成果惠及各方。在经济全球化时代,各国要打开大门搞建设,促进生产要素在全球范围更加自由便捷地流动,各国要共同维护多边贸易体制,构建开放型经济,实现共商共建共享。要尊重彼此的发展选择,相互借鉴发展经验。让不同发展道路交汇在成功的彼岸,让发展成果为各国人民共享。我们要追求全面的发展,让发展基础更加坚实。发展的最终目的是为了人民,在消除贫困、保障民生的同时,要维护社会公平正义,保障人人享有发展机遇、享有发展成果。要努力实现经济、社会、环境协调发展。实现人与社会、人与自然的和谐相处。我们要促进创新的发展,让发展潜力充分释放。创新带来生机、创新产生动力。发展中的问题只有通过发展才能解决。各国要以改革创新激发发展潜力、增强增长动力,培育新的核心竞争力。来源:央广网  Armed pro-Russia separatists in the eastern Ukrainian city of Luhansk rejected Kyiv's offer of amnesty for those who seized government buildings this week and called on others to defy the pro-European government in Kyiv.Protesters wearing bullet-proof vests and armed with Kalashnikov rifles, pistols and other guns inside the security building in Luhansk, a former KGB headquarters, said they would only lay down their weapons if Kyiv agreed to hold a referendum on the future of the region.&We demand concretely a referendum on federalization so that the will of the people is heard,& said Aleksei Kolekin, one of the protest leaders barricaded in the five-story building said.The demands, which echo the steps taken in the Ukrainian territory of Crimea before it declared independence and was annexed by Russia, have been rejected by Kyiv, which says the occupations are part of a Russia-orchestrated plan to dismember the country.The U.S., too, has accused Russia of stoking the unrest.Pointing to &overwhelming evidence& of Moscow's involvement, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland told a congressional panel Wednesday the building seizures in eastern Ukraine were &very carefully orchestrated, well-planned, well-targeted& moves. She warned of consequences if the &aggressive actions& go unchecked.US and Germany commend Ukraine's effortsPresident Barack Obama spoke Thursday with Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel about the situation in eastern Ukraine. Both leaders again called for Russia to move its troops back from the border region.They also discussed issues relating to the forthcoming meeting of the Ukrainian, Russian, and U.S. foreign ministers and EU High Representative, commended the Ukrainian government&s efforts to move forward on constitutional reform, decentralization, and democratic elections and emphasized the importance of the international community&s strong financial support for UkrainePlanned 'quartet' meetingIn an effort to de-escalate the situation, top diplomats from Ukraine, Russia, the EU and the U.S. hope to hold talks in Geneva next Thurday, European diplomats say.Moscow has said it wants to know more about the agenda for such a meeting, and while no more details were immediately available, EU diplomats said the talks will go forward.The EU's foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton will brief most of the bloc's foreign ministers on the talks on Monday, said the diplomats, who declined to be named.&We need to keep the channel for dialogue open, even as we consider further sanctions,& one diplomat said. &The solution to the crisis is through negotiation.&Both the EU and the U.S. have already imposed targeted sanctions on Russia in response to its annexation of Crimea last month.Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry by telephone this week that the four-way talks must focus on fostering dialogue among Ukrainians and not on bilateral relations among the participants.NATO unveils satellite imagesNATO today released satellite imagery showing details of the some of the 40,000 troops it says Russia has massed along its border with Ukraine.The images include pictures of long lines of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and aircraft.NATO has spotted Russian forces at more than 100 different sites close to Ukraine&s border, said an alliance official.An official in the Russian military general staff said on Thursday that the images released by NATO were taken in August 2013, state-run news agency RIA Novosti reported.Earlier Thursday, NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen called on Russia to pull back its troops from the Ukrainian border if it wants to start dialogue over the crisis there.Speaking during a visit to Prague, he said that any further military action by Russia would lead to grave consequences and severe economic sanctions.Moscow dismissed Western concerns as &groundless,& and said Rasmussen was being confrontational and not offering &any constructive agenda& for Ukraine.&The constant accusations against us by the secretary general convince us that the alliance is trying to use the crisis in Ukraine to rally its ranks in the face of an imaginary external threat to NATO members and to strengthen demand for the alliance... in the 21st century,& the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.  付志刚 光明网2015年亚太经济合作组织(APEC)领导人非正式会议即将在菲律宾召开。通过采访菲负责筹备峰会的主要官员,记者不但了解了本届会议的亮点和即将达成的成果,也深深感受到去年北京会议的精神在本届会议得到很好的延续。11月15日,在菲律宾首都马尼拉,人们在黎刹广场游玩。新华社记者 李鹏摄延续北京会议成果延续北京会议成果成为本届APEC与会者共识。早在5月份APEC贸易部长会议上,当时与会的中国太平洋经济合作全国委员会会长唐国强就向记者谈道,北京APEC的三个主要议题&推动区域经济一体化&&促进经济创新发展、改革与增长&&加强全方位互联互通和基础设施建设&在本届会议都很好地得以体现。以&推动区域经济一体化&为例,北京APEC制定了&一体化实施路线图&,提出了两年之内完成联合战略研究的具体措施。在此基础上,本届会议设立了研究小组,制定了战略研究框架,要求在明年11月秘鲁会议上正式提交。菲外交部副部长劳拉&罗萨里奥也十分肯定地表示,菲APEC将继承北京APEC会议成果,在互联互通和互联网经济等方面作进一步拓展和深化。无独有偶,就在记者撰写此文时,恰好收到了APEC秘书处一篇题为《2015年APEC领导人会议你所应当知道的10件事》的背景资料。文中不仅明确提到&进一步研究北京APEC提出的实现区域经济一体化倡议&,还将上述倡议以及&进一步缩小基础设施差距将是马尼拉会议各APEC经济体关注的一个焦点&等有关内容的链接直接导向2014年北京APEC网页的相关介绍。这不正是菲2015年APEC会议沿着北京会议继续前行的最好例证吗?力促服务业发展本届APEC的一大亮点就是促进服务业发展。劳拉&罗萨里奥指出,服务业约占APEC成员经济总量的67%。在菲律宾,服务业提供了105万个工作岗位,2014年第四季度对经济增长的贡献率为56.7%。本届峰会上,菲将力促通过《APEC服务合作框架》,以此作为长期战略文件,为APEC服务业相关工作提供指引和协调。框架认为,强劲、开放、竞争和透明的服务业市场将有助于创造就业、生产高质量产品、扩大消费者选择,助力企业发展。作为框架的补充,还将建立APEC服务虚拟知识中心、APEC服务贸易准入要求数据库、与制造业相关联的服务业行动计划以及环境领域服务业行动计划等。便利中小企业全球化促进中小微企业发展是贯穿本届APEC始终的一条主线。菲认为,中小微企业是经济活动、经济增长、就业创造、社会抗风险能力和创新中的重要力量,呼吁APEC促进中小企业参与全球价值链倡议,提出支持中小企业直接出口的计划。本届峰会将提请领导人批准《中小微企业全球化长滩岛行动纲领》。该纲领旨在支持APEC消除国际贸易壁垒,为中小微企业进入区域和全球市场提供便利。具体措施包括:简化原产地规则程序和文件;简化海关有关法规;提供准确及时的出口程序规则与要求信息;将更多中小企业纳入AEO和&可信任贸易商项目&的范围;扩大中小微企业融资选择;通过ITC和电子商务增加小微企业开展国际贸易和服务的机遇等。(光明日报马尼拉11月17日电 光明日报驻马尼拉记者 付志刚)文章来源:光明日报  央广网北京11月8日消息 据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平昨天(7号)下午同台湾方面领导人马英九在新加坡会面,就进一步推进两岸关系和平发展交换意见。这是1949年以来两岸领导人的首次会面。这次历史性的会面有哪些成果和亮点?将为两岸关系未来发展带来怎样的积极影响?清华大学台湾研究院常务副院长殷存毅分析,会谈的内容既有原则性的意见,又有具体成果,双方都说了自己该说的话,同时也回答了对方想听的一些话。中方重申了&九二共识&对于维系两岸关系的政治基础性的作用,双方都表示愿意携手共进、共同致力于中华民族的伟大复兴。一些具体的问题,比如建立热线,还有张志军主任谈到的两岸建立办事处的问题,这些都是具体问题,习近平总书记对这些问题也都有了具体的回答。现在两岸事务部门就建立起来,要尽快地商谈,抓紧协商在亚投行&一带一路&的落实,让台湾参与。殷存毅表示,两岸领导人历史性的会面,既有历史的高度,也有务实的东西,对今后两岸关系的推动,有非常深远、非常有效的成果。正如习近平总书记曾经提到过的一样,两位领导人历史性的会面,证明了海峡两岸的中国人是能够切实把握历史机遇的,而且能够顺应时代发展潮流,携手推动两岸的和平发展,这样才能够真正共创中华民族的未来。  中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第五次全体会议,于日至29日在北京举行。中央政治局主持会议。 新华社记者 黄敬文 摄  中新社北京10月29日电 (记者 李晓喻)以研究&十三五&规划建议为重要议题的中共十八届五中全会29日在北京闭幕。从全会公报可以看出,中国对创新的重视正达到前所未有的高度。  &十三五&时期是中国实现全面建成小康社会目标的决胜阶段,也是中国全面深化改革要取得决定性成果的关键时期。公报将&创新&置于实现&十三五&需要树立并贯彻的五大发展理念之首,并明确要求&必须把创新摆在国家发展全局的核心位置&,让创新&贯穿党和国家一切工作&。  中国国际经济交流中心经济研究部部长徐洪才对中新社记者表示,强调推进理论创新、制度创新、科技创新、文化创新等各方面创新,是要求创新&全覆盖、全方位&,是把创新&置于前所未有的高度&。  在新加坡南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际研究院研究员胡逸山看来,如此推崇创新&堪称全会公报最大的亮点之一&。  实际上,在经济增速放缓,新旧增长动力转换艰难的背景下,2015年以来官方对创新的重视和扶持力度一直在加码。  国务院总理李克强在不同场合多次指出,要靠创业创新激发全社会创造活力,打造发展新引擎。设立400亿元人民币的新兴产业创业投资引导基金、完善研发费用加计扣除等税收优惠政策、取消和下放行政审批事项等一系列鼓励政策大量出台。  胡逸山对中新社记者指出,高歌猛进多年之后,中国经济已到了需着力提升经济发展品质和效益的阶段。&日益重视创新,表明官方将当前经济增速放缓视为转机而非危机,意识到不必也不能一味拼速度,要致力于提高可持续性。&  徐洪才表示,在海外对未来中国经济能否顺利转型心怀疑虑之际,五中全会公报对创新&表现出前所未有的重视力度&,有助于稳定国内外对中国经济的预期和信心。  围绕创新发展的具体策略,公报提出要拓展发展新空间,实施&互联网+&行动计划,发展分享经济,实施国家大数据战略等。  此前&互联网+行动计划&已被写入2015年中国政府工作报告,关于&互联网+&的顶层设计规划也已于今年7月出台。  分析人士认为,作为执政党的文件,五中全会公报明确提出实施&互联网+&行动计划,意味着对互联网的重视更进一步。考虑到五中全会的重要议题是研究关于制定&十三五&规划的建议,&互联网+&的地位或将在&十三五&规划中得到进一步体现。  在徐洪才看来,发展分享经济从国内层面来看,意味着中国将更重视推进政府和社会资本合作(PPP)模式、混合所有制落地;从国际层面来看,更大力度推进&一带一路&建设和国际产能合作将成为题中应有之义。  公报还提出,要创新宏观调控方式,在区间调控的基础上加大定向调控力度。  &这实质上是从宏观和微观两个层面双管齐下,强化创新发展。&兴业银行首席经济学家鲁政委对中新社记者分析说,以货币政策为例,目前中国存贷款利率管制已基本放开,利率市场化关键一步已经走完,之后需考虑如何建立有效的调控体系。在制度架构的过程中,创新思维无疑不可或缺。  作为特殊时间节点召开的关键性会议,五中全会对创新理念的高度推崇不仅利好中国经济,也将给世界经济带来机遇。  胡逸山表示,创新发展意味着双向、合作,&新加坡等国搞创新经济的成功经验可以供中国企业引入借鉴,中国的创新型企业也会更注重&走出去&,到国外落地生根,这是一个互利共赢的过程,对中国和世界经济都是好事&。(完)  MOSCOW, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) -- Russia decided to provide Ukraine with loans and cut price for gas supplies because Moscow sees Kiev as a brotherly nation in difficult situation, President Vladimir Putin said at his annual press conference on Thursday.&We should behave as close relatives and support Ukrainian people,& Putin said.No one attempted to &suffocate& Ukrainians but if they wanted to be independent, they had to pay for that, he said.The Russian president noted that his country was not going to support Ukrainian economy at its own expense.If Ukraine signed up for the European Union's (EU) technical standards, it would lose Russian market completely. For Ukraine, it would take much time and hundreds of billions of dollars to switch for EU standards, he said.Putin reiterated that Moscow did not oppose Kiev's association with the EU but Russia had to protect its market in case Ukraine opened its borders for European goods.&In these circumstances we've made a decision in the interests of Ukrainian people as well as for pragmatic reasons. We expect we'll find long-term decisions to cooperate at a deeper level,& Putin said.It was Putin's ninth such press conference as president and the second since his returned to the Kremlin last May. More than 1,300 reporters gathered for the event. Last year, the marathon conference lasted for 4.5 hours.  JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama shook hands with his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro while attending the memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela on Tuesday.This came after small steps taken by the two sides recently toward rapprochement.  PARIS, July 31 (Xinhua) -- France, which suspended the delivery of of two Mistral helicopter carriers to Russia due to Ukrainian crisis, would announce &important decisions& in the coming month after reports revealed a compensation deal between Paris and Moscow, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls announced on Friday.&We will have the opportunity to speak about that in few days, in few weeks. Important decisions will be taken before the end of summer,& Valls said at the end of a cabinet meeting.On Thursday, Russian media reported that France and Russia reached a compensation deal for the cancellation of the vessels' delivery.Paris would pay Moscow 1.2 billion euros (1.31 billion U. S. dollars) for going back on the two warships order, initially scheduled to be delivered on November 2014.After pressure to suspend the 1.2-billion-euro deal amid escalating violence between Kiev and pro-Russian separatists, French President Francois Hollande in September last year decided to halt the delivery of the Mistral warship to Russia following the worsening situation in Ukraine despite diplomatic efforts to end the crisis peacefully.But the eurozone's second largest power, already dogged by a fragile growth, high budget deficit and alarming unemployment, could face further challenges to put its finances in order because of the eventual billion of euros compensation claims. (1 euro = 1.09 U.S. dollars)  The Greek parliament has approved a new package of spending and job cuts demanded by international lenders, bringing Greece closer to a new badly needed bailout.Lawmakers passed the plan late Sunday after protesters burned buildings, smashed windows and pelted police with rocks and gasoline bombs. Police attacked the rioters with tear gas.Around 100,000 protesters marched through Athens and the second largest city, Thessaloniki.At least 10 buildings in Athens were set on fire, including movie theaters, cafes and banks.Prime Minister Lucas Papademos condemned the violence, saying it has no place in a democracy.The marchers ranged from young men with masks and shaved heads to families and the elderly. Many Greeks say they already have sacrificed enough as the government strives to emerge from its huge debt and avoid bankruptcy.The Greek Cabinet approved a new austerity package on Friday before sending it to parliament. Thousands of jobs would be eliminated, the minimum wage would be cut, and the pension system would be reformed.The European Union and International Monetary Fund demanded thar all Greek political parties agree on the austerity plan before final approval of a 2 billion bailout loan.Greece faces bankruptcy if it cannot pay investors
billion in debt when government bonds come due next month. The government is negotiating a bond swap with the creditors that would save the country billions of dollars.  第十二届全国人大常委会第十八次会议27日表决通过了关于修改人口与计划生育法的决定。将于日起施行的修改决定明确:国家提倡一对夫妻生育两个子女。这意味着&全面二孩&政策将于明年元旦正式落地。中国政策的全球影响力自十八届五中全会公报宣布中国将实施&全面二孩&政策以来,就&引发了全球连锁反应&。美国彭博社称,消息公布后,世界最大的婴儿配方奶粉生产商之一法国达能的股价上涨了3%,达到今年4月以来的最高水平;日本避孕套生产商冈本的股价却应声而跌,跌幅为10%;就连远在南半球的乳制品出口国新西兰都受到影响,货币价格在当天上涨近1%。这一政策也受到了外媒持续的关注和热议。美国《华盛顿邮报》网站更将其列入2015年十大社会事件,该网站称:&这种政策改变标志着个人自由的显著增加,这是朝着增加中国劳动适龄人口迈出的重要的一步。&无独有偶,在《日本经济新闻》所做的另一项调查中发现&全面二孩&成为2015年中国人最关注的新闻。该媒体在报道中引用被采访者的话写道:&这个政策对于中国人来说仍是今年最值得高兴的新闻。&缓解老龄化的重大里程碑当然,许多外媒也十分关注这项人口政策的作用和影响。英国《金融时报》分析称,这不失为一个重大的里程碑。侨报纽约网采访了多位人口专家,发表文章称,放开二孩生育不会改变基本人口形势,但有利于缓解人口老龄化和改善未来劳动力供给。&即便马上全面放开二孩生育,中国人口出现的老龄化和劳动年龄人口下降等趋势,也不会发生根本性改变。但将有利于改善人口结构,促进人口长期均衡发展。&《华盛顿邮报》采访加利福尼亚大学中国事务专家王峰(音)称:&中国已经开始感觉到人口结构变化的危机。这是人类史上最具争议也是代价最为昂贵的政策的终结,具有历史性的意义。&如何调动生二胎的积极性一些外媒也在关注&全面二孩&政策放开之后中国社会将面临的一系列问题。比如,彭博社就认为要解决劳动力问题就必须消除性别歧视。&(因为产假问题)不少年轻女性表示工作难找的问题令人头痛。而新政策或许会让找工作变得难上加难。&报道称,中国求职网站上的许多职位明确要求&只要男性&,或是&已婚有孩子的女性优先&。中国如果想通过允许一对夫妇生两个孩子来扩大逐渐缩水的劳动力大军,就需要解决性别歧视问题。而针对&全面二孩&政策对于缓解人口压力的作用,外媒也有一些比较保守的看法。英国广播公司(BBC)就认为,结束独生子女政策并非解决中国人口和劳动力问题的&灵丹妙药&。美国石英财经网站12月24日发表文章称,二孩政策对解决中国人口老化压力的作用有限。美国《洛杉矶时报》采访英国东安格利亚大学的生殖和生育伦理专家安娜称 &多生孩子不太可能平衡中国的老龄化,因为和其他任何地方一样,在富裕、受过良好教育的女性群体中,生育率普遍不高。&BBC在报道中针对这些疑惑作出了建议:&中国应该出台一些相关的政策,在税收、教育、医疗等各方面切实减轻养育家庭的负担,调动老百姓养育二胎的积极性。&(文/王书央)海外网评论频道原创,转载请注明来源海外网(),否则将追究法律责任。责编:王书央  RIO DE JANEIRO, July 17 (Xinhua) -- China's State Grid Brazil Holding won a contract Thursday to build a gigantic transmission line for the Belo Monde hydroelectric dam, located deep in the Amazon rainforest.In an auction realized at the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, the State Grid subsidiary made the lowest bid by offering to operate the dam's second power line in exchange for 988 million reals a year (309 million U.S. dollars).The winning offer was 19 percent lower than the maximum amount permitted in the auction. Spanish firm Abengoa came in second place in the bid.As the winner, State Grid Brazil Holding has committed to finish building in 2019 and to begin operating the power line in 2020 and will maintain the concession for 30 years.The second transmission line will run for 2,250 km and will connect the Belo Monte dam to the town of Nova Iguacu near Rio de Janeiro.The project is expected to create 16,800 direct jobs in the states of Para, Tocantins, Goias, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro.The construction is estimated to require an investment of 7 billion reals (2.19 billion U.S. dollars) and will be spread across five Brazilian states.According to Ramon Haddad, Vice-President for Operations at State Grid Brazil Holding, the scale of the project means that the Chinese firm will be seeking a partner in Brazil to help.Construction on the Belo Monte dam began in March 2011 but has faced regular opposition by indigenous communities, farmers, fishermen and ecologists, who maintain the project will have a devastating environmental impact on the Amazon.Work on the dam should be completed by January 2019 but has seen regular interruptions due to judicial reversals, strikes by workers and protests. Belo Monte will dam the Xingu river, a tributary to the Amazon, and is set to flood 506 square kilometers of the jungle.Once fully operational, Belo Monte will have a maximum capacity of 11,233MW, and is estimated to produce at an average capacity of 4,419MW a year. It will be the world's third largest hydroelectric dam and is located in the northern state of Para.  中国网2月8日讯 综合消息,在中国农历猴年春节到来之际,一些国家和国际组织的领导人通过发表讲话、声明,或以其他方式向全球华人祝贺春节。联合国秘书长潘基文、英国首相卡梅伦均用中文向中国人民祝贺&新年快乐&、&猴年大吉&。潘基文&本命年&用中文致贺词联合国秘书长潘基文2月6日发表新春视频,向中国人民祝贺猴年春节。潘基文说:&猴年到了,我也属猴。猴子象征着智慧、灵活和好运,所以这将是充满着希望与活力的好年份。&潘基文感谢中国及中国人民对联合国事业和他本人在过去9年里的大力支持,希望与中国继续携手合作,创造一个更美好的未来。潘基文最后用中文祝中国人民&猴年大吉&。2016年是潘基文任职联合国秘书长的最后一年,这也是他最后一次以联合国秘书长身份发表农历新年贺辞。卡梅伦视频道贺 点赞中英关系英国首相卡梅伦5日通过视频向全球华人致以新春问候,并用中文祝福&新年快乐&。卡梅伦说:&我在这里向全球过中国春节的人们致以最诚挚的祝愿!在英国, 我们不仅在庆祝中国猴年的开始,也在庆祝英中两国日益紧密的关系。大家可以看到,英中两国的关系亮点多多。在我们的大学里有很多中国留学生在学习;在商业方面五年来双边贸易额翻了一番;更多的中国游客选择到英国旅游。&卡梅伦说,&很荣幸的是,去年,习近平主席携夫人对英国进行了国事访问,开启了中英关系的黄金时代。这是十年来中国国家主席首次对英国进行国事访问。我们达成了很多协议,将使双边关系更加密切,从增加投资 、科研合作,到实施签证便利化措施。今年, 我们将努力让这些协议开花结果。&&当代的英国,我们每天都能看到华人带来的影响,从街道、 医院 、学校到议会。在英华人为英国社会做出了巨大的贡献,这种贡献从来没有像现在这样明显。&&灯已经点亮,庆典已经开始,音乐已经响起,家人已经团聚,让我们为我们的成就庆祝!让我们衷心祝愿大家新年快乐,身体健康!新年快乐!&罗马教皇:我对中国有钦佩之情春节前夕,罗马教皇方济各在接受亚洲媒体采访时,向习近平主席和中国人民致以新年问候。&新年前夕我想表达对习近平主席和全中国人民最美好的问候与祝福。&方济各说,&中国对我来说一直是一个伟大的国家,但不仅仅是一个国家,也是一种伟大的文化,有着取之不尽、用之不竭的智慧。&他说,自童年开始,这个国家就能激起他的尊重和钦佩。他还表示,世界不应畏惧中国快速崛起。方济各还提到了16世纪前往中国明朝传教的著名西方学者、天主教神父利玛窦。&利玛窦的经历教育我们,和中国对话是必要的,因为该国是智慧与历史的累积。&中国外交部发言人陆慷3日在例行记者会上表示,中国对改善中国和梵蒂冈的关系始终是抱有诚意的,中方也为此做出了不懈努力。中方愿意继续本着有关原则,与梵蒂冈方面进行建设性对话,相向而行,推动双方关系改善进程不断向前发展。外国政要纷纷拜年美国国务卿约翰&克里6日发表新闻公报,代表美国总统奥巴马和美国人民,祝福全体庆祝农历新年的人们身体健康、兴旺发达。克里说,在迎来新年之际,让我们回首过去一年,美中双边关系的加强已经带来了更大的繁荣。成千上万美国人正在同庆这一佳节,祝大家在猴年取得更大成功。巴基斯坦总统侯赛因通过中国驻巴大使馆向中国人民和中国政府致以新春祝福。侯赛因在贺信中说,值此中国传统节日新春佳节来临之际,谨代表巴基斯坦政府和人民,向中国人民和中国政府表示真诚祝福。祝愿中国繁荣昌盛,人民幸福安康。祝愿全体中国人民,特别是在巴基斯坦各领域服务的中国工程师、企业家和投资者新年快乐、万事如意!南非总统祖马5日在致全球华人的春节贺辞中表示,2月8日是中国猴年春节,谨向全球华人特别是旅居南非的中国侨民致以最诚挚的问候和最良好的祝愿。祖马在贺辞中说,猴是吉祥如意的象征,寓意生机盎然、创意无限、事业兴旺,希望南非华人继续积极创业,为当地创造更多工作机会。联合国教科文组织总干事博科娃在巴黎联合国教科文总部说,中国春节已成为教科文组织传统的节日,中国文化为世界贡献了靓丽色彩。中国春节就是一个充分展示中国色彩的时刻,让世界与之共享。尼泊尔总理奥利向全体中国人民表达最美好的祝愿。奥利说,热烈欢迎中国农历新春到来,向中国人民表达最衷心的祝愿,希望中国人民在新的一年享有健康、成功、繁荣,也向全球所有庆祝春节的人们致以最美好的祝愿。丹麦首相拉斯穆森向中国人民发来新春贺词,祝愿全体中国人民和在丹华侨华人阖家幸福、万事如意、春节快乐。拉斯穆森表示,猴以聪明机灵著称,充满能量和活力,希望丹中两国以猴年为契机,携手合作、锐意进取、开拓创新,推动双边关系迈上新台阶。肯尼亚总统肯雅塔发表中国农历新年贺词,向全球华侨华人祝贺猴年新春。他说,肯尼亚和中国贸易联系已绵延数百年。肯尼亚珍视两国悠久而牢固的友谊,祝愿今后两国关系更加紧密、两国人民更加友好。原创文章,版权归中国网所有,转载请注明出处。  【光明日报&理论&实践&知行论坛】创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享发展理念,是党的发展理论的重大创新,与党的发展思想进程既一脉相承又与时俱进,是指导和推动发展的重要引领。  《论十大关系》和党的八大开启了对发展理论的自觉探索。以毛泽东同志为代表的党的第一代领导集体对发展的重要性和紧迫性有着高度清醒的认识,在新中国成立初期外部全面封锁、国内百废待举的历史条件下,即开始了党的发展理论的自觉探索,提出以苏为鉴、独立探索中国社会主义建设道路。毛泽东发表《论十大关系》和《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》,从什么是发展、怎样发展的角度,精辟分析了我国开始大规模社会主义建设带有全局性的十大关系和十二个矛盾,提出社会主义社会的基本矛盾是推动社会主义事业不断前进的根本动力;适时指出党的根本任务是团结全国各族人民,迅速发展经济和文化,建设富强繁荣的国家;指出社会主义建设必须处理好重工业与轻工业、农业的关系,沿海工业与内地工业的关系,经济建设与国防建设的关系,国家、生产单位与生产者个人的关系,中央与地方的关系,汉族与少数民族的关系,中国与外国的关系等;提出综合平衡、统筹兼顾的发展方针,以农业为基础、工业为主导、农轻重协调发展。党的八大进一步明确,我国社会的主要矛盾已经是人民对于经济文化迅速发展的需要同当前经济文化不能满足人民需要状况之间的矛盾,主要任务是集中力量发展社会生产力,这是对中国发展基本问题的重大判断。党在执政之初关于发展问题的开创性探索,奠定了党的发展理论的重要思想基础,对我国发展实践有着深远的指导意义。  &发展是硬道理&彰显了邓小平理论的鲜明主题。十一届三中全会把党和国家的工作重心转移到经济建设上来,进入了改革开放新时期,以邓小平同志为核心的党的第二代领导集体在探索什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义的过程中,形成了以发展为鲜明主题的邓小平理论。邓小平基于我国处于社会主义初级阶段这一发展基点的准确定位,响亮提出&发展才是硬道理&,社会主义的根本任务是解放和发展生产力,中国解决所有问题的关键靠自己的发展。邓小平不仅强调必须发展,而且是怎样实现发展的总设计师。在邓小平理论指导下,党制定了体现发展要旨的&一个中心,两个基本点&的基本路线,以&三个有利于&作为衡量党和国家工作的根本标准,规划了我国现代化建设&三步走&的发展战略,提出科学技术是第一生产力,坚持物质文明和精神文明&两手抓,两手都要硬&。邓小平还把全面持续发展作为制定方针政策和发展战略的一个重要出发点,把人口、资源和环境问题放在国民经济和社会发展的战略全局,指出&经济发展后劲的大小,越来越取决于劳动者的素质&,&要采取有力的步骤,使我们的发展能够持续、有后劲&。邓小平理论彰显了党的发展理论的实质,开辟了中国特色社会主义发展道路。  &发展是我们党执政兴国的第一要务&深化了对发展规律的认识。世纪之交,以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代领导集体站在新的历史方位,在探索建设一个什么样的党、怎样建设党的过程中,把发展提到了党执政兴国的第一要务的高度,阐明发展是贯穿&三个代表&重要思想的主题,创造性回答了中国特色社会主义的发展道路、发展阶段、发展战略、发展动力和发展的根本任务、依靠力量、领导力量、国际战略等重大问题。江泽民发表《正确处理社会主义现代化建设中的若干重大关系》,针对社会主义市场经济条件下的新矛盾和新问题,深刻论述了对于经济社会发展具有决定意义的十二个重大关系,包括正确处理改革、发展、稳定这个总揽全局的关系,速度和效益的关系,经济建设和人口资源环境的关系,第一二三产业的关系,东部地区和中西部地区的关系,市场机制和宏观调控的关系,公有制经济和其他经济成分的关系,收入分配中国家、企业和个人的关系,扩大对外开放和坚持自力更生的关系,中央和地方的关系,国防建设和经济建设的关系,物质文明建设和精神文明建设的关系。党中央还确定了抓住机遇、深化改革、扩大开放、促进发展、保持稳定的大局方针,明确了建立和完善社会主义市场经济的改革发展目标,提出了转变经济增长方式的重大任务,实施科教兴国战略、可持续发展战略、西部大开发战略,走新型工业化道路等。&三个代表&重要思想深化了社会主义现代化建设规律的认识,丰富和拓展了党的发展理论。  科学发展观系统阐述和提升了党的发展理论。经过20多年改革开放,我国经济社会迅速腾飞,与此同时,发展&不平衡、不协调、不可持续&等问题显现出来。十六大以来,以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央围绕什么是发展、怎么样发展等一系列重大问题,认真总结我国发展实践,准确把握发展的阶段性特征,及时提出和全面贯彻科学发展观,开拓了经济社会发展的广阔空间。科学发展观第一要义是推动经济社会发展,核心立场是以人为本,基本要求是全面协调可持续,根本方法是统筹兼顾。科学发展观揭示了发展的本质和内涵,是马克思主义关于发展的世界观和方法论的集中体现,对新形势下发展问题做出了新的科学回答,把对中国特色社会主义规律的认识提高到新的水平。贯彻落实科学发展观,要求转变发展方式,调整经济结构,推进改革创新,重视节能环保,努力关注民生,坚持不懈地走经济社会持续健康发展的科学道路。科学发展观是对党的三代领导集体发展理论的继承和发展,十八大将其同马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、&三个代表&重要思想一道,确立为党必须长期坚持的指导思想。  五大发展理念升华了党的发展理论的新境界。十八大以来,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央把握当今世界经济正处于深度调整、中国经历新旧动能转化的时代大势,围绕国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,适应和引领经济发展新常态,协调推进&四个全面&战略布局,提出创新发展、协调发展、绿色发展、开放发展、共享发展,这是具有高度战略性、纲领性和引领性的理性认识。创新是引领经济社会发展的第一动力,摆在国家发展全局的核心位置,既是对科技是第一生产力的进一步深化,又使创新进入了理论、制度、文化等综合层面;协调是经济社会持续健康发展的内在要求,旨在实现全方位的均衡协调发展,增强发展整体性和协调性;绿色是实现中华民族永续发展和人民对美好生活追求的重要体现,既是对人类文明发展经验教训的历史总结,又是引领中国长远发展的战略谋划;开放是国家繁荣发展的必由之路,从全球视野思考中国发展问题,是基于改革开放成功经验的历史总结,也是拓展经济发展空间、提升开放型经济发展水平的必然要求;共享是中国特色社会主义的本质要求,全面建成小康社会的必然结果,使全体人民在共建共享发展中有更多获得感。五大发展理念着力解决发展动力、发展平衡、人与自然和谐、发展内外联动、社会公平正义等问题,是发展思路、发展方向、发展着力点的集中体现,是内在联系、相互贯通、相互促进的有机整体。用新的发展理念引领新的发展实践,使得中国未来的发展路径更为清晰、更加明确。五大发展理念破解发展难题,补齐发展短板,厚植发展优势,增强发展动力,超越发展悖论,科学回答了关系我国长远发展的重大理论和实践问题,以创新性、深刻性和系统性升华了党对经济社会发展规律的认识,是我们党关于发展问题的经验集成和思想结晶,开辟了党的发展理论的新境界,极大丰富了马克思主义发展观。牢固树立并切实贯彻五大发展理念,&是关系我国发展全局的一场深刻变革&,要求


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