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利用 WinRAR 或者 7z 等压缩软件,将 Characters 目录和 Shared 目录制作成一个 zip
将制作好的挂载包复制到 Game 目录下,打开同目录的 ClientZips.txt
文件,在其最后一行加上你制作好的压缩包的名字(一般是跟在 的后面)。
Characters 目录和 Shared 目录复制到 zh_CN 文件夹内。如果提示文件已经存在,选择覆盖文件。
语音包来源: 狗窝
&& 地址:见百度云内压缩包
( 20:52:15)( 10:40:05)( 09:34:24)( 15:21:31)
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。1. Basic Plotting with Pylab
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Matplotlib Tutorial: 1. Basic Plot Interface
In this notebook, we will explore the basic plot interface using pylab.plot and pylab.scatter.
We will also discuss the difference between the pylab interface, which offers plotting with the feel of Matlab.
In the following sections, we will introduce the object-oriented interface, which offers more flexibility and will be used throughout the remainter of the tutorial.
Setting up IPython
IPython has a built-in mode to work cleanly with matplotlib figures.
There are a few ways to invoke it:
On startup, you can add a command line argument:
ipython [notebook] --pylab
ipython notebook --pylab inline
The first can be used with the notebook or with the normal IPython interpreter.
The second specifies
that figures should be shown inline, directly in the notebook.
This is not available with the standard
IPython interpreter.
After starting IPython, the same can be accomplished through the %pylab magic command:
%pylab inline
The first works in either the interpr the second should be used in the notebook.
This is useful if an IPython session has already started.
We'll take the second route here, and tell IPython we want figures plotted inline:
%pylab inline
Welcome to pylab, a matplotlib-based Python environment [backend: module://IPython.zmq.pylab.backend_inline].
For more information, type &help(pylab)&.
A first plot: the Pylab interface
Now we're ready for a plot.
The %pylab mode we entered above does a few things, among which is the
import of pylab into the current namespace.
For clarity, we'll do this directly here.
We'll also
import numpy in order to easily manipulate the arrays we'll plot:
import pylab
import numpy as np
Let's make some simple data to plot: a sinusoid
x = np.linspace(0, 20, 1000)
# 100 evenly-spaced values from 0 to 50
y = np.sin(x)
pylab.plot(x, y)
[&matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2f723d0&]
Customizing the plot: Axes Limits
Let's play around with this a bit: first we can change the axis limits using xlim() and ylim()
pylab.plot(x, y)
pylab.xlim(5, 15)
pylab.ylim(-1.2, 1.2)
(-1.2, 1.2)
Customizing the plot: Axes Labels and Titles
We can label the axes and add a title:
pylab.plot(x, y)
pylab.xlabel('this is x!')
pylab.ylabel('this is y!')
pylab.title('My First Plot')
&matplotlib.text.Text at 0x3261390&
Labels can also be rendered using LaTeX symbols:
y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * x)
pylab.plot(x, y)
pylab.title(r'$\sin(2 \pi x)$')
# the `r` before the string indicates a &raw string&
&matplotlib.text.Text at 0x2f7d310&
Customizing the plot: Line Styles
We can vary the line color or the line symbol:
pylab.plot(x, y, '-r')
# solid red line ('r' comes from RGB color scheme)
pylab.xlim(0, 10)
pylab.ylim(-1.2, 1.2)
pylab.xlabel('this is x!')
pylab.ylabel('this is y!')
pylab.title('My First Plot')
&matplotlib.text.Text at 0x38957d0&
Other options for the color characters are:
'g' = green
'b' = blue
'c' = cyan
'm' = magenta
'y' = yellow
'k' = black
'w' = white
Options for line styles are
'-' = solid
'--' = dashed
':' = dotted
'-.' = dot-dashed
'.' = points
'o' = filled circles
'^' = filled triangles
and many, many more.
For more information, view the documentation of the plot function.
In IPython, this can be
accomplished using the ? functionality:
Also see the online version of this help:
Cusomizing the Plot: Legends
Multiple lines can be shown on the same plot.
In this case, you can use a legend
to label the two lines:
x = np.linspace(0, 20, 1000)
y1 = np.sin(x)
y2 = np.cos(x)
pylab.plot(x, y1, '-b', label='sine')
pylab.plot(x, y2, '-r', label='cosine')
pylab.legend(loc='upper right')
pylab.ylim(-1.5, 2.0)
(-1.5, 2.0)
Exercise: Linestyles & Plot Customization
Below are two sets of arrays x1, y1, and x2, y2.
Create a plot where
x1 and y1 are represented by blue circles, and x2 and y2 are
represented by a dotted black line.
Label the symbols "sampled" and
"continuous", and add a legend.
Adjust the y limits to suit your taste.
x1 = np.linspace(0, 10, 20)
y1 = np.sin(x1)
x2 = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
y2 = np.sin(x2)
pylab.plot(x1, y1, 'bo', label='sampled')
pylab.plot(x2, y2, ':k', label='continuous')
pylab.ylim(-1.5, 2.0)
(-1.5, 2.0)Floatutorial: Float basics
Float basics
What is a float?
When you float an element it becomes a block box. This box can then be shifted to the left or right on the current line. The markup options are "float: left", "float: right" or "float: none".
A floated box is laid out according to the normal flow, then taken out of the flow and shifted to the left or right as far as possible. Content can flow down the right side of a left-floated box and down the left side of a right-floated box.
You can also put several floats beside each other.
Where will a floated element move to?
Floated boxes will move to the left or right until their outer edge touches the containing block edge or the outer edge of another float.
If there isn't enough horizontal room on the current line for the floated box, it will move downward, line by line, until a line has room for it.
Do floated items need a width?
You should always set a width on floated items (except if applied directly to an image - which has implicit width). W3C's Cascading Style Sheets, level 2, CSS2 Specifications states:
If no width is set, the results can be unpredictable. Theoretically, a floated element with an undefined width should shrink to the widest element within it. This could be a word, a sentence or even a single character - and results can vary from browser to browser.
Elements above and below floated elements
Block level elements above a floated element will not be affected by it. However, elements below will wrap around the floated element:
Borders, background images and background color
While content will wrap around a floated element, border, background image and background color will extend underneath.
If you do not want elements below a floated element to wrap around it, you can apply the clear property to the following element using "clear: left", "clear: right" or "clear: both".
Other Max Design
Associated withlol日服6.2版本完整语音包下载 日服语音包替换教程-英雄联盟(lol)日服下载
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lol日服6.2版本完整语音包下载 日服语音包替换教程
27日,lol美服测试服已更新至6.2版本,新版本的语言包中添加了新英雄千珏,俄洛伊和还未上线的新英雄戏命师烬的语言,想提前体验lol日服的小伙伴儿们可以参考该教程下载lol日服最新语言包。注意:替换日服语言包是改变游戏终端的行为,可能会导致封号,请慎重。下载地址:该语言包的所有文件全部来自lol美服测试服6.2最新版本的日语语音。和之前的语言包不同的是,此次语言包添加了“永猎双子 千珏”、“海兽祭祀 俄洛伊”、“戏命师 烬”、“炼狱魔女 蔚”新英雄语音。语言包文件包含4个目录,分别是:champions:英雄选取语音。Characters:游戏内英雄配音,包含基础配音与皮肤配音。Shared:播音员语音,即在游戏过程中播放的指示性语音。tutorial:教程语音。日服语言包替换教程:注:如之前玩家有替换经验,可自行跳过此教程部分。本教程以国服正式服为例做说明。大家都知道替换语言包的时候,首先最重要的一步就是备份。因有封号危险,避免替换回原语言文件无资源的情况。备份:Air\assets\sounds\zh_CN\champions&目录和&Air\assets\sounds\zh_CN\tutorial&目录(可选)下的所有文件。将语音包中&champions 目录和&tutorial 目录(可选)下的所有文件复制到Air\assets\sounds\zh_CN\champions&目录和&Air\assets\sounds\zh_CN\tutorial&目录(可选)下。若提示文件已经存在,选择“覆盖”。替换游戏内英雄和播音员语音:这里提供两种方法,大家可以根据自己的喜好进行选择:挂载法:不需要对文件进行备份或者修改,有一定技术水平要求,但是封号风险较大;覆盖法:需要对文件进行备份和修改,技术水平要求较低,但是封号风险较小。挂载法:利用 WinRAR 或者 7z 等压缩软件,将 Characters 目录和 Shared 目录制作成一个 zip 格式的挂载包。将制作好的挂载包复制到 Game 目录下,打开同目录的 ClientZips.txt 文件,在其最后一行加上你制作好的压缩包的名字(一般是跟在 的后面)。覆盖法:备份 Game\DATA\Sounds\Wwise\VO\zh_CN 目录下的所有文件(备份只需要复制一份这些文件到其他地方即可),将 Characters 目录和 Shared 目录复制到 zh_CN 文件夹内。如果提示文件已经存在,选择覆盖文件。如果想对语音包进行二次修改:语音包的所有文件均来自游戏当中,所以可以自由地使用这些文件,将其制作成挂载包、安装包,或者是提取、修改其中的语音文件。LOL日服语音包 官方版
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