
流行的砍水果等就不提了,推荐一些非游戏类的“游戏”吧,黑体代表强烈推荐:-《世界经典童话游戏40合1》,中文版-《桔子月亮》(Orange Moon - Bear Ben's Story),中文版-I AM LOVE - Kids' Yoga Journey(儿童瑜伽,英文版)-Marble Mixer(弹球游戏,适合父母和孩子同玩,英文版)-Albert HD(小游戏合集,中文版)-《翻翻翻学学学》系列(专为3岁以上儿童设计,中文版)-iReading HD – 冰雪皇后(电子书附游戏,中文版)-Space Crayons(儿童画图填色软件,英文版)
在itunes store首页你会看到一个“儿童游戏”或者“apps for kids”的大图标,这都是苹果编辑精选出来的,虽然付费的比较多,但质量都是上乘的!
-- 引导小朋友怎么玩石头,适合3-6岁的小朋友[视频]: -- 教小朋友绘制和认识形状,适合2-6岁小朋友[视频]:
-- 入选儿童区最佳游戏和应用! iTunes 112国推荐。所有的孩子都有相同的一个梦想:制造并驾驶自己的汽车。 Labo汽车设计师可以让孩子们的这个梦想成真,适合3-6岁的小朋友。[视频]:
-- 适合3-7岁的小朋友 ,入选儿童区最佳游戏和应用! iTunes 115国推荐,随手涂鸦一个王子、公主、海盗、忍者甚至小僵尸,通过手指控制他们翩翩起舞、同你游戏,有什么比这更加神奇的呢?[视频]:
-- 适合3-8岁的小朋友,入选儿童区最佳游戏和应用! iTunes 112国推荐[视频]: -- 适合4-8岁的小朋友,Labo汽车设计师的万圣节版本[视频]:
-- 手工类应用,适合3-5岁的小朋友[视频]:
-- 适合3-5岁的小朋友 适合3-7岁的小朋友[视频] -
- 适合3-7岁的小朋友[视频] -
国外的精品太多了,我不是很喜欢国内的产品。给推荐下国外的 里面有按照年龄分,给产品评价,家长可以下载下,kindertown,yogiplay,这2款app 是专门针对低龄孩子做适合的app 推荐的,并且分年龄和类别。
小男孩和小女孩爱玩的游戏不太相同,男孩偏向于战斗类,女孩休闲类我侄女,5岁,喜欢玩的流iSlash 飞镖切木头Bejeweled 2 宝石消除Cut the Rope 切绳子Pictorial HD 星空下的图形解谜游戏男孩iFighter@王博巍 说的,很有理。3-5岁是儿童发展认知的时候,iPad上的游戏是对现实世界的模拟或者抽象展现,无论多么接近真实,但仍不能替代儿童的认识。比如iPad中的Temple Run.飞跑时候的风吹过脸的感觉,是无法体验的。而iBooks再与书相似,也无法替代孩子摸到书本的感觉。iPad游戏家长控制一个度,多陪孩子游玩。一千个讲故事的应用,比不上爸爸自己给孩子讲故事。
因为孩子正处在身体发育的黄金期,避免用眼过度,所以尽量让孩子少接触电子游戏为宜,不过,由于时代的变化以及ipad的便利性和娱乐性,只要掌握合适的度和选择合适的app,总的来说还是对孩子的成长更有利的,寓教于乐不是更有效嘛。最近有一则新闻,电子绘画书可以提高儿童的学习效果。实验发现,让4岁儿童阅读带讲解功能的电子绘画书,要比听他人朗读纸质绘画书的同岁儿童,平均多记3个平假名的读法。&& 3-5岁的儿童,更适合一些启发类的教育娱乐APP,如果由家长陪同完成,除了有效的控制孩子游戏的时间和强度,还可在孩子游戏过程中发掘其能力倾向,更有助于日后的培养侧重及方向。推荐的几款优秀儿童APP:1. 【ABC Expedition Mini】:孩子初学英语字母的App,同时识别不同动物及其声音,此app界面清爽简洁,可爱清新。2. 【小女孩回家记】(ABBA~BOLA MAZE):重力移动触屏跳跃,限时内集星星过关的物理益智游戏! 沿途尽可能的收集多的星星。风格可爱,画面清新,音乐也有趣。3. 【卡卡姆历险记】(Think Tock):一款可完美取代传统识字卡片、儿童绘本、有声故事书的创新型儿童启蒙教育APP。主人公卡卡姆小朋友在睡梦中进入了神奇的童话王国,进行了一场趣味的冒险之旅。故事中穿插认知类小游戏,寓教于乐的方式开发孩子的认知思维。4. 【画像修复师】(Puzzle Restorer):玩家的任务是作为维克多的助理协助他把毁坏的画像修复完整,但修复画作的笔画数是有限制的,并且要注意区分颜色。5. 【木木人】(The Moogies): Moogie 是疯狂、滑稽、多彩的人物, 孩子们可以给九个 Moogie 之一打电话,并听他们以欢喜但傻傻的儿童语言应答。触按屏幕上的物品,并观看出乎意料画面;而且随着他们与每个 Moogie 互动时而会出现欢闹的景象。6. 【史黛拉和山姆的故事合集】(Stella and Sam Story Pack):据畅销书改编的儿童游戏,也可以把它看做非常精美的有声读物。包含了5个故事,每个故事都有着完整的故事背景,穿插着各类小游戏,非常适合小朋友玩儿。以上。
Think Tock (卡卡姆历险记)Little Builders Dr. Panda's Toy CarsNighty Night!Miss Hollywood这几个都推荐,画面很精美,玩法也不错
《我的动物岛-拼图学画画》很适合2?12岁的小朋友们玩,寓教于乐。这是一款专为儿童开发设计的益智拼图游戏,集认知教育、亲子游戏、画画培训于一体,中英文全真人语音引导,用最简单快乐的方式来培养孩子的绘画天赋。有两个版本,一个适合2岁至5 岁儿童,还有一个适合6岁及以上儿童:我的动物岛-拼图学画画(2岁+儿童版):我的动物岛-拼图学画画(6岁+儿童版):游戏的画风非常卡通可爱。这里是一个APP游戏视频:---------------利益割----------------------------------利益割-------------------利益相关,自家研发的APP, 希望大家喜欢?
一大波好应用来咯来源 Best Creativity AppsBy francois walter(1.99) Art Lab for Kids– paper cutting and painting activity for children – create collage like matisse picasso klimt and miro is one fun and creative art app. Choose a background and then choose shapes based a particular artists’s style. The results from mixing and matching shapes with backgrounds are sophisticated and slick. Pieces can be moved, rotated or resized easily. There are no IAPs, but I would love it if they added more styles and backgrounds even for purchase. Ads for other apps by this developer are tucked away under a secured screen. Anyone young or old who loves creative arts will enjoy this app. A few quilt possibilities crossed my mind while playing! Highly Recommended. ~Jo Booth OT on
04:18:51 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes- By Labo Lado Inc.(2.99) Labo Car Designer is an app packed with fun chidren! It not only allows children to trace, paint, and add custom details to their very own vehicles, but kids can actually drive them along a wonderfully animated path as well! The app provides an outline of the vehicle they choose to trace, then they can paint with an assortment of colors and brush widths, finally kids can add details like sirens or even custom and sized wheels. Then it is time to drive! The child’s creation comes to life as they navigate through fun environments with entertaining obstacles like balloons. This is a great app for fine motor skills, creative play, and, while driving, problem solving skills and critical thinking skills. a of course the app is just plain fun too! What I also like about this app is that chidren with a lot of fine motor difficulty will not be kept from playing the app because they cannot trace well enough. if they try their best, they are able to move on to the driving portion of the app, which is great for those with special needs like my son, who thoroughly enjoyed the app! I highly recommend it. There are no external links, ads, or IAPs. ~Angie Gorz on
22:19:01 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes- By Fox & Sheep(2.99–&FREE) Draw With Us! – the creativity app for kids. This is a fun creativity app for kids. They can draw and create their own picture with many different colours. They can choose from pencil, texta or paint brush, and there is also an erase or bin the whole picture option. Artworks can also be saved to your device. You can even take a picture of yourself or a friend and decorate with funny accessories. There are also many sticker options available with many different scenes and options to create the ultimate picture. Some of these include characters from past fox & sheep apps, others are animals or fun eyes, noses, tails etc. to create creatures or funny images limited only by your imagination. Included in the stickers are party items, construction, sports, princess, animals and so much more. The app comes with some images pre-made to give some ideas or your kids can edit these images as well. The option is there to use symmetrical drawing as well which allows children to create on one side of the page and have their drawing mirrored on the opposite side. Brush sizes can be changed between 3 different sizes and I really love the attention to detail where when you are using the paint brush it shows all the individual brush strokes which I think is quite clever. My only wish was that there was more of a colour option available as the colours are limited a bit. Since it is supposed to be a draw with us app and the main focus seems to be more on the stickers than the actual drawing itself. Completed images are also saved on the homepage where they can be reedited at any time. These can also be added to your devices photo roll. There are no IAP’s and external links are locked from kids. ~Sharon Turriff on
05:47:17 ==& User rating: 4 Recommended: Yes- By Sprite Kids(1.99) Mini Monet – Creative Studio and Art Club for Kids is a wonderful app for your art loving child (or older!). There are fun coloring pages, blank pages to draw on your own, and many colors, textures, stamps, and “stickers” to use while creating. When first using the app the narrator guides you, showing you where the different features are within the app. This is a great way to get the most out of the application. I like that this is an app of creativity, an open ended experience for the child. There are opportunities to share the art with other users of the app, but it requires parental supervision and assistance. There are no in app purchases. I love that this app has weekly drawing challenges. To have that little creative nudge is a wonderful way to get a child to keep working and perhaps inspire them to create something magical. This is a great app. ~Dece Starks Gherardini on
12:06:12 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes – By Tipitap Inc.(2.99–&1.99) Drawing Together! This is a really cool app for working together and spending time together. It took a bit of effort to actually get the 2 devices to connect together but we got there in the end and it was fabulous. We were able to see what each person was doing and speak with each other at the same time. Each person can see what the other is adding to the drawing. You can choose from 28 pictures that the app comes with as well as 6 backgrounds for free drawing and 6 games that you can play together. Further collections can be purchased via IAP which is locked from kids and you can unlock one of these by connecting the app with facebook which also has a lock on it. The app can also be used as just a drawing and colouring tool for kids as well. An excellent way to share with your kids if you are away or just if you want to share something within your own house. Some special time together. The microphone works better if you are in seperate rooms, as we got a bit of feedback when we were sitting besides each other however this can also be turned off. We had so much fun together doing this. I highly recommend this app. ~Sharon Turriff on
04:19:14 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes- By Software Smoothie(2.99) Felt Board is a super creative app. No more losing felt pieces with this felt board! Create to your hearts content. The pieces are colorful and vibrant and there are so many to choose from in addition to all sorts of backgrounds. The pieces are categorized so you can choose from people/features (hair, eyes, etc), clothing, accessories, animals/insects/creatures, outdoor/nature/community, shapes, and letters/numbers. Just drag the piece onto your background. Saving your felt boards is a great feature of this app as well as taking a photo of your creation. This app has so many uses and does not have in app purchases. I highly recommend Software Smoothie’s Felt Board for anyone’s iPad! ~Jackie Bryla on
20:24:13 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes- By Gil Weiss(1.99) Doodle Fun Bugs – Draw & Play Paint Scribble Sketch & Color Creative Adventure Game for Kids Boys and Girls Explorers: Preschool Kindergarten Grade 1 2 3 and 4 is a neat app for younger kids, which includes 19 pages of simple, guided drawing activities, and a page of free drawing. The app’s instructions are narrated, which is great for young children. You can choose from 8 colors and change the width of the paint brush. Also, once the creation is complete, it can be saved to the camera roll. Some of the pictures are more simple, some require more thought, which is good for a range of children. This a great app for creative play. The links in this app are secured by 3 second hold, and there are no ads or IAPs. I would recommend this app to others. ~Angie Gorz on
09:16:13 ==& User rating: 4 Recommended: Yes- By Sebastian Bachorzewski(2.99) Imagination Box – colors, shapes, numbers and letters Another Fantastic app from the team at Jump apps. Play Dough comes to life and like the real thing, it can be molded and manipulated in size, shape, and orientation. First choose your background – and decorate it, if you wish with markers or a photo from your camera roll. Then you can begin to add your dough to the scene. Play is limitless and helps builds children’s confidence by creating something out of raw materials without judgement. Learning letters, numbers, and colors are assimilated into play. This app is also going to be a must have for clinicians, especially OT’s working on tactile sensitivities. By having children experiment and learn to be successful with apps like this, it is easier to transition to the real life counterpart because they know what to do. Highly recommended! There are no ads or IAPs. ~Jo Booth on
05:12:46 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes- By LittleKits GmbH(3.99) PixieDust – A Creative Drawing and Painting App for Kids. This is a really fun app for kids to draw and create their own artwork. You can only choose between pencil, crayon or paintbrush for drawing or painting and you cannot change the brush size on these. The effects that you can add in are awesome though. You can bubble balloons, cars and many more as you swipe your finger across the screen add in fun borders or backgrounds or patterns, there is just so much to do. This free version comes with a beginner pack. There are other packs available via IAP which are not locked from children. These include Princess, Party & Ocean pack, and it looks like they may add in Dino & Fairy later. Still a lot of fun in the free version just make sure you have IAP disabled on your device. ~Sharon Turriff on
04:48:53 ==& User rating: 4 Recommended: Yes- By PlayDate Digital(1.99) It’s a fun app to work on the child’s creative and self-expressive side! Food (or your own picture from the device’s camera) is used as the background, and then stickers are used to turn the picture into something else! Time to think outside the norm and even draw/color your own stickers to use within the pictures. And as soon as the user presses “go,” the stickers magically become animated. This app is more of an app where there is no one right answer and taking risks rewards the individual with creative new inventive pictures! Very creative and well-done app with no in-app purchases! (and iTunes access can be turned off in parents section) ~Christie on
20:23:31 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes- By Toca Boca AB(2.99) Toca Hair Salon 2. Fun app to play, and a great app to help desensitize sensory sensitive kids to the sequence and sounds of getting a haircut. In this app, you can pick from 6 different customers and wash, style and/or dye their hair. I love the fact that when you reopen the app, the characters return to their original state (time to get another haircut!). This teaches us that hair regrows when we cut it and we need to do this periodically. There are so many applications to using this app – learning about shapes and color to segueing into pretend play. The developers have created a page of talking points for parents as well as instructions for disabling photos or links. ~Jo Booth on
04:52:15 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes- By Sebastian Bachorzewski(2.99) Cute Food – Cooking App for Kids is such an innovative and creative way to get children excited about fruits and vegetables. Not only will children work fine motor skills as they imagine food masterpieces and gain a broader knowledge base of various fruits and veggies, they will unleash their creative mind in the process. The app is fun and engaging. I can’t help but recommend it because I found myself lost in the creative play as I was reviewing it! I simply could not stop playing with my food. And I don’t think kiddos will either. ::smiles:: Immediately after my fun I found myself craving the most deliciously colourful salad one could ever imagine… and I made that salad a tasty reality! Indeed, I think this app has a lot to offer and is well worth the purchase:) I most definitely recommend it! ~Leora Smith Appleby on
10:28:40 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes- By Nickelodeon(6.99) Nick Jr Draw. This would have to be one of the best free drawing apps I have found around. There are so many things your children can add into each drawing. There are animated stickers that do things when you tap on them. Chalk, crayons, textas, charcoal, pencils, spray paint, and paint brushes all in a huge range of colours with 3 different sizes for each one. There is also the collage maker which puts a collage of stickers whereever you draw your finger and it plays fun music while you are doing that. Some awesome fun splatter tops which splatters paint when you press on it, send it spinning around the page and see where you can get it to splatter paint. Magic Wands which add some wonderful magic to you childs animated artwork. Fireworks, Surprise Blocks, and Bouncing Balls are just some of the other fun animations your child can add to their amazing picture. Well worth the price as it is quite unique. Save your picture and share it with family and friends. A 5 Star app. ~Sharon Turriff on
06:05:32 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes- By effectmatrix(2.99) My Brushes Pro – Sketch, Paint, Playback on Unlimited Size Canvas with Pencil, Pen, Oil Painting BrushThis is an app divinchi would be proud of. There are over 50 “brushes” to choose and several ways to customize that “brush” there are even a few that can mimic a good calligraphy pen complete with pressure and direction knowledge.Blending is a snap and if your a fan of stippling this is your app. Want to see how that tat may look or maybe you have an airbrushing idea. See what it may look like before wasting canvas. ~Amanda cabrera on
16:46:39 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes- By Sebastian Bachorzewski(2.99) Puppet Workshop – Creativity App for Kids. This is a very cute app, where you can decorate sock or glove puppets. This app would appeal to the pre school age. The instructions are in an obvious place, addressing the parent to read. Once the parent has told the child what to do, the creativity begins. The child will learn how to decorate his puppet with various items. He can make the items bigger / smaller and rotate them. Then the child can save his new puppet, erase it, and start over. There are a lot of different puppets to pick from as well as a lot of items to decorate with. The child might realize that he can make the puppets out of his old socks, thus setting the scene for a real puppet show. Overall, I thought the app was wonderful for the younger crowd. I couldn’t really find anything that I didn’t like. I would definitely recommend it. ~Cynthia on
10:45:52 ==& User rating: 5 Recommended: Yes –By P2 Entertainment Ltd(4.99–&2.99) Mister Maker – Let’s Make It! This fun app is not only great for encouraging kids creativity it also works on shape recognition as well. The app includes 4 areas of play. Our favourite is the doodle draw where kids can create anything from their imagination. They can draw, paint, spray paint usea roller, clue objects, use stickers, bits and pieces, funny face parts to create an amazing work of art. There are also different types of paper which kids can cut shapes or objects from and use in their creation. There is also a fun smudge option which my kids just love playing with. Once your artwork is finished it gets saved to the gallery. From the gallery you can frame your work. The shapes section requires your kids to pick from one of the 4 shapes and then they have to find a number of shapes hidden throughout each level. These are also colour coded to make it easier for younger children. All objects that you add to your work can be made larger or smaller by either pinching fingers together or by using the slider on the side. The slider is also how you adjust the size of your paint brushes. There are no IAP’s and external links are double locked from kids. ~Sharon Turriff on
20:17:20 ==& User rating: 4 Recommended: Yes-
应该跟看绘本差不多的感觉。有的还有交互动作。狼先生與藍莓小蛋糕 - 故事书小狐狸音乐盒小狐狸音乐盒小手画出大世界小手画出大世界晚安 小绵羊晚安 小绵羊卡卡姆历险记卡卡姆历险记


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