这啥意思,什麼starting什么意思 lineup的,我已经打首发了啊

starting line-up
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Starting Lineup
Starting Lineup was a brand of action figures produced from 1988 to 2001, first by Kenner and later by Hasbro. They were conceived by Pat McInally, himself a former professional American football player with the Cincinnati Bengals, in 1986.
Nobody at Milan heeded the cries of "look behind you" as Wesley Sneijder waltzed off a plane from Madrid on Friday and straight into Jose's starting line-up a day later.
Besides, they will likely spend most of the time protecting their own goal, especially if, as expected, Wayne Rooney and Javier Hernández return to the starting line-up.
Should Rooney fail to make the starting line-up against Milan tomorrow night, United, who go into the game with a 3-2 aggregate lead, would be left with limited attacking options.
However, only 14 of his 33 appearances this season came as part of the starting line-up.
Much-changed Sale had seven new faces in their starting line-up, five of them in the pack.
Fordyce, restored to Glentoran's starting line-up, stroked in Glentoran's fourth with Gawley shooting in the fifth.
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中文翻译脚线入站线上线&&&&带卷横剪作业线&&&&后翘线&&&&沿翼上冲断层&&&&n. 【宇航】(从地面向航天器或卫星传送数据或信号的)上行线路。 vt. (从地面)向上传送(数据、信号等给飞行器或卫星)。 &&&&静水举力&&&&上行链路基带&&&&浮托力&&&&上行网口&&&&上托力强度系数&&&&上行埠&&&&如果的事
例句与用法Keep in mind that your sponsor and upline leaders have a vested interest in your success请记住你的推荐人和上手老师们非常希望你获得成功。 Success comes easy if you believe in the company and have faith in your upline在安利,只要有信心,相信公司和上线,就一定可以创出辉煌的个人成就。 Luckily i had my upline and my team members there to support me when i was having doubts about the business幸得上线及团队的鼓励及帮助,才度过了这段怀疑期。 But we kept our faith and the encouragement of our upline drove us to build a successful business但凭著坚定的信念、永不言败的精神以及上线的鼓励,推动了我们继续发展。 And , if there is ever any difficulty , you can always turn to your upline to get good advice经营安利生意毋须冒风险,而且就算遇到困难也可与上线商量、请教心得,与传统生意非常不同。 Two years ago my upline introduced me to amway products and i found my health improved a lot两年前我的上线将安利产品介绍给我,令我的健康大大改善,因此我便决意加入安利学习营养知识。 If you do not know how to fill in the sponsor and the upline information , please contact the person who refer you this website如果您不知怎麽填保荐人或上线的资料?请联络介绍此网站的朋友。 Not only will this approach get you better results , but you ' ll be building your relationship with your upline instead of tearing it down这一做法不仅会得到更好的效果你,但您可你与你的上行建设不是撕裂下来This means an upline has to guide his or her downlines in order to ensure the smooth operation of a network that can lead to sales success因此上线要懂著带领下线,让整个组织有效率的运作,才能共创辉煌的业绩。 Entry exit gates and ticketing facilities are available at the upline plaza to facilitate passengers travelling to and from the university新增设的上行线月台出入口,亦设置多部出入闸机及票务设施,方便乘客往来中文大学。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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