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陷阱是一个在中由玩家制造的、用于自动伤害或杀死其他玩家或怪物的机关。以下是一些简单的陷阱以及它的制造方法,读者需具备一些简单的机关制造原理,方能了解其中的奥妙。 陷阱也是里的一部分。
挖一个16*16,至少23格深的洞 (最好沿着区块的边界) 并将其连接到你屋子中存放战利品的箱子,加上一个用来烧矿的熔炉(强烈推荐穿上至少铁制装甲和装备铁剑,虽然皮革和木剑也能做到,毕竟在多数情况下,只有新手会掉进来),然后添加一个像写着“免费钻石”的告示牌或者放置一格煤矿的诱饵,(因为它是唯一在地表同高度的地方生成的矿石,或者是铁矿等其他矿石看起来很可疑)并将它伪装成一个石坑,因此当他们在顶上挖矿或者是他们跳进来的时候,他们会死于摔落伤害。如果没有(可能由于他们穿着有摔落保护的靴子或末影珍珠掉下来/升上去),就用你的剑干掉他们。如果你认为你有足够的技术并且你觉得你不再需要这个陷阱了,你可以将它做成一个怪物磨床。你也可以加上铁轨和它连接起来,或用机械开挖来来把玩家推下去,如果你能承受开销的话。建造这样一个陷阱很费时间,但是如果正确建造好了这个陷阱,它会以更丰厚的利润回报你。
在至少一个TNT上放置压力板。当一个玩家踏上它的时候, 就会被启动并点燃。这就是在Minecraft中最基本的TNT陷阱,其他所有TNT陷阱都建立在这个陷阱之上。另外一个方法是向下挖4格,在从下往上数第二格放置一个TNT。在上面放一格沙子/沙砾。然后放一个压力板在上面。当有玩家或者生物踩上压力板时,沙子会掉落,TNT会点燃,那个不幸的玩家会被困在一个地板上有一个触发了的TNT的洞里。这个陷阱的缺点就是每一次使用完了过后玩家需要重新建造它。
1. 向下挖3个方块。.
2. 在你的下方放一块石头。
3. 挖一个4方块长的通道。
4. 在通道的尽头放上木质压力板。
5. 放上红石线到另一端。
6. 在这一段挖一个3x3x1的洞。
8. 用周围环境的方块覆盖洞。
9. 在TNT洞旁放上沙子或沙砾。
10. 放一个活塞面对沙子或沙砾。
12. 在红石旁放一个拉杆。
The basis of this trap is as follows: On (say) a factions smp server you have a traitor new to your faction who tries to steal the faction valuables. They go into the valuables room. They see your
blocked by a block above it. Next to the chest is a lever and a sign saying "Pull lever to lift block above chest up" or something convincing. They flick the lever - which they THINK will let them open the chest. Instead, it activates
coming from the ceiling/the floor retracting/ suffocating
/a light... basically it can activate anything that can be turned on by pulling a single lever. How do you actually access the chest? Well, the "solid block" above it is actually a
block, facing in a way so that you see a full side of a block but you can actually open a chest that has a stair block above it. So - if you're smart, and you find a seemingly locked chest, then.... Don't Pull the Lever!
找到你想设置陷阱的树,把最底下的方块挖掉,再在底下挖一个4格深的洞。把TNT放在下面,然后放方块和木质压力板。 当有人挖掉树最下面的方块时,方块将会落到压力板上,引燃TNT。这个陷阱并不总是有效,因为有人可能打破树上的其他方块。掉落物也可能在掉到压力板上前被玩家捡走, so a trap using the block's absence instead of the drop's presence would be best if possible, for example if the tree is touching a 2-block-high wall then the bottom block of it could be replaced with an inverter mechanism and death mechanism and the block below the tree could be replaced with a .
你将会需要: 、 ,或是,或者。
First, make a long passage that is 2 blocks high, 1 block wide and five or more blocks long that should be in a cave. Fill it in at the end, so your target player should mistake it for a mine/dungeon. In the middle, place a pressure plate and redstone on both sides. The blocks on either sides shouldn't be obsidian. Under the block of choice, should be a piston (sticky if you want to use it again). Then place a tempting sign on the end of the passage that says "Diamond Mine" or "Danger: Do Not Enter". People can't resist what's bad for them, after all. The target should go in, step on the pressure plate, and get trapped when the entrance/exit becomes 1 by 1 and too small for the player or mob to get out of. Check it every now and then and if there is a player/mob stuck in there, shoot with a bow or put lava in it. If you want to use it again, remove the lava, and put a lever next to the pushed up block and pull it. This only works with sticky pistons, so be warned. Now, claim your loot and walk away. If you want to prevent tunneling, place lava behind the wall. Or after the subject has been trapped, they could be pushed using water into a lava pit.
挖一个24方块深的洞,放一些可以杀人的装置在底部,如:仙人掌,生物,岩浆,活塞陷阱等等,在顶端放置一个方块,然后在上面放置一个牌子,写上“下面有钻石/绿宝石 ”然后当你的受害人破坏了方块然后就会掉下去。
Create a 24 blocks or higher tower and create a room at the top. Put stairs to the room on the tower. Make a hole 1x1 at the bottom. Put some rails that end at the hole. Make a simple house beneath the tower. Put a hole on the roof. Remember, the hole on the tower must be right above the roof hole on the house. Put a block then a powered rail beneath the roof hole. Make a tunnel with normal rails and break one of the rails. Now, go to the tower and put a minecart on the rail. Push that cart to hole and the cart falls to the house tunnel on the powered rail. Put a button and redstone wire connecting to the powered rail. Wait until someone goes inside your house, looking for a hidden mine or a chest. The uninvited guest will ride the minecart and push the button. The cart will keep moving until the unconnected rails and surprise, he/she died with no reason as the minecart stops. Another way to kill griefers with minecarts is by making a rail to a simple wooden house, where the chest is easily seen from the tracks. Then put a detector rail in front of the door. Put redstone leading from the detector rail to the door. The griefer will think it opens the door. Put TNT under the block the redstone is on. When the griefer in the minecart goes over the detector rail at the end of the rail in front of the house, the redstone will get powered activating the TNT below, this will blow up your unwelcome guest.
If you want to add some more power to a TNT trap, try replacing the TNT with a lot of TNT Minecarts. Since you can easily condense them down into a small space, it can be good when you need to make a design more compact. You can either choose to put them on an activator rail, or to put a piston beside the rail. I prefer the second option, because disturbing a cluster of TNT Minecarts will often cause them to detonate instantly!
First, make a 1x3 hole in the ground. On the edge, build 3 blocks high (later you will destroy these).
Now make an outline of it, but on the level you just created. If you are on a flying server, you might want to add a roof, which is an extra 3 to 12 blocks of Soul Sand. When your trap is complete, human-sized mobs - such as zombies and skeletons - or other people will walk into your trap and can't walk out. Also, if you place ice under the soul sand, mobs and people will move even slower due to the properties of ice.
You will need:
to make a box home, a , a , a , and as much
as you want.
This trap works best on PVP/griefing servers. Make a box home from planks, with a door and a pressure plate outside. Under the pressure plate, put as much TNT as you wish. Place a sign outside that says something like "please don't grief my home thx."
Griefers or robbers can't stand not griefing a house like this. They will probably walk through the door, trigger the TNT, and blow themselves to the moon!
are also good, if they cannot identify the difference between the normal chests and trapped chests.
这是一个非常容易建造的一种陷阱,只需要2-3个,和一些木头,加上一把和。Everyone knows the old secret passage behind the painting, this plays on that.
To create make a very deep hole coming off of the side of your house, then put two signs at the end of the hallway leading to the hole. Proceed to place paintings on the signs, so when someone walks through the painting, they fall to their death.
It should look like this,
|-painting, $-告示板,a-空气,b-方块。
At the bottom have some means of collecting items.
You can either have a 24 or so block fall, or any other method of killing the intruder.
This is by far one of the most simple traps possible.
is recommended for this trap due to the fact that it drops 4
and is easily broken. An
has twice the drops and thus twice the certainty that this will work, but requires a pickaxe, can be seen through and around, and isn't something that somebody would want to break anyways. Any block will work, but, again, clay is the best. This trap is placed inside the bottom of a wall. Dig back 2 blocks into the bottom of the wall. Then, dig down to make it a 2x2 square of air. Now, place redstone wire in the corner farthest from the hole that you're working through. Place a wooden
in front of it. The plate MUST be wooden. Stone can't sense items at all, and
emit too weak of a signal and are too expensive if you plan on doing this in Survival. Above the wire, place a
facing towards the hole, loaded with a projectile, Potion Of Harming (II) or suitable spawn egg (the inventor of this trap uses s). Finally, the time comes for the clay! Place the clay in the last remaining spot in the hole. The trap, completed, should look like this:
This is a useful trap on adventure maps, especially when clay is a chosen breakable block. (An example of this trap on an adventure map would be in the Tunnels of Insane Trickery in the map Eitharpius.) This trap is activated when the clay is broken.
What you need: Five blocks of any kind, and as many gravel blocks as possible.
This is one of the most simple traps in Minecraft history, although it would be easily noticed by intelligent players. Works more effectively on new players. First, make a tower that is five blocks high. It doesn't matter which kind of block you use. Then, on the very surrounding area on the tower you made, dig holes three blocks deep and three blocks wide to make a pit surrounding your tower. Dig another hole close to your tower, just one block deep for you to hide in. When an unsuspecting target comes too close to the tower, he would fall in the pit. After that place several Gravel blocks beside the 5th block on your tower, aiming downwards on the target. If done correctly, the gravel blocks should fall on your target's head, thus trapping or killing him. Hence the name facebreaker.
Note: You will need to use atleast two blocks of gravel to kill a player, and this can actually be used as a convenient elevator. Placing more gravel blocks is advised, and it is also advised that you place them quickly. Otherwise, if you take too long, the player may jump up from the first gravel block (their feet will be in it), and not be suffocated by the second.
This is a simple trap that can be made without too much work.
Build a large wooden rectangle resting on its side. The rectangle must be at least 10 blocks tall or the trap will not be effective.
At the top of the rectangle build a large cobblestone box.
Break a hole in the bottom of box.
Fill this hole with gravel and then build the gravel down to the floor of the wooden box.
Place a chest under the gravel.
Fill the cobblestone box completely with lava.
Add some leaves. make sure it looks just enough like a tree to blend with the forest, but not so much that people will not notice it.
The person will be fascinated with the tree and will enter. The person will see the chest, and, thinking there is loot in it, will break the gravel blocks in order to open the chest. As he breaks the gravel blocks, the hole in the box of lava is unplugged, causing lava to flow onto the victim. This will definitely NOT work on experienced players. A diagram of this would be helpful, as it is rather poorly explained.
You need: A desert and cheats/McEdit
To build, place a pressure plate on a large area of sand. Then, edit away a good bit of the stuff under it. On the bottom, place your weapon of choice (such as , , an array of standard landmines as shown below, a
, an , a jail cell, some other trap, or just a plain floor if the pit is deep enough) and remember where you put it.
This trap is obviously quite impossible to create without help. A player wandering around will see a random pressure plate. If they realize that it's a landmine, they'll destroy the plate or a block near it and trigger the pitfall. If not, they might step on it and trigger the pitfall. Or maybe somebody will decide to build a house on your trap, once again setting it off.
NOTE: This trap can be done without World Edit If you know the right method- the fact that lilypads can help place sand/gravel in midair if you know how. Also, you could use torches and multiple layers of sand and wooden pressure plates to cause a 'sinkhole' effect that is similar (although much slower).
Requires: 1 pressure plate 1 slime block 1 piston
This trap relies on fall damage to damage the enemy. and must be remade every use. NOTE. does not work on Chickens Ocelots or Magma cubes
Not sure why you would kill Ocelots though.
P=Piston S= Slime Block PP=Pressure plate
This is a very easy trap to build. Go into a cave and dig at least 36 blocks down. Dig a 4 block deep pit and put water in its second topmost layer. Have blue wool, signs/ladders, a pickaxe and a chest ready. Also build what looks like an entrance to a base at the bottom of the trap. Now get a player and tell him that he's found someone's secret base. Jump into the water and quickly submerge yourself in the pit. Put the signs/ladders to give you air bubbles to breathe. Tell the player on top that you'll put water on top of the pit so he and you can escape. Instead of water, use the blue wool to cover up the pit. Signal the player to jump and when you see his death-message, dig your way out and collect all the loot.
用任何固体材料制造一间屋子(避免使用防爆炸的材料如), 然后用将房子完全包覆,之后再加上一层方块以遮盖。 在入口放置两扇和石质,在压力板下的方块置放TNT,然后在房子里放上一个明显能看得到的箱子以吸引尝试进入的玩家。 当他们踩到压力版并且进入房子后,就会引爆TNT!
1. 把TNT放在玩家将要站立的那层的下面。
2. 在玩家进入的地方放上铁门。
4. 在铁门上放一个,上面写“xxx的矿井,请勿进入”。
1. 受害者看到了你的矿井,想可能有钻石或其他矿在里面。
2. 受害者看到绊线钩,认为这是用来开门的。
3. 受害者踩上绊线,激活TNT,然后归西。
然后建造一段在顶端有一段急下降的长上坡轨道。在矿车落下的地方,做一个4x4,深两个方块的洞然后用熔岩填充它, 以便让玩家忽然落入熔岩然后失去他们所有的物品。你可以用稍后用一个桶来拜托熔岩。
另一个方法是制作一个向下的长隧道,用一般铁轨,以及当轨道转过一个角,放置熔岩。 最好你有火把沿着隧道这样那人不会察觉到即将发生什么。
A very easy, cheap, but effective trap. Put iron or other ore anywhere. Place a redstone torch on back. Now, place another redstone torch, on the side of a block. Put wires connecting the torch to the top of that block. Make it activate any kind of killing mechanism, such as retracting pistons.
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There is another trap that you put water 4x4 three blocks down then lilypads on top ,place sand on the lilypads and string on the sand then place any block where the water is so it is being replaced by the block then break the replaced block and vōila when a player walks on the string or breaks the string they fall end of story .
This is a somewhat expensive trap with varying success rates. The larger the trap, the higher the success rate. First, dig a hole two blocks deep (size doesn't matter but does affect price). Next, cover the bottom of the hole with Dispensers, leaving a one block area on each edge to be filled with two blocks of your choice. Place a chest or Diamond Block on top of one of these stacks. This will serve as bait. Leave the other space filled, but do nothing else to it. Fill each Dispenser with Fire Charges and cover with Wood Planks or Stone and then cover the solid block with a Wood or Stone Pressure Plate depending on which block you used. Next, build a wall around the now-covered hole and place an Iron Door opposite from the bait with a Wooden Pressure Plate in front of it. Leave the block behind the door uncovered. A roof is recommended but not required. When an enemy enters the trap, they will go for the bait and walk on the Pressure Plates, activating the dispensers underneath, which will launch Fire Charges at them. The victim will be unable to leave due to the absence of a pressure plate to open the door from inside.
You can also, with this same concept, create an extremely effective mob trap. place a 3 by 3 square of pressure plates. Connect these via redstone to three dispensers filled with fire charges. Then all you have to do is build a shelter and watch the fun. Note: this trap relies on huge amounts of luck and is very expensive. Also, take care when retrieving the mob drops, as it is easy to fall victim to your own trap.
You will need: wood pressure plates, water buckets and TNT.
First, dig a 9x9 hole (size varies) that is 4 blocks deep. Then, place TNT on the bottom, place some blocks on top of the TNT, place the pressure plates and apply water. Voila!
Execution of trap:
1. Victim will see trap.
2. Victim will fish, causing the plates to be triggered.
3. Victim will be blown up.
Yes, this trap is the mother lode. Once they break the diamond, it will explode almost instantly, unlike any other
trap (when TNT ignites, it will have a 4 second cooldown timer). This will guaranteed it will grief players and see their bloody guts splattered on the walls of the crater.
You will need:
9 Minecarts with TNT
A piece of redstone
A diamond block
A Dispenser
Flint and steel
A redstone torch
Here's what the trap will look like on the side:
First, dig a hole three blocks deep and 6x1 blocks wide. Look at the picture above to help you see what it is look like. Place a diamond block on top of the hole so it is covering it, but sticking out. You must place the lever underneath the diamond block and switch it on. Place a block 1 block below the lever and place redstone on top of the block. Place a redstone torch on the side of the block. It should turn off when placed. After that, place a dispenser facing the direction of the torch and put flint and steel inside it. Then, place a rail next to the face of the dispenser and place 9
onto the rail. Carefully break the rail and your trap is done! When someone tries to mine the diamond block, they will get an explosive surprise!
A good idea when testing Explosive Traps is to use a block such as a , which, like , triggers with
Power, but has less explosive results, so you don't lose an intricate trap due to careless TNT ignition.
People are coming through a tunnel below you. They are equipped with enchanted weapons, and you're alone, so you don't want to dig down and ambush them. Instead, run quickly to a farther ahead section and set up the trap. Dig into the tunnel. Two blocks high, make a tripwire going into the walls. Remove any torches and replace with redstone torches to render the tripwire string almost invisible. About 5-10 blocks ahead, go back to the surface and stand right above the tunnel. (Or if the tunnel is deep down, dig down to it and stand right above it there.) Make sure the ceiling of the tunnel is dirt, not stone. Place 8/18 TNT blocks on the ceiling dirt in a square pattern that's TWO BLOCKS HIGH, and connect the TOP-SIDE BLOCKS to the tripwire. Cover the TNT with stone so that it doesn't fly away when it ignites. People reach the tripwire and trigger it. They run a few blocks ahead, and suddenly, boom, the ceiling dirt is cut through and TNT with a fuse of 1 slams down on the unfortunate people. Even if they are armored, instant death guaranteed UNLESS they have iron/diamond blast protected armor. For more chance of success, use 18 blocks of TNT instead of 8.
The trick here is to make the TNT BUD-powered, meaning the TNT is being activated by redstone, but the TNT does not realize that it is being powered. You could also create BUD-powered powered rails and create deadly instant explosion traps using TNT minecarts.
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Here is another BUD-powered TNT trap, which uses the "instant explode TNT minecart" concept mentiones in the above text.
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This trap is guaranteed to catch any Minecrafter unawares. Placing this trap in a very dense forest/jungle will guarantee success. Build a HUGE tripwire (around 25 string wide) and at either end add 2 TNT cannons with 4 charge TNT, 6 repeaters with full delay in repeater terms and a level surface for firing the 'bullet' TNT compared to the charge TNT. Place one TNT cannon right next to the tripwire hook facing in the way of the tripwire, and place the other approx. 7 blocks away from the tripwire hook and optionally add another TNT cannon with the same attributes as the other 2 cannons in the other direction as the one that isn't next to the hook 7 blocks away from this tripwire hooks. Camouflage them all, make sure they have a direct line of fire and you're set to obliterate any griefers that come near your base (if you decide to place it near your base). Finish them off if they survive (60% guarantee they won't!)
This trap blows to bits any griefer who tries to destroy your house.
and make a line of redstone dust from it to the wall of a room. On the other side of the wall from the redstone, put a redstone torch. (If the redstone torch stays lit for more than 1/10 second, you did it wrong.) Now pack the rest of the room full of TNT, and make sure at least one block of that TNT is touching the torch from the side or top.
If a griefer walks up to your house, he/she may destroy the SCR, turning on the torch and igniting one block of TNT. This turns into a chain reaction, and unless the griefer has amazing speed, there is no way he/she will get away from the blast radius of the TNT.
This is undoubtedly the simplest TNT trap in existence. It requires very little time, and effort, but is obvious to the relatively keen eye. Dig a hole 2 blocks deep into whatever environment you choose, put TNT on the bottom and place a random block on the top. Simply place a pressure plate, and you have an instant land mine. More intricate traps are good for better success ratios, but you can greedily render entire environments inhospitable, or use it as a very cheap mob defense for home security. Remember to always note which planes of land you have laid mines on, or you may fall victim when hunting or exploring. A bunch of fakes can create a false sense of security -- or an ultimatum to leave you alone, if the first ones they trigger are real!
Normally people would expect chests to explode, so this trap will surprise them as soon as they loot your furnace. To make an explosive furnace, fill a furnace with coal, iron and food (you decide) and place a comparator leading away from the furnace. If its off, you did it wrong. Place a repeater in front of the comparator and then put any block in front of that. Place a redstone torch on the side of the block (not the back) and place a redstone line leading as close to the wall as possible (One block away will do) and put TNT everywhere! The victim will loot the furnace, causing the comparator to deactivate, along with the repeater, then causing the 'NOT gate' to turn the redstone line on, which will activate the TNT, blowing the victim to bits!!!
Dubbed so by Bannablarg, the first to use this with success, this "C4" is a vertical or horizontal stack of TNT with a dispenser wired to a button with a fire charge in it. The dispenser is placed one block above or below the stack (vertical) or one block next to the stack (horizontal). This usually works better for demolition than for a trap, if you want that, you can wire a pressure plate to the dispenser. This works similar to a flaming arrow hitting a stack of TNT from above. This is another way to remotely detonate the TNT, via flaming arrow. This works better than a dispenser shooting TNT, because the "C4" stays in one place. Also, if only two TNT blocks are used, it works well as a disposable cannon, even better on obsidian blocks, but not in a tube. All evidence of the trap is usually destroyed. Note: C4 trap from below does not work very well.
Place a TNT block on any surface 1 block and cover with natural blocks from the biome the trap is set. Underneath the TNT the victim will suppose to find some redstone from a trap and will mine the TNT as bounty. But it turns out the "TNT landmmine" was a fake, and that underneath the landmine was the actual trap! The victim falls onto a pressure plate and notices the real horror, a 3x3x3 room full of TNT connected to the pressure plate he's standing on!
Instead of a cave, you can make a 1x24x1 (x y z) tunnel with TNT at the bottom and a block above a pressure plate on cobblestone. This version has the disadvantage of a player having a bucket of water being able to escape and reset the trap/change the layout to kill you!
Dig a hole about four blocks down (one block wide)so it looks like a mine but really isn't. Cover the hole with a trap door and place a sign above that says "Diamond (or gold) mine" Put a metal pressure plate in front of the hole with a block of TNT beneath. A player will think that the pressure plate will open the trap door to the mine, and instead they explode.
This trap is the opposite of a TNT door trap: The TNT is obvious, while the house is hidden. Make a field of TNT extending about 5 blocks into the ground. Place signs all over the field saying: "Find my hidden house." It lures people in dually: the TNT danger, and the hidden house challenge. The problem is that there is no house! Beneath the field are pressure plates which fire the TNT, leaving no time to escape, as you are in a field of TNT 6 blocks under.
Once it's activated, not even flying can help. The only way to survive? Creative.
This trap is obvious... too obvious. It's a house of TNT. It obliterates everything near it: blocks, buildings, mobs, players, you name it. People will go around it and within it because they think it's only activated when someone goes in. To build it, you need to build a cleared out standard house. Then cover the outside with as many layers of TNT as you want. The more layers, the more obliteration and the larger range. Now follow one of these versions:
Suicide: Least expensive, least efficient. You activate it from the inside by flipping a lever in a hole on the wall. Everything within the range is obliterated, including you.
Murder: Most expensive, most efficient. Get far away from the house, at least to the point where it's hard to see. Use a redstone circuit to activate it from a distance, obliterating everything within range, but you will live.
Genocide: Get at least 5 layers of TNT. Go very, very far away. Activate it. Wait for mass obliteration. Return. See the new [Name of Biome] Obliteration Memorial Park. WARNING: Do at a MAXIMUM of once a month to avoid crashes.
The Man: Build a Player-Sized copy of the character. Surround it in TNT "armor" completely. Attach a redstone circuit to the TNT. Blow it up. Notice: for inconspicuous explosions. Optional: turn it into Mega-Man by repeating the TNT layer many times.
Auto-versions (triggered by the victim not the builder): Try putting a metal door on the TNT house. If the player is new or just distracted they'll hit the button to open the metal door, igniting the house.
Floor triggers are the most popular trigger ever (due to the land mine being the most well known minecraft trap), but the tradeoff is that more people know to watch out for them than any other trigger. Try putting one on the other side of the front door (hoping the door itself blocks the player's sight of it) or around a blind corner in a thin hallway.
Variation: the "where's the trigger" model. This version counts on the victim carefully looking for a trigger, getting bolder when they find nothing. No "metal door trick", no "easy to see if you're looking for them" triggers on the ground. When they run out of ideas for what to look out for and conclude that it's safe they'll probably loot the house, including the coal from the furnace and the food from the "fridge" (small box beside the furnace). As they pass the table and chairs they hear a click and have 4 seconds to think about how commonplace those makeshift tables have become...to the point that we forget that the top half is a TRIGGER! Note: it can't power downwards through the fence piece but can power sideways. And yes, people do actually fall for this. So many people have grown a blind spot to those tables.
当有人要进入房间时就会被炸飞天。 (If he dies, then put less tnt).
VERY simple trap: place a bed next to a BUD switch, connect the output to some TNT, and cover the whole thing in cobblestone, or something like that.
then just wait for someone to sleep in it, and watch him/her get blasted sky-high!
Build a medium-sized room (about 10 blocks long and 5 wide) with TNT underneath the floor. Put a pressure plate connected to a dispenser right by the entrance, with an ocelot spawn egg inside. Then put another pressure plate at the far end of the room, connected to the TNT. When the ocelot spawns, it will run away from the player, right on to the pressure plate (hopefully), springing the trap.
Note: The downside is you also kill the poor little ocelot. But it was worth it, right?
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You will need: TNT, redstone, pressure plate, ender chest/chest/trapped chest, sign, block of grass, iron door
Dig a 4 block deep hole in the ground and put 3 stacked TNT in it. Cover it up with a grass block. Put a chest somewhere near the TNT. Place a sign near the chest saying "Diamonds and Emeralds inside!" Don't put anything inside it though. Find the spot where you placed the TNT. Then dig a 2 block deep, 3 block long hole. Put a pressure plate right next to the hole and put redstone leading from the pressure plate to the TNT's. Now build a grass house surrounding the chest and put an iron door that they will "enter." Wait for someone to come along and have them step on the pressure plate and they'll be blown up!
侧视图:(d = 门, s = 普通方块(泥土), _ = 压力板, o = 黑曜石 (圆石和石头也行,只要可以使用), t = TNT ,a=任意方块)
d_d &-- 表面
sss &-- 地面 (1)
oto &-- 地下 (2)
oto &-- 地下 (3)
ooo &-- 地下 (4)
表面- 地面(1)- 地下(2/3) 地下(4)-
ada sss ooo ooo
d_d sss oto ooo
ada sss ooo ooo
这个陷阱将会给一个不幸的玩家来一场火矢雨。 首先,做一个带有熔岩墙壁的长走廊,让熔岩墙壁看起来像装饰品
在矿石的后面方置红石火把。 放一块就在它的上方,它基于火把。另一个在红石火把。然后围绕顶部火把TNT。
How to set it up.
【译自:Remote Explosion】
这个陷阱和门陷阱很相似, 除了看不见之外. 这个陷阱设计需要9个粘性活塞, 1个压力板,一个在压力板上的方块。这样受害者就不能逃走 (对于鸡,史莱姆,岩浆怪或者蠹虫,是一格高。对于爬行者,玩家,村民,骷髅,僵尸或僵尸猪人,是两格高,如果对于铁傀儡或魔影人,是三格高)还要4个方块来隐藏这些粘性活塞。往下挖一格,放上压力板。再在周围四边分别挖两格深的坑,在坑里放上4个向上的粘性活塞。 在每一个活塞的上面放上4个可以被推动的方块。我们建议使用与环境相似的方块来提高隐蔽性。 你也可以建立起一个一长串的粘性活塞陷阱来形成一个保护你的屏障。
(Note - 这个例子中并没有使用与门,而是一个十分相似的例子)
O = 压力板 X = 活塞 $ =被活塞推动的方块@ = 不要放置方块 % = 给活塞传送能量的方块
X % X
此陷阱是1×2的过道, 或许可以放在你仇人的矿道里. 放置一个压力板, 当那个可怜的家伙站到上面的时候,
You will need: 36 TNT, 36 Pistons, 36 Dispensers and 36 flint and steel, 5 Pressure Plates (so the pistons don't turn off almost instantly), Lots of Redstone 1 Lever, 1 chest with nothing in it and some cobblestone. First make a 3 block high wall out of cobblestone nine blocks long and 6 blocks wide. Now place the chest at the end of the hallway the player will think there is loot in it. Next build a roof on it. Line the 2nd row with pistons, then place TNT on the Pistons. Now place the pressure plates somewhere in the hallway (they all have to be next to each other)and connect it with the pistons. Make sure to put the lever half way down the connection. Now flick the lever and turn the pistons on. Above where the TNT Blocks are now place the dispensers and connect them to the pressure plates. Now flick the lever back and turn the pistons off. Now put 1 Flint and Steel in the dispensers. Now wait or your unfortunate victim to walk into the trap.
This trap consists of many different traps that you can find on the page. You will need: lots of TNT, Lots of Redstone, Lots of Stone Pressure Plates, 5 Levers, 50 Dispensers, 5 minecarts with TNT, Lots of Arrows, 45 Lava Buckets, Lots of Cacti, Lots of Netherrack, Flint and Steel.
First make 5 instant landmines. If you want you can connect all the landmines with redstone for mass explosion or you can manually control them with a lever. Next make a long corridor 22x5x2. Now line the 2nd row with dispensers and fill them with arrows. Then place lava over them. Next place a pressure plate in the middle of the hallway. Now place a 3 block high cacti wall (it has to be on sand). They can't be side by side so dig a 1x1 hole and place netherrack in it and light it on fire, repeat this stage to make a large wall around your land. All these traps combined will make an awesome defense against griefers
A 'Roof TNT Trap' can be made by putting a pressure plate next to a door then wiring that pressure plate to activate TNT hidden in the ceiling. This works best in a small area such as a mine. To limit the space the target can run, use an iron door and only place the pressure plate on the outside. To further limit the space the target can run, have the pressure plate also wired to an
piston that drop gravels, blocking the remainder of the tunnel.
Note: The double door glitch only works in older versions!
Very simple. Use the double door bug so one of the iron doors stays open and then put a pressure plate inside a room. Then mine a block out of the wall and place lava 2 blocks back and seal it up with some ore, so when people mine the ore, the lava comes out and they can't escape because when they try to exit the iron door closes.
Here is an overhead view: X= wall D= door P= Pressure Plate O= Ore L=Lava
This trap is very simple. In front of the door you want to dig down a 1 by 1 hole as far down as you want. Make your pit as close to the door as possible, and be sure to dig it from the same side of the door as you. Once your pit is done, return to the surface. Place a TNT block 2 blocks down in the pit. Place a sand or gravel block on top. Then put a STONE (this way it can only be triggered by players and mobs) pressure plate on the sand/gravel. When a player or mob steps on the pressure plate the delay between the pressure and the door opening will be just long enough for the TNT to activate, causing the player or mob to fall to their deaths. Notes: The delay will only help if there is NO gap whatsoever in between the pressure plate and the door. Optional: Place lava at the bottom of the pit so players aren't motivated to come back for their drops (make sure lava is placed more than one block from the bottom so it isn't smothered by the sand/gravel).
Dig a 1x1 pit in front of an iron door (at least 24 blocks deep).Place a piston (not a sticky piston) on either side of the pit and leave the other side empty.Place a block over the top of the pit and put a stone pressure plate on that block. Then build your house around it.
1.Someone steps on the pressure plate. Door opens.
2.The piston extends, breaking the pressure plate. Door closes instantly.
3.The piston loses power, leaving a hole under the victim's feet.
4.They fall and die.
5.You get loot!
This is a very simple and also rather obvious trap that is made by putting a pressure plate in the middle of 4 open doors so that the victim is trapped inside when they enter, you may also decide to put a block 2 blocks higher than the pressure plate to stop the victim jumping out.
This is a very quick and easy to set up trap, making it ideal if you are new to minecraft or simply in a hurry.
It is also recommended that the pressure plate is made of stone so that a player can not activate the trap without standing on it, this can be achieved by throwing a block onto a wooden pressure plate. A simple way to make it into a drowning trap is to add a block of water in the block above the pressure plate. When combined with a block on top, the player/mob will drown and not be able to escape.
Another way to make this trap more deadly is to place a block of TNT right under the block with the pressure plate on it. Since TNT explodes relatively fast, even if the person manages to get out of the trap quickly, the TNT will probably explode before they have moved a safe distance away. Another fairly simple way is to replace the doors with iron doors and make the top stone and the pressure plate stone and put lava in the middle burning player/mobs making easy to collect their items.
A modified version of this trap is excellent for curing
villiagers. Use wooden doors, replace one door with a 1-high wall, have a block on top, and don't put in a kill mechanism. Once the zombie is trapped, you can administer the cure easily, your patient is protected from the sun, and the cured
can exit the trap by themselves.
If you dig down 2 blocks in the middle, dig a + shape, put water in the 4 sides, place TNT in the middle and cover it up, it'll do damage to the trapped player/mob and not do damage to the land.
There is another way to do this. You can dig down to the void, place TNT at the 2nd layer, put gravel on top and then a stone pressure plate on top. When the victim goes in, the victim will fall to the void.
This is very simple. live in the server. Start by making a house made out of Obsidian or any other TNT proof block and put dirt for the floor. under the dirt, Put TNT. On the dirt put a Lever and sign behind it saying: "Pull lever". Hopefully a Noob or someone will come and pull the lever and KABOOM!
This is a very simple trap. Start out by building a simple, one story shelter (but don't put in a door yet). Then, go inside the shelter and replace the floor with a two-block deep hole. Cover the bottom of the hole with TNT, then cover the TNT with flooring material. Place valuables inside as needed. Now, exit the shelter and place a pressure plate one block inside the doorway. This plate should be above a block which is above a block of TNT. Place an iron door in the doorway and one pressure plate outside the door. The would-be griefer will step on the outer pressure plate, causing the door to open. When they enter, they will step on the inner pressure plate, thinking nothing of it because it looks like the pressure plate reopens the iron door when they exit. In reality, it's simultaneously triggering the hidden TNT. They'll be blown up while trying to steal your stuff.
Tutorial on making a TNT
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This is one of the quickest traps you can make, and does not require many materials. But be warned that it isn't high quality and more intelligent players will quickly disregard it. First, you have to find a place where this trap can be easily concealed, such as a dark doorway or another clever hiding spot. Next, you simply dig a hole about 7 blocks deep, and 1 block wide. Use a bucket to fill the hole 6 or 7 blocks deep with lava. Then, put a wooden trap door on top of it and a pressure plate in front. Players will walk on top of the plate and through the door and fall into the lava. NOTE: This is not a very good trap, but works if you need simplicity.
This is a fairly easy trap to create, but requires a lot of obsidian. Make a fake entrance to your home out of obsidian. It should be 4 x 4 x 9, with six blocks extending underground (4 x 4 pit), and a 2 x 1 space for a door. Hollow out the obsidian (fill the edges of the 4x4 pit), and make an obsidian floor at the bottom of the pit. Then make the 3x3x4 part on the surface. Now go back down, and three spaces from ground level, make a 2 x 2 "floor" out of any material. Use the walls to place it. Two spaces from ground level, make a 2 x 2 array out of TNT. Then at ground level, make a normal floor. On the floor above the TNT, place a pressure plate on three of the spots except the back corner. On this back corner, place a chest. Put a few iron ingots or something somewhat valuable (but not TOO valuable) in the chest. Then, coat the obsidian on the surface with stone or another material. Place an iron door at the front of this material, with the pressure plate positioned so that you cannot leave by way of the other pressure plates inside. If you want to, you can make a sign announcing this is your house. When people walk in, they will not be able to leave, and they must step on a pressure plate to get to the chest, igniting the TNT. They will either blow up or fall to their deaths. It is constructed out of obsidian so it is reusable, but you can make a one-use trap out of any material.
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Ingredients: 1 chest, 2 crafting tables, 2 redstone, as much TNT as you want (preferably 10 for mass explosion!), 1 redstone, 2 redstone torches, 1 bucket of water.
Place a chest, to the left of it dig down 2 and break a block beneath the chest and place water beneath it to the right. Dig down 2 to the right of that. Dig down another 2 to the right of that. Dig down 3 and place a redstone torch to the front of that. Break 3 blocks and place one redstone to the front of that. Break 2 blocks and place a redstone torch so it turns off. Break 2 to the left of that and place a redstone to the left of that brake the block beneath the top block and place some TNT next to the chest. Place 2 crafting tables, one on each side of it. Then cover all the exposed redstone.
Requires four iron doors, one pressure plate, and one TNT.
Place a pressure plate in front of an iron door, and surround the adjacent block with
the other doors. Place one TNT with a block on top of it. The player walks, steps on the pressure plate, and traps himself in the door, with the TNT blowing up before they can escape. More TNT can be used to increase power. However, that person could break the iron doors with a pickaxe.
Requires a trapped chest or a regular chest, a hopper, a redstone comparator, a dispenser, and one or more blocks of TNT.
Place a trapped chest or a regular chest on any surface. Place a hopper underneath and a redstone capacitor right next to it so if you put something in the chest the comparator emits a redstone signal. Put a dispenser wherever the signal leads to, and as much TNT as you want inside. If someone put something inside, they blow up.
If you are getting annoyed of wasted TNT because people run away from your landmine filled with tons of TNT, you can build a land mine that explodes instantly.
(Much better if it is made of stone.)
(More or less.)
4th Layer (Top)
1st Layer (Bottom)
First, dig a 3x3x3 hole in the ground, jump in then stand on a corner. On the bottom center, place a block of dirt then place a rail on top of it. On the rail, place a minecart with TNT (Be careful not to accidentally push the minecart!). Destroy the block under the rail to derail the minecart. The minecart will fall one block lower, this won't really cause any damage unless you accidentally pushed the minecart. Dig the block below you then place a dispenser facing downwards which makes it face the minecart, load the dispenser with flint and steel. Surround the minecart with 8 TNT blocks, after this, surround the dispenser with 8 TNT blocks, too. You should be above ground by now, cover the TNT-filled hole with dirt, remember where the dispenser is. Finally, place a pressure plate on top of the block above the dispenser.
The explosion will instantly kill a player in an armor weaker than a full set of iron armor. If the player is wearing an armor stronger than a full set of iron armor, the explosion will damage the player enough to get killed by falling into the large crater it creates.
- Stone pressure plate
- 1 large chest
- 1 diamond
This should be done in a mine, or somewhere with lots of stone.
Place some stone pressure plates in front of a large chest. Put exactly 1 diamond into the chest. Place TNT underneath the pressure plates. Do NOT put a sign. Now go away, and hide. A player may come by, step on the pressure plate(s) hear the TNT, run, and in no time BOOM! They will die.
make an underground 50X50X10 house. put 2 wooden doors (that door is must be flammable) so someone can enter. add any kind of thing that fishes robbers inside, like diamonds, gold, or diamond blocks and a sign. put a TNT floor then wood floor, but the ceiling and walls must be made from obsidian. make a 1 block hole so lava can enter into the house. put the another wall made from wood, so when the lava touches it will burn. make a gravel trap outside the house and three reversed sticky piston blocks(one in the lava trigger and two in the gravel trigger), that is connected to the stone pressure plate outside. the clock is 30 second long, before the lava flow trigger and 10 second before the gravel trap trigger. (so when the robber entered he thinks it is save to explore inside as he don't see any triggers inside, but when he is done stealing he will trapped in the house, either dying from the explosion, the fire, or the lava)
Make a wooden house. Double the wooden walls(Optional). Put double iron doors in the front. Put single iron door in the back. In the front put two stone pressure plates in front of the door. NOT IN THE INSIDE.
Now put a pressure plate on the inside for back door. BACK DOOR ONLY. Now put 25 tnt(You can choose) under pressure plate for BACK DOOR. MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT TOUCH THE FRONT DOOR PRESSURE PLATES. Now exit safely by breaking the Front door and replacing it. Put some do not enter signs(Optional).
How it works
1. Player goes in the house.
2. Player exits out of back door.
3. They explode.
Might explode to player when far away if built on 1 layer.
You will be able to get the player's items.
The player might not exit at the back door.
All you need are fully mature trees, a lever, redstone, 4 wool, 4 redstone torches, 12 TNT, some fences, and a sign so first you dig a 2 block deep 5 block by 5 block pit (Make sure the tree is in the center) under a tree and break the bottom block. BOTTOM BLOCK ONLY! Then you place redstone under the tree then place four wool blocks around the redstone. After that place 4 redstone torches on the outside of the wool blocks and then place a lever on the under side of the tree and flick it to the on position. Then Place 3 TNT on each corner of your pit and cover it up with a block that matches the terrain and do the same thing to same few other trees. Finally make a fence around your trees and put a sign that says Free Trees.
There are 3 main objects that contribute to making a Land Mine: Primer, Wadding, Explosive. Land Mines are used to injure, or sometimes, kill a target. A single Land Mine is very easy to build, though it usually injures and traps the target. Here's how to make it:
Dig 2 blocks down in the location you want to place the Mine. If a setup is desired that will have a smaller area of effect from the surface, but will not destroy blocks and only damage , (And of course the player) dig one block further down from there
block. If a setup is wanted that will not destroy blocks, place this
in the center of the pit, and a
source at the very bottom
or , or whatever block that would match the environment.
on the block (from a distance so you don't instantly ignite it).
Dig down 2 blocks
Place down a redstone ore (silk touch pickaxe required)
Then place a daylight sensor under the redstone ore
Place as much TNT as you want under the redstone ore connect it using redstone dust
Wait for some one or something to step on the redstone and boom watch what ever set it off explode in to nothing but bone and rotten flesh not very effective on players but a good way to show those pesky creepers how it falls
Many traps require some
wiring, but these take a significant amount and require a basic understanding of redstone circuitry. Explosive traps, those that use TNT, may destroy sections of redstone wire if the explosion occurs too close.
This is good if you want to escape a house and make sure nothing follows you. First, make a hidden passage with Redstone. Second, connect the Redstone to a delay circuit and a RS latch's Set input. Third, connect the delayed repeater to the RS latch Reset and connect the RS latch Output to another RS latch or a vertical (optional, for reset) repeater clock that will stay on, also connect the output of the first latch to an And gate. Fourth, connect the Clock or second latch to the and gate with a delay to prevent the And gate from triggering a large TNT charge that is worthy of a self-destruct button (optional ;). Finally, you can add a reset button connected to a piston or Reset input for the Vertical clock or RS latch, respectively. The TNT charge connected to the AND gate output may be as large as you like. For a delayed explosion, make the secret entrance trigger a BUD connected to a furnace.
A trap, designed to trick the victims into thinking that jumping down into water is safe. Kills the victim using fall damage by removing the water source using a dispenser right before the player lands. Not guaranteed to kill if victim has feather falling boots. You can, however, combine this with other traps to guarantee the kill.
A variation of this idea is to have a 1-block drop with "water" at the bottom and a narrow corridor leading off of it, to make it less suspicious. How does it work? Well, a player sees the drop hole and thinks 'Hey, looks like someone's mine!' They fall down the pit and die, because the 'water' at the bottom is actually a lapis block. You are sneaking in the corridor, waiting for the victim to fall! (You might want to have a sword, in case they don't die)
-Written by the author of Don't Pull the Lever!-
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With the addition of s, it is now possible to create seamless hidden traps. You can place carpets on top of dispensers to mask them.
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You can also place carpets on signs, this can be used to create an instant disappearing floor trap.
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Using the , a BUD & a clock, it is possible to create a fully seamless chest trap to prevent nosy visitors looking in your chests!
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This trap relies on the fact that like end portal, trip wire is invisible from the bottom. Make a room or hallway at least 3 blocks high, and put trip wire in a layer on the third layer up. If the victim jumps, they will trigger the trap. How they are captured or killed is up to the player.
This is a fake entrance, and place an iron door with a stone pressure plate on one side, and a button on the inside. Then place dispensers (1-4, make sure nonfatal) in a very obvious location aiming at the door. Then dig a fatal hole on the other side. When the player walks onto the pressure plate, the dispensers should fire. This will push mobs back. In addition, any mobs walking on the pressure plate will attempt to go around as their AI prevents them from falling into the hole. Upon the door closing, they will try to go through the door again, resulting in death. This trap is excellent for SMP servers. Upon seeing the obvious dispensers players will attempt to charge through and end up falling through the hole, where they die.
An example of a simple setup.
This trap is created by attaching a dispenser filled with arrows to a . When the clock triggers the dispenser, an arrow will fire. The rate of fire is
slower clocks means fewer arrows shot over a given time period. With a rapid pulser, the dispenser will fire roughly 5 APS (arrows per second).
A pulsar (blue) and lever (red) attached to a dispenser.
Since dispensers don't 'burn out' like torches, it is possible to greatly increase the rate of fire of the dispenser by attaching it to a . To wire this, connect the rapid pulsar to the dispenser, give the dispenser another power source (such as an adjacent redstone torch). By connecting the rapid pulsar to a stable input (such as a torch controlled by a lever seen to the right), the dispenser can be controlled by turning off the torches in the pulser.
The trap can be automated by attaching a pressure plate to the control torch. When the pressure plate is active, the pulsar is allowed. Arrows shot will roughly reach from 16-24 blocks away from the dispenser.
One way to improve this trap is to place it at the end of a long thin corridor with an
entrance. The iron door is opened only from the outside via pressure plate. Have the pressure plate wired to an RS NOR latch so that once activated it will remain active, but can be deactivated by a hidden button.
This trap uses concepts that are described in the "sticky piston and arrow trap," but is only suitable for killing other players, rather than mobs. This trap works by taking advantage of the fact that when a block is mined, and a Redstone torch is attached to the other side, the Redstone torch breaks off. This creates a change in input in order to activate three piston walls, and two rows of dispensers (which are hidden behind two of the walls). The walls that move in this trap two of them reveal rows of dispensers (containing arrows) that may have lava flowing down the front to create fire arrows. The other wall moves in the way that the player came in from to prevent them from running out of the line of fire from the arrows. When the block is mined, the Redstone torch releases a signal that activates these doors. Then, using a logic gate* that is attached to some pulsars (or any other form of clock), the dispensers are activated, firing arrows at the player that activated the trap until dispensers run out of arrows. If the player that activated th


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