什么是 growth hacker 招聘

「转」什么是 Growth Hacker? - 简书
「转」什么是 Growth Hacker?
什么是 Growth Hacker?
作为一个经常拿growth hacking当特殊技能点的人发一下言。
首先,假设诸君和我一样我不想看拗口的概念词汇,那growth hacker在我理解里就是:产品初期通过用户行为快速定位,后期实现小投入大量增长的人。
国外诸君在此议题上已经有过激烈讨论(见Quora) slideshare 上也有业界分享,推荐两个: 非常实惠划算的123页,但是放心,除了记几张流量图以外都是典型ppt图,直接快速按右键 长得很干货其实除了看起来视觉疲劳以外真的很干货的东西。
小生我在当年年少轻狂的时候也写过一篇The Cheesecake Test (是的,抱歉了各位也是英文的),简单说,就是对一个虚拟的芝士蛋糕公司做了虚拟的A/B(准确说,还有C/D) Test...
实在不喜欢英文的各位,右边链接是业界奇葩原37signals的某个招聘页面,基本上就是用实例说明了搞个growth hacker是过来干什么的(图多字少) ----
很好,列完了参考直接讲点通俗易于理解的好了,到底可以做到什么。(警告:以下太通俗,代码人请忍住。。)第二个链接的dave在里面提过一个customer lifecycle, 为 Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue。简单,尤其重要的是单词都短。。。从这点入手举个简单例子。因为之前那篇芝士蛋糕的可能不太接地气,假设这是家网上卖烧饼的公司好了。
Acquisition把人搞过来。简单来说,可以去论坛留言,做seo, 在社交网络上吸引人气,制造话题(比如某CBD天桥上一夜过去突然贴满了撕不下啦的烧饼。。。)
Activation流量是没有意义的。如楼上几位都提过的A/B Testing, 主要目的就是为了让访问者真的产生行为。比如:a. 网站首页放个超级大烧饼照片和人笑着吃烧饼的照片比起来,哪个促进注册率b. 如果从打开网页到下订单有几个步骤的话,哪一步多人流失?比如选好了烧饼后选择配料的那一页有很多人离开网站,经调查发现是因为白糖列在第一项,让很多南方吃咸党深受冒犯,愤而离开。。。c. 等等等等
这一项经常作为growth hack 的重点,实在是因为科技进步,要追踪用户在网站的行为实在是太方便了。 更为重要的是,有一堆ratio可以算
Retention呼唤老朋友。最直接说,如果没有知乎每周邮件的话,我基本也就不会上来(Quora模式)。 同样,作为烧饼家,同样可以:”亲爱的doublefang: 我们注意到你已经有一个星期没有买我们的烧饼了。你最喜欢的芝士红肠烧饼还在热腾腾地等你,它的好朋友黄金芝士烧饼也深受欢迎,如果你打算换口味的话,我们的川辣 开胃烧饼也上线了”
Referral经典案例是dropbox的推荐好友,你和被推荐好友都得到免费容量。那么引申一下:我们的高级会员可以为烧饼选择特殊酱料。 暂时不想升级?没关系,邀请你的好友注册,注册好友和你都会在收到的烧饼上看到vip专享酱料。
Revenue钱。 目前常见有不同版本升级(evernote)以及卖广告(flappy bird)方式 。像烧饼店这样卖一个赚一个的。。。a) 实惠版全年鸡蛋烧饼,营养版每周不同主题烧饼,豪华版每周精选加送鳗鱼主题。所有实惠版用户半年后会收到专属促销代码,可半价订购一周豪华饼b) 烧饼盒子广告位
---------------通俗搞笑的例子讲完了。最后送一张源自网络的经典图实现增长什么都要做,但中心是analytics...growth hacker的人叫hacker,是所谓有技能有头脑面对问题劈山砍柴(这词用错了?)搞出个方法解决问题的人。
参考资料:[1]所以到底什么是 Growth Hacking?
Linux/Windows Mono/DotNet [ Open Source .NET Development/ 使用开源工具进行DotNet软件开发]锐意进取,志存高远.成就梦想,只争朝夕.从你开始,创新世界.【That I exist is a perpetual supprise which is life. Focus on eCommerce】
23:04 by 池建强, 711 阅读,&&评论,&,&
新生事物总是充满了生命力,你不需要去关注,它也会不断的跳入你的眼帘。最近常常看到的一个词汇叫做Growth Hacker,这个词汇如此之新,以至于还没有对应的中文翻译,直接翻译为成长黑客似乎也不妥帖。
那什么是Growth Hacker呢,读了些外文介绍之后,我自己理解了一下,Growth Hacker指那些能够帮助企业或团队成长的黑客。这个成长可以是用户、流量、营收,而帮助的手段是通过信息技术进行持续的数据营销。Growth Hacker是技术和营销的混血儿,你不仅要懂技术会编程,而且要对数据和用户体验敏感,还要有创造性和好奇心。
我觉得这个Growth Hacker简直就是为程序员量身定制的职位(是的,硅谷很多公司已经开始公开招聘Growth Hacker了)。一个人从技术到数据营销,可能性远远大于营销人员掌握技术。之前提到过很多次,技术需要和人文结合,才能有科技之美,这一点在《禅与摩托车维修艺术》已经表述的非常清楚了。我见过一些优秀的程序员,他们不仅程序写得好,而且能够演讲、能写作、能设计产品、能进行数据分析,这些人在他们的领域里做出了卓越的贡献,现在想来,有些类似Growth Hacker了。&
老外总是具备一种本领,在适当的时候对某种现象、类型、数据、技术进行归纳总结,然后形成一个新的名词来引领时代,比如MDA、SOA、CloudComputing、Big Data、Lean Startup、Growth Hacker等等,我们呢?似乎只能埋怨自己没心没肺没创意了...
说了半天,Growth Hacker到底做哪些工作呢,您接点地气成不?
用Google Analysis进行访问分析
Facebook对Growth Hacker的职位描述之一是:Use tools like Hadoop/Hive, Oracle, ETL, R, PHP, Python, Excel, MicroStrategy, and many other internal tools to work efficiently at scale.
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随笔 - 15531
评论 - 1188Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising-Kindle商店-亚马逊中国
Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising
A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing and AdvertisingA new generation of megabrands like Facebook, Dropbox, Airbnb, and Twitter haven’t spent a dime on traditional marketing. No press releases, no TV commercials, no billboards. Instead, they rely on a new strategy—growth hacking—to reach many more people despite modest marketing budgets. Growth hackers have thrown out the old playbook and replaced it with tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable. They believe that products and businesses should be modified repeatedly until they’re primed to generate explosive reactions.Bestselling author Ryan Holiday, the acclaimed marketing guru for American Apparel and many bestselling authors and multiplatinum musicians, explains the new rules and provides valuable examples and case studies for aspiring growth hackers. Whether you work for a tiny start-up or a Fortune 500 giant, if you’re responsible for building awareness and buzz for a product or service, this is your road map.
语种: 英语
第 1 页, 共 1 页
Ryan HolidayKindle电子书¥99.44
Gabriel W …
Seth GodinKindle电子书¥96.66
Seth Godin
发售日期: 日
A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing and AdvertisingA new generation of megabrands like Facebook, Dropbox, Airbnb, and Twitter haven’t spent a dime on traditional marketing. No press releases, no TV commercials, no billboards. Instead, they rely on a new strategy—growth hacking—to reach many more people despite modest marketing budgets. Growth hackers have thrown out the old playbook and replaced it with tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable. They believe that products and businesses should be modified repeatedly until they’re primed to generate explosive reactions.Bestselling author Ryan Holiday, the acclaimed marketing guru for American Apparel and many bestselling authors and multiplatinum musicians, explains the new rules and provides valuable examples and case studies for aspiring growth hackers. Whether you work for a tiny start-up or a Fortune 500 giant, if you’re responsible for building awareness and buzz for a product or service, this is your road map.
A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing and AdvertisingA new generation of megabrands like Facebook, Dropbox, Airbnb, and Twitter haven’t spent a dime on traditional marketing. No press releases, no TV commercials, no billboards. Instead, they rely on a new strategy—growth hacking—to reach many more people despite modest marketing budgets. Growth hackers have thrown out the old playbook and replaced it with tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable. They believe that products and businesses should be modified repeatedly until they’re primed to generate explosive reactions.Bestselling author Ryan Holiday, the acclaimed marketing guru for American Apparel and many bestselling authors and multiplatinum musicians, explains the new rules and provides valuable examples and case studies for aspiring growth hackers. Whether you work for a tiny start-up or a Fortune 500 giant, if you’re responsible for building awareness and buzz for a product or service, this is your road map.
版本: Kindle电子书
文件大小: 1249 KB
纸书页数: 141
出版社: P Reprint (日)
语种: 英语
生词提示功能: 已启用
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7/7 人认为此评论有用that anyone who claims to be any of those things would find it to be remedial at best. These are tired stories
Seamus James
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: 平装
Holiday lays out very clearly at the beginning of the book this premise: that a growth hacker is an engineer, designer, and marketer rolled into one. Unfortunately, this book is so non-technical and high-level, that anyone who claims to be any of those things would find it to be remedial at best.These are tired stories, found in almost all strategic literature for the tech entrepreneur. Dropbox's video. Facebook's college strategy. Hotmail's email tagline. If you've read any other books about the brilliant moves made by tech's biggest players, you've already heard them.Contrast this book with Nir Eyal's brilliant and actionable book, Hooked. Eyal tells many of the same stories, but takes a rigorous academic approach to analyzing why these strategies worked, not just what they were. Why did the email tagline work for hotmail? Because it increased their viral coefficient and dropped their viral cycle time to practically minutes. If you want information like that, don't look to this book.I'm giving it two stars instead of one because I could see this as a very broad overview of what the phrase growth hacking means, but as a strategy guide or a methodology, it fails completely.
4/4 人认为此评论有用An Excellent Investment -- Would Buy Again
Andrew Galli
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: 平装
Thoroughly enjoyed this book.
Used it as a platform for understanding how "young people and the folks who invest in them think".The author has created not only a book about boot-strapping marketing but he does it as a former large budget veteran of traditional marketing (American Apparel).
So his perspective is from someone who 'was there' and is now 'over here'.Took a lot of notes.
Came up with some really innovative ways to use his teachings.
I can't say more than that, can I?
An excellent investment, would buy again.
1/1 人认为此评论有用In defense of Growth Hacker Marketing.
Grant Polachek
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: Kindle电子书
I am very surprised by the one and two star reviews of this book. Sure it is short. Yes, it could have more detail and more case studies. But, I'm surprised that anyone could read this book without developing at least one valuable new idea. Today, we live in the world of blogs, white papers, PDF/ebooks, etc.. We can get almost any tid-bit of information for free. A book does not bring new ideas, it brings us through a complete thought process--a chain of ideas starting with idea A and ending with idea Z. Growth Hacker Marketing is an easy little book that I'm confident will make my company money--not because it presents new, exciting technique, but because I spent two hours reading about Holiday's discovery of Growth Hacks, and while doing this I had many great ideas. My advice to many of the people who left poor reviews of this book is to slow down and begin thinking about reading an a new way. Dumbing Us Down: Stop the Google Love and Start Smart
1/1 人认为此评论有用At first I thought it was just stories, but then I found actionable ideas
Douglas Goldstein
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: Kindle电子书
When I began reading this book, I got the feeling that it was just reviewing famous stories of major companies and how they got started. I was afraid it would not apply to me and my medium size business. However, it was a very easy read and after a little while I realized that I was taking notes about specific changes that I wanted to make in my company's marketing. I ended up with a list of several action items which I believe will improve our numbers. Even though none of the ideas in "Growth Hacker Marketing" were brand new, I was inspired by reading this book to make some changes. In fact, just by reading the book, I thought of a new idea that wasn't even mentioned. I will go through the top videos that I have on YouTube and add a link for people to click to bring them back to my website. It's such an easy change that will allow people to engage with me and my company. If you run a company or are responsible for marketing an idea, it's worth a couple of hours to read this book. If you pull out just a few ideas, it will have been worth your while.
2/2 人认为此评论有用This has to be one of the worst books I have read
Aaron Brickman
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: 平装
This has to be one of the worst books I have read.
It is extremely general and superficial.
It does not even deserve one star.
For anyone interested in growth hacking and its development into the mainstream as a methodolgy I would highly recommend the following books, The Lean Startup by Ries, Running Lean by Maurya and what many considered the start to this evolution The Four Steps to the Epiphany by Stephen Blank.
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人人都在谈论“Growth Hacker ”,可它到底是个什么鬼?
什么是 Growth Hacker ?简单点说,就是有产品手段 的运营。自从几篇国外关于 Growth Hacker 的文章蹿红以后,很多国内的互联网公司都在招聘职位中加上了这个岗位。今天我们不谈 Growth hacker 是什么,只谈 Growth
什么是 Growth Hacker ?简单点说,就是有产品手段 的运营。自从几篇国外关于 Growth Hacker 的文章蹿红以后,很多国内的互联网公司都在招聘职位中加上了这个岗位。今天我们不谈 Growth hacker 是什么,只谈 Growth hacker 做什么。网上有很多关于 Growth Hack 的概念,其中经常谈到 SEO SEM 注册转化率 之类的 blabla,对于今天的移动互联网时代来说,这些明显已经过气了。硅谷 Growth Hacker 最著名的几个例子:Facebook、Dropbox、Foursquare、Hotmail、这些通过 Growth hack 方法增长的时候都是清一色的 web 产品。那么移动互联网产品如何利用 Growth Hack 手段达到目的呢?Growth Hack 的方法包涵了五个关键核心的要素:(以下解释,不是定义,只是个人观点。全部嵌套在移动互联网产品上)Activation(激活):产品的注册量。Retention(留存):产品的留存率。Acquisition(获取):外部的事件。Referral(推荐):内部的邀请。Revenue(营收):fuck off一个移动产品需要经过漫长的积累和探索过程才能真正开始「良性的 Revenue(营收)」,如何更快更好的缩短这个周期,是每一个创业者、优秀的 Growth hacker(运营)都在思考的问题。我们如何利用以上的几个要素缩短这个反应链条的周期呢?其实答案很简单,想要缩短这个反映链条的周期,就要短而紧密的进行假设和验证。我们把整个链条切分为三个阶段,分别在其中进行高频的假设和验证:(时间先后顺序)(既然是假设验证,一定要为每一个阶段设置样本,验证指标,验证方法)1. Activation + Retention(激活+留存)第一个阶段最重要也最复杂,要通过一些手段来使既有样本的留存率上升,就像闭关锁国,精耕细作。样本:已经完成注册的用户指标:次日留存提高百分之二十,七日留存提高百分之十方法:这里的方法就可以天马行空了,Startup中最棒的事情就是可以进行大量的 A/B testing 。如果你是一个图片社区,你的方法可能就是运营很多美女图片,观察留存;在每日的特殊时间进行推送,观察留存;对推送的文案进行尝试,观察留存;在产品中加个签到,观察留存等等等等。当第一个阶段的指标完成后,对整个验证过程进行一个详细的回顾,找到最好的方法,将其产品化!准备进入第二阶段。2. Referral ← Activation(内部分享力量+激活)第二个部分比较有趣但是比较考验创造力,要通过一些内部的产品、运营手段来让活跃用户进行一些对外的分享,就像是国家内已经红火了,需要建立一些对外贸易的机制了。样本:活跃用户指标:日新增提高百分之五十方法:哦,这个过程需要大家头脑风暴,想出一些绝妙的 idea 来尝试。比如把分享按钮放在主要视图,对外分享能获得奖励,运营也可以制造一些话题来引导分享,比如「我的知乎2014」,「支付宝十年账单」,当然在早期样本比较小的情况下,尽量在机制上设计,不要太依赖话题事件的力量。毕竟想要移民去美国享受良好的社会福利和居住环境其根本还是因为民主自由的社会结构嘛。第二个阶段卓有成效之后,就能昂首阔步的开始第三阶段啦。3. Acquisition ← Activation (外部增长力量+激活)有了前两个阶段的铺垫,第三个阶段简直轻松加愉快,毕竟制度已经不错了。可以开始全面发展市场经济,进行大面积的招商引资了。样本:外部事件、活动指标:事件活动引起的爆裂增长方法:我在知乎的答案已经讲的很清楚啦,只要把增长的几个重要原则记清楚,分清「本质」和「表象」、摸索对主流文化、选择好渠道、剩下就没有什么难度了,你的老板要是没钱,一定会称赞你手法细腻;你的老板要是有钱,一定会称赞你会花钱。最后来总结一下移动互联网时代的 Growth Hacker 需要做的:提出问题,验证问题,解决问题,不谈主义。本文来自作者:简图App、Now! App
Founder & COO 任哈哈(微信号:Albert9007) 的投稿,话说之前哈哈同学的一篇关于:《90后眼中的高级运营:请不要让用户吃屎》广受欢迎,欢迎大家点击阅读原文欣赏下。PS:想要加入鸟哥笔记微信群的小伙伴们请在后台输入:“我要加入大家庭”,即可加群咯。~
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