
ClockworkModOppo Releases KitKat-Based ColorOS 2.0 For Find 5, Is Actually Half-Baked OmniROM Port Filled With Bugs
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in February 2013, Oppo&s Find 5 has been running versions of their ColorOS based on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. The release of&KitKat in October of 2013 has had Find 5 owners waiting&anxiously for a 4.4-based version of ColorOS on their devices. The presence of ColorOS 2.0, based on KitKat, running on newer Oppo devices like the N3 and R5 has only increased their anticipation.&Still, when users saw Oppo announce a ColorOS 2.0 build based on Android 4.4 for the Find 5, they were quickly disappointed by&a bug-filled experience.
After complaints began rolling in, an Oppo representative elaborated that &external developers& created the new version. They ported OmniROM via PatchROM, a dubious tactic if stability is the goal. The posted ROM does not have working NFC, the ColorOS camera, or&the stable version's screen-off gestures. Those who are using it are reporting a grab-bag of problems with core functionality. Basically, it is a franken-ROM created by smushing together an available KitKat base (Omni) with the ColorOS UI. Users are not at all happy at the Oppo forums.
Leading&OmniROM developer& immediately that the original announcement from Oppo did not credit Omni whatsoever. Further, not posting the source is a potential violation of the project&s GPL license. Another user is the one who discovered Oppo&s use of Omni-developed components in the first place by looking at the build.prop file in their downloaded ZIP. And while OmniROM is sort of a base, it was not even built
an existing build was modified to add ColorOS UI elements.
Entropy512&also pointed out that any money Oppo spent paying someone to develop this ROM was a complete waste, as the available version is so poorly done and only requires rudimentary knowledge to create in its current state.
In response to the surge of comments and complaints, an Oppo representative had
to say (all errors in original):
1.This ROM is actually a ported ROM developed by the external developers, but not an official Rom developed by OPPO team. And this ROM is developed based on Omni. Due to the conflict between limited engineer resources in the company and more and more users' request for updated firmware versions based on Kitkat for our old models such as Find5 and N1, we engaged external developers to make this Rom which is based on KitKat by the method of Patchrom, with the good intention to let users who are really keen to experience the KitKat update experience the new updated Find5 ColorOS 2.0 based on KitKat. It is my mistake that I did't state clearly when releasing this Rom. I feel deeply sorry for that.
2. About the NFC problem, I will communicate with the developers and try the best to fix it.
3. About the GPL rules, firstly we are really sorry for not giving credit to Omni for using their kernel source and I'd like to thank Omni team for their kernel sources. Here is the link for the kernel source:&. I will also make this clear in the main post.
Hope you can understand, thanks!
While the edited forum post is now filled with caveats and warnings, Oppo was not shy about boasting of this long-awaited update through their . The self-congratulatory post makes no mention of their so-called &external developers,& the Omni base, or even the alpha status of the ROM. It is worth noting that many of the developers behind the version of ColorOS that shipped with the&officially supported Cyanogenmod builds for the Find 5 have since moved on to the OmniROM team, which is likely why updates have been so hard to come by.
Oppo clearly has more interest in being able to say that they have updated the Find 5 than they do in having the owners of that phone be happy with the experience. Either way, Oppo may not want to pat themselves on the back too much for getting KitKat on this device well over a year after the code was released. This is not to mention the fact that Android 4.4 is now out of date, with Lollipop running on many phones and tablets already.
Find 5 owners looking for a better option may look to Cyanogenmod, who has
since early in its lifecycle. There are Cyanogenmod 11 nightlies available for the Find 5 along with a handful of snapshots. The officially supported OmniROM build would make an excellent alternative as well. Those who bought the Find 5 - or the N1 - with the hope that their device&s ColorOS would grow and improve over time are probably out of luck.
Update:&Minor changes made to clarify Entropy512's position with OmniROM and the relationship between OmniROM, Cyanogenmod, and ColorOS developers.
Thanks Daniel Tavares
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