Homebrewrecreational vehiclee sandbox 有人玩过吗

14 of 18 people (78%) found this review helpful12 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
Broke the speed of sound with a mechanical bird. 11/10, would try again
Broke the speed of sound with a mechanical bird. 11/10, would try again
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Nice, that thing is a marvel of engineering!
View mobile website8 of 8 people (100%) found this review helpful3 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
So I played homebrew a lot already. And I absolutelty love the game and the best community I ever saw that it offers. Most people that think this game is not a good vehicle builder/simulation fail at the steep learing curve this builder has. When starting you have to invest some time into tutorials, trying to understand how the basics of homebrew work. Once you got your first car built, you will learn things quickly and the fun starts. Of course, a vehicle simulation should be near reality, when considering physics and graphics. Homebrew offers both. The graphics are quite advanced and physics work as they should. This way it is also not that simple to build for example a plane. And I think that's how it should be in every builder. Understanding the physics behind a plane or how acceleration, speed and grip effect the way your car will drive, help to build working vehicles. That's what's most fun about homebrew. Getting a challenge and mastering it. In Homebrew you are able to optimize your work until you are completely satisfied. The possibilities in this game are endless. There are nearly no restrictions that will let your creativity suffer. From simple and fun to complicated and challenging, homebrew offers projects for everone. - Cookiie -my personal tips: Having problems to get started?: Homebrew has the best community you will every encounter. The dev-team and many players are really active. The best place to get some help is the homebrew discord:
You want the game, but find it too expensive?As there are commonly building competitions, many game keys are given away to the community. Maybe you can find someone willing to give you their key.
So I played homebrew a lot already. And I absolutelty love the game and the best community I ever saw that it offers. Most people that think this game is not a good vehicle builder/simulation fail at the steep learing curve this builder has. When starting you have to invest some time into tutorials, trying to understand how the basics of homebrew work. Once you got your first car built, you will learn things quickly and the fun starts. Of course, a vehicle simulation should be near reality, when considering physics and graphics. Homebrew offers both. The graphics are quite advanced and physics work as they should. This way it is also not that simple to build for example a plane. And I think that's how it should be in every builder. Understanding the physics behind a plane or how acceleration, speed and grip effect the way your car will drive, help to build working vehicles. That's what's most fun about homebrew. Getting a challenge and mastering it. In Homebrew you are able to optimize your work until you are completely satisfied. The possibilities in this game are endless. There are nearly no restrictions that will let your creativity suffer. From simple and fun to complicated and challenging, homebrew offers projects for everone.
- Cookiie -
my personal tips:
Having problems to get started?: Homebrew has the best community you will every encounter. The dev-team and many players are really active. The best place to get some help is the homebrew discord:
You want the game, but find it too expensive?
As there are commonly building competitions, many game keys are given away to the community. Maybe you can find someone willing to give you their key.
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17 September
From the teamHello everyone! We've been watching closely as people experiment with lua, and have a couple changes towards the lua API.Besides that, we also have 2 new parts to introduce, and a ton of fixes.Lua ChangesIn the previous version, creating a gadget wasn't too hard, but you had some restrictions when you were designing your gadget or mod.Your classname had to match your filename, the line numbers wouldn't match up on errors, and some other issues, which is why we changed the lua behaviour.What this means for you is, if you have any mods/gadgets, you'll need to add 2 lines.The definition at the top of your file, and the return of your definition at the bottom.local GadgetName={} --The defintion of your gadget table
function GadgetName:Awake()
print(&GadgetName woke up!&)
return GadgetName -- The return of your gadget table
This is all you'll need to do to get everything updated.Remember, if you have any issues updating your lua files, make a thread about it, or let us know on []Controller Compatibility!We've also included a rather big update to our input system, we've always had some issues with some controllers (some Steering Wheels, Flightsticks, and programs interfering with the inputs like vJoy/pJoy),which prompted us to update our entire input library.So far every controller we've tested works great now!Binding keys and buttons in general is also more consistent, and faster, since inputs that aren't centered will no longer take priority like the previous versions did.Equation BoxThe new magic box that can solve almost any logical issue!You simply input an equation, and it gives you the wanted inputs and outputs.You can use it for something as simple as C = A + B, or as complex as combining all the logic of your vehicle into a single block.There are a ton of built-in functions and variables like pi, deg2rad, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, lerp, clamp,...We will have more info about everything included in the Equation Box on our [], including examples on how to recreate already existing logic boxes like a Memory box, shift box, etc.Router BoxThis is a very situational part, you can think of it as a reverse Selector box.You can insert multiple values in it, and output the one you want, or sort it based on your mode.A common use-case for this box would be having a collection of distance sensors, and finding which one is closest to a certain value, or return the lowest or highest one of the bunch.The old way of doing this would be using a ton of Math boxes set to min/max, along with one Combine box.Or sending large streams of data over a single wire, by using a timer and a Selector box, which wasn't possible in Homebrew previously.These are the modes you can choose from.Select select the input at the index of value. (Like a selector!)Least output the lowest value in your stack, along with the index.Greatest output the highest value in your stack, along with the index.Closest return the value that's closest to the value you're inputting, along with the index.Furthest return the value that's furthest from the value you're inputting, along with the index.Here's a mux/demux example, with the new router on the left, sending data over some Radios to the selector on the right.[]Courtesy of Natafish.ConsoleWe decided to rebuild the in-game console into one that opens as a completely seperate window.As you can imagine, this is a super handy addition to Homebrew, especially when playing around with lua files, as you'll be able to view any error, warning, or log in real-time.You can also start a Lua shell to test out lua code right in the console by using the &lua& command!To exit back out of this shell, you'll need to type &exit()&.This console is entirely separate and you can start a new one from Lua if you want.Gadget ChangesSome of the gadgets also got some updates with the help of our community![]Changes and Bug-FixesFixes
Lua Garbage Collection sometimes not triggering
Lua Garbage tables sometimes not getting de-activated
Gyrometre compass fixed
Scrolling to switch gadgets sometimes not working
Quantum Cube sometimes not spawning, sometimes crashing, etc
Teleporter making you fall through the floor
Camera Gadget not taking screenshots properly
Engines not giving power sometimes
Scroll speed in video settings UI
Bullets only being visible when ocean is set to realistic
HBWheel sometimes giving giant amount of errors on old vehicles
Mortar not going back to 6 charges
HBU.Save / Load issues when value couldn't be found or file was corrupted
Builder input not working when too close to the thing you're trying to select
Lua sometimes being Garbage Collected when it's not supposed to
Not being able to enter world vehicles
Tons of &component is missing script& warnings
Detachers not detaching when killed
Memory Box RequireSetValue being ignored in AddValue behaviour
CoG Issues with Ballast
Typo fix (Custum to Custom)
Issue with tutorial Kiosk allocating a lot of memory.
Some materials that didn't have instancing enabled will instance now
Guns being able to fire without being 'dropped'Changes
Updated QuantumCube Gadget with some new behaviour
Updated Teleporter Gadget with tons of fixes
Updated Teleporter Gadget Icon
Updated Pontoon behaviour to be more realistic
Updated Empty Enviornment vehicles
Updated Post Processing Stack with a newer version
Updated Mortar weight to 19KG from 52KG
Updated Waves intensity
Updated Bloom Intensity
Updated Vignette intensity
Updated default health to be higher
Updated Max Bullets calculated for performance reasons
Added Remainder to Math Box
Added Version number which auto updates on upload
Added chat shortcuts for clearvehicles and spawn (/cv & /tp respectfully)
Added Min/Max on Memory Boxes
Added Round Type to 50-cal (AP and Sabot)
Added RGB inputs to Strobe Light
Added cooldown on Gun behaviour
Added &HealthMultiplier& server setting
Added &ArmorMultiplier& server setting
Disabled lua automatically reloading, you can now trigger a reload by typing &reloadlua& in console
Disabled Countdown command in General Chat
OnDamageSent callback added, return values are damage (float) and point (vector3)
Added HBU.EnableGadgetMouseScroll()
Added HBU.DisableGadgetMouseScroll()
Added HBU.TakeScreenshot(path, callbackOnFinished, supersize)
Added HBU.GetPlayers()
Added HBU.GetUpdateDate()
Added HBU.EnableMouseLock()
Added HBU.DisableMouseLock()
Added HBU.InMainMenu()
Added HBU.GetMouseLock()
Added self.transform to gadgets/modlua scriptsWhere do I start with Modding?You can start by reading up on our []These will be updated when-ever there's a change, as well as a beta-specific branch.We would also suggest joining our [], as we have a channel specifically for Lua, and API help.What if I have a problem?To ensure that no issue is overseen we'll be monitoring steam, [] and our other channels even more over the course of the following days.In the unfortunate event that you encounter a bug please follow these steps so that we can release a patch asap:See if you can replicate the bugBe as specific as possible about the issue, the more information the better. Preferably attach your output_log.txt file which can be located in the HB146_Data folder (right click on Homebrew in your game library, select properties and then browse local files)Notify us on Steam or [] (faster response time)DREAM - BUILD - ENJOYCopybugpaste Team
<span id="VotesUpCount_
From the teamWith the release of the Lua patch, we've been keeping a keen eye on discord and steam, to make sure the update gets received smoothly. So far there hasn't been too many issues, apart from some surprise crashes, and some request. So we've issued a hotfix to adress these Crash after using Camera gadget on some rare occasions Screenshots no longer being detected by Steam Gyrometre not giving correct valuesWe've also made a couple of changes to the API
Added HBU.EnableGadgetMouseScroll() Added HBU.DisableGadgetMouseScroll() Added HBU.TakeScreenshot(path, callbackOnFinished, supersize)Because of these changes, we've also modified the in-game gadgets to use these functions accordingly. You can now use your scrollwheel to switch gadgets again!We'll continue monitoring Steam,
[] and our other channels as usual! EDIT
We've found some small bugs with the quantum cube, those should now be fixed.
Edit 2!: We've done some more fixes with the quantum gadget, and an issue where you couldn't enter world vehicles anymore!If you encounter a bug please follow these steps so that we can solve it even faster:See if you can replicate the bugBe as specific as possible about the issue, the more information the better. Preferably attach your output_log.txt file which can be located in: installed directory / HB146_Data folder (right click on Homebrew in your game library, select properties and then browse local files)Notify us on Steam or []DREAM - BUILD - ENJOYCopybugpaste Team
<span id="VotesUpCount_
From the teamA lot of progress has been made over the last couple of weeks and we're extremely happy to announce that we've got a new update ready. In this update we'll introduce some changes that will open up even more possibilities in Homebrew and improve the overall experience. So let's get right to it and look at what we're talking about!Lua implementation & gadget reworkUndoubtedly the biggest change that this update brings along is the implementation of Lua. This is something that we've been working on for quite a long time. Although there are still a lot of improvements to be made, it's pretty stable and we don't want to keep it for ourselves any longer.Right now the Lua is mostly focused around the gadgets and therefore the entire gadgets system has been overhauled, as you can see belowTeleporter Gadget[]Quantum Cube[]If you're interested in the code for these gadgets, you can find them in
&hb146_data/SteamingAssets/Lua/GadgetLua&. This also means you can copy, edit, and use them in-game when-ever you feel like it. We've also added the ability to load lua files from userData/Homebrew14/Lua folder, so your code doesn't get lost or overwritten on updates, and integrated hot-reload so that you are able to edit your lua files, without the need to reboot Homebrew.This means that you can run lua code for non-gadgets as well, but keep in mind that we still have to release detailed documentation and expose more functions/features.In the meantime you're more than welcome to join us on our [discord.gg] for information on how to do certain things.Part changesIn addition to lua implementation and reworking the gadgets we've also made further improvements to the parts by tweaking some of their values. Here's a short summary of what's been altered.M14P Radial engineHeap end @ peak has been changed from 2700 to 2340Max torque @ peak has been changed from 732 to 1734RPM @ redline has been changed from 3000 to 2700Torque @ redline has been changed from 651 to 1640RamjetmaxForce property has been decreased from 200000 to 92000consumerRate property has been increased from 1 to 14.76 Lorin ramjetmaxForce property has been decreased from 150000 to 110000consumerRate property has been increased from 1 to 14.76 Other changesHBchat now stops connection attempt after three timesJet engines now turn on above 0.05 instead of 0.1Lowered default video settings (most on Medium/High instead of ultra/max)Note Block doesn't cause errors on spawn any longer (bug occurred after weapons update)Ammo Box doesn't cause errors
on spawn any longer Default FoV gets properly applied on initial bootupRemoved the ability to get in a vehicle before it's dropped (along with a new Quantum Cube Gadget) Tutorial images have been updatedFixed a bug where you couldn't see browser-actions (delete, upload to workshop, ...) in the inventoryFixed hidden image bug that was blocking user input while in builderDisabled rename function in the builder inventory due to a bug, you can still rename the assemblies by using the save-as functionThe angle multiplier property on the 360?° rotator & hinge has been renamed to max angleFixed floating roads on hero mountainMax blade and nozzle scale on the propeller has been upped from 10 to 30Fixed issue where tutorial screen didn't pause/play upon clicking the screenMultiplayer & LAN changes Prior to this update bullets depended on the player's team which meant that a player could spawn a vehicle while being a spectator and kill everyone in the server without being able to take any damage. We're glad to announce that this has been resolved.At the same time we've also added UnlimitedFuel and UnlimitedElec to the server settings.When it comes to LAN there was an issue w if a player hosted a local server and connected to it, its IP was 'localhost'. When this player spawned a vehicle it got uploaded to the webserver (locally) and an url got passed to the other players. The URL here would be like this: localhost:port+1/data/vehicles/vehicle_md5.hbv. This was obviously an issue, as the IP should be the IP that the other player connects from rather than the IP of the client that is sending this.With this update we've made sure that this gets sent over the local data folder, a.k.a. &data/vehicles/vehicle_md5.hbv& and resolves the IP & Port on the client receiving end.What if I have a problem?To ensure that no issue is overseen we'll be monitoring steam, [] and our other channels even more over the course of the following days. In the unfortunate event that you encounter a bug please follow these steps so that we can release a patch asap: See if you can replicate the bugBe as specific as possible about the issue, the more information the better. Preferably attach your output_log.txt file which can be located in: installed directory / HB146_Data folder (right click on Homebrew in your game library, select properties and then browse local files)Notify us on Steam or [] (faster response time)DREAM - BUILD - ENJOYCopybugpaste Team
<span id="VotesUpCount_
Hey guys, just a friendly public service announcement.
As some people may already know, the Rename feature has been bugged for quite some time, and is still very badly bugged.
If you've run into this bug, where renaming a vehicle project causes it to open up a blank project, don't panic!
Try to get in touch with one of the moderators and we'll get it fixed up.
It's a very quick and easy fix.For those that haven't had this issue, just continue not using the Rename feature. If you need to rename something, use the Save As button and save under a different name.
This will make a copy with the name you want. Though it is highly recommended that you save the vehicle before using Save As as well.I hope this issue isn't a major inconvenience to anyone.
As always: Dream - Build - Enjoy
<span id="VotesUpCount_
From the teamWith the release of the weapons patch, we've been keeping a keen eye on discord and steam, to make sure everyone is receiving the update smoothly, so far there hasn't been too many issues it seems, apart from a couple of bugs brought up by a couple of community members.So we've issued a hotfix to address some of these issues Crashes on machines running non-DX11 hardware right after loading screen Not seeing bullets unless Ocean was set to &realistic&
Binoculars/Camera tool not taking pictures
Physics acting weird on wings for some vehicles, specifically ones with a lot of rotators / joints Global chat not registering connectionsWe'll continue monitoring Steam,
[] and our other channels as usual!If you encounter a bug please follow these steps so that we can solve it even faster:See if you can replicate the bugBe as specific as possible about the issue, the more information the better. Preferably attach your output_log.txt file which can be located in: installed directory / HB146_Data folder (right click on Homebrew in your game library, select properties and then browse local files)Notify us on Steam or []DREAM - BUILD - ENJOYCopybugpaste Team
<span id="VotesUpCount_
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