Evan灿烈last hunterr的the last spin翻译全文

the last spin
the last spin
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3秒自动关闭窗口The Last Spin By Evan Hunter Free Essays
&The Last Spin&
&The Last Spin& by Evan Hunter is an interesting short story that makes the reader think about friendship, emnity and waste of life. The story is about two gang members, Dave and Tigo, who are made to play a suspenseful game of Russian Roulette. Through the use of features such as setting, characterisation and creation of tension, the author has managed to write a short but meaningful story.
The story is set in a dark, cold basement. We can assume that it is in America because...
The Last Spin by Evan Hunter
Short Story Analysis
How does the author position the reader towards the major theme using the narrative elements?
Gangs affect everyone lives especially the people in the gang because other members make you do things that you don’t want to do or that is dangerous towards you or yourself. ‘The Last Spin’ by Evan Hunter is a short story about two boys from opposite gangs that were forced to settle an argument over territory. They did this by playing an extremely dangerous...
‘The Last Spin’ by Evan Hunter
Question’s 1 - 7
1. Two boys, named Tigo and Dave, who were both enemies and both belonged in two
different gang’s had never met each other before and engaged themselves in the game known as the ‘Russian Roulette’. They had to settle a situation for their gang’s. Apparently, Dave and his gang member’s had set foot on the territory that belonged to Tigo and his gang member’s.
When they engaged themselves in the ‘Russian Roulette’, Tigo wore a green silk...
providers are ill-equipped to meet the shipping demands of their customers.”3 Hunter-Worth, if not having done so already, should adopt an effective tracking system. By using an international shipping company with a great reputation, Chuck could find out where the shipments are at any time with a few clicks or a phone call. Using a transaction-processing system (TPS), would provide accurate and timely transactions between Hunter-Worth’s suppliers and retailers. Furthermore, Chuck needs to be sure to establish...
Brief Background of the Case
Star Oil a gasoline services company started TBA (Tyres, Batteries and Accessories),
a complementary business which added value to the core business of gasoline sales. The TBA
business initial appeared successful as there was a strong correlation between petroleum sales
and the auxiliary business but the profits of TBA started showing a progressive decline before
turning into a loss making proposition. Star Oil decided...
Classic Short Stories Logo
The Last Spin
by Evan Hunter ()
Word Count: 2901
The boy sitting opposite him was his enemy.
The boy sitting opposite him was called Tigo, and he wore a green silk jacket with an orange stripe on each sleeve. The jacket told Danny that Tigo was his enemy. The jacket shrieked, &Enemy, enemy!&
&This is a good piece,& Tigo said, indicating the gun on the table.& This runs you close to forty-five bucks, you try to buy it in a store. That's a lot...
for Hunters Point
Hunters Point is a neighborhood on the south side of Long Island city in Queens. The East River waterfront defines the neighborhood through its amazing views of the Manhattan skyline. Hunters Point’s history is mainly based on its industry that is currently not as prevalent as it once was. Several problems for hunters point exist and need to be addressed in order for the neighborhood to meet its potential as being a fulfilling area for its residents and visitors. Hunters Point’s...
On the Sidewalk Bleeding
Critical Essay
Marianne Lavery
The story “On the sidewalk bleeding” by Evan Hunter deals with the issue of identity through the central character Andy, a young gang member who struggles with his identity as his death draws near.
A young boy called Andy who left a nightclub to go and get cigarettes. He started walking through the alley when suddenly he got stabbed. As he got stabbed he heard a voice saying “That’s for you Royal!” Andy had always been proud to be a...
The world changed September 9th, 1991, the day that Hunter Hayes was born (“10 Things”). Born in little town Breaux, Louisiana (Dukes), Hunter is an only child to Leo and Lynette Hayes (“10 Things”). Ever since the day Hunter was born, he has been rocking the world with his God-given talents.
Hunter Hayes began showing an interest in music at just two years old, after his grandmother gave him an accordion for his birthday (“10 Things”). After that day, he began picking up random things around...
says Walker Evans.1 Throughout his photographic career Walker Evans was just that, interested in the history that he lived through. As an FSA photographer, Evans mission was to “introduce America to America” and showcase “the reality of its own time and place in history” says Stryker, the leader of the FSA movement.2 Evans produced images that revealed Americas’ despair in the depression, but also the hope for the future. In the photograph “Alabama Cotton Tenant Farmer Family”, Evans portrays an...
Rabie, and Varadi faced in the start of their company. Looking at the decision environment, were these more programmed or non-programmed decisions types?
Spin master adapted to several strategies from which they gained a lot of success along with some which led them to being unsuccessful. Harary, Rabie, and Varadi started this company “spin Master” with the intentions to generate a set of long-term brands and be able to sustain a permanent place within the global toy market. Since this was the...
factors for the success of this business? Answer No 1: Heather Evans, a Harvard Business School graduate, had major interest in the fashion as she had some background in the same industry, where she worked as a financial analyst at “Morgan Stanley” and as an assistant to a designer clothing firm. Because of the experience gained, she was sure and truly convinced that she could run a dress company.
The main aim of heather Evans was to create a company that design clothing line for professional...
needs, wants and demands.
This was no different for Edwin Hunter, founder of Hunter Industries, when he decided to start his own company.
In 1981, Edwin Hunter, &retired& from Toro Inc. and started his own business in San Marcos, CA.
With more than 30 years of experience in the irrigation industry and a great number of patents to his name, Mr. Edwin Hunter had a huge advantage over other start up companies.
The company we selected is Hunter Industries.
They are located in San Marcos, CA and have...
studied at Columbia. The central theme of her novels is the spiritual isolation that underlies the human condition. Her characters are usually outcasts and misfits whose longings for love are never fulfilled. In her first novel, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1940), a deaf-mute is the focus of a circle of sad and tormented people. The Member of the Wedding (1946; dramatization, 1950), her best-known work, is the tender story of a lonely adolescent girl. Her other works include the novels Reflections in...
SIOP and Madeline Hunter
Being a teacher, and setting up your class to be as productive as it possibly can be relates to the notion of how well planned is the class going to be. Is there going to be any dead spots, confusions, or even misunderstandings between the student and the teacher? Ultimately lesson planning is the essential fixer to all of the unwarranted questions that as a teacher you do not want to deal with on a daily basis. In lesson planning there is, in essence, multiple ways to lesson...
(FSA) project.
Photographers were hired and sent across the United States to document Americans living in poverty, and Dorothea Lange and Walker Evans were two of those photographers that were sent out. Along with their partners Paul S. Taylor and James Agee they started their projects which were approached through two different methods. Agee and Evans project Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and Lange and Taylor's project An American exodus: A Record of Human Erosion, are two similar, though different...
Stalls and Spins
Stalls and resulting spins have caused aircraft accidents since the beginning of flight. Even though airplanes have evolved to have better stall characteristics, stalls and spins continue to be a leading cause of accidents (Landsberg).
A stall occurs when airflow separates from all or part of the upper surface of a wing, resulting in sudden loss of lift. This is caused by exceeding the critical angle of attack (angle of attack is the angle between the relative wind and the chord...
Introduction to Management
Managing the Virus Hunters
“Imagine what life would be like if your product
were never finished, if your work were never done,
if your market shifted 30 times a day. The computervirus hunters at Symantec Corp. don’t have to
imagine. That’s the reality of their daily work life. At
the company’s Response Lab in Santa Monica,
California, described as the “dirtiest of all our
networks at Symantec”, software analysts collect
viruses and other suspicious code and try...
Film Response: The Night of the Hunter
“Now, you remember children how I told you last Sunday about the good Lord going up into the mountain and talking to the people. And how he said, 'Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God’… And then the good Lord went on to say, 'Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.’ ” This opening quote by the Bible fearing woman Rachel sets the tone for the...
Heather H. Evans (H.E.) graduated from Harvard Business School in June, 1983.
She showed considerable interest in the fashion industry, having some background in this area. She was a fashion model from 1975 through 1979 and, in the summer of 1982, she worked for Jackie Hayman, Inc., as an assistant to the President of this young firm that manufactured designer clothing.
An additional valuable asset was that she worked as a financial analyst for Morgan Stanley & Co, Inc. from 1979 through 1981 dealing...
article, I was thinking how did they keep up with everyday living, how tough was life like for them and when they had the chance or opportunity to change from hunter gathering to agriculture how hard was it to let go of certain
things and how easy was it to adapt to the new lifestyle. The archeologist and anthropologist examined the hunter gathering era to be more preferred over agriculture due to the fact that different season put a limit to giving, they were only able to plant certain things during...
non-nomadic pastoralism with a defined territory.
Hunter gatherers:
A hunter-gatherer society is one whose primary subsistence method involves the direct procurement of edible plants and animals from the wild, foraging and hunting without significant recourse to the domestication of either. Hunter-gatherers obtain most from gathering up to 80% of the food is obtained by gathering.
Social structure and economic structure:
Hunter-gatherers are often grouped together based on kinship...
cheerful, and enthusiastic person. In the short story “Hunters in the Snow” by Tobias Wolf this act of concealing a person’s inner and true self in order to avoid judgment occurs amongst the main characters.
There are three men who go on a hunting trip: Kenney, Frank, and Tub.
As they find themselves unable to find deer to hunt, Tub shoots Kenney in fear of being shot himself since Kenney was threatening to shoot him first.
The hunters reason amongst themselves that they have to drive him to...
Hunter Hayes
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This article is about the artist. For the album, see Hunter Hayes (album).
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Hunter Hayes
Hunter Hayes2.jpg
Hayes performing in Frederick, Maryland, 2012
Background information
Birth name
Hunter Easton Hayes
September 9, 1991 (age 22)
Breaux Bridge
St. Martin Parish
Louisiana, USA
Cajun, country
David McGuire
Criminal Investigation
In the book Mind Hunter, author, John Douglas introduces how
the FBI provides learning, education and techniques throughout Local, State and Federal police. John Douglas was a former FBI agent from the FBI at Quantico, VA.
Douglas tells about how he and a team of FBI officers formed the Investigative Support Unit. Douglas explains the steps and techniques used in profiling an offender, by putting himself...
Professor Michaelson
7 February 2014
Heroes: Analysis of The Last of the Mohicans
Bravery, toughness, pride, and both mental and physical strength define the traditional ideas of manhood. The stereotypical American hero of the early United States, such as Paul Revere or Daniel Boone, highlights these characteristics. The heroes of old all had one important thing in common: they were white. In his novel, The Last of the Mohicans, James Fenimore Cooper confronts the issue of race by breaking...
The Novel “The Last Unicorn” by Peter S. Beagle is a timeless classic story about love and loss. The story has a mesmerizing hold on the reader, drawing you in on its beautifully simplistic storyline. A unicorn learns that she is the last of her kind and sets out to find out what happened to the others. Along the way she meets a few friends that aid her on her quest. It turns out that all the unicorns have been captured by an evil king and his Red Bull, so they set out to save the Unicorns from this...
The Last of the Mohicans
By James Fenimore Cooper
The World Publishing Company Cleveland and New York 1,500 Pages (Digital)
Character Analysis (at least 2 characters with description and quotes)
Major Duncan Heyward - Heyward was a young American from the South. He worked his way up to Major in the English Army. Some good qualities he had were courage, trustworthiness and nobility. A flaw he had was being terr when in the forest he aways had to rely on Hawkeye. Pg 48 (Digital)...
“Let the great world spin” by Colum McCann is a subtle, pre-9/11 It is not the story of the tight rope walker, Philippe Petit, but rather the story of the characters on the ground and how they are affected by the “Man on Wire” from different point of view. We understand how it’s like for them to be involved in a freedom they can never have.
Let the Great World Spin can be read on multiple laye The love between a man and a woman, the love of a [unknown] religious worker...
A short story in which a material object becomes important is “On the Side walk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter. With reference to the text I will identify the object and explain it's significance.
In the opening paragraph the author gives a detailed description of a jacket which is worn by the victim of an attack. “The boy's name was Andy, the name was delicately scripted in black thread on the front of the jacket, just over the heart. On the back of the jacket it has the slogan 'THE ROYALS'” this is...
Michael Sato?
What factors should he have considered when choosing a channel for his communication to Vicente? Are they the same factors he should have considered when communicating with Michael Sato?
Chuck Moore is the national sales manager for Hunter-Worth.
He was concerned that a shipment of a new interactive cuddly plush toy would not arrive on time for the Christmas season sales.
He therefore communicated with Vicente Ruiz, the plant manager of the Mexican subsidiary that manufactured the...
Question 1: In order to evaluate the two manufacturers Wai Lung (WL) and Wah Shing (WS), we use the weighted point method. (Trent p.24). The advantages of this methodology include the ability for the firm to include numerous evaluation factors and assign them weights according to the organization’s needs. (Khaled, Sanjoy p.3).
We allocate an amount of “weight” to the different criteria based on importance. We choose the following criteria to select the supplier:
Spin A Wheel Game for Android
A Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the
Information Technology Department
In Partial Fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Melody D. Tee
Shushie Charlote L. Ca?ete
March, 2013
Introduction and Background of the Study
Spin the most famous wheel in game show history Its a family favorite loved world over. This is a classroom game where you spin a wheel...
Critique of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
Tanya Willie
ENG 225: Introduction to Film
Prof. Sarah Snook
January 24, 2013
Critique of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
In Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012), the actions that take place began with its use of storytelling, acting, cinematography, editing, sound, style, and directing each part creating the masterpiece.
I will reveal how the storytelling is played out, the different types of actors that is being used, how cinematography...
sympathy for the person from whose point of view the camera is showing.
Historians compare the trueness of one film to the rest, and they have found that every film is at least somewhat fabricated, and at least somewhat true.
The 1978 film, The Deer Hunter, is about three blue-collar Pennsylvania factory workers who are drafted during the Vietnam War.
This film won the Best Picture Oscar Award in 1979, so it was a good movie, however it didn't have much to do with the actual war itself.
The movie...
Imani Newbill
Professor Simms-Burton
English 2140
21 March 2010
Mari Evans’ “I Am a Black Woman”
“Mari Evans is one of the most energetic and respected poets of the Black Arts movement” (1850).
The themes of her poems are very direct, but the simple lyrics make the poem eloquent (1850).
“Lost love, a lost Africa, failed relationships between black woman and black men” are usually the tails of her poems (1850).
Yet she...
The Last Of the Dogmen
The social problem this movie
portrays is a very old problem. It is coupled by fear of the unknown and acceptance of each other as human beings with differences. These differences stem
a lack of understanding of race, culture, customs, and religious beliefs of societies. It is well know through out history that the Indians posed a problem for white settlers. Many Indian tribes were for the most part friendly and willing to share
the land and its produce with everyone...
Arthur Evans and the Palace of Knossos
Archaeology has contributed greatly to our knowledge of past civilisation and in turn the general understanding of humanity’s progression through the ages.
Without archaeology, this knowledge and understanding would be extremely limited in its range of sources and evidence. Ancient civilisations underground provide an extensive range of remains and artefacts from which historians can draw accurate, informed conclusions about mortals who have long since turned...
Romer v. Evans
The American Constitution
Brandy Robinson
May 27, 2013
U.S. Supreme Court Decision:
Romer v. Evans
An examination of the United States Supreme Court case Romer v. Evans, which was decided on May 20, 1996, is to be put forth in this paper.
The case was argued on October 10, 1995.
At issue was Amendment 2 to the State Constitution of Colorado “which precludes all legislative, executive, or judicial action at any level of state or local government...
Examine the part played by the hunters in the story. How important do you think they are? Give reasons to support your answer.
In the smash hit novel by William Golding, Lord of the Flies, the hunters play an important (if not the most important) part in the story. The hunters move the story forward more than anyone else in the story. Jack and his choir boys serve as the main antagonists in the story and represent the “evil” side of the novel. The hunters were the ones who hunted for food and were...
Certainty of subject matter and the critcisms of hunter v moss
When creating an express trust knight and knight articulated that there must be certainty of subject matter, certainty of intention and certainty of objects.
Certainty of subject matter is where there must be an identification of the trust property and certainty as to whom is which part of the trust property to be held. In relation to uncertainty of beneficial interests, the trust will fail where the method of distribution is stipulated...
Tom the CEO of last Mile Corporation, that has been doing well during the past few years .The company its own facility for 2 years was a pioneer in technology for wireless board band access. As the years rolled by technology changed faster and the generation period of new technology has been cutting down. Being that Last Mile is a small company, they were not financial stable to keep up with the new technology and build the company market...
English Composition 1102
Fiction Writing Assignment
Chapter 1 – “Hunters in the Snow”
Discuss the way Tub is presented in the opening scene. Does your assessment of his character change in the later scenes?
The character of Tub was presented in the opening scene as someone who would not stand up for himself and was willing to be ridiculed and made fun of to be part of a group.
He allowed his friends to take advantage of him by making him wait over an hour in the cold and snow,...
: Kyaw Thu Win
Mata Kuliah : Sejarah Filsafat Yunani
Pengajar : Dr. Setyo Wibowo
: Pengganti UTS
: 10 Oktober 2011
In the book Pre-Socratic Philosophy: “A Very Short Introduction” Catherine Osborne mentioned that the first principles of philosophy story, Per Socratics, ended by entering into a new period of philosophy by Socrates and Sophists. Most textbooks on Pre-Socratic...
January 4, 2013
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Anne Morrow Lindbergh writes, “It is not desert island nor the stony wilderness that cuts you from the people you love” (Lindbergh 38). She points out that what makes people lonely is not physical separation. If people are always spiritually connecting within a reciprocal relationship, they will not feel lonely even though they are far from each other. It is a tragedy that people have barriers in spiritual communication, even...
Social Psychology
“Spin Doctoring”
1. Which path(s) to persuasion is/are present in the global warming case?
I believe that both central route and peripheral route paths to persuasion are used in the global warming case.
Central route persuasion is evident in global warming because people are more globally conscious and aware of the issues concerning our planet than they were decades ago. People are more concerned now about protecting our planet and better informed, thus, global...
I, JOHN BLAIR COOK, of 212 Kings Gate Court, Austin, Texas, being of sound mine and disposing memory, being of legal age, and realizing the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, do make, publish, and declare this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, hereby expressly revoking any and all Wills and Codicils made by me at any time heretofore.
I direct that any devisee, legatee, or beneficiaries who shall contest this will shall...
Delaine Goodell
Prof. Fairchild
06 April 2011
The Last Supper
The famous ceremony told as “The Eucharist” was followed in the belief of Christianity. The Eucharist which is more popularly known as the Last Supper was the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his twelve apostles before he was crucified. According to Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) “For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed...
The Last Leaf
In his wonderful short-story The Last Leaf, O.Henry depicts a really admirable person - old Behrman.
The story depicts the lives of artists in America at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. At that time arts people were massively settling in Greenwich Village attracted by eighteen century gables, Dutch attics and low rents, making this district an arts hub of this huge city.
Two young artists Sue and Johnsy meet at a café. They become friends and find their tastes and opinions...
A Short Story By O’ Henry
Death and Dying:
Last leaf is a short story that entails the treasury of life and the existence of faith and hope. It need to the importance of living and how we deal with the hindrances we battle through our life story. It is a moving story across the traps that come across us in the most significant parts of our lives, the value of life is the centerpiece of story, where all the things go back and revolve…Apart of this story gives us a hint that God is the...
The Last Supper is one of the most famous works in the history of art and it is recognized by almost anyone in today’s society. This idea of Jesus, the son of God, at his famous last supper has been painted by numerous famous artists. There have been so many different perceptions of this event that has been portrayed throughout our world’s history. The Last Supper was painted by both Leonardo Da Vinci and Andrea del Castagno. Andrea del Castagno painted his work in 1447 during the Early Renaissance...
The Last Leaf (by O. Henry)
O. Henry is one of the most famous American short story writers. His real name was William Sydney Porter and he was born on September 11, 1862. In 1894 was accused of stealing money and went to prison. While in prison Porter first started to write short stories. After Porter was released, he changed his name to O. Henry and published his stories in magazines. O. Henry’s short stories are famous for their surprise endings and humor. O. Henry's wrote such classic...
The Last Supper was a very powerful Biblical event, in which Jesus and his disciples gathered for one final dinner together. According to the Bible, important events took place during the Last Supper, including an announcement by Jesus that one of his disciples would betray him and the first communion. To artists in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it was necessary to give proper deference to such notable occurrences. Both Leonardo da Vinci and Jacopo Robusti, known as Tintoretto, took upon...
Years before the start of the series, the thirteen districts attempted to start a revolution against the Capitol. The Capitol won, District 13 was destroyed and, as punishment, an annual televised death match called The Hunger Games was created by the Capitol. Two participants, one male and one female, known as tributes, between the ages of 12 and 18 are chosen randomly in a &reaping& from each district. Children may volunteer as a tribute instead of selection by ballot. They are taken to an arena...
tale-tellers in a history that stretches from Philomela and Scheherazade to the raconteurs of French veillees and salons, to English peasants, governesses, and novelists, and to the German Spinnerinnen and the Brother’s Grimm.” (53-54) In the chapter “To Spin a Yarn: The Female Voice in Folklore and Fairy Tale” from Fairy Tales and Society: Illusion and Paradigm, Karen E. Rowe explores the depth and history of voicelessness of women and how the combination of spinning and tale-telling was their way of speaking...
The Last Supper | February 8
[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] | Author: Alicia Grover |
The Last Supper
After the Black Death swept through Europe, killing off a third of its population by the end of the fourteenth century, people were ready for a change. Very slowly new ideas and...
The Last Supper
Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Supper was painted in 1495 and finished in 1498.
Da Vinci was a procrastinator, so painting this piece took some extra time, but who can blame him? Had he have rushed the painting, it could have turned out to be a disaster, and how can you take something of such value and not take perfect care of it? This painting appeals to many philosophies of art including appeal, beauty, and emotion. But, which one seems to bring out the most in this painting?
The Last Supper – Research Essay
The Last Supper is a religious scene in the Catholic bible, which tells the story of the last meal the night before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. An important role in its religion, the Last Supper scene has been recreated by artists many times. These visual interpretations of the event generally show Jesus, surrounded by his disciples. During the meal, Jesus breaks the bread and serves the wine accompanied with the command “Take this all of you and eat it… this...
Professor Wheeler
English 105.48
23 October 2007
A True American Icon
Throughout the years America has had many symbolic icons that have influenced its change. In the late 20th century one man by the name of Hunter S. Thompson made a big impact on American society. Hunter S. Thompson with his writings, satirical humor, and his strong political beliefs caused changes in our society. Through his journalism he criticized society on topics from consumerism to politics. He fought desperately...
Commercial Analysis
Unit 9 Assignment
Andreia Evans
HU345 – Critical Thinking
Kaplan University
Professor Ronald Davenport
July 15, 2014
Commercial Analysis
Often varying in message and purpose, commercials and advertisements have proven to be successful forms and methods of mass communication.
The goals of advertisements is to appeal to their target audience in an effort to encourage or persuade that demographic to purchase their products and become their customer.
Some companies...
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