请问用rpg maker vx ace下载2003制作的游戏只有一个EXE文件,如何用rpg maker vx ace下载2003打开?

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17:45 编辑
& && &&&嗯,首先,当你看到这个标题时,我想你应该会很诧异,这shen me gui?自己动手做游戏?做什么游戏?石头剪刀布,还是哥两好,666啊?
& && &&&其实,都不是。
& && && &在我年幼的时候,我还是一个沉迷于游戏的网瘾少年,如今,我长大了,成功的蜕变为一名网瘾青年。
& && &&&在这种背景下,我萌生我为什么不自己做一个只属于我自己的游戏呢?在这个游戏里,我就是神,我不用再去满世界的寻找攻略,满世界的为了一个完美结局,几天几夜不眠不休,不用为了打赢一个很牛逼的boss怪去找修改器。
& && && &是的,这就是我学习这款软件以及发这篇教程的初衷。于是,这货就出来了。
02:45 上传
02:45 上传
02:45 上传
& && &&&嗯,我曾经问过很多人,额,其实也没多曾经。想不想做一款属于自己的游戏,他们都说想,却不知如何下手。
& && &&&做游戏啊?很难吧?那要编程吧?那一行行代码,看着晕啊。还是不做了。
& && &&&曾经的我,也是如此。
& && &&&那么,今天给大家介绍的这款软件,名字叫RPG maker,中文翻译是RPG游戏制作大师。以下简称RM。
& && &&&RM是日本EI公司开发的,是一款专门为制作角色扮演游戏而生的制作工具,本工具制作的游戏,即使没有制作工具也可以玩。
& && && &RM从最初的RM2000到现在的RMMV一共走过了7个版本。本教程基于最新版的RMMV。RMMV于15年12月在steam上发售,本篇教程,应该是rmmv开荒教程。
& && && &RMMV较于前作,改变了脚本语言,使输出格式为html5,说的简单点,就是增加几项操作,你制作好的游戏可以在安卓,ios上运行。
02:45 上传
& && && & 看到这,是不是有点小激动啊?
& && && & 我们先看看rmmv的界面吧,至于下载安装,没什么好说的,正版下载在steam上,至于其他的,百度一下就知道了。正版200多块,我们要支持正版,所以,我选择了百度。
02:45 上传
02:45 上传
& && && &上图,就是rmmv的操作界面,后面的教程,我会慢慢教大家,一步一步的做一个属于自己的游戏。放心,没有编程,我保证。咳咳,我保证不了。
& && &&&本教程是初级教程,目的在于给众亲家普及一下开发一款游戏的基本流程。只是,把开发工具,换成了rmmv。如果你想在rm中实现很多个功能,那么,你就得去学习javascript脚本语言。如果后面有时间,我也会给大家做一做js的一些教程。
02:45 上传
& && &&&好了,说了这么多废话,其实是因为手打,而且第一章真没什么好说的,下一章,不出意外应该是地图绘制。嗯,我就跟大家扯扯关于新手应该了解rm的一些事吧,这两天,视频教程,我会做好,传上来,然后,有兴趣的亲们,可以关注一下。也可以来我们铁血军团交流。嗯,至于飞机什么的,我特么不会。
Q:& & rmmv可以做什么类型游戏。
A:& & 可以做日式回合制rpg,解密类rpg。技术好,活儿好,可以把仙剑,梦幻等游戏给克隆出来。当然,你不闲累,也可以用事件,或者脚本编写出arpg游戏,当然,也可以做网游。
Q:& & rm难学么?
A:& & 额,我就这么说,学会用,不难,看了教程,拿到软件学习3天就能用系统素材做一个完整的游戏。难的是你要实现一些软件本来不存在的功能,比如,仙剑里到炼蛊,梦幻里的钓鱼,口袋妖怪里的宠物,这都是的靠脚本语言编写的。如果没有一定编程基础,那么,你只有等大神们做出插件,你下载使用了。
Q:& & 这一章貌似没什么内容啊?
A:& & 咳咳,被发现了,哥们手打的,真的,从12点一直打到现在2点多,体谅一下,后面两天,视频会有很多干货,我会两章一起讲。
Q:& & 你懂这么多,是游戏业从业者么?
A:& & 怎么说呢,写这个有两个目的,第一个是给公会打打广告,第二个,确实是因为玩这么多年游戏,想做一款游戏缅怀一下。并且与我有同样想法的人不少。所以才做这个教程。我并不是游戏从业者。
Q:& &&&第一篇教程这么坑,第二篇不会这么坑了吧?
A:& &&&额,各位看官都是爷,我还指着这个打打小广告了。因为是晚上,外面还下着鹅毛大雪,我躺被窝不想动,所以没开电脑,好好的截图。等想着需要图的时候,什么都没有,所以,就跟亲们吹吹牛啊,侃侃山。后面教程很正规,绝对不吹牛,不然你打死我。
& && &&&好了,今天就到这,2点40多了。有什么问题,可以下面留言,或者加我好友,私信我吧。留言我都会看哟,一些问题,我也会整理出来,像上面那样,每篇教程最后都做一个问与答。
& && & 嗯,亲们,晚安。
Lv18炉火纯青, 经验 25911, 距离下一级还需 2089 经验
Lv16炉火纯青, 经验 16652, 距离下一级还需 3348 经验
Lv20已臻大成, 经验 35480, 距离下一级还需 4520 经验
Lv1新手上路, 经验 62, 距离下一级还需 138 经验
Lv1新手上路, 经验 62, 距离下一级还需 138 经验
苹果平台下载用rpg maker xp软件作完游戏后怎样发表游戏? 就是发表在网上那种的,比如说4399上面的游戏大家都能玩,我也想发上面
到这下载个教学软件,免费下载的哦.《Rpgmaker及完全教学+样本游戏 已更新》(Rpgmaker&others)汉化版的教学软件
(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
你可以把这个命令输入到脚本里 然后保存
1。6版本的话 到你的CS文件目录中的cstrike这个文件夹中找到userconfig.cfg 文件 (....
答: 叶黄素不能在体内合成吗,在哪里摄取好呢?
答: 朋友相处要严以律己,宽以待人。
答: 我跟你一样啊!!进不去高手解决下
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Title: RPG Maker 2003
Release Date: 24 Apr, 2015
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Includes 6 items:
Recent updates
Hi everyone! Just a quick update for RPG Maker 2003!FixedEngine- Regression from v1.12: Any “Show Picture” command created by an editor version of 1.11 or lower would be handled by the engine as if “Erase on Map Change”, “Affected by Tint” and “Affected by Shake” were disabled, even though they were shown as enabled in the editor.- Regression from v1.12: The game would appear to lose focus (freeze) after the Video Options dialog was closed.- Regression from v1.10: It was not possible to enter a space in the actor name input screen.Added- Sample Games Mystic Sunrise and Picture Tutorial! They should be in your SoftwareFolder/Sample
14 September
Hi everyone! We have a new update for RPG Maker 2003 and it is huge!AddedEditor- It is now possible to resize and maximize some of the dialog windows (database, event editor and a few miscellaneous ones). Due to technical limitations, the layout is not always perfect when a window has been enlarged.Engine- The “This Event” target may now also be used in common events and will refer to the last map event in the call stack. (For example: Map event A calls map event B, which calls common event C, which calls common event D, which moves “This Event”. Result: Map event B will be moved.) The “Erase Event” command behaves the same way, erasing the last map event in the call stack.- Large picture functionality revamp. The helpfile is updated to reflect this.* Variables can now be used instead of fixed values for picture ID, filename suffix, transparency and zoom.* The following point may affect only a certain group of people: The engine (not the editor) is able to understand the format of the unofficial mod “PicPointerPatch” for version 1.08. This means that picture commands with PicPointerPatch-specific data such as fake picture ID 5XXXX will work in version 1.12’s game engine, but in the editor it will show up as “picture ID #5XXXX” and not as variable reference, and when you edit such a command, you need to be careful because the numbers are capped to the normal limits and you would need to manually set the variable references again, but this time in the way the official version does it.- The Z position (layer) in which a picture is drawn can now be changed (for example, pictures can be shown between the tileset and the events, or even above message windows, etc.).- Pictures can now be used in battle as well.- For each picture, it’s now possible to select whether it is affected by screen shake, tint or flash effects.- For each picture, it’s now possible to select whether it should be automatically cleared on map change and/or on battle end.- Spritesheet feature: Pictures may get their graphics from a spritesheet with variable size. It’s possible to select a fixed sprite to display or set it through a variable.- To simplify the process of setting the number of sprites per sheet when selecting a sheet, it’s possible to include “[x,y]” in the spritesheet filename, where “x” and “y” are the number of sprites per row and column (e.g. “my_sprite[5,3].png”). When doing so, these numbers will be automatically set when the spritesheet is selected.- Automatic animation: A spritesheet with individual animation frames can be used for automatically animating a picture with a user-defined speed. The animation can be run in a loop or once. In the latter case, the picture is automatically erased once its animation is finished. This feature can be used to show picture animations in battle, where no parallel process event for manual animation may be used. Using a spritesheet for animation will also reduce the disk and CPU load compared to manually loading a new picture for each frame.- “Show Picture” used in a loop with the same picture file will no longer cause high CPU and disk load (which led to lags): When attempting to show a picture with the same filename which is currently already loaded for the same picture ID, the picture loading is skipped and the command behaves like “Move Picture” performance-wise. Note that it is still advisable to include a “Wait 0.0” command in tight loops.- Displaying a picture with 100% transparency will now skip the drawing step entirely, instead of wasting CPU power on invisibly drawing the picture and calculating effects (if applicable). This means that moving a picture to 100% transparency can be used as a performance-light way to hide a picture temporarily without resetting its properties (effects and spritesheet animations).- The game volume can now be controlled from the video options dialog. This setting is directly linked to the per-process volume of the Windows audio mixer. For Windows XP and below, it is instead linked to the system-wide master volume.- When using a gamepad, the D-Pad may now be used as alternative to the analog stick.ChangedEditor- Comments in events can now have an arbitrary length and number of lines instead of being limited to 4 lines with limited width.- When importing music files, all allowed file types (mid, wav, mp3) are now shown at once.Engine- The “restart game” hotkey is now Alt+F12 instead of F12. This change was done to avoid frustrating accidental restarts, especially when the user is used to pressing F12 in order to create a screenshot (like it’s done in most Steam games). When F12 is pressed, a message is now displayed instead.FixedEditor- The default database’s “Poison” state was set to increase HP instead of decreasing them.- In the help file, information about “\n[\v[...]]” and “\n[0]” in messages was missing.- On newer versions of Windows, when closing RPG Maker, a temporary folder was not deleted, instead the RPG Maker silently crashed during shutdown.Engine- On multicore-processor machines, a race condition would cause key states reported to events to be unreliable while a key was being held down (it would appear to “bounce” instead of being reported as continuously pressed).If multiple events were stacked on top of each other on the same tile, their drawing order would change in unpredictable ways based on the position of other events (including the player). Now, they are sorted by their IDs (highest ID drawn last).- When the game was launched without focus, e.g. because another window had become active while the game was being launched, and in some other edge cases, the game would accept keyboard input despite being in the background.- Escaping a backslash in a message with another backslash (“\\”) would not work properly and cause weird behavior when the following character was “n”.- When an event had changed the tileset on the current map, this change was not preserved after loading the game from a save file. (It was still saved, just not loaded correctly, so this fix will retroactively make it work for existing save files.)- The current position of the parallax background was not saved in the save file.- Under rare conditions, the game could crash with an error “List index has exceeded its valid range (-1)” when a vehicle was displayed.
About This Software
For the first time ever, RPG Maker 2003 is officially available in English! This legendary game development engine is both highly affordable and easy to use, and it remains one of the most popular RPG Maker installments to date. It is the first engine in the series to employ a sideview battle system similar to the classic RPGs of the early-to-mid 90s. If you have always wanted to create a retro RPG with a third-person battle system, or simply are looking for an affordable but reliable game creation engine, then RPG Maker 2003 is for you!Side-view Battle SystemMost titles in the RPG Maker series center on first-person, turn-based combat. RPG Maker 2003 breaks this tradition by offering an engaging sideview battle system that is perfect for fans of classic RPGs. Creating and managing your game’s combat is as easy as filling in a database and playtesting, with no scripting knowledge required! This departure makes RPG Maker 2003 an excellent alternative for game developers who are not particularly fond of front-view battle systems.Straightforward ToolsRPG Maker engines are designed to be as flexible as possible while still being user friendly, and RPG Maker 2003 is no exception. Virtually everything in the engine is managed through a simple point-and-click interface. All of your game’s characters, enemies, skills, animations, and equipment are created and stored in an easy-to-navigate database. An in-depth event system contains dozens of functions to help make your story and world come to life, such as custom messages, character movement, player choices, special effects, and more. Plus, RPG Maker 2003’s powerful map editor is extremely easy to master, allowing you to craft your world tile by tile with unprecedented efficiency!Retro PresentationRelive the golden age of RPGs with RPG Maker 2003’s diverse selection of 16-bit default graphics. If you’re feeling especially creative, RPG Maker 2003 allows you to import custom 16-bit graphics, including character sprites, tilesets for your environments, battle animations, backgrounds, and more! The engine is also loaded with a variety of catchy midi tracks and sound e custom MP3/WAV/MIDI tracks can be added as well.Share Your Game!Want to share your creation with the world? You can export your creation in a portable file that can be played on ANY Windows system! Plus, games made with RPG Maker 2003 can be sold as long as you have the appropriate rights and have followed the registration procedure. With some hard work you could become the next great indie game developer!
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP/Vista/7/8Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R)4 1.5GHzMemory: 256 MB RAMGraphics:
or better video resolution in High Color modeStorage: 100 MB available spaceSound Card: DirectSound-compatible sound card
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