
配置要求操作系统Win Xp/Win 7/Win Vista运行环境&=DirectX 9.0CPUIntel Core2 Duo E4600 @ 2.40Hz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+内存2 GB显卡GeForce 8800 GT / Radeon HD 3870硬盘4 GB桌球是适合多人竞争的游戏,这款游戏也不例外。玩家可以和朋友在电脑前随时进行桌球的比赛而不必到专门的台球厅去。游戏包含的桌球游戏的各种元素,可以满足各类玩家的需求。而操作的简便也让游戏更具乐趣。&
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  《国际桌球俱乐部》以其精美的2D画面和细致的操作,良好的手感被喜爱它的玩家誉为PC上最好的台球游戏,在这里我们要特别推荐它的最新国际版。  这款游戏新增了联机对战的功能,你可以和朋友通过网络进行比赛了。最新更新为完美版,推荐喜欢桌球的玩家再次下载。  初试联机功能感觉还是十分方便的,只要注意打开提示的防火墙端口,2台电脑即可联机游戏了,游戏的俱乐部房间模式十分有趣,很有真实比赛的气氛。&&&&& 画 面:  2D台球游戏,画面很精美,尤其是光线的明暗使用非常到位,是平面的台球桌和台球有种接近真实的感觉,台球反射着柔和的光线,感觉质地非常真实。整体效果非常出众。  声 音:   为了贴近真实的比赛环境,游戏中并为设置背景音乐,但是击球和台球之间碰撞的声音非常清脆悦耳,可以达到以假乱真的程度。  上手度:   其基本操作和前作一样,这里特别介绍一下联机的功能,用引导程序进入后会自动联机,确认后进入游戏。如果你是内网会提示不能连接英特网,不过也可以通过局域网游戏,不要选择退出游戏,进入游戏后需要联机则选择第一项联机游戏,可以创建一个新的连接,设定联机方式,就可以联网游戏了。  可玩性:   游戏模拟台球比赛,非常具有可玩性,玩家可以在游戏中不断摸索,增加游戏水平,游戏中可以选择斯诺克、8球、9球等不同种类的台球比赛,也可以跟虚拟的电脑高手一较高下,也可以和好友对战比赛。  游戏技巧   International Cue Club 是个很经典的游戏,每次开秆的先后是电脑随机决定的,如果把游戏开始的设置性别改为女性,起手基本是你开秆(电脑也会女士优先)
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在国内,一说道“战棋”二字,恐怕大部分人的脑海里浮现出的都是《大战略》、《火焰之纹章》、《英杰传》、《装甲元帅》等这些游戏机和PC上耳熟能详的SLG类电子游戏,但是很多人可能并不知道,其实这些电子战棋的基础都是源自桌上战棋。而说到桌上战棋,往往在国内仍然有概念上的误区,很多人一提到桌上战棋,以为就是《战锤(Warhammer)》,就一定要用模型兵、放在桌上场景推演的。尽管《战锤》进入国内相对比较早且目前很流行,但其实它只是众多的战棋种类和系列中的一个,并不是所有的桌上战棋都需要昂贵的模型、宽大的桌子、复杂的场景。谈到桌上战棋,首先需要简要谈下桌上游戏的概念。“桌上游戏”,广义上通常分为三大类:第一类、桌上游戏(Boardgame):即国内圈内通常称为的“桌游”或“BG”。其定义很明显:就是在桌子上玩的不插电游戏,一套游戏通常使用各种图版,模型,大小标记来进行一场游戏。参与的玩家围在一起,按照相应的规则和背景执行游戏。同电子和网络游戏最大的区别就是,桌上游戏是人与人之间直接产生互动的游戏。种类十分繁多,有休闲类、交易类、拍卖类、建设类、益智类等上百种类。其历史可以追溯到20世纪30年代的《大富翁(Monopoly)》,而目前国外桌上游戏的发展速度决不亚于电子游戏,只是国内接触较晚,很多人还不了解。不过自2006年来,在国内北京、上海、广州、沈阳、成都、重庆、温州、大连、南京等城市都陆续出现了不少桌游吧、桌游商家以及玩家自发的桌游组织等。第二类、桌上角色扮演游戏(TRPG):即国内俗称的“跑团”。这样的游戏。通常玩家只需要1张纸、1只笔、1套专用骰子、1套手册(含:规则手册、冒险手册、怪物手册等),有时会配合一些简单的地图和模型。最著名的系列,当然是《龙与地下城(Dungeons & Dragons,简称D&D或DND)》了。目前国内很多大学和学院的奇幻文化爱好者组织都有“跑团”的社团。对于以上这两大类,不是本文的主题,故不再做过多描述。第三类、桌上战棋(Wargame):按国外通常的概念,包含两大类:严格式兵棋和微缩模型战棋。其实“兵棋”这个词是大陆地区所独有的,以强调严格式战棋的专业性,(“兵棋”在国内又被称为“手工兵棋”,其意并非是手工自制,而是指非计算机化的实体人工推演)而实际上在国外和港台地区,“兵棋”和“战棋”并没有名词上区别,其英文原名都是Wargame这个单词。不过为了表现“兵棋”和“模型战棋”的不同特点,国外通常对前者称为“Counter-Hex Wargame”,而对后者称为“Miniature Wargame”。桌上战棋的背景题材包括从上古到近未来各个时期甚至科幻、奇幻题材的战争。下面详细介绍下桌上战棋类型和特点。桌上战棋通常分为三种级别:战略级---玩家扮演的通常的国家级的指挥者,地图多为世界或国家区域,作战单位级别通常为集团军、军或师等。(象:《太平洋战争(Pacific War)》、《第三帝国的兴亡(Rise and Decline of the Third Reich)》、《世界大战(A World At War)》、《横扫欧洲(Europe Engulfed)》等)战役级---玩家扮演的通常为战区、集团军或军一级的统帅,地图多为特定地区或战区,作战单位级别通常为师、旅、团或营等(象:《阿登44(Ardennes‘44)》、《六月6日(June 6)》、《中途岛(Midway)》、《东方红(East Is Red)》等)战术级---玩家扮演的通常为战斗群或分队级的基层指挥员,地图多为战斗区域的地形地貌,作战单位级别通常为排、班、火力组或单车,甚至到单兵及独立武器装备等(象:《高级步兵班长(Advanced Squad Leader)》、《火力战(Fire Fight)》、《红星白星(Red Star White Star)》、《战斗准备(Lock'n Load)》等)回复1楼 15:42举报 |我也说一句yiyuezhuo中尉7严格式兵棋,最早于1811年由普鲁士的文职战争顾问冯·莱斯维茨男爵发明,德文名称叫“kriegsspiel”1816年,兵棋作为军官训练和计划作战的一种新手段在普鲁士步入正轨。冯·莱斯维茨男爵的《kriegsspiel》:从1872年起,兵棋,继总参谋部和军事学院之后,成为普鲁士军人对近代军事科学的第三大发明而载入史册,相继被世界各军事先进国家效法。到了第一次世界大战期间,兵棋模拟不仅作为军官的一种训练活动,而且作为军事学校的教学内容已在一些欧美国家的军队中推广。从那时起,兵棋模拟在真实战争中逐步进入实战应用,对于模拟军事部署、战斗进程和预测战争结果发挥了重大作用。兵棋的产生虽然比现代Boardgame早100多年(象棋、围棋、麻将这些传统桌
*** Ranked #1 iPad board game in Germany! ***Aloha Mate! – "Kahuna" takes you to the paradise islands of the South Pacific!Two priests – the wielders of Kahuna magic – compete to determine which of them has greater powers. With a select group of 12 uninhabited islands, they use their magical powers to build bridges linking those islands to each other.In Kahuna, rivals use cards strategically to place bridges between these islands or remove opponent's bridges. As soon as the majority of bridges are conquered around an island, Kahuna marker stones can be placed on that island. The player who holds the most Kahuna stones after a round will score points. It’s all about clever placement of limited cards for maximum impact. Kahuna is easy to learn and a challenge to truly master!- Easy rules based on the successful board game classic published in 1998 - Campaign mode for single players- Turn-based multiplayer mode for two players- Numerous Game Center achievements- 12 AI opponents with different personalities and tactics provide varied challenges- Artistically crafted cartoon design- Available localizations: English, German, Dutch***** Questions or suggestions for improvements:How do you like the difficulty levels of the AI players? Mail to ios@usm.de We are looking forward to your feedback! Please do not ask your questions in the reviews as we do not have the possibility to respond to you there.For more information on news and updates: www.usmgames.com or visit us on www.facebook.com/UnitedSoftMedia and twitter.com/USM_News *****
瘟疫危机HD Pandemic: The Board Game
中文版本不適用於 iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPad Mini 1 及第五代iPod Touch。作為抗疫團隊中的一位專業成員,你必須致力為四種致命的傳染病研發療藥,同時確保疫情受控。你和隊友將走遍世界,治理受感染的患者,採集病原研發藥物。 你們必須發揮團隊合作精神。分分秒秒間,傳染病突然爆發,疫症急速蔓延,全球陷入瘟疫危機。你能及時找到全部四種療藥嗎?人類的命運,正掌握在你們手中!《瘟疫危機》圖板遊戲將你置於災難性的挑戰之中,只有合作無間的團隊才能拯救地球。遊戲局面緊張多變,規則卻簡單易明,一家老小都能樂在其中。*遊戲玩法 在《瘟疫危機》圖板遊戲中,玩家扮演獨特的角色,各自擁有特殊能力。每人在自己的回合都能執行4次行動,盡力治理疾病以拯救地球。行動包括從圖板上移除「疾病方塊」、乘搭航機到需要援助的城市、跟同伴交換卡牌等等。玩家在自己的回合結束前,將再有城市受到疾病感染,可能導致流行病蔓延。 你必須致力預防疫症爆發,避免情況失控。要在《瘟疫危機》圖板遊戲中取勝只有一個方法:你必須在時限前為四種傳染病研發出療藥!《瘟疫危機》圖板遊戲自2008年出版後屢獲獎項,深受遊戲玩家喜愛,現更推出iOS遊戲程式通用版本。*特色
- 7張不同能力的角色牌- 支援2、3或4人遊戲;亦可單人進行,一人分演多個角色- 多人(2-4)遊戲以傳遞模式進行- 3種難度設定,適合初玩者、進階和超級玩家- 詳盡的引導式互動教學、「資訊模式」在遊戲進行時提供規則提示- 規則說明書整全版,方便閱讀和隨時翻查細則- 動畫介面清晰顯示遊戲進度和熱點- 「復原鍵入」系統- 自動調節背景音樂- 圖板遊戲足本玩法,適合超級玩家- 介面經特別設計和測試,容易操作- 支援直向和橫向顯示 (只限iPad)- 支援多任務處理功能*擴充遊戲- 《一觸即發》擴充版的內容可透過App內購買獲得- 6個新角色和8個新事件- 提供5人遊戲- 增添「傳奇」難度設定,適合愛向極限挑戰的玩家- 玩家的玩家牌疊中各有2宗事件- 可透過App內購買獲得「致命菌株」挑戰- 8張有不同效果的「致命菌株流行病牌」*回饋我們很重視你的想法。若你對《瘟疫危機》圖板遊戲有任何反饋、意見和建議,請發電郵至跟我們聯絡。*歡迎瀏覽《瘟疫危機》圖板遊戲在 Facebook上的專頁:https://www.facebook.com/PandemicTheBoardGame
Challenging and thoroughly addictive! Now you can play the original award winning board game Qwirkle on your iPad and iPhone!Qwirkle is MindWare's best-selling board game, with over two million copies sold worldwide. Through the years, Qwirkle has received numerous awards including Mensa, Parents' Choice, Major Fun and the Spiel des Jahres, Germany's coveted game of the year award.FEATURES:- Solo, Online, and Pass and Play modes all support up to 4 players.- 4 levels of difficulty, from easy to expert.- Includes Achievements and Leaderboards through Game Center.- Customize your experience - choose your favorite background to play on.- Play with classic Qwirkle colors or personalize your tiles with custom colors.- Exciting animations and playful music enhance the Qwirkle experience!- Tutorial and Help sections get you playing fast and easy!WHO WILL YOU PLAY?- Play solo against 4 levels of robot, from easy to expert.- For family game night, use Pass and Play mode to play together on a single device.- Challenge your friends to play online through Game Center.- Find new online opponents through auto-match in Game Center.Find out more about Qwirkle on the MindWare website: http://www.mindware.com/qwirkle-a2-32016.fltrWant to share your thoughts on the digital version of Qwirkle directly with the developers? Email us at
with your comments! We'd love to have your input about what you like and ideas for improvements. We look forward to your feedback!Happy Qwirkling!
卡坦岛 Rivals for Catan
Be the Prince or Princess of Catan and decide on the fate of its settlers!This exciting Catan card game challenges you to rule a realm on Catan. Construct cities and settlements, build ships and roads, and hire heroes to outplay your opponents!Three different game modes provide varied challenges:- An easy-to-play introductory game, ‘The First Catanians’ is exclusively played with the cards of the basic set and using simple rules. The ideal way to get started with the game!- Theme set games represent new eras on Catan, adding numerous cards to the game: Make clever use of trade advantages and the opportunities of cards like the university or the pharmacy to achieve domination over Catan!- The ‘Duel of the Princes’ is the most advanced game mode: it is played with cards from all theme sets, offering even more strategic and tactical possibilities, thus providing some truly sophisticated games.Features:- Based on the original card game by the creator of Catan, Klaus Teuber- Exciting two-player duels- Three game modes with various difficulties- Numerous AI opponents with different personalities and tactics provide varied challenges - Online and local multiplayer modes (online multiplayer via Apple Game Center)- Based on the rules of the comprehensive, revised edition of the Catan card game- Including Cards Almanac for easy reference and comprehensive tutorials to get started*****Questions or suggestions for improvements: Mail to ios@usm.de We are looking forward to your feedback! Please do not ask your questions in the reviews as we do not have the possibility to respond to you there.For more information on news and updates:www.usmgames.com
or visit us on www.facebook.com/UnitedSoftMedia and on twitter.com/USM_News*****
月蚀银河曙光HD Eclipse: New Dawn for the Galaxy
Alliances are shattering, and hasty diplomatic treaties are made in secrecy. A confrontation of the superpowers seems inevitable – only the outcome of the galactic conflict remains to be seen. Which faction will emerge victorious and rule the galaxy? A game of Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization, competing for success with its rivals. You will explore new star systems, research technologies, and build mighty spaceships. There are many potential paths to victory, so you need to plan your strategy considering the strengths and weaknesses of your species, while paying attention to the other civilizations'' endeavors. Eclipse other civilizations and lead your people to victory! FEATURES * Official iOS version of the ''Eclipse: New Dawn for the Galaxy'' boardgame * Deep and challenging 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate) gameplay * 7 species with different strengths and weaknesses * Customizable star systems, technology tree and ship designs * Up to 6 players (human or AI) * Asynchronous multiplayer with push notifications * 3 AI difficulty levels * In-game tutorial & manualEclipse received multiple awards:* 2011 Charles S. Roberts Best Science-Fiction or Fantasy Board Wargame Nominee* 2011 Jogo do Ano Nominee* 2012 Golden Geek Board Game of the Year Winner* 2012 Golden Geek Golden Geek Best Strategy Board Game Winner* 2012 International Gamers Award - General Strategy: Multi-player Nominee* 2012 JoTa Best Gamer Game Audience Award* 2012 JUG Game of the Year Winner* 2012 Ludoteca Ideale Winner* 2012 Lys Passioné Winner* 2012 Tric Trac Nominee
深水城领主 D&D Lords of Waterdeep
Wizards of the Coast and Playdek present the award-winning Dungeons & Dragons board game Lords of Waterdeep!Now available: The award-winning Dungeons & Dragons(R) expansion for Lords of Waterdeep – Scoundrels of Skullport!Skullport -- also known as the Port of Shadows – is nestled in the heart of Undermountain. A haven for nefarious crimes, underhanded deals and back-alley murders, Skullport is a hive of evil beneath the City of Splendors.This expansion brings with it Corruption, a new resource module that has both benefits and disadvantages to it for players. This expansion also includes the Rapid Expansion Promo Card which allows you to obtain more buildings to add to your collection.New Lord Cards, new quests, and new intrigue cards can be found. The map has been expanded and advanced buildings have been added that will provide more resources for the players to acquire. These additional cards and buildings are sure to make for a challenging game against strategic players.The expansion also adds a player, for a total of 6 giving even more players the chance to engage in D&D action whenever and however they want.Praise for Lords of Waterdeep!- 2013 Golden Geek Awards Readers'' Choice Game of the Year Winner- 2013 Golden Geek Awards Technical and Design Awards: Achievement in AI Gold Award- 2013 Golden Geek Awards Video Game: Best Mobile/Handheld Game Nominee- PocketGamer: Gold Award- PocketTactics: 5 Stars- AppAddict: 5 Stars "Fantastic"- Game Informer: 4.5 Stars- 148Apps: 4.5 Stars- TouchArcade: Hot Game of the WeekWelcome to Waterdeep, the City of Splendors! A city run by a secret society of masked Lords who rule with shady back-door dealings and unmatched political power. In Lords of Waterdeep players will play as one of these masked Lords and will need to recruit adventurers to go out and complete quests for them. The more quests they complete, the more control and influence they have over the city. Players can expand the city by purchasing buildings that will open up new opportunities within the city walls. Intrigue cards can be used to help the player and may also either help or hinder their fellow Lords in their quest to become the supreme ruler of Waterdeep!Lords of Waterdeep is a turn-based strategy game played in 8 rounds and can be played against AI or with up to 5 human players. Players take turns assigning their agents to do their bidding, whether it is to recruit new adventurers to their tavern or purchase a new building for the city. Points and resources are gained by completing quests, playing Intrigue cards, constructing new buildings or having other players utilize the buildings you have constructed. At the end of the 8 rounds bonus points are awarded and the player with the most points at the end wins the game.HIGHLIGHTSo2013 Origins Awards Best Board Game WinneroComputer opponents, pass and play multiplayer and asynchronous multiplayer online playoUniversal game application - buy once and play on all your devicesoRetina supportoiPhone5 / iPod 5 screen supportFEATURESoOptions for 2-5 players (6 players with the UUndermountain or Scoundrels of Skullport expansions)oAI OpponentsoPass-and-play multiplayer gameplay (2-5 players)oAsynchronous or real-time online play (2-5 players)oAbility to invite Playdek friends to matchesoPublic or Private online profile statisticsoSelectable online game clockso"Next game" button takes you to your next asynchronous online gameoA game tutorialoRule Book and Card Gallery to review game text and effectsoOptions for Music and SFX, animation speedoAnimated backgroundsoPlayer ratings systemoOther player''s Online status indicatorREQUIRESoPlaydek Account required to play onlineoGame Center Account required to view achievements
停不下来 Can''''t Stop
Playdek brings the venerable Sid Sackson classic to 3D!Featuring a push-your-luck dice mechanic, this classic game pits up to 4 players in a race for the top!Roll four dice to make pairs and start your climb to the top, but beware, the moment you fail to advance, you lose all progress! Next time, try to roll better! Rolling hot? You’ll earn Streaks!
How to play: Roll four dice and select from the pairs presented to place a “runner” on the numbered column. Subsequent rolls either add a new runner or advance a runner that’s already on the board. You only get three runners and when they are on the board, you must roll an advancing pair, fail to do so and you lose all your progress! When a player claims three columns, the game ends!You Can Look Forward to Getting Hooked On:oBeautiful 3d and animationsoOriginal Music and sound effectsoUp to 4 players: Single Player and Pass-and-Play MultiplayeroVariable levels of AIoGame Center AchievementsoStreak MeterPraise for the classic board game:oSpiel des Jahres: Game of the Year Nominee 1982oGames Magazine: Best Family Game Nominee 2008oMajor FUN: Major FUN Award 2008 Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad, iPad2 and iPad3.Requires:
iOS 4.2 or later.Requires: Game Center account required for AchievementsPlatform: iOS Universal App Also by PlaydekSummoner W Ascension: Chronicle of the G Food Fight iOS; N F Penny Arcade The Game: Gamers vs Evil
农场主 Agricola
G Deck available now to play with!! (English and German translations available for this deck at this time)Winner of the 2013 Board Game of the Year from Pocket Tactics!Europe is recovering from some hard times. You and a spouse must grow your 2-room hut and empty farmyard into a productive farm. You must sow and reap, raise animals and expand your family in order to thrive. Europe in the 17th century: a tough time to be a farmer!Agricola is a family-friendly strategy game. Simple to understand and great fun, Agricola lets everyone play to the end in a race to see who can build the most productive farm.Easy To PlayAgricola is a turn-based game, played in six Stages and 14 Rounds. On a turn, players place a family member token on a location in town in order to collect resources or to take actions to improve their farm. They can get building materials such as Wood and Clay, plow fields and sow crops, or build fences to keep animals. New actions become available at the start each round and resources get replenished on any taken in the previous round.At harvest crops are reaped, newborn animals arrive and you must feed your family. Growing your family gives you more actions but means you have more mouths to feed!The player with the most productive and advanced farm at the end of 14 rounds is the winner. Victory points are awarded for the number of fields and pastures you have, as well as for crops and animals. Additional points are awarded for extension and renovation of the family’s home, for the number of family members, and for played Occupation and Improvement cards. Players lose one point for each unused farmyard space.An award-winning board game and player favorite since 2007, Agricola is now available as a universal game application.Brought to you by Playdek, Agricola establishes a new benchmark for iPad board gaming.Features:o4 Game play modes: Family G Basic G Solo P Solo Serieso1-5 playersoIncluded AI opponentsoPass-and-play multiplayer (2-5 players)oAsynchronous or real-time online play (2-5 players)oUniversal game application – buy once and play on all your devicesoGame Center AchievementsoSelectable Online game clocksoRematch button for online and offline matcheso“Next Game” button takes you to your next asynchronous online gameoMatchmakingoPlayer RankingsoMultiple Player Profiles (for households)oSelect your Family Token art for your profileoGame tutorials for interface, game play and strategyoRule Book and Card Gallery to review game text and effectsoOptions for Music and SFX, game speed and animation speed, and confirmation pop-upsoGame overview, turn log and game event calendar to support asynchronous playoRetina supportoiPhone / iPod 5 screen supportoLocalizations: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Brazilian PortugueseFrom Playdek, the award-winning publisher and developer:oD&D Lords of Waterdeep - 5 stars on PocketTactics & AppAddicts!!oAscension: Chronicle of the Godslayer (Golden Geek, 2011 – Boardgamegeek.com)oSummoner Wars (Golden Geek, 2012 – Boardgamegeek. Game of the Year 2012, Pockettactics. Game of the Year, Board/Card, 2012 - Gamezebo)oTanto CuoreoNightfalloFluxxoPenny Arcade the Game: Gamers vs EviloCan’t StopoFood Fight iOS
黄昏 Nightfall
The sun has retreated from the earth, a week ago it shone its last, and now chaos has begun. People fear for their existence, and while scientists struggle to explain the phenomenon, the creatures of nightmare began to appear. Fear the Night!Gamezebo: 5 Stars - “Playdek has once again hit it out of the park.”Appolicious: 4.5 out 5Nerd Appropriate: “Nightfall on iOS is a great way to play cards with friends when you can’t get a gaming crew together.”New In-App Purchase Expansion: Nightfall: Martial LawNightfall: Martial Law introduces many new characters, actions and new color combinations for creating chains and achieving kickers. Martial Law will also introduce the new "Feed" mechanic which will allow players to get even more uses out of their orders. The game also brings to the table a new “Wound” effect that is sure to surprise opponents.In Nightfall, players must master hordes of ghouls, vampires and werewolves as they struggle to gain control of a post-apocalyptic world.Begin with a set of starter Minions then draft cards into your private Archives, play cards into the Chain in order to maximize the effectiveness of your cards and Claim new Minions and Actions to pit against your foes. Attack your opponents every round in an effort to weaken your rivals. Time is limited and only mastering all Phases of the game will leave you standing as the victor at the end of the game.Nightfall for iOS brings AEG's modern horror game to select iPods, iPhones and
iPads.HIGHLIGHTSoNew In-App Purchase: Martial Law expansion!oAchievements and un-lockable Promo Cards-Ahmad Hassan -Desperate Measures -Pale FuryoAsynchronous multiplayer with game timersoTwo start-game modes: Quick Play and DraftoPlay with open Wound counts or traditional hidden WoundsFEATURESoSupports 1-5 players (human and/or AI)o3 levels of AIoAsynchronous multiplayer online gamesoPlay against others with “pass and play” multiplayeroPlayer ProfilesoIntroductory tutorial to teach you how to playoMaintain and save multiple gamesoAutomatic shuffling, cleanup and scoringoUniversal AppAlso by PlaydekSummoner W Ascension: Chronicle of the G Food Fight iOS; Can't Stop
猛鬼村HD Ghost Stories
≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ GHOST STORIES ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈≈≈ SLAY THE LORD OF THE NINE HELLS! ≈≈~ The first COOPERATIVE boardgame available on the Apple Store! ~The players must unite their forces to beat the game.If the right decisions are taken at the right moment, then you'll be able to taste the sweet taste of victory. Otherwise, you all lose!–––––––––––SYNOPSIS–––––––––––You play the part of a Taoist monk with supernatural powers.Your final goal: vanquish WU-FENG, the wicked Lord of Darkness.In GHOST STORIES, the forces of good won't get a break – the ghosts will attack you unceasingly.You'll have to team up to repel the attack of the ghosts, zombies and other abominations under Wu-Feng's command.You can defeat them through sheer strength or by calling upon Taoist magic..Don't hesitate to call upon the skills of the villagers you are protecting.The WITCH will help you exorcise a ghost but there will be a price to pay... the PRIESTS will pray in order to help you with some of your battles or the HERBALIST will help you find new ingredients for your spells...Be stronger and more clever than Evil and the village will be saved.Will you be brave enough to vanquish Wu-Feng and his minions?–––––––––––INFO–––––––––––This application is an adaptation of the famous GHOST STORIES boardgame.A game by Antoine Bauza, with artwork by Pier? and published by Repos Production.iPad development by Immeractive & DS Improve (www.dsimprove.be)&o 1 to 4 players.o ± 30 minutes per game.o 4 difficulty levels.o A customizable board and multiple powers.o Never play the same game twice, the game is always fun!
召唤战争 Summoner Wars
PocketTactics.com’s Game of the Year, 2012PocketTactics.com’s Multiplayer Game of the Year, 2012VideoGameGeek.com’s Golden Geek Award, Best Mobile/Handheld game 2012Gamezebo’s #1 Board/Card game of 2012“An out-of-the-gate smash success.” – Gameshark.com“I just keep playing this!” – Dicetower.com“It was so much fun, it was all I could think about.” – Drakesflames.blogspot.comSummoner Wars for iOS is a digital card game with all the tactical elements of a board game. Summoner Wars for iOS allows players to control the Phoenix Elves faction and battle against AI opponents or go online to play against others. Nine additional factions such as the Tundra Orcs, Guild Dwarves and Cave Goblins are available through the game’s in-app store. For those who wish to take the game to the next level, a deck-editor allows players to select the cards in their factions and reinforcements to build a custom deck to play with, within the confines of the rules. Changing cards can affect game play, making the game infinitely customizable.A Playdek online account is required to play online. Summoner Wars is a popular fantasy card game where players take on the role of a Summoner. Players cast spells and summon warriors to a battlefield and tactically maneuver them in an effort to defeat their opponent’s summoner. Summoner Wars offers many faction decks for players to choose from, like the precise Phoenix Elves, the hordes of Cave Goblins, or the righteous Vanguards. Each faction offers unique play and requires players to adapt to the special strategies available to that faction. Summoner Wars the card game was released in 2009 and has received critical acclaim from a variety of board game review sites.o Phoenix Elves Faction and reinforcements includedo Factions and their reinforcement cards are included in a purchaseo 6 AI opponentso 9 factions to purchaseo Mercenary Card pack to purchaseo Plaid Hat promo cards included in Mercenary Card packo Tutorial, Card Gallery and Rule Booko Pass-and-play multiplayer (2 players)o Asynchronous or real-time online play (2 players)o Universal game application – buy once and play on all your deviceso Selectable Online game clockso Rematch button for online and offline matcheso “Next Game” button takes you to your next asynchronous online gameo iPhone / iPod 5 screen supportFind us on Facebook and Twitter! Playdek website: www.playdekgames.comFrom Playdek, the award-winning publisher and developero D&D Lords of Waterdeepo Agricolao Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer (Golden Geek, 2011 – Boardgamegeek.com)o Nightfallo Food Fight iOSo Fluxxo Penny Arcade the Game: Gamers vs Evilo Can’t Stop
禁闭岛 - Forbidden Island
“老实说,禁闭岛是我在iOS上玩过的最好的游戏。” ——BoardGameGeek.com“8.5/10 – 跟暗杀神和卡卡颂一个级别的完美移植”—— Games and Grub“漂亮的插画给我一种玩原版游戏的感觉”—— Wired.com:GeekDad“我给两个大拇指!强烈推荐!”—— The Dice Tower******荣誉**2011年 BoardGameGeek iOS游戏荣誉:年度iOS游戏 – 提名最佳儿童游戏 – 获奖者最佳家庭游戏 – 提名最佳界面与图形设计 – 提名最佳本地多人游戏体验 – 提名The Dice Tower:2011年度最佳电子桌游 – 提名****
你的探险小队会是第一个攻破禁闭岛的防线,夺取宝藏并活着逃出来的吗?2010年 Mensa 年度精选,2011年德国年度游戏提名。禁闭岛是每个人的游戏,天马行空,乐趣无穷,让你身临其境!****特点:? 1到4人的合作游戏? 单人游戏(控制多个冒险者)? 包括两张不同的岛屿组合,还有其它更多挑战? 通过1个应用内购买可获得额外10个岛屿组合? 通过Game Center记录成就? 两种桌面布局,可以面对面或者围个圈玩? 可以保存无限多个进行中的游戏? 还原原作精美的插画,还有大量全新插图? 简单已读的游戏说明? 互动教程引导玩家完成第一次冒险? 可选的游戏中提示? 通过Facebook和Twitter分享你的成就!(Twitter只能在iOS 5或更新的系统中使用)? 视网膜显示支持在iOS 5, iOS 6和iOS 7兼容性测试通过。
Elder Sign: Omens HD
“GAME OF THE WEEK” - G4TV.comTOUCH ARCADE - 4.5 out of 5148APPS.COM -
4.5 out of 5GAMEZEBO- 4.5 out of 5 BOARD GAME GEEK - 3 out of 4The tense excitement of Elder Sign is now available for iPhone/iPod Touch! Elder Sign: Omens places you in control of up to four intrepid investigators, as they fight to keep all-powerful Ancient Ones from invading our world through a museum’s arcane exhibits! *Build a team of unique investigators* *Explore an ever-changing museum* *Face challenging arcane tasks* *Save the world from absolute destruction**Expand the horror with two exciting in-app purchases*Can you stand against the impending arrival of a malevolent Ancient One? While Elder Sign: Omens brilliantly conveys the spirit of the Elder Sign dice game, a few noteworthy differences were adopted to optimize the mobile play experience: -A limited number of available Ancient Ones streamlines the game play experience while offering adjustable levels of difficulty. Face Yig in normal mode, Azathoth or Tsathoggua in hard mode, or Cthulhu or Ithaqua in very hard mode (in-app purchases required to face Cthulhu and Ithaqua).-A number of subtle changes increase the peril of defending humanity. For example, the random negative effects drawn every midnight are more challenging, and the frequency of “no effect” results has been decreased. Monsters have likewise been altered to make them more difficult. -Finally, there are no Ally cards in Elder Sign: Omens, which further streamlines play while increasing the overall challenge.
两河流域 Reiner Knizia Tigris&Euphrates
在任何时间、任何地点游玩Reiner Knizia的杰作!Tigris & Euphrate场景设定为古代的新月沃土,玩家通过放置砖瓦建设文明。游戏为玩家提供四种不同的领导者:农民、商人、教士和国王。领导者用于收集整个游戏中的各种胜利点。然而,您在游戏结束时的得分为您最弱类别的得分,所以您必须以尽可能平衡的方式发展您的文明。王国相连时会发生冲突,领导人在画面上交锋,每个类别只有一名领导者可幸存。凭借惊人的高清图形和一貫对细节和主题的一絲不苟,这款来自开发商和发行商Sage Board Games的最新产品,令您与您的朋友一起或独自玩一次Tigris & Euphrates的快速游戏变得简单并具有娱乐性 -- 无论您身在何处!将深层次战略与直观和美丽的视觉呈现相结合,Tigris引领您进入王国和古迹的古代世界,并且一次又一次给您带回更多的内容。无需花时间安装,不会失去任何棋子,不必对规则进行争论,棋盘游戏的未来就在这里,Tigris & Euphrates正正给您想要的 - 游戏!特点========支持3种游戏模式:- 不同程度电脑玩家难度的单人游戏- 与2至4个本地真人玩家带或不带电脑玩家的“轮流游戏”- 使用Game Center进行回合制多人游戏具有完整教程及游戏中提示适用于iPad、Retina的绚丽图形,原始的iPhone/iPod屏幕身临其境的波斯主题和音乐,或播放您自己的iPod音乐从iOS 3.1.3至iOS 5.0通过测试关于=====Reiner Knizia博士是世界上最富产和最知名的棋盘游戏设计师之一,他的顶级杰作之一的这个版本已经得到他的完全认可与赞同。Sage Board Games是一家独立的软件开发商,侧重于为移动设备开发屡获殊荣的经典棋盘游戏。凭借已获授权且名副其实的“who's who”欧元游戏,Sage Board Games有望成为iPad、iPhone和iPod Touch棋盘游戏的首要来源。访问我们的网站:sageboardgames.com在Facebook上将我们加为好友:facebook.com/sageboardgames在Twitter上关注我们:twitter.com/sageboardgames请将你的回应及请求送给我们,并于购入游戏后给予评价。
太阳神 Reiner Knizia's Ra
Ra 是一个获奖的棋盘游戏(“欧元游戏”),会令您爱不释手!Ra在OpenFeint里可使用。建立一个永存的帝国。竞争成为有史以来最著名的统治者,您对埃及历史上三个主要的时代的进程行使着几乎上帝般的权力。务,提供的服务包括:1)领袖排版2)成就 (在Ra里共有多过40个待您开锁)3)轮流(异步)方式的在线多人游戏玩法收集代表埃及人生话和文明各个方面的瓦片,而您的竞争对手也在进行同样的尝试。明智地使用太阳神Ra给您的为数不多的令牌,在帝王之谷开辟您的荣誉之所。通过惊人的高清图形和标志性的对细节和主题的注重,这款来自开发商和发行商Sage Board Games的最新产品使您与您的朋友或自己独自玩一次迅捷的RA游戏变得非常简单和有趣 - 无论您身在何处!综合深层战略与直观和唯美的视觉效果,Ra抓住了古埃及神秘的诱惑,它将会一次又一次地带您回到过去进行无限地探索。选择您最喜爱的8个不同埃及神祗作为您的头像,然后在单人游戏中与它们进行对抗,发现神的真正力量。不需要时间进行设置,不会有物件的丢失,并且没有关于规则的争吵,棋盘游戏未来就在这里,Ra给您的正是您想要的 - 玩!将您的iPad放置在一个平面上,游戏将自动调整,以便设备两侧的玩家都可以看到界面。将iPad拿起来,就可以开始“和朋友一起游戏”。在您的iPhone或iPod Touch上载入这个通用的应用程序,您最喜爱的新款iOS游戏即在您的股掌之中!特点==快速、简单、有趣,适合2至5位玩家的游戏令人惊叹的高清图形优异的视网膜(Retina)显示屏幕纯正的埃及主题和音乐,或播放您自己的iPod音乐支持3种游戏模式:单人游戏,“和朋友轮流游戏”以及“热座模式”(围着桌子)游戏8种不同的埃及神祗头像供您选择与8个不同的电脑玩家对手一争高下玩家的排名和统计触手可及的游戏中帮助完整的规则和游戏指南在iPad和iPhone/iPod上通用而又各具独特功能的应用程序OpenFeint=========OpenFeint是一个广泛地被采用的服务,提供的服务包括:1)领袖排版2)成就 (在Ra里共有多过40个待您开锁)3)轮流(异步)方式的在线多人游戏玩法关于==赖纳克尼齐亚博士是世界上最多产和最知名的棋盘游戏设计师之一,这个他的最高级游戏之一的版本已经经他同意和认可。塞奇棋盘游戏是一个独立的游戏软件开发商,以把获奖的经典棋盘游戏搬到移动设备上为核心。它的名副其实的“谁是谁”的欧盟游戏已被授权,塞奇棋盘游戏有望成为ipad,iPhone和 iPod Touch设备的棋盘游戏首选源。访问我们:sageboardgames.com喜欢我们:facebook.com/sageboardgames跟随我们:twitter.com/sageboardgames购买游戏以后,请将反馈和请求告知我们,并评估游戏。
阿兹特克人古庙 Reiner Knizia's Medici HD
Become a member of the infamous Medici family and compete to see who can make the most money in a no-holds-barred bidding war. ★★★★★★★★★★ Reviews: "[...] works amazingly well as an [iOS] app. Medici is a wonderful game and a true antidote to button-mashing video games." - TUAW "We have yet to come across a Reiner Knizia title that we did not fall in love with, and Medici is no different. [...] a great value, earning 4.5 [out of 5] Dimples." - AppSmile.com "Medici is in an excellent position to provide a boardgame experience for multiple human players [...] I don’t see this app coming off my [device] any time soon." - BoardGameNews.com "[...] the gameplay rewards surpass other games — many of which are deleted once beaten. [Medici] represents a great step forward in board game ports for more serious board game fans." - BlogCritics.org ★★★★★★★★★★ You are merchants in the fiercely competitive, but wealthy age of the Medici family. Your ships sail throughout the known world selling the goods you buy. Every day you go to the market where you must compete with other merchants for the merchandise available that day. As lots are purchased they are immediately loaded onto the waiting ships so that the ships may depart as soon as the market closes and the tide is high. When the ships set sail to deliver their merchandise to foreign ports, the merchants gather to calculate their earnings for the day. A merchants earnings are based on the total value of the goods they bought and the number of each commodity compared to the other merchants. With no setup time required, no pieces to lose, and no arguments about the rules, the future of board games is here and Medici gives you exactly what you want -- to play! How to Play:Combining deep strategy with an intuitive and beautiful interface, Medici is easy to learn but hard to master. Choose your favorite of nine different historically-based Medici characters, and then discover their true personalities as you compete against them in solo play. On a players turn, they open crates on the dock, then auction them off to the highest bidder. At the end of each day, Florins are paid out to the merchants with the most valuable shipments and who have shipped the most of each commodity. The player with the most money at the end of the three days is the winner! Features ======== No set up requiredFast, easy, and fun game play for 3 to 6 players Stunning HD graphics Support for 3 modes of play: solo, "pass and play", and "hotseat" (around the table) play 9 different historically-based Medici characters to choose from 9 different AI opponents to compete against Complete rules and game guide Play your own iPod music About ===== Dr. Reiner Knizia is one of the world's most prolific and best-known board game designers, and this version of one of his top titles has been fully approved and endorsed by him. Sage Board Games is an independent software developer, focusing on bringing award-winning and classic board games to mobile devices. With a veritable "who's who" of Euro games already licensed, Sage Board Games is poised to become the premiere source of board games for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Visit us: sageboardgames.com Follow us: twitter.com/sageboardgames Like us: facebook.com/sageboardgames Please send us your feedback and requests, and rate the game once you've bought it.
Tikal是获奖的桌上游戏("Euro game"),由设计师沃夫冈克拉玛及米凯尔杰斯宁推出。在Tikal,于危地马拉探索野生森林:那是众多马雅遗迹中最大且最重要的。从基地派出你的探索队员前往发现埋藏的宝藏及探索杂草丛生的寺庙。但要保持警觉,因为你与其他探险队竞争时,这些宝藏及寺庙可会易手!每一回合,你会放上一枚新的棋子,代表你刚刚标示的森林的部分,然后花费行动点去探索。若一枚火山棋子被揭露时,每个玩家均有一个额外机会去改善其位置,然后获得点数。计划你的行动,有智慧地宣示自己的权益,你的探险队便名垂青史。令人驚艷的高清畫像及注重细节和主题,透過開發及發行商Sage Board Games這個最新作品,使你無論在什麼地方,也可輕易且有趣地與朋友甚至是自己玩一玩Tikal遊戲。Tikal结合深奥的战略及直观美丽的视觉表现,让你深入森林的未知的秘密,一次又一次的给你愈来愈多的乐趣。从6个玛雅图腾中选择一个中意的成为你的头像,然后于单人模式中与他们对战,发掘这古老文明的真正力量。当你纯熟驾御这游戏时,于选择性的提示及全面的规则及游戏指引下,在网上与其他玩家连线,享受多人模式回合游戏的乐趣!无须安装时间,没有配件丢失,无须为规则争执,桌上游戏的未来就在这里,Tikal给你实际想要的东西-就是去玩乐!特徴========快捷,容易且有趣的游戏,供1至4名玩家享用让人震惊的高清画像,养眼的东西无数疑幻疑真的玛雅主题及音乐,或播放你自己的iPod的音乐支援3种游戏模式:单人,“轮流玩“模式及网上多人模式6种不同的玛雅图腾头像可供选择6种不同的人工智能对手可供挑战游戏内设有提示,使你容易上手完善规则及游戏指引玩家排名及数据成就及排行榜网上多人对战關於=====沃尔夫冈克莱默是世上最卓越及成功的桌上游戏设计师,这是他1999年德国年度游戏奖获奖作品的官方的iOS版本。Sage Board Games是独立的软体开商,专注于移植获奖及经典的桌上游戏到流动装置。其货真价实的"who's who" Euro游戏早已发行, Sage Board Games势将成为iPad, iPhone及iPod Touch的桌上游戏的主要来源。瀏覽我們:
末日浩劫 Neuroshima Hex
AWARDS:"iOS Game of the Year"Game Shark"Best Card/Board Game - Runner Up"TouchGenPRESS QUOTES:"With great production values the board game has been translated to perfection."TouchGen (9/10, Editor's Choice)"Would I Buy Again: Absolutely."What's On iPhone (9/10)"Neuroshima Hex is a board game that almost seems like it was destined for the App Store […]"App Spy (4/5)"Neuroshima Hex is hard not to recommend"Games Uncovered (Grade: 'Great')"C deep strategy"Slide To Play (3/4)"It's a deeply satisfying game that forces you to have a tactical mind in order to win, and it's incredibly fulfilling when you do."GameZebo (4/5)《浩劫末世》是个速度快、战术性的、多达4个玩家(人类或AI)的桌面游戏。每个玩家领4个军队中之一,在通过30年战争荒地为势力和生存而战斗。和摩洛克(Moloch)同步向前进行,领机器人军队建立世界新秩序。成为博尔格(Borgo)将军,把威胁荒地的变种人帮伙使统一。领哨兵(Outpost)军队——抗争机器军压倒多数,作人类最后、唯一的希望。当霸主(Hegemony)军队领导,控制自私、旁若无人、享受暴力、鲁莽逞能的帮伙。《浩劫末世》世界内为生存而八仙过海,各显神通。《浩劫末世》在桌面游戏界很有名。《浩劫末世》在有威望的BoardGameGeek游戏目录(含有全球5万个游戏)占第一百。2007年5月《浩劫末世》获得了2006年波兰最佳游戏的褒奖。《浩劫末世》也发行在美国(Z-Man Games出版社)和法国(IELLO出版社)。本游戏为英文版。特点:- 《浩劫末世》原作游戏玩法和插画 - 4具有独特战略的军队(8 In App Purchases)- 多达4个玩家(人类或AI)- 3种AI难度- 提供游戏教程- 非常好玩- 上手容易,玩好很难
小小世界2 Small World 2
"One of the most compelling games for the iPad." MacWorld Magazine, December 2013== THE MASSIVE SEQUEL TO THE STRATEGY BOARD GAME OF THE YEAR ===?*** Games Magazine - Game of the Year !!! ***?*** Pocket Gamer Awards - Best iPad Strategy/Simulation Game of the year! ***?*** The first big Euro board game of the iPad era. Fans are in for a really wonderful ride *** TUAW.com??Based on the phenomenally successful Small World fantasy board game with over 500,000 copies sold!?? Take control of insanely fun fantasy race & special power combos, such as Berserk Halflings, Triton Merchants, Alchemist Ratmen and Dragon-master Amazons, to grab all the land you can in a world that is just too small to share with your opponents!??A host of new features await you in this colossal update:o New 3, 4 and 5 player maps to conquer, in glorious full retina mode!o Play Online games in real-time or turn-by-turn, with friends & strangers and Local games over Bluetooth or Wifio Play Solo against up to 4 built-in AI; Pass’n Play with up to 5 live opponents on a single iPado 20 new races & special powers to master through in-app purchases of Cursed!, Grand Dames and brand new to digital Be Not Afraid…o Online, Solo & Face to Face scores with daily, weekly and forever rankingso Comprehensive Small World Encyclopedia detailing all rules, races, special powers, icons & more!o Extensive Game Center, Facebook and Days of Wonder Online Buddies integrationo Brand new musical score, sound effects, graphics and animationso Video Tutorial by Master Glandulf himselfDiscover what reviewers have been raving about:?*** The art is top notch, the gameplay is really fun. Perfect for a quick head to head! *** Games Uncovered??MAJOR KUDOS TO THE 7,042 KICKSTARTER BACKERS WHO HELPED US MAKE SMALL WORLD 2 COME TO LIFE!
Reiner Knizia''s Qin
PRESS QUOTES:"You couldn’t ask for much more from an iPad board game than what Qin delivers...” PocketTactics (5/5 stars)"The interface reads like a board game but has the intuitiveness of a video game."BoardGameGeek (5/5 stars)"Demanding strategy game with network play and competent AI. Great audio and visual presentation"GameZebo (4,5/5 stars)GET READY FOR THE FIRST-EVER SIMULTANEOUS LAUNCH OF A BOARD GAME AND ITS DIGITAL VERSION!-------------------------------------------------------------------THE TIME TO UNITE CHINA HAS COME…From the world’s leading game designer andmaster of tactical mechanics Reiner Knizia…Incredibly simple rules and limitless strategic variations…QIN.Conquer territories and villages by laying colored tiles on the board.Place your pagodas on top of the layered tiles. The player who builds his last pagoda first wins.Play against your Game Center friends on the Internet, face-to-face with a friend, gathered around an iPad, orsolo with the game''s built-in AI.Qin is a strategy board game for 2-4 players featuring wonderful HD graphics and various levels of AI.
卡坦岛HD Catan HD
"Catan", the legendary strategy game provides gaming fun anytime, anywhere.True to the original game, you can compete with up to four players for the most settlements, the longest roads and the largest army. You can trade with each other and claim the precious land with all its resources.Challenge other Catan fans online via cross-platform multiplayer to prove your strategy skills or play against the AI:Various computer opponents, each with their own individual characteristics, will prove themselves worthy competitors: the pirate Jean, who knows no compromise, Vincent the merchant, who never allows himself to be cheated, Sean the knight, who takes what is rightfully his...The popular Catan expansions "Seafarers", "Cities and Knights" and two new special scenarios are available as In-App purchases.The complete Seafarers expansion includes more than 10 additional scenarios with an extensive campaign. Become Harbormaster, discover new islands and extra game elements like ships, gold fields, treasures and pirates. Ahoy!The Cities and Knights expansion introduces various new gameplay mechanics that add even more variety to Catan. Invest new trade goods in city improvements to build one of the three metropolises of Catan – but beware of the barbarians attracted by Catan’s new wealth! You’ll need your best knights to fend them off! C&K contains a short campaign and 7 challenging maps.Exciting adventures await you in the two new scenarios "Enchanted Land" and "The Great Canal". Vanquish dragons and bag their treasures or build a canal to help barren grain fields bloom once more.Features:- Available languages: English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese- Original "Settlers of Catan" rule set- Update 4.0+: Synchronous online multiplayer games - Smart computer opponents with individual strategies- Scrollable game board including zoom option - Freely combinable game settings - Game statistics- Comprehensive tutorial- Seafarers LITE: New scenario "The 4 Islands" and two additional game variants- Cities and Knights LITE: Test the new expansion in the scenario "The first Island"- 3 different graphic sets to choose from***** Catan FAQ: Question: An expansion seems gone after an update or reinstallation of Catan or after restoring the device? Answer: Don’t worry, your initial purchase is already saved in your iTunes account. You can restore your InApp purchases by selecting the restore-option in the Catan IAP menu. Question: I lost my campaign progress after reinstalling, updating or restoring my device. Is there any way to restore it? Answer: When saved games can’t be automatically restored, we’ve integrated a cheat code: In the campaign mode go to select player and enter "CatanWarp*" (* = 1–15) as your player name and confirm. Exit the game via the home button and restart it. The campaign can now be continued from the specified level number (1–15). Levels up to the specified number will be unlocked in the custom game mode as well. Question: Are dice rolls really random? Answer: Of course! All dice rolls are 100% random and not modified in any way. We’re avid Catan players ourselves. We’ve played the iOS version hundreds of times while developing the program. There have been times when we won and lost a few games in a row because of the dice - just like when playing the board game! *****Questions or suggestions for improvements: Mail to ios@usm.de We are looking forward to your feedback! Please do not ask your questions in the reviews as we do not have the possibility to respond to you there.For more information on news and updates: www.usmgames.com or visit us on www.facebook.com/UnitedSoftMedia and twitter.com/USM_News *****
卡卡颂 Carcassonne
Famous boardgame and great iOS experience, with expansions as in-app purchases. "iPhone Game of the Year", iTunes Rewind Germany. "The single best board game experience in the App Store", gamezebo "Carcassonne does just about everything right on the iPhone", ars technica "It is quite simply one of the most polished games on the platform", wired.com "There's nothing like a sneaky farmer to push you across the winning line", Edge Magazine "Beautiful and intuitive", joystiq "Carcassonne is as good as it gets", EGM "Of all the tabletop games I have played on my iPad while pooping, nothing has as much time invested in it as Carcassonne", Wil WheatonPlay the original award winning board game Carcassonne with friends, family, or other board game enthusiasts - online or offline. Build a medieval landscape, tile by tile, claim landmarks with your followers and score points. As a winner of the prestigious "Spiel des Jahres" award in 2001, the game allows for a plethora of play styles and strategies. If you like social gaming or board games you will love Carcassonne! FEATURES o Official Carcassonne game with original artwork o Universal App - Buy once, play on iPad and iPhone o Expansions available via In-App-Purchase
o "The River" adds a new strategic element to the game play
o "Inns and Cathedrals" adds a double follower and tiles to upvalue cities and roads.
o "Traders & Builders" with trade-goods, pigs and builders.
o "Princess & Dragon" with dragon, princess, fairy and magic portals.
o "Phantom" adds the phantom, a game piece you can place in addition to other followers.
o "Winter" with a new theme, tiles, and the Gingerbread Man.
o "Double Base Tile Set" adds the possibility to play with twice the amount of base game (or winter) cards.
o "The Old River" - the first expansion ever for the board game
o "The Abbot" adds gardens and lets you score cloisters before the end of the game
o "German Cathedrals" - place a meeple on a German cathedral to score points. Roads connected to a German cathedral score bonus points.o Easy mode that does not count Fields, ideal for Kidso 9 different AI players: (Hans, Count, Countess, Maid, Servant, Juggler, Fortune Teller, Witch and Warlock) o Play with up to five players passing one device around o Unique Solitaire mode o Internet multiplayer with Push Notifications o Online and offline ranking o Game Center Achievements o Comprehensive in-game manual o Tutorials with voice acting o Compete for the best score in Solitaire Game of the Week o Chat function o Play with Game Center friends FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS o How do I redownload my Expansions? You can restore your purchases free of charge in the app's purchases menu. (The treasure chest in the main menu.)o Help! I’m trapped in a menu screen!Try opening http://carcassonneapp.com/cleanup.html in your iPad’s or iPhone’s Safari.o What about more Expansions? We are continuing to work on further expansions. Please don't hesitate to tell us which one you'd like to see next! o Can I play asynchronously? Yes. In "Play with Friends" you can leave the app and will be notified when it's your turn again. No pressure though, unlike "Quick Play" there are no time limits. o Can I play against my familiy or friends by passing the device around? Yes, of course. Up to five players can play on the same device.o Do I need to buy the expansions to participate in a game with expansions?To play online multiplayer, you need to buy the expansion to play with it.o Can I play with expansions in quick play?Yes. However currently we limit the combinations of the expansions in quick play to avoid fragmentation of the player base and longer waiting times for games. We try to give three or four useful combinations for quick play. There is also the "Automatic" category that tries to match you up with anyone who wants to play right now.
波多黎各HD Puerto Rico HD
Puerto Rico has finally gone mobile!
Experience one of the world’s most popular board games in stunning HD and with fast, crisp game play.
Travel back in time to the days of colonial Spain and become one of Puerto Rico’s island governors.
Prospect for gold, plant crops, and build up your economy in an epic quest for island domination.
Players will have to take on the roles of mayors, settlers, traders, captains, and craftsmen to beat out their opponents.Features include:? Beautiful HD graphics include new building designs and animated, in-game cut scenes.? Compete against up to four other players, and mix and match between the computer, your friends (pass and play and local connectivity), or other players online through the Game Center.? Specially designed tutorial and in-game Help feature for those new to the game (or anyone who might want a brief brush-up on the rules).? Automatic resource distribution: no more fumbling with tiny board pieces.? No set up of the game required!
Press “Play” and get started.
And best of all, no tidying up after a match.So dust off your conquistador hat, pull out your doubloons, and join the over 250,000 fans who have already fallen in love with Puerto Rico.In addition to being ranked number one for eight years in a row on BoardGameGeek.com, Puerto Rico has also received the following awards:? German Games Award? Austrian Gaming Experts Award? Game of the Year Nominee, Germany? United States International Gaming Award? And many more …Become a fan of Ravensburger Digital on Facebook and find out more about our new apps, exclusive competitions and behind the scenes information about the development of our apps:http://www.facebook.com/RavensburgerDigitalGmbH
Halli Galli(TM) HD
Special 75% OFF Limited Time SALE to celebrate the release of the iPad version in HD !
Selected as one of the BEST family games of ALL TIMES in James Lowder book "THE 100 BEST"
Received the "MAJOR FUN AWARD" by Major fun
The famous fruity party game played by millions of people around the world is now available for your iPad !!!
All three versions of the board game are included with amazing HD graphics, music and sound effects:
Halli Galli, Halli Galli Extreme and Halli Galli Junior.
Play a large fruit salad with bananas, strawberries, lemons and plums.
Each player opens a card, changing the mixture in the salad. But when the salad contains exactly FIVE of the same fruit, the players race to be the first to ring the bell. The fastest player wins all open cards ... and the game continues until a player doesn 't have any cards left – the player that remains with all the cards is the winner! A fast-paced and thrilling party game for young and adults!!!
Want more challenges?
An elephant, a monkey and a pig roam the jungle in search of fruity treats and the players are there to help! When TWO identical sets of fruits appear, or an animal with its favorite fruits appear, the players race to be the first to ring the bell.
A fast-paced and thrilling party game for the extreme players!!!
All the fun, also for the little ones! Play with clowns instead of fruits!
There are a lot of clowns in the Halli Galli circus, in many different colors. Some of them are happy and some are sad. When TWO happy clowns of the same color appear, the players race to be the first to ring the bell. The fastest wins all open cards ... And the game continues until a player doesn 't have any cards left - the player that remains with all the cards is the winner!
All three games include the following features:
? tARCADE MODE - Play until you can 't hold up with the game 's speed. Endless fun against the clock.
? tSINGLE PLAYER - Play against three AI players in three different difficulty levels!
? tSingle device MULTIPLAYER - For true head to head experience, play with 2 to 4 players on the same device.
? tLEADERBOARDS and ACHIVEMENTS - Race to prove yourself against other Halli Galli players from all over the world!
Both OpenFeint and Game Center are integrated.
Developed and Published by iPhSoft.
Original game created by Haim Shafir.
Original board game by Amigo.
车票之旅 Ticket to Ride
Discover Ticket To Ride, the digital adaptation of the famous Ticket To Ride board game.Don't hang about on the platform – board the train and set off on a railway adventure like no other. Collect wagons to take control of the railways connecting the various cities of the United States of America and relive the golden age of the first railroads. Continue the adventure in other countries using the various maps available in the store, including Europe, India, Asia, Germany, and the new United Kingdom expansion. Now you can create your own railway network by connecting cities across the world.Enjoy different gaming experiences such as challenging players from around the world in asynchronous multiplayer mode and discovering a very balanced single-player mode on different platforms!With over 50 million online matches and a new game starting every four seconds, Ticket To Ride delivers a gaming experience that is unique in its genre.**Ars Technica – ""Ticket to Ride is impressive right from the start""**Pocket Gamer: 9/10 with a Gold Award – ""A fantastic adaptation of an excellent board game, and a must-buy for strategy fans""Ticket To Ride includes:o The original USA board from Alan R. Moon's Ticket To Ride in high resolution.o 8 additional maps and 2 mini-expansions (with 2 game variations each) available in the in-game store, each with their own special characteristics: · United Kingdom (map and game variations)
· Switzerland (map) · USA 1910 (game variations) · Europe (map)
· Legendary Asia (map)
· India (vertical map)
· Scandinavia (vertical map)
· Europa 1912 (game variations)
· Pennsylvania (map)
· Germany (map)
· ...And new updated content regularly! o Single-player mode: play against 1 to 4 AI opponents.o Multiplayer mode · Asynchronous online games (Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G) against other players on all types of smartphones and tablets as well as on computers. · A unique online community with tens of thousands of players available 24 hours a day! · Pass and Play Mode: up to 5 players on one screen and the option of adding AI (bots).
· Cross-platform play: challenge players around the world on different platforms and operating systemso Tutorial to quickly familiarize you with the game. o Pop-up help during the game to help you get to know all the subtleties of the various boards and game rules.o Ranking of the best online and single-player players (best scores). To find out more, visit:http://www.asmodee-digital.com/en/ticket-to-ride/You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmodeedigital/Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigitalInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmodeedigital/You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/asmodeedigitalGot a problem and need help? Contact us on: https://asmodee.helpshift.com/a/ticket-to-ride/Due to the terms of our conditions of use and our privacy policy, you must be at least 13 years old to download and play Ticket to Ride online or to chat in the Lobby.Languages available: English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian.
圣胡安 San Juan
Boardgamegeek.com:4/5 – “San Juan is one of my favorite card games and this implementation on iOS does it justice.”Slidetoplay.com: 3/4 – "San Juan is an excellent card game."Apptudes.com:4/5 – "A definite must-buy for fans of card games, or those looking for a little bit of strategy on their iPhone or iPad."Gamezebo.com: 4.5/5 – "It’s well worth the price of admission.”148Apps.com:4.5/5 – “The card game variant of big box board game Puerto Rico outshines its big brother in many respects.”Pocketgamer.co.uk:
8/10 – "Well built and easy to pick up, San Juan is an intriguing game of building and trade."Best10Apps.comEditor Picked by Best10Apps.comThe exciting card game based on the award-winning board game Puerto Rico is finally available for iPhone and iPad. Experience the Spanish colonisation once again with San Juan.Puerto Rico is at its prime. But can the same be said of this beautiful island’s capital city? Take on the role of the governor, builder, producer, trader or councilor and bring the city wealth and prestige. Are you smart enough to build the most profitable production facilities? Can you outdo your competitors with the most important buildings? Each building, whether a palace, poorhouse, smithy or silver smelter have their advantages. Who will finally win the battle for supremacy in San Juan?Features: o
Digital adaptation of the card game based on Puerto Rico.o
Designed by Andreas Seyfarth.o
Stand-alone game, can be played without having played Puerto Rico.o
Interactive tutorial to make San Juan easier to play.o
Full Retina support on iPhone and iPad.o
Play with up to three other players or computer opponents on one iDevice, or play online with players from all over the world via Game Center. o
Discover new tactics and ways to become the ruler of San Juan!o
No need to assemble: simply start the game to enter the colonial world! And best of all: no need to put away the game once you have finished playing.??????????????Feel free to check out Ravensburger’s other games, including Scotland Yard, THE aMAZEing Labyrinth and Puerto Rico, along with many, many others.Become a fan of Ravensburger Digital on Facebook and find out more about our new apps, exclusive competitions and behind the scenes information about the development of our apps:http://www.facebook.com/RavensburgerDigitalGmbH
双塔桌游 Two Towers
“Two Towers” is a consummate, perfect card game full of fantastic hand-made draw in pencil cards and excellent music. It creates a thrilling atmosphere that will capture your attention for hours.This game is a real challenge to your logical thought, although “Two Towers


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