steam left4 dead2购买后,steam免费单机游戏也是已断开连接

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从2008年-2014年 快猴网一直在努力做到最好
备案编号:粤ICP备号-1刚才试玩了下乐 left 4 dead 2,我还是不买了!_steam吧_百度贴吧
刚才试玩了下乐 left 4 dead 2,我还是不买了!
你干脆玩地球OL算了, Earth engine打造,最火爆的FPS
  由VALVE公司开发《求生之路2》(Left 4 Dead 2)是许多玩家心目中的经典,而现在,在圣诞节期间,VALVE为我们带来了新的福利。截止至日早上10点(美国时间),游戏将会在Steam平台上提供免费下载,想要体验的同学千万不要错过了。  在游戏中你和你的3个伙伴需要在僵尸成群的美国合作完成90分钟场的任务。僵尸群会根据你的血量和紧张程度来做出不同反应。同时还要注意特殊种类的僵尸。同时,《求生之路》的地图也被带入到续作中,让《求生之路2》成为系列最佳的一作。在Steam工作室中还有海量的玩家制作的地图和Mod,包括一个指环王的地图和一个把玩家变为恐龙的mod。同时,在圣诞节期间,玩家还可达成新的&圣诞幽灵&游戏成就。  值得一提的是,在圣诞节的&限时免费&期间,如果你下载安装了《求生之路2》,那就意味着你将永久拥有本作。
你对该游戏感兴趣吗?Linux环境搭建Left 4 Dead 2专用服务器 - 平台研讨 - SteamCN 蒸汽动力 - Powered by Discuz! Archiver
Linux环境搭建Left 4 Dead 2专用服务器
本帖最后由 yachen 于
17:26 编辑
[*]Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64
下面开始说配置过程SteamCMD的下载和配置SteamCMD是Valve提供的Steam的命令行版本,用于在Linux搭建各个游戏的Dedicated Server。安装32位运行库如果你和我一样是Ubuntu的64位版本,第一件事要做的是安装32位运行库:
Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit:
1apt-get install lib32gcc1
如果你是32位RedHat系Linux,如CentOS 32bit:
1yum install glibc libstdc++
1yum install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686
useradd -m username
su suername
mkdir ~/steamcmd
cd ~/steamcmd
wget ... eamcmd_linux.tar.gz
tar -zxvf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
cd ~/steamcmd
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.
Steam&login anonymous
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for license info...OK
Steam&force_install_dir ~/l4d2
这时,就可以开始下载Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server了,下载的命令语法是
app_update &app_id& [-beta &betaname&] [-betapassword &password&]
其中,app_id是该Dedicated Server在Steam数据库中的APPID,在/wiki/Dedicated_Servers_List 可以查询到,L4D2 Dedicated Server的APPID是222860,后面beta选项是是否参加该游戏的某项测试,和本次L4D2搭建无关,最后的validate是是否下载完成后验证一遍文件,推荐加上。
Steam&app_update 222860 validate
Success! App '222860' fully installed.
Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server的配置server.cfg的配置L4D2是一款Source引擎的游戏,其Dedicated Server配置也秉承了一系列SRCDS(Source Dedicated Server)的特点,配置起来简单方便。
hostname &servername&& & //游戏服务器名
rcon_password &password& //远程管理密码
//sv_search_key yourkey//搜索此服务器的关键词
//sv_region 255& && && & //服务器地区,255表示全球
//sv_gametypes &coop,versus,survival,scavenge& //游戏模式
//map c5m1_waterfront& & //游戏地图
//sv_voiceenable 1& && & //开启语音服务
//sv_lan 0& && && && && && && && && && && &//是否是局域网游戏
//sv_cheats &0&& && && && && && && && & //是否允许作弊
//sv_steamgroup &01234&//Steam组号
//sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1 //将服务器设为Steam组私有
具体选项请参阅Valve相关说明。在这里我们不需要过多配置,像游戏地图模式等我们可以在Left 4 Dead 2游戏内去选择,以下是我们组服务器配置的server.cfg文件
hostname &YaCMap Linux @_@&
sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1
./srcds_run -game left4dead2 +exec config.cfg
nohup ./srcds_run -game left4dead2 +exec config.cfg
像这样后台运行,如果你想彻底关闭服务器,你需要ps -ef查看进程并kill掉srcds的pid。可以使用绝对路径并随便将这个run.sh文件放置在任何地方,以后直接启动,你便可以和朋友们开心的L4D2了!
= =感觉好厉害的样子。。
本帖最后由 aslike2 于
18:56 编辑
后台运行可以用screen命令 还方便管理
@MaiOoizumi @sffxzzp 看看你们俩头像。。程序员都等于日呆么!!!:+:{你懂的}
yachen 发表于
@MaiOoizumi @sffxzzp 看看你们俩头像。。程序员都等于日呆么!!!
yachen 发表于
@MaiOoizumi @sffxzzp 看看你们俩头像。。程序员都等于日呆么!!!
:+:{卖萌} 蒸汽自然会补的,怕什么
pinkgun 发表于
另外markdown这里指什么样的效果?我看了一下博客的原文感觉差不多, ...
本帖最后由 yachen 于
21:27 编辑
pinkgun 发表于
另外markdown这里指什么样的效果?我看了一下博客的原文感觉差不多, ...
yachen 发表于
markdown就是个语言,博客做出来的那些效果,比如说代码高亮啦,格式啦,都是直接写出来的,比如我想要代 ...
这样如何 :+:{你懂的}
Steam&login anonymous
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for license info...OK
Steam&login anonymous
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for license info...OK
App '222860' state is 0x202 after update job
本帖最后由 jmhjhj 于
17:14 编辑
ubuntu15已经没有apt-get指令了:+:{靠墙哭}& &切换后台可以用screen命令& && &。。。,下载结束之后在主目录没有找到之前设定的l4d2文件夹啊,steamapps里只有一个vdf,终于弄好了/static/image/smiley/steamcn_5/kbc125.gif,那个~可能并不使用所有发行版本,我最后用的Steam/steamapps弄好了
查看完整版本:Left 4 Dead 2 - Free Maps and Mods! - GameMaps
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Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead 2 is a single-player and multiplayer co-operative survival horror FPS game.
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Today's Top Maps
Left In Prypiat
UPDATE 1.3 has been released!
2.1 released, hopefully there's no more broken or missing models. As the last...
Claustrophobia (AKA, The Sewer) is a converted Half-Life 2 mod made by me. Th...
You'll visit the manufactory for game scenery. Later on you'll discover an un...
A 5-map campaign set in various locations throughout Japan. Survivors start i...
Survivors must fight their way through an infested city before holding out fo...
Helm's Deep Reborn version 23
Defend the great fortress of Rohan and survive...
The storyline offer new setting of Borden city, struggling to survive in an e...
NoWhereIsSafe chapter 2 continues from chapter 1.....
After leav...
Leaving Home - You are leaving home after an unknown outbreak.
Disclaimer: T...
Today's Top Mods
Zoey Bent For Leather (open jacket)
Amplidude and Rolling Stone's classic Zoey Bent For Leather as open jacket mo...
Replaces the grenade launcher with a M72 LAW single shot anti-tank rocket lau...
-Fixed weird textures :D !!!
-All maps working but not The Passing!
inspired by tribal tattoos
This is a vscript driven
CS Weapons are unlocked, Melee included
Sample Imag...
A Miku Hatsune Medkit mod with a few alterations :)
Hi (=w=) this is my fir...
Meh. :P I was bored, so I converted this video into a background for Left 4 D...
The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a military transport jet developed for the...
Since people mostly seemed to like emerald miku skin i decided to do this one...
This is Super VIP weapon from CrossFire
Replaces Magnum Enjoy!
Today's Top Guides
Amplidude and Rolling Stone's classic Zoey Bent For Leather as open jacket mo...
Amplidude and Rolling Stone's classic Zoey Bent For Leather as open jacket mo...
Amplidude and Rolling Stone's classic Zoey Bent For Leather as open jacket model.
Credit and thanks also go to Nahka and TOG|K1chwa for &vpk cleaning& in the past.
TOG|K1chwa made an effort to keep the shirt with the similar colors and design.
Amplidude and Rolling Stone's classic Zoey Bent For Leather as open jacket mo...
Amplidude and Rolling Stone's classic Zoey Bent For Leather as open jacket model.
Credit and thanks also go to Nahka and TOG|K1chwa for &vpk c...
UPDATE 1.3 has been released!
UPDATE 1.3 has been released!
UPDATE 1.3 has been released!
Hello Survivors! Are you ready to fight your way out of Hell once again?
Yes? Well, it's time to prove it!
Download this big one-map campaign inspired by the Jupiter factory seen in the PC game &STALKER Call Of Prypiat&.
It has everything a survivor needs to enjoy a rainy day with his friends:...
UPDATE 1.3 has been released!
UPDATE 1.3 has been released!
Hello Survivors! Are you ready to fight your way out o...
This is a vscript driven
CS Weapons are unlocked, Melee included
Sample Imag...
This is a vscript driven
CS Weapons are unlocked, Melee included
Sample Imag...
This is a vscript driven
CS Weapons are unlocked, Melee included
Sample Images were from testing(100% drop rate)
Please at least read below
[New Updated: Drop rate multiply system]
Drop rate will multiply depending on currently difficulty
- Easy multiplies by 1
- Normal multiplies by 1.3
- Advanced multiplies by 1.5
- Expert multiplies by 2
This is a vscript driven
CS Weapons are unlocked, Melee included
Sample Imag...
This is a vscript driven
CS Weapons are unlocked, Melee included
Sample Images were from testing(100% drop rate)
Please at least read below
You'll visit the manufactory for game scenery. Later on you'll discover an un...
You'll visit the manufactory for game scenery. Later on you'll discover an un...
You'll visit the manufactory for game scenery. Later on you'll discover an underground line and in the end you have choose between two rescue vehicles. Use the remote controls on map 3 to switch between the vehicles. Explore the maps, there's plenty to see!
The campaign has some specialties - the questions I expect most:
Q: All important objects (gas, cola, fillups) in the finale are not gl...
You'll visit the manufactory for game scenery. Later on you'll discover an un...
You'll visit the manufactory for game scenery. Later on you'll discover an underground line and in the end you have choose between two rescue vehic...
The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a military transport jet developed for the...
The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a military transport jet developed for the...
The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a military transport jet developed for the USAF by McDonnell Douglas in the 1980-90s.
Today, it comes to L4D2 main campaigns (and also custom ones) as a replacement for the C-130. I did that as a test, it's not perfect but &good enough& I guess =).
The C-17 was originally used in the Highway to Hell campaign by Unlawful Enemy Combatant.
This L4D2 por...
The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a military transport jet developed for the...
The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a military transport jet developed for the USAF by McDonnell Douglas in the 1980-90s.
Today, it comes to L4D2 ma...
I thought this song was really funny and it would really suit the Jockey sinc...
I thought this song was really funny and it would really suit the Jockey sinc...
I thought this song was really funny and it would really suit the Jockey since that little crap loves humping the Survivor's face with its stinky down below. XD
Just copy the .vpk file into your add-ons folder. Open up the game and type in the console &snd_updateaudiocache&
I thought this song was really funny and it would really suit the Jockey sinc...
I thought this song was really funny and it would really suit the Jockey since that little crap loves humping the Survivor's face with its stinky d...
Holy Smokes! Another mod released so closely to the other? This is unheard of...
Holy Smokes! Another mod released so closely to the other? This is unheard of...
Holy Smokes! Another mod released so closely to the other? This is unheard of from someone such as myself!
But nah, this thing gave me a little bit of trouble with fine tuning things here & there. Hopefully everything works as intended, but if you notice anything, don't hesitate to tell me & I'll try to fix it if I can! As usual, enjoy!
-Eye blink
-HUD, lobby, & incap im...
Holy Smokes! Another mod released so closely to the other? This is unheard of...
Holy Smokes! Another mod released so closely to the other? This is unheard of from someone such as myself!
But nah, this thing gave me a little bi...
Since people mostly seemed to like emerald miku skin i decided to do this one...
Since people mostly seemed to like emerald miku skin i decided to do this one...
Since people mostly seemed to like emerald miku skin i decided to do this one. The textures that I used are from this model:
can't put URL
Uploaded here For everyone :3 , you can find it on steam workshop too.
Since people mostly seemed to like emerald miku skin i decided to do this one...
Since people mostly seemed to like emerald miku skin i decided to do this one. The textures that I used are from this model:
Meh. :P I was bored, so I converted this video into a background for Left 4 D...
Meh. :P I was bored, so I converted this video into a background for Left 4 D...
Meh. :P I was bored, so I converted this video into a background for Left 4 Dead 2.
How to change the Left 4 Dead 2 Main Menu background:
1. Go to ...Steam/SteamApps/common/left 4 dead 2/left4dead2/media and make a folder named backup.
2. Copy and paste all the &.bik& files into the backup folder.
3. Extract the file from the rar onto your Desktop.
4. It will be named...
Meh. :P I was bored, so I converted this video into a background for Left 4 D...
Meh. :P I was bored, so I converted this video into a background for Left 4 Dead 2.
How to change the Left 4 Dead 2 Main Menu backgrou...
This mod replaces most images found in the game with porn images of Zoey and ...
This mod replaces most images found in the game with porn images of Zoey and ...
This mod replaces most images found in the game with porn images of Zoey and her friends.
This mod does not just include billboards. It also includes paintings and photos found throughout the official campaigns. I was just too lazy to include them in the previews, since they don't show up in tumtara and I can only upload 10 images.
This mod replaces most images found in the game with porn images of Zoey and ...
This mod replaces most images found in the game with porn images of Zoey and her friends.
This mod does not just include billboards. It also inclu...
Die on a fluffy, lovely king-sized bed.
Rated the #1 greatest Steam Worksho...
Die on a fluffy, lovely king-sized bed.
Rated the #1 greatest Steam Worksho...
Die on a fluffy, lovely king-sized bed.
Rated the #1 greatest Steam Workshop mod of all-time by IGN, thank you so much everyone!
&I'm Jules official Gamemaps mod uploader #1& Uploaded here For everyone :3 , you can find it on steam workshop too.
Die on a fluffy, lovely king-sized bed.
Rated the #1 greatest Steam Worksho...
Die on a fluffy, lovely king-sized bed.
Rated the #1 greatest Steam Workshop mod of all-time by IGN, thank you so much everyone!
&I'm Jule...
A Simple Skin Animated
Changes the texture of aid kit by Dark Animated texture
A Simple Skin Animated
Changes the texture of aid kit by Dark Animated texture
A Simple Skin Animated
Changes the texture of aid kit by Dark Animated texture
A Simple Skin Animated
Changes the texture of aid kit by Dark Animated texture
A Simple Skin Animated
Changes the texture of aid kit by Dark Animated texture
Any Tokyo Ghoul Fans? You Will Love this! This is a Tokyo ghoul Opening Unrav...
Any Tokyo Ghoul Fans? You Will Love this! This is a Tokyo ghoul Opening Unrav...
Any Tokyo Ghoul Fans? You Will Love this! This is a Tokyo ghoul Opening Unravel Suggest Any Opening you want me to do!
Any Tokyo Ghoul Fans? You Will Love this! This is a Tokyo ghoul Opening Unrav...
Any Tokyo Ghoul Fans? You Will Love this! This is a Tokyo ghoul Opening Unravel Suggest Any Opening you want me to do!
One of the Battleground mode maps from Revelations 2012, backported to Left 4...
One of the Battleground mode maps from Revelations 2012, backported to Left 4...
One of the Battleground mode maps from Revelations 2012, backported to Left 4 Dead 2 as a survival mode map.
For some reason, I never uploaded this to GameMaps. Only to the Workshop. But it's here now!
One of the Battleground mode maps from Revelations 2012, backported to Left 4...
One of the Battleground mode maps from Revelations 2012, backported to Left 4 Dead 2 as a survival mode map.
For some reason, I never uploaded thi...
A Miku Hatsune Medkit mod with a few alterations :)
Hi (=w=) this is my fir...
A Miku Hatsune Medkit mod with a few alterations :)
Hi (=w=) this is my fir...
A Miku Hatsune Medkit mod with a few alterations :)
Hi (=w=) this is my first mod published on Steam.
This is the Miku Medkit mod with a few alterations.
These are the changes:
* Added Miku healing bandage sound
* Item Pick-Up Sound
Please let me know if there are any bugs or if you had any feedback for this.
Steam link for this mod:
A Miku Hatsune Medkit mod with a few alterations :)
Hi (=w=) this is my fir...
A Miku Hatsune Medkit mod with a few alterations :)
Hi (=w=) this is my first mod published on Steam.
This is the Miku Medkit mod with a few alt...
Defibrillator Beta Version
Defibrillator Beta Version
Defibrillator Beta Version
Defibrillator Beta Version
Defibrillator Beta Version
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
English Description
A map based on town for survive hordes of zombies waiti...
English Description
A map based on town for survive hordes of zombies waiti...
English Description
A map based on town for survive hordes of zombies waiting for you...
This map has:
-Heavy weapons (Grenade Launcher, M60, Chainsaw)
-3 Defibrilators
-A lot of throwables (Bile jar, Molotov, Pipe bomb)
-Variety of weapons (Includes meeles)
-Long space for fight
Sorry my bad english i speak spanish :,v
Un peque?o pueblo para que sobrevivas hordas de zombies que...
English Description
A map based on town for survive hordes of zombies waiti...
English Description
A map based on town for survive hordes of zombies waiting for you...
This map has:
-Heavy weapons (Grenade Launcher, M60, C...
A mod that replaces the L4d2 death sound for the song of healing, Report me a...
A mod that replaces the L4d2 death sound for the song of healing, Report me a...
A mod that replaces the L4d2 death sound for the song of healing, Report me any issue with a private message or comment below :)
A mod that replaces the L4d2 death sound for the song of healing, Report me a...
A mod that replaces the L4d2 death sound for the song of healing, Report me any issue with a private message or comment below :)
Whatttttt? A mod from Jon-Nobo? I thought he was dead!
So after a long hiatu...
Whatttttt? A mod from Jon-Nobo? I thought he was dead!
So after a long hiatu...
Whatttttt? A mod from Jon-Nobo? I thought he was dead!
So after a long hiatus of absolutely no submissions & just a bunch of WIPs in my screenshots with no delivery, I finally made a thing! This marks the age of a new modding quality from my usual, so I hope you'll come to enjoy it as much as I went through hell getting it to look even remotely okay!
-Eye blink
-HUD, lobby, &amp...
Whatttttt? A mod from Jon-Nobo? I thought he was dead!
So after a long hiatu...
Whatttttt? A mod from Jon-Nobo? I thought he was dead!
So after a long hiatus of absolutely no submissions & just a bunch of WIPs in my screen...
A simple replacement for boomer effects and screen overlay. Boomer spits ice ...
A simple replacement for boomer effects and screen overlay. Boomer spits ice ...
A simple replacement for boomer effects and screen overlay. Boomer spits ice and screen freezes up... Compatible with any boomer skin replacement. Merry Christmas ho ho ho.
TOO MUCH MILK SANTA: Download this as well...
??????? BALLS: Yep.
Common Files Replaced:
Bad mothatruckin' name: K1CHWA
Frost Lightwarp: Splinks
Sound effects: WiZ
Too Much Milk Santa: HY...
A simple replacement for boomer effects and screen overlay. Boomer spits ice ...
A simple replacement for boomer effects and screen overlay. Boomer spits ice and screen freezes up... Compatible with any boomer skin replacement. ...
Survivors must fight their way through an infested city before holding out fo...
Survivors must fight their way through an infested city before holding out fo...
Survivors must fight their way through an infested city before holding out for a rescue helicopter on the rooftops.
L4D1 survivors.
Level 1 name : Red Streets
Level 2 name : Red Roofs
Game-time: 20-30 minutes.
Campaign status: Complete [open to bug fixes]
Survivors must fight their way through an infested city before holding out fo...
Survivors must fight their way through an infested city before holding out for a rescue helicopter on the rooftops.
L4D1 survivors.
Level 1 name ...
Replaces the grenade launcher with a M72 LAW single shot anti-tank rocket lau...
Replaces the grenade launcher with a M72 LAW single shot anti-tank rocket lau...
Replaces the grenade launcher with a M72 LAW single shot anti-tank rocket launcher.
Features custom animations.
Note: This version only replaces the stock model, it has no gameplay changes.
Replaces the grenade launcher with a M72 LAW single shot anti-tank rocket lau...
Replaces the grenade launcher with a M72 LAW single shot anti-tank rocket launcher.
Features custom animations.
Note: This version only replace...
Death Aboard 2 is the convertion to L4D2 of the popular Death Aboard campaign...
Dead Before Dawn: Director's Cut is an update of DBD including more mall, mor...
A 5-map campaign set in various locations throughout Japan. Survivors start i...
2.1 released, hopefully there's no more broken or missing models. As the last...
Four new survivors must make their way through an infected city to escape the...
Helm's Deep Reborn version 23
Defend the great fortress of Rohan and survive...
Naniwa City 2
Escape Osaka Before You Get Left 4 Dead, TOO! Always good fun ...
After a helicopter crash into a city just freshly hit by the infection. The s...
One of Great Campaigns
Replaces the grenade launcher with a M72 LAW single shot anti-tank rocket lau...
M72 LAW Rocket Launcher (Grenade Launcher)
Everything about this weapon is awesome- it blows away the games grenade launcher. I usually don't even use the grenade launcher, but the animatio...
A Simple Skin
Changes the texture of aid kit by supplies texture
I like the shape of the MedKit, very good!
Coach in the garb of Bourbon of Metro 2033.
Model and Texture: Valve, 4A Games
Metro Coach
-Very Good Looking
-New Style With Winter Jacket
-Great Mod,Amazing
Alien Trilogy is a 3D first-person shooter based on the first three movies in...
-Very Creepy
-Awesome map
-Most Dark
-Great Job
A Metro 2033 Rod as the Desert Eagle. Has an extension and a different Silenc...
The most terrifying threat known to man has emerged...confused teenagers in s...
UPDATE 1.3 has been released!
&This is how it happened. This is how the
Batman died.&
^(from the zombie ...
Replace adrenaline shot with knife.
Still work like adrenaline but effect is...
--Replacing the Pumpshotgun--
--contains custom hud icon--
--Contains custo...
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