besiege 翅膀怎么用的基块怎么移动

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Update 17 - V0.4
Hello Everyone!
Today we’ve got another update for you to sink your teeth into, V 0.4. Version 0.4 brings you the first 4 levels of the new island Valfross!
Valfross is a freezing ice continent inhabited by ferocious axe wielding warriors. The island is littered with ancient holy sites and legendary strongholds that have withstood the ice and snow throughout the ages. No-one has ever been able to withstand the warriors of Valfross, their monstrous armies lay waste to all before them.
We’re sorry that this next set of levels has taken us longer than we previously predicted, unfortunately the final layer of polish took a bit longer than we’d planned and we experienced some performance issues with one of the levels.
Changelog V0.4
Added 4 new campaign levels and a new island, Valfross
Fixed issues affecting Water Cannon particles. They now collide with all the blocks they should again.
Fixed an issue where the boundaries grid wouldn't show up in building mode upon translating the machine.
First level on new island [SOLVED]
I can't seem to figure out how to go past the wind. No matter what I build. Any tips?
Edit: The more ballasts the better.
General Discussions
Losing Interest in this game, Very Low Frame Rates GTX 1080
This Game needs a look at it's graphic's Engine. There should be no frame rate issues for what ever size of machine that is created. Running a 8 Core 4.2 Ghz CPU with 16 Gigs of DDR3 Memory and a EVGA GTX 1080 Video Card should not be a problem with this ...
General Discussions
Workshop Item
118 ratings
Trash Thrower xD [Drako]&
Besiege - Запуск.&
Besiege - Fake Windmill Hostile Takeover&
Guide for Independent Suspension
This guide is about creating a nice independant suspension that keeps the wheels constantly perpendicular to the ground.
Relatively simple, it can be tweaked to your desires.&
42 ratings
Workshop Item
I kept missing that thing, but this makes a better screenshot. :D&
Workshop Item
RCS F-36 &Raven&&
Workshop Item
Aero [Updated]&
RC-7 Precision Speed Plane in Besiege!
RC-7 Precision Speed Plane in Besiege!
Record with: Fraps
Edit with: Camtasia
Music: UnderwaterBeats (/user/DJTaxomusic)&
Workshop Item
Omni [sorta TBB'd]&
Monorail steam locomotive&
Advanced Heli (see my other tutorial for more info) (MLG) (kindaNoob)
An guide...
Btw, LMAO means &Look at my other tutorial&
Haron takes the sword&
Behemott Navigator MasterClass&
vx all systems green&
Placing intersecting blocks without mods.
I cannot guarantee that this method will work with all versions, as the method for placing intersecting blocks may be a bug, and may not work in future versions.
Thank you for your understanding.&
vx-copper→striker test&
2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful
47.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is the sandbox game for medieval inventors everywhere!
414 products in account
Besiege: Flying Machine
A Flying Thingy that can beat all the levels on Ipsilon and Tolbrynd. It is armed with 8 bombs, I use remote detonation bombs, and a rotating turret with 2 weapons of your choice attached, I use cannons. I include my controls, but if you want to set up you...&
1 person found this review helpful
2.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Besiege. Ahhh! This game is refreshing to creativity and a spark to you inner destruction and blowing up stuff. Besiege is a great game with a price well worth the content. If out of ideas for destruction and blood, I suggest watching Draegast and his besiege creation videos. That will give some ideas. But overall Besiege is a great game for Kids and other people wanting to destroy stuff ( There is a no Blood setting ) I rate it 69 / 10
2 products in account
1 person found this review helpful1 person found this review funny
2.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Besiege is one of the most intellectually stimulating game I've ever played. It's blood lust meets engineering in the sexiest of ways.The player is given a goal of destroying a certain portion of the buildings/troops/etc on the field for each level. Inside of a certain buildable area, the player uses a vast toolbox of parts, pieces and mecahnisms to build machines able to detroy the necessary targets. You can roll over them, fly over them, bomb or burn them - your imagination is the limit. Machines can be saved and loaded, taken from or added to so you don't have to remember that one design you used to beat that one level.I highly recommend this game.
148 products in account
Besiege Imperial Galleon Behemott (Mine Flying Ship)&
Besiege Imperial Galleon Behemott Navigator Masterclass&
Development Post 19/10/2016
Its been a while since our last post so we thought we'd bring you some more information about what we're working on at the moment!
Today we'd like to give you a sneak peak into the new island Valfross, with a look at one of the new levels that will be coming in the next update as well as a first look at the inhabitants of the frozen isle.
The new island is inhabited by a fabled, ferocious civilization of axe wielding warriors. Their holy sites and legendary fortresses have stood firm against the ice & snow throughout the ages, their monstrous armies laying waste to all before them. They stand unmatched & undefeated, in the frozen expanse that is Valfross.
In tandem with the new level production we've also been working on an improved AI system for the new civilization that you will find on the new Island. This new system allows the AI to better navigate obstacles, right themselves if they fall and gives them a slightly more strategic approach to attacking your war machines (Not that it'll help much because you guys and girls are absolute maniacs!)
In other news work on our long-term features is going very well and we're all really excited to see what you make of them. We're hoping to announce them next month so watch this space!
Well I'm afraid that's all we've got for you for now but the next update is just around the corner and as previously mentioned it will contain the first few levels of the new island Valfross!
This forum is for new block suggestions only. if you are a dev, look here for ideas
Suggestions & Ideas
How to pass second level?
I've somehow managed to pass first level of new map, but when I came to the third one I came upon how to ring three bells at the same time? I tried shooting at them, smoking them up with steam, pushing them with pistons or even detona...
General Discussions
How do I rotate a block?
I cant figure out hot to rotate a block so that it's facing the right way. If I put a cannon on a block it will face the wrong way, I would ike to be able to rotate the block.
General Discussions
No more content. So sad.
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