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An H3 Followed by a Blockquote:
“Donec leo, vivamus nibh in augue at urna congue rutrum. Quisque dictum integer nisl risus, sagittis convallis, rutrum id, congue, and nibh.”
Bulleted List:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Phasellus nec erat sit amet nibh pellentesque congue.
Cras vitae metus aliquam risus pellentesque pharetra.
Numbered List:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Phasellus nec erat sit amet nibh pellentesque congue.
Cras vitae metus aliquam risus pellentesque pharetra.
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>> 浏览文章苦娘传奇第43-44集剧情介绍
  第四十三集  宝虎子看到朱铁匠和锁头一心向着共产党心中极为不爽。宝虎子心里疑心菊子和陆子丰有事,心里满是对陆子丰深深的愤怒和不信任。而陆子丰理屈词穷的通知宝虎子本人和菊子清清白白。在锁头和朱铁匠的劝说下,宝虎子终于容许承受收编,但是他开出承受收编的条件更是苛刻,他请求共产党收编后也不能审讯罪大恶极的大金牙,为了还安定镇一个真正的安定,陆子丰同意能够承受宝虎子开出的条件。其实他也是拿大金牙当探路石,共产党不杀大金牙,就不会尴尬他及手下的兄弟。  元宝想要对菊子下手,但正巧被凤娇遇见,盼子心切的凤娇禁不住热情的大呼小叫,惹起了路人的留意,直接打乱了元宝的方案。  菊子把看到元宝的状况向陆子丰等人作了汇报,大家觉得元宝回来背后一定有一个大大的阴谋  大金牙大模大样来到贺无能家,见到元宝不由大惊,元宝则通知大金牙本人得和他以兄弟相称,大金牙才晓得元宝躲藏已久的新奇身世  宝虎子终于下山承受收编,菊子对不依法惩办大金牙非常不满,觉得宝虎子是不分好歹的浑人  第四十四集  宝虎子通知菊子本人就是为了她下山来的,而菊子却通知宝虎子本人心曾经死了,这让宝虎子不由迁怒于陆子丰和共产党  元宝带了音讯说近期之内国民党军队会打回来要几人做好里应外合,这让钱匣子、贺无能、大金牙这几个不良分子不由眼前一亮。元宝为了离间宝虎子和共产党的关系,让大金牙做件不至于杀头又能惹恼共产党的事,于是大金牙谎称金枝怀念玉叶,把玉叶强行带回家,  陆子丰组织党员开会,宝虎子借机以不叫本人参与就是不注重本人为由借机肇事  玉叶设计让金枝和大金牙供认本人并非两人亲生,大金牙拿麻袋套住玉叶说要把玉叶许配人家,多亏锁头及时赶到救了玉叶,震怒之下,锁头举枪要杀死大金牙,玉叶劝锁头要冷静不能违背纪律,宝虎子呈现说大金牙是本人的人,看看谁敢动,为了团结,陆子丰再次退让,不只批判了锁头的莽撞,而且还同意宝虎子把大金牙带回去自行处置  乔教师劝菊子可否去奉劝一下宝虎子,菊子晓得只要本人和宝虎子在一同宝虎子才可能换回宝虎子的心,但面对做了种种恶事的宝虎子,菊子的心又如何回到从前呢。但是从大局动身,菊子还是容许愿意试一试。  元宝再生一计,他给大金牙出主见让金枝诱惑宝虎子,这样就能够彻底断了菊子和宝虎子的可能,这样就能够让宝虎子和共产党彻底分裂。元宝不失机遇的来见宝虎子,名为认亲,实为迷惑宝虎子反水,参加国民党反动军队。  镇左近村上发现了一些反动标语,陆子丰带人查看,又提示村书记留意留意可疑人员,而元宝更是很猖狂的要杀几个农会的主干,迎风而上。
苦娘传奇第43-44集英文剧情43 sets
Treasure you see electron artisan and locks a heart toward the communist party in the heart very uncomfortable. Treasure nothing suspicious chrysanthemum and Liu Zifeng have something in my heart, heart is full of Liu Zifeng deep anger and distrust. And Liu Zifeng argument notice nothing I treasure and chrysanthemum son cleared. Under the locks and the electron goldsmith persuasion, treasure nothing finally allow collected under, but he opened a collected under conditions are harsh, he asked the communist party cannot trial after collected the most big gold teeth, in order to settle town also a true stability, Liu Zifeng agreed to withstand treasure nothing terms. In fact he is also take big gold teeth when standing in the way, the communist party dont kill big gold teeth, wouldnt be embarrassed him and his brother.
Silver piece want to chrysanthemum son laid a hand on him, but just be chicken jiao meet, looking forward to enthusiasm of the phoenix charming boy couldnt help yelling, provoked the passers-by, direct upset silver piece.
Chrysanthemum son to see the status of the wing to Liu Zifeng and others made the report, do you think there must be a big conspiracy behind the wing came back
Big gold teeth just come to home, incompetence, see wing is not frightened, wing notifies the big gold teeth to himself and his brothers, big gold teeth just know wing hiding long novel pedigree
Treasure finally getting down the hill under incorporation, chrysanthemum the son is not in accordance with the law concerning big gold teeth very discontent, think nothing is all somehow muddy treasure
Treasure nothing notice chrysanthemum the son himself for her down the mountain, and chrysanthemum son notice treasure nothing this heart has died, this let treasure you don not angry at Liu Zifeng and the communist party
Silver piece brought from the kuomintang army said the near future will call back to a few people do inside, this let Qian Xiazi, royal incompetence, big gold teeth these a few undesirables can shine at the moment. Wing to alienate treasure nothing and the relationship between the communist party, make big gold teeth do not decollation and can annoy communist party thing, big gold teeth then pretends to miss golden jade leaf, take the jade leaf to home,
Liu Zifeng group members meeting, treasure nothing opportunity to not let himself is involved in a accident of opportunity does not pay attention to himself
Jade leaf design let the golden and big gold teeth confessed himself is not two people own, big gold teeth sack over jade leaf said to jade leaf pledged to somebody else, thanks to arrive in time to save the jade leaf locks, wrath, locks gun to kill big gold teeth, jade leaf to calm locks should not violate discipline, treasure nothing rendering said big gold teeth is my people, see who dare to move, for the sake of unity, Liu Zifeng back down again, not only criticizes the locks recklessly, but also agreed to treasure nothing to bring back big gold teeth to disposal
Son Joe teacher advised chrysanthemum can go to advise the treasure you, chrysanthemum son know that as long as I and you together to treasure nothing could change back to the heart of the treasure to nothing but in the face of all sorts of evil treasure nothing, chrysanthemum son heart how to go back again? But start from the overall situation, chrysanthemum son still allow willing to give it a try.
Wing renewable one meter, he give the big gold teeth out ideas to golden temptation treasure you, so you can be completely broken chrysanthemum the son, and treasure the possibility of getting, so that it can let the treasure to nothing and the communist party split completely. Wing does not lose the opportunity to see treasure nothing, called endeavoured, is actually a puzzle treasure nothing defection, participate in the kuomintang reactionary forces.
Town around murakami found some reactionary slogans, Liu Zifeng people view, and prompt village secretary attention to watch for suspicious personnel, and wing is widespread to kill several peasant associations of the trunk, the wind up.


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