
玛丽想知道他住的离爷爷家有多远Mary wants to know(或者用wonders,下同) how far he lives from his grandfather's house.玛丽想知道他怎样去爷爷奶奶家Mary wants to know how he can get to his grandparents' house.玛丽想知道到爷爷奶奶家得用多长时间Mary wants to know how long it takes to go to his grandparents' house.玛丽想知道他认为旅程怎么样Mary wants to know what he thinks of the journey.以上四句其实都是考察当特殊疑问句整体作为宾语的时候,需要按照陈述句的句式来写.
wants to know how far he lives
from his grandpa' home.mary
wants to know how he goes to his grandparents' home.mary
wants to know
how long it takes to get to his grandparents' home.mary
wants to know
what he think of the journey?
Mary want to know how far her grangpa'home
Marie wanted to know if he lives away from his home how farMarie wants to know how he went to grandma and grandpa's houseMarie wants to know to grandma and grandpa's house too longMarie wants to know how he thinks the journey
Marie wanted to know if he lives away from his home how far Marie wanted to know how he went to grandma and grandpa's house Marie wanted to know to grandma and grandpa's house to use how long Marie wants to know how he thinks the journey


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