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Copyright & 1998 - 2017 Tencent. All Rights ReservedWilsun Xu at University of Alberta -
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Wednesday Jan 7 @ 11pm only on MTV2!SHSMUN Freshmen Guide - ENG - Final
SHSMUN Freshmen GuideEnglish versionSHSMUN
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&&Welcome to SHSMUN Freshmen guide. The moment you chose Model United Nations, you were taking up the challenge of debating, cooperating, negotiating, speaking, writing, so on and so forth. All of your flair, your talent, your skills, and your diligence will be fully exploited when you step into the world of Model United Nations.MUN is always a vague idea. Say it model, it isn&t. Nor is it United Nations. It seems to require all kinds of skills, yet so many former muners achieved so much in the past. So before you continue, boost your confidence: believe in yourself, believe in SHSMUN.It is now time for you to know something about Model United Nations. Many people ask me what is MUN, what does it really do. On paper, that is easy, as you will soon learn the Wikipedia definition. Yet it is also the ultimate question. Everybody will have their own label stuck on MUN after experiencing this clash of ideas and smash of concepts. Somebody says it is an argument, somebody says it is a place to find your future husband/wife. For you, you have your own definition. MUN is just such an attractive activity. It is a different taste for a different person.Model United Nations conferences have a wide range of appeal. Delegates from all over the city, all over the country, or, if you are lucky enough, all of the world, will come together to sit in a single room. You are all assigned with the responsible to solve political, economic, environmental or even military problems. Each delegate, while guarding the interest of the country of organization he/she is representing, strives to achieve world peace, security and prosperity. You will have the chance to attend various conferences like this, namely PKUNMUN, FDUIMUN and HMUN.This is all I can tell you. The rest is left to you. I know you are ready. Kick start your MUN career. Ready, set, go!&&
0 Prologue & Get to Know Us
1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1.1 What is Model United Nations?
1.2 What is the aim of an MUN conference?
1.3 How do I make sure I am well prepared to start an MUN conference?
1.4 Why would an MUN conference last for 3-4 days? Are there so many things for me to say?
1.5 How am I going to express my views?
1.6 There are certainly many things for me to write. How do I tackle the writing tasks?
2 Researching before an MUN conference
2.1 Read your BG
2.2 Look for reference
2.3 Compose your PP
2.4 Online preparations
3 Exploiting the rules
3.1 Types of the Committee
3.3 General Process
3.4 Miscellaneous
4 Reading and Writing
4.1 Position Paper
4.2 Working Paper
4.3 Draft Resolution
4.4 Draft Directive
4.5 Amendment
5 Glossary
6 Acknowledgement and Reference
1 Frequently Asked QuestionsRather than skimming through a dazzling and puzzling contents to find what you really need, look at the frequently asked questions. Ask yourself what is really making you confused about MUN. Follow the &Q.v.& sign at the end of each question which will direct you to the section you need to read to understand your question.
1.1 What is Model United Nations?According to Wikipedia, Model United Nations (abbreviated &MUN& in the following context) is an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about current events, topics in international relations, diplomacy and the United Nations agenda. [1] MUN activities started in America before being introduced to the whole world. Participants learn about history and politics while playing the role of an ambassador of a certain country. Oral speech skills and social network may also be beneficial points.
1.2 What is the aim of an MUN conference?The aim of a Model United Nations, on paper, is the same as a real United Nations conference, which is to solve a certain crisis. Before an MUN conference, a certain topic will be raised. All the participants will cooperate together to reach an agreement which is detailed and pragmatic, on the condition of not harming the benefits of the country or interest group a participant is representing. (Q.v. 2 Researching before an MUN conference)
1.3 How do I make sure I am well prepared to start an MUN conference?The thing to remember is: you can never be too prepared for a conference. However there are a few minimal requirements before you step into the conference room and raise your placard.1) You understand how your committee works.2) You understand what role you play in this conference and what interest group you are in.3) You understand what the conference is going to be about after consulting the BG.4) You are able to exploit the working language of your committee.More can be found. (Q.v. 2 Researching before an MUN conference)
1.4 Why would an MUN conference last for 3-4 days? Are there so many things for me to say?When you begin such a conference, there should be a blueprint of the DR in your mind. There are obvious obstacles on your road to achieve this because there will most certainly be a clash of interests. Learn to negotiate, make allies, and compromise when needed to maximize the interest of the country or organization you are representing in the final document.
1.5 How am I going to express my views?Since MUN is a simulation of the United Nations conference, inevitably the conference must progress according to the rules. Since the expansion of the concept of MUN, there are various rules and debatable points, and conference hosts can customize those rules. In this guide, we are only going to provide the mainstream rule of an MUN conference, which is generally suitable for normal committees such as the SC and GA. Customization of the rules should be included in the BG. (Q.v. 3 Exploiting the rules)
1.6 There are certainly many things for me to write. How do I tackle the writing tasks?Writing MUN documents is very different from normal English essays. There are numerous rules and technical terms. To tackle the problem, the guide suggests you to read some of the sample documents written by some experienced delegates. (Q.v. 4 Reading and writing)
2 Researching before an MUN conferenceThe following words are only written as suggestions. The guide understands that different delegates have different styles of researching. The following is only for reference.
2.1 Read your BGBG is the means for you to know what the committee is actually going to talk about and in what way the dais would like to see you play your role. It is vital for you to read the BG carefully, make sure you do not miss a single word. However that task is tremendous, usually the BG of a well-organized conference has a staggering 40-80 A4 pages. How can we understand all this?Make sure you have a marking pen, an electronic dictionary (the guide would highly smile upon a nostalgic paper dictionary) and a computer (again, the guide would admire you if you have a brick-like encyclopedia). Underline everything that you don&t know CLEARLY about. Don&t attempt to skip anything. Subtle change in the use of words may mean a whole world of difference.A BG can be very technical. Remember to read the BG on the interest of your role. Try to exploit the advantage and mitigate the disadvantage. Look up every new word if there happens to be one, and make sure you fully understand the meaning of it. Usually, the reading package contains a lot of data and sometimes there will be case studies. Use your pen to take notes. After reading the BG, look on the Internet for details about certain organizations, people, political agreement, etc. Most BGs have optional reading or reference. If you are taking the conference seriously, go deeper than the reference. To mark the end of your BG reading, try to compose a short article with no more than 700 words to describe the whole problem.At this point, you will find the BG is now no more than a page of white paper. Based on this version of the BG, you can go on to write the Position Paper.
2.2 Look for referenceYour reading range really should not be limited to the things introduced in the BG. On very few occasions, the BG is sufficient for researching. Recommendations include Wikipedia (), Google () and various other related websites. Books are essential too. If you have sufficient time, read books that describe the international situation regarding your topic. The guide will not further expand on this topic but it is strongly recommended that you carefully carry out this step.
2.3 Compose your PPThe committee will require you to hand in the PP at a certain date. Be sure to hand in your PP ahead of the deadline as any delay may leave the dais a bad impression on you. The PP should be written based on your researching and the position you are holding. More can be found. (Q.v. 4 Reading and Writing)
2.4 Online preparationsAlthough this is very difficult for SHS muners since we are a boarding school, online communication between the delegates ahead of the conference is fairly important as it could form an early framework of the conference. Popular means of this online communication include Tencent QQ, an instant messaging software. Before a conference, a group is usually set up by the dais. Join the group as early as possible and express your position. You can also ask other delegates& positions in order to find delegates with similar interests in the conference.P.S. You may also find your boy/girlfriend during an online conference. (Warning: this guide is not responsible for any speculations regarding you and your boy/girlfriend created through this means)
3 Exploiting the rulesThere are various different rules for different MUN committees, so it is virtually impossible to cover all the MUN conferences. It is strongly advised that you read the BG carefully. The following are the general rules of an MUN conference, which is suitable for GA and SC. Other committees may alter these rules or even completely overhaul these rules.
3.1 Types of the CommitteeEvery MUN conference consists of a number of different committee. However those names are all based on real United Nations committee names so do not be afraid when you see a name you are not familiar with. The Wikipedia or any other appropriate means will help you understand the function of the committee. Popular committee types include the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly. Since the expansion of the concept of MUN, some committee name may not be part of the UN system, such as the CPC, the BWC and the USHJH. Panic is not needed because the functions of such special committee will most certainly be acquired through either the BG or the Internet.The time of the committee can be set in the past, the present or the future. The working language can be either Chinese or English.
3.2 DaisThe dais members control the whole conference throughout. The dais could consist of three to five people, and they will change roles after every session. Although they may have different names, such as dais head, rapporteur or technical director, they are always the consultant for you when you feel difficult to continue or have a question.
3.3 General Process
3.3.1 Roll CallA roll call will be conducted at the start of each session. The dais will call out a country or an interest group&s name. Raise your placard and say &present& when called. If this is a roll call ahead of a voting procedure, answer &present and voting&.
3.3.2 Speakers& ListRight after the roll call the dais will open the speakers& list. It is recommended that every delegate prepare their speakers& list speech before the conference. (Q.v. 2 Researching before an MUN conference) Raise your placard and wait to be called to be added to the speakers& list. You can be added to the speakers& list for more than once. You can page the chair if you want to be added to the list for further chances to speak. Each speaker has 1.5 minutes (Warning: this is subject to change). If the speaker fails to use up all his/her time, he/she need to choose to yield the remaining time. Yield time to chair & give up the time Yield time to questions & allow questions to be asked. The question will not consume time, however your answer will. Yield time to ** delegate & allow the other delegate you choose to use up your time.
3.3.3 MotionMotion is the key to push the session forward. Delegates need to motion when he/she want to change the course of the session. There are two types of motions: Moderated Caucus & along with raising this motion, you need to specify the topic, total time and time distribution. For example, &Germany motions for a moderated caucus on the topic of &The cooperation between the members of the organization&, the total time is 5 minutes and each delegate will have 1 minute.&& You may be asked to explain your topic. Then the motion will go to voting procedure. The dais will ask for seconds. If any other delegate raises his/her placard, then the motion will go to the second phase of voting, during which delegates who are in favour of the motion will raise his/her placard. A motion requires a simple majority to pass. If the motion passes, then you will be automatically added to the first of the list. If you fail to use up the time, you cannot yield it. You can also participate in other passed moderated caucuses by raising your placard after the motion passes. The dais will randomly choose delegates to speak. Unmoderated Caucus & You need to specify the length of this caucus. Example: &Germany motions for an unmoderated caucus for 5 minutes.& The voting procedure is the same with the moderated caucus. During this period all delegates are free to walk around and discuss, but they must return to their seats when summoned by the dais. Others & This includes various procedural motions. &Motion to open debate.& is usually the first motion even before the speakers& however this motion is frequently omitted by the dais. &Motion to suspend the meeting.& is a motion to suspend the current session. The dais would suggest such a motion, so delegates don&t need to worry about the time. &Motion to go to voting procedures.& is a mandatory motion to go to voting procedures to vote for the DR. This procedure will be explained later in this section.
3.3.4 CrisisThis is an emergency situation that will interrupt the whole meeting process. The crisis is related to the topic. However, it is a new breakthrough. For example, the conference is talking about a ceasefire protocol concerning the Syrian Crisis. Suddenly the Press comes into the room and releases a statement informing the delegates that Iraq has invaded Syria and claimed half of its territory.The crisis will suspend any activities concerning the original topic. The conference needs to resolve the problem as soon as possible. Usually there will be several moderated caucuses and unmoderated caucuses after the crisis is released. To mark the end of a crisis, at least one DD on the floor must be handed in to the dais and be voted by the committee. Once one of the DDs is passed, the original topic resumes.
3.3.5 VotingAt the end of each conference, one or more DRs will be voted on. If the motion to go to voting procedures gets passed, the dais and the volunteers will lock the conference room and do a roll call. The Assistant Dais will call out the name of the country or interest group the delegates are representing. A delegate can either choose to vote &Yes&, &No&, &Abstain& or &Pass& (Warning: this is subject to change). If the delegate voted &Pass&, after all the other delegates had completed their voting, this delegate will have to give a definite answer of &Yes&, &No& or &Abstain&. A Draft Resolution needs a two third majority of &Yes& votes to pass. Since there may be many Draft Resolutions on the floor, they will be voted one by one. If one Draft Resolution is passed, the rest will not be voted. So it is possible and within order to alter the sequence of the voting of Draft Resolutions subject to a passed motion. It is possible that not a single DR is passed in a conference.
3.4 MiscellaneousA delegate must remain quiet during a session. The delegate cannot walk around or talk to other delegates unless the session is in the middle of an unmoderated caucus. To communicate with other delegates, a delegate must &page&. A small piece of paper will be provided by the dais. When a delegate want to exchange information with another delegate, write &from: ** to: **&, then the content of the information. Remember use the committee&s official language or the page could be sent back. After completing a page, raise it up for the volunteer to see and he/she will transfer that message to the receiver. Through the same means, you may also transfer a U-disk, a laptop computer or a bunch of roses. It is also appropriate to send pages to the dais.At the end of Model United Nations conferences, each committee will award one Best Delegate and two Outstanding Delegates, along with numerous other awards. It is a very high honour to win such a prize. However this guide strongly discourages the phenomenon of purely chasing awards in a conference. Awards are important, but they are not the ultimate target.
4 Reading and WritingMUN activities require not only your ability to speak, but also your control of reading and writing. In the aforementioned research before the conference, reading and writing ability already takes a large part. When you sit in the conference room, there are plenty of things for you to read and write. The following resources can be helpful when you write those documents.
4.1 Position PaperA position paper is used to describe your country or interest party&s position on the topic. This paper should include all the details of the interests of your country and how you think this problem should be solved. Usually PPs are handed in to the dais before the conference begins. The dais will comment on the Position Paper. A model Position Papers are displayed below:
Delegate: Liwen Sha
School: Shanghai High School
Country: Japan
Committee: United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Topic: The Protection and Development of Ethnic Cultural Industry in Globalization&For the purpose of transforming a nation's cultural value into economic value, the concerning intensity on cultural industry is increasing unprecedentedly. Due to its tighter relation to traditions and conventions of one country, ethnic cultural industry is paid more attention to. The ethnic culture markets do have numerous potential demands for exploiting while we cannot ignore the negative aspects including unbalanced development and invasion of foreign industries. In addition to the economic globalization, a double edged sword, and the long lasting financial crises, the topic becomes more complex and deserves negotiating. So the balance between developed and developing countries and ways to improve ethnic cultural industry are key points among them.Japanis an island nation in East Asia, whose culture has evolved greatly over the years, from the country's original Jōmon arts to its contemporary culture, which combines influences from Asia, Europe andNorth America.Japanhas been one of the leading nations in ethnic cultural industry for a long time. Its scale of the culture market in 2002 added up to 84,000 billion yen, making up around 16.5% of its GDP.&As a country with the sound market economy, the most distinct characteristics of its ethnic culture industry is the governments' involvement. The government carried out a series of policies to provide convenience for its development as well as to encourage and support. The establishment of Disneyland in 1983 is undoubtedly a success forJapan. It attracted 17.3 million person trips per year and earned billions of dollars from entrance tickets and advertisements. Then the economic depression in the 1990s urged the Japanese government to amalgamate culture and economy. In 2003, the government constituted the strategy which stimulated foreign tourists to come, benefiting from which,KyotoandOkinawaachieved the surprisingly rapid development through tourism. After several years' efforts, the combination of ethnic culture and market finally formed. For instance, a management mode is widely accepted that a film is to be made after publishing and editing a novel and this successfully improved the cultural industry. AndJapanowns its leisure porcelain band called "Noritake", which is the outcome of copying, reproducing and progressing. NowJapanhas already spread its ethnic culture to every corner of the world and we all witness the contributionsJapanhas made to protecting and developing the ethnic culture industry. As a developed country,Japanis obligatory to find ways to solve the existing problems of ethnic cultural industry. Although the invasion of foreign ones may cause damages to domestic ones or conflicts between nations,Japantakes a solid stand that cultural exchange is a must, but meanwhile threats and assimilations to developing countries should be avoided. In addition, policies for backward countries ought to be put into consideration. Thus,Japanstrongly suggests all international actions to:&
Appeal to the countries that haven't industrialized ethnic culture to choose their main cultural pattern and carry out further policies for advertising and progressing in order to increase the level of citizens' acceptance, which will lay a solid foundation for the industrialization of ethnic culture. Every country should try their best to industrial their ethnic culture.
Suggest UNCTAD provide fund assistance for less developed countries for industrialization, which can to some extent enervate the unbalance between nations.
Call for UNCTAD to constitute policies to encourage the spread and exchange of cultural industry.
Propose UNCTAD stipulate for laws to prescribe the proportion of domestic ethnic cultural industry and foreign ones, so as to prevent the internal one from assimilating.
Suggest the governments play a leading role in the development of ethnic culture and take measures including lease lends and correlative laws.
Require more collaboration between countries with similar cultural practices or economic environment.&World is our world, so every country has its responsibility in the protection and development of ethnic culture industry in globalization. Make efforts and devote!(Former 1309 Liwen Sha)
4.2 Working PaperA...


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