请教大神这是什么歌2各位大神prep 08中cs一题

A major impediment to wide acceptance of electric vehicles even on the part of people who use their cars almost exclusively for commuting is the inability to use electric vehicles for occasional extended trips. In an attempt to make purchasing electric vehicles more attractive to commuters, one electric vehicle producer is planning to offer customers three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1,000 miles that they drive their electric vehicle.
Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan's prospects for success?
AMany electric vehicles that are used for commercial purposes are not needed for extended trips.&&BBecause a majority of commuters drive at least 100 miles a week, the cost to the producer of making good the offer would add considerably to the already high price of electric vehicles.&&CThe relatively long time it takes to recharge the battery of an electric vehicle can easily be fitted into the regular patterns of car use characteristic of commuters.&&DAlthough electric vehicles are essentially emission-free in actual use, generating the electricity necessary for charging an electric vehicle's battery can burden the environment.&&ESome family vehicles are used primarily not for commuting but for making short local trips, such as to do errands.&&
正确答案: B
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A major impediment to wide acceptance of electric vehicles even on the part of people who use their cars almost exclusively for commuting is the inability to use electric vehicles for occasional extended trips. In an attempt to make purchasing electric vehicles more attractive to commuters, one electric vehicle producer is planning to offer customers three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1000 miles that they drive their electric vehicle.Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan's prospects for sucess?A. many electric vehicles that are used for commercial purposes are not needed for extended tripsB.because a majority of commuters drive at least 100miles a week, the cost to the producer of making good the offer would add considerably to the already high price of electric vehiclesC. the relatively long time it takes to recharge the battery of an electric vehicle can easily be fitted into the regular patterns of car use characteristic of commutersD.although electric vehicles are essentially emmission-free in actual use, generating the electricity necessary for charging an electric vehicle's battery can burden the &environmentE. some family vehicles are used primarily not for commuting but for making short local trips, such as to do errands答案是B ,可是我读题完全没有头绪……实在太弱,练了很久还是没有找到所谓的做题的感觉,每次整理回顾错题时都懂了,但是做新题还是会错的很严重,甚至读了几遍都没有任何感角o(︶︿︶)o 唉怎么办捏……各位同仁的情况如何呢???求帮助!
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这道题我觉得还是有点复杂的...做题就是要找准 推理的过程和结果。电能车的销售的困难,在于消费者有时候需要额外用车,而恰恰这时候电能车没电,所以厂商现在给每个消费者补贴一些额外的普通车的使用。B说明消费者很耗用电能车,消费者很大程度上需要普通车的补贴,这就会造成厂商的成本上升,最后电能车反而卖的贵。希望有帮助
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我是这样想的:By the attempt proposed in the context, the producer of the electric vehicles wants to stimulate people to buy the electric vehicles.(the plan's prospects)However, the attempt wll increase the cost of producer who will make the price of electric vehicles higher. Higher price is going to inhibite customers buying it.That's why the author can not achieve the success of the plan's prospects.(the plan fails to achieve the prospects)
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嗯是呐 就是这个问题 我烦的就是我现在不能一眼看出说这个选项无关 那个选项又怎么不行看来我还是得把OG再好好看看总结下套路……
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Mark一下!& && && && && &
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Historians have identified two dominant currents in the Russian women's movement of the late tsarist period. &&Bourgeois& feminism, so called by its more radical opponents, emphasized &individualist& feminist goals such as access to education, career opportunities, and legal equality. &&Socialist& feminists, by contrast, emphasized class, rather than gender, as the principal source of women's inequality and oppression, and socialist revolution, not legal reform, as the only road to emancipation and equality.However, despite antagonism between bourgeois feminists and socialist feminists, the two movements shared certain underlying beliefs. &Both regarded paid labor as the principal means by which women might attain emancipation: &participation in the workplace and economic self-sufficiency, they believed, would make women socially useful and therefore deserving of equality with men. &Both groups also recognized the enormous difficulties women faced when they combined paid labor with motherhood. &In fact, at the First All-Russian Women's Congress in 1908, most participants advocated maternity insurance and paid maternity leave, although the intense hostility between some socialists and bourgeois feminists at the Congress made it difficult for them to recognize these areas of agreement. &Finally, socialist feminists and most bourgeois feminists concurred in subordinating women's emancipation to what they considered the more important goal of liberating the entire Russian population from political oppression, economic backwardness, and social injustice.The passage is primarily concerned with(A)& &&identifying points of agreement between two groups(B)& &&advocating one approach to social reform over another(C)& &&contrasting two approaches to solving a political problem(D)& &&arguing that the views espoused by one political group were more radical than those espoused by another group(E)& &&criticizing historians for overlooking similarities between the views espoused by two superficially dissimilar groups 这是一到主旨题,现在做prep,感觉主旨题比OG难。不知道原因为啥?以此题为例。看manhattan RC说主旨题要符合全文每一部分。但是这道只说了第二段内容。这有点像目的题。但题中问的是主旨正确答案是A但是我觉得C说的approaches 可能有点牵强,但是我感觉A不应该对。请解释一下这道题我思路哪里偏?期待大侠出现!
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我的思路是第一段介绍在某一个问题上B和S两个流派。第二段B和S在三个方面上体现相识性。The passage is primarily concerned with(A) & &identifying points of agreement between two groups(B) & &advocating one approach to social reform over another(C) & &contrasting two approaches to solving a political problem(D) & &arguing that the views espoused by one political group were more radical than those espoused by another group(E) & &criticizing historians for overlooking similarities between the views espoused by two superficially dissimilar groups LZ 说的MAHATTAN的做主旨题的观点是对的,这一题也不例外。(以下只是针对楼主的问题的答案解释)A;包含第一段的B和S(TWO GROUPS),为什么这么说不算牵强呢?因为想想第一段其实其他东西没介绍,就是让我们知道有B和S两个流派之分。B;问题不在approach,其实在GMAT文章中way, shool, approach, genre意思相近。而问题在于advocate。注意像这种词那是百分百不能与原文意图有偏差的。文章没有强调B与S的谁over谁。C;solving a politiacal problem? 没有。作者只是state了这么B与S之间的相识点这么个facts恕在下愚见!交流交流lol
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我的思路是第一段介绍在某一个问题上B和S两个流派。第二段B和S在三个方面上体现相识性。The passage is primarily concerned with(A) & &identifying points of agreement between two groups(B) & &advocating one approach to social reform over another(C) & &contrasting two approaches to solving a political problem(D) & &arguing that the views espoused by one political group were more radical than those espoused by another group(E) & &criticizing historians for overlooking similarities between the views espoused by two superficially dissimilar groups LZ 说的MAHATTAN的做主旨题的观点是对的,这一题也不例外。(以下只是针对楼主的问题的答案解释)A;包含第一段的B和S(TWO GROUPS),为什么这么说不算牵强呢?因为想想第一段其实其他东西没介绍,就是让我们知道有B和S两个流派之分。B;问题不在approach,其实在GMAT文章中way, shool, approach, genre意思相近。而问题在于advocate。注意像这种词那是百分百不能与原文意图有偏差的。文章没有强调B与S的谁over谁。C;solving a politiacal problem? 没有。作者只是state了这么B与S之间的相识点这么个facts恕在下愚见!交流交流lol-- by 会员 99qiuqiu ( 1:33:15)
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However, despite antagonism between bourgeois feminists and socialist feminists, the two movements shared certain underlying beliefs. 这句话多明显呀,一看就是就知道作者是想说相同点呀。C.contrasting two approaches to solving a political problem. 这里有什么政治难题呀。
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