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看产品导航Feilong Lighting
Q: Nearly all high lumen Led street lights are the same exterior, how to tell quality?A: &Price and exterior.Due to raw material cost difference is big,poor quality are all poor housing exterior with short FINs and light weight. So prices are also low. Besides,the driver exterior is also low-end with poor IC,MOS and capacitances.&Q: Does high lumen Led street light really have 50,000 hours lifespan?A: 50,000 or longer lifespan is only theroy from lab test.Actual lifespan is only &&=30,000hours.& p=&&&
Hot sale products
Our Main Products: led street light, led flood light, led high bay light, led tunnel light, led canopy light, led indoor lights and so onOur Certifications: BV, RoHS, CE, FCC, TUV, IP66, ISO9001
Zhongshan Feilong&Lighting Technology Co., LTD., founded in 2006,&has been committed to the develop and produce of LED application products of lamps.&
,Feilong Lighting sign contract with USA Client,more than $25000.including 80pcs gas station light and 300w led Street street light.
,Feilong Lighting sign contract with USA Client,more than $25000.including 80pcs gas station light and 300w led Street street light.
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