Toilet Time大脑急转弯7攻略厕所 Toilet Time厕所时间怎么玩

> 便便与嘘嘘的重口味 厕所时间爆笑试玩
便便与嘘嘘的重口味 厕所时间爆笑试玩
手机中国【原创】作者:手机中国 王孜责任编辑:王孜日 06:02
  【 】“厕所时间”是笔者迄今为止见过的一款最为重口的休闲小游戏,同时我们又能够将它看作是将各种重口游戏结合体。在所有的分支小游戏中,都与厕所这个主题相关。本作是以计时限时的关卡模式进行的,所涉及到的场景会随机出现,并且难度也不同,接下来的时间,笔者将要为大家摘出几个比较典型的关卡来为大家讲解。(本文谨献给喜欢重口并且能够接受重口的你,胆小者请勿继续)
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中国联通大数据发布了2015年12月移动应用Ap...Home - World Toilet Organization
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National Summit on Sustainable Water and Sanitation
We’re thrilled to be partnering with CDD Society India for the National Summit on Sustainable Water and Sanitation as part of our continuing efforts to improve sanitation in India.
Exclusive 2016 Membership Invite
As we approach the dawn of celebrating 15 years since World Toilet Organization's (WTO) inception, I have had time to reflect on what we have already achieved as a united front in our global sanitation efforts. WTO has taken a leading role in this movement to improve toilet and sanitation conditions worldwide.
Changing Lives with Clean and Safe Toilets
A shockingly large proportion of people in Cambodia lack access to proper sanitation facilities. Millions still continue to defecate in the open, and the Cambodian population continues to remain vulnerable to the sanitation crisis. But this can change and you can help.
Global ‘Urgent Run’ Raises a Stink for Sanitation
Communities across the world are coming together for sanitation-themed ‘Urgent Run’ walk and run events for World Toilet Day, with around 30 events being held in 18 countries in the lead-up to UN World Toilet Day on 19 November.
An Urgent Dash for UN World Toilet Day
It’s that time of the year again when the global community gathers to ‘raise a stink’ in November for sanitation worldwide in the lead up to UN World Toilet Day on 19 November. World Toilet Organization’s annual event for World Toilet Day, The Urgent Run, is back for the second year, and ready to raise an even bigger stink!
Transforming the lives of school children in rural China.
According to UNICEF only 64% of the population in China have improved toilets. An improved, hygienic latrine is one that adopts reinforced concrete structure, separate human excreta from human contact and ensures that the excreta do not pollute the environment.
SDGs: Making Toilets An Object Of Desire
The sustainable development goals (SDGs) include a standalone goal dedicated to water and sanitation – Goal 6: “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. So how do we ensure the success of this goal?
World Toilet Organization was founded on 19 November 2001 and the inaugural World Toilet Summit was held on the same day, the first global summit of its kind. We recognised the need for an international day to draw global attention to the sanitation crisis – and so we established World Toilet Day on 19 November. World Toilet Day has continued to garner support over the years, with NGOs, the private sector, civil society organisations and the international community joined in to mark the global day.
A world body on toilets — are you kidding me? Your toilet is more important than you think. Let’s take a look at some quick facts about the sanitation crisis.
1000 children died per day from diarrhoeal diseases due to poor sanitation in 2013. These deaths are preventable.
Clean and safe toilets help keep more girls in school and increase attendance rates. Far too many girls miss out on education just because of the lack of a clean and safe toilet.
The 2015 goal to halve the proportion of people living without sanitation is running 150 years behind schedule. 1 billion (15 % of the world population) still practice open defecation.
Every $1 spent on water and sanitation generates a $4.3 return in the form of reduced
health care costs.
A clean and safe toilet ensures health, dignity and well-being — yet 40% of the world’s population does not have access to toilets. World Toilet Organization is a global non-profit committed to improving toilet and sanitation conditions worldwide. We believe in empowering individuals through education, training and building local marketplace opportunities to advocate for clean and safe sanitation facilities in their communities.
The 2015 Millennium Development Goal target on sanitation remains the most off-track of all the MDG goals. The reason: The silence surrounding the sanitation crisis.
World Toilet Organization is one of the few organizations whose sole focus is on toilets and sanitation. Breaking the silence on the sanitation crisis is at the heart of what we do. And here’s how we do it.
Global advocacy day for toilets and sanitation celebrated annually on 19 November
Empowering trainers and sanitation workers in both urban and rural contexts
Annual conference that brings together key stakeholders and decision-makers in the sanitation sector
Social enterprise with the mission to create a sustainable sanitation ecosystem in local communities
Join the global sanitation movement today and let’s work together to make clean and safe toilets a priority!扫一扫下载到手机
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