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w w w.dxf5. c oM 牛津6B全册3Unit5 The seasons(本课的挂图两幅)教学反思:本课是课文内容展开教学,是来谈论纽约的四季和气候,教师在教授过程中可以先当地气候,或是上网城市的气候特征来引出本课,让学生在对所学句型认识的基础上,教学,前面的铺垫,分层的教学,降低了学生的难度。6B Unit5 The seasons Fourth period(.04.28)一、Teaching context :6B Unit5 The seasons Part A Listen, read and say.And Part D Listen and write。二、Teaching Aims:1Ss can listen read write and say the sentencese: What's the weather like ...? Which season in...do you like best?2 理解运用A的语法内容。3 Finishi Part D。三、Teaching difficult and Importan: 1 Ss can listen read write and say these words of Part D。2 训练学生提取有用信息的能力。四、Teaching Preparation: Tape picture and word cards五、Teaching Process:Step1. Morning report. A. Work in pairs 。Ask and answer
B. Discuss the weather and the activities in different countries。Step2. Read in orders。Step3.Talk about Part D。Step4.Picture and talkSs can discuss and say sth about pitcuresStep5. Just listen。Step6. Listen and do the exercise。 Step7. Listen and check the answer by themselves。Step8. Listen and answer。Step9.Read and correct。Step. Listen with question to consolidation。 a. What does Ma Li usually do in spring's morning? b. Does Guangzhou often rain in summer? c. Did Ma Li go swimming in summer in Guangzhou before? d. What does Ma Li usually do after school in winter?Step11.Retell part D。Step12 Homework
1. Copy the main sentences
2. Writing “My best season”七.Blackboard Design Unit5 The seasons turn green, go rowing, get shorter, go walking, go jogging教学反思: 教师最后的复习课中可以创设的情景,让学生想象,自主发言,充实本课所学的内容,培养学生的语言能力。Part D着重训练和培养学生听录音,提取、分析有用的信息,并能用填空的重构信息的能力,辨音和rhyme练习教师可以班级情况,边读边学,并可以的渗透。6B Unit5 The seasons Fifth period(.05.09)一、Teaching context : 6B Unit5 The seasons Part ,E、F.二、Teaching Aims:1 Ss can use the main sentence structure suitable。2 培养学生看图理解运用的能力。3 实践中游戏规则和自创玩法。三、Teaching difficult:1 游戏中所学知识。2 在的语境中所学知识。四、Teaching Important:1 游戏中使用英语。2 错误并解决。五、Teaching Preparation: Tape picture。六、Teaching Process:Step1 Look and spell. Show some cards:weather,spring,summer,autumn,winter,hot,cold学生看卡片做口形,另猜并拼读,看一看哪个得多,胜者积分。Step2 Look and do.Show some cards:warm,cool,cloudy,rainy,windy,snowy,sunny,foggy,rowing,snowball fights,countrysideSs look and act。Step3 Talk about the weathers of some cities.老师写有地名的卡片,每个代表来抽,按所抽地名对话并表演。例如:哈尔滨 A:What's the weather like in winter in Haerbin?
B: It's cold and windy. It's often snowy. A: What do people usually do? B: They usually go skiing and go skating.Step4 Talk about the students' hometown, finish part E. 间交流检查答案。Step5 Play games about part F. 在内交流玩游戏,并鼓励学生游戏。Step6 Homework: 1. Make more dialogues七.Blackboard Design Unit5 The seasons 哈尔滨 北京 南京 海口 昆明 拉萨Unit5 The seasons Sixth period(.05.11)一、Teaching context : 6B Unit5 The seasons Part G、H.二、Teaching Aims:1在听说基础上培养学生四会句型写的能力。2 Understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ow”。3 Ss can say a rhyme。三、Teaching difficult:1活动中训练学生写句型的能力。2 Understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ow”。四、Teaching Important:1 Understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ow”。2 Ss can master the rhyme。五、Teaching Preparation: Tape picture and words cards六、Teaching Process:Step1. Act the dialogueStep2. Make sentences题目如下:1. Lian Yun guang , summer , go swimming2. Nan Jing, autumn, go climbing3. Shang Hai, spring, go walking4. Su Zhou, spring, visit the gardensStep3.Put the words in correct order1. in, best, which, New York, you, do, season,like,(?)2. in, go, people, farms, countryside, to, the ,like,(.)3. New York, is, soon, to, father, going, my4. season, New York, autumn, best, the, is, in (.)Step4. 每个把组员在2中的对话变成填空给组做。Step5.G。 1. Listen and repeat :brown, cow, how, now,四个单词,体会并发出ow组合发音。 2. 呈现G,启发学生用这四个单词编一句话,对能的学生给积分。 3. 李阳疯狂英语的办法操练G这句话。 A. 跟磁带慢读三遍,在中速读三遍,读三遍。 B. 试着一口气读句子,每组选读得最多的比赛。 C. 每组选代表看谁能最最清晰最大声读出句子。Step6.H。 1. 组织学生听录音模仿读。 2. 老师和学生一起读,内容动作,让学生边做边理解。 3. 集体读和做动作。Step7 Homework:1. Correct the test paper2. Prepare for the new lesson七.Blackboard Design Unit5 The seasons brown cow how now6B Unit 6 Planning for the weekendUNIt Teaching context:本单元“周末活动计划”话题活动,所涉及到的日常交际有介绍,打电话,询问和建议等,以询问What are you going to do...?及We're going to...为内容:ARead and say板块展现了周六上午Gao Shan和David各自电话谈论周末安排的情景。B了八个周末活动的动词短语。C呈现六个活动画面,旨在本单元的句型What are you going to do?D是听写活动的安排。E展示了与妈妈谈论班级要去动物园游玩的场景。F为趣味游戏,旨在帮助学生游戏复习What are you going to do...?及其回答。G为语音,让学生字母组合ow在单词中的读音。H是一首歌曲,要求学生能够会唱、并能配以动作表演。Unit six Teaching requirements:1. Ss can listen , read , write and say these words: plan, picnic, play, take part in..2.Ss can listen , read , write and say these three skills words :still, project, zebra, Africa, elephant, concert, outing, Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting.3. Ss can listen read write and say these sentences:What are you going to do...? We're going to ...4. Ss can listen read write and say the daily speaking:Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking. By the way, what are you going to do...?5. Understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ow”。。6. Ss can sing a song “Would you like to join us?”Teaching important and difficult:Ss can listen , read , write and say the words and the sentences in unit。单元教学安排:共六课时。  First Period Part B,Look, read and learn  Second Period Part A,Listen, read and say  Third Period Part C,Look and say  Fourth Period Part D,Listen and write  Fifth Period Part E、F、G、H。  Sixth Period Exercise and test paper。 6B Unit 6 Planning for the weekend The First Period(.05.13)一. Teaching context: 6B. Unit 6 Part B,Look, read and learn二.Teaching Aims:1. Ss can listen , read , write and say these words: picnic, play, take part in..2. Ss can listen , read , write and say these three skills words :concert, outing, Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting.3. Ss can master the sentences :What are you going to do...? We're going to...三.Teaching difficult:1. Ss can listen , read , write and say these words picnic, play, take part in..2. Ss can all the words and phrases。四.Teaching Important:能运用本课所学语言描述将要的动作。五.Teaching Preparation: Tape picture and word cards六. Teaching Process:Step1 Organization1.Warm up1) Listen to a rhyme: Seasons. 2) Everyday English(S→Ss)2.Free talk ,  T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning,  T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too.  T: What day is it today? Ss: It's ....  T: What date is it today? S1: It's ... of ....  T: What's the weather like today? S2:It's....3.Revision Topic “Seasons” Ss can act the dialogue or give a speech 。Step2 Presentation and practice 1. CAI 教师用课件播放周末活动的动画,让学生对Teaching context有个感性的认识。然后拿出关于周末活动的图片(可使用B的教学图片),老师在黑板上贴图的创设情境向学生介绍周末活动。 新课标网T: Here are some pictures of some weekend activities. Look at them carefully. What are they doing? What is he/she doing?2.Drill and teach :picnic, play, take part in.,concert, outing, Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting.,然后搞“Little Teacher”活动,使其成就感,然后让学生评价,老师个人说、集体说、说、开火车说等,检查学生的情况,最后总结。2. Listen and repeat。3.Drill and teach:What are you going to do this weekend?I am going to have a picnic. I am going to ....Step3 Practice and consolidation 1. Activity:Look and act。2.Game:Look and guess Act and guessWhat are you going to do?或Who is going to...?七.Homework:1.听录音,用的语音语调朗读本课词汇2.抄写要求四会的单词和词组八.Blackboard Design: Unit6 Planning for the weekend动词词组和图片教学后记:本课设置情景,来学习单词短语,学生兴趣十足,并且的。并且一系列的活动来所学内容,为下一节课的学习作好铺垫。Unit6 Planning for the weekend The Second Period(.05.16)一、 Teaching context: 6B. Unit 6 PARTA,Listen, read and say二、Teaching Aims:1 Ss can master the part A 。2 Ss can use the dialy sentences : Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking.
By the way, what are you going to do...?3 Ss can listen , read , write and say the words: plan .still三、Teaching important and difficult: Ss can master the part A四、Teaching Preparation: Tape picture word cards CAI and toy telephone五、Teaching Process:Step1 Organization1.Warm up1)Learn the song: Will you join me? 。2)Everyday English(S→Ss)2.Free talk: A telephone call Is that ...? Yes, speaking.用 Do you like...? Can you ...?What do you do on ...? Drill and teach:Do you like volleyball? Can you swim?What do you do on Sunday afternoon? Talk in free and dill and teach the sentences :Is that ...?Yes, speaking.并适时运用将来时。如:T: Do you like basketball? S: Yes, I do.T: I like basketball, too. I'm going to play basketball this afternoon.Step2 Presentation and practice Divided the text into two parts to teach。1.本文对话的Introduction。 Show the telephone call between David and Gao ShanSs listen and watch carefull 。1)Ss can say sth about the telephone call。2)Listen again with questions。3)Listen and repeat and learn to say “plan.”2.Learn the text。1)Learn the dialogue about Sunday On page 46David和 Gao Shan周六下午的活动安排。(内容在P46)在引言的基础上,教师可提问的导入课文对话。Where is David doing? What are they going to do?Where will they meet?What are they going to do?学生有目的地听课文的前半段录音,然后学习词汇still.最后填表格来本的学习任务。Who WhenActivitiesWhere2)David和 Gao Shan明天的活动安排。(内容在P47)教师将课文图片设计成David和 Gao Shan各自单独的图片,让学生听录音看图片,对话内容。同样上面的表格。Step3 Consolidation1.Listen and repeat。2.竞赛: 之间互相用已学过的问句提问,比一比哪一组问得多,哪一组回答的多。教师给每个学生积分卡,凡是竞赛活动中个人获胜的可积分卡上记5分,获胜的每人可积2分,学期结束后看看哪位同学的积分多。3Read together and act the dialogues。Finish the exercise 。4.Planning for the weekend:Discuss and make a dialogue with partner。六、Homework:1.听录音,模仿学说,熟练朗读并能表演该对话内容。2.Make a plan for the weekends。3.记忆A、B中的三会单词。七、Blackboard Design: Unit 6 Planning for the weekend plan still Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking.
By the way, what are you going to do...?教学后记:上节课的词组教学铺垫,课文的学习要轻松,学生对课文的朗读问题 ,上升到表演优有点难度,制作周末活动计划能的所学,不知道学生会做的怎样?Unit 6 Planning for the weekend:The Third Period(.05.18)一、Teaching context:6B. Unit 6 Part C, Look and say.二、Teaching Aims:1 Ss can listen , read , write and say the words and the sentences :play, What are you going to do...? We're going to ...2.Ss can master and use the sentence suitable。3.Ss can do the exercise about Part C。三、Teaching important and difficult:1. Ss can listen , read , write and say the sentences :What are you going to do...?2.理解现在时的意义及构成。四、Teaching Preparation: Tape picture and word cards五、Teaching Process:Step1 Organization1.Warm up1)Sing a song: Will you join me?2)Everyday English(S→Ss)2.Free talk: Planning for the weekend2.Revision1)Play a game: Bingo。To review check and consolidation the words。2) Read and act the part A。 Step2 1.Picure and talk: What are you going to do...?Ss can answer : We're going to ...。2.Some exercise。Step3 Practice and Consolidation 1.Guessing game: 教师Teaching Preparation关于周末活动的图片(可使用B的教学图片),让一学生到台前选择最喜欢的一件,其它同学用What are you going to do...?句型猜他(她)将要做。猜对最多的同学即为优胜者,可以积分卡上记5分。2.Ask and answer to make more dialogues:A: What are you going to do...?B: We're going to ...。六、Homework:1.回家后自创情境,找搭档操练What are you going to do...? 句型。2.用We're going to ...句型写出周末将要做的五件事。3.Prepare for part D,F。七、Blackboard Design: Unit 6 Planning for the weekend What are you going to do...?
We're going to ...教学后记:上节课布置的作业学生很情况很理想。本课一系列的活动,来所学的主要句型。本节课的学习学生能够看图说话,能够场景灵活应用句子。学生积分更是出的热情,激励手段很适合学生心理特点,争强好胜。我感觉到激励手段在高年级应运很必要。6B Unit 6 Planning for the weekend:The Fourth Period(.05.20)一、Teaching context:6B. Unit 6 Part D Listen and write , and Part F Play the game二、Teaching Aims:1. Ss can listen , read , write and say the words and the sentences :What are you going to do...? I am/ We're going to ...2.Ss can use the sentence suitable。3.Ss can do the exercise about Part D and F。三、Teaching important and difficult: Ss can master the sentences: What are you going to do...?四、Teaching Preparation: Tape picture and word cards五、Teaching Process:Step1 Organization1.Warm up1) Sing a song: Will you join me?2) Everyday English(S→Ss)2.Revision1) Ask and answer(T-S)。T:What are you going to do...?
S:I am / We're going to ...2)S-s S-t Step2 Presentation(Part D)1.Discuss part D in free。Today is Friday. David and Liu Tao are talking about what they are going to do after school.2.Listen and talk。3.Listen and repeat4 Listen and finishi the exercise.5 Read and check。6Read and correct。Step3 Practice and Consolidation(Part F)1.教师事先布置学生图例,游戏规则和方法,好游戏工具,包括骰子和棋子。2.学生可在内游戏活动。3.教师也可鼓励学生自创新的玩法,在游戏中所学知识。六、Homework:1.Copy the sentences。2.Make some dialogues。七、Blackboard Design: Unit 6 Planning for the weekendSome main points教学后记:本节课主要是听,写内容,听的懂画面,然后要求会写四会词组,句子。分析画面一起内容,学生大体到将要听的内容,在做的时候学生注意力将很于填写的内容。学生最乐于做游戏,游戏来句型是的办法 。学生乐在。Unit 6 Planning for the weekend :The fifth Period(.05.23)一、Teaching context:6B. Unit 6 Part E Read and number and Part GListen and repeat二、Teaching Aims:1.Help ss to develope Reading Comprehension ability。2.能在理解的基础上,学生找到的图片。3 Ss can listen , read , write and say these three skill words :project, zebra, Africa, elephant。4. Understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ow”。三、Teaching important and difficult: Ss can master the text。四、Teaching Preparation: Tape pictures五、Teaching Process:Step1 Organization1.Warm up1)Sing English songs:。2)Everyday English: (S→Ss)2.Revision Ask and answer about part c Step2 Presentation1.Do exercise about part E:1)Help Ss understand the text。2)Drill and teach the words: project, zebra, Africa, elephant,Ss can learn to say and use。3) Listen and repeat 4) Read together。2.DO part G:1)Read by themselves first try to read correctly。2)Read and translate the sentences。3) Listen and repeat。4) Say some other words。Step3 Consolidation1.Read and act Part E。2.Play a game:接龙比赛教师将学生分成若干组,每组以snow开头,要求学生用含有相同音素的单词接龙比赛,看看哪个接得多,接得快!获胜的每位可在积分卡上记2分。六、Homework:1Copy the new words and the sentences 。2.排练E的对话。七、Blackboard Design: Unit 6 Planning for the weekendproject, zebra, Africa, elephant教学后记:阅读板块,学生学起来很容易,可以所的画面上能猜到本文意思。在阅读中学生遇到的生词,我让学生上下文意思猜测,猜不出,然后在画面猜测。进而在情景中学习新词,的。理解意思基础上分角色朗读然后试着去表演,当然不要求学生一字不漏说出原文,只大意演就可以了,在本节课中学生还能性的表演,感觉学生在表演能力这有进步,并且热中于表演了。6B Unit 6 Planning for the weekend:The Sixth Period(.05.25)一、Teaching context: Exercise book and test paper analysis二、Teaching Aims:1. Review to master the words learned in this unit。2. Ss can master the sentences structures and the daily speaking。3. Analysis the exercise book and the test paper。三、Teaching important and difficult: Review, the consolidation of the unit of knowledge points to the use of skilled。四、Teaching Preparation: Exercise book and test paper五、Teaching Process:Step1 Organization1.Warm up1)Sing English songs。2)Everyday English: a. Daily report(S→Ss)b.Say something about your weekend。2.Revision1)Ask and answer about sentence structures。2)Dictation:Words and sentences。3)Dialogue actions。a.Make a telephone about the plan for weekendb.Make a dialogue about the plan c.Nancy’s birthday is coming soon Make a dialogue to discuss 。Step2 Practice(analysis exercise book)1.Listen and choose: Ss can do it well。2.Listen and tick: Ss can do it well. Only a little Ss miss one thing。3.Read and write。4.Look, think and write 5.Look, read and write 6.Read and answer:Reading Comprehension7.Correct 。8. Analysis the test paper六、Homework:1.复习本单元所学的四会单词和四会句型2.能熟练朗读本单元会话,并能自编自演一段小对话3.自选一篇课外阅读材料补充阅读4.预习下个单元学习内容七、Blackboard Design: Unit 6 Planning for the weekend Main words sentences 教学后记;在本节课,我安排了许多活动,主要是所学内容,学生能够在的场景中灵活应运所学句子,培养学生表演能力,操作能力。练习册中有许多写的 ,学生在做每题之前我带领学生分析题目,大致大意,学生做的时候能放失。了趣味性,是本很枯燥的练习题变的有趣起来。 6B Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend一、UNIT Teaching context:书信是人们、沟通的。本单元“写信”主题,从谈论的笔友入手到着手给笔友回信,把“”、“询问他人情况”、“征求意见”等日常交际用语、词汇和句型有机起来,并运用于对话课文之中。本单元既呈现了的语言材料,又展示了“与外籍朋友通信”的多种和操作过程。教师在教学中可学生的兴趣和需要多彩的活动。在Teaching Process中,教师应多种资源,努力为学生们与外籍朋友通信的条件,学生运用所学语言交流,以培养的综合运用语言的能力。二、UNIT Teaching Aims:1.Ss can listen , read , write and say these words and phrases: penfriend, also, glue, write a letter, a postcard, finish, receive, subject, writing paper, envelope, e-mail address, fax number。3.Ss can listen , read , write and say these dialy speaking:I hope so. What should I do?4.Ss can listen , read , write and say these sentences:Can I have...? What for? I want to...5.Understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ur”。。6. Ss can say a rhyme: I want to write a letter.三、 Teaching important and difficult:1. Ss can master the words。2.Ss can master the context and act it 。3.Ss can write a letter in English。6B Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend The first perviod (.05.27)一、Teaching context:Part B. Look, read and learn二、 Teaching Aims:1、Ss can listen , read , write and say these words : glue , paper2、Ss can listen , read , write and say these phrases:envelope, postcard, fax machine, telephone number三、Teaching important and difficult: Ss can master the words。四、Teaching Preparation:1、 Real objects and pictures3、Tape and word cards五、Teaching Process:step1.Organization.1.Greeting2.Free talk.T:Hello,in this weekend,what are you goging to do?S:I’m going to .. 3.Sing : Will you join me ?step2 .Presentation and practice.(Look, read and learn)。1、e-mail 在5B就已学过,只需稍加复习。2、telephone number. T: My telephone number is ..... What's your telephone number?Ss can try to answer。3、Listen and choose the picture。4、Show the real objects to Drill and teach:writing paper ,envelope, post card, glue 5、Listen and repeat。 Read and spell.step3.Consolidation 1、A good memory: Say out the words quickly。2、Listen and point: Point the words quickly3、A guessing game:Liu Tao's mother is now in Guangzhou.Liu Tao is in Nanjing. He wants to speak to his mother. I can help them. What am I?S: You're a ...布置学生课后自编谜语,下一节课同学交流。Step4.Assigning homework.1、Copy the new words。2、Make a riddle。3、Prepare for the new part 。六、Blackboard Design: Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend
B. Look, read and learn
an e-mail a fax machinea telephone number Writing paperan envelope a post card a glue教学后记:本课单词形象性,学生学起来很容易,并且设计了游戏来所学的内容,学生。新课标强调要遵循整体性教学的原则,我想把本单元的句子和词组交叉起来学习会,把的情景中教学比。 Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend The second period:(.05.31)一、 Teaching context: 6B Unit 7 Part C. Look and say 二、 Teaching Aims:1、 Review part B。2、Ss can listen , read , write and say these sentences:Can I have...? What for ? I want to ... Sure. Here you are.三、 Teaching important and difficult: Ss can master Part C。四、 Teaching Preparation: Tape picture and word cards五、 Teaching Process:Step1. Greeting.Step 2. Revision.
1、Spell the words about part B。
2、 Some riddles by themselves。Satep3.Presentation and practice. 1、Show the picture of part C
Ss can discuss in free and say out the words2、Make dialogues:RG:T:Can I have a postcard ?S: What for?T: I want to write to Tom .S: Sure. Here you are....3、Pair work。 4、Make a new dialogue in pairs。Step4Consolidation. 1、Consolidation the sentence structure: I want to +do。 2、Practise the sentences Ss can make more new sentences。E.Assigning homework. 1、 Copy the sentences。 2、 Make more dialogues。3、 Prepare for part A。六、Blackboard Design: Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend
A:Can I have a postcard ?B: What for?A: I want to write to Tom .B: Sure. Here you are教学后记:这节课涉及主要句型的练习,在的情景中锻炼学生说的能力,我在课中布置了几个利于操作的场景,学生一起交流,进而。内容少只是对词组的扩充学生学的很轻松,也乐于去表演。Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend The third period:(.06.02)一、 Teaching context:6B Unit 7 Part A. Listen read and say二、 Teaching Aims:1 Students can read and say the new words : letter, penfriend,yesterday, read, both, address, would like to be2 Students can read and understand the sentences: Who do you want to write to? I want to write to … You both have the same hobbies. I’m going to tell him about my school and my favourite subjects.3 Students can read and understand the text4 Student can retell the text.Main points:1 Students can read and say the new words and phrases: letter, penfriend,yesterday, read, both,address, would like to be2 Students can read and understand the sentences: Who do you want to write to? I want to write to … You both have the same hobbies. I’m going to tell him about my school and my favourite subjects.3 Students can read and understand the textDifficulties:1 tudents can read and say the new words:letter,penfriend,envelope,read,both,address.2 Student can retell the text.Teaching procedures:Strp 1. Freetalk1. Introduce myself. Show the teacher’s message cardT: Hello everyone. At first I’ll introduce myself to you. Look, my English name is Icey. I’m 28 years old. My favourite colour is White. My favourite fruit are apples. I like watching TV and playing computer games. Now, you know something about me, I want to know something about you. T-S1: Hello, what’s your name? Nice to meet you. Do you like watching TV and playing computer games, too?S1:Yes, I do.Step 2 Presentation and practiceT:Oh, we both have the same hobbies. (both)I think we will be good friends,.S1:I hope so.T:You can write an e-mail to me. My e-mail address is 8090591@.com .(address).T:You also can write a letter to me.( write a letter)2.Now,I have some writing paper and an envelope, can you guess what for?S:Write a letter.T:Yes! Today, LiuTao want to write a letter too.What does Liu Tao need? some writing paper, an anvelope and some stamps.3.He is asking his mother.Listen and put the sentences into the right order.
Make dialogues like this.4.You want to write aletter.who do you want to write to. (ask and answer)5.LiuTao wants to write a letter ,who does he want to write to?Complete the forms and answer the question.Yesterday afternoon, Liu Tao read
about ______________, Peter, ___ the
newspaper. Peter wanted a __________I n China. Liu Tao would like to be his
penfriend . He wants to ________Peter.S:He wants to write to Peter.T:Who’s Peter ,I don’t know.I have some questions about him. 1.Who’s Peter?2.Where does he live?3. Does he have any brothers or sisters?4. What are his hobbies?Listen and answer.5. He wants to write to Peter.What is he going to tell Peter?Listen and say.Step 3.Consolidation1.Read the dialogue and complete the forms.Liu Tao wants to _____ _____ _____to his_________,Peter.Peter is ___ _____boy,he ____ ____London.He has a ____and a _____ .He likes ______ __ _____ And ______ _____ _____.Liu Tao is going to tell Peter about his ______,his_______ ______,his ____ _____ andhis ______ _______.2.Take out the letter from your penfriend. Then talk to your partner about your new friend. A boy or a girl?What’s his name?How old is he?What’s his hobby?Does he have any brothers or sisters?What’s his hobby?3. Work in pairs.4. You can reply the letter after class.Step 5 Homework:1.Copy the new phrases and sentences2.Listen and read the dialogue3.Finish the letter after class六、Blackboard Design: Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend
read about an English boy in the newspaper in China wolkd like to want to
Who do you want to write to ? be good friends both have the same hobbies I hope so tell sb sth = tell sth to sb favourite give sb sth = give sth to sb 教学学反思本单元“写信”主题,从谈论的笔友入手到着手给笔友回信,把“自我介绍”、“询问他人情况”、“征求意见”等日常交际用语、词汇和句型有机地起来,并运用于对话和课文中。本节课是本单元的拓展与延伸,本单元的教学难点,它既呈现了的语言材料,又展示了“与外籍朋友通信”的多种和操作过程。训练学生的阅读理解能力和写作能力。培养学生的综合语言运用能力。本课是6B第七单元A的语篇,是本单元的课时。导入:自我介绍来引入,然后与学生交流彼此的信息。让学生关于老师的信息,活跃一下课堂气氛,是语篇中的知识点,如hobby, name ,age等语篇中涉及的内容,预先望学生。还有目的是的hobbies: I like playing computer games and watching TV.来引出下环节中的both单词。在导入的过程中,我得有些仓促,我只问了两位同学,就直接引出了下环节,其实这里可以多叫几位同学来说一说,一能够的热身的,让学生消除紧张感,迅速投入到学习英语的角色中;另一也能让学生地理解本课的内容。新授:1、 单词词组。导入,引出both单词,并把它放入We both have the same hobbies.的语境中。刚才的导入和语境的创设,学生能够很容易地理解both的含义。然后引出I hope we will be good friends. I hope so.一边和学生握手,一边操练,再多拉A梦和大雄相拥在一起的图片来帮助学习理解句子的含义。顺着好朋友话题,马上呈现You can write an e-mail to me.要好朋友,是并不可少的,写电子邮件是不错的选择,借机呈现e-mail address。写信是另的,,write a letter也就很自然的呈现。写信要有工具,writing paper ,envelope这两个写信的用具可以引,单词我考虑到把的语境帮助理解,,每单词和词组的呈现都合情,合乎逻辑。在的操作过程中,envelope单词的朗读到位,在后来的教学中学生对单词的读音一直的。由writing paper ,envelope导出what for?句型,让学生猜一猜这两样东西有用,之前教授过write a letter,学生能够说。接着到课文的学习。2、 语篇降低学生学习语片的难度,我把课文分成四个来学习。设置不同的听力训练任务(听录音排序、听录音填空、听录音回答问题和听录音复述),让学生带着任务去听,学生一遍听不清放两遍。总之让学生地听来解决老师所交予的任务。有两个是笔头训练的,两个是说话训练的,训练学生的听、说、读、写各的能力。学生能够地任务。最后整体读课文把四内容整合在一起。但课文的flash用处不大,反而浪费了一点,单纯让学生看一遍动画,目的是让学生对课文有整体的认识。3、 环节主要学生读课文,然后课文内容的填空。4、 操练操练主要是Can I have…?What for?…这是本单元的。Who do you want to write to?I want to write to…操练有些多余,确实我花的稍微多了一点。我原本的意图是让学生理解write to…,得太了。5、 拓展学生学习英语,主要目的是要用英语,我在最后设计了拓展环节。给每一位学生一封信,信是笔友写来的,学生先读信,然后老师提示的问题与同桌交流的笔友,在交流的过程中,学生要用到本课所学的知识,另一也训练学生的口语交际能力。6、 作业让学生模仿笔友的来信给笔友回信,锻炼学生的写作能力。一点思考,盼望大家多提宝贵意见。Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend The Fourth period:(.06.07)一、 Teaching context:6B Unit 7 Part D. Listen and write Part E. Read, think and write and Part F. Think and write二、 Teaching Aims:1.Improve Ss’ the level of hearing。2.Ss can write a letter in English。3.Ss can chat with foreigner。三、 Teaching important and difficult:1.Improve Ss’ the level of hearing。2.Ss can write a letter in English。四、Teaching Preparation: Tape picture and word cards五、 Teaching Process:Step1. Greeting.Step2. Revision. 1.Ask Ss to introduce themselves。 2.Read retell and recite part A。Step3. Presentation and practice. 1. Listen and write: Ss can listen and finish part D1)First just listen。 2) Second time listen and do the exercise。 3)Listen and check 。2. Part E :Read , think and write A letter fromLiu Tao to Peter,Ask Ss try to reply to practice ss’ Reading Comprehension ability and writing ablility。 1) Read by themselves and try to understand the passage。 Drill and teach the new words and the sentences 2) Discuss in free : try to reply the letter学生分组Liu Tao的来信和Peter的回信,问答,如询问“How old is Liu Tao? Where does he live? Does he have any brothers or sisters?”等浅出的问题让学生理解信中的内容。 3)Drill and teach : How to write an English letter。3.Part F: Think and write本是Peter给Liu Tao的回信,介绍了除书信以外的另通讯方法e-mail,或称电子邮件。 1) 问答如Who's Peter? Where does he live? 等,让学生记起A关于的资料。 2) 让学生仔细阅读F的资料,让学生对Peter的。 3) Summary the formate。 4) Ss can complete the letter。Step4. Assigning homework1. Read Part E and F and try to answer 。2. Write an English letter。六、Blackboard Design: Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend ask for be one’s penfriend finishfinish primary school go to middle schoolknow everything / a lot / more about sbwith best wish教学后记:这节课中我主要强调了英语书信的写法,它于写信格式的差异,学习学生上能写信的格式,让学生完整的写一一封信是很难得,学生的训练少,学生不会组织句子,而且写的过程中的病句。Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend ---The Fifth period:(.06.09)一、 Teaching context: 6B Unit 7 Part G. Listen and repeat H. Say a rhyme二、 Teaching Aims:1.Ss can Understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ur”。2.Ss can sing a song “ I want to write a letter.”三、 Teaching important and difficult:1.Ss can Understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ur”。2.Ss can say a rhyme” I want to write a letter”。四、Teaching Preparation: Tape picture and word cards五、 Teaching Process:step1 Greeting.Step2. Revision. Ask and answer about Part D: Question 1. How old isHelen? Question 2.Does Helen live in Nanjing? Question 3.What's the name of Helen's school? Question 4.What are Helen's hobbies?Step3. Presentation and practice 1. Listen and repeat.1) Ss can Understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ur”。。2)Ss can read and translate the sentences。3)Ss can say out the other words 2. Say a rhyme.1) Listen and repeat。2) Read together。3) Make a new rhyme。Step 4 Doing exercises. 1.Listen and number。 2.Listen, read and judge。3.Look, read and do the crossword。4.Look and write。5.Read and complete。6.Read and answer。Step5. Assigning homework1. Finish exercise book。2. Copy the new words and sentences。3. Prepare for the test。六、Blackboard Design: Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend I want to write a letterread faster speak louder教学后记:歌谣学生只是能熟读,还没诵读的程度,毕竟很短,需要课后多花去诵读,本节课很短,练习册书写让学生回家做,听力在课堂上。Unit 8 Review and check Units Teaching context: 本单元是6B的个复习单元,全书的最后单元。各Teaching context均是在前单元话题的基础上扩展,并了新的呈现,复习第五单元至第七单元所涉及的语言项目,看图对信息介绍、看图对话及短文、看图对话、同学之间谈论的好朋友等帮助学生复习三个单元中所涉及的语音、词汇、曰常交际用语、句型等基础知识。某些练习的要求较前几个单元,更多地要求学生综合以前所学语言灵活地运用,从而学生综合运用语言的能力。Teaching requirements: 1 Ss can listen read write and say these words and phrase:weather, spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, cold, plan,picnic,play,penfriend,also,glue,season,because,countryside,warm,cool,rain,rainy,sunny,windy,snow,cloudy,foggy,rowing,snowball,fights,still,project,zebro,Africa,elephant,concert,outing,Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting, a postcard, finish, receive, subject, writing paper, an elephant, e─mail address, fax number, write a letter, take part in.2 Ss can listen read write and say these sentences:Which season do you like best?I like ┄ why? Because it is ┄ I can┄ Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking. By the way, what are you going todo┄? I hope so. Can I have ┄? What for?What should I do? What is the weather likein summer there? What are we going to do┄? We are going to ┄ I want┄ I want to do┄ Unit 8 Review and check The first period: (.06.13)一 Teaching context:Unit 8 Part A Look, read and say二 Teaching Aims:1 Picture and talk 。2 Review the words phrases and sentences 。三 Teaching important and difficult: 熟练描述Tom和Mary及的家庭。四 Teaching Process:Step 1 Organization 1 Free talk(ask and answer)A: How many people are there in your family?B: There are ┄A: Which school are you in? B: I am in ┄A: What is your favourite subject? B: ┄A: What is your hobby? B: ┄Step 2 Revision 1 对话练习。教师给出Unit 5的句型:A: Which season do you like best?B: I like ┄A: Why?B: Because it is ┄ I can ┄(Discuss in groups and act out) 2 A.Guessing game :Present four cities : Beijing, London, Sydney, New York Ask and answer to review the sentences :“What is weather like in summer there?”To guess out the citiesStep 3 Presentation 1 Describe sb
Ss to guess who is he.she2 Read the list about Bill 。 Discuss Bill’s information in groups3 Try to describe Mary and Tom。Drill and teach some main words and phrases : a photo of … six people in one’s family in the brown shirt in black …Step 4 PracticeHave a dictation Step 5 Homework 1 Write the information as a model。 2 Describe a friend in English。五 Blackboard Design:
Unit 8 Review and check
A: Which season do you like best? B: I like ┄ A: Why? B: Because it is ┄ I can ┄ Beijing London Sydney New York教学后记:课前几分钟我对班里某位学生的描述,让学生猜测他是谁,然后过度到课文Bill的描述,学生能够知道如何来描述人,给学生练习,然后表演,对知识的拓展。培养学生的,运用能力,学生对这的练习很少,在描述的时候难免断断续续,语法错误,只要学生能大胆表达,说出个大概,就目的了。
Unit 8 Review and check The second period:(.06.14)一、]Teaching context:Part B look,read and write 二、Teaching Aims:1.Review the words about weather. Learn to describe the four seasons.2.Review the structures of unit 5.3.Help them to make short dialogue about how to describe seasons三、Teaching important and difficult:Correct describe ration for the weather in different season四、Teaching preparing::tape, card, pictures五、 Teaching Process:Step 1 Free talk1.Check their Vocabularies2.Teacher asks some questions about the weather: What’s the weather like in spring?( summer, autumn, winter)3.Ss find the words to describe the weather of spring4.Ss give the answers to another seasons.Step 2 PracticeTrain their ability to make dialogue:Ask Ss to make a short dialogue about the weather of four seasons.Then ask them to say it in a short context. They discuss in a group, and then act it out.Then ask one to concludeStep 3 WritingControlling of the words:Ask them to finish the exercise of page 65, “the four seasons” Then read follow the tape one by one, control the correct pronunciationSs first finish the passages, then repeat follow the tape , got the correct pronunciationStep 4 Explanation Got the important grammarTeacher explains the difficult points in the passage, then give some more examples.get warmer get green in rivers and lakes go skating go skiing Ss got the pronunciation and got the important pointsStep 5 Homework:read the passage five times after classrecite tomorrow 五 Blackboard Design:
Unit 8 Review and checkget warmer get green in rivers and lakes go skating go skiing教学后记:课前的几分钟自由问答,学生复习了第六单元的主要句型,对本单词的默写,为填空。学生能够看图说话。了预先要求。 Unit 8 Review and check The third period:(.06.16)一、Teaching context:Part B前,Part C and Part D 。二、Teaching Aims:1.Review the structure about how to make pen friends2.Review the asking way about the name:city , age, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, school, favorite subject ect. Help them to make a short passage to describe their pen friend三、Teaching important and difficult:The correct asking way of these information questions.四、Teaching preparing::tape, card, pictures五、 Teaching Process:Step 1 Free talk1.Check their oral EnglishTeacher first greets to all the students, and then ask some questions about their information, such as: How old are you?Where do you live? What’s your telephone number? Do you have a brother or a sister? sect.2.Ss first do the morning greeting together, and then answer the questions about their own information.Step 2 Practice1.Check their correct answering of the questions 2.Let them ask questions to their partner about his/her best friend’s information, and then finish the notes on page 69. 3.Then tell the passageSs practice and finish all the questions, and try to introduce their best friend to all the classmates.Step 3 Reading1.Check their reading ability and learn to write a passage2.Give them the example of how to introduce one person.Show the passage, and play the tape, let them listen and read. 3.Then follow it, and try to repeat4.R learn the way of writing, and then repeat follow the tape5.Try to write a passage with other two pictures.Step 4 Homework1.Write a passage about the introduction of their best friend.2.Finish the exercise book.五 Blackboard Design:
Unit 8 Review and check Main words phrases and sentences教学后记:本单元是复习单元。看似简单的几个,里面包含了本册书的主要句型,和所有单词,容量的,三节课的学习,其实学生把整本书有、又复习了一遍。学生灵活运用的稍微欠缺,需平时多做这的训练,学生的组织句子,即使说了一句话,有的毛病,在以后的教学中需要对学生多加纠正,提醒。 牛津小学英语6B复习计划(.06.18-.06.22)一、情况分析1、教材简析:本册教材共有八个单元,至单元和第五至第七单元为新授单元。每单元各由八个板块组成;和第八单元为复习单元。每个单元各由四个板块组成。各个板块既独立、侧重,又紧密、呼应。每个新授单元都话题,功能与结构,安排了一系列语言实践活动,让学生体验、实践、、合作、交流和探究等,学习语言知识、语言技能及学习,学习任务。复习单元各由四个板块组成。每个板块多样、生动活泼的练习,有计划地复习了主要词语、句型和日常交际用语。2、学生情况分析:六年左右的学习,大学生对英语仍然着浓厚的学习兴趣,但有学生遇到,学习兴趣会开始减退,学生之间了的差距,大致情况如下:⑴学生上课善动脑筋,发言,平时乐于助人,对英语有着浓厚的兴趣,学习较轻松,成绩。⑵学生对英语有兴趣,但欠缺,成绩。⑶学生对英语缺少兴趣,动力,或习惯、记忆力等的问题,学习较为吃力,成绩也不太好。二、各单元教材简析:Unit 4. Review and checkAim: ⑴复习、所学单词。⑵复习句型。⑶复习日常交际用语。Important: ⑴单词 ⑵句型 ⑶日常交际用语Trouble: ⑴单词 ⑵句型 ⑶日常交际用语Unit 8. Review and checkAim: ⑴复习、所学单词。⑵复习句型。⑶复习日常交际用语。Important: ⑴单词 ⑵句型Trouble: ⑴单词 ⑵句型三、复习:复习帮助学生梳理、总结本学期所学的学习内容,使复习各得,把所学内容连贯起来,使知识系统的、充实,综合运用英语的能力,为后继打好基础。四、教学质量的措施1、在教材的教学内容和教学要求的基础上,钻研教材,教法,学生的心理特点,从学生的兴趣和需要教学活动,调动学生的学习性,帮助学好英语的信心。2、单词教学与复习中语言训练,以帮助单词的发音。3、将日常交际用语渗透到情景中去,渗透到课堂教学用语中去,渗透到学生的课余生活中去,学以致用。4、新旧知识的,培养学生灵活运用知识的能力。5、批改作业,反馈问题,反复练习。五、复习方法。1、上课(朗读,背诵,操练,练习,讲解,归纳);2、辅导(集体辅导和辅导相);3、一帮一(老师边缘学生,优秀学生后进学生)。六、内容:1.单词、词组背诵、默写过关。2.把课文中的句,按单元课文的顺序语法归类,并做专项训练,是多训练上下文对话,看图对话,首字母填空和中文句子的题型。3.听力练习,好同步、卷磁带适量的听写练习。4.适量笔头练习,评讲、改正,补差,使每个学生在原有基础上。拟分三阶段复习:阶段一:以教材为本,侧重于教材的复习与梳理,从3a到6b,地过一遍,教材的重现来归纳语言点,讲透语言点运用,对各单元的知识要点梳理,应注意基础单词、词组、句型的过关,让学生对所学的英语知识“查漏补缺”。复习教材上的对话和课文,帮助回想所学过的知识点,让学生印象。阶段二:横向复习,点面。各知识点的前后将散落于各册书中的语言点整体归纳、小结,帮助学生紧密的“知识串”。防止简单的重复,面面俱到,遵循精讲多练的原则,让学生听讲理性认识,在练习实践中复习、、。(一)、音标。独立地音标的归纳复习。教时解决元音字母的发音规律,教时解决常见的字母组合的发音规律,为读,思,归纳、强化和练习。(二)、词汇。A.名词表示人、事物和抽象感念的词叫做名词,如eraser, girl, sky等。名词有单数和复数的区别。B.动词表示动作或状态的词叫做动词,如work, help, eat, be等。动词在使用时,会人称和时态的不同而。C. 形容词和副词用来描写或修饰名词或代词的词叫做形容词,如nice,big, long等。用来描写或修饰形容词,动词,副词或全句的词叫做副词,如fast, quickly, very等。形容词和副词有原形、级和最高级三种。D. 介词在表示、地点、原因、目的、关于、、手段、工具、时表示词语之间的关系的一类词叫做介词。如in表示“在……里面”(in the classroom, in Nanjing),“在…...“(in the morning, in water);on表示“在……上面”(in the table, on my head),“在……”(on Sunday afternoon, on Halloween);at表示“在……”(at school, at home, at seven o’clock)等。E. 代词代替名词或起名词作用的短语、句子的词叫做代词。如she, I, our, theirs, this等。在小学里学习的主要有人称代词,物主代词,指示代词和疑问代词等。F. 冠词其说明名词所表示的人或事物或限定名词作用的词叫做冠词。冠词共有三个词:a, an, the。(三)、级。描述两种事物或人在性质、大小、高低等的差别,或者描写动作在快慢、好坏等的差别,要用到形容词和副词的级。级在形容词和副词后加“er“构成。如:My book is thinner than yours. He jumps higher than Liu Tao. Which is smaller, this one or that one? (四)、时态。现在时,时,将来时和现在时这四种时态归类复习。1. 现在时态:表示经常的或习惯性的动作或的状态。 规律:用动词原形,当主语为人称单数的现在时,动词要加s , es , 标志性的单词:always , usually , often , sometimes 如:She usually goes to school on foot2.现在时态:表示说话时正在或着的动作。  规律:be + 动词 ing . 标志性的单词:look , now , listen 如:Look , the boy is playing football . 3.将来时态:表示将来的动作或情况。  规律:be going to do , will do . 标志性的单词:tomorrow , the day after tomorrow , next Sunday … 如:Mr Brown is going to visit Hong Kong tomorrow .4.时态:表示某一时刻或某一内的动作或情况。 标志性的单词:yesterday , last Monday , before , ago, the day before yesterday 规律:(1)情况动词后面加ed ; 如:worked , cleaned , washed ,(2)以不发音e结尾的动词加d就要以了;如:lived , moved ,loved(3)以辅音加y结尾的动词把y改成i再加ed ; 如:study– studied , carry—carried(4)重读闭音节的动词要双写末尾的辅音字母再加ed; 如:stop—stopped shop—shopped skip--- skipped 新课 标 第 一网(5)特殊:(见不规则动词表)。e.g.1. cut putread2. begingivedrink sit singswim come run3. blow fly know4. take stand5. write drive6.eat make tell
see steal have go is are(五)写话。小学阶段的英语写话,不同于的中文作文的写作要求和难度,只要求8--句话,50个单词左右。将选出几篇(写人物、写生日、描写季节等等),让学生仿写。性训练学生的写话能力。阶段三:侧重对做题技巧的讲解和做学生易出错的题目,学生做笔试(阅读理解题)和听力题的要领。比如做听力题听问句找答句时,教学生在时先把每题的三项选择作反推敲它们答句的不同,在听的时候可以事半功倍的找到答案。在做辩音题时、单项选择可以用排除法来做,做阅读理解,要圈画关键词、关键句,注意跳读和巡读,搜索选择或判断的,来解答等等,分析让学生题型的答题技巧。当然,在复习的过程中,还应注意对学生英语能力的培养,听、说、读、写的训练,注重培养学生语言交际时的语感、对语篇的理解能力能运用所学的英语知识解决生活中的问题。从而培养学生综合运用语言的能力。七、各单元小学英语6B单元复习计划课题:Unit 1 Who’s younger?词汇than比 chat聊天 young年轻的 old年老的 strong 强壮的 fat胖的 thin 瘦的 heavy 重的 light轻的 short短的、矮的 long 长的 tall高的 small小的 big大的 sit(sat)坐 meet(met)遇见、见面 twin (双胞胎) as minute分钟 only惟一的、仅 child孩子(children孩子们) little小的 also也 centimeter 厘米 1. an old man一位老大爷 2. a young people一位年轻人 3. go for a walk去散步 4. his cousin他的堂弟 5. have a chat聊天 6.on Sunday morning在周日上午7. sit down under a big tree坐在一棵大树下 8. Sb1be very glad to see Sb29. my class mate我的同学  . a twin sister一位双胞胎妹妹  11. look the same看起来相似12.as tall as和..一样高 13. one day某一天 14. the only child唯一的孩子 15. twenty minutes younger than me 16. some pictures of Ben’s 本的图片 17. in your family在你的家庭 18. one year younger than me比我小一岁 19. a little dog 一只小狗 20. in black穿着黑色衣服 21. tall and strong又高又壮句型1.Who’s taller than David? 谁比大卫个子更高?2.Gao Shan is taller than David. 高山比大卫个子更高。3.I’m as tall as you. 我和你一样高。4.Su Yang’s twenty minutes younger than Su Hai. 苏洋比苏海年轻20分钟。5.Who’s younger, you or Su Yang? 你和苏洋谁更年轻?6.Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟和姐妹吗?7.How old is he? 他多大了?8.Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? 谁的书包更重,你的我的?语法1.在英语中,形容词有三个等级,即原级、级和最高级。如:old, older, oldest. 形容词级的构成:(1)形容词直接在词的末尾加er 如taller。(2)以 e 结尾的形容词只加 如:nicer, larger, braver,later。(3)以重读闭音节结尾的单词,词的末尾辅音字母,就双写字母加er
如:bigger, fatter, thinner,gladder. (4) 以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词,变y为i加er如: heavier,happier,earlier. (5)双音节词和多音节词前加more,如:more beautiful, more careful (6)级的特殊:good, well---better, bad, ill----worse, far---farther, old---older, many—more. 2.两个人,两个物或者两个时,用级,用than。(用人和物来)Sb1+be+级+than+Sb2如:Tom is taller than Mike.This box is heavier than that one.小学英语6B单元复习计划课题:Unit 2 More exercise词汇more (many , much ,的级)更多的;更;更多. be good at 善于low低;低的 slow 慢地;慢的 far远的;远地(级farther)player(球类)运动员 true的,确实的 ball games球类运动Would you…,please ?[表示婉转的请求] 请你…,好吗?Number编号;序数1.be good at sth/doing sth擅长某事/做某事 2.do well in sth/doing sth擅长某事/做某事3.want to do better想要做的 4.need help with需要帮助 5.do more exercise多做运动6.a good football player一位优秀的足球运动员7.some of the boys in my class我班上的男孩8.do some exercise多做运动9.jog to school慢跑去上学9.play ball games做球类运动.get stronger变的更强壮11.all of us所有人12.be late for school上学迟到13.talk to sb about sth 14.run faster than me 比我跑得快15.Don”t worry.16.do better in PE 在体育做得17. get up earlier 更早的起床18.have lots of fun 玩的高兴 19.have an English lesson 20.read the new words 21.Let Helen do it .22.would like to read 23. in the sports field 24. Well done.25.an animals show 26.the other boys 27. not as tall as 28.jump very high 29.swim fast 30.not as tall as句型1.Ben runs faster than Jim.本跑的比吉姆更快些。2.Do the boys jump higher than the girls ?男孩们跳的比女孩们更高些吗?3.Does Jim swim slower than David?吉姆游的比大卫更慢些吗? 4.Mike runs as fast as Ben.5.That’s true .那倒不错. 6.Well done .干的好.7.Mike runs as fast as Ben .迈克和本跑的一样快. 8.Don’t worry . 别担心.9.I’ll get stronger soon . 我不久将变的更强壮些.语法1.副词级副词用来修饰动词,动词后。副词同形容词一样,也有级,它的构成也同形容词的级一样(见Unit 1),但以-ly结尾的多音节副词前加more。如 more beautifully ,more carefully 不规则有:good , well ——better bad ,ill ——worse many , much —— more far ——farther最句式构成:Sb1 + 动词 + 副词的级 + than + Sb2 即:Mike jumps higher than Liu Tao. 迈克跳得比刘涛更高些。2.表示一样的情况时使用原级,它的结构是“as + 原级 + as”例:He swims as fast as her . 他游泳和她游的一样快。not as + 原级 + as 表示“不如…”例:Mike is not as strong as his brother . 迈克不如他的哥哥强壮。 即:Mike doesn’t run faster than his brother. 迈克跑得不如他的哥哥更快些。小学英语6B单元复习计划课题:Unit 3 Asking the way词汇get到达 way路 away离开 along沿着 street大街 crossing叉路口 stop停车站 miss找、错过 walk路程 post office邮局 tell-told告诉 kilometre千米、公里history museum历史博物馆 city城市 shopping centre购物中心 middle school中学primary school小学 No.=number第…号 train station火车站 bus station汽车站 road路 street 街道<e from=be from 来自于2.live in China 住在 3.on holiday 度假 4. get there 到达那 5.get to your home到你的家 6.go to the post office 去邮局 7.tell me the way to 告诉我去……的路 8.let me see 让我想想 9.go along this street 沿着这条街走 .turn right / left 向右/ 左转 11.at the third crossing 在个十字路口 12.on your left 在你的左边 13.you can’t miss it你不会错过的 14.how far 多远 15.a kilometre away 一公里远 16.a long/short walk 一段很长/短的路 17.take bus No. 5乘5路车 18.how many stops 多少站 19.at the bus stop 公共汽车站 20.every five minutes 每隔五分钟 21.on Zhongshan Road 在中山路 22. know the way认识路23.get on 上车 24.get off下车 25.You’re welcome. 不客气/不用谢。 26. at the third stop 在站27.last Sunday afternoon 上周日下午 28. a map of the town一张小镇地图句型1.Excuse me , can you tell me the way to …,please ? 2.Go along this street, and then turn …at the …crossing . 3.The… is on your… 4.Thank you. 5.That’s all right.  6. How can I get to the …? 7.How many stops are there ?  8.How far is it from here ? 它离这儿有多远? 9.It’s about a kilometre away. 大约一公里远。.To get there faster. 更快到达那儿。11.You’re welcome. 不用谢。12.I’m at the hotel. 我在宾馆。 13.The place is on my left. 地方在我的左边。语法问路: ----Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office, please ? ----Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing.The post office is on your left.--- Thank you very much. ----You’re welcome./That’s all right./Not at all./That’s OK. 问路方法:1. How can I get to …? 2.Can you tell me how to get to … ? 3.Would you please show me the way to … ?4.Where's …?/ Which is the way to …5.Is there a … near here ? 回答: It’s over there./It’s near the shopping centre./Go down this street. It’s on Zhongshan Road. /It’s in Shanghai Street./You can take bus No.5 and get off at the third stop./ Go along/down this road, and then turn right/left at the first crossing. The place is on your right/left. 路程问答法: How far is it from here? It’s about two kilometres away. It’s about five `minutes’ walk from here. 小学英语6B单元复习计划课题:Unit 5 The seasons词汇weather天气season季;季节best最好的,最好地next紧接在后的,接下去的spring春季summer夏季autumn秋季winter冬季warm温暖的hot热的cool凉的;凉快的cold冷的sunny晴朗的windy有风的;多风的rainy下雨的;多雨的cloudy多云的;阴天的snowy下雪的;多雪的foggy有雾的;多雾的rain雨;下雨 wind风fog雾cloud云snow雪sun太阳becausesnowman(雪堆成的)雪人countryside农村地区 1.go to New York 去纽约 2.next week 下一周 3.work there for one year 在那里一年 4.go to farms去农场 5.want to know about 想知道 6.the best season 最好的季节 7.ask questions about 问 的问题 8.in the countryside 在乡下 9.the weather in New York 纽约的天气 .pick apples 摘苹果 11.Sounds great ! 听起来太棒了! 12.most of the time 大 13.make snowmen 堆雪人 14.swim a lot 经常游泳15.some warmer clothes 较保暖的衣服16.turn green (指植物)变绿 17.go rowing 去划船 18.go swimming去游泳 19.get longer变得更长 20.get shorter变得更短 21.go walking去散步 22.go jogging去慢跑 23.go skating去滑冰 24.go skiing去滑雪 25.go climbing去爬山 26.go fishing 去钓鱼 句型1.What’s the weather like in spring ? It’s warm and often rainy. 春季天气怎么样?天气温暖,经常下雨。2.What’s the weather like in autumn? It’s cool and usually sunny. Sometimes it’s windy.秋季天气怎么样?天气凉爽,通常晴朗。有时有风。3.What do you usually do in winter ? I go skating and running.你通常在冬季做?我通常去跑步和溜冰。4.Which season do you like best ? I like summer best . Why ? Because it’s hot . I can go swimming.你最喜欢哪个季节?我最喜欢夏季。为?天气热,我可以去游泳。5.Does it often rain there in spring ? Yes, it does.那儿春天经常下雨吗?是的。6. The days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn . 在秋天,白天变短,黑夜变长。语法1. 喜欢做某事 like doing :表示经常的,习惯性的动作,表示某种爱 好 like to do : 偶然的,某个场合某个动作,表示某种意愿如:She likes swimming.她喜欢游泳。(经常性的爱好) She likes to swim this afternoon.她下午想游泳。(特指某一次的动作)2. 询问天气情况What’s the weather like ? = How is the weather ?3. It often rains. rain下雨(动词) Sometimes it snows . snow下雪(动词) It’s often rainy. rainy下雨的(形容词) Sometimes it’s snowy. snowy下雪的(名词)There’s a lot of rain in spring .雨(名词) I can see lots of snow out of the window.雪(名词)小学英语6B单元复习计划课题:Unit 6 Planning for the weekend词汇1. plan 计划;打算 2. picnic野餐 3. play(戏剧的)演出 4. outing远足,短途旅行5. concert会 6. contest竞赛;比赛7. theatre 戏院;剧场 8. Africa非洲 9. zebra 斑马. elephant大象 9. project课题,计划. show 演出11. opera歌剧 1. have school上课;有课 2.have a picnic野餐 3. I’d love to 我很愿意… 4.go on an outing去远足 5. by the way顺便地;附带说说 6.see a play看戏剧演出 7. see a Beijing opera show看京剧演出 8.of course当然 9. on Saturday morning在周六上午 . Beijing opera京剧11. warm and sunny温暖晴朗 12. take part ( in ) 参加;13. sports meeting运动会 14. take part in the sports meeting参加运动会 15. call sb. 打电话给某人 16.join us加入,和一起参加活动 17. the Garden Theatre 花园剧场 18. the Music Club 音乐俱乐部19. their plans for the weekend 的周末计划 20. meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre 一点半在花园剧院门前会面 21. buy some presents买礼物 22. at the concert 在音乐会上23. come with Wang Bing 和王宾一起来 24. tomorrow afternoon 明天下午25. play the violin 拉小提琴 26. a singing contest 歌咏比赛27.have a class outing举行班级远足 28. class project 班级课题 29.meet at the bus stop at :30 :30在公交车站会面 30.a new zebra from Africa 来自非洲的新斑马 句型1.(打电话)----Hello, is that…? ----Yes, (this is…) speaking. /Sorry, wrong number.. 2. The children do not have school today. 孩子们课。3. They are talking about their plans for the weekend. 正在谈论的周末计划。4. ----Would you like to join us? ----Yes, I’d love to. /Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy.
你想要加入吗? 是的,我愿意/ 抱歉,我忙。5. ----Shall we meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre? ----Yes.
可以一点半在花园剧院的前面见面吗? 可以。6.What animals are you going to look at? 你们打算看动物?7.What are you going to do this weekend? I’m going to see a play.周末你干? 我看一场演出。语法1. 将来时 be going to (表示“打算、将要、去做某事”)询问“某人打算干”及其应答:----What are we/you going to do? ----We’re/I’m going to+动词原形/地点+ ---What are you going to do at :15 tomorrow morning? ----I’m going to …
----What is he/she/Liu Tao going to do? ----He/She is going to…
----What are Liu Tao and Tom going to do? ----They are going to… Will 近似于 be going to, 但在使用的时候意义上不同的。I’m going to visit the History Museum. / I will visit the History Museum.小学英语6B单元复习计划课题:Unit 7 A letter for a penfriend词汇1. letter信 2. penfriend(不见面的)通信朋友;笔友 3. glue胶水;胶粘物(不可数) 4. paper纸5. envelope信封 6. both(两者)都 7. address 地址 8. all都9. postcard明信片 . number号码 (缩写No.)11. fax 传真;传真机 12. machine 机器 13. finish结束; 14. wanted [广告用语]征求;15. everything每件事;一切 16. yesterday昨天17. will〔表示将来〕将 18. river江;河19. wish希望,愿望(复数wishes表祝愿) 20. lake湖21. read〔read的式〕 22. French1.write to Peter给Peter写信 2.collect stamps收集邮票3.write a letter写一封信 4.draw a picture画一幅画5.make a kite做一只风筝6.do my homework做我的回家作业7.write an e-mail写一封电子邮件 8.a fax machine一部传真机9.a telephone number电话号码 .some writing paper信纸11.an envelope and some stamps信封和邮票12.a postcard一张明信片 13.yesterday afternoon昨天下午14.finish primary school 小学毕业 15.go to middle school 升入中学16.an English boy男孩 17.in the newspaper在报纸上18.be his penfriend他的笔友 19.live in London住在伦敦20.his hobbies他的爱好 21.listen to music听音乐22.make model planes做模型飞机23.have the same hobbies有相同的爱好24.be good friends好朋友25.my favourite subjects我喜爱的科目26.a good idea好主意 27.e-mail address电子邮件地址28.ask for 要求 29.at Jinling Primary School在金陵小学 30.some other subjects的科目 31.live in a new house住在一座新房子里32.know everything about you知道关于你的一切事情33.write to me soon很快给我写信 34.with best wishes祝好35.want a penfriend in China想要的笔友句型1. Can I have a/an/some/the…? What for? 我可以要(些)…吗? 为? I want to… Sure. Here you are. 我想要… 可以。给你。2. Who do you want to write to? 你想要给谁写信? 3. What are his hobbies? His hobbies are…/He like…(ing)
他的爱好是? 他的爱好是…../他喜欢……4. You both have the same hobbies. I think you’ll be good friends.
你们俩有相同的爱好。 我你们将好朋友。5. Thank you for your letter. 谢谢你的来信。6. I would like to know more about you. 我想要更多的你。7. I hope so. 我希望如此。语法1. 注意单复数:What’s your hobby? / What are his hobbies?回答:I like … / … Ving … (如:My hobby is drawing pictures.)2. 注意both, all, also等词在句中的位置(be动词之后,动词之前)。如: My parents are both workers.You both have the same hobbies. You can also tell him about our new house.文 章 思想汇报 w w w.dxf5. c oM本文★牛津小学英语6B全册教案3★网址:
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