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MSHFlexGrid1使用技巧(二)[如何让MSHFlexGrid实现点击列标题排序] ...Dim mysort As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Load()With MSHFlexGrid1.Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)mysort = 15 - mysort ''升序降序转换With MSHFlexGrid1If Button = 1 And .MouseRow = 0 Then ''点击左键,第1 行.Col = .MouseCol ''选择排序列.ColSel = 1.Sort = mysort ''排序方式End If.
1、 将文本赋值给MsFlexGrid的单元格 MsFlexGrid.TextMatrix(3,1)=Hello7、MSFlexGrid控件如何移到最后一行 MSFlexGrid1.TopRow = MSFlexGrid1.Rows -19、程序运行时,想动态增加MSFlexgrid的列数 在第2列后插入一列: Private Sub Form_Load() Me.MSHFlexGrid1.Cols = 5 MSHFlexGrid1.Rows = 2 For i = 0 To Me.MSHFlexGrid1.Cols - 1 Me.MSHFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, i) = i Me.MSHFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, i) = i Next.
MSFlexGrid控件MSFlexGrid控件。Row和Col属性指定MSFlexGrid控件的当前单元。Text属性引用了当前单元中的文本。如果单元中的文本太长以致不能在单元中一行显示,将WordWrap属性置为True将在单元中分多行显示文本。要在单元中显示多行文本,你需要增大单元的宽度(ColWidth属性)或行高度(RowHeight属性)。单元是一个数据带区的标头单元。更改 Text 或任何单元属性只影响活动单元。更改 Text 或任何单元属性影响所有选定单元。
VB MSFlexGrid控件的几种简单的使用方法""MSFlexGrid赋值的方法。 MSFlexGrid控件如何移到最后一行 MSFlexGrid1.TopRow = MSFlexGrid1.Rows -1""""转换索引Public Function faIndex(GridObj As Object, ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As LongIf row GridObj.Rows Or row GridObj.Cols Or col GridObj.
VB-MSHFlexGrid常用的功能代码。Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib " hell32.dll Alias ShellExecuteA (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long.Public Function FlexScroll(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long.Row Then.
MSHFLEXGRID控件讲座(2).网格的编辑,保存与加载 VB / 控件 - CSDN...MSHFLEXGRID控件讲座(2).网格的编辑,保存与加载楼主MSTOP(陈建华)2004-06-19 21:09:11 在 VB / 控件 提问。
Word2003表格排序 Word2007表格排序[1]Word2003表格排序 Word2007表格排序2010-05-28 15:55:10 来源:office之家 浏览:601次 Word2003表格排序。方法一:使用表格和边框工具栏中的升序排序和降序排序按钮  1.显示表格和边框工具栏,如果上述两个按钮没有显示,在此工具栏后打开添加或删除按钮-表格和边框,勾选这两项。
""添加一个Timer1 Label1.Private Sub Form_Load() With Label1 .Private Sub Label1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) If Button = 1 Then Label1.Private Sub Label1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Label1.Top = IIf(Label1.Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Label1.Left = IIf(Label1.
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
y1 = XEnd Sub.Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If i = 1 Then
x2 = X - x1+Form1.Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
i = 0End Sub.
2. 双击图像控件,打开的VBA编辑窗口(注意双击后已有两行代码,先删除),复制下面的代码:Dim X1, Y1 As IntegerDim Down As BooleanPrivate Sub Image1_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)If Not Down ThenX1 = X.Private Sub Image1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)If Down ThenImage1.
""如果当前下标大于最小下标,则处理 If Index LBound(MyArray) Then ""根据是升序或降序进行分别处理 If nOrder = ASCENDING_ORDER Then ""升序:如果当前值小于上一个值,则互换 If MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index - 1) Then TEMP = MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Index - 1) MyArray(Index - 1) = TEMP Index = Index - 1 Else.
怎样添加一个下拉框到msflexgrid首先应该建立一个combo1的comboBox控件,作为下拉框的最终实现工具。Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_EnterCell()If MSFlexGrid1.Col = 2 ThenMSFlexGrid1.CellBackColor = vbWhiteMSFlexGrid1.Text = MSFlexGrid1.Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_LeaveCell()""If MSFlexGrid1.""Private Sub Combo1_Change()""MSFlexGrid1.Col = 2""MSFlexGrid1.
如果在你的数据清单中只有一两个数据是乱序的话,用这种算法就是最快的排序算法。Sub Countingsort()Sub Countingsort (List() As Long, sorted_list() As Long, _
min As Integer, max As Integer, min_value As Long, _
max_value As Long)Dim counts() As IntegerDim i As IntegerDim this_count As IntegerDim next_offset As Integer
"" Create the Counts array.
vb窗体所有事件(1)vb窗体所有事件(1)2009-10-03 20:39.(1)Click 事件在程序运行时单击窗体内的某个位置,Visual Basic将调用窗体的Form_Click事件。(2)DblClick 事件程序运行时双击窗体内的某个位置,就触发了两个事件,第一次按动鼠标时,触发Click事件,第二次产生DblClick事件。Deactivate
鼠标移动窗体或控件目的: 用鼠标移动borderstyle=0的窗体或窗体内部的控件。
""加载图像ImgNew.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages( New ).PictureImgOpen.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages( Ope quot; ).PictureImgSave.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages( Save ).PictureImgUndo.Picture = ImageDisable.ListImages( Undo ).PictureCheck_ImgPasteCheck_ImgCutCopy.Private Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)Label1 = 工具栏 End Sub.
End Sub Private Sub Label1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) ""如果鼠标已按下,设置Label1新的坐标值 If Down Then Label1.Left=Label1.Left X-X1 Label1.Top=Label1.Top Y-Y1 X1=X.End Sub Private Sub Image1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) ""如果鼠标已按下,设置Label1新的坐标值。
在VB中实现移动没有标题栏的窗口 方法一.""记录窗体原始位置。而在默认的Windows设置中拖动窗体时,被拖动的窗体不会随窗体的移动而移动,随窗体移动的仅是一个与窗体形状、大小一样的虚框,只有释放鼠标后,窗体才会移动到释放鼠标时虚框的所在处。这种方法实现起来比第一种方法更容易,只有几行代码,并且没有那么多的变量,窗体被拖动时与普通窗体一样,只有一个虚框随鼠标的移动而移动,当释放鼠标时窗体才移动到相应的位置。
End IfEnd Sub.屏保预览(demo)Public Co t WM_SET As String = 屏保设置(demo)Public Co t WM_RUN As Stri.
单击控件时,触发Click事件,除了该事件,还有哪些事件呢?Private Sub Image1_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
""在控件 Image1 上按下鼠标按钮时,触发本事件,运行如下代码:
MsgBox 回答 &am Mid(对错, Button, 1) 了。
, 64 - (Button - 1) * 16, 蓝猫告诉你
[c3] = Int(Rnd * 20)
[e3] = Int(Rnd * 20)
End Sub.
观看视频2、编写代码实现九九乘法表及鼠标拖弋功能(1)定义全局变量在窗体的通用与声明部分定义四个全局变量:Dim Cell As String, Ctrl As Boolean, Col As Long, Row As Long其中:Cell:用于传送单元格内容;
""修改后来更改别的一些数据Private Sub Grid_AfterEdit(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long)On Error Resume Next""进货数量=包装数量 * 整装数量 + 零装数量
Grid.TextMatrix(Row, Grid.cols - 6) = Grid.TextMatrix(Row, Grid.cols - 9) * Grid.TextMatrix(Row, Grid.cols - 8) + Grid.TextMatrix(Row, Grid.cols - 7)Private Sub vs1_AfterEdit(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As long)
""vsflexgrid 控件存在输入问题?
strx = strx1‘line last lineprinter.Line (strx - 50, stry + linw)-(strx + kan - 10, stry + linw)stry = stry1‘line colFor n = 0 To 8printer.Line (strx - 30, stry - 30)-(strx - 30, stry + (page1 + 2) * linw)strx = strx + a(n)Next.stry = stry1strx = strx1stry = stry1 ‘line colFor n = 0 To 8printer.Line (strx - 30, stry - 30)-(strx - 30, stry + (page1 + 2) * linw)strx = strx + a(n)Next.
640*480为15 Grid1.Width = (i utcolnum + 1) * (Grid1.ColWidth(0) + Grid1.GridLineWidth * 12) + 12 + VScroll1.Width ""表的高、宽度。Text = Grid1.Private Sub HScroll1_Change() startcol = Grid1.Private Sub Text1_Change() Grid1.Case 40 "" 光 标 向 下 Grid1.Text = Text1.Text If Grid1.SelStartRow i utrownum - 1 Then If Grid1.TopRow Grid1.Rows - i utrownum Then VScroll1.Value = VScroll1.Value + 1 Else.
""修改后来更改别的一些数据Private Sub Grid_AfterEdit(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As Long)On Error Resume Next""进货数量=包装数量 * 整装数量 + 零装数量
Grid.TextMatrix(Row, Grid.cols - 6) = Grid.TextMatrix(Row, Grid.cols - 9) * Grid.TextMatrix(Row, Grid.cols - 8) + Grid.TextMatrix(Row, Grid.cols - 7)Private Sub vs1_AfterEdit(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal Col As long)
""vsflexgrid 控件存在输入问题?
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Scroll() MSFlexGrid1.Row = 1
"" 网格的列、行初始位置 MSFlexGrid1.LeftCol = 1 MSFlexGrid1.TopRow = 1
""网格中左上角的列、行初始位置 Text1.Left = MSFlexGrid1.Left + MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(0) _
+ MSFlexGrid1.GridLineWidth * 12 Text1.Top = MSFlexGrid1.Top + MSFlexGrid1.RowHeight(0) _
+ MSFlexGrid1.GridLineWidth * 12 Text1.Text = Text1.SetFocus.
PopupMenu●這個方法很普遍,VB範例程式就有,使用PopupMenu方法。Private Sub Picture1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, X As Integer, Y As Integer)If Button = 2 Then ""假若放開滑鼠右鍵 Picture1.PopupMenu M_Test ""就跳出M_Test功能表 End If End Sub.●MouseDown事件指的是滑鼠按鍵按下去的那一瞬間,而MouseUp事件則是滑鼠按鍵放開的一瞬間,在發生完MouseDown與MouseUp事件就是一個Click動作。
Add(I quot;) al.WriteLine(After Sort:) WriteElements(al) End Sub Private Sub WriteElements(ByVal al As ArrayList) Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To al.Before Sort: This Is My New ArrayList Control After Sort: ArrayList Control Is My New This.Click Dim al As New ArrayList() al.WriteLine(After Sort:) WriteElements(al) End Sub Private Sub WriteElements(ByVal al As ArrayList) Dim en As IEnumerator = al.
MSFlexGrid使用技巧一例 =MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center align=centerMSFlexGrid使用技巧一例。本来通过ERP中基础分类档案的每级编码规则控制来展现MSFlexGrid控件的使用技巧,大家只要向控件添加一个MSFlexGrid及Combo控件就好了,源码如下:MSFlexGrid1.text = Combo1.text.Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click()Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_KeyPre (KeyAscii As Integer)Call MSFlexGrid1_Click.
Private Sub Text1_KeyPre (KeyAscii As Integer)If KeyAscii 8 And KeyAscii 57 Then.Private Sub Text2_KeyPre (KeyAscii As Integer)在使用textbox的时候,我喜欢把它的lock属性设为true,所有textbox里显示的内容都是在程序里控制设定的,这样的好处是利于控制,而且应用到pa Word上,只要判断输入字符的多少,让文本框按数量显示星号,真正的输入仍然存在变量里,就比用textbox.pa wordchar要好。
VB数组小技巧一则一、设窗体上有若干个以 Command1 命名的命令按钮,现要求:点击其中一个按钮后,该按钮不可用,而其它的按钮均可用。以下是实现的代码: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim abc as Integer for a = 0 to Label1.Count - 1 Labe11(a).BackStyle = 0 next.
DrawMode = 1 Dim res As Long res = SetWindowPos(Me.hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, _
0, 0, 0, 0, Flags) Call draw End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Button = 1 Then
x = ReleaseCapture()
Call SendMe age(Me.hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MOVE + 2, 1) End If.
Private Sub MSChart1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim whichPart As Integer, whichSeries As Integer
Dim whichNumber As Integer
MSChart1.Twi ToChartPart X, Y, whichPart, whichSeries, whichNumber, 0, 0
""Debug.Print whichPart, whichSeries, whichNumber.
VB从图片框控件取得颜色 Point方法返回图片框控件里指定X,Y坐标处的颜色。Point方法所返回的值是一个Long类型,它会给用于颜色的RGB值编码。red = rgb Mod am H100 green = (rgb \ am H100 blue = (rgb \ am Dim rgb As Long Dim r As String, g As String, b As String.Point(X, Y) r = CStr(rgb Mod am H100) g = CStr((rgb \ am H100) b = CStr((rgb \ am 2010-04-07
VB.NET 2005编写定时关机程序VB.NET 2005编写定时关机程序
最近在网上搜索了一些关于VB.net实现关机、重启、注销的文章,发现大多介绍的是VB.NET2003用API实现这些功能,且在XP 2环境下无法正常的关机与注销。ByVal len As Integer, ByVal prev As IntPtr,Public Shared Sub PowerOff()
DoExitWin((EWX_FORCE Or EWX_POWEROFF)) ""关闭计算机End Sub.ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String,
VB.NET语法规则三大要素。VB.NET语法规则实例1:VB.NET语法规则实例2:Show(提示: &am str1 + + str2) """"Me ageBox.show(str1 &am &am str2)也可以
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim z As Integer
Dim x As String = 100
Me ageBox.Show(x &am z) """" Me ageBox.Show(x + z)
End Sub
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看过版大的“装配工程图明细表太长时分页处理” 里面在同一页里面 的明细表分页处理 ,但是如果我要做成2页,分页后在第二页怎么增加页眉页脚之类的??
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