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果您是桌上游戏的爱好者,你可以在我们的餐厅玩一会我们的俄罗斯象棋。手工制作的土耳其水烟不仅带给您的艺术品般的视觉享受,还有那优质烟草与水,葡萄酒或罗姆酒混合产生的独特香味。 美轮美奂的装修,热情周到的服务,餐桌上那一道道的美味,以及《沙市》餐厅音乐表演艺术家们为你带来的表演,所有这一切都让您在我们餐厅度过的时光变得更加难忘。 一起来到让人流连忘返的美丽神话之中吧。 婚宴与婚庆 沙
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使您的宴会达到最佳的效果,作为一项服务,我们将用鲜花对大厅进行精心的设计布置,并用所有符合宴会气氛的装饰物对大厅进行妆点。 餐厅的所有工作人员:大堂经理,厨师,经理,乐手,服务生将全心全意为您宴会的成功举行而服务,并尽力满足您的任何要求。 餐厅拥有方便宽敞的停车位和
哦! 活动介绍
从四月开始在 “圣天使·莎师餐厅” 进行抽奖活动 “美食诱惑–来自乌兹别克斯坦”。 中西亚美食品享月(4月1日——4月30日)
风情肚皮舞表演 活动期间餐厅精彩不断 凡来就餐均有抽取乌兹别克斯坦七日游特等大奖机会。 特
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2003-6-19 字体大小:
发表于 2006-1-20 23:20
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2006-1-20 23:18
Tuesday, 20 December 2005 02:10:53
MILAN - Over 400 guests took part in last night's FC Internazionale Christmas di er at the Giuse e Meazza stadium. Ma imo Moratti, Marco Tronchetti Provera, the club's board and all the executives, Roberto Mancini, the players and the coaching staff, the club's employees and representatives of Nerazzurri commercial partners gathered in the stadium's executive suite for the traditional exchange of season's greetings.
Ma imo Moratti opened the evening by thanking everyone present for the affection and fondne with which everyone participates in the life of Inter, suffering with us. But lately they're suffering a bit le thanks to the results of our champio quot;. He also asked the team to continue on the path undertaken to give all the fa another wi ing performance agai t Empoli. This is certainly best wish we're waiting for before Christmas after the derby and Reggio Calabria.
2006-1-20 23:19
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-22 13:07
Wednesday, 21 December 2005 14:56:51
MILAN - In order of a earance, Roberto Mancini, Giacinto Facchetti, Bedy Moratti, Mauro Gambaro, Ma imo Moratti, Stefano Filucchi, Accursio Scorza, Javier Zanetti, Obafemi Marti and Esteban Cambia o were surprise guests at Tuesday evening's Youth Sector Christmas party.
"When we go through a period of negative results I think of you, of our Youth Sector, of the Inter Campus activities, and I'm proud of everything Inter is doing to help grow the men and footballers of tomorrow," said Ma imo Moratti, who together with the other ecial guests was welcomed by Inter Youth Sector chief executive Ernesto Paolillo, managing director Be e Baresi, area director Piero Ausilio and all the academy coaches and players.
"Us first team players have to get the results.You have to enjoy yourselves, grow and learn something important for your lives every day," said Cambia o, whose compatriot Zanetti oke about his road to achieving the dream of becoming a world-cla player. Obafemi Marti , who enjoyed succe with Inter's Primavera team before being elevated to first-team status, underlined the effort he puts in every day "to become a great champion with the Nerazzurri shirt". All three players took part in the Christmas bingo competition, with the eventual wi er's prize - an Adriano shirt - auctioned to raise more funds for the Inter Campus Worldwide project.
2006-1-22 13:05
Photos of Tuesday's Inter Youth Sector party at the Giuse e Meazza stadium, attended by surprise guests Roberto Mancini, Giacinto Facchetti, Bedy Moratti, Mauro Gambaro, Ma imo Moratti, Stefano Filucchi, Accursio Scorza, Javier Zanetti, Obafemi Marti and Esteban Cambia o:
2006-1-22 13:06
2006-1-22 13:06
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-22 13:26
Saturday, 24 December 2005 08:00:01
MILAN - Over the Christmas break Inter.it offers you a series of interviews with Nerazzurri players made for Inter Cha el programme 'Raggi X'. To kick off, Alvaro 'El Chino' Recoba:
When Recoba is mentioned, his contracts are also often mentioned. Why?
"When I had to renew my contract four or five years ago it all went a bit 'outside football'. A lot was said about that contract but it wa 't the only one of its kind. And a few years later many clu who had very high contracts went bankrupt or had serious problems. I think that now we are all back to normal, we have all adapted a bit. It's true that the situation was incredible and unendurable for the clu - each one wanted to pay you more."
And Recoba later reduced his contract, but you still have a reputation as being one of Ma imo Moratti's favourites. Has this affected you?
"In truth, I have never given Moratti presents or called him to become his favourite. And he has never oken well of me for these things. As far as this subject is concerned I was, am and always will be calm. I have never asked anything from Moratti or each coach. I have never taken advantage of the situation and I have never asked for certain guarantees. I have always lived this situation naturally, and it is very gratifying for me - for how I am and for how that situation has developed down the years."
A lot has also been said over the years about when Recoba is not playing, but how do you feel when this ha e ?
"When I don't play and when I don't even go on the bench, I usually don't go to the stadium either. I was, however, at the stadium for the derby, first to suffer and then to celebrate. It really disa oints me when I don't play, I don't feel the victory is mine. Apart from the traditional good luck wishes, I honestly can't even manage to give positive sig to my team-mates. I'm pleased if the team wi or the strikers score, but at the same time I'm also a bit angry because I always want to play to give something. But football should be like this for everyone, because it's not a negative feeling. On the contrary, it's the desire to give and be at the service of the team."
You recently confe ed that you are calmer now than in the past. Why?
"Because I found it very hard when I was out due to the ankle injury. Those were hellish months. I mi ed all the small, everyday things at Inter - the coffee, the dre ing room, taking free kicks, ru ing, training, matches. For me it was a le on of life. You get used to feeling good, and when you're not you give value to everything you usually have. When all this is mi ing you give much more importance to it. I also feel much better now because when I was out I worked a lot in the gym and I think I'm in better physical and also ychological form."
Recoba is famous for being a perfect glutton... But have you ever really given up anything?
"I always joke about this. Everyone tells me I could be the best in the world, but to be so you always have to give up something. Apart from my team-mates and several Uruguaya who play in Italy, since 1997 I have always had friends who are older than me. As a player I have grown quickly and I have forgotten my youth. But at the same time I have a good life and I realise I have had a lot of luck that it's always better to give thanks for. The te ion in Italian football is high and it's true that I might have lost a bit of the joy of playing, but it is also thanks to these experiences that I have matured and become calmer."
You have also earned a lot...
"And I have tried to invest the money as best I can. For example, I bought a house in Uruguay for when I go back to live there; I don't like the sea in Milan very much... I also bought a villa in Como to live well now with my wife and children."
You often go to the cinema. Who chooses the type of film? You or (your wife) Lorena?
"It's good to see a love film with an important story now and then, as Lorena prefers. But I prefer action films, also ones that are a bit violent..."
Reality is violent.
"Even too much... When you see life in TV or in a film you know it's fiction. But reality is truer and tougher, particularly in certain places in the world. You never die of hunger in films, for example, but unfortunately in reality this ha e ."
Which team out of Milan and Juventus is more an o onent for Recoba?
"It is Milan, without doubt. I don't know if I am or ever will be a derby hero, because it is certainly the match I like the most, the one that motivates me most, perha because there have always been a few Uruguaya at Juventus."
Do you co ider the Inter shirt to be your second skin?
"Yes, certainly, and I always do my best to show it even if I don't always manage. Sometimes I can't find the words to say what I would like to do for Inter, even without receiving anything in exchange. I hope I can manage to explain this feeling and be understood."
雷科巴是出了名的完美主义者…… 你真的放弃了很多吗?
“也许更残酷…… 当你看电视或电影时,你以为那是虚构。但事实上就是这样,甚至更艰苦,尤其是在世界上的某些地方。在电影中你不可能饿死,但现实世界中这却经常发生。”
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-22 13:29
Saturday, 24 December 2005 18:28:01
MILAN - Over the Christmas break Inter.it offers you a series of interviews with Nerazzurri players made for Inter Cha el programme 'Raggi X'. After Alvaro Recoba, it's Inter captain Javier Zanetti's turn:
Let's start the interview in a slightly different way and talk about women...
"Everyone likes beautiful women. Each man a reciates beauty, but feelings are another thing. You can easily admit you've seen a beautiful woman and a reciate her beauty. One of my favourites? Angelina Jolie, she's lendid in some of her films, e ecially in one with Brad Pitt. Would I like to live a day as Brad Pitt? No, I like being myself and it's fine like this."
Do you get love letters from your fa ?
"Many letters arrive. Not just of love, but also from many fa who love the way I play. I even get some letters with photos, some real candidates..."
Let's go from Angelina Jolie to another lendid creature - your daughter Sol.
"A stupendous creature. She has really changed my life, I can't imagine feeling as many emotio and feelings as when I saw my daughter born. Life has changed positively and magnificently for me and Paula. I watched the birth and I was lucky because I was with the national team when it was time for the birth. Paula told me she would have waited for me and she was right. Sol came into the world the day I came back from national team duty. I will never forget this experience, you need to be prepared for it because it's not easy, but it's a wonderful thing. We had a nice birth and Sol was born smiling. I would like always to live these moments, you never forget them."
Did you really mi the fact that you didn't have a child?
"We wanted a child to complete all the moments we have lived through together. I and Paula have had lots of fun, now it was the moment to become parents."
When you return to Argentina what do you see compared to the Argentina that was yours?
"I see a different Argentina, an Argentina that has got worse over the years. When I was a boy I could go and play in the courtyard until two or three in the morning and my parents would stay calmly indoors because they knew nothing would ha en. You can't do this now because there's violence. Everyone talks about Argentina as a state with an economic problem, but sooner or later the economy gets sorted out. The most difficult thing is the social problem in Argentina. The youngsters don't have enough alternatives, they don't know what the future will bring them. They always ask us players what we will do after we stop playing, but now I couldn't say I will return to my country, because I have a daughter who is growing and I want to give her all the best po ible. I don't know if this is po ible in Argentina. But the worst thing is that it seems like the Argentine people have got used to this situation."
Could playing in and wi ing a World Cup be an important sign for your country?
"Yes, it could give an important and very strong me age. Through ort we are followed by the whole country. The people follow us and feel part of it. It would be wonderful if we won the World Cup."
You have a never-ending season ahead of you...
"It's true, let's hope the results come that both Argentina and Inter haven't had. Results that we all deserve."
How do you prepare yourself for a season like this?
"I'm a very positive boy and in each difficulty I always look for the positive side that gives you the enthusiasm to continue. Have I always been like this? Yes, since I was a child. Even when I went to school I was all perfect and precise. I wanted everything to be done well and I did my best to succeed."
What is the best talent for a captain?
"To be ready and useful when needed. I have always behaved like this since I arrived at Inter. The most important thing for a human being is always to be yourself. The captain's armband should not change a person, they have always re ected me for how I am and it will continue to be like this. People then may or may not like this behaviour. The captain's armband at a club like Inter is clearly important and it mea a great deal to me."
Do you go to the cinema now and then?
"Sometimes me and Paula go to the cinema in Como and we have the theatre all to ourselves because no one goes in the afternoon."
What are your other ho ies?
"After training now I stay with my daughter, meet a few friends or go to the cinema. I'm also studying English at the moment."
Are Italian or foreign referees better?
"They're almost all the same everywhere. The important thing is that there is always re ect and good faith. Have I argued with any referee in particular. I haven't argued, but I was very disa ointed when Braschi showed me my first red card in an Inter v Parma a few years ago. I had nothing to do with it and he sent me off."
Which matches do you feel more, those with Juventus or Milan?
"With Milan, without doubt. And I don't like the Ro oneri fa either because they have a way of behaving, particularly when they win, that I don't a reciate."
What is your wish for Christmas and the New Year?
"Many, many wishes to the whole world. Much peace and ha ine for everybody."
【米兰消息】在圣诞间休期间,国际米兰官网将推出一系列由国际米兰频道的节目“Raggi X”所做的蓝黑球员访谈。昨天已经推出了雷科巴,而今天则是队长哈维尔·萨内蒂:
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-22 13:29:59编辑过]
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-22 13:34
Monday, 26 December 2005 17:00:00
MILAN - Over the Christmas break Inter.it offers you a series of interviews with Nerazzurri players made for Inter Cha el programme 'Raggi X'. After Alvaro Recoba and Javier Zanetti, it's the turn of Colombian defender Ivan Ramiro Cordoba.
Let's talk about your national team, which has given you a bit of pain recently...
"Yes, it's true. It's the second time we haven't qualified for the World Cup. And playing in the World Cup is one of the greatest desires of every player. I hope I make it next time."
In Colombia now you are very involved in the local players' a ociation.
"My goal is to help my compatriots get what is fair. I have had different footballing experiences, in Argentina and Italy, and in these countries the rights of players are re ected and the players re ect their duties for the club. This doe 't ha en in Colombia and there i 't even a statute to regulate these things."
How much does a footballer earn in Colombia?
"It depends. The best player can earn ten thousand dollars per month, but at the most there are five who are paid this figure. In my country you earn to live if you're in football. Apart from those five I mentioned, the others earn what they need to live. And there are also many problems with payment... And if your wages aren't paid it sometimes becomes difficult to go ahead."
Are you also known in your country as a very strong defender with great elevation and velocity?
"In Colombia they say I have become more aggre ive and determined since I came to Italy. But I have just adapted to the football in this country. Italian football is the most difficult in the world and you have to be focused and aggre ive. You can't play in Italy with the same tranquillity you play with in Colombia. They are two different types of football."
Do you think your o onents in Italy fear you?
"No player is never afraid of another. There's certainly re ect, but not fear. There are more motivatio when you face strong players."
You made a beautiful poster for your Colombia Te Quiere Ver charity a ociation.
"I accepted a proposal of the photographers who had to do the job. I just gave them the okay. If they tell me a certain subject can help sell more, I'm ha y and do it with pleasure because it's a charity initiative. However, everything has a limit."
What do you a reciate most about others?
"Good faith. I can't stand the o osite. When I talk to someone I do it in good faith. If this person wants to con me, I'm sorry for him because in life everything comes out sooner or later."
Are you optimistic in life?
"Yes, I am."
Do you think football is clean?
"It could be cleaner."
【米兰消息】国际米兰频道“Raggi X”节目今天的访谈主角是哥伦比亚后卫科尔多巴。
你为哥伦比亚Te Quiere Ver慈善协会做了一张精美的海报?
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-22 13:38
Tuesday, 27 December 2005 16:00:00
MILAN - Over the Christmas break Inter.it offers you a series of interviews with Nerazzurri players made for Inter Cha el programme 'Raggi X'. After South American trio Alvaro Recoba, Javier Zanetti and Ivan Ramiro Cordoba it's the turn of Serbia &am Montenegro midfielder Dejan Stankovic:
Do you watch the news and television much?
"Yes, in the evening after putting the kids to bed. News bulleti , a few films and whatever I find."
Did you see what ha ened in France a while ago? Thuram defended the French people.
"Yes, I saw it. Thuram did well to defend his compatriots. I also defended my people during the war. I don't know if I was right or not, but I was with my people. We went through a very difficult period, but perha it was a bit le so for me because I was out of my country. We had three or four really bad months, and I'm referring to the bombardments. But everything is over now. We still have many problems, but we're trying to get out of it. I'm optimistic because I really love my people."
In a footballing se e you have resolved many problems. It is very important for you to take part in the World Cup...
"After having touched the bottom we have come out well thanks to a generation that is very strong on a ychological level. We know one another very well, we're all more or le the same age. Those who have seen our matches or training se io know there is great unity. When we go out to eat after matches, for example, there are always at least fifteen of us who all laugh and joke together. This is how we qualified for the World Cup."
Is this why you asked to remain a few extra days with your national team-mates after the injury of several months ago?
"Exactly. When I got hurt I yelled in the dre ing room, and the first thing I thought of was that I wouldn't be able to play the important match agai t Bo ia. It would have been a historic match for me, like a final that would never be repeated, with our stadium in Belgrade completely full. How did I live that match? In the first half I was a commentator for TV and it was a nice experience even if I was very partial. In the second half I went behind our goal to count the minutes, and more than minutes they seemed like years. There was a great joy at the end, something I had never felt before. Perha we still don't realise what we have done."
Won't we lose you a bit because you're so in love with your national team?
"No, we have qualified now. I have given everything for my national team, even a part of my muscle... Now I will only think about Inter until the end of the champio hip. I will try to get in better form than I was in when I got injured. But I know it will be difficult because I was in great form in that period."
What would you choose between loyalty, sweetne and honesty in a person who is close to you?
"Honesty, without doubt. We also have to be honest with ourselves. I am always and I look for this virtue in the people around me."
And which kind of people do you not like having around you?
"Liars and those who, as we say in my country, are 'double-faced'."
Are you a good father to your children?
"I think so. I have a great wife and I try to help her with our (three) kids. She is the sister of a footballer who is captain of the Slovenian national team. We were team-mates at Red Star Belgrade. We got on really when when I arrived, then three months later his sister came to see him and I made friends with her immediately."
Did you mi playing when you were injured?
"Yes, a bit, because you get used to always playing and keeping a certain pace. I felt bad when I went to watch my team-mates play agai t Roma. I knew I couldn't give anything to help my team-mates, it was a bad feeling."
Do you suffer when criticised?
"I sometimes criticise myself. It can be a oying when others talk, but if they say the right things you reflect on them and always try to improve. I sometimes get angry when the criticism is wrong."
Is it true that health is the most important thing?
"Yes, it's true. You can't, for example, buy health and luck with money."
Does luck play a big role in life?
"Yes. If I had to give percentages, my career is 30% talent and 70% luck. Why so much luck? There were so many in my cla and perha there were players who were better than me. But I was lucky at the right moment and in the right match. I'll give you an example: I was eighteen, we were playing agai t Kaiserslautern in front of eighty thousand people at the Maracanà in Belgrade, and I scored two goals that changed my life. That 70% luck diminishes after because you learn many things and gain experience, but the important thing is to be in the right place at the right time."
Is there anyone you have to thank besides yourself?
"All the coaches I have had and my family, who brought me up well. My father always told me it was important to get off the road, like many boys in Belgrade. I wa 't made to be on the road. I started training when I was nine and you can see the results."
Do you believe in destiny?
"Yes, I do. I'm also superstitious."
Some say that each one of us creates both his destiny and luck. What do you think?
"I have always given my all in what I have done. I came from a family that wa 't in a great situation and I really wanted to do something big for them."
Do you think about the future of your children?
"I grew up in a different way than my children. It's more difficult for them to grow up because they have everything. When I stop playing they will become my match in life. I will do everything to help them take the right path. What advice would I give to my children? They have to grow with their strength. I hope they don't have difficulties, but it shouldn't all be easy-going for them. I will try to protect them as best I can, but they have to be re o ible and create their own ideas."
When did you become an adult?
"When I arrived in Rome with my girlfriend, who is now my wife. You leave your family and you're alone, and everything starts to depend on you. And everything changed when my first boy was born."
Does the best always win in football?
And in life?
"Yes, but with great difficulty. Good and fair people with a big heart always pa . The 'bad' ones always get to the customs where they have to pay for everything."
【米兰消息】国际米兰频道“Raggi X”栏目本次的访谈主角是塞黑中场德扬·斯坦科维奇。
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-22 13:42
Wednesday, 28 December 2005 16:16:01
MILAN - After Alvaro Recoba, Javier Zanetti, Ivan Ramiro Cordoba and Dejan Stankovic, it's the turn of Nerazzurri central defender Marco Materazzi to be 'X-Rayed' on Inter Cha el programme Raggi X:
Let's start with your children...
"They are part of my life. They are the things I care most about."
Tell us a bit about them.
"They are all different. There's one who is a 'delinquent'. Another is as good as gold and has to put up with the 'delinquents'. We still don't know about the third because she's too small, but she's very beautiful. It has always been my dream to have a daughter. After what I have been through, having a daughter is the most wonderful thing."
What do you mean by 'after what I have been through'?
"There ha 't been a female in my family since my mother died. I only had a bigger sister. So I longed for a baby daughter. The most important thing, however, is that the children are fine, so there wouldn't have been any problems if another boy had been born."
I can imagine the last film you saw...
"We even had to lit up the family. The baby girl had to be breastfed and the bigger ones couldn't mi Harry Potter. I'm pleased I took them to see it because it's one they really wanted to see. They say it's scary? Perha because there are many ecial effects. I really liked it because it's a nice story, with a bit of magic. The fun thing about that evening was that the bigger one was pulling his younger brother's leg a bit, telling him the film was frightening. So he watched the whole film clung to his dad's neck. For me it couldn't have been any better..."
Do you believe in magic in life?
"No, I'm very fatalistic. I think each one of us has his own destiny and that what must ha en always ha e in the end. On the one hand, our destiny is already written. On the other hand, you can get everything to go well."
Is it true that you're a big reader of biographies, particularly those of ortsmen?
"Yes, it's true. I really like them. Each one of us has a story to tell and has had a good or le good childhood. You can let everyone else and those who have a pa ion know how you got to live in such a lucky way. I like basketball a lot and I read De is Rodman's biography, for example."
Do you see a bit of yourself in De is Rodman?
"He's a bit like me. Like it says in his autobiography he's not what he seems on the outside. Like Rodman, I also have many tattoos but each one has its meaning. The nice thing is not to show them, but to let know what a person has i ide. It might hurt to have them done, but the meaning they have goes beyond the pain."
Can we say you have tattooed on your skin the loves of your life?
"I have the names of my mother, my wife and my children."
You told me you counted the number of Nerazzurri players' children and you discovered there are forty-three.
"We could have been on tour at the start of the year and we were counting how many children there might be in the group. There would have been a lot of us, we would have needed two planes."
A few years ago you prepared a wonderful surprise for your wife's birthday: she found a motorbike in the garage.
"She found me and the two boys behind a load of balloo and she told us where to go. She's a simple person. She didn't want such a big present at the start, then we convinced her."
Do you love just once or is a second chance po ible?
"Like they say, certain trai only come along once in life."
What presents did you give this year?
"Just presents for my children and for few other people. I will give all the rest to charity, but I don't want to say to who or why. It's something I prefer to keep to myself. I think that when you give to charity you shouldn't make it known. I prefer to do little, but with the heart of my whole family."
Do you prefer to enter a shop and buy everything your children like, or do you prefer just to buy one very nice thing?
"I prefer not to buy, but not because I'm stingy. Sometimes lucky people like us prefer to hear a cry le by offering an extra present. I don't think it's right. All children should be ha y in the same way and get the things they deserve."
Before and during matches at the Meazza a photo of you, Adriano and Marti in an Inter campaign agai t racism is shown on the big screen. Has there ever been a moment in which racism has polluted your life?
"No. I'm proud to be anti-racist, and before knowing I could have children I was ready to adopt a child. After the tsunami last year I would have adopted one of any colour or race if they had given one immediately, just to take him away from those places."
Is Marco Materazzi a good boy?
"Those who know me say this. Those who don't know me say no. Perha they hate me or something like that. Before judging people you have to know them. I believe I am lucky to have many friends who know me and love me, and who, above all, don't judge me on what is said about me."
米兰消息:本次国际米兰频道“Raggi X”访谈对象是蓝黑中后卫马尔科·马特拉齐。
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-22 13:43
2006-1-22 13:43
Sunday, 25 December 2005 01:43:00
MILAN - FC Internazionale wishes Nerazzurri fa worldwide a very Merry Christmas and a Ha y and Succe ful 2006.
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-23 21:02
Tuesday, 03 January 2006 14:08:49
APPIANO GENTILE - The first Nerazzurri news conference of the new year was held after training today by Colombian defender Ivan Ramiro Cordoba, who was second only to Obafemi Marti in terms of a earances made in 2005 (58 matches for the Colombian compared to 61 for the Nigerian). "We still believed we could catch Juventus when we were eleven points behind, let alone now that we're eight behind," Cordoba said to journalists at Angelo Moratti Sports Centre.
But what has changed from the Inter team that let in so many goals in the second half of 2004 to the one that had the best defence in 2005 (27 goals conceded in 39 Serie A matches agai t 29 let in by Juventus)? "Working together for a year and a half has certainly been important," admitted Cordoba. "Now we have to pick up where we left off two weeks ago and win at Siena. The only way we can make the clash with Juventus decisive is by getting three points in all the matches that precede it."
Cordoba concluded with a few words about Germany '06 and the distractio the World Cup could create for Inter's internationals. "At Inter there are great profe ionals who know full well that the only way to play a good World Cup is to do well with their club. I won't be going to the World Cup, but personally playing for a prestigious club like Inter won't make me mi the World Cup, even if I was disa ointed about not qualifying. Now we're just thinking about Siena, then we'll think about all the rest."
Coming up on Inter.it, the full text version of Ivan Cordoba's news conference.
2006-1-23 20:59
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-25 13:39
记者魏然报道 3比0横扫巴勒莫后,《米兰体育报》为国际米兰中卫科尔多瓦亮出了7.5分的全场最高分。作为后防中坚,他的防守一如既往的稳健,巴勒莫新箭头迪米凯莱只在与他的对话中赢了一次。不过,获得全场最高分更主要是因为科尔多瓦的助攻和进球,媒体亲切地将哥伦比亚人称为“小金头”:坎比亚索的进球来自他的头球摆渡,此后他的头球攻门将比分扩大为2比0。当时费戈开出角球,科尔多瓦头球攻门打在泰利齐腿上轻微变线入网,此球自然记在科尔多瓦账上。
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-25 13:41
记者宋黎明报道 “如果尤文图斯上赛季没有卡纳瓦罗,我敢肯定尤文图斯的冠军将旁落他人之手。本赛季卡纳瓦罗的表现还是极佳,我记得他踢了所有的比赛,而且一直杰出,如同今天的比赛。我能说什么?我只能对引进他的球会表示祝贺。”说这些话的不是别人,而是AC米兰副主席加利亚尼。上周六国际米兰3比0大胜巴勒莫,与尤文图斯的差距暂时缩小为5分,而在对恩波利这场重要比赛中,在落后一球的情况下,卡纳瓦罗比赛中梅开两度,尤文图斯反败为胜,与第2名国际米兰的距离依旧保持为8分。
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-27 17:43
Tuesday, 10 January 2006 17:21:30
MILAN - Colombia captain and Inter defender Ivan Ramiro Cordoba is deeply shocked by the murder of national team-mate Elson Evelio Becerra, who played his club football for UAE side Al Jazira.
"I am very sad about what has ha ened," Cordoba said to Inter.it. "Becerra had been in the national team since the Copa America victory in 2001. We played together in that fantastic competition won by our country and he was called up both for the Confederatio Cup and World Cup qualifying matches.
"He was a very agile and fast striker, similar to our Oba ( Marti ). Many good people live in Colombia, but unfortunately there are those few delinquents who make themselves heard as if there were many of them. Us who live abroad love our country and we are hurt when such tragic events occur, like the killing of a boy who loved life and ort, which he practised every day with great pa ion."
2006-1-27 17:41
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-1-27 17:55
Wednesday, 11 January 2006 16:39:03
APPIANO GENTILE - A delegation of Asian orts journalists watched Roberto Mancini and the players train at Angelo Moratti Sports Centre this morning. The journalists, from China (CCTV5, Soccer Weekly, Shanghai Morning Post), Hong Kong (A le Daily &am Milk), India (Times of India), Japan (World Soccer Graphic), South Korea (Daum.net, Joy News, Sport Seoul &am Best11), Singapore (The New Paper), Malaysia (Th Star, 8TV), Thailand (Star Soccer) and Taiwan (A le Daily), visited the Nerazzurri's training ground as part of a Nike- o ored communicatio initiative in the run-up to this summer's World Cup in Germany.
2006-1-27 17:54
此外还有来自印度的《印度时报》的记者;来自日本《世界足球画报》的记者;来自韩国 (Daum.net, Joy News, Sport Seoul &am Best11)的记者;来自新加坡《新闻报》的记者;来自马来西亚《星空电视8台》的记者;来自泰国《星足球》的记者以及来自
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-3-2 23:36
国际米兰俱乐部:74,117 名会员
Sunday, 15 January 2006 13:06:13
MILAN - The national conference for Inter Club coordinators took place yesterday at the Melià Hotel in Milan. A number of top-level Nerazzurri executives attended the meeting, including club owner Ma imo Moratti, president Giacinto Facchetti, managing director Mauro Gambaro, executive secretary Giuse e Rizzello, commercial director Marco Sabetta and Inter Futura vice president Accursio Scorza.
Inter Club Coordination Centre director Fausto Sala opened the conference with a report containing the latest Inter Club member statistics. There are fewer registered Inter Clu this year (790 compared to 803 last year) but the number of members has increased (74,117 compared to 72,394 last year).
Roberto Mancini and most of the players called up for the pre-match retreat ahead this afternoon's match agai t Cagliari came down from their hotel rooms to greet the conference participants.
2006-3-2 23:35
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2003-6-19 发表于 2006-3-5 00:24
2006-3-5 00:17
Wednesday, 18 January 2006 11:52:13
VEDELAGO (TREVISO) - The third 'Wivi l'Inter' event took place last night at the Hotel Restaurant Antica Postumia in Vedelago, Treviso province, with players Ivan Cordoba and Luis Figo on stage to greet over five hundred Nerazzurri fa from the Veneto region's Inter Clu , a wer questio , sign autographs and pose for photos.
Funds raised through a lottery were given to Javier &am Paula Zanetti's PUPI Foundation and Cordoba's Colombia Te Quiere Ver a ociation.
Organised by the Inter Club Co
