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HTMLPad 2015 13.1
HTMLPad 2015 13.1
Quick, intelligent and powerful HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor. Packed with sophisticated features and tools, HTMLPad enables you to create, edit, validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your HTML, CSS and JavaScript code faster and easier than ever.
Last update
23 Jan. 2015
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HTMLPad 2015 Editor's Review
HTMLPad is a powerful web page editor. It has an impressive set of features, allowing you to edit HTML files quickly and easily. However, this program is designed for advanced users, because it doesn't support WYSIWYG mode. In fact, this program allows you to edit HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and even PHP code. The editor supports automatic command completion. If you need to force the editor to complete your commands (text), you can always press CTRL+SPACE to view a list of suggested items. The user interface is well designed, although it may take a bit until you learn what each toolbar button does. I used the main menu mostly to insert, modify, or edit my code. Depending where you are inside the code, you might not have access to certain functions. For example, when you place the cursor inside the
tag, you won't be able to insert HTML tables. Pluses: A feature that I used is the "Publish to FTP" ability. Be aware that you need to define a new project (specify its root folder), before you can upload files using the FTP protocol. Drawbacks / flaws: I received a "Memory access violation" error message while using the application. However, I couldn't replicate the error. In conclusion:
I think HTMLPad is a good choice if you need a HTML editor provided you already have a good knowledge about HTML programming. I don't think this software is for novice users. version reviewed: 8.3
HTMLPad 2015 Publisher's Description
HTMLPad is an intelligent all-in-one HTML, CSS and JavaScript editor. Packed with sophisticated features and tools, HTMLPad enables you to
create, edit, validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your HTML, CSS and JavaScript code faster and easier than ever. HTMLPad includes full-blown CSS studio and a powerful JavaScript editing capabilities offering you...
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前言:此版本的软件安装包附加破解教程我可以给您一份,不过仅供个人使用,切勿传播,希望可以帮助您(1)软件安装包:HTMLPad 2018注册机使用说明1、安装完成后直接运行软件,点击“Activate”(激活)2、回到刚才下载的数据包中将文件夹“key”中的注册机“Keygen.exe”运行,在“product”处下拉选择“HTMLPad 2018”并点击“patch hosts”3、再将注册机生成的注册码复制到软件的注册窗口中点击“Activate”(激活)4、再回到桌面鼠标双击软件的快捷图标打开,你会发现软件已经变成注册版本了,这样你就可以免费使用了,破解完成
HTMLPad2017最新版本是最新发布的软件,可以让你的编程工作更加的顺利,完成度更高,小编还附上了激活码,大家可以直接下载就能使用了,完全免费的哦。提升你的编程效率使用教程:1、打开HTMLPad2018安装包之后需要选择语言,这里选择英语。2、选上面那个我同意,在进行下一步3、选择你所属的版本,勾上左下角的勾就完成了。HTMLPad2018最新版本软件说明htmlpad快捷键-CTRL-N新建文档-CTRL-S保存文件-CTRL-O打开文档-按Ctrl-C关闭文件-CTRL-D打开/关闭文件列表菜单-CTRL-Z撤消-CTRL-Y重做-CTRL-F打开/关闭查找“菜单-CTRL-L线-F3查找再次-按住Ctrl-Shift-N新文件(含编码)-按住Ctrl-Shift-O打开文件(含编码)-按住Ctrl-Shift-S保存文件。。。-CTRL-A/CTRL-E或HOME/END转到行开始/结束-CTRL-Left/CTRL-Right转到上一个?下一个单词-CTRL-1到Ctrl-9转到打开的文档HTMLPad2018最新版本功能介绍代码智能智能代码完成,导航和建议功能智能代码重用代码片段库和代码模板与分配的快捷键强大的JavaScript编辑器自动完成,语言工具和更多的JavaScript编辑器高级搜索和替换快速搜索,详细的搜索,文件搜索,正则表达式的支持,详细的结果和更功能强大的HTML工具一天匹配,整洁的HTML,HTML检查,HTML助手和更多集成验证拼写检查,W3 HTML和CSS验证,CSS检查,JSLint JavaScript检查快速,重量轻加载比任何其他具有类似的功能的编辑器或IDE要快得多强大的语法高亮支持HTML,CSS,JavaScript的,PHP,XML,ASP,PerlHTML5和CSS3准备编码功能是最新的最新与现代的HTML5和CSS3标准直接的ftp/ SFTP/ FTPS直接编辑您的web服务器上,或一个单一的点击发布地方发展副本更新浏览器预览内置的多浏览器预览,分屏模式,屏幕尺寸测试,XRay强大的CSS功能CSS检查,兼容性监视,prefixizer,影子助理,助理盒等等
  HTMLPad 2004 是个具有强大功能的 HTML 原始码编辑器,专为自动化及加速各式各样的网页文件的研发所设计,尤其是 HTML。特别的是它支援 JavaScript、VBScript、SSI、ASP、Perl,更是一个所见即所得的网页编辑器。


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