mod orgainizer not logged onin 怎么办、

The diagram must contain a powergui block. The block must be named powergui and should be located at the highest level of your diagram where SimPowerSystems blocks are found.图中必须包含一个powergui块。块必须命名为powergui应位于最高水平的图表在SimPowerSystems模块是。Error in 'untitled22/D1': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated.错误的untitled22 / D1:初始化命令无法评估。In D:\matlab\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\physmod\powersys\powersys\private\psbloadfunction.p&psbloadfunction at 275D:\ \ \ \ r2010b MATLAB MATLAB工具箱\ \ \ \ physmod powersys powersys民营psbloadfunction。P>psbloadfunction 275Your current working directory is:您的当前工作目录是:D:\matlab\MATLAB\R2010b\binD:\ \ \ \ bin r2010b MATLAB MATLABSimulink does not permit you to build programs in the系统不允许您在生成程序MATLAB installation area. Please change to a working directory thatMATLAB的安装面积。请换一个工作目录is not in the MATLAB installation area.是不是在MATLAB的安装面积。Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.操作数的| |和与运营商必须转换为逻辑标量值。Error in 'untitled11/AC ': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated.错误的untitled11 /交流:初始化命令无法评估。
登录百度帐号userdel删除用户时候提示:userdel: user xx
is currently logged in
使用 userdel
删除,结果出现userdel: user xx
is currently logged in 的提示,其结果是无法删除,
sudo userdel -r -f
userdel: warning: can't remove /var/mail/wxt: No such file or directory
userdel: wxt home directory (/home/wxt) not found
这个不影响结果, /etc/shadow文件下的用户名和密码信息已经被删除掉了
没有更多推荐了,mod fcgid - Can not load mod_fcgid in Apache/2.2.21 (Win32) - Stack Overflow
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I am using Apache/2.2.21 (Win32)
I downloaded mod_fcgid from
LoadModule mod_fcgid modules/
to load mod_fcgid
But I am getting this error
httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 86 of F:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Can't locate API module structure `mod_fcgid' in file F:/xampp/apache/modules/ No error
It should be
LoadModule fcgid_module modules/
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledupgrade - Upgraded to Ubuntu 13.10 - Apache not able to start - Ask Ubuntu
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I updated to Ubuntu 13.10 (from Ubuntu 13.04) last weekend, and now Apache is not being able to start. It was working perfectly well until the upgraded, and I haven't changed anything myself.
When I ran a restart this is what I get
apache2: Syntax error on line 260 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/conf.d/: No such file or directory
So, I created the directory, and then I get this:
* Starting web server apache2
* The apache2 configtest failed.
Output of config test was:
[Wed Oct 30 11:17:42.3] [proxy_html:notice] [pid 2496] AH01425: I18n support in mod_proxy_html requires mod_xml2enc. Without it, non-ASCII characters in proxied pages are likely to display incorrectly.
AH00526: Syntax error on line 84 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
Invalid command 'LockFile', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
Replacing this line
LockFile ${APACHE_LOCK_DIR}/accept.lock
with this one
Mutex file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR} default
in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf solved the problem.
Additional Info:
It occurs because the upgrade also upgrades your PHP. If you upgrade from PHP5.3.X to PHP5.5.X - and choose to keep your modified files you will find this error.
You will need to install mod_xml2enc with these steps:
Make sure you have mod_proxy:
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-proxy-html
For mod_xml2enc
sudo apt-get install apache2-prefork-dev
mkdir ~/modbuild/ && cd ~/modbuild/
apxs2 -aic -I/usr/include/libxml2 ./mod_xml2enc.c
rm -rfd ~/modbuild/
sudo service apache2 restart
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