xamarin ios 入门.ios无法存档出版问题,怎么解决

Xamarin IOS无法编译的时候报Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets error,但无其他错误提示
IOS Application:Deployment Target,发现是个默认值,将其改为9.1,保存,问题解决。
加入CSDN,享受更精准的内容推荐,与500万程序员共同成长!Xamarin.iOS — Xamarin Community Forums
Xamarin Inc.Xamarin iOS教程之页面控件
Xamarin iOS教程之页面控件
Xamarin iOS 页面控件
图2.44 页面控件
(1)创建一个Single View Application类型的工程,命名为2-11。
using System.D
using MonoTouch.F
using MonoTouch.UIK
namespace Application
public partial class __11ViewController : UIViewController
UIImageView page1;
UIImageView page2;
UIImageView page3;
UIScrollView scrollV
UIPageControl pageC
&& //这里省略了视图控制器的构造方法和析构方法
#region View lifecycle
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
scrollView = new UIScrollView ();
scrollView.Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 320, 495);
scrollView.DecelerationEnded += this.scrollView_DecelerationE
pageControl = new UIPageControl ();
pageControl.Frame = new RectangleF (0, 540, 320, 37);
pageControl.Pages = 3; //设置页面控件的页数,即小白点
pageControl.ValueChanged += this.pageControl_ValueC
scrollView.Scrolled += delegate {
Console.WriteLine (&Scrolled!&);
scrollView.PagingEnabled =
RectangleF pageFrame = scrollView.F
scrollView.ContentSize = new SizeF (pageFrame.Width * 3, pageFrame.Height);
page1 = new UIImageView (pageFrame);
page1.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectF
page1.Image = UIImage.FromFile (&1.jpg&);
pageFrame.X += this.scrollView.Frame.W
page2 = new UIImageView (pageFrame);
page2.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectF
page2.Image = UIImage.FromFile (&2.jpg&);
pageFrame.X += this.scrollView.Frame.W
page3 = new UIImageView (pageFrame);
page3.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectF
page3.Image = UIImage.FromFile (&3.jpg&);
scrollView.AddSubview (page1);
scrollView.AddSubview (page2);
scrollView.AddSubview (page3);
this.View.AddSubview (scrollView);
this.View.AddSubview (pageControl);
private void scrollView_DecelerationEnded (object sender, EventArgs e)
float x1 = this.page1.Frame.X; //获取图像视图对象page1的x位置
float x2 = this.page2.Frame.X; //获取图像视图对象page2的x位置
float x = this.scrollView.ContentOffset.X; //获取滚动视图对象scrollView目前滚动的x位置
if (x == x1)
this.pageControl.CurrentPage = 0; //设置页面控件当前的页
} else if (x == x2) //判断x是否和x2相等
this.pageControl.CurrentPage = 1;
this.pageControl.CurrentPage = 2;
private void pageControl_ValueChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
PointF contentOffset = this.scrollView.ContentO
switch (this.pageControl.CurrentPage)
contentOffset.X = this.page1.Frame.X;
this.scrollView.SetContentOffset (contentOffset, true); //设置滚动视图目前滚动的位置
contentOffset.X = this.page2.Frame.X;
this.scrollView.SetContentOffset (contentOffset, true);
contentOffset.X = this.page3.Frame.X;
this.scrollView.SetContentOffset (contentOffset, true);
&& //这里省略了视图加载和卸载前后的一些方法
图2.45 运行效果
pageControl.ValueChanged += this.pageControl_ValueC
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2017年11月 .NET技术大版内专家分月排行榜第二2017年10月 .NET技术大版内专家分月排行榜第二
2018年6月 .NET技术大版内专家分月排行榜第三2018年3月 .NET技术大版内专家分月排行榜第三2017年12月 .NET技术大版内专家分月排行榜第三2017年9月 .NET技术大版内专家分月排行榜第三
CSDN今日推荐Xamarin.ios 绑定Objective-C libraries中容易出现的问题
This blog post is about producing better bindings of Objective-C libraries for and
. Read the series
get a better idea why this is important and how it can save you time and headaches.
What can go wrong ?
Binding a selector using a correct [Export("")] attribute
is only half the job. The .NET method signature must match the one defined in Objective-C. Xamarin.iOS does some magic, like converting string and NSString ,
but you still need to be careful. The most common mistakes are:
signed/unsigned types : this is often minor and you might want to
on some (or even all) of them.
means .NET developers prefer signed over unsigned integers (except for byte ).
Apple APIs often use unsigned integers when a number cannot be negative. For example:@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSUInteger
[Export ("loops")]
int Loops { get; set; }
wrong types : a common case is a missing ref when
the Objective-C API requires a pointer to a value, not the value itself. For example:-(void) sphericalRadius:(float*) r zenith:(float*) zenith azimuth:(float*)
[Export ("sphericalRadius:zenith:azimuth:")]
void GetSphere (float radius, float zenith, float azimuth);
wrong size : this often happens on structures, but it can also occurs when a type name is misleading (e.g. long is
32 bits in Objective-C, at least for 32bits archs like i386 and ARM, while it is 64 bits on .NET) or when common usage differs, as in this case:-() :(ccTime)duration :(GLshort)deltaRed :(GLshort)deltaGreen :(GLshort)deltaBlue;
[Export ("initWithDuration:red:green:blue:")]
IntPtr Constructor (float duration, byte red, byte green, byte blue);
What can we check for ?
Quite a lot. It’s possible to get an encoded signature for selectors. The earlierloops selector,
for example, would return the “ I8@0:4 ”
string value.
From it we can extract the return value ( I an unsigned
int ) and all the parameters, e.g. self ( @ )
and the selector ( : ) are always
present and there are no other parameters since it’s a getter. We also get the size of the parameters, which can be compared to the size of the managed types used—and they should alwaysmatch!
Using all of the above, we can test pretty closely if an Objective-C signature matches the defined .NET signature. Simple? Not quite.
Objective-C encoding for structures is quite detailed. However, their internal names won’t match the one being used in your bindings. You’ll need to help the
map them by
its IsValidStruct method.
Why is this important ?
Signature mistakes are dangerous. Some APIs might (appear to) work, others will crash immediately (bad) or the crash will occur later (worse) because they will mess up the stack and cause memory corruption. Debugging such issues can be very time consuming,
so your time is well invested in using this fixture.
How to fix issues ?
Fixing the .NET signature to match it’s Objectice-C peer is the most common case. The failure will tell you which parameter (or the return value) looks wrong. You have to confirm/fix this using the library’s documentation and/or it’s header files.
One notable (and uncommon) exception is the use of a variable number of arguments (e.g. var_list in
Objective-C, params in C#).
They are not part of the encoded signature, so once confirmed you can skip them by
theSkip(Type,MethodInfo,string) method.
As discussed earlier, you might also want to override Check(char,Type) to
skip the signed/unsigned differences for integer types.
What’s missing ?
The encoded signature is not perfect. All NSObject parameters
are encoded as ‘@ ‘ so we cannot
detect if an NSData should have
been used instead of NSDate .
Since all objects are pointers, they all will be the same size ( IntPtr.Size )
so this will also not be noticed by the size check. Typos/errors, even if less common, are still possible.
This blog post concludes the five-part series on building better bindings for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac. Thanks for reading!


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