psv 的customtheme这个psv游戏文件夹安装可以删除吗

保存至快速回贴Custom Themes submitted by users and awaiting for moderation (untested):
List of rejected custom themes:
Breath Of The Wild v4.06 submitted by LordDarkyReason: the original author did not authorize the update.
Persona 3 by JzE0341PhantomReason: unable to download the files (the file has been removed by Mega).
Eromanga Sensei by KeiKunReason: unable to download the files (wrong download link attached).
Muslim Religious Theme by Youtube UserReason: it included text not in English that we could not understand and moderate.
Nighttime v1.10 by SoulphraserReason: it gives error C2-17052-5 when you try to apply the theme from Settings.
yosuga no sora sora v1.00 by megadouche91Reason: unable to download the file. The attached download link did not work (MEGA asked for a decryption key to download the file).
Rinoa and Squal FFVIII v1.0 by ChimbyReason: unable to download the file. The attached download link did not work (MEGA asked for a decryption key to download the file).
Resident Evil 6 v1.00 and v1.01 by Anchit GaijanReason: unable to download the file. The attached download link did not work (MEGA asked for a decryption key to download the file).
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls by RiitzReason: it was an Official theme.
Destiny Dixon by MDashKReason: it contained explicit sexual content.
Boobies! by KitReason: it contained explicit sexual content.
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls Theme -Dump-Reason: it was an Official theme.
Sexgay Simonov by Saint_Devil_Reason: it included text not in English and faces pictures of private people.
Submit a new Custom Theme
Please be sure to read these important notes before to submit a custom theme:
The submitted custom theme will go through a moderation process and some tests before being included in the main list of the repository, to check if everything works well and clean the package from extra files. This procedure usually requires up to 24 hours, but may also request 48 hours or more during holidays and weekends. However until then the custom theme will still publicly downloadable from the separate list of .
In case of rejection you'll can view the reason in the list you can find in the
To speed up the moderation process please be sure to fill all the fields below and to attach ACTUAL preview images of homescreen and lockscreen (to take a screenshot in the PSVita just press the PS+START buttons at the same time!).
You have to submit an url where download the custom theme. You can use free file hosting services like
to upload your custom theme and get a download link to use here.
The only mandatory fields below are the preview images and the download link of the custom theme. However if you fill all the other fields below the custom theme will have more info for the users who want to try it before the moderation. In any case during the moderation process all the details about the theme will be acquired from its theme.xml file (for this reason please be sure it's correctly updated if you took it from another existing theme!).
The name of the submitter will appear in the submitted custom themes list to thank you, leave it blank for anonymous submissions.
And please be sure to respect the following rules:
The submitted custom theme does NOT have to:
be an Official Theme (a theme existing on any region of the PlayStation Store, even if it's free to download);
include any personal text not in English on its images or details. This to avoid insults or any unwanted text in languages that we can not unders
include in its images the faces or any other recognizable signs of private people, because we can not know whether those people agree to share their image.Please note that of course public pictures of famous characters such as movies actors, sport players, internationally renowned singers, etc... do not fall under this rule (unless you are using any private or stolen pictures of them);
include offensive images against any individual,
include any exp
Custom themes which will not respect these few rules will be rejected.
Before to submit your Custom Theme please validate it!
The validation will give you a preliminary analysis about your Custom Theme, telling you if there are any problems and tips on how to solve them.
Custom Theme:
Home preview:
Lockscreen preview:
Sorry, this does not seem a valid URL!Please check the inserted URL and then try again.
This field is mandatory!
Preview image must be a screenshot taken directly from PSVita!Valid sizes are only 960x544 or 480x272 pixels.
Preview image must be a screenshot taken directly from PSVita!Valid formats are only JPEG, PNG or BMP.
Contact Us
Given the increase of SPAM bots that have bypassed any type of protection, the public form to contact us has been disabled for now.
For any question, comment or issue regarding this repository or its contents you can contact the owner of this repository through these alternative methods:
Create a custom theme for PSVita
You can find info and a tutorial about how to create a Custom Themes for PSVita on .
Know the firmware currently installed on your PSVita
In your PSVita home page search for the Settings icon and launch it:
Scroll down and choose the "System" option:
Now choose the "System Information" option:
And now you can view what firmware is currently installed in your PSVita thanks to the "System Software" line:
Install a custom theme on a PSVita directly from the console
Note: to use this homebrew you need a PSVita compatible with
hack. This means that it will work only if your PSVita Firmware is 3.60, please look at the tutorial above to know what is the firmware currently installed in your PSVita.
First of all you need to download and install
homebrew in your PSVita.
Then run the homebrew by pressing on the icon that should be on the PSVita livearea screen:
From the main menu select the "Download a Custom Theme" function:
Now you'll can browse the online repository to find any available custom theme you want to install:
Just press X on any of the available custom themes and follow the instructions in the homebrew to proceed with its installation.
When the process will be completed you'll return to main menu, now just press START to reboot your PSVita and the custom theme should be now available in your PSVita just as any other Official Theme.
Install a custom theme on a PSVita (with any firmware) via PC
Preliminary note: this installation method works only on with firmware 3.60, please look at the tutorial above to know what is the firmware currently installed in your PSVita..
1. Connect the program to the PSVita via FTP
First of all you need to activate the FTP server on your PSVita. To do that simply install
hack on PSVita and then launch molecularShell/VitaShell and press SELECT on your pad, a new window will appear at screen with the address of your FTP server (with the format ftp://host:port):
Now just run
on your PC. Insert the host and port of PSVita FTP server in the program window:
And then click on CONNECT button. In the log text area you should read a confirmation of the FTP connection now:
2. Load a custom theme folder in the program
Now that the program and the PSVita are connected, it's time to choose a custom theme to install. You can download any custom theme from this
or from any website on the web.When you have your custom theme downloaded and extracted on your PC you can click on LOAD A CUSTOM THEME FOLDER button and select the custom theme's folder (be sure to select the folder with the theme.xml file inside!):
The program will acquire all details about the theme automatically (please note that this process requires to read inside the file theme.xml, so if the custom theme has not a valid theme.xml file the program can not load all its details automatically!):
3. Check if theme's details are correct:
Now the program will show you the details it acquired about the theme. Before to install it please check if the details are correct and, in case, edit what you wish. If there was any error while importing the details from the XML file you may have to insert them manually now.In this example I changed the Installation Path in a shorter one:
4. Install the custom theme
When you're ready to proceed, just click the INSTALL CUSTOM THEME button (it's a good idea to keep enabled the Create a backup option, just in case something goes wrong). Just as the confirmation dialog will say, please be careful to don't disconnect your PSVita FTP server during the whole process!
You can follow the installation process thanks to the log text area. The program will now proceed to edit your app.db file and to upload your custom theme's files inside the PSVita Memory Card:
When the process will be complete, if no error, you'll can read a "CONGRATULATIONS" message inside the log:
All done, now your custom theme should be installed and, after rebooting your PSVita, ready to be used just as an Official one:
A couple of important advices:
After the installation please remember to reboot your PSVita before to use the new custom theme or you could run into a few bugs (such as no icons or white icons, no backgrounds, etc...).
In my tests installing the custom theme inside the same folder of Official ones (ux0:theme) resulted in a corrupted theme that could not be used. But I don't know if it was just an issue of my database/console.
If you get any corruption/issue with your PSVita after installing a custom theme just try to restore an app.db backup (if any) with the specific function of the program or, as last chance, rebuild the database using the Recovery Mode of the PSVita
Final note about other firmwares: there are also other installation methods for some firmwares lower than 3.60, but they are much more complex. My suggestion is to update your PSVita to Firmware 3.60 (but please be careful to not install any Firmware greater than 3.60!), but if you still want to remain on lower firmwares then you can follow the detailed tutorials on about how to install custom themes on:
and At last if you want to install custom themes on a PSVita with a firmware & 3.60 then you need to use the "injection" in system backups. As always you can find a detailed tutorial about this procedure on
Change the current theme on your PSVita
Preliminary note: since Sony introduced the support for themes only starting from firmware 3.30, there is no way to change your theme from the settings of your PSVita on previous firmwares!Therefore the following method works only if your installed firmware is 3.30 or higher, please look at the tutorial above to know what is the firmware currently installed in your PSVita.
In your PSVita home page search for the Settings icon and launch it:
Scroll down and choose the "Theme & Background" option:
Now choose the "Theme" option:
And now you can select one of the themes currently installed in your PSVita:
Uninstall a custom theme from your PSVita directly from the console
Preliminary note: this method works only if your PSVita firmware is 3.60. Please look at the tutorial above to know what is the firmware currently installed in your PSVita.
First of all you need to download and install
homebrew in your PSVita.
Then run the homebrew by pressing on the icon that should be on the PSVita livearea screen:
From the main menu select the "Uninstall a Custom Theme" function:
Now the homebrew will display a list of custom themes currently installed in your PSVita:
Just scroll the list to find the custom theme you want to uninstall and press SQUARE on it. Then press START to confirm the uninstalltion.
When the process will be completed you'll return to main menu, now just press START to reboot your PSVita and the custom theme (and its files on Memory Card) should be gone.
Uninstall a custom theme from your PSVita via PC
Note: to use this homebrew you need a PSVita compatible with
hack. This means that it will work only if your PSVita Firmware is 3.60, please look at the tutorial above to know what is the firmware currently installed in your PSVita.
First of all you need to activate the FTP server on your PSVita. To do that simply install
hack on PSVita and then launch molecularShell/VitaShell and press SELECT on your pad, a new window will appear at screen with the address of your FTP server (with the format ftp://host:port):
Now just run
v2.0 on your PC. Insert the host and port of PSVita FTP server in the program window:
And then click on Connect button. In the log text area you should read a confirmation of the FTP connection now:
Now click on the Uninstall a theme button and the program will show you a list of themes currently installed in your PSVita:
You can now selected one or more themes you want to uninstall and then click on the Uninstall button to start the uninstallation process. The program will proceed to remove the selected themes from your app.db file and delete their files from the PSVita memory card.When the process will be complete you'll get a confirmation message in the log text area:
Uninstall all the custom themes installed on your PSVita with any firmware
Preliminary note: this method will remove also every custom app/bubble from your PSVita and will reset your icons position!
Also, even if the custom themes won't appear anymore in your PSVita "Theme & Background" settings, this method won't remove the files of the custom themes from your PSVita memory card! If you want to remove them you can use the Content Manager app (if possible) or just format the memory card.
Start your PSVita in "Recovery Mode":
Be sure your PSVita is turned off (and not in stand-by mode!).
Hold at the same time the PS button and the Right shoulder button and power on your PSVita while keeping them pressed.
After a couple of second you should see the recovery menu.
Be sure your PSTV is turned off (and not in stand-by mode!).
Hold the power button.
After a couple of second you should see the recovery menu.
From the recovery menu choose the option "2. Rebuild database" and confirm. When the procedure will be complete just restart your PSVita and the custom themes will be gone.
September 20, 2017
Introduced the validation score for Custom Themes.
Added a new sorting method based on the validation score.
Added an award badge/sign to the 100% valid Custom Themes for every display mode.
Now on the theme's details page will be shown the validation score with a preliminary summary of valids/warnings/errors.
September 08, 2017
Changed the comments framework from Facebook plugin to Disqus.
August 05, 2017
Now jQuery and jQuery Mobile JS/CSS files are loaded directly from their official website.
June 19, 2017
Fixed a bug that did not allow to upload an image from mobile.
June 14, 2017
Added an info dialog into the theme page to explain how we test the custom themes
May 29, 2017
Added into the theme page a link to the custom themes validator tool.
March 31, 2017
Added into the submission form the ability to upload the custom theme's preview images directly on the repo server. To avoid SPAM now they are mandatory and you don't need anymore to upload them on an external website but just to attach them to the submission form!
Fixed the images links that did not work anymore in the tutorials section.
February 20, 2017
Added the possibility to report a change to home and lockscreen previews in the "new version" form.
February 10, 2017
Added the new "mini grid" display mode.
October 30, 2016
Updated the tutorials section with new tutorials about installation and uninstallation with the homebrew "Custom Themes Manager".
October 22, 2016
Updated the rules of submission of custom themes in the repository.
October 21, 2016
Added a censorship function for custom themes that contain explicit sexual images.
Added four new rules for submitted custom themes.
Now rejected custom themes will appear in a list inside the submitted custom themes page.
October 09, 2016
Added reCAPTCHA to the "Contact us" form to avoid silly spam.
September 16, 2016
Now the website title is a link, so that you can return to the plain index in a quicker way.
Added the theme's title to the web browser tab's title.
September 13, 2016
Fixed a typo in the submitted custom themes list.
September 12, 2016
Now the download button will be disabled after the first click. This to avoid silly cheats with the downloads counter.
September 07, 2016
Fixed a bug that did not show properly the download link for submitted custom themes.安装破解后的主题怎么删除啊,一删除就报错【psvita破解吧】_百度贴吧
用新版的工具可以删 多玩有 不能直接删
吾乃上古召唤实习生之首席大弟子, 以吾血为契,唤汝之名。以吾身为祭,塑汝之身。以吾之灵魂为代价!将汝从地狱深渊带回人间!出来吧!广告狗,大声告诉我!什么新世界,什么开始啦!汇聚全球无数追梦人的什么,哪个公司期待您的加入。
我用过的主题:20th、四季、水晶、手缝、闪乱神乐、UPPERS妹子、P4D主题1首先 上述的这些主题除了P4D外其他都可以20th、手缝这2个主题没用过四季相对来说有种节日感 水晶就比较简约了(和默认主题很像 只是图标壁纸都加有棱形)闪乱神乐的壁纸还不错 给人感觉挺凉爽的 但是背景音乐有点吵因为节奏快UPPERS妹子 背景是蜡笔风的纯色+游戏的角色 色调饱满加上背景音乐轻快所以个人非常喜欢P4D主题1 背景很有Persona系列的风格 而且图标改得也很漂亮 但是背景音乐个人不太喜欢如果排名无视BGM的话:UPPERS妹子>P4D主题1>闪乱神乐>四季>水晶另外提醒一下:1、主题除了壁纸外 bgm也很重要 2、主题的壁纸是可以自定义的


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